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Your NAET Information Guide

Welcome to NAET. The purpose of this guide is to acquaint you with the treatments you are about to undergo. The treatments are quite unique, which leads to a variety of questions. You will find information in this guide that details what exactly is being done to help get you long lasting relief to your unresolved health issues. The methods of treatment with NAET are very detailed and involved. As a patient, youll be asked to follow certain guidelines to for the treatments to work. This packet will guide you in the steps you will need to take along the way to ensure effectiveness in treatment. It is very likely that youll still have questions about NAET after reading this guide. Please ask questions at any point along the way. The process can be challenging, but it should be well worth all of your efforts. Heres to better health NAET and how it helps to clear allergies NAET stands for Nambudripods Allergy Elimination Treatment. Dr. Devi Nambudripod, a chiropractor, MD and acupuncturist out of California, developed the technique after being afflicted with multiple allergies her whole life. Her success in treating herself and others has led to a worldwide phenomenon. There are currently over 8000 trained practitioners worldwide. More information can be found on the official website (www.NAET.com). Please note the use of the word elimination. Most treatments for allergies involve continued use of medication, be it pharmaceutical or herbal, to control allergies. With NAET, you can change the way your body reacts to allergens, and be naturally allergy free! The basis of NAET is working with basic food items that comprise most of the food we eat. Even if your allergies are clearly environmental (ragweed, dust, molds), the fifteen basics are treated primarily, which include vitamins (A, B, C), minerals (Calcium, Iron), grains, etc. Muscle Response Testing will determine whether your body is reacting adversely to these. If you test weak, a treatment will be given to correct your bodys reaction. Upon successful completion of treatment, a food avoidance period will be advised. The time is usually around 25 hours from when you started the treatment, which is the amount of time it takes for the Qi to course through all of the bodys meridians. The fifteen basics (list attached) work mostly with food allergies. The basics are items that are found throughout most foods we eat, and even in the environmental agents that so often cause us allergies. Often times, clearing the basics will greatly help, or even clear specific known allergies. For instance, clearing Calcium can help with dairy allergies. Treating vitamin C can help with allergies to various fruits and vegetables. Iron can help if you have difficulties digesting meat. These are just a couple of examples.

After treating the basics, more specific items may be treated. The following types of allergens can all be successfully treated with NAET: inhalants --weeds, grasses, chemical smells, perfumes, etc.), ingestants --all types of food and food additives contactants--skin creams, newspaper, detergents, etc. According to Dr. Nambudripod, almost everything can be classified as an allergen and treated with NAET.

Conditions treated with NAET NAET can have a positive impact on many aspects of health. The main arenas NAET positively impacts are in the respiratory and digestive department. The following conditions can be treated with NAET: Allergies, Asthma, Headaches (including migraines), all digestive disorders, frequent illness/catching colds, skin problems, pain of all types, yeast infections, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, womens hormonal issues, etc.* *A more comprehensive list can be found at the NAET website. Digestion and pathology according to Chinese Medicine and NAET theory According to Chinese medicine, the Spleen and Stomach are responsible for assimilating the nutrients found in food and ensuring they are transformed into proper fluids and structures in our body. In addition, the Spleen and Stomach give rise to the Yi, or intellect. So in addition to processing food, these organs also help you assimilate information. Most of us have a constant amount of information coming at us, with the availability of TV, internet, newspapers, advertisements, etc. in our lives. This means is that we are constantly putting added pressure on our digestive systems. Often, we are processing information at the same time we eat, thus doubly taxing our digestive energies. In addition, the food we eat is often times loaded with additives. How often have you looked at a canned item, a baked good, a bag of chips or any other prepared food, only to find twenty or more ingredients? This can make things very complicated for our digestive system, which is responsible for most of the immunity of our bodies. Our body can simply get confused in the process, overwhelmed with information and unable to recognize and process the nutrition in food. This can be the beginning of a pervasive allergic reaction. There are many instances that can provide such a reaction. You can eat corn chips, which could have food colorings, preservatives and spices in addition to corn (just to name a few common ingredients). Your body is unable to process the preservatives, so there is an adverse reaction. It is very easy for the body to see the entire chip as an adverse item. Now a sensitivity to corn is born.

Another example could be food poisoning. Say some spoiled beef is accidentally ingested. Anyone who has ever had food poisoning can recall what they ate, and what an unpleasant experience that was. The body could be so intensely sick, that it looks at every component of that beef as poisonous, or an allergy. In that beef are essential items like B vitamins and Iron. Now your body can have a remembrance of this food poisoning episode, and have a sensitivity to B vitamins and/or Iron in all forms. There are many instances in which such a reaction can produce sensitivity. Imagine eating breakfast and watching devastating news on TV, or having an intense argument with a loved one during a meal. A flip is basically improperly switched. When a large number of these reactions happen in your body, the result is an inflamed system. Your body eventually reaches a threshold, and illness ensues. NAET works to reverse these reactions, thus simplifying the process of digestion. The result is less systemic inflammation. When your body digests food properly, there is more energy and less toxic byproduct. There is more immunity, less allergies. The body can be restored to healthy function. In addition to NAET, you can help this process along by developing healthy eating habits. Eat whole foods as much as possible. It is how nature intended. Make eating a nurturing process, where you are focusing on food and what good it is doing for you. Do not do anything too strenuous while eating (working, studying, watching stressful news, eating breakfast on the run). Make eating a healthy and enjoyable experience, with the company of family/friends or in peaceful relaxation. These healthy habits will help your body assimilate food better. What to expect during treatment The methods used in diagnosing for treatment are history intake and Muscle Response Testing (MRT). The first session will involve detailed questioning of health and figuring out what sensitivities you are aware of. Then MRT is used. MRT involves placing substances near your body (normally in your hand) to see your reaction. If the testing muscle cannot resist normal pressure, it is determined that you have an allergy/sensitivity to that substance. Once the diagnosis is finished, the treatment will involve stimulation of points on the back near the spine to help your nervous system adjust to the particular substance. The substance is then retested, and if your body reacts strong (clearing the tested substance), acupuncture/acupressure is applied so your body will fully adjust. After that, it is up to you to avoid the substance so your body has time to fully acclimate. The length of avoidance will be determined during treatment. Reactions to treatment Different people have different reactions to NAET. Most people react very positively to treatment, and feel that energy, clarity, and overall function increase. It is possible to feel

temporarily worse from treatment. Sometimes toxins are released as part of the clearing process for NAET. If this happens to you, be encouraged that healing is in the process of happening. Try and rest as much as possible, and drink plenty of water. Pressing on your gate points (listed below) will help with this healing reaction. Exercise and yoga/qi gong will help. Remember that the malaise is only temporary. You will ultimately feel much better for undergoing the treatments. My personal NAET experience I first heard of NAET after I had enrolled in the studies of Chinese Medicine in Austin. I had been dealing with allergies since I was at least 10 years old. I would constantly have a runny or plugged up nose. On really bad days, I would constantly drip from my nose, going through up to a box of Kleenex a day. My eyes would be red and itchy. I would have some severe sneezing attacks. I would be exhausted and very foggy headed. This comprised over 2/3 of my daily existence, with some days feeling so debilitated that a nap was the only solution. I went to an allergist and did the skin test (where they inject small amounts of allergens just under your skin). The test was only on my forearms, but my arms turned red all the way up to my shoulders. They determined that I was allergic to everything. I underwent allergy shots, which had minimal effect. The medications I was taking also had minimal effect. It seemed like allergies were just something I had to deal with. Upon arrival in Austin, I started doing herbs, diet changes and acupuncture. These all really helped to give some relief. I started having less symptoms, and less severe days. A classmate suggested that dairy products might be contributing to the allergies. I scoffed at the notion (in large part because I didnt want to forego eating cheese), but decided to avoid dairy for two weeks. To my surprise, the allergy symptoms were better. This was the first time I correlated my allergies to what I ate. Yet I still found it difficult to cut dairy out of my diet in entirety. My symptoms were all better, but I still struggled with allergies. Then I was introduced to NAET. One by one, we started going through the basics. After the fifth or sixth treatment, I had a large reaction to the B vitamin treatment. I felt extremely lethargic for the whole day afterwards. The next morning though, my energy was better than I could remember in recent history. I kept getting treatments, and it is now a rarity to have any allergy problems. I went from having allergies on most days to having an allergic attack once every month or two. I went from being very allergic to cats, to being able to live with one. Needless to say, I experienced a vast improvement in quality of life. I am still careful with my diet, as I will get allergies if I eat too much dairy/wheat/junk food. Overall, I am much less sensitive.

Preparation for treatment, and steps to follow after Please make sure that you have eaten adequately upon arrival for a treatment. There are no specific foods to avoid before a treatment, only after. Make sure that you are adequately hydrated as well. When you enter into the office, wash your hands with soap and water. This will clear your hands so substances can be properly tested. Avoid wearing most scents, especially ones that are overly strong. After the treatment, wash your hands for thirty seconds (with warm water) only to clear the substance you were holding onto. It is advisable to buy groceries before going into treatment, as there is sometimes a distance that you need to keep from the item you are clearing. Dont worry if you come into contact with the item you are trying to clear. If you touch a particular item, or come too close to it, the first thing to do is clear your hands, either by washing them or rubbing them together vigorously. Then, press on acupoint Du 26 for 30 seconds (directly underneath the nose on the filtrum, or grooves that are directly in the center below the nose). Also press on the gate points as well (see diagram), which well help remind the body of the treatment just received.

Duration of Treatment Remember that NAET is a very detailed process. There are fifteen basics alone; these must be cleared before getting to specific allergens. Not everyone will need to clear all of the basics before getting to all of the specifics. In general, it would be best to commit to at least ten treatments to see true benefit from treatment. Undergoing NAET is a large commitment, but the effects are often permanent elimination of allergies. Some people may require refresher treatments as time goes by, but the general result is a strong and immune system and digestive tract.

Diagram 1: Gate Points

3) LI 11 3) LI 11

4) Ht 7 1) LI 4 2) Ht 7

5) LI 4

9) Sp 6

6) Sp 6 7) Lv 3

8) Lv 3

*Follow the order as numbered above. Start on the right Large Intestine 4, then to right Heart 7, and right Large Intestine 11. Then go to left Large Intestine 11, left Heart 7 and left Large Intestine 4. Then go to the Left Spleen 6 and Liver 3, then right Liver 3 and Spleen 6. Close by returning to right side Large Intestine 4. Each point is rubbed clockwise for 30 seconds-1 minute. It is recommended to do this every two hours while clearing. **If you are pregnant and receiving NAET, do not use LI 4 or Sp 6, as they are contraindicated during pregnancy

Diagram 2: Points on the Hands Large Intestine 4-located on the muscle in between the thumb and pointer finger, on the tender spot Large Intestine 11 (see diagram 1)-this point is located easiest when bending your elbow joint. A crease will from and it is located at the tender area where the crease of the muscle ends Heart 7-located on the medial aspect of the hand, just inside the medial tendon in the fleshy area before the bones of the wrist (you can flex your wrist and its right by the crease that forms)

Diagram 3: Points of the Feet Liver 3-located between the big toe and second toe, in the space above the knuckle protrudance

Spleen 6-located on the inner (medial) aspect of the leg, about 4 finger breadths above the protrusion of the ankle bone (medial malleolus), on a tender spot ~1/2 away from the tibia bone

It is advisable to press on the gate points as much as possible during the clearing period. Remember that the better you are to yourself, especially after treatment, the more success you will get from a treatment. Plan gentle things, nurture yourself, and make sure there is plenty of room for peace and quietude.

General tips to maintain health and prevent illness Acid/Base balance can play a role in allergies and the inflammation process. If symptoms such as reflux, red/itchy skin or headaches are going on, it could be a sign that the body is too acidic. Spicy foods and diets heavy in meat can contribute. Eat more vegetables and less meat/spicy food. Specifically, eating a lot of green leafy vegetables will be very helpful (kale, collard greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc.). Toxicity in the body will also cause a lot of problems. Often times, the most effective way to detoxify is simply to eat whole/healthy foods. Avoid packaged/processed foods as much as possible. Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake. Even start cutting down on breads and pastas, using whole grains (rice, quinoa, millet, oats, etc.) instead. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens. Beets are especially helpful for the liver to detoxify. If youre suffering any type of phlegm type condition (runny nose, cough with phlegm, allergies of all sort), then it is strongly advisable to avoid all dairy products and breads. Things that are glutenous (sticky) will also irritate the system. These products are considered damp in Chinese medicine (mucous forming). Meat can also be damp forming, but some forms will be better than others (clean, lean meats are best, also meats that are slow cooked and very easy to break down). Avoid fried meat, or meat that is cooked in heavy/rich sauces. Having an exercise regiment is very important. Things that will improve circulation while not being overly taxing are ideal. This would include jogging, walking, biking, yoga, tai chi and other various sports/activities. The more fun you have doing them the better. If you find there are still questions after reading this, please ask without hesitation. Optimizing health is very challenging in our modern culture, but the reward is so wonderful. Doing NAET treatments and adopting healthy lifestyle habits will be great tools in reaching health and empowerment. Thanks for your reading and efforts, Kevin Laux, L. Ac Klaux77@gmail.com

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