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henrymakow.com - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order

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October 9, 2013


Behavioral Psychology Behind Store Charity Appeals

(Time Cover, Sept. 20 1971)

B.F. Skinner was a founder of behavioral psychology which sees man as a soulless creature trainable like an animal. Its goal is behavior modification as in the field of Social Marketing.

Stevan writes that store charity appeals

(http://henrymakow.com/2013/10/dont-ask-me-forcharity.html) are part of "Social Marketing,"

which trains people to act on the basis of emotion and conformity. Hence the "public shaming" if you don't donate.

by Stevan

(henrymakow.com) Although people like to think of themselves as rational, research shows that people are far more susceptible to emotional responses than rational arguments.
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"80% of the factors influencing behaviour did not stem from knowledge or awareness." Fliegenschnee and Shelakovsky, 1998. "The starting assumption in behavioral psychology should be that consciousness doesn't play a role in human behavior." Robert Povine, Psychologist The purpose of Social Marketing is to modify behavior and create a conditioned response, a reaction without thinking. Social Marketing is the primary tool of behavior modification for all institutions from governments to corporate advertisers. The aim is to to control behavior through positive or negative emotional reinforcements. As Social Marketing works at distance (i.e non physical stimulus) it must work on universal emotional memes. Examples of negative memes include, fear, guilt, shame, social/gender conformity, social ostracism, disgust, anger, distrust and inadequacy (weakness). Positive memes are primarily social reinforcements and include, social proof, pride, patriotism and sexual desirability. Practical examples include, climate change (fear), feminism (gender conformity), charities (guilt), discrimination (shame), terrorism (fear and patriotism), Facebook (social conformity), homophobia (inadequacy) etc. Demographic research, market segmentation research and focus group studies are all designed to tailor Social Marketing campaigns to individual target populations. Since the purpose of Social Marketing is to 'modify' behavior, negative reinforcements are far more effective as the message needs to create emotional discomfort in the target who then can alleviate the discomfort by changing their behavior. People need to be aware of the extent of Social Marketing in order to protect themselves from this attack. Related:
FEAR, GUILT, AND SHAME APPEALS IN SOCIAL MARKETING http://researchbank.rmit.edu.au/eserv/rmit:10094/n2006022051.pdf




henrymakow.com - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order


You can find this article permanently at http://henrymakow.com/2013/10/social-marketing.html


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at henry@henrymakow.com
(mailto:henry@henrymakow.com?subject=Email from henrymakow.com)

[+] Show Comments for "Behavioral Psychology Behind Store Charity Appeals"
Tony B said (October 10, 2013): This articles tells clearly essentially what I have been trying for years to get across to writers on how best to write articles to activate readers. Let the establishment media continue to use their "bible" on proper journalism etiquette as they don't want people to react AGAINST THEIR AGENDAS. But don't use it if you want to stop those agendas. Do what they do in the opposite direction, that is APPEAL TO THE EMOTIONS in opposition to their emotional pull; where they instill fear, instill anger against their fear mongering, where they instill toleration of evil, instill hatred of evil, where they excuse government criminality as "mistakes," demand justice against the criminals, etc. This cannot be done by simply recording the facts. ONE MUST WRITE TO THE EMOTIONS OF THE READER. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Most people today under say 50 years have been dumbed down to the point where they don't give a damn about facts. They have been trained to react to buzz words and phrases. Give them your own. Make the emotional pull part of the article simple and strong, similar to political ads. Yours will be the more powerful if you oppose the establishment because TRUTH will be on your side.

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