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Vladimir Kush, nacido en 1965 en Mosc, es un pintor surrealista que define su arte como realismo metafrico.

Nombre completo:Vladimir Kush. Nacimiento:1965. Mosc, Rusia. Nacionalidad:Ruso. rea:Dibujo, Escultura, Pintura. Movimiento:Hiperrealismo metafsico, realismo metamrfico, surrealismo. Educacin:Instituto de Arte de Mosc. Biografia: Primeros aos: Kush naci en Mosc. Comenz a dibujar y a mostrar su capacidad artstica a la edad de tres o cuatro aos. Su padre, Oleg, anim a su hijo a desarrollarla . Comenz a asistir a una escuela de bellas artes a la edad de siete aos. La primera mitad del da estaba en la escuela regular, haciendo las clases normales, y la segunda mitad del da la dedicaba a las clases de arte hasta las 21:00. Kush entr en el instituto de arte de Mosc a los dieciseis aos, encontrando exigencias por parte de sus maestros. Su estilo est inspirado por grandes artistas como: Monet, Bottieli, Bosch, Van Gogh, Durero, Schinkel, Vermeer y Dal. Juventud: Aburrido con el estilo de Paul Czanne en el que se centraba su escuela de bellas artes, Kush comenz a mezclar imgenes surrealistas pintando su primer cuadro de este estilo a los catorce aos. Experiment con diferentes estilos impresionistas despus de ver un libro de Salvador Dal de los aos 80, mas este estilo no prevaleci en su obra. Influido por su padre, cientfico de oficio, piensa que la pintura realista muestra la capacidad profesional del artista adentrando al espectador en un mundo fantstico, como hara un matemtico. ste, fascinado por lo que ve, acepta lo suficiente dichas imgenes imposibles como para ver metforas en ellas y explorar sus diferentes significados.1 A los diecisiete aos, entr en el Instituto de Arte de Mosc y, con dieciocho, se le orden pintar los murales y lonas de infantera mientras cumpla sus dos aos de servicio militar obligatorio. Madurez: En 1987, comenz a vender sus pinturas y exposiciones dentro de la Unin de Artistas. Por aquel tiempo le invitaron a pintar una serie de retratos para el personal de embajada estadounidense. Sin embargo, tuvo que dejarlos de lado su despus de que la KGB lo hiciera sospechoso de apoyar a los norteamericanos debido a algunos libros que lea durante su servicio militar. En 1990, present sus trabajos en Alemania junto a otros dos artistas rusos. Tiempo despus visit Los ngeles para una nueva exposicin y se qued en los Estados Unidos. En 1991 su sueo se hizo realidad. Por mucho tiempo haba alquilado un pequeo garaje en Los ngeles para pintar, mas no poda mostrar sus cuadros en ningn sitio. Con el dinero que gan dibujando gente sobre el muelle de embarque en Santa Mnica compr un ticket para Hawai y durmi sobre la playa de Santa Mnica hasta el da de su partida.3 Su arte fue observado primero en el continente asitico y despus en Amrica. En 2001 abri su primera galera, el en Lahaina, Hawai. Actualmente tiene otra galera en la Playa Laguna de California.1

http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlad%C3%ADmir_Kush Vladimir Kush was born in Russia, in a one-story wooden house near the Moscow forest-park Sokolniki. At the age of seven Vladimir began to attend art school until late evening where he became acquainted with the works of great artists of the Renaissance, famous Impressionists, and Modern Artists. Vladimir entered the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School at age 17, but a year later he was conscripted. After six months of military training the unit commander thought it more appropriate to employ him exclusively for peaceful purposes, namely, painting propagandistic posters. After military service and graduating the Institute of Fine Arts, Vladimir painted portraits on Arbat Street to support his family during the hard times in Russia. In the year 1987, Vladimir began to take part in exhibitions organized by the Union of Artists. At a show in Coburg, Germany in 1990, nearly all his displayed paintings sold and after closing the exhibition, he flew to Los Angeles where 20 of his works were exhibited and began his American Odyssey. In Los Angeles, Kush worked in a small, rented home garage, but was unable to find a place to display his paintings. He earned money by drawing portraits on the Santa Monica pier and eventually was able to purchase a ticket to his Promised Land, Hawaii. In 1993, a dealer from France noticed the originality of Kushs work and organized an exhibition in Hong Kong. Success surpassed all expectations. In 1995, a new exhibition in Hong Kong at the Mandarin Fine Art Gallery brought more success. In 1997 he had a new start in the USA exhibiting in the galleries in Lahaina, Hawaii and in Seattle. In 2001 Kush opened his first gallery, Kush Fine Art in Lahaina, Hawaii. He now has 4 gallery locations in the USA with future plans to open more galleries around the world. http://vladimirkush.com/biography To reflect the world in the mirror of the metaphor this is the goal of the artist. Metaphor does not only belong to linguistic communication but can also be found in our daily life. Metaphor is the means of communication that we live by. First of all, the metaphor is aimed at the viewer's feelings and subconscious. It gives full rein to imagination, as it is the imagination that creates the connections between two seemingly different things. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge has its limitations, while imagination has no limits. ~Albert Einstein. Metaphor leaves the mind open to grasp onto the hidden likeness of things and events. And the more distant these things are, the greater the effect. The unexpectedness of the connection and sudden insight, which takes your breath away, is the true measure of the painting's value, according to the artist. Different from art that leaves us in speechless admiration (realism) or suggests we solve a puzzle made of symbols (abstract art), metaphorical art challenges our subconcsious with the symbolism of artifacts. Any metaphor has its own story to tell. Metaphor sees through centuries,

unveiling the images of the world and connecting notions created by civilization. At the same time, metaphor can easily reflect the complexities of our modern life, with its ambiguity and contradictions. The painter's mission is to find a metaphorical parallel for every side of real life. The element of unexpectedness will shake up the viewer and awaken his artistic nature. http://vladimirkush.com/credo

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