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As long as you lash out at the Enemy, you’re bound to win. He’ll ambitions.

tell you, you have no chance, but listen not to him. As soon as Be freed from this lie, which has been binding you, tying your
he opens his mouth, a lie comes out. He may cunningly mix it hands & stopping your mouth, keeping you from proclaiming
with a bit of truth, so that you might believe him, and he comes My truth as you should.
across as the defender of the mistreated, the champion of the In this day & age, the Devil has greater power to exert over the
underdog, trying to get you to show weakness when you masses the pressure to conform. His subtle message is: ‘Don’t
should not, and again, trying to get you to harden yourself dare to be different, or you’re going to be ridiculed, you’re
when you should not. One thing you need to know about the going to be cast out, you’ll be one of the losers!’ And the
nature of the Enemy is that he never plays fair. He’s the first to sneers, snickers & shaking of heads by those around you will
scream, ‘That’s not fair!’, and will be the first to break the rules. only confirm it. That’s why I have called My children out of the
He’s a pathetic, cowardly, desperate punk who knows that his great society, which is ruled by fear! Let their fear have no
time is short, ready to tear down into the abyss as many with power over you, but rise above it, full of faith.
him as he can. Many dare to be different in the beginning, but wind up with
their tail between their legs & toeing the line, saying ‘Uncle’ to
I CAN make you happy! Who else knows all your heart’s the System. With others it’s only an outward show, in that they
desires? The Devil may be in on some of them, but he will only pretend to be different. The Devil has to offer some kind of
tempt you with counterfeits that may look like they’ll make you superficial option to appear different, to create the illusion of
happy, but... I WILL! freedom. But once you get a closer look you find out that
difference is only skin deep.
Those who cling to the old ways of the flesh are going to reap
the destruction of the flesh. He that liveth by the sword shall Everything’s going to be alright! Even if it seems that
also die by the sword. They’ll find out that they have been everything’s going all wrong, temporarily, for the Devil and his
puppets in the hand of the god of this World, the god of war, of cohorts are given temporary control over this world, you will
hate, of pride, and of all that is an abomination to Me. see: Everything’s going to be alright!
I want you to see right through him! He will have no power over Rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh!
those who will see right through him. Time will expose him for Let Me restore unto you the joy of My salvation by looking at
what he really is, and when he is gone, time shall be no more. the wonderful things ahead, beyond the shadows that surround
you & are so imminent. Look through the matrix of the Devil
onto the greater goal behind it, My Kingdom, where nothing
I am much more loving, patient, longsuffering & positively shall hurt or destroy. Where righteousness will cover the Earth
inclined toward you, My children, than the Devil is trying to
as the waters cover the seas.
have you believe. Yes, troubles will come, and troubles are necessary, in order
The devil is the epitome of a politician. And the way he
for mankind to appreciate My blessings that I will bring over
campaigns to gain ‘voters’ & supporters for his cause is by an them, even My rule, which they would resent otherwise. First
ugly smear campaign against his Opponent: Me. So, he spreads
they must see the righteousness of the Devil, before they will
all those lies about Me, about how unjust I am, how unloving, be able to appreciate Mine.
how unmerciful I am, and oh – what’s one of his favorite
words?- Unfair! And subtle & sly as he is, he manages to
convince quite a few with his propaganda. But don’t listen to, Your Enemy would love to accuse Me of the same sins he is a
much less believe his rap about Me not loving you! You mean master of himself, and he tries, but blessed are those who have
everything to Me! Don’t let the old punk tell you anything else! I the faith to see through his lies, who have the discernment not
love you more than you’re able to fathom. to trust him, but look past the apparent sense his accusations
may make temporarily, expose them as lies & find Me again on
Don’t let the agents of darkness tell you you’re too the other side of the shady cloak the Devil would have tried to
insignificant, you’re not worthy & blah blah. They only have a cast between us.
chance the second you believe them. But if you know they are ‘Shady Cloaks of Lies’ is one of the Devil’s favorite games. As
liars, and all you focus on is Me, My truth, and My promises, soon as he spins another one – and he spins many – he looks
they know you are a greater threat to them than they have ever for an appropriate victim to present it to, to see whether he can
known. For you bear the light that will destroy them. That’s hypnotize them with it, distract them with it from the truth, the
why they hate & fear you. only true Center of all, the only One Who could give meaning to
their lives. ‘Shady Cloaks of Lies’ – the Devil’s favorite game.
Make people aware of that.
The Enemy is the author of confusion, of self-righteousness, of
contradictions, saying things but never really meaning them,
much less keeping his word. It’s a fine balance to know when something becomes a
The Devil is an artist of his own kind, and his art is to perfect distraction, or whether it’s something I want to use to draw you
selfishness & disguise it in a cloak & veneer of self-righteously closer to Me, so, you’re just going to have to stay in tune with
being convinced of the saintlihood & faultlessness of the selfish Me & make an effort to ask Me everything!
person, only able to see the faults in others. THAT’S the
perfection of the art of Lucifer, that’s his masterpiece: PRIDE! Passive rebellion is a very poisonous spirit. It’s the ‘silent’ type
He easily finds entrance into the hearts of those who don’t of rebellion many young people use to ‘prove’ that they were
constantly remind themselves of how frail their foundation is ‘right all along.’ They try stressing your patience to the limit
when they base their lives on their own goodness. until you finally give in & then they can point their finger & say,
Only those who truly cast themselves entirely upon Me & My ‘See? I knew it.’
mercy & fully realize that anything good about them is nothing
of their own merit, only those who truly strive to prefer others Satan knows what a loss it is to Me when one of My brides is
to themselves, & only those who are willing to put their own too entangled in their own matters to come to Me.
desires on the backburner in order to put Me first, only those
find in Me the power to overcome him, the great tempter, the Constantly focusing on the hole in the doughnut is a very
great lover of self. dangerous trick of the Devil. It’s the opposite of the ‘glad
He that loseth his life for My sake the same shall save it. But game’: Instead of seeing the good things in a bad situation, he
Satan constantly reminds you of all you stand to lose: ‘No, you shows you the bad side of any good situation, makes you focus
CAN’T give THAT much, are you CRAZY? Remember, everyone on that which keeps it from being perfect.
has a RIGHT to demand their MINIMUM AMOUNT OF Show Me and the world a grateful smile!
PRIVACY!!!’ The Devil is the advocate & promoter of privacy! But if you let the Enemy cheat you out of the joy of My
blessings by failing to recognize or to acknowledge them,
The Devil has become a master at subtly spreading his walking around under a cloud of doom all day because of
message, camouflaging it in cloaks of ‘independence’ & whatever you think you’re missing out on, nobody will believe
‘individuality’, when all the while conniving to enslave them all you that you’ve got anything more than what they’ve got.
to his demons, manifested in their own lusts, selfish pursuits &
The god of romance, of physical love, of wanting to be loved And so, he tries to distract you with personal problems, makes
instead of giving love is the one that has threatened to take My them look much bigger, more important, more relevant, than
place in My children’s lives more than any other god, and often this ‘unimportant little light’... But, hey! Don’t let him fool you!
he has succeeded, resulting in an empty, dissatisfied life of one It’s exactly the other way around: Your personal problems are
who has missed My highest calling & will for their life. Beware tiny, unimportant & insignificant in comparison to the
of making an idol out of any human! monumental task of flooding the Devil’s territory of darkness in
Addiction to a human being can be one of the worst kind. It is My light!
an abomination in My sight for any of My children to make a
god out of anything or anyone else but Me. Quit listening to the Devil & believing all the lies he tells you
about yourself or others.
I want to be the fulfillment of all your dreams. Your happiness is This is a war you should be able to enjoy because you’re so far
My goal, for that happiness will rub off on others. superior to your enemy! He’s bluffing & lying & trying to trick
‘That’s selfish!’ The Devil says. ‘He just wants everybody to you with his magic of making everything he’s got look sooo
love Him!’ Yeah, so what? Who doesn’t? At least they’re always big.
going to get love in return, and more, much more than they But all you’ve gotta do is snip your fingers & the facade
could ever give, while he’s got nothing to give except for collapses & you see the wondrous glorious reality of how
fleeting selfish pleasures & momentary delights; cheap things really are, namely that I am truly in control, not he.
counterfeits of My true happiness. The Devil is the greatest When I return, it will be like somebody snipped their finger &
party pooper of all times. the spell of the hypnotist is broken. His illusion is NOT reality.
You have got so much more than he’s got to offer, because Even though there are a lot of hypnotized people out there who
what you’ve got is real! It’s lasting! It’s alive, and grows & are convinced that what they are seeing right now is real, your
multiplies & never stops! His version is as temporal as the magic is much stronger than the evil magician’s, & you can free
kicks you can buy with paper money, which will always be people from Satan’s spell & wake them up out of their trance!
worth less tomorrow than it was today, and woe when the fire Refuse to let fear – his greatest trick – have any grip or power
of testing comes! over you whatsoever! Come & get soaked in My perfect love
every hour of every day! Let us never be apart! Let’s stay
‘Praise is the voice of faith’, and the opposite is also true: connected! He may growl & try his scare tactics on you, or try
cursing is the voice of unbelief, it’s the ultimate statement that I to weave one of his hypnotic spells of doom & dismay, but you
am not in control, it’s the life-blood & breath of murmuring, the can zap him with the power of truth.
epitome & manifestation of thanklessness & ingratitude! I have given you power over Satan, and I want you to apply it!
‘In the name of the keys of the kingdom we’re gonna bring
Trust that I can satisfy you fully. Don’t let the Enemy get your Satan to his knees!’ He’s going to cower before you & whine &
focus on the hole in the doughnut & on all that you think you’re beg you to stop.
lacking & missing out on, when you’re so richly blessed! I’m right behind you, & there’s nothing the punk can ever do to
There is a great danger in not recognizing & appreciating My harm you. He only will keep trying if he senses that there’s
blessings, for usually the only way for Me to make you doubt in your heart. He only has power over you through any
appreciate & acknowledge them if you’re unable to see them, is seeds he has sown in your heart that you’ve allowed to grow
by withdrawing them & making you see them by the lack of there. But if your garden is clean and strong, filled with My life-
them when they’re gone. giving Word, & you’re in tune with Me, he can do nothing!
Gratitude & thanking & praising Me is so important & such a He only attacks when you’re weak. That’s why it’s so important
positive force. Rebuke the Devil when he tempts you to stare at that you stay faithful & really make Me your A No.1
the vacuum, the emptiness, the deep black hole in the middle, responsibility & focal point in life, every day!
that black hole of your desires. Look at Me instead, the great
Giver & Filler of all things, & praise Me for all I have given you How it pains Me when My children refuse to believe in Me, build
already – even if you can’t see it. But if you praise Me for it by a brick wall in the place where once there was a door to Me, a
faith, I will make it visible to you. I will let you see your door to simple, childlike faith & simple belief & trust in Me.
blessings, which the Devil has been trying to hide from you Brick by brick, lie by lie, blocking Me out.
with that shroud of self-pity, of comparing by making someone Break down that wall! You can’t do it with half-hearted efforts!
else’s blessings look so much bigger than yours... You’ve got to put your heart & some umph into it! Break it
The Enemy was dealing with Me & said, ‘Sure they’re all going It’s a sturdy, solid wall, held together with the mortar of many
to serve You with the fear in their necks that this world is going disappointments, frozen hard with the icy winds of disbelief;
to pot soon. But give them a little more time & they’ll all fall for another spiritual plain, another dimension, one where I don’t
me, You’ll see!’ And so, I had to grant him more time, I had to exist, or where I am very far away, like a vague shadow of
grant him the ability to display even greater temptations than things long gone by – a fairy tale, like Santa Claus.
ever before, make his matrix look more appealing, more And lo, there are many, countless in number, who live in that
attractive than ever before with all its glittering & shiny toys & same world – one where My light never shines, but only the
distractions & enticements. I had to let him make Me & My fake, artificial light of the usurper, Lucifer, keeps everything in a
prophets look like fools to have been predicting an earlier gray, hazy mist... so depressing! They don’t even have the hope
doom, and now... It’s true, many have fallen by the wayside & of a better & brighter, more colourful world to come...!
have given in to the attraction & the lure. Many have been I could be the answer to all their problems, & yet, they reject
hypnotized by his sirens & have fallen asleep with the fumes of Me because of the lies they’ve been told.
his opiates. Do you see how important your task is? For you are so few
But I will raise them up again, and you can be there to help against so many! Oh, if only you had greater boldness to stand
them up. To show them you’ve been waiting for them. Yes, it up for Me in a greater, not merely defensive way. Go on the
may still look like the Devil is winning, but not for much longer. attack!
Those who discern the signs of the times can tell that his days
are numbered. The Enemy likes to operate incognito. If you would always
recognize his voice as being his, you wouldn’t fall for it nearly
The Devil may stand in front of you & sneer, ‘What do you think as often... But often his sneers come camouflaged as the voice
you’re going to accomplish with that tiny, ridiculous flashlight of ‘reason’ or as your own thoughts. He persuades you very
of yours, in my all-surrounding darkness?’ But he only dares to subtly to adopt his opinion & view of things, like a very smooth
try to bluff you because he knows you can’t see what he sees. & diplomatic talker, who manages to talk people into his own
That torch you’re wielding is a searing hot weapon that makes view by making them think that his opinion is their own... ‘After
his demons squeal & run, and he knows the only chance he has all, this is what you have always thought, too, isn’t it? And it’s
of getting you to stop is to bluff you into thinking it doesn’t very reasonable indeed, when you think of it! You were right all
really amount to much after all, what you’re doing. along...’ Making something sound like your own idea, when it’s
actually just his perverted way of seeing things is one of his
oldest & favorite tricks!
So, check your thoughts & bring them before Me: ‘Lord, is this will grow dimmer, for less people to see than if you would
attitude really Yours that I’m having?’ Try the spirits, especially really get on fire for Me and burn!
the ones that enter your own mind! The Enemy is trying to get each one of you so absorbed with
their own personal little matters & affairs that you won’t
So many hear the voices of the Enemy, the voices of self- manage to concentrate on the common foe, the common goal,
justification, or listen to the debilitating voices of doubt. much less to really unite and attack him.
The plenteous life-style has hardened the hearts of many, to The Selvegion are trying to make sure you will fight for your
where it has become as the stony ground in the parable of the little comforts & commodities & rights.
sower: they hear the Word, but then the Enemy comes and They’re only the infantry. Next come the archers, then the spear
takes the seed away, the birds & evil spirits of the System fighters & finally the horsemen. Or in terms of modern warfare:
snatch My golden Words right off of their minds & hearts again, next are the tanks, then the planes & finally the missiles.
keeping them busy with other, trivial things to think about, and What the Punk isn’t realizing, is that with each battle, beloved,
the sunshine & warmth of the comfortable lush life dries them you’re growing stronger. And with every new upgrade &
up, sucks the life out of them & prevents them from growing weapon he tries on you, you grow stronger & develop ever
roots in their hearts... greater resistance against him. They will finally realize that they
Truly these lands are stony ground. And almost the whole won’t have a chance against you from the spirtual realm
world is infested by this disease now in one way or another, for anymore, and will see their last resort in attacking you in the
the Whore has made drunk all nations with the wine of her physical during the tribulation, and that’s right where I want
fornication. them. He thinks you’re the mice & he’s the cat, when all along,
you’re only the bait to trap him into the physical world, where
You have to come with determination, boldness and we will be able to finally annihilate his whole system.
desperation before My throne of grace to find mercy & help in He’s going to find out that in chasing you, he’s bitten off more
time of need. And one important factor is not to let the Devil than he can chew.
trick you into losing that desperation. Much is at stake here: the
destiny of nations; of millions of souls either lost or won, your How easily everything a man has is lost by pride. It's a gamble.
eternal reward or regret, according to whether you did your 'Who's gonna give in first?'
part that was needed to save them or not. Some never found out. Only to discover in tears much later that
the issue that had caused them to separate was so ridiculous,
Break through that wall of deception; the Devil’s trickery & so shamefully ludicrous and downright idiotic... But thus is the
illusion, which causes you to fail to see the truth behind the wisdom of Satan.
facade! Seek Me and the truth, the real picture more His art & witchcraft consists in making mountains out of
desperately, for you cannot rely on your own minds. You molehills, big monsters out of tiny little bagatelles. Small, tiny
cannot rely on your eyes and on your physical senses, much seeds of dissention which grow into ugly big giants & demons
less that which you deem to be your own knowledge. Your own of discord, hatred, disunity and jealousy, and what have you...
knowledge can be worse than ignorance at times, because it whatever divides, whatever drives a wedge between My
closes doors that I would open. You think you can tell by your people, My chosen ones, he knows that that's all he needs in
experience that a certain thing is very unlikely to happen in a order to render a potentially powerful threat to his kingdom
certain situation or with certain people, so you don’t expect useless, or so weakened by comparison, that he won't have to
miracles anymore, you quit, you surrender, you give up. worry much anymore.
Forget what you know!
The Devil would like to sneak in & grab the glory for virtually
Through sin, Satan is able to attack you with condemnation. everything that’s pleasant under the sun.
But only until you get a hold of Me & pump down enough of My What matters is whether you give Me the glory! Refuse to give
heavenly water to wash all that filth away. it to him!
You should not to neglect to pray against evil worldly
influences dragging in the Enemy’s vibes, trying to belittle you, I am a greater Lover than the god of this World. He only seeks
to put you down. to enslave them, puts them into a trance & gets them hooked
on selfish lust.
The Enemy first makes you feel really bad about yourself, & so But I’m the only One Who renders all, Who gave to the blood –
little in your own eyes, makes you hear all their sneers & to the death. No greater love hath any man than this. Therefore,
criticisms of you – sometimes real & sometimes imagined – neither is there greater satisfaction, fulfilment & happiness in
then he amplifies them in your mind to where you feel you any other...
could hide under the carpet or plain ‘disappear’... and there,
down there in your little hole & shelter, sometimes over years, The flesh is almost like the false identity the Enemy wants to
you develop new confidence, but you harbor that resentment give you; the weak, sinful & despicable you. But you can look
toward those people who used to ridicule you. You have found way past that at your higher anointing & you’ll know what I’ll
out by now that you’re not as pitiful as they are, you know now make you capable of. That which you can be & are in the spirit:
they’re deceived, but you can’t really come up with sufficient the creation of My omnipotent hand, not the fake identity the
love for them to humble yourself & submit yourself into their Devil is trying to brainwash you to accept.
hands, like I did, becoming their servant. Refuse to accept the lower identity which the Devil & the
You’ve got to find your own personal ‘Mr. Smith’, who is System are trying to give you & that you render your services
belittling & ridiculing you constantly in your own mind, renders completely to Me. Be a fully functioning agent for My cause &
you ineffective in some ways. The demon who keeps asking don’t let them brainwash you any longer into believing &
you, ‘Why do you still keep fighting when you should know by accepting the loser role he would like to put you in.
now that it’s useless?’ You’ve got to pinpoint him, nail him
down, knowing that I in you am far superior to him, and that I You must be watchful that those cares of life don’t choke the
am going to give you the victory, & then look him in the eye, & effect of My Word on your heart. The Devil is trying hard!
say defiantly, ‘Because I chose to! Because this is what I’m
born to do: I am destined to fight & lick you bastard, I’m The Devil is always telling mankind that I’m cheating you, just
destined to WIN! So, get out of my way, you little satanic because I don’t tell you everything there is to know all at once,
nincompoop, in the name of the power of the keys!’ when he’s the biggest cheat & liar of all times – in fact, the
father of lies.
You have many enemies. And you’ve got to fight them one by He’s going to appear as the great ”savior” from all My
one. They know they can’t stop you, so they seek to delay you supposed injustices; I am the culprit in his version of the story,
by bluffing you, intimidating you or attacking you with fiery & you are all My victims... poor abused guinea pigs, who are
darts of doubts. never being told the whole truth by Me.
You are the light, and they hate you! They seek to obstruct you, I’m not telling you lies, he is. And in order to distract from the
for they know they can’t put you out. So, they try to weaken fact that he’s such a blatant liar, as usual, he points his crooked
you from within, trying to stop the flow of the fuel, so your light finger at Me, accusing Me of not telling you the whole truth.
who are a menace & a threat to his kingdom. He’s going to try
Your sample will never be perfect enough to withstand the to get you to lower the standard & compromise, using as an
onslaught of the Devil’s lies. No matter how good you are, you excuse the imperfections of the others.
could never be perfect enough for him to stop accusing you in Your flame is vulnerable, which is why the Enemy is trying to
the ears & minds of others. Look at Me: I was the most perfect use water from within our own ranks to put it out (a trick he
sample there ever was, and yet he was able to turn the mob very frequently uses, as nothing is as effective in dissuading a
against Me. rebel for My cause, as criticism & lack of support from within
Hold the reins tight & not so loosely, as that is exactly the way our own ranks!).
the Enemy can get in: by giving all that leisure, & an idle mind is
his workshop. Don’t listen to the Enemy’s voice, nor look at his distractions &
decoys he comes up with as soon as you start going in the
It’s the Enemy, through his tares & weeds of the cares of this right direction, just keep looking at Me and the power I have
life, along with his evil birds, his evil spirits that whisper doubts given you to blow the Devil’s nasty illusions to bits!
& lies into your mind, that I don’t speak to you anymore for But some of his software is still integrated in your concept of
whatever reason, which are subtly trying to crowd out of your reality. Whatever he tries to present to you as reality or relevant
life your personal time for receiving My seeds. Tear out those is absolutely irrelevant, and doesn’t stand a chance as soon as
thorns that won’t let the seeds of My love sprout in you. Tear you let Me move in with My reality, that what I consider relevant
them out & burn them, & follow Me into My chamber, & important! The Devil goes: ”Oh, but the money, and all the
completely forgetting about the Enemy & his old World. Let him bills...” I say, ”Seek ye first My Kingdom & the welfare of My
have this whole World, but let Me have you, & let yourself be sheep, seek My lost souls, and all these things will be added
full of Me! unto you, freely!”
It’s wake up time! It was only a dream of a World of bondage in Ever since the Garden of Eden the Devil has managed to
which you were tied down by his rules, his laws, dependency persuade people to rather believe in his voice than Mine,
on his kingdom & his system, when in reality I’ve set you because his option is usually the one which sounds more
completely free! attractive! There is apparently more in it for you, if you choose
You must shed the cloud of the influence & spirit & emotion that the Devil’s option of disobedience. But is it really so?
dream would have on you, the Devil’s dream world. Don’t let There seemed to be more in it for Adam & Eve to choose to eat
the Devil’s sleeping gas put you to sleep! of the forbidden tree: more knowledge, a new taste, and the
serpent even said, ”Ye shall be as gods”! Now, THAT sounded
The Devil is just scared out of his wits, because he knows what interesting! But what was the reality? Curses, pain, thorns &
I'm capable of doing through you! So he tries to pull his cloak agony ever since, in trade for paradise.
over you, his gray & gloomy veil of sadness, of loss, of defeat, What is it that makes the Devil’s option of disobedience so
when there's yet EVERYTHING to gain! attractive to you?
He’s that very subtle voice, apparently coming from your very
The Devil is sooo busy distracting My children from focusing own mind.
on Me. What the Devil is offering you in exchange for the eternal
rewards of fulfilling My highest will for you are the lazy comfort
If you don’t speak up about your desires & battles, & you don’t of your Home and avoiding the ridicule you might suffer, the
give them to Me, either, the one who always winds up ”running scorn some people might have for you. And for that you’re
to your aid” is the Devil, in the form of one of his emissaries, willing to let them go down the drain forever. No chance to hear
who will be eager to tell you things like, ”They hate you, from Me, no opportunity to make that choice...
anyway” & ”they love everyone else more than you”: He’ll also
give you the desire to leave. After all, ”everyone will be better The Devil always tries to find new ways to enslave people, to
off if you leave!” make them feel guilty or in some way indebted to him.
The Devil is a liar and a thief, & so are his followers. They're
Just as My Spirit is manifested in fruits, like humility, love, trying to rob My servants & enslave them, bind them so they're
patience, etc. (Gal.2:22,23), the spirit of the Devil has its not free to serve Me.
manifestations of pride, self-righteousness, hatred, jealousy, The Devil wants to strip you of your rights & your freedoms to
envy, bickering, strife... serve Me, but I want you to rise above all that.

To look for details that “aren’t so” in My Word is one of the I have been raising a new army, a new generation of fighters
Devil’s oldest tricks. “Hath God said so? Ye shall not surely out of the old. The Enemy has been mocking Me, saying about
die!” And he was right: they didn’t. At least not right away. But them, "Just give them to me for a while, let me tempt them with
the punishment was there, & I tell you, it was worse for them my distractions, my lures & the enticements of the world, and
than death. When death finally came for Adam & Eve, it was like you'll see, they'll forget You, they'll all turn their backs on you!
sweet relief from the pain & suffering they had brought upon Let me twist their minds with worldly thoughts & doubts, and
themselves & the whole World by choosing to believe the see what a 'mighty army' You will have left when I'm through
Devil’s lie over My Word. with them. You'll see, they won't care about You!"
So, the Devil will always find something I said he can point his But I have had faith in you, and though many have left indeed,
finger at & gleefully say, “See? Not true!” to get you to discard whose hearts weren't fully with Me, I believe in you! And I'm
the whole message, so you won’t believe & receive it, but calling you all back to life this day, as it were from the land of
rather believe his version. But you’ll be the one suffering the the dead.
consequences. Whether you’ll die right away or later: you will The testing period that the Enemy was given to try & tempt My
know one day that your death – your spiritual death & decline – brides is over! The time has come to attack!
occurred the moment you chose to doubt My Word & disobey...
you were just buried later. You don't have to take every temptation the Devil hands you.

The Enemy’s subtle message always promotes the lust of the The Devil is trying to come up with more & more perfect
flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life. counterfeits & substitutes & distractions all the time: more &
Whatever doesn’t promote Me & My truth, must be promoting more perfect entertainment, shows, computer games, movies,
System music & sounds, all available by remote control, so you
something else... the World, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the
don't even have to move or do anything to get instant
eyes & the pride of life... Even what they call love doesn’t have
satisfaction; more & more perfect tasting food with artificial
anything to do with the real thing. That worldly concept of love
is one of the most dangerous illusions, robbing Me of more flavours, made to even "top" My natural flavours I have put in
workers than any other of Satan’s tricks. foods naturally, more & more perfect drugs & narcotics... He's
trying to literally spoil people stupid so they won't ever want to
The Enemy knows who his most dangerous & potentially get off of their fannies to do anything else but indulge in his
powerful contrahents are, so he’s not going to send out his "perfections". After all, who needs anything else, if you can
troops to attack those who are spiritually asleep, but those have all these "perfect" pleasures & entertainments? Who
wants to deal with real people, when the faces & bodies on TV Life is the best school, and I am its Teacher. The problem is that
are so much more "perfect"? Who wants to deal with real life too few students pay any attention to Me, and the Devil has
when the thrills & kicks he can give you are so much nicer, lured them all away from Me and is keeping them all too busy
easier, better? Well, there's only one thing about it all & that's learning & studying about his twistings of the truth, so that they
that it isn't real. It's all fake & phoney, & you're enjoying it all on don't even have time anymore to learn from life itself.
borrowed time & money, while in reality he's cheating you out
of your lives, your time, your energy and your touch with Stress & pressure can be tricks of the Enemy to get you out of
reality. the gear of trusting in Me fully, and being led of Me.
He's even come up with his very own counterfeit love. But in
the end, none of that will ever truly satisfy, & when all this The Devil is an artist at making a mountain out of a molehill, he
artificial "perfection" will have left the World high & dry, he willamplifies bagatelles through his magnifying glasses of
come up with his ultimate counterfeit: his plastic one-World excessive emotions, fears, sensitivity & the spectrum of a
religion, the "perfect" System, without any more evil, without subjective point of view.
any more money, without anymore crime... "Welcome to A subjective point of view often completely fails to see the
Utopia!" overall picture & zooms in on a tiny little issue, magnifies &
amplifies it completely out of proportion until you've got a Mt.
The Enemy hates My predictions & visions of the future & tries Everest of a problem, artificially inflated out of what was
to ensure that the opposite is going to happen. originally a tiny little lump or innocent blunder of the mind.
His attitude is, "Oh, yeah, did God say so? Well we're going to Even the art of learning to love is part of the spiritual warfare,
see about that!" And he tries all he can to foil My plans. The and your Enemy will always pose traps for you, in order to
Enemy never foresees the benefits of the backsliding he stop you from accomplishing the goal of loving others, and
causes. He's only concerned with the temporary defeat & delay causing you to hurt them unwillingly instead... Be on guard. The
he causes. After all, he knows he can't stop Me; all he can do is Enemy will always look for an opportunity to attack & hinder, to
try to delay Me & My plans by throwing a few monkey divide & conquer and destroy your unity.
wrenches into My machinery, frantically trying to delay & Watch out for the Devil's traps! He knows where your weak
postpone My future, because he knows the future will bring his spots are & when you're most vulnerable.
doom. He knows the Endtime events will trigger a chain
reaction that is going to wake up & bring back to life many of Baal seeks to tie you down in self-condemnation, and belittling
those he has successfully lulled to sleep. & hurting those around you.
Worship of Baal, in this day & age, is more widely spread than
The Devil has conditioned people to such an extent, puffed up you would think, although men don't do it consciously or are
their egos & blown up their pride & self-will thus, that it's a not aware of whom or what they are worshipping, just as they
mental habit very hard to kick to be selfish, seek your own are not aware that they in effect worship the Devil by
ends & put yourself in the first place. worshipping their own minds & intellects & yielding to their
The Devil is a cunning master of propaganda & twisting things You can see the worship of Baal in the way people are hurting
around with his lies. He'll convince the masses that black is each other and hurting themselves. He makes them hate
white & white is black, before long, so, stay snuggled up to Me themselves, & thus also show little or no respect to others, but
in My camp, instead of listening to their distortions of the truth. only disdain & contempt instead. It is Baal who makes you look
The Devil isn't pussyfooting around, & he'll use anyone who'll down on others, belittle them & causes you not to esteem them
let him & who'll swallow his baloney. nor yourself. He is one of Satan's executives of the hatred &
disdain he has for mankind. It's that attitude of resigning to
Is their body, their mere physical existence & its pleasures negativity & worldliness, using bad language or hurtful words,
really that important to them that they're willing to completely a disrespectful attitude, caused by his criticism of the way I
neglect their souls & spirits for it? Are they so duped, so made you and those around you, or people in general, with all
fascinated by all the pleasures the Devil has to offer, just like your flaws.
Pinocchio on "Pleasure Island", that they don't realize that If you can tell where this attitude comes from, namely not from
Satan is making a spiritual jack-ass out of them? yourself, but from him, this will help you stay on guard against
him. He is one of the perpetrators of hatred & violence on the
The Devil is trying hard to stop you from becoming a Earth, one of the Devil's vilest officers, instigating strife among
completely yielded vessel. Anything that leads you back to the men, persecution and dicrimination & torture, opression by the
comfortable path of compromise with the System & the old strong against the weak...
path you've been trotting, is less likely to be from Me than from Beware of his evil inroads into your heart & mind by trying to
him. I want you to have change. He wants you to stagnate. get you to despise & look down on others, or even despise
yourself and your life, which is a precious gift I have given you.
If the Devil tempts you with feelings of the comfort of the He is the one mainly responsible for your not enjoying the ride
current situation "Oh, it's so nice where you are right now. You of your life, not enjoying the company of others, not enjoying
don't have to keep walking...", don't listen to him! If he tempts yourself. He constanty points at the "flaws" with which I've
you with his own fake imitations of the light & says, "Oh, look made you and others.
over here: another light! Maybe that's the one you should
follow!" - Don't listen to him. Don't let the Enemy trick you into believing that I don't love you
He tempted Me not only with all the riches of the World, with or that you're too bad to deserve My attention!
power, etc., if I would forsake the Father's way & go his way... He tries. If he can't get through to you with his old lies
Going his way would have meant to become a winner in this anymore, he'll try to weaken you with new lies. That's his art:
World, but a loser in the eternal task I was ordained to fulfil. weaving & spinning new lies all the time, so, don't you fall for
Don't let the Enemy tempt you with anything less than My them! Stay close to My truth, & be also faithful to expose the
highest & best! Enemy's lies he uses on your loved ones, but do so in love.

Beware of the flesh & the pressure it would like to put you The Enemy can't stand it when one of My children clings to Me
under! The rush & the fretting & fuming of thinking you must do desperately and is crying for help and crying out to Me as to
it in your own strength! It's the Enemy trying to trick you intotheir only hope. That's like poison to him.
that, so, don't fall for it, but be assured that you won't stand a
At first the Enemy is attracted by it, because he sees you
chance in the flesh! weakened, and he tries to get you even more down and deeper
into despair. But what he didn't see was the poison underneath:
Envy is one of the Devil's weapons to suck the joy out of life. the desperation, and the hook of My love and Salvation, which
Instead of keeping you thankful for what you've got, it keeps unstoppably draws you closer to Me in such situations, and
you staring at the hole in the doughnut: "But there's something while he took a few nibbles at you, and thought you were going
missing!" to be his next meal, he'll find out that you're actually going to
kill him, ha!
You're the Enemy's death, his downfall & nemesis. The deadly your body, every day right now, and you've got to fight to keep
poison, that while it looked so attractive to him, and he joyfully him out!
was trying to gobble you up, you'll be that which kills him from Lock out the Enemy & don't let him usurp your temple!
the inside like Neo did with Mr. Smith.
That's what you are to the Devil & his System. The Devil is trying to cast you into the pit of negativity, which is
You have the weapons of heavenly thought power, amplified by where he keeps an awful lot of his captives.
the keys and full possession, AME, prayer & praise... imagine It's the supposedly "realistic" twist of things, or better the
how powerful a threat you are to the Enemy's kingdom. pessimistic twist, which always makes you see the downside,
His only chance lies in trying to dissuade you from ever even in your blessings.
beginning to use those weapons. The Enemy makes you see the flaws in others, or dwell on
them, when you should be looking to Me and hear from Me
That's the difference between the Enemy and Me: while I gave what you could do to help them or to remedy the situation, to
My blood to be shed for the World, he only takes. I am the make a positive difference. It's also the Enemy that makes you
Giver, he's the taker. He thinks the World is His for the taking, belittle the treasure and immense blessing of the Words from
but the truth is that everything of value has its price, and I have Heaven and the weapons you were given. He makes people
paid the true price. Yes, he will also leave his place in heaven, doubt the power of the keys, the effectiveness of prayer &
not voluntarily, like Me, but because he will be cast out. But praise, and the veracity of prophecy.
instead of laying down his life, he will be the greatest taker of Become My new creature permanently, by refusing to look at
lives there will ever have been, like I said, a murderer from the the waves of the negative reality of the Devil, and staying fully
beginning (Jn.8:44). in My positive Reality!
So, you do have a dangerous enemy, which is why life isn't
something to be taken lightly. It's dangerous to underestimate The Enemy is trying to stifle & smother communication that's
your enemy or pretend he's not really there, to just avoid spiritually edifying in any way he can. Although the physical
thinking about him or the threat he poses, or to wishfully think means of communication have improved & multiplied
that he probably won't care too much about you, and if you tremendously during your life-time, you can also tell how the
leave him in peace, he'll leave you in peace, too. quality of communication has been deteriorating, as he gets
He hates you too much to leave you in peace, and he will either people into an ever increasingly superficial & materialistic
try to lull you to sleep with all his lures, hypnotism and mindset. He tries to tie them up completely in the physical
temptations, and cause you to let your guard down, or he will realm, so that they'll be too entangled to even start looking for
ferociously attack you with all he's got. His goal is the same in an exit, a way to break through into the spiritual.
either tactic: your destruction. It's up to you which way you will The Enemy rules the realm in which you live right now, and I
allow him to combat you. The slow & subtle poisoning by want you to be aware of his devices, so that you can fight him
posing as your "friend", bringing into your life all the tempting better & won't fall for his deceit. I'm exposing his lie with My
things that will cause you to lower your guard & defence truth. Just as I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, so he's the
against him, or the open confrontation. wrong way, the Lie and Death, and the more I expose him to
There is no peace with the Devil. If there's one enemy it pays to you, the more power you will have to expose him to others as
rather fight openly and not seek a moment of truce with, it's well, and show them what's keeping them captive.
Satan. Otherwise you'll regret it. Any moment of compromise, His communication is all very one-sided, like someone who
any moment you don't openly declare war on him and fight to only likes to talk about himself, and thus he's also getting
the finish, will be a moment that will weaken you! You've got to people onto his same, selfish wavelength of only wanting to
be constantly on guard against him, beware of his presence as talk about themselves & all boring each other to death, when
the enemy of your soul constantly, and never let down your they could find so much life, so much fun & excitement by
guard, never think, "oh, well, he's not really that bad... if I just focusing outward, first of all on Me, and then on others, helping
close my eyes, he'll go away & perhaps he'll ignore me if I them to find true purpose in Me & truly deep & satisfying things
ignore him!" to talk about.
You can ignore him safely by focusing on Me for your For those that be wise in this world, the things of God are
protection, that's alright. But never think that he's not there or foolishness to them, but for those who know better, all that
that he's not out to destroy you. That's the mistake that some "wise" talk is just so much vain & empty blah. The more they
have made. They underestimated him. They figured, "oh, well, glory in their own greatness, and the greatness of their realm,
he's not really as evil or nearly as dangerous as he's always the greatness of their accomplishments, the more repulsive it
hyped up to be..." becomes to My sheep, when they hear the stranger sing songs
Or they figure that maybe the others were too weak, but they're of praises unto himself.
strong enough to withstand his temptations. They won't give in They inwardly know that he doesn't cut the cake, that he's only
to him. They're different... But little by little, one compromise interested in himself, when it comes down to it, that he doesn't
will follow another, and he'll find your weak spot, and you can have the love of God in him, and that all the things he may want
always count on him to be a real Judas & traitor & to stab you to talk about don't really satisfy that longing for everlasting
in the back when you least expect it, when you're weakest and values, and so, he just bores them. On the other hand, those
let down your guard. who are enticed by his lures, and those who short-sightedly
It's not a vacation your on, this trip through life, but it's settle for the cheap thrills & instant satisfaction of this world
warfare! I have sent you out as sheep among wolves, therefore will easily become bored by talk about spirituality. It's because
be wise as serpents - don't let him outsmart you - and harmless they can't relate to it because their fields of interest lie
as doves, knowing that he may be able to destroy your body, elsewhere. They want what they can see & touch & consume
but you will be the true conqueror in the end. right now, they couldn't care less about eternity. All that
interests them is right here & right now, no matter how.
Heaven just won't happen as long as the Devil is still in charge
of this place! You can enjoy glimpses of it, but in order to do The Devil is such a liar, such a swindler, a real boogie man,
that, you're going to have to get rid of the Devil's garbage first, trying to scare you out of the things I would have you do,
that he's piled up in your life! You need to have daily clean-ups, before you even get started, in hopes that you never will.
get rid of the Enemy's dirt first, be washed clean with My
Words, before you're going to be able to enjoy that heavenly Every little progress you make, every step you take that brings
happiness. you closer to Me, is a bit of new ground gained for the
And you can feel the difference: "Now you are clean through Kingdom, and another victory over the Enemy! Don't let him
the Words which I have spoken unto you!" Now that you've make you feel like a loser, when you're actually winning.
listened to My Words, which have straightened things out, It's one of his ugliest characteristics to constantly belittle
made things clearer, & washed away the garbage & filth the everything & anything good you're doing or accomplishing, to
Devil would have liked to dump in your temple of the Holy belittle the miracles I'm doing, "Ahhh, that doesn't amount to
Ghost, which he will try over & over & over again to usurp. much! That's only a drop in a bucket..." And thus preventing
Just like he will usurp the temple in Jerusalem in the End, so he you from praising Me for what I've already done for you,
already tries to usurp the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is
attempting to keep your eye on the hole, instead of the When you feel the Enemy attacking you in your mind, go on the
doughnut, the need, instead of My bountiful supply. offensive! Refuse to let him play his dirty games with you!

It's pretty hard to create new habits & a modus operandi that One of the Enemy's favorite tricks is to blow your problems
revolves around others when you've been spending so many way out of proportion, just like Don Quixote's wind mills, that
years revolving basically around you & how you feel & making you hardly see anything else. You don't see the progress you've
yourself feel good... That's what intoxication is all about, and already made, you only see the huge mountain & obstacle
any addiction that Bacchus tries to pull you away from Me with: blocking your way.
numbing the pain, making yourself feel better. You're not willing
to face whatever pain & strain life is handing you & so you take The Enemy tricked you into thinking that you weren't good
the Devil's easy way out: "Oh, you don't have to go through all enough for Me. He does it very subtly, and it's not even
this pain! Here, take this, it'll make you feel better!" consciously in your mind that you think these things when
And instead of handing your pain over to Me, for Me to deal you're depressed, otherwise it would be too obviously the
with it, you cheat Me out of an opportunity to help you & Enemy. It's more like an underlying feeling. Demonic influences
manifest My power in your life, and you cheat yourself out of & oppressions not only manifest themselves through thoughts
an opportunity to grow in faith and love for Me, because in your mind, but also emotions, feelings, moods... the whole
instead of allowing Me to do a miracle in your life, you rely on spectrum of your inner being.
Satan's counterfeit solution, which isn't a solution at all. It just
helps you forget or ignore the problem. What kind of a solution Endurance means, you don't have to swallow the Devil's lies
is that? telling you that I'm giving you more than you can bear. And
vigilance means you can recognize the Devil's tricks & attempts
The Enemy is pretty subtle & very quick in building new to trap you so that you won't fall for them.
Egypts, strengthening hidden & formerly unknown parts of
your "old man," & sometimes it takes time to even recognize If I had to go out into the wilderness, in order to resist the
them, which is expedient, though, in order to be able to fight temptations of the Enemy and overcome him once and for all,
them. how much more so will you have to do it.
Fighting and resisting the Devil instead of giving in to his
Relying entirely on Me and My sustenance for your living, you temptations and nudges is what it's all about; not missing the
will come much closer to full possession & being guided by Me mark (the essence of "sin") because you've allowed the Enemy
non-stop! Beware of the Enemy's attempts to divert you from to distract you.
this! He will tempt you to get back into your old rut, but you You've got to deal with the Devil & make it clear between him
must not allow him, but stay true to this vision I'm giving you, and you on whose side you stand, and that he won't have a
because My sheep truly need you to be the shepherd I have chance anymore trying to get you over to his side. Otherwise
ordained you to be. he'll keep trying and trying.
He tempted Me. "You don't have to go through all this suffering!
Any area of your life you're trying to hide from Me will be used You can stop it all right now! Make an end of all this nonsense!
by the Devil somehow as an area that My light isn't shining on Life is to be enjoyed..." Life was meant to be enjoyed, but never
yet, so that's where he can play his game of "Shady cloaks of on his terms!
lies & deceit."
One of Satan's greatest and most successful weapons against
They who rule now will wallow in dust and ruin and lament mankind is that feeling, "It feels right, so it must be right!" Or,
later, while you will possess a peace and riches that remain. "This feels familiar, it feels okay, it doesn't feel strange, so it
The Devil hates you for that, but there's nothing he can do. must be the right way!" They become so familiar with the
Keep looking at Me! Pay no mind to him! He's bluffing, cheating wrong way, the Devil's way, that they actually think it's the right
& lying! Zap his evil bubble of deceit! Expose him & laugh at way. After all, it "feels right!"
him & ridicule him for his ludicrous attempt to stop you! I in The Devil's first appearance in the Garden of Eden was with the
you am so much greater than he is... he's like a tiny little dwarf intention to get Eve to doubt My Word. "Hath God said...?
in comparison. You shall see it one day, and all the world will Surely NOT! Surely it is NOT so!" And he has been following
wonder, "What? This little nincompoop has terrorized this that same scheme ever since, and your test in this is to either
world for so long? That ugly little dwarf? That's the one we stay faithful to My voice, or believe your "own intuitions,"
worshiped and by whom we were awed, thinking he was so which, sad to say are often tainted by the input of popular
great?" It will fall like scales from their eyes, & some will laugh opinions, which often come straight from the Devil.
at this atrocity, others will cry. The Enemy of your soul is very sly and knows how to make his
lies extremely attractive. People tend to think that they would
Satan has been given certain power to change things in order never be as dumb as Adam and Eve to allow themselves to fall
to influence your perception of things. You see the truth in a for the Devil's lies, but that's already the first lie they
certain way, and he says, "Oh, yeah, really? Let's see if those swallowed right there: "Oh, I'm never gonna be that dumb!"
things be so!" And he makes certain changes in order to shake Well, you might have another surprise coming on that one,
your foundation, that what you perceive as the basis of your when you'll find out one day how often and how easily you fell
concept of everything. for the Devil's fairy-tales!
Hasn't this been his concept from the beginning? "Hath not
God said?..." And he is very persuasive & powerful in deceiving The Devil has invented many devices and inhibitions to stop
you & trying to get you to doubt & "forget what you know" in humans from reaching out to each other. The fear of "what the
his own way. It is good, because like this, anything you built other might think of me," pride, false mental pictures and
your faith on that was not the true foundation will be eroded, perceptions of each other, also called prejudice, even laziness,
and all that's left is the solid rock truth of My Word. because it takes a certain amount of effort to get to know
The Enemy's influences in your life at times seem more real to
you than I. They achieve this just by stopping you from The Enemy is trying to subvert & divert your attention from the
praying! They do it subtly, and over a long time. They make you spiritual to the physical, to where you become so enwrapped
too lazy, or undermine your faith in prayer somehow, or they and enticed by the physical blessing, that you neglect the
tell you there's no need, or make you feel condemned so you spiritual.
won't consider yourself worthy of asking Me anything... many
different tricks & schemes... Attacks of doubt, discouragement, The Devil always sees the negative and the bad in people, he's
delusion, depression... Once you finally do call out to Me in the constant accuser of the saints. That which I have called holy
desperation, & ask Me to save you, I come through for you & and sanctified, he has the audacity to call unclean, accusing
will be the sunshine after a rainy day for you, and more. you of ulterior motives, when love is the perfect motivation.
He hates love, because love is what I am, and he hates
everything that goes along with it, and tries to besmirch it with
his ugly way of looking at things, be it sex or the need to give,The Devil is like a terrorist who has unrightfully taken over the
the need to be needed, the need for sympathy, or plain land as a usurper, just like the Jews have taken over Israel or
unselfish giving. He teaches his followers that it's "idiotic" toformer Palestine by acts of terrorism, having duped the people
give, when they could keep it for themselves. But only those - just like the Devil - into thinking that their enemies are actually
who look beyond and have greater wisdom than those who fall the terrorists.
for Satan's lies, see the greater blessing & the greater, hidden If the smartest thing he ever did was duping people into
reward beyond the apparent loss of the thing you gave away. believing that he doesn't exist, the next smartest thing he did
was tricking people into believing that his enemies are the
If you doubt My Word in one aspect, the Enemy will soon offer culprits, terrorists or "bad guys," which he is perfecting right
and suggest more compromises for you to make, more now through besmirching the image of My followers on a global
disobediences he makes you think you can get away with... scale, by having infiltrated and deceived them, or having
One of the easiest & smartest ways for him to get My children impostors pose as Christians, who are really working for his
trapped in the cage of disobedience is by telling them that it's side, or by tempting them and afterwards accusing them to the
actually freedom... after all, it's their own will that got them world.
there, not the seeming, apparent confines that lie in keeping My It's the same diabolically clever plan he used since the
commandments & performing My will, no, the apparent beginning of history, from Esther's time to Nero accusing the
freedom of doing your own thing. Christians of burning Rome, and on down the line.

The Devil will always try to get you to not "feel like it" when it The Enemy is by no means a fair opponent who abides by the
comes to doing something good, something that counts for Me. rules. He is ruled by hatred, and he wants to destroy you by
The art is not to pay any attention to him, to ignore your any means, rules or no rules. He knows he'll be disqualified &
feelings & do it anyway. barred from the game sooner or later, anyway, so his only
objective is to cause as much harm and destroy as much as
The Devil will try to deceive you into believing the way things possible while he can, that's why he is called the Destroyer in
seem to be - the carnal reality, but not the way I see things! My Word. (Jer.4:7, 1.Cor.10:10)
When you only look as man sees, at that which is before your
eyes, instead of the heart, what's beneath, then it's easy to fallAs you know from the story of Job, it's usually your Enemy
for the Devil's lies of, "Aah, they don't need you or what you've who's responsible for, or involved with a lot of what happened.
got to offer them, anyway! Look at them! They look better & Like the evil old man, Mr. Potter, in "It's A Wonderful Life," who
happier than you ever did! What makes you think that they ever unbeknownst to the hero of the story found his money & kept
would have the faintest need of your religion, your God or it, and thus caused many problems & trials... that's the way the
anything from you?" Devil works, too. He sees an opportunity to work his evil plan,
Instead of giving them what you've got, & wanting to share to exploit others in order to spread out his power & convert
your spiritual riches with them, you doubt, & you feel like they innocent villages, homes and entire countries into one big
have something better than you, and the Enemy makes you "Pottersville."
want what they've got! I don't want My children to be ignorant of his devices. You may
You've been falling for the Devil's lies & false gospel of, know about how his people work in order to gain control over
"Blessed is the flesh! Blessed are the rich! Blessed are the the world. But it's even more important for you to know what
proud & those who don't need any spirituality..." his tricks are that he uses to gain entrance into your lives every
day, how he sows his evil seeds of division & tries to divide &
Don't let the Devil cheat you out of the joy of your reward by conquer!
his twistings & turnings! The twisting & wiggling snake! It gives Just like Potter stole the money in the movie, he sees where
you peace & a feeling of victory & satisfaction to know you you're forgetting about the important detail of applying your
have him exposed! You've got his number, you know where spiritual wealth & riches.
he's at, you've got him down pat & he can't fool you anymore, Once you start withholding, the Enemy tries to get you to make
pull no more wool over your eyes! See him wiggle & wind! a habit out of it.
Clobber him good & hard, so he'll think twice before creeping
into your door next time! You must dispel the lies of the Enemy about what others think
All My truly greats of faith, although Satan had desired to have of you. That's one of his "Mr. Potter" schemes you're not
them, in the end turned out to be way more than he could aware of, but you must be: he steals your faith, your unity and
handle, and they all defeated him. your love for each other by sowing lies and having you swallow
them, and you often don't even realize what happened!
One of the smartest tricks the Devil ever pulled was convincing He stole the "money," the riches of My love that I gave you for
the majority that he doesn't exist. But even fewer people each other, by using innocent little blunders & blowing them
recognize the extent to which he is invading their own homes, way out of proportion, creating a major crisis out of them.
lives & families. You must expose the Devil's workings! You have to expose the
evil "Mr. Potter" at work & show him up for what he really is!
Cloaking & hiding things is one of the Devil's games. He gives He uses innocent little blunders of the mind, little neglects &
people that urge to hide things from each other, & to even try to shortcomings that everybody is prone to, and creates a huge
hide from Me. He wants to exclude Me. His goal is to isolate crisis out of them that makes you feel and think that nobody
everyone into their own little worlds full of their own little loves you and you're just a useless failure and the best thing
secrets they think they can hide away, when in reality, it's all would be that you had never been born, etc., ready to jump off
laying wide open before My eyes. the bridge.
The Devil tries to scare you that you might lose something Thankfully, I've got My "Clarences," My angels, jumping into the
through honesty, but you're only going to gain from it. situation to set things straight, to help you out, and to
straighten out your misguided view & perception of things. That
The Devil may pretend to be your friend, but only until he gets a movie is really a blueprint for what's happening in many
chance to stab you in the back. Sooner or later his flag comes people's lives, of how the Devil manages to discourage and
unfurled, & the masks of deception will be dropped, and you'll belittle them in their own eyes...
find out that it all was a carefully concocted trap! That's why it's so important that you constantly encourage
There is no peace with the Enemy. each other, let each other know how much you love and need
each other, & don't give any place to the Devil and his dirty lies
Beware of the flatteries of the Enemy! When he sees that he trying to destroy your faith, your unity & your positive outlook
can't hold you down anymore with condemnation, he'll try the on life!
opposite tactic where he'll flatter you & will try to get you so
lifted up about yourself that you'll think there's no way you Satan totally twists things & turns them upside down, inside
could possibly ever do anything wrong, until reality -or I - jerk out & makes things appear as the reverse & opposite of what
that rug of wishful thinking away from under your feet. they really are!
Some things can be dangerous distractions from the Enemy to Exposing the tricks the Enemy pulls in order to sneakily rebuild
get you off the wall of the work that I want you to do, and he your old man, shows that if you don't watch it, that old man is
doesn't hesitate to pull the meanest tricks & plays real dirty! going to creep up again, and before you know it, you'll find
You need to learn to resist the emotional lies he's trying to hand yourself stuck in a new Egypt the Enemy helped you build in
you. your life.
The Devil will use anything to deceive you, and if he even uses The Devil fights to make you forget all that you're learning from
My Word by twisting it and falsely re-interpreting it, as he tried Me, & it's a little bit like having to start all over again from
when he tempted Me, how much more so will he be able to use scratch every morning.
your feelings to deceive you!
It's your choice whether you want to do what you can to help
You don't have to grope around blindly in the dark, clueless to your brothers & sisters or whether you prefer to play the
the machinations of the Devil & what he's been up to in your life Devil's game & do it his way: "I take care of myself, and if that
in order to sabotage My plans for you. You can find out. That's means I have to take something away from my 'brother,' I will
what prophecy is for. You don't have to be ignorant of the not hesitate to do it!"
Devil's devices, plans & schemes, in fact you shouldn't and
must not! Chaos is what war pretty much amounts to, & that's what the
Devil is trying to create all along! Victory is to be able to grab
You can't afford to be indifferent nor self-satisfied! That's hold of My peace & heavenly big picture of My organized
exactly what the Enemy will shoot for, to get you to not rely on structure of everything in spite of the temporary chaos the
Me, but just float around on an elusive & deceptive cloud of Devil tries to create. He may show you that devastated
false security that somehow you're gonna manage. But landscape he left you in in the spirit, but you've got to see My
chances are you aren't gonna manage unless you call Me for heavenly landscape & beauty of what's going to be & what
help! really is in the heavenly realm, beyond all that ugliness the
Devil's trying to create!
Deception is one of the Devil's big trips, and to be able to
recognize his illusions is half the victory.

The Devil gives strength to the rulers and champions of the

darkness of this world.
If you see the source of comparing as a trick & a deception of
the Enemy to keep you from being content with what you have
& what you are, so you won't even start finding out what it is
that you can do to make things better, then you actually start
What Satan has stolen from mankind is the trust that I knew
exactly what I was doing by making each one what they are.

One of the most dangerous tricks of the Devil, and one he uses
most frequently and most successfully with My people is that
of getting them to lean on that which My Spirit has brought
forth, rather than the Spirit itself! To rely on the arm, strength
and wisdom of the new creature I made out of you, leaning on
your anointing, thus creating another "old man" that needs to
be shed, let go and forsaken again.
The Devil will tempt you with compromise. "Oh, but you can
use both, the flesh and the Spirit!" But the more you fall back
into the gear of the fleshly methods of support, the less
emphasis you will put on My vision for you, of truly putting My
Kingdom and My sheep first in your life!

You've got to realize how ferociously the Enemy fights you!

There's no way you can afford to be indifferent or half-hearted
about it! I want you to be on guard & not ignorant of his

Don't let the Enemy distract you from the most important thing
in life.

If you leave a back door open for the Enemy through which he
can enter, you have to count on the fact that it won't be
necessarily you he's going to be attacking, but the victims are
going to be the weaker ones. So, in order to protect the weaker
members of your family, you need to keep all gates & doors &
loopholes shut, through which the Enemy might find entrance!
He's always going to attack the weakest member first, and
then, by having attacked them, he's going to strike a blow from
within that's also going to weaken you, and thus he has a
chance to get at you, too.

Keep your mind stayed and fixed on Me. The Devil will fight
with all he's got to keep you from doing that, because he
knows the minute you do, you become a powerhouse for Me,
and he cannot cause any further delay, friction or disturbance
on the inside - until he gets another chance to distract you from
Me again, somehow.

For many, worldly success has become a deadly distraction

and a snare (1.Tim.6:10).

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