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PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS DISEASE STATE GUIDELINES Anticholinergic: Glaucoma Glaucoma: (American Optometric Association). http://www.aoa.org/Glaucoma.xml Acid/Base Disorders: Respiratory Acidosis Respiratory Alkalosis Metabolic Acidosis Guideline 16. Metabolic Acidosis: 2005, (KDOQI). http://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/guidelines_pedbone/guide16.htm Metabolic Alkalosis Inflammation/Immunology: Osteoarthritis Recommendations for the Medical Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee: 2000, (American College of Rheumatology). http://www.rheumatology.org/practice/clinical/guidelines/oa-mgmt.asp The European League Against Rheumatism http://www.eular.org/ Rheumatoid Arthritis Guidelines for the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2002, (American College of Rheumatology). http://www.rheumatology.org/practice/clinical/guidelines/raguidelines02.pdf#search=% 22rheumatoid%20arthritis%22 Lupus Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: An Update: 1998, (American Academy of Family Physicians). http://www.aafp.org/afp/1998/0601/p2753.html American College of Rheumatology http://www.rheumatology.org/practice/clinical/patients/diseases_and_conditions/lupus.a sp Gout Gout: An Update: 2007, (American Academy of Family Physicians). http://www.aafp.org/afp/2007/0915/p801.pdf Gout and Uric Acid Education Society

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

http://gouteducation.org/medical-professionals/gout-treatment-options/ Renal Disorders: Acute Kidney Injury Guideline for the management of acute renal failure. 2001, (Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative). http://ndt.oxfordjournals.org/content/16/8/1535.full.pdf+html The first international consensus conference on continuous renal replacement therapy. 2002, (International Society of Nephrology). http://www.nature.com/ki/journal/v62/n5/pdf/4493298a.pdf Acute Kidney Injury Network: report of an initiative to improve outcomes in acute kidney injury. 2007, (Acute Kidney Injury Network). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2206446/pdf/cc5713.pdf An Official ATS/ERS/ESICM/SCCM/SRLF Statement: Prevention and Management of Acute Renal Failure in the ICU Patient: an international consensus conference in intensive care medicine. 2010, (Committee on Acute Renal Failure). http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/content/181/10/1128.full.pdf+html

Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic kidney disease - identification, evaluation and management of patients. 2008, (Medical Service Commission). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=15114 KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease. 2007, (National Kidney Foundation). http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/02726386/PIIS02726386060 18439.pdf KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease. 2006, (National Kidney Foundation). http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/02726386/PIIS02726386060 04549.pdf VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for management of chronic kidney disease in primary care. 2007, (Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=24192

Dyslipidemia: Role of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult treatment panel III guidelines in managing dyslipidemia. 2003, (National Heart Lung and Blood institute). http://www.ajhp.org/content/60/suppl_2/S3.long VA/DoD clinical practice guideline for the management of dyslipidemia. 2006, (Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=9907 Disorders of lipid metabolism - Evidence-based nutrition practice guideline. 2011, (American Dietetic Association). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=32479

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Thromboembolic disorders: DVT/Pulmonary Embolism Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in hospitalized patients: a clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians. 2011, (American College of Physicians). www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=34969 Prevention of venous thromboembolism. American College of Chest Physicians evidence- based clinical practice guidelines (8th edition). 2008, (American College of Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/381S.full.pdf+html Antiplatelet drugs: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). 2008, (American College of Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/199S.full.pdf+html Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk. Reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) in patients admitted to hospital. 2010, (National Collaborating Centre for Acute and Chronic Conditions). www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/CG92FullGuideline.pdf Antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence- Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). 2008, (American College of Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/110S.full.pdf+html Parenteral anticoagulants. American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (8th edition). 2008, (American College of Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/141S.full.pdf+html Management of venous thromboembolism: a clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. 2007, (American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians). www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=10581 Prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. 2007, (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). www.guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=11429 Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism. 2008, (European Society of Cardiology). www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=13410

Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia Treatment and prevention of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (8th edition). 2008, (American College of Chest Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/340S.full.pdf+html

Cardiovascular Disease: Myocardial Infarction

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation. 2008, (European Society of Cardiology). http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/29/23/2909.full.pdf+html ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. 2007, (American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association). www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=12192

Arrhythmias American College of Chest Physicians guidelines for the prevention and management of postoperative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery. 2005, (American College of Chest Physicians). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=8097 Antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation. American College of Chest Physicians evidence- based clinical practice guidelines (8th edition). 2008, (American College of Chest Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/546S.full.pdf+html Hypertension 2007 guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. 2007, (European Society of Hypertension). http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/12/1462.full.pdf+html The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - Complete Report. 2003, (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute). http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/hypertension/jnc7full.pdf Guidelines for management of hypertension: report of the fourth working party of the British Hypertension Society, 2004BHS IV. 2004, (British Hypertension Society). www.bhsoc.org/pdfs/BHS_IV_Guidelines.pdf

CHF ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008. 2008, (European Society of Cardiology). http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/29/19/2388.full.pdf+html Managing patients with hypertension and heart failure: HFSA 2010 comprehensive heart failure practice guideline. 2010, (Heart Failure Society of America). http://www.heartfailureguideline.org/_assets/document/2010_heart_failure_guideline_exe c_summary.pdf Prevention of ventricular remodeling, cardiac dysfunction, and heart failure: HFSA 2010 comprehensive heart failure practice guideline. 2010, (Heart Failure Society of America). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=23899 2009 focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2005 guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure in adults. A report of the American College of Cardiology

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. 2009, (American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735109708038023

Acute Coronary Syndrome Unstable angina and NSTEMI: the early management of unstable angina and non-ST- segment-elevation myocardial infarction. 2010, (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). http://www.guideline.gov/content.aspx?id=16393 Diagnosis and treatment of chest pain and acute coronary syndrome (ACS). 2010, (Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement). www.ngc.gov/content.aspx?id=24215 Antithrombotic therapy for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (8th edition). 2008, (American College of Chest Physicians). http://chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/133/6_suppl/670S.full.pdf+html Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. 2007, (European Society of Cardiology). http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/13/1598.full.pdf+html ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non ST- Elevation myocardial infarction. 2007, (American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association). http://content.onlinejacc.org/cgi/reprint/50/7/e1.pdf Chronic Stable Angina Management of Stable Angina. 2011, (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/13549/55660/55660.pdf 2007 chronic angina focused update of the ACC/AHA 2002 guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina. 2007, (American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735109707024825 Guidelines on the management of stable angina pectoris. 2006, (European Society of Cardiology). http://www.escardio.org/guidelines-surveys/esc- guidelines/GuidelinesDocuments/guidelines-angina-FT.pdf

Cirrhosis: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: 2009, (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases) http://www.aasld.org/practiceguidelines/Documents/Bookmarked%20Practice%20Guide lines/PrimaryBillaryCirrhosis7-2009.pdf. Portal Hypertension

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Management and Treatment of Patients With Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension: 2009, (American Journal of Gastroenterology). http://www.hepatitis.va.gov/pdf/2009cirrhosis-guidelines.pdf Variceal Bleeding Prevention and Management of Gastroesophageal Varices and Variceal Hemorrhage in Cirrhosis, 2007: (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the American College of Gastroenterology). http://www.aasld.org/practiceguidelines/Documents/Bookmarked%20Practice%20Guide lines/Prevention%20and%20Management%20of%20Gastro%20Varices%20and%20Hem orrhage.pdf Ascites Management of Adult Patients with Ascites Due to Cirrhosis: An Update: 2009, (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases). http://www.aasld.org/practiceguidelines/Documents/Bookmarked%20Practice%20Guide lines/ascites%20Update6-2009.pdf Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatic Encephalopathy: 2001, (American College of Gastroenterology). http://webdev.med.upenn.edu/contribute/gastro/documents/ACGguidelinesforHE.pdf Coagulopathies Hepatorenal Syndrome

Anemia: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Evaluating Anemia: (International Society of Nephrology) http://www.nature.com/ki/journal/v74/n110s/full/ki2008268a.html KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease: 2006, (National Kidney Foundation). http://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/guidelines_anemia/index.htm. Respiratory Diseases: Allergic Rhinitis Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma: 2010 Revision, (ARIA). http://www.whiar.org/docs/ARIAReport_2010.pdf Asthma NHLBI Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma: 2007, (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/asthma/asthgdln.pdf COPD

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Global Strategy for Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of COPD: 2011, (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease). http://www.goldcopd.org/uploads/users/files/GOLD_Report_2011Dec30.pdf Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: 2011, (Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement). http://www.icsi.org/chronic_obstructive_pulmonary_disease/chronic_obstructive_pulmona ry_disease_2286.html Bacterial Infections: Surgical Prophylaxis Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery http://www.surgicalcriticalcare.net/Guidelines/antibiotic_prophylaxis.pdf Skin & Soft Tissue Infections Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis & Management of Skin & Soft Tissue Infections: 2005, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Skin%20and%20Soft%20Tissue.pdf Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Foot Infections: 2004, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Diabetic%20Foot%20Infection.pdf Bone & Joint Infections Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis: 2002, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Strep.pdf Meningitis Practice Guidelines for the Management of Bacterial Meningitis: 2004, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Bacterial%20Meningitis(1).pdf Tuberculosis Treatment of Tuberculosis: 2003, (American Thoracic Society, CDC, IDSA). http://www.cdc.gov/MMWR/PDF/rr/rr5211.pdf Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents: 2009, (CDC, National Institutes of Health, HIV Medicine Association of IDSA). http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/rr/rr58e324.pdf Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines: 2010, (CDC).

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012


Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Hospital-acquired, Ventilator-associated, and Healthcare-associated Pneumonia: 2004, (American Thoracic Society & IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/HAP.pdf Community-Acquired Pneumonia Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults: 2007, (American Thoracic Society & IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/CAP%20in%20Adults.pdf GI & Intra-Abdominal Infections Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difcile Infection in Adults: 2010 Update, (Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America & IDSA) http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/cdiff2010a.pdf Practice Guidelines for the Management of Infectious Diarrhea: 2001, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Diarrhea.pdf Diagnosis and Management of Complicated Intra-abdominal Infection in Adults and Children: 2010, (Surgical Infection Society, IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Intra-abdominal%20Infectin.pdf Urinary Tract Infections Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Adults: 2009, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Comp%20UTI.pdf Guidelines for Antimicrobial Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis and Pyelonephritis in Women: 2010, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Uncomp%20UTI.pdf Endocarditis Infective Endocarditis: Diagnosis, Antimicrobial Therapy, and Management of Complications: 2005, (AHA) Endorsed by IDSA http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/111/23/e394.full.pdf Prevention of Infective Endocarditis: 2007, (AHA) Endorsed by the IDSA http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Endocarditis%20Prevention.pdf

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Sepsis Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008, (Society of Critical Care Medicine). http://www.survivingsepsis.org/About_the_Campaign/Documents/Final%2008%20SSC% 20Guidelines.pdf Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Guidelines Chronic Medications for Maintenance of Lung Health: 2007, (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation). http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/content/176/10/957.full.pdf

Fungal Infections: Aspergillosis Treatment of Aspergillosis Clinical Practice Guidelines: 2008, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Aspergillosis.pdf Candidiasis Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Candidiasis: 2009 Update, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Candidiasis.pdf Coccidioidomycosis Coccidioidomycosis: 2005, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Coccidioidomycosis.pdf Cryptococcosis Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Cryptococcal Disease: 2010 Update, (IDSA). http://www.idsociety.org/uploadedFiles/IDSA/Guidelines- Patient_Care/PDF_Library/Cryptococcal.pdf Zygomycosis Parasitic Diseases: Amebiasis Cestodiasis Giardiasis Helminthic diseases (Hookworm, Roundworm, & Pinworm) Malaria Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria: 2006, (WHO).

The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2010/9789241547925_eng.pdf Strongyloides

Viral Diseases: AIDS & Other Opportunistic Diseases Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents: 2011, (NIH). http://aidsinfo.nih.gov/contentfiles/AdultandAdolescentGL.pdf Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of Persons Infected with Human Immunodeciency Virus: 2009 Update, (HIV Medicine Association of the IDSA). http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/49/5/651.full.pdf Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents: 2009, (CDC). http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/rr/rr58e324.pdf Hepatitis B Chronic Hepatitis B: 2009 Update (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases) Endorsed by the IDSA. http://www.aasld.org/practiceguidelines/Documents/Bookmarked%20Practice%20Guide lines/Chronic_Hep_B_Update_2009%208_24_2009.pdf Hepatitis C Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C: 2011 Update (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases) Endorsed by the IDSA. http://www.aasld.org/practiceguidelines/Documents/2011UpdateGenotype1HCVbyAASL D24641.pdf Oncology: Comprehensive List of Cancer Guidelines by National Comprehensive Cancer Network http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/f_guidelines.asp#site Breast Cancer Early and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: 2009, (National Collaborating Centre for Cancer). http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/12132/43413/43413.pdf Colorectal Cancer The Diagnosis and Management of Colorectal Cancer: 2011, (National Collaborating Centre for Cancer). http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/13597/56957/56957.pdf Hodgkins Lymphoma Lung Cancer


The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Cancer: 2011, (National Collaborating Center for Cancer). http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/13465/54199/54199.pdf

Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: 2008, (National Collaborating Center for Cancer). http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/11924/39687/39687.pdf Neurologic Disorders: Alzheimers Disease Guideline for Alzheimers Disease State Management: 2008, (California Workgroup on Guidelines for Alzheimers Disease State Management). http://www.caalz.org/PDF_files/Guideline-FullReport-CA.pdf Parkinsons Disease Parkinsons Disease National Clinical Guideline for Diagnosis and Management in Primary and Secondary Care: 2006, (National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions). Seizure Disorders The Epilepsies: the Diagnosis and Management of the Epilepsies in Adults and Children in Primary and Secondary Care: 2012, (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/13635/57784/57784.pdf Psychiatric Disorders: Anxiety Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Anxiety, 2004: (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK45834/pdf/TOC.pdf Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents, 2011: (American Academy of Pediatrics). http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2011/10/14/peds.2011-2654.full.pdf Bipolar Disorder Guideline Watch: Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Bipolar Disorder, 2nd edition, 2005: (American Psychiatric Association). http://psychiatryonline.org/data/Books/prac/Bipolar.watch.pdf Texas Medication Algorithm Project: Bipolar Disorders, 2007. http://www.pbhcare.org/pubdocs/upload/documents/TIMABDman2007.pdf Insomnia Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults, 2008: (Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2576317/pdf/jcsm.4.5.487.pdf


The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

Major Depressive Disorder Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, 3rd edition, 2010: (American Psychiatric Association). http://www.psych.org/guidelines/mdd2010 Texas Medication Algorithm Project: Major Depressive Disorder, 2008. http://www.pbhcare.org/pubdocs/upload/documents/TMAP%20Depression%202010.pdf Schizophrenia Guideline Watch: Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia, 2009: (American Psychiatric Association). http://psychiatryonline.org/data/Books/prac/Schizophrenia_Guideline%20Watch.pdf Texas Medication Algorithm Project: Schizophrenia, 2008. https://webspace.utexas.edu/jnbarnes/PT_Lab/Lab_4_Schiz/5.%20TMAP%20Schizophren ia%20Clinician%20Manual.pdf

Diabetes Mellitus: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes: 2011, (American Diabetes Association). http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/34/Supplement_1/S11.full.pdf AACE/ACE Diabetes Algorithm for Glycemic Control: 2009, (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists). https://www.aace.com/sites/default/files/GlycemicControlAlgorithmPPT.pdf Hormones: Growth Hormone Evaluation and Treatment of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline: 2011 (The Endocrine Society). http://www.endo-society.org/guidelines/upload/Evaluation-treatment-of-Adult-Growth- Hormone-Deficiency-Clinical-Practice-Guideline-NonCME.pdf) Hyperthyroidism/Hypothyroidism AACE Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for the Evaluation and Treatment of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism: 2002 (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists). https://www.aace.com/sites/default/files/hypo_hyper.pdf Menopause AACE Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice for Diagnosis and Treatment of Menopause: 2011 (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists). https://www.aace.com/sites/default/files/menopause.pdf Osteoporosis Clinicians Guide to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis: 2010 (National Osteoporosis Foundation). http://www.nof.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/NOF_ClinicianGuide2009_v7.pdf


The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012

New Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis: 2009 (Southern Medical Journal). http://journals.lww.com/smajournalonline/Fulltext/2009/02000/New_Guidelines_for_the _Prevention_and_Treatment_of.21.aspx?WT.mc_id=HPxADx20100319xMP

Endometriosis Endometriosis: Diagnosis and Management: 2010 (The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=23864&search=endometriosis Hormonal Contraceptives Canadian Consensus Guideline on Continuous and Extended Hormonal Contraception: 2001 (Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=13348&search=hormonal+contraceptives Pregnancy-Related Disorders Hypertension in Pregnancy. The Management of Hypertensive Disorders during Pregnancy: 2010 (National Collaborating Centre for Womens and Childrens Health; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=24122&search=pregnancy VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of Pregnancy: 2002 (Department of Defense Federal Government Agency). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=15678&search=pregnancy Diabetes in Pregnancy. Management of Diabetes and its Complications from Pre-Conception to the Post-Natal Period: 2008 (National Collaborating Centre for Womens and Childrens Health). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=14324&search=pregnancy Systemic Diseases in Pregnancy: 2004 (Finnish Medical Society Duodecim). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=11046&search=pregnancy


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement on the Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: 2008 (American Gastroenterological Association Institute). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=13315&search=gerd Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) American College of Gastroenterology Guideline on the Management of Helicobacter Pylori Infection: 2007 (The American Journal of Gastroenterology). http://www.nature.com/ajg/journal/v102/n8/abs/ajg2007348a.html A Guideline for the Treatment and Prevention of NSAID Induced Ulcers: 1998 (The American College of Gastroenterology).


The University of Texas Rho Chi Honor Society Last Updated: February 2012


Diarrhea Constipation Practice Parameters for the Evaluation and Management of Constipation: 2007 (American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=12544&search=irritable+bowel+syndrome Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment: An Update for Healthcare Practitioners: 2010 (Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1440-1746.2009.06120.x/full Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Guidelines for Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Adults: 2001 (GUT, International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology). http://gut.bmj.com/content/53/suppl_5/v1.extract

Crohns Disease Management of Crohns Disease in Adults: 2009 (The American Journal of Gastroenterology). scholar.google.com/scholar?start=20&q=crohn%27s+disease+guideline&hl=en&as_ sdt=0,44 Ulcerative Colitis Ulcerative Colitis Practice Guidelines in Adults (Update): 2004 (The American Journal of Gastroenterology). http://www.nature.com/ajg/journal/v99/n7/abs/ajg2004266a.html


Local & General Anesthetics Practice Guidelines for Chronic Pain Management. An updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Chronic Pain Management and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine: 1997, revised 2010 (Anesthesiology). http://guidelines.gov/search/search.aspx?term=pain+management Migraine New Guideline for the Management of Migraine in Primary Care: 2000 (Neurology). http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,44&q=migraine+guideline Pain Management Pain Management Guideline: 2005 (Health Care Association of New Jersey). http://guidelines.gov/content.aspx?id=9744&search=local+anesthetics


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