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Programme Course Code & Title

B.TECH. Information Technology 08210304C Data Structures

Semester Max. marks Duration

3 100 3 Hours


Answer any ten questions

10 x 1 = 10 Marks

A1. Mention any problem solving strategy? A2. Give a suggestion to improve the efficiency of an algorithm. A3. What is the advantage of using Linked list over Arrays? A4. List any two applications of Stack.

A5. What is a complete binary tree? A6. What is called a Balance factor in AVL tree? A7. Define Hashing. A8. Name the sorting technique which uses Divide and Conquer strategy. A9. What is the other name of Shell sort? A10. Mention the advantages of Quick sort A11. Name the different ways to represent Graphs. A12. What are articulation points?

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Answer any fifteen questions

15 x 2 = 30 Marks

B1. Define Space complexity and Time complexity. B2. Write an algorithm to swap two numbers. B3. Mention any two features of an efficient algorithm. B4. List some applications of Data Structures. B5. Define ADT. B6. What do you mean by cursor implementation of List? B7. Distinguish Stack and Queue. B8. Convert the given infix expression to postfix (a + b * c - d) / (e * f - g) B9. What are the applications of Binary tree? B10. What is Threaded Binary Tree? B11. Define Collision Resolution and mention its techniques. B12. Mention the two properties of Binary heap. B13. What is the need for External sort? B14. Sort the sequence 3, 4, 5, 9, 2, 6 using Merge Sort. B15. Differentiate Linear and Binary search. B16. Name some simple algorithms used in external sorting. B17. Define Topological Sort. B18. Define Minimum Spanning Tree and write its properties. B19. What are the various applications of Depth First Search? B20. When a graph is said to be bi-connected?

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Answer any five questions

5 x 12 = 60 Marks

C1. Discuss in detail about the various aspects of Problem solving. C2. Formulate an algorithm to insert and delete an element in a doubly linked list. C3. Explain the linear linked implementation of Stack and Queue. C4. Explain the various Tree Traversal & predict a binary tree with Preorder : ABCDEFGHI & Inorder : BCAEDGHFI. C5. Write the procedure for Heap Sort and trace the given numbers, 19 14 10 8 6 15 C6. Give the analysis of Insertion and Deletion of nodes in a Binary Search Tree.

C7. State the pseudo code for Dijkstras algorithm. Trace the algorithm with an example. C8. Sketch the routine for Prims algorithm to compute the Minimum Spanning Tree. Trace the algorithm with an example.

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