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$msnss ffiwupnLr$

ffimm's ffimru
5e m PrURE
Mark 10:13-16; 75;

Blgtr BAcrcnoUND

sv HrNnrrrrA Mans The first promise of the coming Savior is found in Genesis 3:15. A1l the

Brslr ftArmonv Vrnsr

God has


us eternal life,

and thLr

prophets of the Old Testa,nent foretold His coming. The New Testament opens with the great fact: He rs come. The angel said to Joseph, .[Uary1 will giue birth to a son, and you are to giue him tbe name Jens, " Vhy? "Because be uill saue bis

life is in bis Son. i John 5:11

LrssoN Focus
It is God's plan for
us to believe in His Son and have eternal life.

Erslr Ar,rns
During tiris session, the student may
1. TELL that Jesus' death and

The salvation which God planned, promised and provided, was in a Person-not in a new set of laws. Salvation is a complete and finished work of God for a1l people. Nothing has been foigoften; nothing need be added. Jesus on the .lt is finishedl" God's pian of the ages, for the redemption of cross said, mankind, was completely finished that momentl By the death of Jesus we are
saved from the penalty of sin, the power of sin and the presence of sin. The sinner receives a new 1ife, a new heart. Ve are made new creatures; a

from tbeir sins" (Matthew


resurection nake it possible fbr

to live forever;


2. CON'IPLETE sentences explaining

what it means to believe




THANK God for His gift of eternal


4. CHOOSE to become a member of God's family, as the Holy Spirit leads.

new song is put into our mouths; we are given a nes'mind and a new service opens belore us. The ne$/ cornmandment ol loue is the only commandment of our iife. There are certainiy many reasons for which God provided our salvation, but these three should make us realize anew what a privilege we have to beiong to God. He wants us to be with Him; He wants us to be one with Hin that we might serve Him; He loves us. How can we do less than yield our Iives to Him so that He may be able to use us according to His will?
Surely salvation is God's greatest plan and His greatest miracle.

(1G1'MINUTE' (For complete Opening fusembiy script, skit characters, costumes, props, backdrop and staging, see the Skit Prodttction Guide fotnd n the Director's PscD In the skit for Session 8, Sassy goes back to Bible Times to find that Jesus is in town, healing peopie and talking to

them about etemal life. Sassy finally realizes that everlasting life doesn't come from the Fountain of Youth, but from God.


penter says, I work with wood. I have the sarr', tion asJesus. What am I? (Carpenter.) I tuck a v

.crrpird chip


In smallgroups, lead children to complete one or more of these activities. The Occupation Cenier (marked *) is used for aLl age levels-Primary, Middler and Junior. We recommend that this center be implemented by a special

behind my ear to show lama ca4renter. I usu: .rwork with wood cut from cedar, cypress, olive, oak rd pine trees. I have many different tools. I us n s-cr i plane to shape and smooth the wood. I use a chic, to cut and an awl to make holes. I use a mallet to pcr C nails made fromwood, bronze or iron. As a carpenter, I build houses as well as m:, ing furniture, plows and yokes. On a typical day, I ; ight repair my neighbor's table, take an order to buii a plow, measure the wood needed to put an upstairs :)om on

another neighbor's house and saw the boa; s


1. AArmoRY VERTE Vrnsr rN TIME


of 1 John 5:11 on

farmer's carl

Materials:Bible, felt pen, sheet of butcher paper, tape or

3" RrsrAncu CrNrgn: lsArAr-t'$ Pnopnecrrs

Materiab: Bibles, large sheet of paper, felt pens

Preparation: Letter words


paper. Anach paper to wall. How to User Sn;dents sit in a circle. Lead students in creating a continuous rhlthm by slapping thighs m'ice, clapping hands once and snapping fingers once (slap, slap, clap, snap). Each time you "snap," say a word of the verse in unison. Sy'hen sfudents are familiar with the verse and rhythm, they take nrrns around the circle saying a word of the verse as group continues rhyhm. Ask, What did God do to give us eternal life? Volunteers answer. (God sent Jesus to die

Preparation: letter the following headings

sheet of paper: \fhat words describe Jesr.rs? die? \fhat wrllJesus do for us?

ac rss large Hov' ;i11 Jesus




for us, so we can be forgiven for the wrong things we've

done, and receive life that lasts forever.) Optional: If group does well at keeping the verse going with the rhlthm, allow them to make up their own rhlthmic pattern or increase the pace.

OccupanoN CanprHrtn



How to Usa A prophecy is a message frou' ken or written by a prophet. Some Old ' prophecies told about what God would do ture. The book of Isaiah was written by ,

:d sportament
the fuiah the ;:., yet it ie, how 'r to us.
,l: Isaiah

A volunteer dresses in Bible Times clothes and acts as a

Bibie Times carpenter. (For complete instructions and materials, see the Bible Times Occupation Centersbrochure in the
Director's Pack.) Conuersation Suggestlons: Person playing the part

prophet about 700 years beforeJesus was b told about what the Messiah (fesus) would bt He would die and what His death would c
Srudents find and read the following passages ai 9,6,7;53:3-7,72. As passages are read, students u"




swers to the questions on the paper. (Optional: tetest and challenge, have stLrdents use backwar<


the anadd inlor "mir-

ror"l n'riting.) In our Bible story today, we'll lt how these prophecies came true.


Boxus Acnvmv: BtgH Tl,qgs Manrgrpr.A(E 6AME





Materiak:Game board, business owner figures and instructions from Teacbing Resources, shekels, marker for each
player, number cube.

How to Use; Str"rdens play game following instructions in Teaching Resources. When students are finished sa\', Jesus'

earthly father, Joseph, was a carpenter. As Jesus grew up, He learned Joseph's job. Vhat kind of job does your mom or dad have? What kind of job rouid you
like to have when you grow up?

$wmmy/ &ppns*AT$#M

around. Sometimes tliese helpeis get a brt sncoty and start

to say tirings they have no business saying. Sorne of Jesr:s'

disciples got a littie like that, Once. when Jesus was in a small vrllage, severai children wanted to get close to Him, Some of Jesus' disciples told the children to go away, saying that Jesus didn't have time to

Materials: Bibles, Session I Picrures A. B and Bible Lands nrap fronr Teacbing Resources. Sessron 8 Bible Beatpapers, felt pens, pencils. Optional-Christmas cards depicring the birth of Christ, photocopy of Jesus Time line picrure from
Teaching ResoLffces. Preparation: Optional: Color Ti-me {-ine picture. . (X{ark the following passages in i"'our Bible: l4ark 10:1376; 15; 16. Refer to these passages as you tell the story.)

play with children. {Picture A.) When Jesus heard this, He got a little upset rvith His disciples. He said, "let the 1ittle children come to me. Don't stop them." ThenJesus taught His disciples an important lesson. He said that anyone who wants to come into God's Kingdom must come in like a lir tle child. After Jesus said this He called the children over and hugged them and blessed them. (Picture B) Thar's the kind of nan Jesus was. He didn't always do what people

jEsus Fu[FtL[s 6sp's FIAN i,o^,*ur,,r

(Optional: Hand out Cbristrn*s cur* to ualunteers) The best stories are true. Take Christmas for example. We're not talkirrg about Santa. lYe're tailiing about the binh of baby Jesus in a little town cailed Betblehem. (Point to Betblehem on map.) You've seen it on Christmas cards a thousand times. (Optional: Childreil shou'Chrisnnas car.ds as you talk about tbe scettes shauryt an tltem.) There's the picrure of the baby laying in the manger. Xtary and Joseph are standing nearby. They're sunounded b,r animals, because the manger is in a stable. Or.erhead, theie are mote stars than you can count. But one star siands out. It will lead the wise men to Jesus. There are angels and there are shepherds. And some cards inciude Lhe *ise men at the manger, even though they didn't ger to Berhlehem until later. sent l{is Son to earth. The Lord of the unir.'eme became a fittle babv. Mary and Joseph never forgot the erenls surrounding the birth ofJesus. They realized thar He nas someone very special-the Son of God. At rhe same time. they realized that Jesus was also ftrlly human. 5o n,hen He srrrbbed His toe, it bled. When He caught a cold, His ilose goi runny. He was a lot like other boys. $7hile He nas gron'ing up in the town of Nazareth, He led a fairly norrnal liFe. (Point to l,{azareth on map.) Vell, there s/as one time when they found Him answering questions of the teachers ar the Temple. But other than that, things were not unusual, as Jesus grew up and learned to be a carpenter as Joseph x.as.



As Jesus traveled through the country, He made many,

many friends. He told people about God's love. He also pointed out that sometimes the religious leaders did things that had nothing to do wirh God's love. In rhe ciry of Jerusalem, these religious leaders, who were called Pharisees, were furious at Jesus for questioning what they did and for claiming to be God's own Son. They got so mad they came up ri,'ith a plan to have Jesus klL\ed. (Poittt to Jerusalem on map.) The plan worked. Jesus uas arrested, tried and sentenced to die. Roman soldiers crucified Him outside of Jenisalem on a hill calied Golgotha, which means "place of the skull." They thought they had put an end to Jesus. But God had a pian which wouid turn Jesus' death into the most impofiant event in history. In fact, all of God's plan, from the beginning of time, had led up to rhis very

It all really happened. God

lr's Nor Ovrn

AfterJesus was killed, His liiends put His bodv in a tomb that had been chiseled into the side of a sroney hill. The third day after His death, some of Jesr:s' frien& came to make sure His body was properly cared for. When they got

to the tomb, the big stone which blocked the door had been moved and His body was gone! They thought someone had stolen it. So they went outside to look for someone to help them. Imagine thek shock and joy when they found
Jesus HLmself standing there

raiting for them. Death wasn't



I PolNr

the time had come to start teaching and traveling. Jesus began to speak in public and gather a band of disciples together. He healed people who nere .sick. You can imagine that this caused quite a stir in a small country. It got so that Jesus couldn't go anyvhere without attraaing a big crowd. if you've seen famous people in person, ,vou'll know that they seldom go any'rvhere by themselves. They usually have people with them to deal wirh the cron"& that follow them

A1l that changed when Jesus' hEai.erilv Father told Him

sffong enough to keep Him. He was alivel In the following days and weeks, Jesus appeared to many of His fcrliowers, including one crowd of more than 500 people! Jesus' resurrection was the most amazing thing that had euerhappened. it changed His friends' lives. In fact, it can change our lives, too. It's all part of God's plan for us to believe in His Son and have eternal life. Like i said, the best stories are true and fits is the best story of all. {Optional: Atlacb Juus Time line picture to wall)



out Bibles, Bible Bealpapers and pencils. To review


Bible story, volunteers read the parts af ll-C" Scrit'er and Girl on page 1. Ask, Why didJesus die? rj:s::-s died to uke

the punishment for the wrong things ire'r. dl"e-) Optional: Have srudents complete activities on pagr 2 and the top of

page 3.

to page 4 and complete activities' Say, God planned forJesus to die because He loves you and me ind all people. From the very beginningof time, God has planned for us to believe inJesus and live forever
Students turn

-\bout Time" Then students turn to page 3 and cornp..:e activity. Repeat verse aloud with studenu -{st" S'hat has God given us? What is eternal life? tFbm a Christian
dies, he or she goes to heaven to live fo:ererri'irh God.) How did God make it possible for us to haYe eternal life? (]esus died for our sins so we couli i:e lbrgir-en and
accepted into God's family. He came ba*; as life. shon'ing His power over death. He went back to i.:r"en n-here we will live with Him someday.)

withHim. Briefly

share with students how you decided to

ing inJeJus and having eternal life, there are people here who care about you and would be happy to talk with you. Be prepared to taik individually with anyone indicating an inteiest in becoming a member of God's family, (See;Leading a Child to Christ,' p. 10.) Lead students in a
prayer thanking God for His Sft of eternal 1ife.

believe in Jesus. If you'd like to learn more about believ-

BrsffiTmnrs Amrumvsnm'rns
(1 HR. 10

understand the truth. WithJesus' help we can understand truth about God, ourselves and others.

Jesus is like a

lighr'Without Him we can't "seen or



iiR- 40



TlMrS $NAqKs oo-,0^,*rrrl

The following activities are all-schc*', ceaters. to be planned and implemented by special coo:djricis-

Students gathel in kitchen or dining area to participate in preparing and eating traditional Haroseth. For complete inact insttuctions, see page g or refer to the Srtack Guide tn the Director's

ffiIgtr Tl*trs &&usle




Conuersation Suggestittns: Haroseth

is a mixture of

For complete instructions. see the E;'hie Tintx

brochure inthe Director's Pack. How to Use: Students gather in large rccl:- Caildrsn listen as musicians demonstrate their instrumens. licc:sijie- r-olun-

teers take turns blowing into instrumen:'. S:v"



Times, wind instrurnents were often used in worshiping God- These included horns, flutes, pipe and tmmpets.

chopped fruits and nuts. It was an important syrnbolic food eaten at Passover" It reminded the Jews of their hard work in Egypt and of the mortar, or special "cemenln used to build the Egyptian monuments. Jesus and His disciples probably ate Haroseth at the Last Supper, the night before He died'

Shepherds often played simple flutes called pipes n'hich were carved out of wood or bone. Tn:cpc Fere sometimes made from the horns of rams {rnzle sheep). Otheffi wefe made from silver or trronze aad mad a sharp
sound" Students sing "Yesterday, Today and Tqlnlo.ros!-.' Optional: Half of the class plays kazoos a: i::Lf of the class
sings song.



Materials: Bible, Mirti-Musicale songbook and casselte,

cassette piayer, word chart for song. P\ay Mini-Musicale cassette as children gather.

Song: $ing "The Lord Is God""

Optional:Junior students use this time;* ithearse parts tor the Mini-X'htsicale Closing Program is"t :ciipt n ]'IiniMusicale songbook, in addition to learnin3 :*n3:s"

in the where life, Bible that says God wants to give me eternal would I look? (1 John 5:11.) If Jesus died to take the punishment for your sins and to give you eternal life,
Bible Memory Yerse: If I wanted to find
a verse


Trnars (neprs

stand up and say the verre with me.



Orr l"amp

For cotnplete crafi instructions, see "{L !-rulp' n Bible for Kids (see back coveri. Clicrer u-se clay to make oil lamps sinilar to those used in B='= Tiiles. Cionuersation Suggestiorts:In Bible Times, there rx'as no
Thnes Craft

Prayer: Dear God we know that from the beginning of the wodd You planned to have Jesus die for us. TVe thank You for loving us so much that You sent us a Savicr. Thank You for giving us eternal life. In Jesus'
name, amen.

electricify. At night, homes were ligbred with small clay oii lamps. Fuel for the tramps rras triade from olive oil The wicks were rnade from cottoo or linen doth.

Announcernents/Disrtriss: \Ilhen Jesus rose from the dead, was that the end of God's plan? No way! Next time we'll find out what God planned to happen next.

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