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Name: Kyziah Lyn M. Balite 1. Discuss the comprehensive community diagnosis.


Comprehensive Community Diagnosis is more focused on obtaining general information about the community. It takes the community as a whole and gives emphasis on all of its aspects, its strengths and weaknesses. The prioritizing of the health problems will just come later on in the process. Here, youll have to research about the communitys demographical data, the socio-economic and cultural variables affecting health, the economic status of the community, the status of the communitys environment, the health and illness patterns, the health resources including health manpower and material resources, and the political and leadership patterns. Youll have to look at a whole bunch of factors and see how they figure into the health status of the people. Youll have to relate everything from how politics affect the peoples health to how their culture affects their health. It encompasses all the aspects of the communitys health and looks at it from all possible perspectives. Of course, this cannot be done in a short time, meaning that nurses who plan to make a comprehensive nursing diagnosis have to expect that they will have to dedicate much of their time on this. 2. What are the phases of community diagnosis? Explain each. a. Determine the Objectives whether a comprehensive or a problem oriented community diagnosis will be undertaken by the nurse and community, it is critical to determine the occurrence and distribution of selected environmental, socio-economic and behavioral conditions. b. Defining the Studying Population the nurse and the community diagnosis team identify the population group to be included in the study. c. Determining the Data to be Collected- after the objectives and the study population have been defined the nurse together with the community members need to figure out a skim to rationalize the relevant to be obtained. Data can be categorized as primary and secondary based on the source. d. Collecting the Data the nurse decides on the specific methods depending on the type of data to be generated. Methods to collect data through observation, records review, interview and focus group discussion. e. Developing the Instruments instruments or tools facilitate the nurse data gathering facilities. The nurse uses most instruments in her data collection, survey questionnaire, focus group discussion guide, key informant interview guide and observation checklist. f. Actual Data Gathering- the nurse supervises the data collectors by checking the filled up instruments in terms of completeness, accuracy and reliability of information collected. g. Data Collation- after data collection, the nurse and the team are now ready to put together all facts and figures to generate information about the health status of the community, 2 types of data are generated either NUMERICAL or DESCRIPTIVE DATA h. Data Presentation- will depend largely on the type of data obtained. Descriptive data are presented in narrative reports and numerical data maybe presented into table or graphs.


Data Analysis-most crucial stage in community diagnosis. It involves quantification, description and classification of data j. Identifying the Community Health Nursing Problems- defining the community health nursing problems will help the nurse and the team to decide with the people what actions will effectively address and improve communitys health. Community health nursing problems are categorized as health status problems, health resources problems and health related problems. k. Priority Setting- the nurse and the community is to prioritize which health problems can be attended to considering available resources, limitations and constraints. 3. Differentiate health problem with nursing problem. Give one example each. Health Problem. These refers to health deficits that are diagnosed or not, health threats or foreseeable crisis identified during the assessment process. Example: Malnutrition Nursing problem. Inability to recognize the presence of a problem due to ignorance about the facts of the condition. Example: Unable to recognize the presence of a malnutrition due to ignorance about the facts its condition. 4. Using the criteria in identifying problem and prioritizing compute 3rd degree malnutrition. CRITERIA WEIGHT 1. Nature of the condition or problems presented Scale ** wellness state Health deficit 3 1 Health threat Foreseeable crisis 2. Modifiability of the condition Scale **easily modifiable 2 2 Partially modifiable Not modifiable 3. Preventive potential Scale**High 3 1 Moderate Low 4. Salience Scale**a condition or problem, needing immediate attention a condition or problem not needing immediate attention 1 1

not perceived as a problem or condition needing change Solution: 1. 3/3 x 1 = 1 2. 2/2 x 2 = 2 3. 3/3 x 1 = 1 4. 1/2 x 1 = 0.5 Total: 1+2+1+0.5 = 4.5 3rd degree malnutrition has highest priority 5. Discuss the phases of community organizing. a. Pre-entry Phase. Is the initial phase of the organizing process where the community/organizer looks for communities to serve/help. It is considered the simplest phase in terms of actual outputs, activities and strategies and time spent for it. b. Entry Phase. Sometimes called the social preparation phase as to the activities done here includes the sensitization of the people on the critical events in their life, innovating them to share their dreams and ideas on how to manage their concerns and eventually mobilizing them to take collective action on these. This phase signals the actual entry of the community worker/organizer into the community. She must be guided by the following guidelines however. Recognizes the role of local authorities by paying them visits to inform them of their presence and activities. The appearance, speech, behavior and lifestyle should be in keeping with those of the community residents without disregard of their being role models. Avoid raising the consciousness of the community residents; adopt a low-key profile. c. Organization Building Phase. Entails the formation of more formal structures and the inclusion of more formal procedures of planning, implementation, and evaluating community-wide activities. It is at this phase where the organized leaders or groups are being given trainings (formal, informal, OJT) to develop their skills and in managing their own concerns/programs. d. Sustenance and Strengthening Phase .Occurs, when the community organization has already been established and the community members are already actively participating in community-wide undertakings. At this point, the different communities setup in the organization building phase are already expected to be functioning by way of planning, implementing and evaluating their own programs with the overall guidance from the community-wide organization. 6. What are the importance of community participation? Develop the capability to assume greater responsibility for assessing their health needs and problems. Plan and act to implement their solutions Create and maintain organization in support of these efforts and

Evaluate the effects and bring about necessary adjustments in goals and collective action

7. Explain the basic health services offered by the government in the community. I. Maternal Health Program The Philippines is tasked to reduce the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) by three quarters by 2015 to achieve its millennium development goal. This means a MMR of 112/100,000 live births in 2010 and 80/100,000 live births by 2015. However, the Philippines find it hard to reduce maternal mortality. Similarly, perinatal mortality reduction has been minimal. ANTENATAL REGISTRATION * Every women has to visit the nearest health facility for antenatal registration and to avail prenatal care services. This is the only way to guide her in pregnancy care to make her prepared for childbirth. B. TETANUS TOXOID IMMUNIZATION * Both mother and child are protected against neonatal tetanus. C. MACRONUTRIENT and MICRONUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION * Interventions for maternal health include supplementation for folic acid, iron, Vitamin A and balanced energy and protein intake to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. D. TREATMENT OF DISEASES and OTHER CONDITIONS * Iodine deficiency is one of the preventable cause of mental retardation and brain damage. It is also associated with cretinism, low mean birth weight and increased infant mortality. All of 4 provinces of Northern Mindanao are high-risk IDD areas. The nurse can assess the womens thyroid gland by palpation, based on the report that 30% of pregnant women have goiter. E. EARLY DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF COMPLICATIONS OF PREGNANCY * The nurse needs to have the skill in detecting the danger signs of pregnancy. Patients manifesting these signs need to referred to the nearest facility or physician. Interestingly, the results of the study by ADB on 41 out of 79 provinces in the Philippines show that only 56.6% of women were advised to go to specific public facilities in case of pregnancy complication. The rest were not adequately informed where they can go if they encountered pregnancy complications.

F. FAMILY PLANNING COUNSELLING * Family planning and fertility awareness are part of what is discussed in the first prenatal visit and the subsequent visits. After delivery, the benefits of family planning, risks of a pregnancy too soon and most suitable family planning methods for a breastfeeding woman are discussed. The choices offered are IUD, condom, progesterone only pill, natural family planning, spermicides and permanent methods G. STD/HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND MAANGEMENT * The WHO standard aims for all women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period to be given appropriate information on the prevention and recognition of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and reproductive tract infections (RTIs).

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