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Robert Pinos


Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living
Guidebook and Success Log

Producer: Theresa Puskar

Engineer: Jerry Kaehn
Guidebook: Theresa Puskar

2003 Robert Pino

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Session 1: Uncovering Your Lifes Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Session 2: Alignment and Your Deeper Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Session 3: The Concepts of Time, Fate, and Free Will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Session 4: Mastering Time and the Three Virtues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Session 5: Being on Synchropurpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Session 6: Applying Attention and Energy to Synchronicities . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Session 7: Chi, Change, and Emotions in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Session 8: The Martial Arts Embrace Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Session 9: Boundaries, Borders, and Boundlessness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Session 10: Martial Arts Study to Understand the Boundless . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Session 11: Experiencing the Bliss of Oneness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Session 12: Bringing Oneness Into Your Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Welcome to Robert Pinos The Power of Chi: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless
Living. This guidebook has been created to assist you in gaining a greater sense of wellbeing, synchronicity, and inner peace in your life. As you integrate the insights that
Robert shares with you in this program, you will likely find that you will experience
greater healing for yourself and those around you.
With over two decades of experience as an international management consultant,
executive coach, and practitioner of the Far Eastern martial arts, life alchemist Robert
Pino combines his knowledge of practical issues with the spiritual realities that
underlie them. You will find that his insights and strategies provide the tools for
personal breakthroughs in all areas of business, personal relationships, and life in the
real world.
In order to gain the full benefits that this program has to offer you, take time out to act
upon the invaluable insights and strategies that have been outlined for you. Practice
the techniques often and on a regular basis to get the optimum results.
You should listen to each audio session at least twice, ideally three times, and then be
sure to do the exercises provided for you in the corresponding chapters. Listening to
the audio session several times allows it to sink into your subconscious mind as you
make more and more discoveries each time that you listen.
At the end of this guidebook, we have included a Progress Log to assist you in writing
out your responses to the questions posed, as well as tracking the outcomes of your
practices. Be sure to keep this journal in hand as you are listening to the program, and
be prepared to stop the program when you hear an idea or technique that you are
particularly drawn to and would like to work on. As you practice the techniques, you
may find it valuable to write out any insights, successes, or pertinent related events
that you experience in response to them.
Do not procrastinate. Whenever possible give yourself a deadline, and be committed
to following through on that deadline. Without implementing any of the action steps
that have been mapped out for you, this program simply becomes an exercise in
listening. In order to gain the full benefits that this valuable program has to offer you,
make the decision here and now to practice the exercises provided, work through
this program, act upon your insights and strategies, and achieve the kind of results that
you deserve!

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Session 1: Uncovering Your Lifes Mission

Exercise 1:
Robert suggests that you interpret the why behind positive events in your life.
Take some time to reflect on five of the most positive experiences that you have
had in your life. Continue to ask why in response to these events, and journal
about the responses that you receive.
Exercise 2:
Envision scenes from your future as if you were writing a play or a film script.
Do not censor yourself. Focus not on what you write, but more on filling up the
pages. These scenes should simply be images that flash into your consciousness
when you project your thoughts into the future.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Session 2: Alignment and Your Deeper Purpose

To assist you in relaxing and aligning your body, mind and soul, Robert has
included descriptions and diagrams below on the core starting position in
Chu Yu Do along with the Four Elements Breathing Techniques.
Basics of the Chu Yu Do Starting Position:
a. Core Position: This position is the
starting point of all movements.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent, your body is
relaxed, hands are 4 inches (10
centimeters) apart from the main
center of the body, fingers are closed,
thumbs are apart from fingers,
elbows are slightly bent, shoulders
are relaxed, mouth is slightly open,
lips are closed, tip of the tongue touches the front teeth gently.
Four Elements Breathing Technique:
Robert told you about his enlightenment back in October 1997. That moment
was a moment of absolute truth and a moment of bliss. He decided to create a
series of exercises, called Chu Yu Do (Pronounced Kyoe You Do) to help people
to get close to the state that he experienced. Chu Yu is a state of ultimate
relaxation and Do means the way. So Chu Yu Do is the way to get into a state of
ultimate relaxation, or in other words, the way to align yourself with universal
energy, chi. Now, Chu Yu Do is a whole program of different breathing,
stretching, and energy exercises. Described below are some breathing exercises
that you can do each morning when you get up, at night before you go to sleep,
or even when you are stressed or would like to calm down before an intense
meeting or a game of sports, like golf. Please practice these exercises gently and
do not strain yourself. The author nor the publisher are responsible for any
discomforts or damage.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

4 Elements Breathing Technique

1. Water Breathing

Stand straight up, feet shoulder-width

apart. Have your hands in front of your
lower abdomen, in front of your center,
just 2 inches below the naval. Gently
breathe in through your nose, and when
you gently and slowly breathe out through
the mouth, raise your arms straight
forward to shoulder level. Your palms are
pointing forward and your fingers are
pointing to the ceiling. Your fingers are
closed and stretched, your thumb is
separated from your fingers. Gently and
slowly breathe in through your nose,
gently pulling your arms in like you are
making waves. Your hands are facing
forward and are close to your shoulders.
Hold your breath for three counts and
then gently breathe out through your
mouth and push your arms forward.
Repeat this sequence 7 times, then lower
your arms and bring back your hands in
front of your naval.

2. Fire Breathing

The fire breathing starts with the same

posture as the water breathing. Breathe
in and raise your arms in front of you
shoulder height. Breathe in for only 50%
of your capacity. Then widen your arms
and stretch them out, fingers pointing to
the ceiling and thumbs separated from the
fingers. When you widen your arms you
breathe in strongly like you are sucking a
drink through a straw. Hold your breath
for 7 counts and then breathe out strongly
while you lower your arms and bring
them back to the starting position, hands
in front of your center. When you exhale
make a sound like you sigh. Repeat 7

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

3. Heaven Breathing

This breathing exercise starts like the

water and fire breathing. Gently breathe
in while you are raising your arms to
shoulder height. Hold your breath for 7
counts while you are raising your arms to
the ceiling, palms facing forward, fingers
stretched, thumbs separated from the
fingers. Exhale while you are standing like
this. When you exhale stretch yourself,
press your heels into the floor, stretch
your back and arms, make yourself as tall
as you can. Inhale through your nose
while you are bringing your arms back to
the starting position. Exhale and start all
over again. Repeat 7 times.

4. Earth Breathing

The earth breathing is linked with the

heaven breathing. You start again with
your arms in front of your body, hands in
front of your naval. Gently inhale through
the nose and raise your arms in front of
you to shoulder height. Hold your breath
for 7 counts and then when you gently
exhale through your mouth, lower your
body and sit in squat position. Keep your
arms stretched in front of your body. Keep
your fingers stretched and your thumbs
separated from your fingers. Then inhale
and raise your body to the former
position. Exhale while you are bringing
your hands back in front of your naval.
Repeat this exercise 7 times.

These four breathing exercises will calm you, energize you, and will get you
in a state of alertness. Ready to seize the day! Or ready to go to bed. The fun
part of these four exercises is that it balances your chi. When you feel hyper,
it will balance you to a less hyper state. If you feel mellow, it will lift you up!
You may also feel some tickling in your hands and/or your feet. Thats the
flow of chi. Experience it!

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Exercise 1:
Reflexive responses to things versus your spiritual response. E.g., a car cuts in
front of you. Your stomach tightens, you get angry with the other driver. Take a
few minutes at the end of each day and re-live the events of your day from a
holistic point of view. Write out any new insights that you gain by doing this
Exercise 2:
For the next 24 hours, greet all of the events of your life with a totally positive
response. Register this by thinking the word excellent! Be sure to record any
experiences that you have in response to doing this exercise.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Session 3: The Concepts of Time, Fate, and Free Will

Exercise 1:
Return to your envisioned future exercise (on page 4). Read it and make
commitments in relation to it. Write down at least three commitments and
work them into your life. Use the following pages to record any successes or
insights you gain in response to this exercise.
Exercise 2:
Imagine your life as being like Michelangelos experience with his David
sculpture. The artist simply chipped away at the stone to uncover the David
that always existed. Who is the magnificent David that rests within you, and is
he or she waiting to be born in this world? What are the elements in your life
that you need to chip away at in order to fully experience your true creative
self? Make a list of these elements, aspects of yourself that you need to let go of
in order to find your true nature. Then create a picture of the you that you

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 4: Mastering Time and the Three Virtues

Exercise 1:
In this session Robert reminds you that time is within your control. Create an
accurate time log of how you spend your time each day for a week. You will
find blank Time Logs on pages 23 through 29. At the end of each day, review
your log and make note of the time that you may have wasted, along with time
that was well spent. List six goals that you wish to accomplish during your
day. These goals may include material goals and should include spiritual goals
as well.
Also, when you move from one activity to another, write down the reason for
the shift, no matter how trivial it may have seemed.
Exercise 2:
Think about how you are approaching all of the areas of your life your
career, your personal relationships, your health, etc. Are you giving all that you
can, or have you started to cut corners? Make note of how you have cut corners
and what initiatives you will take to cease from doing so in the future.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 5: Being on Synchropurpose

Exercise 1:
Robert states that many may find themselves skeptical about the wonder and
miracle of synchropurpose. Make a list of any skeptical thoughts that you have
about synchronicity that may be blocking your ability to further experience it in
your life. After you make the list, take some time to meditate on each insight
and find a way to work through each block, and open yourself to the miracles
that abound when you fully open to them.
Exercise 2:
In your journal, write down any synchronistic events that you have experienced
in your life. Then, as they occur, continue to journal about further
synchronicities that you experience. As you pay more attention to these events,
you will find them occurring more and more. You will soon find yourself having
constant extraordinary synchronistic experiences in your life.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 6: Applying Attention and Energy to Synchronicities

Exercise 1:
Answer the following questions in your journal, and note how many you answer
yes to:
Have you ever thought of calling an old friend on the telephone, and then they
suddenly call you?
Have you ever learned a new word, and suddenly you hear it a half dozen
times during the next few days?
When you were short of cash for some reason, has the required amount of
money suddenly shown up out of nowhere?
When you were late for an important appointment, have you ever suddenly
found a parking space in a highly congested area?
When you desperately need a piece of important information the name of a
doctor, for instance has the information spontaneously appeared from
some unexpected source?
Has some object ever come back to you in an unusual and unexpected way?
Have you ever been in the right place at the right time to help someone who
was hurt or in danger or have you yourself even been helped in this way?
Have you ever been prevented from doing something that you had planned
and intended, only to find that the unexpected obstacle was a huge blessing
in disguise?
Exercise 2:
Take a look around you, and pick out something very unusual in your
environment. For the next 24 hours, make yourself a promise to focus some
attention to finding other instances of this anomaly as you go through the day.
Record your findings in the notes section of this guidebook.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 7: Chi, Change, and Emotions in Motion

Exercise 1:
Robert reminds you that emotion is movement, movement is change, change is
creation, creation is experience, and experience is growth. What do you
grumble about most often? Once you have discovered this, make every effort to
go one week without complaining about it. After you have ceased complaining
for a week, subtract the thoughts that evaluate your experience. You will find
that you are left with emotions the creative energy of attention in motion.
You will now find yourself fully in the present moment.
Exercise 2:
Choosing to be proactive in your life is the ideal state to be in. Make note
throughout your day of times that you are reactive over being proactive. Ask
yourself what triggered you and why. Did your reactivity improve the situation
or impede it? After some reflection, make the choice to integrate a more
proactive response to future similarly triggered experiences.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 8: The Martial Arts Embrace Change

Exercise 1:
The four-step solution: Change perspective, change intensity, change behavior,
and change value. Retrace your memory to experiences youve had that have
changed your perspective on life to a broader point of view (E.g., falling in love,
getting married, the birth of a child, a near-death experience). Write about it in
your journal, then make a conscious choice to imprint this moment in your
conscious awareness. Install it as a resource of positive chi that you can call
upon whenever you need to change your perspective in your daily life.
Exercise 2:
Impulse control is one of the first things a martial artist learns. The rule of
thumb that Robert states is: If the impulse to do something seems irresistible,
find a way to resist it. Next time you find yourself losing control, use any means
necessary to put yourself in control of your actions. Dont let your actions take
control of you. Journal on what you experience as you practice this exercise.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 9: Boundaries, Borders and Boundlessness

Exercise 1:
Go to your envisioned future exercise (on page 4), and make note of each of
the changes that you need to implement in your life in order to achieve your
future intentions. Then take the time to work through each of these initiatives,
and record any insights or successes that you have in response to doing so.
Exercise 2:
Focus your attention on something that you would like to master or attain in
your life. Make a list of any logical limitations that you believe you may face in
attempting to do so. Now go through this list and separate the seemingly
impossible from the possible. Mark any limitations that could be overcome, and
make the choice to move through them. Write in your journal about any
insights you gain.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 10: Martial Arts Study to Understand the Boundless

Exercise 1:
Robert cites an example of a friend who extended the boundaries of peak
performance. He turned a banal job around by competing with time and finding
more productive ways to do the work. Do a mental inventory of your current
life. Make a list of the repetitive experiences you have in your life that you find
banal or fatiguing. Can you find a way to extend the boundaries and create an
experience that feeds you chi or energy?
Exercise 2:
In martial arts, the black belt is the emblem of responsibility. Do an inventory
of your life. In what areas have you been unwilling to take responsibility? Are
you willing to go for the black belt and take responsibility for aspects of your
life that youve been avoiding? Make a list of any areas that you are willing to
take responsibility for, along with those areas that you are not. Journal on what
you experience as you progress through this exercise.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 11: Experiencing the Bliss of Oneness

Exercise 1:
Think of the lives you have affected. Your actions have produced all sorts of
effects that you did not intend and probably dont know about. Try this exercise.
Put on some tranquil music and close your eyes. Imagine a situation in which
you took some kind of simple action. Trust whatever comes into your mind.
Now follow the chain of events that your action initiated. Allow your mind to
follow the action, like a movie, from one individual, and how it affected their
life, to another. There will be a chain of reaction or action based on your initial
act. After completing this exercise, write out the scene and any insights that you
gain by doing it. Be sure to acknowledge yourself for the role that you played.
Exercise 2:
How much credence do you give to the limits that others in your life impose
upon you? Write out the limiting beliefs about yourself that your friends,
parents, children, employers, partners, etc. have shared with you. Which of
these beliefs have you bought into? Review each belief from your heart
perspective, and ask yourself if this belief is one that you hold true for yourself.
If not, make the conscious choice to change that belief to one that fits more
with your psyche. Make note in your journal of any ideas or insights that you

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Session 12: Bringing Oneness Into Your Life

Exercise 1:
Robert describes the Pushing Hands Exercise in this session. Philosophically, it
teaches students to be submissive to invest in loss. Find a partner and play
the game. Start with single-handed, then both, and finally blindfolded. Write
about your experience in practicing this exercise. Remember that your goal in
this exercise is sensitivity to your partners energy, intention, and movements.
Exercise 2:
Think back to a time in your life when you experienced a moment of adversity.
Very often there are powerful lessons learned during such trying times. As you
reflect on this experience, make a list of what lessons you have learned in
response to it. Now try to magnify it, and make note of any bigger picture life
insights that you have gained as well.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Goal Setting Checklist

In the space provided below, write out any goals that you would like to fulfill in
your life. Remember that they should align with good intentions for all involved
and they should enhance the lives of two or more individuals. As you practice
the techniques outlined in this program, be sure to check off each goal as you
achieve it.






THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Exercise Tracking Journal

In the space provided throughout the following pages document and track the
times that you do each exercise, what you experienced during the exercise, and
any pertinent successes or outcomes in response to doing the exercise.

Experiences While
Doing Exercise

Outcomes in Response
to Exercise

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Experiences While
Doing Exercise

Outcomes in Response
to Exercise

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Experiences While
Doing Exercise


Outcomes in Response
to Exercise

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Experiences While
Doing Exercise

Outcomes in Response
to Exercise

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living

Experiences While
Doing Exercise


Outcomes in Response
to Exercise

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Experiences While
Doing Exercise

Outcomes in Response
to Exercise

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day One:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day Two:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day Three:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day Four:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day Five:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day Six:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Time Log (Duration: One Week)

Day Seven:
Time (from/to)

Listing of What I Did Throughout My Day

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THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Successes and Gratitude Log


THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Successes and Gratitude Log


THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living



THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living



THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


If you would like to know more about Robert Pino, please visit

The theories and exercises provided for you on this program have been created
by Robert Pino to assist you on your emotional and spiritual journey. In
conjunction with Nightingale-Conant, Robert urges you to always seek the
advice of professional counsel where applicable, and he suggests that you
refrain from doing the meditations or related exercises while driving or
operating machinery.

THE POWER OF CHI: Applying Far Eastern Insights for Effortless Living


Enhance Your Audio Library with These Great Titles

from Nightingale-Conant!
True Balance:
A Chakra Guide for Renewing Your Body, Mind and Spirit
By Sonia Choquette
17480A / 17480CD

The Tao of Abundance:

Eight Ancient Principles for Abundant Living
By Laurence G. Boldt
22070A / 22070CD

Creating Miracles Every Day:

How to Turn Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Experiences
By Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
19110A / 19110CD

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life:

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Energy Healing:
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