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Suppose a singlecylinderengine produces torque T, andisdriving a loadwhose torquedemand4, is constant, asdepicted in Fig. 1. Obviously, the average engine torqueis equalto the (constant) loadtorque"

Figure I 2. Energyfluctuations. At pointA, suppose thattherotating parts,includinga flywheel,havekinetic energyU. Between A andB, the enginetorqueexceeds the loadtorqueandtherewill be an acceleration of theserotatingparts;at point B they will haveenergyU + a. Between B andC, the loadtorqueexceeds the engine torque andtherewill be a deceleration of these rotatingparts;at point C they will have energyU + a-b " At D theywill haveenergyU + a -b + c, andpointE theywill have energy U +a-b+c-d -(J,since thecyclestarts overagain. 3. Maximum and minimum speeds, and accelerations. At pointswheretheengine torqueis equalto theloadtorque, pointsA, B, c andD in Fig.l, thereis no acceleration or deceleration. Suchpointsindicatewhere(local)matrimum and minimumspeeds occur. In contrast, point F is wherethereis the greatest excess of engine torqueabove the loadtorque;this is wherethe acceleration will be a maximum"

4' FlywheetDesign. Suppose themar<imum speed ir ,, (whichis likely to be at pointB in Fig 1) andthe minimumspeed is a4 (whichis likely 1). sincestored rotational kineticenergy is u =*rrr, L,(J= *, @: - ,,4 = then to be at point E in Fig


(r, * @z)(r,- atr). Now write themeanspeed as

@^" =

t , * az) ; this is anapproximation, but is perfectly reasonable if the ,(at,

flywheelis to be designed suchthatspeed variationis small. Also write A'at= (', - a4) to give L(J = I a^*,A,ot" If onewishesto express the speed variation asa percentage, thenonecanmultiply top andbottomby the meanspeed to give -!q L(J ='Ir'^*,,[ \0^^)'

moment of inertia wourdbe l, *o therequired


@i" (l,atfa4" )'

For theexample in Fig. l, LU - b - c + d 5' Variants. Thebasicideaexplained above applies equallyto whenengine torque is constant (anelectricmotor,say)andthe loadvaries(suchasa punch),or evenboth engine andloadtorques vary throughout a cycle. 6' Example. Thefurning-moment diagram for an engineis drawnon a base of crank angle,andthe meanresisting torque-line is added.Theareas aboveandbelowthe -l 150,+1300, mean lineare+44A0, -4550 mm' , thescales beingI mm : 100Nm for torque,and I mm = I o for crankangle. Findthe massof flywheel required to keepthespeed between2gT and303rev/min,if is radiusof gyration is 0.525m. (Ans:1a60 kg)

Turning Moment Diagram Example

develops an outputtorqueof 1600 + 300sin20 Nm, where d is the crank fui engine anglemea$red from somedatum. This enginedrivesa machinewhich requires'a torque partshavea mass of 1600+l7OsindNm. Therotating of 240kgandradiusof gyration0.5 m. The maximumspeed to b 200 rev/min. druinga cycle is observed Calculate (a) the minimum speed during the cycle (b) the meanpowerdeveloped by the engine.


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