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LOPHOPHORATA Phylum Bryozoa, Phylum Brachiopoda, dan Phylum Entoprocta, http://ds5k.kemdiknas.go.id/indeks.ph p?page=1 Benny A.J.


4 phyla (Bryozoa, Entoprocta, Phoronida, dan Brachiopoda) memiliki persamaan : dalam proses mencari makan menggunakan organ berongga yang memiliki tentakel yang disebut Lophophore

Bryozoans: Colonial animals that superficially resemble mosses

Phylum Bryozoa
Karakteristik : (Hewan Lumut) 1. Symmetry is bilateral. There occurs no segmentation. Triploblastic. 2. Colonial. The individuals are minutely small, each in its own housing (zooecium). Polymorphism in some. 3. Digestive canal complete(U-shaped). The mouth is surrounded by a retractile lophophore with ciliated tentacles. The anus opening outside the lophophores. 4. Coelom well developed into two parts. No circultory or respiratory organs present. 5. No nehpridia. 6. A nerve ganglia between mouth and anus. 7. The sexes are usually united and gonads are formed from peritoneum. The eggs are feritilized in the coelom or externally. The eggs are usually brooded in a modified zooecium (ooecium) among the tentacles, in the coelom or in a partition of reproductive individual. The larva is a trochopore. Colonies are formed by asexual budding.

Phylum Bryozoa
Kelas .......... Phylactolaemata (Bryozoa air tawar) Kelas .......... Stenolaemata (Bryozoa laut Ordovisium-terakhir, 750 genera) Order ............... Cyclostomata (Ordovisium-Recent) Order ............... Cystoporata (Ordovisium-Triasik, 100 genera) Order ............... Trepostomata (Ordovisium-Triasik, 200 genera) Order ............... Cryptostomata (Ordovisium-Permian, 90 genera) Order ............... Fenestrata (Ordovisium-Triasik, 100 genera) Kelas .......... Gymnolaemata (Ordovisium-terakhir, 1050 genera) Order ............... Ctenostomata (Ordovisium-terbaru, 50 genera) Order ............... Cheilostomata (Jurassic-terakhir, 1000 genera)

Phylum Brachiopoda
Karakteristik : (Kaki di lengan/lamp shell) 1. Symmetry bilateral. No segmentation. Triploblastic. 2. External is covered with a shell, dorsal and ventral valves are unlike. The shell usually has a fleshy peduncle for attachment. 3. Mouth preceded by an extensive two armed lophophore. The digestive canal exists with or without an anus. 4. The coelom is well developed and filled with fluids. The circulatory system is open. The blood is colourless and with coelomocytes. 5. Excretion takes place by one or two nephridia serving also as reproductive ducts. 6. A nerve ring about gullet. 7. The sexes are usually seperate, each with paired gonads. Eggs and sperm are discharged into the seawater around it. A free swimming ciliated larva is born. No asexual reproduction takes place.

Kelas .......... Inarticulata (Cambria-terkini, approx. 220 genera) Order ............... Lingulida (Cambria-terbaru, 85 genera) Order ............... Acrotrerida (Cambria-terkini, 120 marga) Order ............... Discinida (Ordovisium-Recent) Order ............... Siphonotretida (Cambria-Ordovisium) Order ............... Paterinda (Cambria-Ordovisium, 14 genera) Order ............... Craniida (Cambria-Recent) Order ............... Craniopsida (Ordovisium-Karbon) Order ............... Trimerellida (Ordovisium-Silur) Order ............... Obolellida (Cambria-Kambrium, 10 genera) Order ............... Kutorginida (Cambria-Kambrium) Kelas .......... Articulata (Cambria-terkini, appox. 3.200 genera) Order ............... Orthida (Kambrium-Permian, 340 genera) Order ............... Strophomenida (Ordovisium-Triasik, 865 genera) Order ............... Pentamerida (Cambrian-Devonian., 160 genera) Order ............... Rhynchonellida (Ordovisium-terakhir, 520 genera) Order ............... Spiriferida (Ordovisium-Jurasik, 720 genera) Order ............... Terebratulida (Devon-terkini, 540 genera) Order ............... Thecideidina (Trias-terbaru, 28 genera) )

Phylum Entoprocta
Karakteristik : 1. Contains approximately 150 species of minute, tentaculate, sessile animals that were formerly included in Bryozoa. 2. In contrast to bryozoans, however, the anus of entoprocts is located within the circle of tentacles, a coelom is absent and an exoskeleton is lacking. 3. A pair of protonephridia is present 4. Entoprocts are almost entirely marine and may be solitary or colonial. 5. Entoprocts are hermaphrodites and many brood their eggs. 6. Spiral cleavage typically leads to a planktotrophic larva

(A) Arborescent colonies of Bugula; (B) Patches of an encrusting ectoproct, Membranipora. (C) The fleshy bryozoan Alcyonium verilli. (D) Conopeum seurati.

CLASS GYMNOLAEMATA: Highly diverse group of primarily marine ectoprocts. ORDER CTENOSTOMATA: Colonies vary in shape; skeleton, leathery, chitinous, or gelatinous, not calcified; openings through which zooids protrude lack opercula; without ovicells for brooding embryos; without avicularia. ORDER CHEILOSTOMATA: Colony form varies, but generally of box-shaped zooids with calcareous walls; openings usually with opercula; zooids often polymorphic; embryos usually brooded in ovicells. CLASS STENOLAEMATA: Marine ectoprocts. CLASS PHYLACTOLAEMATA: Freshwater ectoprocts. Cristatella, Hyalinella, Lophophus,Lophopodella, Pectinatella, Plumatellae : Urnatella Ex;Urnatella gracilis cosmopolitan.

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