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Augustines Junior School Policy number 8

St. Augustines School

Policy for Promoting Good Behaviour

Compiled by Agreed by Approved by To be reviewed

J. Ryan Staff Governors

March 2013

March 2014

St. Augustines School Policy for Promoting Good Behaviour

St. Augustines Junior School Policy number 8

St. Augustines School Policy for Promoting Positive Behaviour St. Augustines School recognises that every child is unique and brings with them a wide range of skills and abilities. The whole school community works together to create a safe and happy environment in which its members are able to develop a moral code which encourages all to make a positive contribution to society. We aim to provide challenging experiences so that all can achieve their full potential. Introduction This policy statement asserts that, at school, children have a right to learn and teachers have a right to teach. This can only happen where there is good behaviour. In this policy we set out exactly what behaviour we want from the children, and what is acceptable. We make clear how we will praise and reward children who do behave well and also what will happen if children choose to misbehave. This policy has been agreed by all staff. It will be applied consistently at all times, by all members of staff. Children will be treated fairly and equally. The contents of this policy will be taught to children. In conjunction with this policy we have an Anti-Bullying policy which is sent to all parents and a Child Friendly Anti-Bullying policy which has been given and explained to all children, (both are attached). Class Rules have been agreed and are displayed in all classes. Sanctions will be applied fairly, making sure that the child understands that he or she has broken a rule. We believe that this policy will promote appropriate behaviour, consequently increasing teaching and learning time and promoting the well-being of children and staff. It will ensure that all pupils are treated fairly and that good behaviour is always praised and rewarded. The Consequence Ladder A Consequence Ladder is displayed in each classroom. The green statements reflect positive behaviour and children are moved up each rung by adults when positive behaviour is seen or for work that reflects significant effort or progress. The red statements reflect inappropriate behaviour. Children are moved onto these when their behaviour becomes unacceptable. The teacher uses these alongside an explanation as to what the problem is and what the child might do to amend/put right. This may be done a little later or passively according to the teachers knowledge of the child. In exceptional circumstances, the system may not be appropriate for certain children. These children will have specific programmes of help and

support that will be planned and discussed with the child. Rewards will be built into these programmes in consultation with the child.

St. Augustines Junior School Policy number 8

Severe Behaviour (Leading to Internal Exclusion or Exclusion to home) The behaviours pointed out below may result in some form of exclusion or seclusion. The type of exclusion is determined by the following criteria: Health and Safety issues, Capacity for Internal Exclusion to be managed, Case History. Each case is reviewed on an individual basis. Only the Head Teacher may authorise exclusion, (or in the absence of the Head Teacher, the Deputy Head Teacher) Deliberate serious injury to another child and refusing to stop fighting when instructed to do so. Leaving the premises without permission Deliberate physical abuse of staff. Serious verbal abuse of staff Deliberate serious damage to school property Repeated bullying or bullying type behaviour. Bringing dangerous implements into school and threatening to use them

Lunchtime Fresh start at 1.00/1.15, so all children on red rungs return to starting point. If behaviour is inappropriate, children should be warned of the possible consequences and dinner staff to speak to class teacher who will move child on Consequence Ladder if appropriate. Severe behaviour Child sent straight to HT, parent contacted if appropriate. Lunchtime rewards dinner staff to inform teacher and children moved up the Consequence Ladder.

Conflict resolution Children are encouraged to resolve their own conflicts. They are also encouraged to ask for adult help if they are unable to resolve these themselves. Playtime Consequences apply as in classroom. Although the school agreements apply at all times, there are some additional agreements which must be observed at playtime: 1. Stop when the first whistle blows 2. Listen to adults who are on duty

St. Augustines Junior School Policy number 8

Staff should incorporate the teaching of playtime games in their PHSE teaching.

Rewards The school offers a wide range of rewards to recognise good behaviour and to encourage children to try hard. These include: House points Gold book assembly Posts of responsibility Badges, stickers, certificates etc. Letters/phone calls home

Individual Rewards All children have the opportunity to be celebrated on the Well Done Blog, which rewards appropriate behaviour, good work and effort. In addition to this Well Done postcards and rewards are given by the Head teacher to recognise exceptional behaviour and work. Very Important Each day is seen as a fresh start. No warnings are carried over from the day before. Other staff members are only to be called upon for support following the first three levels of intervention. The only exceptions to this are where a childs behaviour jeopardises the health and safety of others or there is serious and unmanageable disruption to Learning and Teaching. Time out tables must not be seen to be used punitively. It is a strategic response aimed at recovering behaviour After time out in another classroom, the pupil is entitled to a fresh start and must be welcomed back into the classroom by the teacher.

To Conclude The purpose of this behaviour plan is to positively encourage all children to choose to behave properly at all times. We know that children slip up from time to time.

This policy gives them the opportunity to correct their behaviour knowing that they will gain rewards if they choose to follow the rules and face the consequences if they choose to break the rules. So we must catch children being good and reward them well! Date of this policy: March, 2013 Date of review date: March 2014

St. Augustines Junior School Policy number 8

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