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" Suffer the little children to come unto me.

for of such is the kingdom of heaven. "



(New Series Beginning October, 1973)

J. Russell and Gertrude Morse

Eugene and Helen Morse

David L. Morse Thomas E. Morse

Robert H. Morse, Sr,

Jonathan R. Morse

Ronald K. Morse

Stephen A. Morse Robert H. Morse, Jr,


This IS the first Newsletter of the NORTH BURMA CHRISTIAN MISSION since the fall

of 1965.

Burma, where they had labored for fifteen years. All missionaries were being ordered to leave Burma, and even though the Morses had plane reservations, circumstances beyond

It was in late December of that year that the Morses left the Putao area of north

their control made it impossible for them to use them, and necessitated their going over land toward the India border. Their experiences during six years in an isolated, junglecovered, mountainous orea in undemarcated, unadmlnistered territory is a story in itself, too long to be covered in this Newsletter. Suffice it to say that God protected them and provided for them during this time, and blessed their work In a wonderful way, permitting them to provide education for their own children and for the children of those among whom they worked.

They trained a native leadership that is now successfully carryong on the evangelistic and educational work in which they were guided during the six years the Morses labored
In that area. The story of their deliverance, too, is one that must be told, but cannot be Included In this Newsletter. From Burma they flew to Thailand for rest and medical care before returning to the U.S. In July, 1972. Robert remained in Thailand to continue his work on the revision of his translation of the New Testament into the Rawang language. While there he became aware of the urgency of the need to reach the many thousands of unevangelized LIsu in northern Thailand. Later, doors were opened and the finances pro vided for the "Morse men" (Eugene ond two sons, and Robert and two sons) to go to Thai land in June, 1973. This Newsletter deals with the beginning of this new work in Thailond, and tells how it is continuing, how the Lord has opened the hearts of the people, and of the many responses to the Gospel. As alwoys, PRAYER - your prayer - is requested for this work, for this is the key to victory.
Mrs. O. L. Myers Forwarding Agent and Editor

LIsu children and chart of the alphabet,

which they have been learning.

The four younger Morse men who accompanied their

fathers to Thailand in June. L. to r.: JonI, Tom, Bob, and Ron, and companion Tinoo.

To bring you up to dote

Another chapter of the missionary work of the Morses came to a close when, on June 17, 1972, the eleven members of the family still in Burma boarded a plane for Bang

kok. Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morse and six children, and

Mr . Robert Morse were, so far as we know, the lost Protestant missionaries to leave Burma.

Missionaries are no longer allowed to work in this country of some 26,000,000 people .

The work of the Morses began as far back as 1932, when Lisu Christians whom they had taught in the Saiween Valley in China came to visit relatives in Burma, and carried the
Gom News with them. The mission base of activities was moved to Putao, in the north ern tip of Burma, late in 1949, when the Communist take-over in China made further mis

sionary work there impossible. From then until they left in 1972, the Morses continued to teach and preach the Gospel to the Lisu and Rawang tribes, establishing congregations, training a native leadership, and preparing Christian literature. Remaining behind, the fruit of their many years of labor, are some 250 congregations, and more than 25,000

Although it is no longer possible for the missionaries to minister in person to the churches in Burma, they have continued to keep in touch with the Christians there, and to supply teaching materials and equipment, as well as words of comfort and encourage

ment. Word has come of the continued faithfulness of the churches there. Inevitably, there have been some who have grown cold and fallen away, especially among the young people. But the Lisu and Rawang pastors are continuing the practice of holdingschools each year for the various age groups. The 3-yr. Bible training course being taughtin Dukdang Village is also continuing. A group of 17preachers in one area recently had a "retreat", following which they went to various villages to hold schools. Twonew prea chers and their families have gone as missionaries to the Naga area, where there are now more than 500 Christians. Reports such as these are reassuring, for they show that these Christians i n North Burma are able to stand on their own feet and take their place in the spreading of the Gospel, and that this work does not depend either on the presence of the
missionary or on foreign funds for its continuance.

a new field of service to which they could go after a time of rest in the homeland. How ever, they began their time of "rest" by spending a month in Bangkok, during which time

With return to Burma impossible, it was natural for the missionaries to begin to consider

they all had dental and medical check-ups, and both Eugene and Robert had needed sur

gery. Following this, the family retumea to the U.S., with the exception of Robert. Be fore leaving Burma, Robert had completed the translation of the New Testament into the
Rawang language. However, it still needed to be checked and revised, end for this work

he needed the help of Rawang informants. Arrangements were made for two Rawang Christians who had previously helped him in the translation work to be in Chiengmai. Robert and his two sons, Joni and Bob, who had been in Thailand for some time, met them

during the time they were in Chiengmai, they came in contact withsome Lisu tribespeople, who had come dovm into the town from the mountains. Because they knew the language, customs, and culture, Robert and the boys were able to "identify" with these people, and
were accepted os friends by them, and invited to visit their villages. In cooperation with the late Miss Dorothy Sterling, plans were made for accepting these invitations, and Joni and a Lisu companion accompanied Miss Sterling on a trip to one of the villages. Her un timely death came as a great shock to everyone. However, plons for reaching the Lisu were not abandoned, and before returning to the U.S. Robert had opportunities for teach ing a numberof Lisu people. As a result, three new converts were baptized.
A new work is begun
On June 11, 1973, six of the Morse men left the U.S. en route for Thailand.

there. This work continued until late November, at which time Robert and Joni returned to the U.S., where Bob had preceded them in September, to attend highschool. However,


stopover in Hong Kong, Eugene and sons Tom and Ron, ond Robert and sons Jont and Bob arrived in Bangkol^ Thailanet on June 15. Here they took care of necessary business, and

on Monday, the 19th at 930 p.m., they boarded a bus for an all-night ride to the northern
city of Cniengmoi.
prayer. Ron tola about It this way:

that the Heavenly Father truly watches over His children, as they experienced answered
"When we arrived In Hong Kong, our six back packs were missing. They had simply vonlshed. We were told that in all likelihood they were still In Korea, but that If they weren't found, then the airlines would pay compensation. But that wouldn't replace the

But before they left Bangkok, they were reminded anew of the feet

packs. When we left Hong Kong, they still hadn't been located, and we were told to keep in touch with the olrline in Bangkok. We were praying about the matter all the while. Then Monday night, just a few hours before we were to leave for Chiengmal, word came that they had been traced and were waiting for us out at the Bangkok airport! Just like that! We had almost given up hope of seeing the packs again, and were trying to fig ure how best to get along without them. I wonder just where, how, and who had been holding those pocks. Well, praise the Lord Who answers prayer In such a beautiful way, so perfectly timed!" The Lord knew how much they would be needing those packs In the weeks ahead, as they traveled in the mountains. It is very comforting to realize that He cares about even the seemingly small things that concern us.
About the trip to Chiengmai Eugene wrote: "We traveled on on express bus - air con ditioned, ond quite nice. We left Bangkok at 9:30 p.m. and arrived In Chiengmol at
5:30 a.m. We didn't get much sleep, but it was the time of full moon, so we were able to

see and enjoy quite a bit of the countryside. We stopped only twice for gas. past dawn when we finally arrived here at the front gate of our house."

It was just

The house referred to is the same one Robert was renting when he was In Chiengmai In the fall of 1972. When he returned the U.S., he expected that either he or Eugene or both would be returning there in o short time, so he retoined the house. While he was

away, several of the notional workers lived there and looked after things, while contin uing to teach people who come, and visiting in the villages os they hod the opporlu n lt>t. Although it proved to be longer than anticipated before any of the misslonories returned, the house was there ready for them, so t he y had a place to go. This 2-story Thai-styl e
house, where the six men are "batching", serves as a base from which to work out into

Typical LIsu house in Thailand. Built up off the ground, on

"stilts", most houses are built with chestnut since bamboo Is
hard to find. The roof is made of grass thatch. This woman

is returning home with a load of firewood, carried on the

horse, in two baskets.

the Lisu vtllages. Chiengmai is the second largest town in Thailand, with a population of approximately 300,000. in many ways it is quite modern. There is a modern German-

Thai dairy, which sells homogenized milk butter cottage cheese and yogurt, as well as bacon, ham, and sausages. There ore hospitals, several universities, many cinemas, and television. But the primitive is only a step away, and that is the area with which they
are concerned most of the time, the area where the Lisu villages are to be found.

But the opportunity for preaching to Lisu came much sooner than any of them had anticipoted or expected - In fact, before they even had a chance to eat their first meal In Chiengmai. There was a Lisu man waiting for them when they arrived - an opium addict
who wanted to break the habit. He heard on the local Lisu news broadcast that the mis

sionaries who knew Lisu were coming to Chiengmai, and having heard that the mission aries could help people like him, he started out the next morning and traveled for three

days In order to be on hand when they arrived. Concerning this man Eugene wrote a few days later: "We have been praying much for him many times a day. We have felt restrained about using any medicines in his case, because we felt that right here at the beginning we show His power, how can He do so? As we have prayed for him many times a day he has been gradually recovering, and we praise God. Now today (June 24) we have baptized since he unaerstood the basic principles and wanted to be baptized, this would certainly place him "within Christ" and give greater power to overcome the addiction. So pray that he will come to really KNOW Christ, and will stand firm, and that God's power will be made manifest through him to others. As he experiences God's power to deliver, then God can use his testimony to help win others."
should teach reliance upon God rather than medicine. If medicines were used, credit for his recovery would go to the medicine, and not to God. Unless we give God a chance to


It may seem a little early since he is such an infant spiritually, but we felt that

Boptism of Ah-woh-bo, the opium addict who t u r n ed to the Lord. This was the first baptism after the Morse men went to

'an ge I I s m

While Robert remained at the base station to keep things going, and to work on the typing of the manuscripts of the Rawang New Testament for sending to the printers, Eugene

and the boys - JonI, Tom, Ton, Bob and two nationals - went on a trip to visit a number

of villages, and to survey the situation. So-muh village, which was their destination. Is reached only after three days of hard travel from Chlengmal. On this first trip, five boys

went ahead, with Eugene and one companion following a couple days later. They went as
far as possible by bus on the motor road, then hod to walk. Once tne motor road is behind

you, the country is very rough, with the only travel possible being on foot. Now the evan
gelistic party was traveling on foot, eocn one carrying o pack of 40-50 lb. And this was in June, when monsoon rains descend in torrents, and roads ore a sea of mud. As they traveled they found that there were many similarities to the Lisu in Burma, but differences also, particularly in living conditions. After living for many years among Lisu people who had been Christians for many years, who had leorned much of sanitation and cleanliness

they were forcibly reminded of the low stote from which those people had risen. They men
tioned that they nod forgotten how dirty a non-Christlon village could be, with pigs, cows,

horses, and chickens all running loose through the village, and with no out - houses any
where. No wonder they said one must be very careful to watch where he steps in going
through the villagel

not allowed to sleep in the village, but out In the fields, In a granary. But grMually
their suspicions were allayed eispecially as they discovered that these "farangs" (foreigners) spoke their Lisu language - not like foreigners, but like natives - and they were accepted into the homes. As they tolked with various individuals, they found that there were some

As they approached the villages, people at first were suspicious of them.

They were

very strange stories told about missionaries. For instance, these people hod heard thotif any of them became Christians, they would be taken away to foreign lands and fed to a dragon. As they taught, they realized that one very great barrier to be torn down was the fear of retaliation or punishment by the spirits whom these people had appeased for solong. For their animist religion is one of fear. All their lives they live in constant fear of of fending some spirit, and as a result suffering some misfortune.

Ron Morse teoching the Lisu alphabet In evening cicus, using

chart and flash cards. Note the candle set on the chart, the

only light available by which to study.

There are many Lisu villages In the mountains around Chiengmai. Early estimates hod placed the Lisu population at around 50,000, but after talking to many people they be
lieve now that it must be closer to 70,000. There are some 50 villages accessible from

Chiengmoi. Villages may hove onywhere from 10 houses to 70 or 100. Each family has an average of 4 to 5 children. And all these children are illiterate, just woiting to be taught. As Tom wrote, "When we start teaching them the Lisu alphobet, they just 'gobble it up'. In one day, those who really plug oway at it can memorize all the 42 letters and know their sounds when you point to them. By the second day, they are beginning to put two and two together, and ore thrilled that they can 'read' from the primer. Of course, it would probably take at least a month of study before they could really begin reading without having to stop and sound out each word." Ron, too, told of teaching the children to read, using charts with the alphabet printed on It, and also flash cards. To reach them with the Gospel message they also use picture chorts, and songs.
The largest village they visited wos Sa-muh. Of their stay there Eugene wrote: "We arrived here in Sa-muh on Saturday, June 30, and on Sunday we baptized 3 persons. They were the wife and two daughters of one of the men Robert baptized last fall. He has been
faithful, and has witnessed to others In the village. There has been very great interest,

and we have been teaching every day and every night." From Sa-muh, the boys divided
Into two teams and went to two other villages, while Eugene and Sindang remained in Somuh and tought. Ron, Bob, and Tinoo went to No-ho-ko, a village of about 46 families.

They had o good response, with obout 40 people ottending a Wednesday night meeting,

and about 50 people coming on Thursday, from breakfast time on, to study songs and the
Lisu alphabet. Several expressed interest In becoming Christians. Joni and Tom went to Mee-muh village where there are 25 families, and they, too, were well received, and
had a good crowd coming to listen.

hours one day, through drenching rains, to reach the motor road, then the next day walk

The group returned to Chiengmai after 17 days of touring the villages, traveling 12

ing another 2 hrs. before arriving at the point where they could get o "taxi" back to Chiengmai. Thus, they traveled In 2 days the distance that took 5 days as they went up
into the mountains. On July 20, after resting a bit, taking care of visoappllcations, etc., they set out on a survey trip in a different direction, about 85 miles from Chiengmai. This

time, though, they were able to travel by jeep - about three hours drive. This was the

area to which ^sse Yangml had gone a few days earlier, and he had sent word that more


trips to the villages hove proven to be very effective.

unit. These units, lightwelglit and easily carried in pocks on

Lisu women listening to Gospel message on casette playbock

the questions being asked in every village where they went to teoch - and anotheranswered

teachers were needed there. They divided into three parties, so as to be able to visit more villages. Tom and Ron and a Lisu companion, together with Jesse, made some Gospel re cordings on casettes. One person assumed the role of the inquirer and asked questions the questions according to the Bicle. They also recorded hymns in keeping with the topics being discussed. While on this trip, five people were baptized. This is the reward which makes the hard traveling and difficult living conditions seem unimportant - the joy of see ing souls set free from the bondage of sin and fear, as they come to know and accept Jesus

Christ as their Saviour.

At the end of July, Robert wrote summarizing the accomplishments and blessings up to
thot time: "The Lora has blessed our efforts so far much more than we had dared anticipate,

not only with an open door, receptivity, and even response, but many have taken the posi tive step to declare themselves for Christ, and be united with Him In Christian baptism. There are at least 18 "preaching points" open to our ministry now, 18 places which Intime
could see 18 churches of Christ established, and in most of them now there are at least one

or more believers,providing a nucleus from which the church can grow. For the summer we have had 7 workers from the states: Eugene and Robert, Joni, Tom, Ron, and Bob Morse, and Jesse Yangmi, besides four young national Christians - 11 workers, golngout in teams of two or three to cover the field. We have found that there aremore, many more Lisu villages in northern Thailand tlian we'd estimated last yeor. Just around theSamuh orea alone there are more than 391 And there are still many other areas we've not yet visited or surveyed."
New plans made

The first week in A u g u s t was busy, as Ron and LevI visited two more villages, Tom
and one of the new Christian men visited two other villages and baptized one new Christ-

Ian, and Joni and Bob re-vlsited Sa-muh and a nearby village. Eugene and Jtsse went by rains so heavy, that they were unable to reach the top of the mountain, since the winch on the jeep gave way. They were stranded on the road overnight, without food, and the

jeep to visit a new village, high up in the mountains, but the road was so steep, and the

next morning decided to go back down the mountain and go to a different village - on better roads I - and spend the week-end there instead. All four "teams" reported much in terest, and felt greatly encouraged at the prospects.

teaching to the newly baptized "babes inChrist", they were finding it difficult to consider leaving the work, and returning to school. After much prayer and heartsearching, Joni, Tom, and Ron decided to stay until the end of the year, and plan to return for the begin ning of the January semester. Bob also wanted to remain on the field, but it was finally
decided that he should return to the U.S. and have at least one year of study at Ozark Bible College. Jesse had no choice but to return, since his visa was not renewed by the Thai government, so he is now in his fourth year of study at O.B.C.

When Jesse Yangmi, and the four 3rd-generation Morse men left for Thailand in June, it was with the intention of returning in time for the fall semester of Bible College. Jesse, Joni, and Ron were all students at Ozark Bible College, and Tom had been a student at Lincoln Christian College. Now, however, faced with the needs in all the villages they had visited, and the many, many others they knew of, as well as the need to give further

Tom wrote concerning the decision to remain on the field, "Just this morning (Aug.10) we all got together and talked things over, and have decided that none of us are coming
back. There are several reasons. We are under consideration for permanent residence

visae, and we do not want to lose our opportunity by leaving before it is granted. As
much as I would like to have come back, the situation here is very important, as it means

we will not have to apply for visaeand have a lot ofhindrances in later years, but be able
to come and go more freely.

"Also, the work herehas opened upso much it would be a shame to leave it right now. Considering how fearful the people have been of the missionaries in the past - and many
still are - we consider 24 new Christians in the 2-1/2 months we've been here as a real

blessing. Besides, there ore so many Lisu who, with |ust a little more teaching, would turn
to Christ. We have become familiar with their diaIect now, also. So in view of all

these things, we boys are planning to stay on a little longer, and not come back for this
fall semester of school, but wait until we get an answer to our applications for residence

Morse men devoted more time to nearby villages, and when in Chiengmai, tried to get in
as much time as possible on Thai language study.

September was a month in which there were heavy rains, and flooding of streams, mak ing travel difficult. So during this time when it was not possible to visit many villages, the


"base camp"

While the different "teams" were makingsurvey and teaching trips to the villages, an
other phase of the work was being carried on at the "base camp" in Chiengmai. Robert has

had the monumental task of preparing the typed copies of the New Testament in Rawangfor sending to the printers. But it has not been easy for him to do this work, because of the many other demands on his time. Since he was in the base camp anyway, he became the

difficult enough, but when the daily allowance has to be stretched to include an undeter

one in charge of "housekeeping". Seeing to it that there is food for a household of ten is

mined number of guests each day, tne number varying from two to twelve or even more, it places a strain not only on the meal planner, but on the budget as well! These Lisu visi tors from the mountains, coming to town for shopping, for medical care, or just for fun, all

had to be provided not only fo(^, but a place to sleepalso, according to Lisu standards of

hospitality. Many of those needing medical care required help in gaining admittance to

sicknesses, there was the opportunity to tell them of the Help for their spiritual sicknesses also. These needs and opportunities could not be ignored or neglected, no matter how pressing and urgent the need for getting the Rawang New Testament manuscripts typed. So Robert's work - his main reason for staying in Chiengmai rather than going along on the trips to the villages as he wanted to do - was being slowed almost to a halt.

the hospital for treatment. And along with assistance in getting care for their physical

postpone his second-year studies at Indiana University, where he had been stu(^ing lin

It was in order to help with this work that Robert's second son, Stephen, decided to

guistics, ond go to the field. Stephen arrived in Bangkok on Sept. 19, and in Chiengmai a day or so later. Very soon after his arrival, he and his father moved temporarily to a
cabin up in the mountains near Chiengmai, where they could work without interruption.

They are hoping now to be finished with this workbefore the end of the year.

What of the harvest?

What about these new Christians, these "babes in Christ", as they begin a completely

new way of life, and learn totally new concepts? Are they growing, and developing?
Among the conversions, probably the most dramatic are those who are freed from opium addiction. There hove been four of these, one of them a young woman of about 25 who had been addicted to opium from the age of about 10 yr. (they don't know their ages). One of these men has been going on teaching trips to the villages, first with the mission aries, later on his own, with another new Christian as his companion. Another dramatic

case is that of a man who served an 8-yr. prison sentence for having killed a man during
an argument over money. Now he is an earnest Christian, anxious to witness to others of what the Lord has done for him. He, too, has gone on some of the evangelistic trips to the villages. One young woman who was baptized returned to her village and witnessed so effectively that two other young women came to Chiengmai specially to be taught, and were baptized. The Christians wlro were baptized last fall by Robert are also remaining faithful, and are becoming effective witnesses. One of them has also been helping with the teaching in the villages. It is thrilling to see these new Christians taking seriously their responsibility for help ing to win others. This is the way the Gospel was spread among the Lisu in China, and also in Burma - by individuals who knew from experience of the saving power of Christ, and wanted to share it with their friends and relatives. Pray that they will continue to have the desire to serve Christ, and that they will be given the strength and wisdom they need, as they witness to others. Pray, too, that they will be upheld in times of trial and

Missionaries on furlough

Since their return to the U.S. in July, 1972, Mr. &Mrs. J. Russell Morse have been making Tulsa, Oklahomatheir home. They are living with Mr. Morse's sister, Mrs. Louise
Whitham, now 94 years of age. In August, they had to move to a new home, as their former house was in the path of the new highway which is being constructed.

During the past year, both J. Russell and Gertrude have accepted speaking dates, most
ly in the Oklahoma-Missouri area, but they have spoken in such widely separated places as Arizona and Florida, also. Many friends have inquired as to their health, and we are happy to report that as of the present time, their health is good. God has greatly blessed
them in this regard. Mrs. Morse has had to restrict her activities at times because of an occasional rise in blood pressure, but has had no serious difficulties in this regard.

his knowledge and experience in horticultural work can be put to use in helping the Lisu
people develop an alternate cash crop, so they will no longer need to plant opium as a source of income. If plans develop as expected, he is hoping to be able to leave in Dec ember or early January.

Mr. Morse at present is making plans to join the other Morse men in Thailand, where

Mrs. Eugene Morse, son David, and daughters Margaret, Marilyn, and Jeanette have been making their home in Terre Haute, Indiana. Thethree girls have been attending public schools, and David has been taking correspondence courses in radio and electronics, and working part time, as well as helping with mission business. He is planning to attend Lincoln Christian College in Januory, 1974.
She and the three girls are hoping to go to Tnai land in the Spring of 1974, if possible, although no date has been set as yet.

Mrs. Morse (Helen) has been accepting speaking engagements, mostly in the midwest.




Most recent news from the field reports a total of 40 baptisms since June. Plans are under way for holding a Christmas convention for as many of these new Christians as can attend. There have been requests for a school, where classes will be taught concerning the Christian life, and Scriptures will be explained. Such a school, to last forone week, is being planned for the first of the year.
If you want to write -

The address for all those on the field, in Chiengmai is: 40/8 Tungwe Salee,
Chiengmai, Thailand

Other members of the fomily may be reached at the following addresses: Mr. & Mrs. J. Russell Morse Mrs. Eugene R. Morse
4129 East 22nd Place 1910 N. 13th Street

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114

Terre Haute, Indiana 47804

All funds should be sent to the Mission Forwarding Agent: Mrs. O.L. Myers
2024 N. 14th Street

Terre Haute, Indiana 47804


Of NEWS from the MORSES





"Where China, Tibet, Burma and India Meet"^


JANUABT ear Christian Friends:


Greetings in the name of our dear Saviour, It is again the beginning of a new year nd time to "take stock", to look back over the blessings and accomplishments of the

'lorse and Eugene Morse families returned at the end of July, Robert Morse and eldest son, Jonathan, remained in Thailand until early in December, but they, too, are now b;

a.st year, and to look forward to what the new year may hold in store. All the Morse families are now out of Bvirma, and back in the U,S.A.

The J. Russell

Ir, Morse's sister, Mrs. Louise Vhitham, age 94 years, lives in Tulsa, and naturally whoy vant to spend as much time as possible with her. They have been speaking in the -iilahoma-Missour area churches, and also attended the National Missionary Convention j ihoenix, Ariz. Mr, Morse attended the gathering in Norfol, Va,, also. They are in
roasonably good health, for which we are all thankful,

J, Russell and Gertrude Morse have been making their "home base" in Tulsa, Oklahomt

agene has been travelling and speaking in churches in the mid-west area, and attended
b'lth sessions of the National Missionary Convention.

Eugene and Helen Morse and family have been making their home in Terre Haute, Indir
Their eldest son, David, is tak

ing studies in radio and electronics, in preparation for working in missionary radio..
schools in Terre Haute,

Their second son, Tom, is attending Lincoln Christian College; and their third son, Ronald, is a student at Ozark Bible College, The three girls are attending public
Helen has done some travelling with Eugene, and some speaking

in nearby churches, but also is kept busy with all that's involved in caring for a
family, as well as helping with mission correspondence, etc,

Robert Morse's family is somewhat scattered at present. His eldest son, Jonathan, is attending Ozark Bible College, His second son, Stephen, is a student at Indiana University, in Bloomingtoni Indiana, The third son, Robert, Jr., is a senior in high

school, and since September has been staying with Eugene and Helen and family. Robert :l1so, is temporarily making this his base of operations. His three daughters are with their mother, Betty, in Bloomington, Indiana, Ve regret to inform friends that Betty
is no longer a member of the mission.

News from the field is somewhat limited, but letters have been received from some o

the Christians in Burma.

They say that the churches are continuing, schools have con

tinued to be held, and conventions have been well-attended.

They report a number of

deaths due to illness during the summer and fall, and asked for prayers. News from Thailand has also been rather limited. Before Robert left, at the end of

November, three new believers had been baptized, and there were about 10-12 others whose hearts were open to the gospel, who were being taught, and who were almost read; for baptism. The three young men who had been helping Robert have been continuing to
witness to all those vith whom they have an opportunity to speak, but they have been
to be provided.

having some difficulties due to lack of funds for actual living expenses. They ask f prayers for the new believers^ and also that the Lord will open ways for their needs
Future plans include the preparation of the manuscript of the Rawang New Testameitl

manuscript must all be typed, which is a long task, Rob^J&,,j,|^,Eugene are hoping to
Please pray for;

Plans are under way for it to be printed by the Bible Society, but th<

.able to return to Thailand ; the Lord willing. We ask'your prayers th the Lord will open the way for them to go as soon as it is His will for them to do so.
1. The Christians in Burma, that they will remain faithful,

2, The new believers in Thailand, that they will remain firm in their new-found faith.

3- The three young men who were helping Robert, that their needs will be provided for, and that they will not get discouraged, but continue faithful in witnessing.
4, That the way will be opened for Robert and Eugene to return to Thailand soon.
May God bless, keep, guide and use you, each one,


J. Russell Morse was born February 4, 1898, in Alexandria, South Dakota. In 1904 his parents moved to the then-newly-opened Oklahoma Ter ritory. He was the youngest of 5 children, the son promised to the Lord's service, even before
he was born.

months he was allowed to continue working, 235 new Chinese converts were baptized. But early in 1951 he was arrested, kept In solitary Im prisonment for another 15 months and subjected
to many forms of torture. Released In June,

Gertrude Erma Howe hAoc^e was born De

cember 19. 1896, in Ottawa, Kansas. Her father was a traveling evangelist, and in 1901 he mov

ed the family to the Oklahoma Territory. Since both came of pioneer stock. It was not surprising that only a few months after their
marriage on May 27, 1920, J. Russell and Ger

trude volunteered to pioneer for the Lord on a

remote and difficult mission field.

1952, he was deported to Hong Kong, where through the marvelous working of God, Gertrude and their third son, LaVerne, were seeking in formation concerning him. Following the joyful reunion they took a short furlough In the U.S., but In mld-1953 they rejoined the rest of the family in northern Burma, where they continued to work among the Lisu tribe, and also saw the growth of a new work among the Rawang tribe, evangelizing, establishing churches, and training
leadership. In December, 1965, all missionaries were ordered out of Burma, but due to circumstances

In August, 1921 they left for the borders of eastern Tibet, serving under the United Christian

Missionary Society (Disciples of Christ). After the agreed term of five years, finding they could no longer freely preach the Gospel plan of sal vation as set forth in the New Testament, they
resigned from the "organized" work, and in the

fall of 1926 launched out, by faith, to establish a new "Independent" work. Their original plan
was to continue working among the Tibetans, whose language they had learned, but the Lord

beyond their control was Impossible for the Morses to leave by usual exit routes by the ap pointed time, and they together with sons Eugene and Robert and families, and adopted daughter Drema Esther and family, tried to reach the In dian border on foot. Through unusual circum stances, the Lord made it possible for them to
remain among the Lisu people in an isolated jungle area with an undemarcated border, far from all established government administration, where the only government- was God. There,
for six years the families were able to continue

led them to live and workamong primitive tribespeople living in the high mountains along the
China-Burma border. Between 1926 and 1946

the Morses and their family-three sons and one daughter - served first In the Mekong Valley,

then In the Salween Valley In China. Among the Lisu people, scores of Indigenous congrega tions were established, each with Its own pastor,
deacon, and elders. In 1946 the Christians num

teaching, leadership training, education, and pre paration study materials, while completely cut off from all support from the homeland. In June,
1972, when J. Russell and Gertrude were 74 and

bered about 6,000. During those 20 years they suffered the loss of all their belongings In a flood; endured the privations of being cut off from civ ilization due to the Japanese war; and their
two sons, Eugene and Robert, worked with the

75 years old, the Lord opened the way for them and all the rest of the family to leave Burma.
At that time, there were around 30,000 Lisu and
Rawang Christians.

All during these more than 50 years, J. Rus

U.S. Army In establishing ground search and rescue units to help airmen downed while flying
"the Hump" - for their mission area was located in the heart of the "Hump", in the eastern Hima layas. At the close of the war, in late 1946,

sell has been able to help the people In two major areas of their physical well-being. He help ed them horticulturally with the planting of many
of the best American varieties of fruit trees. And

he helped them through medical work. People came from far and wide, often traveling several
days' journey to come to the white teacher who treated with prayer and loving concern as well
as with drugs.

they returned to the U.S., after a term of 9'y4


In late 1948 they returned to China with four

new recruits, Including the brides of Eugene and Robert, arriving only a few months before the Communist takeover. Less than a year later, in 1949, J. Russell, the last to leave Kunming, was caught in the takeover of that city. During the 15

August, 1973 marked the 52nd anniversary of the first departure of J. Russell and Gertrude Morse to the mission field. They have been true "Christian soldiers", and are deserving of the recognition of fellow Christians throughout the

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