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C<lMPlUO AND .. " .... 0 .,
SlIslri, Himl.i-Pru,h4MTa, W ..... , ".0.1.., PJ[.D. ( LUOD.), ~ . ......
Joi"1 DiTUtor-Gmmu 4 M<Nu0/4lJ in lndi<t
FormtT!1 G .... """"', Ep;zraplPSI iOT ImJU,
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S4hig-a:n..-A:.oi4/i: (Tteuura
of Sa""luit Liltratute: Vol . VI-An Anthology of
Sanskrit l nocriptio""j. Compiled and e<Jited by Or
Bahadur Chand Chhabra. Sahitya Abdemi, 1964.

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1:.,1\ )18 ..... .
..,........, OY . t.mTYA .... , ..... v...... ' .. ou." .. "
.""","", DURI, o>.lID nnnzD ........ . . """" .... T A' ."" _ATT
..- .m., Sl, """""A """""'" .IW>, ""....,.., ... 9. "
Poetry in Sanskrit inscriptions is a little known thing.
I t is a little known thing even in well-infonned d rdes.
And the mere telling that there actually is such a
thing in el<istence conveys no prc::cise idea as to itl
nature, quality, extent and variety. .
The main purpose of this anthology,
is to demonstrate what a wealth of good Sanskrit
poetry liel hidden away in ' quite an uwuspected
corner, i.e. epigraphy. Being within the precincts
of arcbaeology, this wealth has remained almost
unknown to those movi ng in the realm oflitera!ure.
I u charms have failed to catch the eye of those who
take delight in Sanskrit poetry.
The hundrc::ds of old Sanskrit compositions of
collllidcrable poetic merit, some of which have been
drawn upon for the present compilation, do not
find a place in the numerous printed.. cat.a.logues of
Sanskrit works. Meanwhile their number goes 00
as fresh discoveries are made every now
and then.
The inscriptional poetry hI..! yet to receive full
justice at the bands of those responsible for writing
on history of Sanskrit literature. What little has
been done in this direction will , be found reviewed
in the Introduction.
Apart from knowing the history,lovers ofSarukrit
would like to know as to what kind of poetry is to
be found in Samkrit epigraphy. They would like
to taste and sample the advertised goods. The
taste of the pudding is in the eating. Prompted by
this consideration, the compiler of the present antho-
logy once had occasion to deliver a $peeeh on ' Little-
known Sanskrit Poets' under the auspices of the
Indian Institute of Culture (subsequently renamed
as Indian Institute of World Culture) at Bangalore.
Later on he wrote a paper on ' Poetry in Sanslfrit
Inscriptions', which was published in the monthly
j ournal Tbe A?,1l11 PaJh for September, 1951. Therein
he happened to announce his intention of preparing
a sizable anthology for the delectation of scholan.
Little did he dream at that time that, four
years later, he would receive a call from the Sahitya
Delhi, cstablished in March, 1954-, asking him to
compile an anthology of verses of purely literary merit
from Sanskrit inscriptions. Needless to say that this
goaded him on to accomplish the task. The result
is now before the interested public.
The present sclection comprises examples of
the quality as well as of the variety of the poetry in
Sanlkrit inscriptions of antiquity, chronologically
arranged. They are pieces picked out more or less
at random, and arc not necessarily the best. It is
hoped that they will afford the reader a measure of
aesthetic pleasure for which poetry primarily stands.
Maltara SllIikranti
J=?' 14-, 1959
Nell! DetJrj

. ~ .




Kl.tala, who mUll! have been a Sanskri t poet of
repute in his time, declares:
kurtranJII kirw'naial lini,
matklUmlu lNIirimkartMl, dlumam utsrjll1llu I
k41dntar, lad akh.i/am prilbalandhakiira-
kllllijl1lUlir tlllibadJrlam01il2m 11
'Let them raise monuments, $COre victories on
the battlefield and give liberally in charity. All
these grand decdt an: bound 10 pass away like dance
performances staged in the duk, unless glorified and
Immortalized by poets."
Litde did he dream that his own performance
would suffer the same fate by the passage of time .
He is not at all known now except to a handful of
epigraphists. I n the ltone inscription in which the
above-quoted verse occurs, Kl!aJa introduces him-
self as a versatile poet as a1so a trained warrior,
proficient in ;ill sorts of handicrafts, aper! in the
medical care of elephants, and conversant with the
various branches of philosophy, including the doctrine
of the Buddha.
In common with KMala many a good Sanskrit
poet has been forsouen by posterity. There are
hundreds of inscfll?tions known as paJastis and
i4tanas which eontl.l.n eJ<cellent poetry in Sanskrit.
But it has remained ob$cure for centuriet unti l
recently. Thanks to archaeological dis<:overiet,
literary compositions of considerable poetic merit
have been discovered and are being discovered
even today. Since they are, in general, manly
handled by the archaeologists and epigraphists and
utilized for the purpose of histoflography, their
contenu have not been known to the Sanskrit Pandiu.
Some of the Icholan have tried to draw atlention 10
the existence of inscriptional in Sanskrit, but
I v .... , of Ill< KooU S_ I....,..rp.iooo, I, XXVI I. p. UI
that has not helped much. We may notice .some oftbe
con(ributiorul that have been made in this direction.
When in 1888 Mc J ohn Faithfull Fleet published
his edition of the Cu.PI4 llUmptions', it attracted notice
of the well.known German Indologlsl. Dr George
BUhler. He was impressed by the poetic excel!ence
ofehe very fint inscription of Fleet's volume, namely,
Hari,cl;la's Jmdasti of Thit prompt-
ed him to write an essay which was published in
188990 under the title of Du indisdtm IllSdrifolt
IIlII1 flu Alkr der UuiiWun XlUUtpouU in the Sik.wr,l-
6trjehJ, of the Vienna Academy. Hc singled out
eighteen of the inscriptions publiilied in the Gupta
I lIsm/ltiDfIS as possessmg literary merit. He suD.
je<:tea them to a very thorough analysis and brought
out their rdative worth. In that same essay, he also
considered the famous Junagadh Rock Inscription
or Rudradaman and the Nasi!.; Cave Inscription of
the nineteenth year of Siri-Pu!uml yi, both of which
are famous for thar poetic prose. It may be observed
that the lout-mcntioned inscription is in Prakrit but
follows the same ktl1!Jil style as in later
Biihler's original German essay was later trans-
lated into English by Prof. V. S. Ghate of POODa,
which arrare<! in 1913 in the Indian AntiqUllry,
Vo!. XL , in six irutalments. In the course of his
minute analysis, Biihler here and there also im;r""'"
upon certain readin&, of the inscriptionl an upon
thar interpretation. A very COnspicuOlU illltance
of hiJ scholarly emendations is the fact that he
demolished Fleet'l view that the Allahabad Pillar
I nscription of Samudragupta is posthumous. Since,
however, Biihler'1 original essay was in the Gennan
language and its translation aprared much laler,
Fleet's wrong interpretation 0 the passage COD-
cemed gained currency and subsequent historians
accepted only Fleet'. view. Vincent A. Smith'
ClI, Vat III
]-..l" .... I'" pp. 1186-1





did notice Biih!er'1 emendation, but that did not
help much either. Hc writes: "Professor Biihler is
unquestionably right in making this colTection, and
I ",g:t that I did not know it when writiDf recentlY'
on the hinory or the reign and conquests 0 Samudra
Gupta." .
This happened more than lixty run ago.
Smith made amends by drawing attention to the
.aid letter, in a footnote on page 246 of hill Earlj
H' of /ndiIJ.'
~ spite of this, Fleet', view persisted, so much
so that as late as 1946 Dr R. C. Majumdar and
Or A. S. Alldar, in their joint publication entitled
TIM Vi!4faJ;a-Gup/Q. Ag, (Lahore, 1946, p. 137), pve
credence to Fleet's view. The present writer has
dealt with this point in detail in an article published
in the Indian HistoMzl Q,Jiarlci1, Vol. XXIV (1948),
pp. 104- fr.
A pcnual of Bijh!er'1 essay would .how that he
WiU mamly concerned with the antiquity of what he
ca1ls artificial poetry in SanslriL By his theW he
has proved that the s<H:alled court poetry existed
a! early as the middle of the second century' A.D.
In drawing comparUoIll, he has been a bit too
hanb on Vatsabhani whom he describes as a "veni
fier perh&J learned but clumsy and little gifted."
He makes further remarks about him, which are not
very charitable. He saY' slandcringly that "he
was not ashamed of making money by composing
a piece of poetry occasionally, even when such a
low cla.ss of people as the silkweaven required his
services.'" His Calling the silkweaven ofDaUpura
a! a low class of pwple is entirel y uncalled for in
the present context and sounds a little highbrow.
It may, in pas.sing, be remarked that the word p ~
uKd by Vatu.bha!ti has not been properly under-
stood by BUhler who l.Jl:ecs with Fl eet in translating
it by 'the above'.' In fact, it has been shown to be
a teon synonymous with praJasti.'
A5 against .Yatsabha!ti, Hari,el).a is praised to
the skies by Biihler. Commrntin$' upon the verse
'in which Samudragupta was ordamed by his father
to be his successor', he writes: " This vene is one of
the bat productions the Indians have siven 111, in
the domain of miniature-portraits, which is their
forte." I t has indeed the excellence pointed out
by B(lhkr . It may, however, be remarked that the
text given by Fleet has been accepted by BiiMer
without any reservation. It ill Itrange that Fleet's
reading of the opening and the concluding words,
namely, iir;oo hi and pih,J-flH111l-llrwfm-iti, have not
struck Biihler as being against the Sanskrit idiom.
An attempt was made' by the present writer to
restore the correct reading which is now given in this
Anthol?{Y (p. 2).
While lliihfer's treatment has been more from
a literary-historian's point of view, there have been
other II<:holars who have viewed the subject more
from an aesthetic angle. Dr Fram: Kielhorn, an
equally well-known German l ndologist, while editing
the Aihole l lUCription of Pulikdin n, remarks:
" Important as this inscription is as an historical
document, to m)'$df it seenu almost more interesting
from .. literary point of view .....
After B(lhler's exhaustive treatment of wme of
the inscriptiotll of poetic merit, there has been a long
gap. About the year 1925, Prof. D. B. DiUalkar
brou.s:ht out a booklet, entitled StltiDns form! StvlSkrit
Insmpti6ns, meant chiefly for the studentt of Indian
univenities. It contains texts of fifteen select in&-
'tA. Xl.Il. p. IM
'sn,..1WnlI (Dt. La_ s..n.;. Volwe). pp. 1..
's.. Iho _ "" Abdica ..... m .... _ CW/woo.
VoI. XIV, PI>- If I If.
"EI, VI,!,-I .


cnptIons. He informs us that "the selection of
texts has been made more with a view to illustrate
possessing literary merit than to their
historical or religious importance."" He had planned
to publish a second part of this booklet in which he
desued to include notes and translations, but this
intended part has not yet seen the light of the day.
Lately, he has published a list of 'Sanskrit and
Pral:rit Poets known from Inscriptions,' which is
published in the Journal rif tIu Oriental I'IISlituu,
Baroda, VoL VII, 1957, 'pp. 78 ff. This list is
misleading inasmuch as It includes names not
only of poets but aboof writers or scribes ofinscrip-
tions without any poetic prctentions. Besides, the
list is not comprehensive.
Or D. C. Sin:ar has published two articles, one
entitled 'Klvya Style in the Inscriptions of the
Successors of the S1I.tavahanas' and the otber ' Ins-
criptional Evidence Relating to the Development of
Classical Sanskrit'. The first W3$ published in
1937-38 ill the /ndil1ll Culture, Vo!. IV, pp. 240 fr. alld
W3$ !ater reproduced ill his book The Stu:CUNrS of the
Calcutta, 1939. His second essay W3$
published in the IndillTl HisltJrica/ QJIarler!y, Vo!. XV,
1939, pp, 38ff. J:lis first, uti,de is a sort
to Dr Btihler's dlSlertatton lD3$much as tt takes mto
account the inscriptions of the Vakatak3$ and other
successors of the Satavahan3$ in the South, which,
accordillg to Dr Sircar, also contain passages of
considerable poetic merit, III his second COlltribu-
tion he pwhes back the date of Classi cal Sanskrit
literature by another fifty years, relying on the
evidence that the celebrated Sanskrit poet
was a contemporary of the KUlal).a King Kanitka,
What is noteworthy ill this essay is that Dr Sircar
propounds a swding theory, the R.iimiiyal!a
and the MahiibharaJa were ongmally composed ID
Prakrit and that their Sanskrit vemoll.'l were ':pre-
pared at the time of the later and Guptas .n
A very recent contdbution on the subject was
a lecture delivered by Dc Radha Govinda Basak at
the Ramakrishna Institute of Culture, Calcutta, in
January, 1955, and published in the Bufhtin of the
said Institute, Vo!. VII, no. 4, April 1956, pp. 73 ff.
This is a very interesting lecture, but adds little to
what Biihler has already described, except that some
of the early inscriptions found in the east of India
have received due notice.
The present writer published an article 'Little
known Saru;krit Poets' in the Indo-Asian Culture, Vol.
X, No. I, J uly 1961, pp. 3M2. An article in Hindi
' .. q m' (' Poetic Beauty in In$criptiom')
was published by K. D. Bajpai in the Nagari
PaJri/;a, Year 58th, No. 3, V. S. 2010, pp. 247-54.
Apart from the contributions just reviewed, one
would have expected a proper treatment by the
literary-historians, but unfortunately very little has
been done so far in this regard. We are told in
Dr S. K. De's book entitled A Hiswry of Samkrit
. Literature, CllJlsUol Period, Vo\. I, published by the
University of Calcutta in 1947, that a full account
of the elemena of literature in inscriptions w:u
intended to be included in that volume", but that
intention remains unfulfiUed to th.ilI day. In the
body of the book, however, occasional references' are
made to some very irominent inscriptional poea,
such as an Vatsabhaqi, as also to their
compositions and certain outstanding inscriptions
like thOBe ofRudradliman and Pu!umliyi .
It may thll.'l be seen that much remains to be
done with regard to populari:cing the iwcriptional
poetry. This can be accoml?lished only by giving
ample quotations from the onginal compositioll.'l, as
is done in the present Anthology. Critics of
Sallllkrit poetics will find that the passages collected
"1 .... Hi<1Ori<AI a,..u.t-,. Vol. XV,1'" 10
"s..I'rd" ... , p.,; of A Liu. .... ,ct.m..l Pm..I, Vol. I.



here conform to the rules and conventions of classical
poetry. AJ indicated by KMa!a', verse quoted in
the beginning, the topia of /mJI1I1U and J41allJ1S are
usually the heroic deeds and charities of kings, as
abo the meritoriow acts of wealthy people, such as
construction of temples and tanks. The fiigh! of
imagination on the pari of the compcmrs of praJlUtis
may be found to compare well with that ofthe known
Samkrit classical poets. It will also be seen that in
maDy cases the names of the composers arc DOt
known, which is a great pity indel. Sanskrit potu
an: specially fond of albteration and mll1uirl,
WhiCh qualitia are very much in evidence in Sanskrit
inscriptions as well. Their diction, style, rhythm,
exccllence and embellishments, all remind of the
Sa.ukrit d Ulica1 poetry with which Sanskrit
$Cholan arc familiar. The figures of speech, such as
limile, metaphor, fancy, paranomes.ia (ihill ), ox)'
moron and a host of others are fou nd 10
abundance in Sanskirt inscriptiollil. They alto display
a variety of metres characteristic of clauical poetry.
The present Anthology contains alto some
passages in what is known as poetie prose. In fact,
It operu with lueh a one from the famoIU iunagadh
Inscription of Rudradlman. Samples 0 Sanskrit
inscriptional from Greater I ndia are also
included in this Anthology.
If one were to cull from Sanskrit inscri ptions
alone, one could easily produce a handsome anthology
of a thoWland and one delightful poems. These
genu remain scattered and hidden. Their merit is
seldom recognited. Rarely indeed does their splen-
dour catch the eye. They passed by as mere
weeds grown over the heaps of raw material-mw
material for the construction of a more or leu prosaic
edifice of his tory which, until yesterday, meant little
more than a cont rovenial narrative of the rise and
fall of past empires. The of such an edifice,
in thar anxiety IOr sound and solid stuff, naturally
brush aside the luxuriant over-growth which, to them,
.ervea no purpoK whatsOeVer. Nay. it often provCl
a hindrance to their work. Yet, from the point of
view of poetry, the finest of the tine arts, this very
overgrowth contains piece. of undisputed wOMh,
judged by the standard of the Sanskrit ehwics. i
They may be useless all historical evidence but, as a '
source of pleasure, many of them may be found to
compare well with the fineu ofliterary compoeitiolU.
'Vhere is the place, one may qUC!luon in all
seriousnea, for fHllu-uflTu in IUch mattcr-of-faet
documents as inscriptions chiefly are? TheN: serve
history; and hinary has no room for poetry. This
may hold F. elsewhere, but not in India. The
Indian gemus ha.! all along dragged in poetry where
poetry is least expected. No matter what the
theme-arithmetic or architecture, Jaw or religion,
medicine or melaph}'$ia- avenues of elevated exprts
&ion, at once instructive and entertaining, are sought.
In order to drive bome a point, an Indian writer or
speaker fredy emp\O)l fancies and hyperboles, limiles
and metaphor!, and a host of other figures of speech,
that hit the mark and radiate joy into the bargain:
How intriguing, for instanee, it: the ph)'llician who,
ill adverting to the beneficial effects of the use of dry
nuts of myrobalall, declares :
yMJa .m<il<i grM Msti 1aJY6 mdld harilaJd I
kaiJ,ri1 kuP7au nuitti nMarlUlhti MritaM n
'To olle who has no mother at home, 1uui1aJ:i is
mother. Mother may on OCta.UOD get angry, but
never does IurritUi in the ltomach Hare up.'
Let us have another example. We have in the
Bibl,: " In all thy W:ilYS Him, and He
shall make straight thy path." (PrtroeTbr, Ill. 6)
'I)lit: simple and direct advice has been rendered in
ornate fashion, independently of course, by an am::ient
theologian, as follows;
yllli4 dUJam lIq/ll,Jiuanli I
ladn tfnam auijii6fl bhalriqah' n

'When people ate able to roll up the sl:y like a
parehmenl, then will it be possible to get rid of misery
without acknowledging GOd !'
This indirect and suggestive way of putting a
lhing is characteristic of Sanskrit rhetoricians. Tt is
supposed to add elegance to emphasis.
Whcn poetry can thrive well in the realms to
which it is exotic, so 10 say, how much more luxurian.
tly could it not Bourish in the fields in which it is
more or less indigenolU? And Indian epigraphy
has lurely been one such field. It provided ample
JCOpe for nlwkltru. In invoking the blessingt of
his favourite deity, in extolling his patron's ancestry,
in recountin$: the exploits of his hero, in describing
a temple budt by his master, or in a like situation,
a writer with a poetic bent would find sufficient
excuse for loosening the reins of his imagination.
The authoI'$ of raJas1is on Slone and of JIJ/1.1I/U
on copper were thus not mere recorders of facts. They
claimed 10 be poets, men of aesthetic taste and of
varied expcrimce. And mostly such claims are
jlUtifiable. The compositions of lueh pet'SOlt!I deterve
to be appraised as poems cum records, and not as
merer ecords.
Before we proceed, one point may be elucidated.
Or BUhler dubbed the poetry in question 'artificial',
by which he obviously meant 'eonventional', having
an eye especiaUy on the high.sounding praises
showered on petty chiefs. It is true that such eulogies
by court poets sound hollow, but that should not be
held to detract from their intrinsic value as poetic
compositiOlt!l. In order to enjoy them, the reader
has to keep circunutances and penonalitiCli in the
background. The crowned heads are used as mere
pegs on which to hang the strings of poetic pearls.
Viewed in this light, the verses will no longer read
u mere servile flattery. Besides, there are certain
conventions that are irueparably bound up
with all Oriental poetry; to a European, these do look
li ke touches of artificiality.
Savanu like Or Franz Kielhorn, when dealing
with imcriptions, do take notice of poetic meriu
wherever they find any.
Sanskrit poeu are specially fond of aUiteration
and d<i u/Ju tnllndrt, which qualities are very much in
evidence in the par(ll of Sanskrit inscril?tions that are
designed to be poetic, both in prose and In vene. They
pouess in abundance, too, such essentials of good
poetry, ruJ diction and style, rhythm and harmony,
excellences and embellishmenu, all of which combine
to produce tllSll or enjoyment, lhe rllislnl d'dn of
poetry. A few illustrations may demonstrate this.
The si mile is supposed to be the qui ntessence of
felicitous phraseology. From this practically all other
figures of speech have sprung. A c1u;ical example
may be round in-
Jri-CIwtdrIlPPIIIS.JIl M llhmirllklliJ1llIJ
Jr umiirllgllpllIS.taMJIlIJ, sllmllgriim 1
rllTaJqll siidkuim-ioll dhllrma/llll1lilil
Mfimim 11
'KumAragupta- like unto Mahendra (the great
god Indra)-son of the illustrious Candragupta, by
dint of his valour, protected the whole world even
u a husband does his wedded wife, chute and
virtuolIS, c1uping her in his mighty arms.'''
The tenderness thAl goes with the protection, as
weU as the IOlicitude underlying it, is subtly hinted at
by the earth being likened to a good wife, with Ku-
min.gupla as her lord.
Wben a copy happens 10 OU(llhine the model, it
is cllled Vptinka or Transcendence. It may be
difficult to find a more apt instance of this than-
"El, XXVI, p.lIf
' Having created in her face a moon such as was
never seen before-a moon of ever sparkling splend-
our, 'fl awless and full-orbed-the Creator went into
raptures even morc. ' ..
Mark the significance of 'even more' in the vent.
It lends itself to an inference which is a whole story in
itself. The Creator must gone into raptures
over the moon, that paragon of beauty of His own
creation, despite her obvious blcmisha, IUch all being
bright only by night, having a dark spot in the centre,
appearing now a full orb and then reduced to a mere
slice. Natutally, therefore, He was much more
thrilled when He turned out a llecond moon, free
from all thOle blemishes, in the comely face of Soma-
prabhl, a belle of the Him!l!a.you, the youthful bride
of Prince Sityaki. That is how, at least, the anony_
mous poet of the SarlhaQ prlJilUli fancies the lady In
his detai ption.
A near neig:bbour of J,Jlltird/l is another embel
lishment, whertln tbeoopy and the model inten:hange
placa:. It is named or Reciprocity.
A mcal instance of thIS is provided by RavikIrti
in hIS dc:seription of the Arabian Sea, Iw,rm
ing WIth the Galukyan Reet. The descdption con
cludes with-
jllltmidhir. iDIl D)'IImMNllmo-' bhalJad-ambudhib, 11
'The Iq was like the sea and the sea resembled
the ,ky.'l'
This line, it may be observed, is an echo of
slgartuil e.QmJ!araprakhJllm-amJJfUam I
' The ocean appeared as the Iky and the sky
looked like the ocean.'''
Vllmiki, India's primeval poet, has been a source
of in!lpiration to the $Uceeeding generatiolU of poets
.. J. 1'10. Vosd, f/o.-M. $1000, po 156 ...... 5
kt. vt..,. i,......, u
.. !".vt. .
in this country. And echoes of his epic poem are
found in inscriptions as well as in literature. The
comparison of clear water to a pure heart or to a
serene mind, for instance, originated with him:
ramallfyam prasannamJJu stmmanusyamano .laMa I
'[The river banl] pleasant, with water as clear
as the mind of good people.'"
It is this very 'old wine in new bottles' that
daborately puts into mouth:
SWlCchariz s4.ijafUlCitJaual . .. .
.... : . . . pin!Jiam-iinfyaliim 11
'Fetch some water as pure as the heart of good
people .... 'It
The elaboration effected hy Balllla consists of
some additional attrihutes of the water, as sweet as
this, as cool as that, scented with this and that, and
so forth.
The same idea of has been exploited by
varioin writers of praJastis in connection With a well,
a tank or the like, the construction of which happens
to be the theme of a rarticular inscription. The
Mandasor inscription 0 Malava Samvat 524 (A.D.
467), for instance, recorda the construction of a
BuddhistSlilpa, a monastery, a well and a watCl'-!tall by
a military commander named Dattabhata. Ravila,
the author, describes the water ofthe well as follows:
Yl1lmin ell
mano mlmimim-/M nirmalam ell I
V/ICO guriituim-iva c-iimbu pathymfz
$uklwm_tti 11
'People derive comfort hy frequently drinIcing it!
water, cool (refreshing) as the meeting of friends,"
pure as the mind ofsages and wholesome all the words
of elders. 'u
Ki.tala, whom we have already quoted, some
700 years later than Ravila, ill more specific in hill
portrayal of the tank built by a pious, leamed and
large.hearted 8rihmaJ:ll philanthropilt. PUnlJOttama
by name. He KeII in that lank an embodiment of
the good hean of Puru$Ottama himself. By iruerting
words of dOl/bI, he has succeeded in heightening
the artistic effect:
"irmnfam-IJIiiHMlUlm W!1tlm 1
hrdl!Yam.ilXl sMkam-akarod
R4IMP"" liIgararil.Jai-ca 11
'And at Ratnapura he comtructed a large lank
which ill deep, is full of aquatic creatures, is clear, is
exceedingly beautiful, is worthy of being resorted 10
by people, and is thw, in every respect, a replica of
his own heart, which likewise is profound, very
coutagtOlU, pure, extremely fine and approachable
by one and all.'"
AJ already remarked, Sanskrit poetl have a great
liking IOr ,dmd!u tnllndrt. And, as in other languages.
so in Sanskrit too, wonb having douhle meanings
have been found Vtry handy for various kinds of
puns. One of very frcqutnt occurrence is Virod/ui
bMsa or Contradiction, It onen revolves on a
single word wruch is construed in two different ways,
one evolving a contradiction aod the other resolving
it, so to ,ay. The following example may make the
point dear:
Sal.J-6pi ralNIbharolK
jdMJw-'pi fmuadJuJ1louiJlfllm I
yo vahati bhujl1l0 sadA
kullOw.J0m.4Iellryoiam {,u 11
'Though po$Iessing plenty of bejewelled orna
.. !/I,XXVII, p. 16, ...... \2
.. '_p. 28S, vu. SI
menlll and knowing full well how and where co wear
a particular ornament, why, onc wonders, is he always
wearing a blue lotus on his ann ?'"
The pel'Son spoken of is the king,
Kf!il).ariija Ill. The inferential contradiction is that
hill wearing of a blue lotus on his arm does not assort
well with lili wealth and his expert knowledge. As
a king, he can well afford a gold armlet, bedecked
with gems; that would be a ornament for
him, not a blue lotus. Even granting that he had
taken a fancy to a flower, the one selected is usually
ustd as an ear-pendant (never as an annlet) and that,
too, by ladies (and never by such a virile man as a
king of his repute is cOllllidered to be). This in-
consistency is removed by construing differently the
word kuvalaya, meaning 'blue lotus'. It can be s.rlit
into ku and valllya and then we have the other meaning
'globe', 'the ban of the earth' . I n other words, what
is wearing on his arm is not a blue lotus
but the whole world, which symbolically signifies
that he is ruling over the earth or protectinf it.
The instances so far cited are mostly 0 what Dr
Buhler calls 'artificial poetry'. The verses quoted
below a.re of a more natural kind, being descriptive
of the Spring . . They also illustrate the wedding of
sound WIth sense: the music of words. The occasion
is only the dating of an event, to wit, the oonstmction
of sWpa, etc., mentioned above. Ravila
the poet, instead of mentioning the season by name'
indicates it by saying: '
kiit:praPar:ne 1
gaw.su iieJantanlapr!}6su
priyiisu kiimajoalaniiiwlilf!(Jm 11
pravrittamalliinyahh.! 1asr111JIl/U 1

naoam rJalwtsilpavanqu kiinlim tl
EI,XXVI. p. 289, ...., 12
'At the advent of the time when the tender
lotus-fiower droops under the weight of the bee, when
the sal tree puts on the moot charming appearance,
when the young wives whose husbands happen to be
away from home afe consumed by the fire of love,
when groves and gardens, astir with temperate
breezes, start resounding with the warbling! of the
cuckoo and put forth young leaves as ruby-red as the
lips of a damsel ... '"
One more citation in closing will prove that ideas
are a1loat in the air at all times and in all climes.
Poets catch and e",press them, each in his own
language. This accounts for the fact that often the
same idea occurs to two different poets, far removed
from each other both in time and in space. Siva,
whose stanza is quoted below, lived In the fifth
century A.D., somewhere in Vindhya Pradesh. In a
chaste and innocent young lady he saw a stream of
crystal clear water.
Jplza.likaoimala.!ulJlzram bib/zrati iilatoyam
Jamaniyamala.tiintapriin/aJuddhapraoiilwm 1
Ja7Uilil piivayanti
stII!i'IIm-iha suralokM-iigatii 11
' ... who is, as it were, the Ganges herself, from heaven
descended, purirying the people here, possessing the
water (in the form) of character pure and brilliant as
crystal, with its serene flow bounded within the two
banks of self-restraint and self-dilcipline, ripply with
many virtues sucb as equanimity.'''
About 1300 yean. later, in En$"land, the poet
William Cowper caught the same VIsion."
.. El, XXVII, p. 16, ....... I." 15
.. /WI.,j> .. I.I, ....... S
.. r.T. f'I4n""., a.u." r""""" p. 129
ACS .. AlItiquitia of OIamba Stt.te
.. A..n...t I.m.. c.t.i4 .. ,... F., Eal, Vol. I, a-,;.,
BooII Ill-The IJlKriptioDs of Champ", by A. C.
Majwnd.ar, I.o.II<n, 1927
CII .. Carp ... Inscriptionum Iodical'\LJn
Vol. 1U- f1ect'.
Vo!. IV- M\rashi'. uri Interipuom
... phia India.
lA _ l owan Antiquary
IB .. Inocripuoru of Bengal
IC .. IlIJeriptions du Cambodge
IS .. KlmarllpUhanlvai!
NICC .. NapalcK Inscriptioru in Cupt.a Ch&racten

I '
(Description of King Rudradlman)
f.,ii1I",11I,1., I l"li im ill<I' ('Ill 11((\1 lca"qM}-
,,.rtli cffir;rr ('RI!T),
:" 0:::' _, , '0:::
I., I Zlllijtj 1.,1 'HI '" 111<"'", "''1 Iq CNd : 1'I'n\'.
",v(fj (N F"Wlf:aI'I .. f"'Ni",f"I :6".'1 Ir ..
lI j<{\4ijitli, ...
t ffuVO!'lIf-llilf .. MIIT1(iiio,. (jiC( iq'jjnjq.'IlQ ICI ''1 f l'4C1ji,i
'1 1') " I qj <"'" i (01 f'
i .,,,.rH I .. i C(1r .. 11<'1'1 ... <".
""lIiFE!" ';f"'!4iG I . ... q 01 , d/(<(<r..-
. ",,'
'11,,1 .,"'!I'mi .. ." f'1"'I'Iilt0t , 11 .. i"lN 1'&,U"'r q I":
(tij M ,d {4 W\)q ... q foe "'I "'" q I., if>'" ;ij." W",'I , <f.it" ",HI'
'IIO(OQqzi\(1 (1";!'d'itNCI .. Of, 11 q '''Iq 1'I)'Ql'lfll (Iir
"v'jij I tfCIl f(f,,: q Yla'liii{\'jf.:", I, f'IIQqN' I-
<I*I(illl"lHI '"11, ., ("''''''41\'<'14 .. 11<1.., I, '1(1111 '1-
tor, .
J"""f&dlo of. R_, IIJ, VII!, p. t
""ijlf<fil'l ol'l"oll \lqlt .... >i",'jh,F'I"I
' I.tf<\qqq I {f .. <!4M Ne: (l\\qfiHI \11 qq f(f'l\11l1j q I oj ij'liN
flt10i tMtl ,!{i!I'f'i vro'iN"1)W<*1'fdii.,
",,,,ljtiqe:ql ij'l'lI'ldl,f.ql(qftlf4 flmN"
",,{41 "ti'itli(]F'I1( tilPiif..,q, .. lif('! rm
$(101 (I",N 0I4'14ftitlddNtl'l'1'I'I"lr"\"Qt4 R ,!Ollrd ii14-
r,w1N'lr"f' hl .. r'l41 'I 'l"'I41ci "flIQ'l'l'l4ltl
fi fiI " ..
JI"WI>tl"t4 s?lQ'l 'lt4
NbdaI I....-lp<lonl El, XlI{VII, p. 2601.
".P. 226
tl'!l'l'dt4 1'1{4jIj(iij't
(Selection of S-udragupta ... KinaJ
'ttifit<J."'W lt l .. U>tf>t' :
tl 4t"'t"r<l8'1 1f418"14'l1"'11)a1 I

If: fq'llr'lr<i r.,M<'li <rrf{ 11
lI'U"l 'pi '* 'Pt SI \l ' nll t'l" 14i1I ... fl-
Wi'tr< lnf: I
r., .. 1I1'1f(l1115hl1lrllr>f q 'flI' : Ii
.. 11." .... 1_'.'- ClI, III
. I

(Orsc:riJXiol:l of Ki"8 Pllrl;ll.varman)
IUm" 'EmI) 'H"rd(M: 4: iU dl"'IIQI
orrqr 'I1f'1 .. "Y lI1U($ij(lijUr"" l1dlCQf I
qlf .. "", .. qfwlt'ldiiij
"'I'Ii'Il'lf 4'1fllOli Wi'lljn't
J_hu Cm w ... jaoa) !led I .. , ..
fIWt ... p. 221
.... D. 390
(Dcocrl ption of King Vifva .... rman)
lI' : ;r FW>!4I1f"/JIMilli-
iji'lfll1(j "".\If,, W,(\dl!lfll: IL
4t<11 r ('1>1 rot f" '1" I '14-t'St<I
Ti 11 (11'1 ... 'II"IfIf : 11
"'\1 '\' I '1qfd f .. <f5<ll d If!.,d i 0:4.
"JEM"", ... wfi.,q,';: I
1I(11Q1ajjFMPI <1,'1"" W .. i",fo
<R{CldISOJllMd<1i i
II1rifu .'.'Off ...... ,.;' "
1If1lsf'r it 'fI!fu """F(.diU.,:
f'l'V11 ('l F(lIIFi(d t
Wif'<lr>. q(iJC(W!'jij: '!'i'Ufir I1
JIIdl'l'lfil lI{f '1'IF<jwq'H
R'f IflIT ,!('idl .. I
.t!'i<ij4F.,I) aqij:t1F ... d1
Wtt ... eol"l" "R': \!tI.f .. a) .,. 11

. ,
{Detcri ptiou of a Temple)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
611,11-1111 UI F\1 lit<! (!Bt
'i"':'fifi't 1I,r ... I

'Mdf .. QI'i"l""')M"d : 11
1ft 'RI" 'l<w<{l4i(dMQI'1"""'1Q5ij
(tI(lII1 I
f"I),,>tq fd Ij It i"'{'If .. ; tltqlj'Il ..
tl1j .... iSOJlf<iS:!i{4.,; 'IdMU lft: """(4"""""'t It
Gouocdba< 1_; ....... of V"-_; ClI, Ill, 1'1'-
A.D. 424
rot .. 'IF .. 'Id >i'l.qj
iIIe<NI i{l < I
IfI Q"f.,"4 .. ,41 :
ij' f .. f"ldiRlf"""IWlkif",Cir 11
-' -- ---
(Dw::ription of King Shndagupt:o)
....mr Uffil ..;'jqfdiH<{Iq!l\l:
.. r.,tI'II1<i'f "U"I(I"III>l'ii: I
., (lifd 1Jj'1 I" I '11"II'fN;ui I"i
IIt'Rc'I"Uil f.Wf>ff "'II('kIt iI
. . .
'Ill( "1(1(.,<11
ftrnft: .'I1IUlf4li 11
. .................
mm- ol>II"
"'1'1"1": JI""ITllI
."., - ""'" "'"
'I" >lIT tit
.. """ jf!-
'I"II\I(Ilvt r;;>4MiI t'C>IIT I
.., ""I mr.r 'l1"I'\
.. . - ,
(1Nl .. " i<:IQ.,l(lqi(lIl

r"'U44: I
_['lOll q 1 .. )Q'I(lIO\1 (wli
eifq- fl<f sry: I i
.' . .
"4111'''''''S''('4 <;f 'ij'1N:
t<l1<\r .. dWI'4Q .... I
,,1'1tfq(H'<IIN 'if
qj'5jllf(l'lI<\'1IQ 11
............ . -..... .
(Deocription of the Lo.te Sudariana)
8fII' 'f>iI
f""'iq",," md: t

iR "'[('1100",."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(''4d'l'Ifir'''ldl :
HliM.,1<i Fa+dif,,<>s,fi\ .. 1 I
.. < .... paNdl:
_ '0 .
Tf: '11 <'1 11

/(FI'1.- '1(hp;lij

... h,i'i (l"dJi$tq\i'1f..m
"Ii1'14'1 ... : 11
f4/(IG'1i"ll : 1! 'If'fl :
Ipf Ipf 1f114Nrd 1I "1fc:"I: 1
fi!ti't f{ 'A'!'fqI'I'{f('lldl
f"'f ... "d4i . ...m- ... 11
............ ....... .
fl"If <i<'1I<'1{dl .
ij .... I
illiJiIRli!'i llfiRt
'3ll('4d'M'J'''''',{ L1
J...,..... 1_;,- CIl, m, PI' 51-1
.... D.458
... .
(HomI.p fO Siir1*)
q) 1t414'f1It<ld firm fa;:'liNf .. -
'4r.1"'1 gq iji[Qqf"' J[44fIll INf .. 41Fiif,,: I
et ... il l"fot<t)s!It tR'If ;r
' I .. ftdf,, : .";'1 ".,.'(,

If: lfi'!I{
"'.11 it.,1 FlR!TlJ:
q]'lI"]"ffi 1f: W'" ('011 il nfcto' ... "'11' "

(DcoeriptiOll of DU>.pura)
d 0:),11 'I *'{<'I4 "'t"I-
F .. r.. .. a"l:u.{ ..... t4iF .. lfJf.;J I
SI ::gHIq\l1 il {"Ii F .. ' I{'lf
lI"dftr '1>1 (4i 'hi t"1 f.I 11
'RI'R: ... I
"""'(I \')\\1 <>( (]'I :
"",rill<it<l"!'!l't ... 11
... I
... l<I'W.,iF>1 -
tlll 8 titllf.t 11
,mu <:0'1 1 "'Ifll (.,.,1I'!f.f
tnj f .. <:014 .. '(11"".".'01"""
.,..i'$'l'M.,iF., il
tIl{ .. 1f4Fllt .... (lF<\.
cor.r ""..,'INOIi """"1".'"
li'\Fd(FdUli " il
(D<ocripticn or Ri", Bandhu""rman)
Il"l (Wjq'!fiI"'1fF ... M"I
tlilfH'I(I) " lfi: 1
"'11'1 .."fd U'I it 1f4'1.,; M1sN
m If: mf\lJ: il
."1'" qCl."I ..... ii"'"


!roti \iq"r ... i 'If
(Ou.?",. and its Sun_temple)
'I'lft fifInt
.,","" .. ",,01"1 Qf: I
11'I''1'1!:vi m
2I<qfoJl(O)ijt>itid$ 1 q 11
.... I't ,(Owli
'" .
q '1I<1C1.1W "Ill.,,'! I
'1I".,r'l<:'1<'( dllt<:tg 11
, -.
_ I....,,;p.loo. _..-.-..; CII, Ill, pp. 81.4
...... .. "
{DcIctiption of King Midhavaj

"1 ""
I '''I1l "<1'1 ..... , , .. '1+
1: .. ,,, ..... ' , .. 'I'"'' .. , ..... fl!I f'I" "",Q",f..,dij"l'1-
.. .,q<:fII 1"-' i f(liO,f .. <:i (IInq .. Oij'i'" 'J!I"ifll
..Q ' <:"." -
<I.,\l'(i"t<I 4I .. 1'tI 1.,(0111 q ,."'i lll jlij (tJ(Ei4
I't!!l (>ill i "d 'lD, f<I 'WI I {j it'll I ti t1:;:J" I fq 'i q SI tI 'I fd-
o '
S1::C I q I "I'l'l I " I i>I' I a (I "'1114 ,,..., E<I
,.,. ...... Plo ... d 1.Idho .. 11; El. XIV, pp.
.... D. 475
(Homace to V:qg.u)
m f,. '!'I""1.p.-
tn. r-ipo;. ClI, Ill, ,. .,
.. ..,
(Homage 10 Si ..... )
ft:oId .... ltR ii:"tilflIP'(I: i
tVdf('1 f.rfu
fd(llM Q(4UII fim'1: 11
f'W'lidi.,i ftllfd ... 4E1iNf'('lr .. f1r,
"'1""1 "'"
fiRpi "f<*llj 1J1I'Q'm'
U" IIrnf'UIg 'il'Tifl'1!: 11

<fiG! 11 fOl'l'l " I <I 'fI,f"d$;(i"., ii
ifll IQI\1 '1F .. f'l",;iqoc\'i I
ij" ftrmr III F., .. .., 'l (f. ... It ft4i q '+'5j
It .. If: .... 11
(DeIcrlption of King Ya.k>dkannan)
iIf'Ir <i!1QmQQ.,,'I'
1I '1< .. .,f"iU"d: t
iijo,fM"I!"'fi'll1forrr flrIm
.. .,I"I1I
, . .
arm f ..... qa "l"'1'<1't
oiIf"""ld.,.,uf'qqfd: Q' I
. ,
'SI"fifI'/r 11 .......... ISWI dlit" .. :ai
ii;f1f<ta'lr<taQ<t 'lflm't 'lihr: 11
'5l'fiit "!'l"I:
m;;rr 1f\T .. if;,- I
.... ' .. '1'Ic;.) iU't
(JilIiN (,ajq <4 < '<'lil'" IL
ti Pili fill;',., i ''I,.a I
(I"" .... ""') '1"'F4f"'Cl1'1i ylIl Q;r ttr: 11
.. " oq ... r,qlfl(fOIIl fil4,,1"'a4-
",.tiUlf., Ulr., .. ... f; I

'liIh"l(fll'lEl{o, tI<'>lt4d
q<rt,'tlfutlfOs"Hilfl SIfni <it4q..,,,, 11
(Mention of Date, T imc, c<c..)

.. fdijf(d, I
il i<iO"'jOlfttlfdilll!lllt
'Iih' *I.,IQ fir; 11
"'''''11nl (I
F .. '<'<1"1 .. fil <"I1:if., .. i ; II'irqd! ., i lAffir I
'!1i"i","lifi \lI f.I ('11('; II I (11'1(.. lIWr-
'IU'1d.,q $ $""Ioii<I1 : 11
NIIM!NdI.,1 U'I"I!'l q-urf
rOji ij i'\4fq
'1'* I
>1 ,,, .. ,14
fWHd>MII; !J1f r., Qit
h:t1S1f1{ 11
M .... _ ..... elY_b

I '


(Homage 10 Siva)
-- ' f,
If<I'i'i.f lfl'If itll1t(1 "11>1413'1'1,.,11"<1<:11 ' '''''''CII :
"l'ff'lIi d: Wh''1f .. Q!tditt<:: IIR'U If: '!>Of' I
'("Ni .1: 11
" - -
- f, ,
If T<t'1jq., 6"'''''1j'I l'''
;rtwr flill'<1qfd'UiZi .... iftt;'j tfI"{ I
'( """oa "'4'1 (11 'IQ'(41'{
ElI1.aQt<l 'U6Ir.o1iFI>ia:
... fdlfl"FI"'t 'f:f>t'lli!l : 11
- - < . _-
\'<I,"u<=<llll lA' )ju,Tdt>qildl itlMi'lf
.. Q.) .. ql'1'{ t
i'lil\'8'1 I N "rd .. ;4., f1<'>ISO!'1""t
11 i$*11'11l1 'It <:'1'''1 '( 11
- fi
"'I dM ...... i'l't
(DcacriptioD 01 Victot'y Pillar)
"I""IlfII W ""r(dl('I t
qqt<llQ f .. 'M ..... fd f.,qf'lri 'I11f'T 1'>1"'1('1,{ I
"t<F'f'i 'f'I'T'I1' f..,M1fq .. .. 4
(11, i!ftlll'<l '30w4.p. ,r .. q t1lf: 'fq"R!T lb. "
l&w>" ,
.vd .. _d __ : en. m. pp. 1""1

(Honu.ge 1:0 Ibe Buddha)
tiei<ft: ........... .,,<J; t><IlIRloif&1lQ q't
rn'It !ilih:*lN q't ,.';el'lq"ill.,,,,,
m: r",(1aQ",a,oziF",Q<l : !j1:-
e_q(ll1afiI:;ii f.ri:It ;pr: U
ij<fqi QI(II"f"'1di'1\'lb1 'l!<'lI'Il
f., ff"i ij i'lldl '111<:ft'lij F.,r"'l'Ii (ird .. 1 (111",1 <: I

"'11(1'1:1*'" {I'l:!l .. .... !l1"d fl5l1rt 'l'f'I' 'l I
"'tqj\l'l",t Mj,.I\", .. , filfIIld FiIi,,,....,,, 11
<lW! '1""111 J1ijil r .. tll ( 1." .. 1
II,M .. 1""F"(if"li1"l r .. 1fI"lIT 'I!'Iiwr "rf: I
., I'll 01 q\@illit>iOMf"dSl IElI""IIMj
(Do;acriPtiorI or. Buddha Temple)
..... ........ ..... ....... .. .
<lit-! Mmi (.04 fill\!1 It i f., Wl't
" 'lP'Mi'il'I1Ii IIM'N1
'I{'l'f u: Illifo{\f@''fi .. at

11'1'1 1
. . .. . . .. . . ... ... . . .. ... .. . . ...... .
e) ",<f!qij'" illf'IIi,
ttrn tI'rit " .... "" .... 4 1 <:0<11 .. ",1(11 I
"'1"'"""11 '1"'1>/ (,<1 1I1H'i'1
\di4 .... I:a<I'Mi .. "",q!!l firot '''"ifi''."' 11

NJl>I>da ' i:" y.-.o-'. ,m.. ; El. xx, pp. 4M
A.D, m
(Ho"""" 10 Siva)
ill I
....... <V<' "'l'
q"fulf'n;f(ijM 11
(Description of K1"" Bh ..... v&rJI)an)
JSi'l lIq:<Iqftt
.... t<lfl4 ..... ,6'I : I




A:;. 1,
.... 0. 56 1
(Homage 'e> the Buddh.)
.. ", i m:
, R ' A
i 41lt i: 'SI I
IIfi Fd f<'W1' : EuFi4M t"'1!<l
iill'fflM-.. l:oiqfd Am "" ,n,. o. """."
. -- 0
., \' .. ' '11( 11 1<1'11 11'1111 : t\ijl 01",",'11("1'
II>'t <1\'41,{1111 iQltldl I
'If If'!" 1ft:
'fI'II"TI": ij" '!'i"'i'ji:;UHI.,iI<; " 'O"' .I'I'I"",q: 11
[Dftcription of. Buddh. T=ple) .
iiijl\li'NlfiI"m:i1 '1'U'M",fiI'kH4 fuq) 1((\4''1
"'t,,;jQIl'l,d: q(ftdr-4(<l : "' .... 111.,1 11'1 ... 11
mf( t('(" ..... ot+i .. 1iI., : IJrfui\" e.iIfg/ (.10

114'1'idr .. ,iQt=1(i (dfdr.. ... : SI/;,1q.wl1f: I
'lI'ff .'d' liI\"''I'lt1(
51f.lt1af"'(Gi: rim <nfif
1fI1ITils,,\<lnll: 'hl'liQ;oltflA",rOl .. i: 'EW'dI<{ i
4111+0401: Ir .. ie) fiilF .. II'1 IVif<8KI"IlIi"l'ff:
"h14'1i dl<l;:(I:;;<I",,''1'1: "'''''dflli 11
JodIo.C.,. 1_;; ti 01 Mh .. ' ; W. Ill, pp. 271>-7
(Homace to Si .... )
;ri W: R:
'!"I"VUi .. rl'i q I
IIt'<1fr .. <t<it <If''l'f'<< 'Ifflf .,rf ... 4"1"tI-
1JW 11
Nr- S\cIae iAoaipIioa of s.--'-"i 0...,., P. 10
.... 11. fQ)
1"" .. ,,, .. 4 .. ei,,'!. 1
(DeocriptiOll of Kill( ProUhdborma)

.. ,.hi
. trn=1f1t1qtfj( Qz .. ifCI<l, .. wF\1iI <1 .. .. .,f'l-
, ,"ftft " .
(ill .... Wi .. i .. t<lt! 1'1 .... _ '''le 11<' ..... 1<14 i ijIf'<i\ '1"I"if>'(Iq
'5(l ll lliU_ .. t I
".0. 6.S?
{Homage to Si"",}
'AT: 1I1d<illtll'fl'ldl foft t"II< .. 1
.. ,,,,rt"l<,!<<ilf<:+14Q(dl dlFqf"'1I ;nfur f{ 1
r"'jOIUl .. ii;IIN'Iot1S41i1'
.,;r "I1'1lt fir1: mr if lIT
lit "lS;Ir"""ff,mllNQ,f't:-
lClijOlIP1qN'1i"<l: I
1"1 '!'It ct fo fil'!ljll(Ht 11
.. r<"'1'"i
r .. "d8S4TI?!:" <W!OJI'<'I,. I
m "{If : lI FddlQd
r"r ...... ) 1Ilifl' f.m'>j;]I
'('t'lfEtliir"'i(li IJ 11
St<La< 1_'.,', "'"""" P. 10)
.... 'n
.... D. 651
(Delcrlption or King Dadda Ill)
'ifr Itollfl;tll'l60lf<fii, I., ,'I f'H'dI f(-
dl1'1lj f'''If'')'I.,'iIq'li'lf .. II",Qlf<>lf .. i\6Ol<l3l4i
( '(I'3I'(tr: SI ... '4if .. "'I .. f .... f6dl4ift'Sdf .. '1"fiiI >el .. )
ilni'!U1 ('IIf(tlr.."'11 lilae""''')4i'lI''i\l'ItI: q c;ii(iij ool{'ia'(j-
fll '1d .. . .. .. lld ",q qq\l)f .. al'l :
- < <" ,,'
6(1 ("<I f'I flW f '\d 1'11151 UI f 11 '" '11 q 'i'l'd f .. >e .. e 'ij it W .. I q q i 'I-
q ;f<t 164 f"d SI a I q 1'1 .. ) f., a f" ftoi-
(I ij I (11=:1 f <dI (I FM f q:' 11 'i'l'd 'f'd I '!Ioo.)fM FM FM <nil,\!-
lfil""f006 ft:' '''i''''''1f1 (F(liij : "j'j"lq IIlfdt<li /ij"l'l q60liff"1I1-
Si.n <l1li-1"1 I filii 11 .. 't>t .. ij III"f'O 1'1 11 '" uh ",GIN 11 Iq '" 0:<1 i 4!t1a-
'" '" ''''
e 'Ii"lfifoMifll .. 1 CM: 11.114 ... ., 11., I (lj r .. qqlq<lldf .. '1 .. alll 1<" I-
q .1'1 a pi!";ij,, q I fit .. 1'1 I fll "11.,) q f .. "ill i :fill I RI '" fd f !'HI 'lif <
f .... i (1111 11 N a '1" I '" I N <I (J I 1111 I") F",'1Oi 'I I d'I fi:I d'I fd ilia 1-
'14(11tr.,fi!n ... )'lir..,{<'I'I <1'1'4>1 ('f>(IIllqtl'1: 11 1'iII w<l'i'illl N-
(131 r .. '1 f"lI a q (1 Ei" I 'I 'I (q fd e i&i q f <'11 fl I;; ""1" ''It r .. q l'lSl-
... lia (>11'11 q ('Ill It ( : eair .. tita-
qs"l'l(I\lR( :
........ of WoIoo M_ J'I&I<> of Dodda 111; YNI' 427: V , .JtXVII,
pp. ,.100
.... D. 615

.. +M:
(H,umge to Si"")
If eiffi; 6'.1;<g'l(lll1
"Itllf-'(l dt1tii1f,,(\'C A : I
(':II""I'! : ,.1It4"1<'i1'{ It
'1m(N qdtr IlfOlQfddl't d l(llt4QI4"4 : I
W 1I_lI\lij : It
htih ....... )ijj fif'llltq 1I'Ilfqfif
o,it;rr;: 11 .... 1_1 .. 111 'IF >lhC<illl(1111
q:ifsft>l<i .m f(l ....
-i\ .. It<lf'la1 $'If<fd lfTiti!r .. .... ft"lrd : I
"'f,"i' "
Jj 1111(1"'111>1\-
lIl4fd) tld{Md\ r"rddCI,{ fq"'I"'tI't'l1' 11
N,-Stdul ll d, ol v.b... ............
l A.D. 687
Si ... )
. '.> '",--
",Qn,.W .. \I(lI<t11 qffJ: j
wh .. @(i1t1<i tmIT
.... 'IT 1111
I. .
f .. 1\1 tiM 4 ... (01 q <J4Ul .. , 'fit i f<1 t'>f.lI" li 1'1 '{fi1 ttl tttt-
ijl{"r"Y1'1 i lJ1I'it'I"-
lI'II('1'1I(]Mf't;(uIMf",(UI"i (0'1'1 "1111 FOI :
q d'l iij 1'1 ,,1 .. c: 'I ijp::q''l!n F 01 .. 1>1 SI q I iI'" 'fI (tU F>t (I f"
f""ijfd'll, "f(O)"'1II1'1 f.,'1 f"'GI{&IIII('!W '1'1"l"'IIOI'h
'" '1 <'1" '1-.. IItfij IfI..." 'I '" f" .... tI 'I IfI <I", '1 ( 11 ,I 4 <01 t<tfil d 1-
fOldSliliijol , If'I''CdT I
s ...... loocri91ioa ot Yiui ............ I;
A.D. 690
(Deocription of H ... tivarmao)
, < <
." I ijOI<!!!iII<*i .. lql<;O t""41f1r"itil ' I(l(t lArt'I-
'l'I'If"'1Mlflt'lII I (t<I "'!"oil IFq"," V'I"'''''W Oil _lilt:
",q'm ",fi;,,,, .. f""q" 'HI "I'MI'" I ( : 'fCI1 ftl .. I (lqF"IRiIN-
' Id U .. ", f i'> it I f>I '1 <1pl"" '" I Cij f" d" W f" dd I q .. -
qv( 4I;flfl'" 11 ill1h" f"d'illh liil.1 '11 ,1'1"1) .. >1 reQ) : !I'm'lT-
I., I fOltUl llliMI '1"<1111 'I fOlSl lI 1 'I '"'" t'I'1""I <f<Ajd'ij (011
'HO I t'l1'1 11(1'l"Ild: Hq 'I Iom:: oil '11101 (I:oi'i tft'tlCij 'l f-
. .
'1Q"llllilf"osij .. f" !IA"'I OreQ(d: I

UrIam PIa ... ot HutivannuI; 1, XVII, 332'"
... 0.700
, . ,",., . ,"."

I<) Durgi)
'dNIif4 6(\6( *4
m-Q qf(ql'l<t<l tmfu 1
00 -.: fft!(IIFiftI.ue;tt<rtff '!5'JIl<fioii.,INdi
fiaql"WI$illf'll"'&"'; GTl\' : ort 11
NIcl<junI cl Aaao .... """"'; CII, Ill, p. :Ill
A.D. 700
31141 ,fo(jijp'u'Ii!"') Fifa ill (I i4i FtlCi :
m: ;mift fiIF<i(a: 'ff: I
1lf4lefll F<',!lI lm<JIf<1'I1 Uttrrr 11
(D<ocriptioD of Kin JlvitAJllpt&)

fu,ihJ"!.II1I'UI : Wlt(lW I
III 'i"d_r(>ti(l-
'l""" Ft'l'1a;oi",Ndl] (lji (: i I

ffCI tli1
<i8ll"""!iiil ol l!(l'tih:: lIm .... (: 11
481l fd '"f'4 1!(1'If
f4f1141*"1'1'ii'l I
<mftr .. 1\111"'1'
".,., ,,, .-,.,,
. . . . . . , , , . . . , , . . . , . . . , . , I
- - >0 -
... fd 'I \Ri1l1f ..... ('ij "" I (lid Iqc<H"l
... oro>IT h41tl'1IiOIMI
tl'l1I'<i'iij'llIljiIMt41 .. t .. 1fitdl I
4TdT tll'lctl(II'i'ldd'll
fu $jij;f\'I1ri fblfd'1"'l 'fI ,ft'{ 11
AfII-II-.', Uf,
... D. 700

of Xi", Yajliavarman)
ill 16"l('6ijq(lf<f4d 11I1f<iI

'iilf&i(l .iI'4i
'R'{ ,
)I" l.,i"l 4<:l'1f"'fiI1'l,j.i'f (1"''''fIIl ufI
,{mfq-)l"fdfll 1I
'" A ,u. __ , CIl, Ill. 1'9. t H I>0OI 22.
A. D. 700
fiIIacq"'Ri<$(Ht i 'I!"fIfa' : Q'IiJ'l"I'df4
n , oft! '
"''1'4 $O(OIl'111 :;;<iI:;::<lf4 '1, (, .. -
... "IIffl ... I:-
Man<pId. PIa"" '" /. XVII, p. U9
.... D. 700
(0iaJ0cve bctwe<':D Q,tUD Rljyav:all UId
her ... " Kio>& Mbade-n.)
)Ij," t'!
Jl'PJfT $"I'!"'''I JffiI' : fimT !f I
{f $",Rlf'ld I!fUU fiRm:: r...- 1fIJ
'f"'1Ii" '" 1 (4 1 (il 'l'I 1 .... lCi "I w;j< j 'l Ii


Q\'qittl'4.,'t tI'I IttQf"'l1 'Ir.ri A;n
41l(1tiiilQ .. fNdl Iifi! i!.,l t q'1' wrrr
00 qfltgqi!lif'll<i1_'II fuurr f.UIINdl 1R"f'1I' : 11
fi!; 111.1411 fit; fl "1lf'ld,!'lhNfi)l<ilit tmr
. JrTVIT'( R ql@j fW{ I
((iA '1"I
,"iiij('Ia;'lI ''1fi!>ll
..-aT ".en:md".,;I"i1l
t:IO, tI(i .... 1'!\f: II fl(4lt1t'll
'!fIMN I'Iiflqq It:l f<t .. ii{4iH,:q4i\141 I
m dT4140Q '""
>:Idf .. ,,1 11

$"'1:''''ir ... dtlfil f'I'M '{fd: 1ft'T"': SI"'liiI(ij":
ft>ldll"' .: 'fI1f"I'II" 'l ro I
;r Of 'f 'I<t ."Nu:i'!
(I.,I',iIlM1 fljq,f\1fq""., : sWlF'l.,!
tt, "<Miii
fir.n '1'1l .. qal
... 4ol f'ffit' ; 1
If'T''rt 'l"QIFIl ot-f m:r
of T": tif<lIQtlt'4lfi1 '1IIo! } 1
. ' 0 ' 0 . "-
,,1"1I11R11t ( tllfi(Il<'l": ijl 'Ffi(Il lI'1iI I
441ICO"F .. Ft..,1 (lNll(tiijl(41
41f11ll(iFa <'dIR('P'i 1": 11
Qoa,p NIdpoa T'" r-.", t ,,/I1CIC,""
..... D. 706

(Ho.nace to $, .. )
F ... a,,'1)ar'!
ijOitlq<'l'IIWI) F.,O<liI1'iStlltl'!1'd : I
f.t'1"'"F![<I@:. (14" V"(1 a
. " "llQl'l(,,1S41ItI'CI : n
w,.-_ . , . _-"_E1 .
"-D. 131

, f! ' ?
it 'lti'Cl'fld <if ( 5OJId"lli Q i .. inll
"*"ttttf .. .. ",e'llII"f(1 1fd; I
0 " ,., .....
lI(l qMi ..... (01"'1'3"" .. "'''' 4'1 11': "'l''''
q l!1mt 11
<i1"rf .. f<l1fl1:4.lt''''''rilj j""lIm ;If "".aal
.. q'iN\1"G: 11
f<l<i1"<ifI""i0i .. "tI ..... Zi
.. 'l"4l'ilMq'l1 'IQitilflloil", .. : I
.. iI
ZI'f'OIft 01"''1.(121 -.rort fi:Jfi" I
{Hom.age ... VI$I)II}
., 1<1'1i'lt'f>'i &If .. f\1,,rddi 'Nit .. r ..... r..c li
e ll{"1f",Zieill i ffi!aq j flll1lT I
-, >ii '
.. , 41'U'-"I(I)i 'l't iN+><::fI . '1\0"'1'8'41<1
lJ m : 1Iftqfir. I1

( D:ocripcion al King Sanna)
-sn'ld'l'l'Hii :
fj.hI.II .. 1 3I"'f'Ii" llt' !t4(C1iq;
" mrm: fj'lldIF<40iF<'I 1jf'Ii "ITfir 1I1l1rr 11
(Dcocription al Ki",
lit 'l1 .. >t1q1 ill .... r"1 ... t 'illf'!iW'litlij(1
w14rifl::'l"""' f .. I
'trn .i!I1t1$;ijqlfll", (r .. F .... lImIT fl::fI f<'("Iltlt4.wl :
1ft: tI'III(-1I"'1 : R!J< "' urfur tr:RI"I{ 11
" ... . ..
IfRi' "U3I"'fIf ... ., 1 ... "I i (.. 'Ill 1"'1 'Iq : I
'li'lflltr:.q"qr .... mTd' lj'liti"'I'lr ..-t. "
Tt -utmr <'Iftftr IJ ... om: 11 "
... _Jo. s-. 11IOOript .... K10c
fnfIlIf .. .. ..... , pp.
A.ll. 7S2
(Fr-om cbe Dv.aiplyana"Stotra)
IWllill(ft<ldt11 ... 'Pfo'!: (lff@"llr"lII14lqo "
.. "
:: 1"<;<1 1Ii{(IIi'IIi!{ :1. ...... , if : I
'"WNI(IClci'l'"1{ m IQlfiI'Iilli<J;
'!it , 11
""'"""' 0 '0 .
""'-" '!o'''''' '''' ,,,,,,'(1.,
flrd .mr 1j,"N <IIHi ' a Ei
I ':I'I1!l:<:i ..... '1'!'ig "If flU 11
fII'I'f1 .. tlqi(' IM I
r.4f<::4 fdF'I(J'jj aiq+iilfl .. uF(l1I
I.-.Iptioft; H/CC, 11
A.D. 741
( l1,iih<gli\ ;
(Holmage !" $iva)
':: m: f"ldlf.ti 5l fl1 .... 'ifil(.I '( r
..... " ., .
t!l ..
.j('f",'<'1 .... 51A('l : iI '

; .'" "
(Oetctiption or the Plo4y:o, Dynll:lty)
OIt{j'ijqfco:t fd .. t II f""'ijq 1 '1-
If: 1
lR'lf tf.r:
tOilf.,fd4fd 41.tq.,t.:t .. 11
61\"4 l<illFdJlII 111_ q F(d: q Iq'lll F" ij 1,,1 f;N-
dd 11ft qIt'Qf"JI,"I'!"'I Ht<isf<r ...... 1
'IfI'lIT t{"Zildl f'I': ff ....m UlI,qi\RiNd-
ta"lf'i\ tl"t1lC4:iit4 ., "lijllm'IOII"'''"''
VclYil<..tl C.ant el /. XVlI,,. 29B
:i: A.D. 769-70
nl (ltgfd;
(Homage 10 Titl)
'I'1it m"UIf-
m.; f .... 1 ... f .. f;u<tf>lf .. t
m If: .. f"'Jfmllt
dT(I' f<lIlf'1f"!lo:i It
f .. "S!ti'tN "IldI4f .. acl'j f"" j : I
ri f"lac.ilqQ'll1 '!I"1T f"''1I'1I '1'l'lItI'1''I: 11
. ",f{lll.,qoj"'(1l! : atf>jql" iiS'lr lIlf,,1QI't 1
"'{lit fqf>l"l, Ii
x. ...... (;" nUd.] ... ) S ..... l noo:riptioo.
IIW\' pp. 2S1, 258
778 ... D.
.... gf/t: .
(Homqe to Si",,)
f'mBl I
. """' ""'"
litll(F;pj't 11
'ft(,((1Bl 1IlT1
.. h!cfIca .. i(fd I

Qd1tqztf\",,'lcaIF.., : 11
(Dewiption er King Itvaravannan)
oil" ( .. ljiJ-
\{it<ll'i';,,,qf(J: sm*'r I

'IR llf ., 1''1\;11 'ill
{Dcocription of Kirc Yajllanrmaa)
M'fIai'iS'1"'li{lqr<l.r.. I
41111 "" \'1 '" ;ri:-
!<fI: fifrm: 11
(Description of Cand .... "'pta" Wife Ilvarl)
,. . . . .
dt<ll W l41
,,_ .. " -
il l ..,ltliq I
.. 1 ..... ,.,qW' ...
. , '11.
dtf441414iI(ll- ..
' 1i1",i' lI ftitHltil ., It"
, ,
, "
1I1_A1{1i1 (\ ,,(-
\lj .. f.,1I41 QI .. f1I<r"d!<t : I
(Mf"""'ltll 'Il'tfir-
..;J ... 11
t...UI>I 1'nIu1i, D , I, pp. 1214
" .D. IlOO
(Delcription or Kil\i IftdravatlEl,lil
.. q\, ij<'l1Qf( 01 """151'1"1 :
'fIIldf1l1 SlillUW<:<I wiT ql i1'!ifd: I
iII'TI'ftf ItfiJ IfIIT 11'I"III'Nt-li1
6'lr..r .... m f.,q"l'filijie.\lll
. '" f"1dffidhii fMill f .. *"1 "!fir .. {i.., 1-
"FA: __ lI'1{qi,"mClI<l.,
f<"lf1fd'1sli1 ih:lIihl : '
Y"'II TikuII 5t<W l ..ulp<ioe. ot l ............. I; p. .'
4.0. 799
(Ho"",,,, to Si .... )
., N' ..... , ..
F1",'[fdf"'lfini" 11

(Ho .... ge 10 Dharma)
",.,ii: ....
""" .. !idq+<l i<J;: ,

'Ii<'!l;piqfttlfd,j 4: 11
(Descriptio .. of King Narab)
ij "';' ,f*"'! foNil-
.....,f.,4 : 'Ii"fZ4I"I""q+<l 1
qlr.tll 'l'<H"") 11
(Description of KiD( Bblsbnva .. m ... )
" ...
d+<li'l"'" ..
'lI1 "IffI (i('11oi
'IIlt"li(f>! .. 11

",,>f< fl " $rt
("'ii .... I
!t<lIr.... ..
I,qqlj .""1""''''''\ It
_',0--. A PI'. 11 If.
;t: ... D. IlOO
- ,; '
"'iq.ItIl,,1 mri 1Rfir m <im i
n '!(tf 111(4<:1 '!'iFd);;! 4
j'1(Mi 11
l'5lf'n"lii f.:fl!if 'fCit illIIWliflill I
'I'RII'1"*" 'f'k1i'l"i .. f.,di"ll'{ 11
Ill .. ,,,,",,
aj 'iI'OIM<{4+f<t..r .. *I'::"If'1d" {"l1f(-i., I
all Of ... MI i 'i'i4(\e:t'I'" ,r .. .,ij 1I
r" ..... .. 'f'I1>l1.11
SI ... F((I!js::Jj ('!II .. i!: f"'fI1 MOCFld i ( 11
XIIraco PIa ... of __ I ; V , XVII, p. J40
" ,D. 800
... 0
<roJ Q. ' O!(ii'l(iiitr'l'f'l "",4iiI'lfql'lIll-
't;fi<t>81ill lj'ti(ll'l,i1t'1 I
'i,fif <'4oM .. 1.* trf iw1fmtll'fR\1
tldI'If'l ( 11
.' .. .. ..

mr 'Ft 'If ft'1lT
Ct'IiiTRli tI'fl<Nid 1l''1(1"C'h\Q''4I- .
..r i!I(f( .... d<:illit( It
Goodtoo N..u _ - t
".0. 809 .
01 VItta.; If/CC, p. 21
'r"'jFd: .
(Homage 10 Vif9")
""" .. ., .. ",,1 ........... t<I .. II'II1N6'1< .. <{if: I
'tS;Il"II''''I''f'!4 ... '-qf(l (f("ll (01; 11


1(1., ..... 14 : I
If: lm '{II<,q<l: 11

(Deocripticu' of Klng Kub..ljf.)
11 (1i11j'II'1'k1-
'fI'di 'fl<'lll'fl<f., 4 .. <:"d It 1<'11 I
, ' ,""
., ['.,,,,,,,OJ
qf<k,(I' 1I(+11\1c 11
41",,,,lFlMt'ft' "l'Il" (ill W'Iiji; I -.
ft:qit .".,.q(OI'jf'Id!,: u
.'1''11 \'iIilI"'i'>la'1
llitd<'If'l'{<fi fumJ I
PIodaltl PIllar '->i:' of r.tabolo: IU, IX, pp. W'J
ill iCffl .. i'l(li ....... ,'"
{DeocriptioD of Alia .on or Viillabhionaj
'. :
fIlIj -m ",rt'S'fl",q: I

1tf411 1t 4Ci"f'li .m, Of <J"''''4'1 1 t
qqf:iij '" Of 'IIClr" <'I (1ij ij'l r"f .. I
II'\'Ir toIr .. ... 'f4fr1 .... ' 11
11ft 'Ii"lr., l lt fil ij(('t lt f('l f4 I
d'ij"fi 'II't ,,<'!'!ld: 'il"1'li'i 11
, __ 01 v...w..1\Ot'flaio T..,.. ., Gwaior l v.s. m , D , I ,
. "
"-D. 875
.... q ... '1"""
(Deteriplion of King l ndravarman)
lII ill iffi
'" .,., '

1cl il lii IQQI fi;: .. I1
/C, I, pp, 20-1
.... D. 879
61 ti<t8i(i(q:lI-
fl!!lf (fq i
qrn 11,[11..(1\-
it <J 11
..... ... ..........

'II'\lfr (1 "101 I
f.rN (M'l"'lii q
iilPiQifo:t ..
iWlifil .. I.f'191ft I
d("j<Mffl 1Il<J

\Ilfiii l
ili fiR;[
t'dh1Q1 (j'iW'l I
11' : U e:f4l+1i'il1(:
t 'Ij .. 1r .. fm<: I1
. - .
...... ""1(.

Cl, 1, pp. t9AO
... D. 887
.. tflsftr
",<,>ijfS'ild1reIt11 1
m", "' 'J'ft'"m
a"i'ijT iMI1!d: 11
ijij",lq <l 1t "1"1'{
Ilf.:rt 'fi<'>l{ 11 _
. . .
UfIlWillll .. U. 'I'"
(Deocr;ption of (bJec:n
ACt, " 1:1$
".1;1. 900
(DeKri ption of King Sanka",:gal).a)
f,ttf"l<f'l imr, 11
1'l'f'ij (1"Ii(a: .. oi",
(Ot:scription of King Yuva.ljljadeva.)
n.,; a...ti 1-'4'" ; Po I, PIh.2ro.1
.... 900 '
aWr 'If- .:.

(Hor.:t..ge 10 Siva)
, '.
(1'1:>1:." HumiJi.y)

f,,'fllf'm JPIT I
1!"Itor q) AA: I!

.. ""'I 11' d(i!lliql .,i'!d-
ijqtwii I
m 'nil
.;i'lU( ... fd finr
of King Arjuna)
.. ""CId'lal1lf1ni" "mi'-
-,-- 0
(ICllq,qrdq" \$1(: j
r,QF;:fq., ,,d.,,,ld..j\/j-
.. 1rd'i$lcqfat<l 0\4 : I'
q"",f.;;:ot''''t''''Ifi:f., 4 F<ii:i: 1
ijQji(jijO(fir{: ijij/jflj dt1f
""''''1'(1: '*' ('1'1 Iq -'''''lilrr lt{ . "
iA '{uWlq'l;'i
'0 0 '
... ii(ll"II;; .. lti .... d flI' l
... 1
n4:"'l1 ""I{I"I :

:a q f;l'1 '1'il f.N"; .. i 111
QNCCtHIl IIllJ lI'Tg:: I
",,, ... '1 r.. ... ""'i'" <I Q.
Il'lfl, ldF .. ,.;q ..... 1 1fI{I!: 11
" ..
(Description 01 Klnc K.e)-flravarp)
' " ... 1..,.."",
'n&l'ii4i1Ofill'fi(lllifi<: ,>01 Zifil"'dlf ...
Wlt"l .... lel't_: I
'1>,,4\ {l r.. ft fit (&q fit ... dE<! It>F .. 1tFff" 1-
V oiIfd"OI., : .. <t 11
II qICi'l!..qf ... f.,qqi{ m IUIf I
fl\,' 11
Bilh.ui I-.ip<ioo. eI. 11. CII. IV, PP- 2O!I-ll
.... " 92!>
. .
al'1'MI'IINq 11)'11111.1<

r<l(1I11 '1 1\""''1. 11
.......... . .
. ; /f1QC, p. 'I
.. .
(Description of King ... a)
... ". . '"
'11.<1 .. if ... lI'l'I ..... rrid(l (qi'1'{;Jhllf: '.
'6mT lffij tIlfdqaf
(I .... if\:.nrr -
,f .. .
r->;,_. /flOC, 1>-
.... ".!M9 !I;.
(Description or Kitls: N .. , mdra<\"" .. )
, .. ,tlta iI'I.,I'{fHlI.." \11
:mi'l"lI'l,OZI\'1'1 f"WII <I hl<ii : I
Oil ij 1'1 OIlftl\1QllalO4""., I
'U1If '{ft f .. 4\iil.,,'{ 11
1_; . ... , If/CC, p . 90
.... 0. 949

(Homage to $;" .. )
..n """""""',
- '0'
f'tI<ij""I(1 "1041-
' 11f,fJliPl'ft'-
I <'If 1 8:<'1.tr., I
'I(I..n(""1/II Itm
.''''I'iI\<1 11
!C, I, p. iI2
A.D. 950

(Homage to Sata",aU)
qfOZ(jqi ,,\(f(I;f\" j
(Homage to V"'i'u)
cm: ij<"IfdIlWi'li'l qf 'ft
... !lfilol., n.r .... jrllaqf'fd<lf .. .. 't I
..... i!l
"'i"liij'nf(?"'i rr 11
(Deocription or KiDf Rlojeltdr.val'maD)
'If1'I:ri'<::f,,<i lI'tIsfir
1f'l",1\ .. j
r ..
., ..-.n: 11
film .. , .... I
... .. 'II\'l.v,"-
..m ,., ""'"' ""'{"

'i'<lf'iilti i ""'I fooflftl : I
f.r;n1r f(fu ....
.... lftlof;lI: 11
.,' .... 1 ..... ' tft'IJ \'U1I' ffT'l
'r"f 'fIrNl I
;ffm Mkllf;: .. 11
"I .. f'II .. !WrCf'l I (\""1","'1'1>1 '1-
IIIf1F"(\"'Flli\f ....... 1 ...... ,"' ... lql '{ I
ft'llllf>l" 11': fIIf "'''' 1(11(401,( iI
ftrtaT .... itN III III "l: I
; . .
'{'1 (Ill (< 11
'"'" "'"
Ill.,.", .. U<Vf'r I
fiI $l 'loj
i$t 'lI" ill 'lI" III 'lI-
'I'f1I'r.l 'lIW{1
... <lfi'
tt C .. FOOf,(d : 11
Wr fil\oi'I 'f'I1: I
<i Fm"l

/lit4tflcolf.t;zu I

RI.,1f"1 fun': I
If: QloIf .. q/lf*!4
f>lfd\I'< .. 11t 11
IC, I, "' n, 10, 91, 92, !IS, !H, 96
(D<oo::ription of King Yamannan)
.rI.iN'l Kd i l'6t<lftl(ll/ltl ll". "')!U\4["1 i
1 (: f"d f"I'<I .. : "'I 1'>"I.q 1 ... 111., I '{I
4INI .. a.f<; !'t'li,! 'It"'lil{ '14(1011
tI" q 1
!,"'reM: o(Iq\l) .. 4<.<III : 11

tr um' U\llr: fr 111" "I1""I4:
tr 'qt: omi'fsftr Slf<ldll f('ll"l: i
fir 4ft fl1: "''If!
"IWl!''i''(''II1 ..... 1<l''lIl't'1 ii
Itfd"lldf< 5'lI ,..rt iffl_n4 \jf'ljgif
m:ft m44>r..,,""Ifd<"l14 "'1"'4('11: i
1lnW: "I(4Ioi,f4fi1'1<t"I'l:oo'i r'umi'1
trf4' I1
(Dacriptlon (If Temple)
(Descrlpti<>n (lr King Ohlilga)
iIIl .tii<ilSJj ('( ,lIT 111" 11 I (ft'llIa lin.<t :
ilFi:('Ui"ij: i
arT 'Hq I(N filfilrl .. f"fHli'('i1q I Fil II I'll 'iOni t-
q: mfRr fiafrtqllla'lr .. d'f'iOqiQI<:f>lEOlr .... dl'{ ii
SniiWdlqf .... ijw .. .. F('lj iq; i
1f!i PI' "1 "I q "I" ill .. fill "
IlOO1\ 3jifll .... r., .. iEOfiI(lII\1'tJ'l 11

(Dcscrip'ioo oC Poet Mldhaval
fd .... ''l'liMfq41 Nq>! ''!;
'1 IQll"'r..: .. '{,
'If<(iil\oi ",rll f(j q: f'fir;r: 'I"'mj
'1 .. iGil"' ..,....'f'I: 'iF<1>"I<i 'lf.:a 11
(Dcscripdon of Scribe J addha)
"I4'l"1:r1"1 .. t11 I
"Smfur: ",dWl"",i<,"I 11
1_\' .cv ............. ; V.s.IOIl ;EI, l, pp.126-7, 129
(DeK:riplion 0{ Bhlkamlln)
'rll " (I) I('l{ WH1s'F( i
qt"ii",r"",,; MfMSlUi'4:
fd'i4<t>d i cift;a QjioI1,, ; It
q<,,_ N feld 1'1 SjJqM .... id4't-
fddd (lM@ci'itit(j'Ii.,,"'l qroft I
fc::fill[ 'f"I'IO"IHi(i't!f: ""'It
'if "
'" <'RI'1'!"'4'.,"l" : "'Ill "1 t1
"""""'1''' '"
"4 ... Of <n mlJ I
ISIfiliIQoctt'l '" '4j,Q"lI<it-
("'jq'5lltol"olif., !fJf il
ti" "11'l"(1"I4"'"
'" .
iIQ'RIfl"lfMI 'I1
(Daeription of Bbatta Sand".....,)
fl f ...... l1if11 S'il4 1"'l'tfl n."tMi <-
II'{'{(\\\ ...... II 'II trit fir6 Wll'i ... : I
41filll'tHll1t<1{>!f.,"t: i:i",iI El I .. N:
.. "illii ifI'IfiI .. 11
mqfu- 1;."'1"1 '{fa IIII"'I"n( r .. f ..... q: i
-n 11 R'5!i"lGi <J"I: RI'OCI1 ( 1,\ IffIf .('IAI Ql'{ 1 I .
"SI"T"E!Tit.$llI1..,lf{ iA" 'fRf;rr
"11 11 'ii\ r<:'l t1: 11 f"" f(H''i4> ''1 1'i\4lf<l1 1
,., ''' ''I
11\'<11+11 : Q" II(al lI'I9: r"'I'!:'HrIl.,
m .. iIIl'P"" IfIt1t<1f'mi 11
KArltaW of """""'1"'lJo 11: ell, IV, pp. 188-90
....... 965
(Ho ..... re 10 Sin)
4Zi1;t' <II'lO! "Q.,nlfiMf"Ict1lI'ltlfd I
(r<IT 1Ii .. <1:'{fdf.,"' .... li:cI
'MII'>I'11 1fTl'5T VlIl 11
. '., .-
(\11!11" (tldq(tll 4l'l(ttl
t"Ill (! 'id I q e:"qfi!a'r ., ,'I" "r,dW I
r",f!HCt'fItO'iQflllfl'tNdl 11'1 r"z\''1,n 't.

. , '
Mq .. ,,'t
>nll'ill'iti ..... "l:qi1e:1 !'R<J fit, .. i)" .. \{
.!fIr: .. .,1(jq!l",lV1f.,,;q: I



if'>m: m lI':
t1'1"""'",,4 SI .. Ill .. f(Ol(ll 1'1(11 : 11
(Deseripuon of kiry. PraOOdhd' .... )
11 Oil) q i( '(1I'$>I "'., OIl 4' I W on :
ij" qc:.,FIlII : 4("1(1'1"1'11 IfIIT I
q.Il'Ir .. "f(fI'l'I) 'lfiljJi.,tq flrri
'fi,,;lf'(1'1'''''') r .. r",<ni1",hiC tr: 11
'd<::Qfi;1 R1a<iolSl.rf'ld .. 41 fOr: wri
{If 4fdi1f'1It1f" : I
Wi'JIt1Q@'lfd "",lid f'fdlfiq'l
.. lI': 11
..,.. t ... 1_;;. ..... 01. Pnbec!h L.; ClI, IV, p. zoo
, .... 1>. 97'


, . .
(Description of Kill, Viw.uvardb.>.na)
t1M'i""titi1.q q 1"'1 i ", "Hi 'il" lb. I (I Md:! .... ",1
("ij IV;''I (1<Jiq I "I q 11'1014 fll i., i RI filil ('9A-
A.D. 97)
(Dcoc:ription of Ac1rya Hrdaydiva)
mrr.rt If;r ij1li'lIT
... .. I
IilIT <11'141 "1': lI"'I"IRIl
"O,qUI f'-'!f : !iln:: lJ 1l1m'!. "E'lit'l': i I
r.; '1F"2I1iIONIU
'!"fir: I

Ji1ml" r...r"'I,F.,.,14 111{ tl
",Htfl.,iQ'li '1'Id <IIfC! If: "'1(1'1
. .
<t'l f'1'Ii(<I : "" <1'1 ei>WHIRI .. ", I
4: 'fl':
TZ: IrIiI 11
amn: lhrrt If q: '!ilsl1r
ffiiIF"'''II.,I1 I
if (ffIf .. t'I'Il "'Alr'Ht"
"n'11fil"'! : F(1'1I1(ftl f.m

(Dac";pllon or King YuYUi.jadeva 11)
,mu lfRJU
,j",) q If ' .. ;51"" I (1'l'I: I
'1.,i'fi1'4 1f"I' 'if'lq d1I ... 1it'l ..... 4"
00 11
'!<f. .. .,q"
1(: 'IiIlf: I
m tHflltflFfif:
.. '" ('iI i ''''nt1 '1 .... lfqf .. "tII'I M: I1
IIilhari l oocripdooo "'Y 11, CIf, IV, PI'.
..... D. 975
(Homage to .9iva)
'lRfir '{'if 'If ;ft<trr
'1d'1Fiill!lf ..... lw"'''' .. h I
,'!IiHf .. ,..llfiwH"l 1fT f.,OSlIqSOlj
... <"I'l'18'{"; Q,(t'4 II
"iif'lM,i:\icr rifIJ
f.rN m: I
.. ... "
filll .. 1 .... 1 ... 1 ,,, . ,.,o.nl <Oltt" "
-.01 I 'I 11; ClI, IV, ",. 21t-2.,
".D. 975
(Dcxription of Aciry:a AghorUiYll)
flll;ll,fi1: .... f.or<:N 'If .. fll :
""f""'l<'lI(I<: "",f'li'I ... ", .<A'I W I
fd'",,,,,,W'l qrnl f .. t(f .. 11
IIiIbari 1_" ., 01 11 ; CII, IV, ,. 21'
.... t>.
. .

.. ",. , 0
tlt<llq .. ., i'I'm'T 'If (4411'11'"
f4GI"!" " 'If tlqRl"'IOIdla: I
Rrcr: W'fI 1 q", q.,"'jq'l"i ..... Iq
o(lIlOltll"tlfin" .. 11I .. 11
illlt>QI v..ulf ...... li .. d"'mT
m fif:.;j'l tll'flIQlql I
.m JntIf q:(iq",l<f'dii dllt .... ql.,i mrt
f""'tdllI 'uq lllfo1(l"l!qO(llWltdlll
I'd.q f'lClI""'Rq f_eEl,,*, I., 1+",f4<ll-
"I!l"lITa" Wij("" .. 1ii1f1f1dWNO(I<M"I;Q: I
l<"i ij" ...,-.l +O'I\'I'l
.q.,. II1''df'l ': "SI'"a"lf tIV'f 'II"IQQloal, 11
Guoji lI>I<ripdooo oI l1: ... n._ 11: CII, IV, p. 228
.... t>. 990
\. J
(Hom'ge to the Buddha)
.rI11(i.(I ....... "' .. 1Iii.'lqj ., ... : I
iftITITi'f: tfl: .. Mi <w< (1-
lI(lffl .. : 11
d"llf<\f'i'lfU, f'ii1I>11{ia t'dr"il l 'IlIofl41 {lb' 1-
1l <RII&1QIl(aIOllf.tfqQ"1il ofiS1't1 (14Ii I
,,"\If<tm IiII ..
I3TSIi 11
x....io r-zi:" ,CD. IV, pp. S77-a
::I: ... 1>. 1000
(Homage to Si ... )
"'I'I1t'l""l"'l'lI ('" Me 114 ij'iijft .. .. 1 ... "l-
"ffi'IT IIIIlf1IFII.r"l<.i'h<'l,{ I

r"'$<r .. <:r .. 1?i f"tIil""'IRwil
4flilq'fl '1' : 11
. .
(Description of King Vuanladeva)
..... " .....
.,.., I
<:iO{jijiij"d .. fOifd : 11

(Dew:ription of King N ... ndradC'l1lj
ft' .
{Deocription of King SivadCVll j
mrT tI"f"Oifil 'jf<f'll1l11 f;rmie:G:
ilIj.Ol"o'l Qoit4 f"N4Nldi SI"''1I''''''' t
l:ifwltll'1",i f"Q<:1 lfIfiIT m
_0' o.
;:;mr: .. if,"",,,,4 WH'I lt eli .." ... "" .,,, , 11

(Daeription or Kin( J ay.dc:v!o)
qFld'I r"'d'fl]q<F'I:
ijil If it \'tIBl lll'l : I
,!(ioo;qf<Ai(i\"4l14f ...
If: 11
1II<1l1'1""1r"'<'If,"'I"I'I Nctl
' .. r"ld Iq a"I 't I
IfIoc'fiilf ... d f'.:r:;r'f'IiCIIItlHlfoIetF __ ti
. \"111("'''''''1 '1 mr it ",..,I"<VUf."d: 11
Q' "ihli .....
"o1"'lEi'l;;i;flf: 11
(Deocriplion of the Silver Lot",.)
, 0::'" ,
t<! ' jq' II'1i :
flt; '",<'Iffl'1ej d"''''' U" .. &ijjill4lqQId'{ I
.. f.I .. f.!I(lriilO{rll4' fi!;lri-
q;t f .. t<l.ilI1r' 4,, : 11
. B'
R {1II(IIIQ : t
( ooqf< ?la ...
.'fl'lt$IQ{ 1I
)jIl 'l iNQf!l
-".,""""". ,. ..
(, .. lhllaq ...... >IIQ('lCl SlI"d W"".1<I": I
SIr ... , .... srtfir
liffiIT!It IlreqlCl 'I'ltIft fJ: tilll'1<1f f.,;fd'l 11
f.t; .. lthqf( ijtlf.;>j";
wifFp., ..
1 Nil i till I
fir;f1ni FII'1l'llili\
<rV fiI; "''''II'I>WI t'>1*(Hf'lI'IIl'!.. 11
hIupoti T ....... 1_'; t: , XIGC, pp. U$. II
.... D. lOOS
(H01M(e 10 So .... )
If: q(ih .. <lsfir tmi\ furt 1f'r.'i
RI1"it Y!'l d . 18t<MI i
'JO'RId'l1 f,,(] .. fd er" .... ',,,,,,,,
co-npcion 01 King KobUadeva 11)
"flt f.,qf'ld tl"n(1lq
"'iil6ilj qjOi'1I ... ,oef .. r II;li od
fm al"I! "fM., ij"4>t
f i!'uFII .. q; 11
Bonar..o Pl>. ... ClI, IV, p.2+$
"'.0. 1042
-- .
(o..c:ri plion of Xi",
.. f'l'll slI'4l\1'11lf(to
lI'T1i 4'V1111 '1(filq(qj' "'1(1'1(\'411'1"1,\ i
.. i., 11 fill q ci .. ." OIl q 'hlt '\ 1$11 .... firm: ft-rfir
if ""!lo6loi"''l'd1 fCle:tli>d1 11
4t:'UN>:i .. il l fs 6(d1N .. 1'<'4 r .. 'f
tjlqii'iqOII: I
Itfqf'ld 't 3fT: 'JU qf(fl(a 'i{l IOII1M1
til1l\'<if.:a 11
CoI>atw. PI,,, .. BI, Xl 1104
.... D. 1047
"?"l<,\,,fftldl&i ... <al I
'i"'OIM"Ilf4d11'" (Ili
'"' .... '''''''"'I'''I.",,,,'t: iI
'l'I1'111f filq &l' lh .. ,fd4 fQ'l'dop1ft'ilftt-
qfQ I .... 11;F'l6'i .. '1'1 Rid: 1
11 1"0 Cij .. ,,?I" f (Ill> (l %1"'1 Cij (,,;'tROt! q;-
'f, f, ,
...... 1",1 .... .. """ 11
CaNtwo bocriptioa of K.arvo: ClI, rv, p. 1'7
.... D. 1047
4t1l1"!N(1\\ .... i ,((qmijMI ... ""'I",q)
ilif8l{hf ... 'lRiq(il. \I"f ,,411111: t'ri't 1
ntro liiQiji1jQI{'W,'iOii'( (Riifit(. it I!l1ii"
e'lHII(f'llflffi f\J"I ... 6\11 1qqlqlll "11
NlOou'GualP..xk ......... I; $M. m,
a.,.,,.. 130
.....,. Iruo
(Hom.II.(C 10 Vi",,)
"""i - ..m-
1"'ilFd ijifl't<lll,( i
"1 "'1 q '')<{I II! fUllfil-

(Dcr<:riplion or King S\l.ty&var""",j
1It'lI 1tM"'1<l 'II'l'ft.
rn 1I'ty
fIqm 1101': i I
- - 0
QaI9l1\d\l'>ihl -
t: '
tli"lifllt({l I
II1IIi: .. rR IL
ZfIIT ed'" .. ai if'
!! ... oil(iu I
'UI'lf f1rt1r;rr "{t'IT
!JIlT 4f4IF(1Ilf('1"'i ii
Ft M"lf"
" 5I"Ifilm lJU I
...-.T '!"<it """l
&1.,1<1",1 'lI .. '1'( ii

q 4lSllfi::<i V04T
.. .. ii
Illir'fit: ,m
4f4 l;:q I '( 1
1t114'IIlgf'lrd .,rr,rt it
... i!!l''11HN: I
W ntOlIQ
1lfuit ii
cr, I, pp. ,", !OS, 204
.... D. 1060
'1"' "'It""'!
(DeIcript;"" or Kinr Prlhvldcn)
t1"'(ilI( ofhl"
jQf' I :
"""" \'4", .,Q'Ii Si'''II'''(I<i"' : I
IifeiR qi:: 11
q(l 'iiCfd >ilf<tr .... iUIi(
mscqlwif., 'fit " 'lits;;r: I
'If " (iclsf'l
1"'iq .. id ..... i.nsmr 11
hipur 1-."", <I. """_ I ; ClI, I V, p. :!9!I
.... 0. 1069
f.r;Iffir eJ <'l*\t
,\,pia ....
1f1'I' W lm JPml
fot.Mi,.,1 . st!'itillf(l 'IiI'fior: 11
Q] I r ita PI <fIf!,t ifl..., if) q I Fe
ffiddl II'R I:Alifir 11

it qJ"Ji" qFiijqjfUj
IffiIT cnmt I
rn ttiG!i'i'l'l4ii '"
"tt",bN '""'""""""'1'11,( 11
n.w... lDocriptjoll or CIf. IV, pp. Z9S-t
.. oD. 1076

(Deacription of King Jaya,i!hh.a)
fli'4iOlQ I
31 iClj.,il_ fu'>f:
lI' l!.,qfd ('l'NIllfij(h: 11
f .. .. t ... '151(toi'lsN 88iitlr.. .. -4., : I
firrJ WI,..,a 1I'G: 11
..... ..;"'t
(DacripticG of KiDJ AhaVll.J:lU.!la)

. \
.. r ....... ' .
m WftQI'W"i"l"Ui41: Q\ijw.il.i'i'li(
qt .... 4i .. "'I ... qf .. q: UilIl""1lri i
V(lf IftlI' ""!iiUitjqqiH("(j<ijij ,'''
\'1tij'iij .... 11
". .
{D.=ipticm or lk",. dvatabhauaj
UtSli fuR-
If''fs<r: "r .. oc'IlI'<lf " '!>'Ot: I
ij;1I1(l1sqf'lfd film Wlfdfl1 : ro
l!IITIf: t"'l .... lf>lIIfdq( .. 'f'I lIlqui'l : 11
. . .. ... .. ... ......... . .. .. . .
.. qf('J:f"ld tt" Q'lffiI'
f'lQ (11411101 i P, "1"1"'1 (tIq i
$h I"; <<4(,:4I1<t"'M P,'it'll 'If ij'{f''''li
;rl( "",if,, .., tm' 1f!<I"t: I1
... . ............ .... ....... .
OII>t>IINlqa",n V"
>s(jelii'''<1F''''''''IM<iOIf.>iC41 f.m:-
(,IIII'1,e:1iI mrl 11
GocIac' .,. VI ; El, XV, pp.
A.l>. 1098
(Homage 10 Siva)
If: m ""!!04:'Ifftlfd<:04I'rt'1MI
lit "1"'I"'If'!.,,44>('>j4fd 1:1' I
4 :;::fik1I1 .... , (1114 n.q qllun "'I ",UIW.,fl!-
m: lI" f'qfdf"'$l4'I'II';h:'1 11
q,Q,'I14INoff q) QNI4iift'
$wliftl'1I1Wd t2/l'lr .... 'f', 41'III I0ij1 'IIII'" I
liIt<1lefltl'1"'a:<i'I f(d'!f<::dq(ldlqq.,1
ij" 11
(Homage 10 Vif(lu)
"f'i; 'II"i;Irr (tIIl1<t>Qlfd"ll'i If: liI""Iffd"
'mIT qldle,.i?lfla .. fMf,,\i 1I,,,(lull .,n,."."_,,
. , ""' .... N"ti ""I't (ffMJj'''ilfio"f'1@i;r
....1. .:. ." f.'
l"'I'l: (IIl .. "r(q q(l 1.laNl"' .. .;: .... f.;:: 11


(Description of Kin, Mlndhl'r)
'i" li;:'iM rIP! q (lll r",dE'lI*l(1 to
Wt I
"., .... 'U'lIT " .... w, .. t{l'l"ltl .... )({I41
<lW, III <l lil III "'I" fa .. ., Iq "''''11 I ... " 11 illl(lll
Q(i1l1 .. ftl tiiiM"l .. i
'If'l$'il''ll< if<"it't1tl llll
lR'f flN: ttpilClI::Cil1fioli
q4@1"iif"1')l 11
Itao,- r-.% ' .. 7"',..." BI, XVIII.
pp. '14,
(HQmage to Va.dhamlna)
'1l 'I'll Iq"e;:ifqq F(q\i"'I'J: ,!l '11" I-
. ,"'.
'IIt't I
I(fIIIM ...... iil(tN F .. '","l'llI1I.,1 m
.. toloq" ... h:"'I'PI .. g oil.,,'''I'''; m: 11
( Homage CO Gautamasvl.mi!l K.cwJitI)
;(jqpt:4'l<lij'{fi1r"rdiFIIWI 1f'1it
rolft tltQ(f4r .. ft:o>t""ltlIQjQI<i4i qroi\': I
,- .
It 'IM'b'1 .. q ...
',!", I
f.,f't:dl ... .. >tII:
t<frJiijii,, : fqtllft'{lt. I1
(Description Bhadnb.l.b\l)

"Il!{l'lil #) I
qf"Q'Sil(JIGHjfa., "'1i'1"6:
\f'r4ii fit Ijf'rt .. .,all(j I Fot: I I
s ............... t pl. '" MaIIio<oP; V. Ill, pp . .....
.... D. 1129
{Description of Fcudatory Chief VaI.Iabh. ,ljaj
'I(iijffii 'I' (l fo(""qf<'l f,!q ll fi:l ( fd-
Jl1(IQ1hI<MMf"",t"d,,,i{: I
"1(1",. 'f'I"l'Il'1rCllflli\1qfl{'ll
Ei(UF'IN 'II"Iw) !'IIV1'lf'l{ 11
''1'("*"1 F<"'IG
FiI f4iffi 14 i '14'1"1'101 qfOlI'1 I
'f m
",fUltl1 u
, ..... .. ................... .
AbIclfI. ,"';p';"" of a.. .......... 11 ; ClI, IV, pp. 43:.3
.... 1;>. 1135
to Sin)
"I1<i"4 lfilI (1 :",1 01 .,.01 'If'l-
'I I fll ij Id .. F(\"I I ",Qqyt"'1 i
(HOJDagC to SaraJVall)
' '" It'Ift '" lI"'i!: I
m ... t
4"<O'Qi: Ii
(HomalC t Q Gal)da.)
it'll leta I
... I
:it F4"'f<'1' d,.QIl"lIll ffi
f((jqld'llg 11
(Def<:ription of King Ratudom.)

qF(qiitlqfii 'U<j414 iil4i <a't
'f"'1''1'If< fjWlf<ii .. t<il..,4)'!I('I : 11
q ft'l Rot :ff\q 'ihti'\ib qe:fli\ mrt '" '1i>t 1'11'''1'''1 q
iI+t>lf.,ti'fq .. )(S!fcj(il{ftld: m: I
ijf1" i r .... (llh (I '11 (diOllllI\IM-
.. le ,.'1'1I1'11q .... r" FOIF f,wI .. (I 'I, ,4 I i
(O...,riplion of Miniu<t Nimhdeva)
f.j3lij'1r"'II .... ' It: \:I_fila IN (I q:
.hUi'lf<Wlq['I t
'1'''.'''''' 'ffiJT1t : 13"",."., ,'1'1111 :
ijQq" ... iI F., ... ij .. fdlil : 11
, ,
(Iko<:riptOoD of Minilttr PunLtoCtama)
., fi
df4 i'!1 i It i 'I'fI ""Ilil '1-
"' ' 0'
\dO"I, .... 'I'IO. "1 "qr .. e:,iliaw, ... tI'fIq: I
II/ilGW"i W'JII"d i '1'1'1 :
V- m 11
lI'i >If!!T{ ij'{'lf<1 .... 1ft1d-
t61IPlc<i <:r<4'1'<'1lr('1Qitlth'itllill( 'Ill: I
Q$1j '\If'l<nrl (I fill e:'l1f'410{1"'1\{
I(lfioc/4 .. PI(lqa mmr: 11
"I'II(I(If<i llII' c<i"
i """" .... """' ,
m "'llIii'1<1-1 ilffi'ltl
l;."\I(f<t;WJ llio(ltlll):ffi' 11
\(4W"i<[OIII'l*It<l1I liII: 1
1ITI.;'1""$"'I1( rl{1I 1 ljq.,"\d'I.:
0' ,
(f '\' '1'1 4i'l<'lQfd1q(OI!(Ii[:
ttf(ll 1(4'1<1 <Jfilf ..
. . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


(Deomptioll of .. Tank)
'l'1"IiR .. 0 ij
.,,,, .
...-.r: ij"iIf'I{ I
...... 1I.,.,." fIIIfIQ",:(l,
(DeocripUoII of .. i'leuure CardeD)
.. .,'
i .... In.,ij6li<"'QH'>:ad
it i '1i$"'l'M'Afi IIW<tII'I'<IfI .. )<tf"'d'{ I
it=lm r.f""NiCMRlttHII'1<i4i"'l<
f ... lf>lliijlf",,"I' illl'l4 11
K;oai I ", I. 01 Ui CU, IV, pp. ""4
A.D. 1148

- -
(Description of IW wife Rambhi)
r", ...
"If """"iu): I
'""'" .. ."...,If,,'f'''"
.1jqi .... <t<I <re'ft 11
(De&<:ription of Po<:t Devag...,...)
61 +41 '1'iI11'I/I "1'il!{"l q 'f'l",1 Rt-
(i(llM:tllf"'''ijq", ... I
...... 1 (\'ill ... (11] I "fC'" S>ij :(1 '" :
, 0 0 ,- """"""
lUuq1u Nf <04" "It<1'1"' : 11
@t1t<C r ... hfo,j .IlI<1-
. ' ,' 'R
,'1,"'''' ' QI1f'li4i <111'1: i
IfIif*.j'l ,,,,, .. ,,1\1<::<'1" M I "'''jqldi< (-
t\ffi i!1"RI'fir .. Id .,.q ; Il
Rf"' ... "', .., .{qsoJj ?lsf!ll <'If'l<'l'll i'l i f"" jiij IfiI'Il
,!41s.fltZ'M4I1 (I'1'II'l{: t"IlE(1'1'f1fltsp! : I1


- - .
(Dcscnptk'" of his two ,"'lveo Pr_bill &. JimbO)
... f.:cill fiUfitl<iWtlfM)
1t&;Jj{la. l<iifo: .. l\t: i
.1 'ftill '1"1 1
tll:lI' Jl"O'IT 11
'I'J'I::i\" r,tilltl+<l
f_"jMijfd: I
J F'Itlij "''',<"Inl{
i'l1 .. O<I qfdil R'ltll >roro
,- -_ ..
<''It4IN q1i>ICt<l ijs:,..ICij.,l I
llt f.rorfto \1(\""": <nt f"<jfd'{ 11
(DeacriptioD ut his d.uglllcr Shop.)
",f"",i .. FlI ... f><:ij : I

,...,,,,qqi,,;fi 11
(DQ:aiptioll 0(. Si,.. Temple)
.q 'Iff1I"
l'iIi"jqIMf' .. "F ., : I
' I ... ..,liI.'''q
0 11'1'1 i111j;('{ 11
., l'1 I 'l'll '" i{'fO' r<'l3l""" I .. \f1 q I fi=: .. I <I
r(' ''1 ,,1 ... 1 ... fllld .. tI'Ii(I It{ I
'111 .. ')q4 fntT r'Hr .. NI (I"tt
.. fitl'l l m 'j'I.,Qr(tI<4i'l'" .. 11
l""'f f'rtIowkIen 11; Cif, rv, ..,.. -186-7
.... 11. 1150
(Homasc to Si,..)

tflSil'{ftJ : ij': 11
... K\1 et r.... III OilO't>I'1 t
at M"f(II"r"i1i1qQ I
wm fiR: !!lGlF"l<l6 11
, .
. .
,f1'11IQ i4 ,niP""""

(Deoo:ripcion. of Ac1rya Bhi va brahllUn)
""oft it'! i "''IM: qf'l ilfit\II14"l
lit 'iP .. .. N"I>:qtl"ltf"i't:
qldSJI",illtf .. ,:1'10 .. 1'16 if: 11
., , '" ' A '"
Nlal'liN,nls>ij., 1'IIlItH: ij 1(111111'1., :
*'W"'1I'H"Ml "'.; f" Ut : tl Itt"d ... 1411'1>1
q '''''\Itl'lf<Nftcl\ m 'I' %""11 fq "' : 1I
q f<a ,,rei 'fRI'l sfir
,.mr tf< "'
1ft It I 'C!', N w;ri: 11
If: 'fro til (f<'j "', .... ";01;. ,
'"" ij'I'lf'l(I f! I1'lf<dl iftfir;r:
fitl"'lloil f .. qti't&lfti flij.."I'j(' : 11
T ..... 01 c.,.b<oa; ClI, IV, pp Xl6-7
"'-D. 1151

(Homaa:e to Si",,)
ll't'W ",Mlf"l\(ififSl I
lIT SlI1'HIIQ' ldi mmrr-
SI<:.1qf.n(sf'f .....un,. f.fw{ iI
f'l'i 'II'Tffi': !l1'H'I fiI; t{lfill"''' I : fiI; 'Iul"'l1il/<I :
fit; lIT fMiI 'Il '{tlNtl11 .. 1'<"1'111
., I fu'lfu { :tI &iIIlf(itl",rq'll - .
F(1fh'ld(1f .. f"I'I'I ' : 'fl""!1 ,,: 11
(Homase to Gal)w)
"'''' "",{>IQ I p: I
!/"<I'Ie:itld (1(i{$f'l q I;' e:"IfR:
'1': m
(Homage to Sa""",,!!)
..1 '"
<'1"''''<11[1 ('lIIld-
I1ld><l<:l 1 '1'"11 tI"II '1": I

thrnj'itrt 'IfuT 11
, '0
'!"'I1'1"I" tlttl4(l1
.. N(11 I
q<1>,,\finit1rd : (l1i
aqrcr IIItllil;1l1oiq't ii
. ,

(Deocription of Kin, N ...... irtlhadCY1
"Hfl('!II"1 'Iil'JT"1't
" 1""IlIi"i 10i4U1j'!f'l : i
I!iIWf Ti 'I41i
..mr ii
sf'i1r-!: QMif'lltl
ii''1('lifl'II(' illi i
.. , &* .........
lJ::4dt<'I"I'4 1fI'fu' il"IT 1I1'1'I1<{
'fht" 'i1I'T 'IiI"11'l 'Ii{IIlflvi'i,m il
ill r.:. "I
1IlI<rIcI>I! ClI. IV, pp. '!+- '6
(Homage to Sin)
. " .
-ojj'l!"I'"lt'I WfM-
4 .. (I'IISftc:rl " .. lu .. O<t4 I
. . ,
If "I'I"tI ii
.@"li;1<iil'llil,!'Ir..! .. filf'IltI'1"ro,q-
m fi"\tjilkir .. I4i I

", 1"' '''1,,'1'1,
(D<scr:iptlon oC. Mango G"""'l
... "
11., GI .. lff >nitU

Iil it F<\I( "Smfuf
f"I'1"'JQlii')l '" .. ,"ifi'""i1: 11
_ . .... put l nocripll<o> '" ProhYl<kvo. 11; Cif, IV, PI' I, Y1I
A,D. 1163
(Homage It> Si",,)
'J."I ... t<I"IZI .Nft'S ........ i .. lq""'4it -
tll<f!lllHGitOlli(i(f'Hl <'f'FCII<'>ISlrf!qt{d: i
'j<Ftt'"l'W .. ti'llC,fOli(llOO
F""'/'ij"'1 'If : 11
a;vftf(l : '11 F(ffl r",,,,,,."tl-
1(".,,"'0< ... ' ....... 1 fIr;nftr 1
'f1,t. QQEO'I(iN..,,,, .... "l .. i
firIrnr 'loI QO (qm'NIIII'{ 11
fj ' , ,
.. I
10 Candra)
",11'111111 It i'1l( 'IQ'tI'r 11
13i{il tiI1f.!f>4
l <i(ilo1fd(ti'i '1l-
"I1'{1f'l4 'l(IM<iIt ' ij<w<::Ifit>.(l1jl1M141 I
q lI"Q'tIt 'RIT 11

(Description of. Siva Temple)
if;r oj;<:p:a.f'II
"'" "''''""1 ... '.'''' - ,
lfiTfuj lJtt
MalIot l-npe;o.. of. JIjoIlock'n 11; ClI, IV, pp.
.... n. 1167
(Homa", 10 Si".)

(Olha(ladeva" Deal h on Battle-field)
1f>1 ... )><i 'ild'il!PI) '" ljff't 'tit
41'4l1f>l 'l'll ft'ldf'll 'IJ'tfu.ilr: <rt ",., I
m'li .. 4'1f'11Cllfd(lHU mt
q(ij\'llfll r"'ttqq<i ' "lft-I'I I a"'I : 11
'fI't ... I

IIqqfitaHillOIl : I
aQ'l1if1FOC4 fC!I.qf.{
"",oj(ttlf.tti 1I4id.niltNl'lf<I m mr:
fffin{ I
'l"j,r1f.,ii1' m mtl
>:tflWIl'tsfir RRr .t'tliti !M 11

Jljallod .... 11; Cll, IV, "" '2$-1
.... 1). i 16?
(Homage 10 JiD.)
f'q<i ij('ll1f<d r1<"f .. Jllij",r.,"6llini
'0 .
'It<! 1411 fOi>d'f'<"Elc<t <""'" t<l1t1\1 mWiit1 '11
Q(lIi'iO'1d fiJ'I'1I .. H;;::iW<i Wffif
=rWir I!Tfi; d;m(lfij (I( .. 1fl"ltl '{ 11

(Homa(c to Sararvall)
mW mm i
'llrnff 'llTUfi iI'fti t{offl o{oRI i (lC1't 11
(Description or. Jio& Temple) .
Rock 1_",' 01 CI/IuoIao SomoI ..... ; v.s. 1:tt6; n ,
XXVI. 102, ICIS, 110
A. D. n70
.. , .. Iq f4'U.!1Ii ..... j., '!.
(Deocription or At,,.,... Vimalafiva)
,<"ti'{filq",fu .. . ij" 1('{
f.n:rror; ",fWfI"''''NIIIMI't 1
..... ""t4'j trit
"f 'If!! '1\'iHl4'le:ill
tlONI.,\If .. di <Fdqi!iIIiill\i"i'll,fd'
""f"tl'.W( 5unF"tI'!MI ffifd'fOi,.,1 'l1: i
'6ftr: s(lfdlj; (I tldl'lfddti oitfir: ft'ft'd
'IW '1'1t"''ltI
lj;tI<Wl<fliil iI

-"> "" "" , ' " "
"', : l5II .. "'1"'I'I'd'! : I
;:1I'fi;;i ijl.,AtW)dd
'1I'!'1t1i '':I IW'''{ 11

Jabo/put [_ ;PO'" et ClI, lV, I'- ID
.... 0. 1174
fill IlIt'g fit:
(Honage-t<> Si,",,)
f"l(llf'l fqili<:!lff'll'JIillli
Ij;woW!.,ij (" .. 'kl.,41i1ifn'!M'-
lIijqee'l (04I1i ('I 11
.. >ilNftl :
(Origin or the Moon)
.f;(lIiOII'l'id1i1a1'l44i1 (:
IITUVIt 111"1"111: fuqi; I
3Imif '1"i'l.,tl(hl ..
"i.it) '1111...., : wmJ,. 11
nll" "O''''
(Description of. Tank)

uiftl",ijr ..... U1J "I',ffiill,1
"'li(i\l,ii 'EmlI.II
IUoatod l.-iptiooo cl Ro ........ Ill ; Cl! , IV, pp. "" m
.... D. 1181
4Imf"'II'HI<it1l: qmpr,m m-
ar<r-IflRi Wi",""ild'll'lI f'Ilt"
",r('!JIiIi'lqql( 1ft I1
,,1rtlftl ro';",
(Dcocriptioo or Klrti,;mha)
'l(Qnf q"r,,(: 1JU: I
, .. " .. " .....
lit I{tii(M .. l ..
"WF'I< ufu;r; f.n:"IT m:
WFd'ldl It
(Description of. Tadk)
'!"Ri fII .. 1
amr't a t;!IllF\"I1C116'11-
'fI<I'_'" (FOd 11
fi _.
QIQI'II<I#lS'1";4<:F,;:: 1
31i .. IQqFotI
rrm "1'1'11411 : 11
ra"II'I'IIf(I ('11 .. 1 rloff
","lcrw1tll : mN:
'II'T'1ft '11 q '11 r t'CI at., 1 ,1

Itewa r-." . ,
.... D. 119'
mm '{'ilswrf" 1",,1""'11

(Homage to Viwu)
EM 'I <;qf'ij I (hl'{'<lf'l IffIf I
''''\'1fMr 'ItlSit'HwI4 (I fiir :
$'I <f .. ( .. I1
..... "", fn<"l('I:I'138 .i1(\({Wh'tll(-
AIttl'll r.. .. 'lifl,OI lI'Il'1' (: I

r"''J{1 f" ... r'HI lffi'I'fi"
'Ii'ffi li
'IrII1'1": qf(<tl'iq 1""'i{(l 5i I' 11 I (lIWiI<?>41
tlI4'1'IM(I(fj4>f",'1 'I'(lf'!i;(" q""'lf ... .,"',"! (
g .. \'4 I {'I{lqF(>14'1'''lti (+116 q If",, :
'II&I;1...".,Cfj"ltl { .. .,I (+'I1lf 11
(Homage '" Sarasva Uj
QOClltFlIWI tl'f!ltld I
'I(I'f{IIl'4f m: tll"'lti 11
(DefaiptioA of Kin&: Oal)l plli)
.. lI i${lij1('FI'1
l(Mf(ll ftr;tit: V)j\Oqf"tiIOi.,oi\ : I

ijC'IQ<?>431li 'tdfijlflll
4t4" IIt"1l., ii (I'1'If(dflq"'t'I, t d ... tiN
lI('11rq"'IOijI : e'l'<l11 t

wr.!! .. 'wl"Pti 1O"lrn:
ef""'ll{>ilj 1fflt 1fT I
jqfd f.," 'w(l1 .... "11",,"<1\'11"",11
CebnIu. I ;p .... of. J.,.:"'" IIn; n , v, pp. , _
"'0. 1213
5I1II"1'V Sd'M'tI;; m'If !RIfIi
)1(41 .. 4' JItIIl1{ I
- -
.. ji(i\Q<t1i"II{'I ,Wi' (I"
fl1ltfoN '{fq .... q Ilftr
.... ; .....
T_ "" ... olYldo .. 4ow. 1172: El, XXVU, pp. 211. 215
..... D. 1251
(Hom2.ge 1(1 VifVu)
fimg; nmil 1ftl1:
'I1(lIi'Sij \j PI (lif'I'I{'1 q ; 1
afl"f"l'1'11,rI1U('I1fflCiUqo lfTll
m 1I'm'T; 11
1(1 Oa9da)
Q{'1511"4q<1t<ur(f"ia'l l
11 I.,., '1'1'i'ii4 I.,., '!. 11
(Homa.ge 1(1 the Moon Digit)
'>?ISI" iiC.,Fd
'l'I"'I11'{f""laqlltlll 1
q1fftt QT
f ..... ijr\1 rtPI'lI;(JIlIE'jtoffi ElT 11
(I:Mctiption or an vminc)
1W1; "f('l1 'I \'1'1"1 'th la'1(I 'II (q., I
""'""1"''''1; I
(I"fI"'1 <fiT" I 11014"" Iq Ill", :
,,4h114 (lIIfiil.,"l1!I1f'1!1i ft'l"l Ni<i'i"'1'lId 11
Mkaiapoloojl c.a." SUa J2IIO, 1, XIJI, p. 261.2
".D. 15611
(Homap 10 I 'k,ml)
(Ho_re 10 V;lJI.u)
4, <"it' rt" '144 q,ll
4<{lqllJ If(l' 1t(I .. Mf.,ofr l!l'ft If: , '
t'4 1t9? Q(It"'"'Ilq.,'tt
ao,l4ji .... '.I' ii
lftl'f O5I'Ifilf104: IJ
'ITII'1"I: IlIllId 1 FiI (I f>;jd"'., 11
.... ,,;, .. TUk I _i, ' of m.&ol&t1o IIot.ndQn; Seb ltil ;
El, XIV, p. 101
.... 0.1569
(Ho_ge'" GaQda)
f>o.Wt.CX 'I'<I'l'FJ: '!!hnrt III 'l"""'f
II !l(l'fI'{ 1
"NIF'I1<1"1f'1: q'fq' :rr>ft.
(Detc. iptioD or a T .... ple Gopuro.m)
"I'i1f .. dl: q0Itl"lF ... a.,lf..w(-
(IO'II<tllcoo(ll; 'iQ .. 1C"ilO1ll
(I<tM"IW qr ..... .. ,.<l1olf;
iflPI\'l': f"f\6f"<! q"S"<f1l
f' n N ........ -'-0' ,
El, XlX, pp. llof, 161
.... D. 1403-
('HomJ.gc 10 GaQ-da)
"I"hi,F. r"'<'ifitt<l q.,m
SIII,"I'Ii fl'lli:'1 .... mr: L
""i"I"I"'."" ",,, .. NI uU"""1:",oi"
If; ... r"e: ... f" .. 'I'JIl'fIf: 11
qf(Olg<lfQ;igF 65;jjlo"<I),..: I
'lif.noilffl .... qq "f"lIli' 'lI4Iw,t;::f<fdilf-
otf"ifl 11
qe'III:;F('I '1<1"<1 q "''''''''lmtf qfNi f,.n
"'l'IIiOi)!l(qqq fOl(""'! I
tl::*'II .. (''J(, ... r,,'lI1 ,."4q'j
mm 1I1 q ...... .. lwlu"ilq(ij,,1 Lt
P\llo. l.....tpclooo of tI>e Eutcm C&loky. Kq v-.o;
tab l S2i; El, XIX, pp. 167, 110-1)
.... D. 1407 ,.
(Ho .... ge 10 Vito)u)
""1,"'&"' .... <: W qf<i ... <iOO;:lq< I
, .,
-mmr fiOFI. <n"Rr F(I<iF.(I:fl
1A:: .mrnr ...... fd 11111111'1 ()""d. 11
Plo,", of Ill : Sob lUll ; El, XVI,

.... D. 1414
qtl{Fclf'q(lq I
{f<"lIfII "I{ 11

....... ,,'1.
(Dcxriptioa of the MOOD)

1Ii'l<.ljql(qqQjlli'tI"*l(I: L
.. .. ,
.,1I .. idt'llti,\.,.dQQ.,idd,111l1l: 11 ,
A.,... 1f InocripIIoR of of V" .... Sab>
l!.I, VII, p. 20 . ',
.... 0. I!lt !\

(Specific:t.tiott or nue)
. . . . . . . . . .. >rfWrt \14>4 t'8 I
'1 11 '" IUII ' Pill! Of 11
wri' t
.. ' 11

(HQ ..... le to V4Qu)
(lit 1,"''''fCltIr... ", .. 1I11I'1"i! I
tii'4i ..... I 1
t'lIfN$"",r(lr1ffl (\j I "r"NNI{I f<.1 I
.:r(l4j ""!"1Ig:4PiluNdllenlll
M;:1I")"Irll'jfq'ii4 ... eFd'f>lQIt I, I .
qjt ... f('lll!H Iq "'$hll .. .,1t I fi",ii 1(. 11
q 'If'Ii " I
"1'1e:flll oil ll
"l r .(14d( '1ui Rt:nll
"Ii\1il"1,jti .. I1
"('Nii,p\I'I14 I
..(l4'tci .. flu'!I(III .... nfild 11
,.,< ........
Ka.>duh..u PIa ... 0( V.IIka\Opotk\eoa I ; $04 l"-l; /if, XIX, PP< 92-3
".D. ]61'
(Hom.,., 10 RI .... )
iq: ..... fo,t(j
ljd ij(MIII("III,pj i
'I'iT'II": 'IIT'f "I'I",MQ,lIjQ.,q"j
*Ftq,lj : ij' 1J1I' : pr.rq: 11
fi ' , , fi
<i'1d"'liiiMlt'>G1Nl1<')(lf <lSd",OQ:
NI1'!it\4il'lllltllG",f<'lij'lI'i'l I
.... ) ... 1f'T srfiml-
t'fIft.",r..a{fd'floI<: 11
_ 'P" of Uclaip.or; 1!l, XXll(, 0'" pp. J..4
....... 1676
, ,

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