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INT. BATHROOM- DAY ANDERSON is alone; he has been drinking in the corner of the room. ANDERSON is suffering from a hangover, wearing a vest and visibly hasnt shaved for months. We see his handgun and police badge with a bottle of Jack Daniels on the bath. A voiceover of ANDERSONS thoughts is heard. MICHAEL SO this is my life, sitting in a cold dank corner sitting with my best friend Jack Daniels. Christ, how did this happen, do it they said, this will make you a hero they said. (Quietly)I never saw this happening.

MICHAEL ANDERSONS wife, JENNIFER enters the room this is shown when she throws water in ANDERSONS daydreaming face.

JENNIFER (Inaudible- due to MICHAELS hangover) Im sorry MICHAEL but I cant take this anymore. Youre not the man I married. JENNIFER exits the bathroom, leaving MICHAEL. (Subtitle) Im leaving you. The camera focuses on MICHAELS face, following JENNIFERS exit. (Split screen) Following JENNIFER out of the house and using the phone, she stops and speaks on step outside. Split screen also showing MICHAEL sitting in corner staring away.

I did it, I actually left him. (Tearful) I know, I know, but I have suffered for too long. MICHAELS not even trying to change, he just drinks and drinks. (Head in hands)He said this would only last a few months. MICHAEL (VOICEOVER, Quietly) How did this happen. A Long Shot is used showing JENNIFER sitting in the distance an unknown hand appears. Close up to the camera the fist clenches. MICHAEL looks down, creating a transition to a flashback. FLASHBACK: INT. OFFICE ROOM- DAY MICHAEL looks up he is clean shaven and wearing a suit. He is sitting in an office at a desk listening to his superior, Police CAPTAIN REYNOLDS. The captain is putting up photographs of the targets. (SUBTITLE APPEARS: 6 Months ago) CAPTAIN REYNOLDS So this is your assignment MICHAEL. Your target, drug Lord HASSAN AHMED, Afghan nationality, houses in London and Miami. The supplier of any drug you would ever want or need, we have been after this man for over two years, and this is where you come in. CAPTAIN REYNOLDS points to ANDERSON, Papers in hand.

CAPTAIN REYNOLDS Your assignment is to work and earn Hassans trust. We need you to bring him down, we have heard some discrepancies within the hierarchy and we need you to investigate. Your cover name will be SHANE PARKER, you will report to me. Good Luck, youll be a hero. Camera zooms into picture of target HASSAN AHMED.

EXT. Park- DAY Scene shows HASSAN AHMED in suit and wearing sunglasses he is on the phone he is accompanied by his assistant ANTONIO ROSSI. SHANE PARKER enters the park and meets the two. SHANE Are you sure the park is a safe meeting place HASSAN HA please this is the 21st century no one goes to the park. Trust me its alright. OK lets make this quick, you got the stuff.

(Subtitle appears on good man) ANTONIO behind him looks agitated.


Yeah I have a sample

SHANE produces a small bag of cocaine from his pocket and shows it to HASSAN.

HASSAN Good I knew I could rely on you. Ive heard good things about you. HASSAN takes the bag and hands it to ANTONIO. ANTONIO takes the bag and sniffs a small line on his hand.


ANTONIO shakes his head quickly he shouts his enjoyment ANTONIO OH it is damn good! (Subtitle appears on damn good)

HASSAN turns back to SHANE

HASSAN Tell your boss we have a deal.

ANTONIO Yeah we have a deal

ANTONIO pulls out a gun and shoots HASSAN in the back of the head. ANTONIO screams in excitement.

ANTONIO WHOO! YEAH! Ive been dying for this moment HAHA! ANTONIO put his gun away and approaches SHANE, he shakes his hand. ANTONIO HAHA, Im in charge you will be reporting to me, ok Im going to make you rich. SHANE Youre in charge

(ANTONIO takes out his phone) ANTONIO OK its done ANTONIO nods to SHANE Antonio Its a brave new world (Subtitle: Appears on Brave New World) SHANE and ANTONIO both leave the park leaving HASSANS body.

(Back to scene) INT. Bathroom-DAY As MICHAEL sits in his drunken state his phone starts to ring placed on the bath. The caller is ANTONIO.

Michael Hello (Pause) SHIT! MICHAEL quickly gets up off the floor leaving the bathroom.

EXT. PARK-DAY MICHAEL quickly enters the park looking for ANTONIO.ANTONIO appears with MICHAELS wife JENNIFER as a hostage with gun in hand.


MICHAEL Let her go alright this has nothing to do with her


ANTONIO lets go of JENNIFER and points the gun at JENNIFER. MICHAEL pulls out his gun and points it at ANTONIO. A long shot is showing the two in a standoff, the shot goes black and a gunshot is heard. (ENDING CREDITS APPEAR)

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