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Hello dear students ever did something, which was against your other non-government organizations like Amnesty Interna-
values, beliefs & moral principles. The straightaway answer will be tional also influence these norms. They try to govern ethical
no, never. O.K. then answer all these questions in just yes or no: concerns that are globally important by influencing policies and
• You did not help a person who met with an accident in front rules framed by the governments.
of you and was lying on the road waiting for someone to give Meaning of Ethics
him assistance?
What is Ethics?
• Have you ever bribed someone for getting your work done? A few years ago, sociologist Raymond Baumhart asked business
• Have you ever discriminated someone because of his caste, people, “What does ethics mean to you?” Among their replies
creed, sex or any other thing? were the following:
If the answer of any of the above mentioned question is yes “Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or
then my friend its time you should revise your definition of wrong.”
values, beliefs and moral principles. I can understand that it is ”Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs.”
difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong because what is ”Being ethical is doing what the law requires.”
right in one situation can be wrong and improper in another ”Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society
situation. accepts.”
So for getting a clear picture of what is right and what is wrong. ”I don’t know what the word means.”
Lets start with the first topic of this subject. These replies might be typical of our own. The meaning of
Points to be covered in this lecture: “ethics” is hard to pin down, and the views many people have
• Meaning of Ethics and business Ethics about ethics are shaky.
Like Baumhart’s first respondent, many people tend to equate
• Organization and Business Ethics
ethics with their feelings. But being ethical is clearly not a matter
• Arguments for and against business ethics. of following one’s feelings. A person following his or her
Introduction feelings may recoil from doing what is right. In fact, feelings
There is a big difference between what you have a right to do frequently deviate from what is ethical.
and what is right to do. - Justice Potter Stewart Nor should one identify ethics with religion. Most religions, of
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s course, advocate high ethical standards. Yet if ethics were
right. - Issac Asimov confined to religion, then ethics would apply only to religious
Man is a social animal. Though rules of nature control humans as people. But ethics applies as much to the behavior of the atheist
they control other living beings, man himself has derived certain as to that of the saint. Religion can set high ethical standards
principles to govern his own individual and group behavior. and can provide intense motivation for ethical behavior. Ethics,
These rules, in the form of behavioral standards may differ across however, cannot be confined to religion nor is it the same as
cultures and times, but their basic objectives are always mutual religion.
existence and peace within the particular commu- nity or the Being ethical is also not the same as following the law. The law
social group. By ensuring security and protection of the group often incorporates ethical standards to which most citizens
these standards helps in the survival of the particular community subscribe. But laws, like feelings, can deviate from what is ethical.
or a social group and thus its members. These standards of Pre-Civil War slavery laws in the US and the apartheid laws of
behavior are called “ethics.” South Africa (before independence) are grotesquely obvious
Few socio-biologists argue that humans have biologically inherited examples of laws that deviate from what is ethical. Finally, being
capacity to make ethical judgments by evaluating actions as either ethical is not the same as doing “whatever society accepts.” In
good or evil. Internally in an organization, apart from the any society, most people accept standards that are, in fact, ethical.
organizational culture, its top leadership and their ideologies also But standards of behavior in society can deviate from what is
influence ethical orientation of a people. ethical. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Nazi
Germany is a good example of a morally corrupt society.
As in the case of individuals, organizations irrespective of their
size are also monitored and evaluated by a set of ethical Moreover, if being ethical were doing “whatever society
standards. Apart from internal ethical code of conduct, external accepts,” then to find out what is ethical, one would have to
entities like professional and legal bodies, government and other find out what society accepts. To decide what I should think
public interests groups influence the norms of behavior for about abortion, for example, I would have to take a survey of
organizations. International bodies like United Nations and American society and then conform my beliefs to whatever

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society accepts. But no one ever tries to decide an ethical issue by whether goodness is determined by the results of the action or
doing a survey. Further, the lack of social consensus on many the means by which results are achieved.
issues makes it impossible to equate ethics with whatever
Business Ethics
society accepts. Some people accept abortion but many others
According to an old joke “business ethics” is a contradiction in
do not. If being ethical were doing whatever society accepts, one
terms. For some this is only humor. For others there is a
would have to find an agreement on issues, which does not, in
serious question: “ As business is by nature unethical, how can
fact, exist.
there be such a subject as business ethics?”
What, then, is Ethics? The new economy is changing the world of work and the
Ethics is Two Things people who work in it fundamentally. Technology, globaliza-
First, ethics refers to well-based standards of right and wrong that tion, intangibles and the war for talent are all driving the new
prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, economy and helping to create new corporate paradigms. In the
obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethics, new economy, business models can be seen as groupings of
for example, refers to those standards that impose the reasonable assets (or stakes), and businesses will need to be accountable to
obligations to refrain from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, each asset owner (or stakeholder) in some kind of mutually
and fraud. Ethical standards also include those that enjoin virtues agreed way. Wider accountability involves wider ethical dimen-
of honesty, compassion, and loyalty. And, ethical standards sions that businesses must grapple with, and with this comes a
include standards relating to rights, such as the right to life, the greater risk of ethical conflicts that can damage an organization.
right to freedom from injury, and the right to privacy. Such Avoiding the ethical conflicts presents a new management
standards are adequate standards of ethics because they are challenge.
supported by consistent and well- founded reasons. Ethical behavior is not an act but a habit. Just as good health
Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one’s requires cultivating the habits of getting enough sleep and
ethical standards. As mentioned above, feelings, laws, and social eating wholesome food, Aristotle believed that right action was
norms can deviate from what is ethical. So it is necessary to the result of developing good moral habits. In a business
constantly examine one’s standards to ensure that they are context, this means training at the deepest level, something we
reasonable and well-founded. Ethics also means, then, the call “ corporate culture”.
continuous effort of studying our own moral beliefs and our Definition of Business Ethics
moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and the institu- Business Ethics is a specialized study of moral right and wrong.
tions we help to shape, live up to standards that are reasonable It concentrates on moral standards as they apply particularly to
and solidly-based. business policies, institutions, and behavior.
Definitions of Ethics Ethical Issues Relate to all Functional Areas
• Ethics is a set of moral principles or values which is concerned • Accounting
with the righteousness or wrongness of human behavior and
which guides your conduct in relation to others
• Finance
(for individuals and organizations). • Management
• Ethics is the activity of examining the moral standards of a • Marketing
society, and asking how these standards apply to our lives and Why do we need to Study Business Ethics
whether these standards are reasonable or unreasonable, that Now that we have understood the meaning of the terms
is, whether they are supported by good reasons or poor ones. “Ethics” and “Business Ethics”, its time we should understand
Therefore, a person starts to do ethics, when he or she the importance of this concept.
takes the moral standards absorbed from family, friends, and
asks: what do theses standards imply for the situations in Importance of Business Ethics
which I find myself? Do these standards really make sense?
What are the reasons for or against these standards? Why
should I continue to believe in them? What can be said in their
favor, and what can be said against them? Are their
implications in this or that particular situation reasonable?
Goal of a Theory of Ethics
The goal of a theory of ethics is to determine what is good,
both for the individual and for the society as a whole. Philoso-
phers have taken different positions in defining what is good, on
how to deal with conflicting priorities of individuals versus the
whole, over the universality of ethical principles versus
“situation ethics” in which what is right depends upon the It is now recognized that it is good business to be ethical. An
circumstances rather than on some general law, and over ethical image for a company can build goodwill and loyalty
among customers and clients.

2 11.292
• Ethical motivation: It protects or improves reputation of Giving employees an internal outlet can solve problems
the organization by creating an efficient and productive work without the event becoming public knowledge or an issue for
environment. At a time of mass corporate downsizing, one the courts. Having the values permeate the company culture
of the most effective ways to appeal to the fragile loyalty of enhances the staff’s trust in senior management. Why?
insecure employees is to promote an ethical culture, which gives Because with an effective program, the staff recognizes that
employees a greater sense of control and appreciation. management also operates within these appropriate values.
• Balance the needs and wishes of stakeholders: There is • Market Leadership: When a company fully integrates its
pressure on business to recognize its responsibilities to values into its culture, quality rises due to the employee’s
society. Business ethics requires businesses to think about the focus on values. Customers see that the employees care
impact of its decisions on people or stakeholders who are about the customer’s concerns. Employees reflect appropriate
directly or indirectly affected by those decisions. Companies values in their attitude and conduct. Roy Koerner in his
build their image by acting in accordance with their values, article Want More Profit? Try Ethical Business Practices
whatever they might be. Creating a positive public image points out that businesses demonstrating the highest ethical
comes from demonstrating appropriate values. Publicizing standards are also the most profitable and successful.
and following a company’s values allows stakeholders to • Setting the Example: By setting the example in the
understand what the company stands for, that it takes its community and market, the entire industry has a new
conduct as an organization seriously. standard that allows the community and the market to
• Global challenges: Business must become aware of the recognize the company as a leader. When the word gets out,
ethical diversity of this world because of increasing competitors will have to answer questions about why they
globalization of the economy. It must learn the values of were not establishing similar values.
other cultures, how to apply them to its decisions, and how
Organizations and Ethics
to combine them with its own values. In a world where
transnational corporations and their affiliates account for two-
thirds of the world’s trade in goods, and employ 73 million
people, corporations cannot afford to ignore the reality of
multicultural ethics.
• Ethical pay-off: They serve to protect the organization from As in other social entities, ethics are inevitable in organizations.
significant risks, and to some degree help grow the business. Research has already shown that ethics do pay. Since unethical
Risks such as breaches of law, regulations or company practices cost industries billions of dollars a year and damage
standards, and damage to reputation were perceived to be the images of corporations, emphasis on ethical behavior in
significantly reduced. organizations has increased over the recent years.
• Employee Retention: One of the major costs in business is Societal expectations, and pressures from legal and professional
inappropriate turnover. The loss of valuable experience and bodies have forced organizations to be more concerned about
development of new personnel is a cost companies can control. their social responsibilities and ethical practices.
Seldom is pay the primary factor in losing an employee. What In the mid-1990’s Shell faced one of its worst public relations
would a company give to retain valuable employees? With a nightmare due to its unethical business practices in Nigeria. In
successful program, the employees work with managers and 1997 the Financial Times in its annual survey of Europe’s most
supervisors in making decisions based respected companies identified Shell’s ethical problems as the key
on the company’s values. A successful Business Ethics reason for the company’s dramatic drop in rankings. Shell turned
program establishes a culture that rewards making the right upside down in the aftermath of these unfavorable experiences
decision. and thus started correcting itself for sustainable growth. Like
• Prevention and Reduction of Criminal Penalties: The Shell, many other organizations whose business practices are
United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines state that to perceived to be unethical and their products are considered to be
receive a 40% reduction in federal penalties, a company must harmful to the consumers (e.g. cigarettes) face strong social
have “an effective program to detect and prevent violations of condemn. In recent corporate history, the Enron and Arthur
the law”. Executives cannot always be aware of everything Anderson episodes, stress the importance of ethical practices in
done in a company’s name. Jeffrey Kaplan in his article The business.
Sentencing Guidelines: The First Ten Years points out that Ethical problems are problems of choice. Ethical problems arise
recent cases also show that prosecutors are electing not to not because of people’s tendency to do evil, but because of the
pursue some actions because the companies in question have conflicting nature of standards and interests, which are valid in
sound programs in place. This is a themselves. Problems in ethical decision-making and behavior
tremendous asset to companies under regulatory scrutiny. occurs only when individual interests and social norms conflict
• Preventing civil lawsuits: Many times employees that with each other.
experience issues in the workplace first try to resolve these Every organization has its own accountability towards its
issues internally. If their complaints are ignored, employees stakeholders – employees, capital investors, consumers,
feel compelled to go to an outside advocate. That could be a government, competitors, suppliers, and other community
private attorney, government regulator or news agency.

11.292 3
members. In most situations the organizations are able to Counter Points to This Argument
balance its obligations towards these varied stakeholders. It is wrong to see law and ethics as identical. It is true that some
However, sometimes conflicts do arise between the interests of laws require behavior that is the same as the behavior required
two or more stakeholders. In such situations the more influential by our moral standards. Laws that prohibit murder, rape, theft,
and powerful group could gain precedence over others, to protect fraud and so on. In such cases, laws and morality coincide, and
their own interests.
the obligation to obey such laws is the same as the obligation to
For example, though maximizing financial returns is an be moral.
organization’s obligation towards its shareholders, it could be at
the cost of the ecological system or legal business practices. Article
Managers under these situations face the dilemma of protecting Defining and Communicating Ethics In Your Business from
long-term interests of the organizations and short-term profits. Ivy Sea Online
Recent thrust on high output driven performance and reward People devote entire college degrees, careers and spiritual
linkages in organizations is driving to short-term interests. It practices to the topic of ethics — so you’ve got to be kidding if
might adversely affect the adherence to ethical norms in you think one article will get you up to speed on the subject, or
organizations. absolve you of any ethical misgivings you might have.
In order to ensure ethical business practices of an organization, it The intention of this article and corresponding tip sheet is to
is important to ensure ethical orientation of the people who begin a conversation about ever-so-critical issues and provide
own, manage, and work for it. Adopting proper structures and real-world tips to help you, your colleagues and employees
practices could ensure it. Structure, policies and practices of an communicate about ethics in an ethical forum. Why bother? By
organization influence ethical behavior through flow of all means, don’t, unless you believe that what goes around
communication, reinforcements for ethical behavior etc. ultimately comes back around. If you believe in the cyclical
Many successful organizations consider ethical conduct a critical nature of intention and effort, checking in on ethics-related
measure in performance evaluations and compensation. Jack beliefs and behaviors can be an enriching and focusing tool for
Welch, one of the successful CEO’s of GE, insists that the your group. This article contains the following sections:
leaders of his organization should be oriented more towards the • What does it mean to be ethical?
organizational values, than being highly results oriented. He rated • Our ethical foundation and examples of ethics
GE’s top-level managers not only on their performance in
meeting targets, but also the extent to which they “lived” GE
• Tips for communicating organizational codes of ethics
values. What is it to be Ethical?
To us at IVC, ethics goes beyond the act of throwing money at a
Arguments against Implementation of
deserving charity if the primary intention is to reap the public
Business Ethics
relations perks, particularly if the ‘PR spin’ masks questionable
Argument 1: In perfectly competitive markets, the pursuit of organizational practices and behaviors. Using a broad definition
profit will by itself ensure that the members of society are from Webster’s Dictionary as a starting point, let’s assume for
served in the most socially beneficial ways. the moment that this is what we mean by ethics:
Counter points to this argument: 1. A system of moral principles.
1. Most industrial markets are not “perfectly competitive” as the 2. The branch or philosophy dealing with right and wrong and
argument assumes, and to the extent firms do not have to the morality of motives and ends.
compete they can maximize profits in spite of inefficient
From this definition alone, we can see how ethics is not a point
set in time on the continuum of human life, which all people
2. The argument also assumes that any steps taken to increase use as the same reference. What do we mean? Look at the words
profits will necessarily be socially beneficial - then what about independent of the definition, and consider how each person
bribery, hiding product hazards, surrogate advertising, harmful creates his or her own ethical boundaries:
pollution etc.
• “Moral principles” — Clearly, these differ from person to
Argument 2: Business managers should do what is in the best person; wars are predicated on these notions.
interest of the firm. This is known as loyal agent’s argument.
Counter points to this argument:
• “Philosophy” — a belief system or theory.

1. The argument shows that the manager should serve the

• “Right and wrong” — anyone with an opinion can attest to
the disparities between two or more people in this arena!
employer in whatever way the employer wants to be served
and this means that ethics does not matter because we are • “Motives” — based on a specific situation, one person
assuming an unproven moral standard. might differ from circumstance to circumstance.
2. No limits to manager’s duties which is morally not correct. • “Consequences” — a concept we at IVC add to this mix of
Argument 3: To be ethical it is enough for business people ethics-related words, perceived consequences are often based
merely to obey the law. Business ethics is essentially obeying the on a fear of negative ramifications established through one’s
religious or philosophical beliefs and/or the norms, mores
and rules of one’s community.

4 11.292
So, what is ethics? What is ethical behavior? From where we
stand, it’s a very personal definition — knowledge of which
helps define the choices we make, the goals we achieve and the
path our lives take.
What Shapes our View of Ethics?
The short answer: Everything. Our experiences (or lack of);
peers; religious beliefs; edicts from a power we deem higher
than ourselves, i.e., international law or a Supreme Conscious-
ness; people to whom we are exposed, for better or worse; and
our decision to seek out models of ethical behavior are all
examples of how we shape our ethical portfolios.
• Business Ethics is a specialized study of moral right and
wrong. It concentrates on moral standards as they apply
particularly to business policies, institutions, and behavior.
• Emphasis on ethical behavior in organizations has increased
over recent years.
Define business ethics. Why do we need to study business

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