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Kenji Kumara Interview: [Gabbi] Hello and welcome to Coaching with the Masters.

Im your host and founder, Gabbi Taube. We, of course, are bringing you coaches from around the world that will help expand your life and give you the tools to break through any area of limitation so that you can create your phenomenal life. I would like to remind you again of our theme for this series: It is to create our ultimate health and wealth. And I am so very excited to bring to you tonights guest and master, Kenji Kumara. Im very excited to start out a call with incredible questions like he asks of people because so many people can relate to this. Are you stuck in your stuff? Do you feel like you are at a crossroads in your life? Maybe youve been asking for more inner peace and joy in your life. I certainly know one of my thoughts and requests and questions: How I can bring more about peace and joy into my life recently. Its very easy to get caught up and busy. Are you tired of stress and drama in everyday life? If these are some questions that seem to resign ate with you; you are really going to enjoy tonights call. We are definitely going to be going deeper into a meditative type of state this evening with Kenji than you may have experienced before, and Im really, really thrilled; obviously, some of you are very familiar with Kenjis work, and maybe some of you arent. And for those of you who arent, Kenji blends academic training and education psychology with complimentary alternative medicine approaches. Actually, I want to tell you a little bit more about him, but before I do; before I hate to even interrupt that, so I want to start really quickly and remind everybody that a few little things with Coaching with the Masters so you can take advantage of this- the series. If you have missed any of the replays or want to catch this replay again because a lot of the things Kenji will be doing we can go back and benefit from if we go back and listen again later. So just know that after the event is completed, you can either click on the replay button below his face on the screen or you can always also go to coachingwiththemasters.com/replay and find the photo of the master that you wish to listen to. Right now we will still have all of the replays open so that you can actually listen to any of the speakers which is great. Anytime you want to listen to a live call if you are having any trouble with links, you can go to coachingwiththemasters.com/live and the downloads are always available if you would like to own the downloads so you can put them on your iPod or take them with you; you can always reach those at coachingwiththemasters.com/specialoffer and we have added a couple of new speakers, so please check coachingwiththemasters.com/calendar and I think there is a link to that at the bottom of the page that you may be on if you are on the webcast right now. Now that we have gotten through some of the housekeeping stuff, I want to tell you a little bit more about Kenji. As I mentioned he has an academic training in education and psychology, but he also has very much an expert and a master of complimentary alternative medicine approaches and transformational energy work. And he will have to explain a little bit more about what that means for those of us who are new to what he does. But he actually offers work on a Quantum level, and he has a capacity to produce an amazing and a very quick; but yet gentle shift that apparently sort of add and take place over a period of time and just actually build on themselves. I am so excited all of you guys are going to be the recipients of some actualI guess I dont know how to explain it- an attunement or activation, right? Kenji is that what you call it?

[Kenji] Oh, well just say how about we just say- initiating forward? Okay? [Gabbi] Okay, that. [Kenji] Moving, moving forward. [Gabbi] Moving forward- so hes going to help us all do that. And, I really, I love a call that I am so excited to bring a call like this, beck you truly are gifting everyone whos on the call tonight with some of your work. And, Ill let you explain a little bit more about that. Basically, a little bit more background about Kenji; I dont even know, maybe I should let you tell some of your background and explain a little bit about who you are. [Kenji] Well, I actually dont like to talk about that part. Id rather have you do it. [Gabbi] Thats okay. Yeah, well you know, the thing that I found: I was just going to say that the thing that I found just very interesting is how much experience you have in over the years of it really seems like quite a quest to gain the knowledge that you have. You certainly have been practicing and studying this all over for a long, long time and youve really just gained so much experience, so many gifts and skills along the way that we can all benefit from. Really. [Kenji] Yeah, it has been a very tall mountain that Ive climbed. Well, still am. But yeah- a very long road. So, Im sure you folks can appreciate that there it was no different than your struggles and challenges is. I wasnt born with a light in my 3rd eye; being wellno, no I got to rephrase that. We were all born that way, but you know, as we get older, things shut down. So [Gabbi] We forget, right? [Kenji] Well, its not likeIll tell you the interesting thing: when I was 5 years old I asked my mom and I began my search- really, 5 years old. [Gabbi] Wow. [Kenji] I said, Who am I? Mommy who am I? I remember that, and I will remember it all my life because it actually was the first question that I think I remember asking anybody. So this was right like before I went to school; before I was in Kindergarten I think, at age 5. So that began my quest. She said, Youre Japanese. I just walked away scratching my head and going, No mom; thats not what I was asking. So if she would of said, You are that you are or I am that I am, I probably would have understood at that age. [Gabbi] Right. [Kenji] Yeah, because you know little kids [Gabbi] Actually, youre a pretty bright little kid. [Kenji] Yeah, I wasmy mom said I was singing songs at 2. I dont remember though.

[Gabbi] Awww. Thats neat. Yeah, you know and now you serve as a messenger. I mean, your bio says that you serve as a messenger, a catalyst, an awakener, a networker for transformational experiences beyond healing. And I guess I would love you to talk about your gift as well a little bit more: Quantum Light Weaving that its the next step of Planetary Evolution, Spiritual Awakening, and Emergence- I love this words; its just very descriptive and its even a Bridger between worlds, which Id love you to explain a little more about what Quantum Light Weaving is for those of us who are not familiar with it. Im certain weve got some new people on the line that have maybe never really heard of it and dont really know what to expect from tonight. [Kenji] Well, thats good: not knowing what to expect. Actually, thats really good. [Gabbi] Thats right. [Kenji] Its just the name that I put to my business because I figured I had to put some kind of a name to it. So I thought for about 3 days and it had to have Quantum in the word because I just realized that if I dont take it, someone else is going to take it in 2 years; but right you know when I did that, Quantum Physics starting becoming really popular as far as people reading more of the books and all I can say is, Im just bringing my life experience. I mean Ive been around the block so many times and I stumbled so many times and so I know that Ive got a lot of knee pads on/elbow pads, you know? [Gabbi] Um, hmm. [Kenji] Not necessarily tripping, but you know hard knocks of life sometimes. But you know, I never gave up so I think to answer your question in a roundabout way: what Ive learned to do is like for todaytoday is the first time we are doing it on this level- This group transmission or this guided initiation not only to clear a bunch of density from your awareness and your physical body but to realize how connected you really are. And its really not too hard to have that direct experience. So Quantum Light Weaving is helping people to have direct experience of source or God or whatever you want to call it; unconditional love is a very good term to use because thats our basic essence. And so when we actually begin to feel that in a new kind of way it can just trigger massive changes internally that will be ongoing for the rest of your life, without you having to do a whole lot. Now to make a long story short or a big paint a picture in so many words: these guided group get togethers, these sharings, group healings , whatever you want to call it, audience work through radio and live- is all meant to help bring people together because this energy will help bring people together. It has a capacity to dissolve barriers between people, between races; between now Im going to speak more galactically, but it helps to break down all these things that we used to fight with and create wars. Not only you know- in the world that you see on the news- but internally. also you have the battle of the so called higher self and the ego and you have the battle within the mind with the yes and the nos and the maybes and the I dont knows, you know and going back and forth without really inspiring today and the next day wanting to give up because it seems hopeless. So that whole back and forth thing. So thats also the internal battle that were all dealing with. Everybody got this mini view happening right now and thats why its so intense for everybody. And let me see make a big picture in so many words. Im trying to condense all this stuff and my mouth cant speak fast enough

[Gabbi] Well yeah, and you teach entire; like you know, conferences on this obviously you can spend days talking about it so I know thats got to be difficult sometimes. So Im looking [Kenji] Let me just finish with this: The group tonight will experience; well, its going to be spontaneous whatever the transmission is. And obviously, its not only energetic, but it is all levels as people can receive it on which is a lot of levels. And its basically; let me seeIm asking for an analogy. So normally, we travel from one side of the lake to the other but usually on stormy days and windy days, you know where either we are paddling against the wind or there is a storm brewing and we got to get to the other shore and with all this wind and the rain and coldness and all that. So think of Quantum Light Weaving as traveling from one shore to the other, but the lake is really serene and the water is so still you can like see the bottom, like the fishes and the boulders on the bottom and the sand thats down there. And then the sky is absolutely clear with all these puffy clouds and the sun and the temperature is just right. So this is the kind of state that we hold for people to symbolically experience that support and that love and that safety of the universe so they can go through their changes without a wrestling match, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? Without having a wrestling match you know? [Gabbi] Oh yeah. Absolutely. [Kenji] You have to do it really gently; although, it could be very intense and sometimes very disconcerning to the ego minds going, Oh, what is this now? So you know- we do a lot of things to help calm the ego down and to reassure we are not going to annihilate it or eliminate it or vanish it from the kingdom, but that we are actually going to include the ego in this whole state. This state of unconditional love and You know, everybody that comes to me, what they write down on their forms, and they all do it; everyone does it in their own ways: They want to feel that oneness again. Thats everybodys bottom line. So I figure not only am I getting clients but all the people that receive clients thats what they truly want. They want this feeling, experience, this actual knowing that they are connected with the power and that they are not going to succumb to the hardships of life here. That they are not going to go homeless, they are not going to like starve to death, they are not going to lose their home or their car and well, even if that did happen, but that you are supported and cared for and God has never left you and- Thats the thing. I think people feel somewhere along the line that the power of light left them on their own, and they got to fend themselves and they have to create their money, you know by themselves, and they have to do all this stuff by themselves. So today is about as it appears to be about: Giving up one need to control and to manifest. So its the whole Eastern thing of learning how to surrender. [Gabbi] Oh. [Kenji] Yeah, how do you do that, they say? Well, you can do it. I cant tell you how to do it. But people will be able to experience a deeper level of surrender in this journey tonight. [Gabbi] Wow, will that translate Lets say someone was working with you maybe I dont know how much one call will do, but ongoing does that start to translate to you having that same experience on other areas of your life. I know like for the mom in me thats trying to control my children; for the you

know, business owner thats trying to control my business or trying to control my physical body obviously would you say that this is actually going to eventually start to weave itself into those areas as well? [Kenji] Oh, it does automatically as long as you stay out of the way. See thats the tricky part; how not to trip over your own feet. How not to trip over your own feet and bite your tongue when youre talking. Yeah so as long as you get out of the way. As the masters say you know, Its all good, its all good. Its all good anyway when you get in the way or not. All I know is that people have had deep trauma from the past and thats keeping them stuck on all levels: Money, career, especially money because without money you cant manifest. You cant do it to the degree that you could if you had it. Right? And so the main thing is a worry for people. Right now going into the new earth vibrations; going into 2012, it is this whole worry thing and it revolves mostly around money- dont have enough. The other one that is very common is the manic cross roads; and I really want to understand my lifes purpose. I really want to be a healer; but like you know, but like Im kind of broke or... they will have some kind of a reason to stop them. Ive had plenty of those in my life and it was about money. Well, I wish I could take this train or to go to this place, but I cant afford it so, I stay home. But the good thing is those of you who dont believe you have the money yet; okay, now is the time for self-study and selflearning. And yes, these wonderful free calls are just great, you know. These radio shows are serving so many people each and every day. I get people that tell me- Im on 15 radio shows- I listen to it every day and I go, Oh I could never do that. But thats dedication you know? Thats commitment, and I love it because they are really seeking and wanting to better themselves. [Gabbi] Absolutely. You know, and how much time do we waste on things that are just kind of maybe not adding to our life; whether its a program. Its funny because when my husband flipping through the channels on the TV- its death, and murder and stress, and sometimes news, and literally if I walk by the living room, Ill get depressed or feel anxiety. [Kenji] Thats right. Well we got to get him on to the replays. You got to get him on to at least one replay. [Gabbi] Thats so funny. Absolutely, I m not even sure he knows what I do, and I, you know- thats hilarious. Im hoping he can. And thats a good question: Do our family members benefit when we tap in to what you have to offer? [Kenji] Well yeah, because of the way we set it up and the audience is going to learn another level of this- the ones that are following these shows because this is now a new level. So each time I do a presentation; in whatever format, its a new level and everything that Ive done before that comes with it. [Gabbi] Wonderful. [Kenji] And that was an actually conscious intent on my part and thats what I teach my students: Its not just a 3 day training or just a radio show, and thats it. You get high and then you go off and do your thing. You get off the high three days later. Thats not what we are doing. What we are doing is each

time we present and transmit its an accumulation of everything thats gone before so its more impactful each time. And so, even doing the same kind of radio show on different channels is going to energetically be different. It may sound like I am saying somewhat the same things and sometimes a little twist to stuff, but energetically its always at the next level. So thats what I love about this work. I realize that after much contemplation a few years ago that this is what you do. Not everybody will do that though, but this is what I can do- for myself, for my students is and clients is to bring all the wisdom from before and so its layered in. And it keeps being layered in and its going to be forever thats going to be keep layering. So can you imagine you know at some point; at some point- its going to reach a breaking point with the audience. [Gabbi] Wow. [Kenji] And I can feel it. And my assistant also is feeling it, and there are certain people that are really sensitive in this work that can feel something really big is going to happen. And its not a personal thing, but its like an energetic thing like somethings going to bust wide open on one of these shows. Im mean: its going to be like very obvious, but I dont know when its going to be. It could be a year from now or it could be like the next show. But I can sense the momentum building. You know its kind of like a Tsunami building and just before it breaks on shore. So its kind of like that kind of feeling. Only this Tsunami is not going to wipe you out or destroy your homes. This Tsunami will collapse all your fears and bring you bliss. [Gabbi] How does it get better? Thats fantastic. [Kenji] Yeah, how does it? [Gabbi] Love it. Now are there any requirements? Does anybody, belief wise, spirituality wise- is there anything somebody needs to have coming into this call? [Kenji] Well it does help to be open-minded and open-hearted. You know if you are a dead set Christian; Im not picking on them, but all religions have their dead set people; groups within that where they wont believe anything else; no matter if it works. They wont believe anything else, so those are the people that usually arent drawn to this. And even if they wereif they had the mindset they probably wouldnt feel much because theyre the energy that would bounce off them because they would have to shield up and have an energetic no- this isnt true. So you know, and the universe has to respect free will even if energetically so that the energy will bounce off them or actually wont go to them because they are putting out the sign no. But I will say though: skeptics have benefited a lot from this. So skeptics arent like so much closed off. They are just saying, Prove it to me. You know Ive been to all these Healers and not much has worked; you prove it to me. Prove how your work is going to help me. It will still help those kind of people, but the ones that are really helped the most are the ones that are at rock bottom and have nowhere to go, but forward- you know? Like: okay, Im going to go to this training or Im going to go see you because I have nowhere else to go and at the same time, they have a spiritual awareness. That they are innate healers; they came to help heal. And they have a mission, and those people sometimes have a phenomenal, really quick shift in in their consciousness. So I want the viewers to know we are not working on symptoms. We are not trying to take away your

heart condition nor your diabetes or youre overweight or your malfunctioning thyroid or your over active adrenal glands or your closed down 3rd eye or your injury that you had a week ago. Thats not healing that very well. What we do is we go into consciousness and we hold a space for it to shift through love or with love and it does. It does. I dont have to do a technique. I dont take away peoples pain. I dont go into peoples aura. I dont go into their body. I dont go so called astro traveling. What I do is hold a state. So Quantum Light Weaving is about teaching people how to hold a very big state in their body. We call these embodied presence or a soul and spiritually infused. a particularly human being. So were all human; so we are all earthly beings having a human experience with the human body, we are not human beings trying to evolve to this spiritual master or spiritual guru. Thats opposite upside down thinking- were already that. We are just helping people realize: Oh wow this is what it feels like to feel my light and my grandeur and my power. Oh my God, thats why a lot of the comments I get from the radio shows because all they say is Wow because thats all they can say is Wow and that saying is good enough. That 3 letters: W.O.W! is good enough for me. That tells me they got it. They got the ignition and if they just continue to pay attention; theyll follow their bliss; theyll follow their intuition and theyll be their own teacher. So were helping people to be their own teachers- we dont create codependency and were not looking for followers. [Gabbi] I love that. [Kenji] Were not looking for followers except maybe on Face Book which is kind of a social thing, but.. [Gabbi] Somebody asked on the Q & A what are Face Book pages? Mine is Coaching with the Masters. What is yours, just since you brought that up? Whats myWell all I know is on Face Book I have my home page then I have my wall page. [Gabbi] Okay. [Kenji] I post everything on my wall. [Gabbi] Is it underits your name? [Kenji] Well actually, lightweaverseven is my Face Book name. I mean, thats what Im registered as: Lightweaverseven- all one word. [Gabbi] Okay, so thats where you are looking for more fans? [Kenji] Well thats where I seem to be getting them. I dont do Face Book much, you know. [Gabbi] Oh, okay, I thought you said you were looking for more [Kenji] Youve got to understand my dry humor. [Gabbi] Ohhh. [Kenji] So those of you in Arizona and New Mexico- they kind of understand my dry humor.

[Gabbi] Haha. I hear ya. Sorry. Its fun, and someone had asked about the protocol. We will get on to that. What I wanted; obviously, people we are not going to get into Q & A specifically today; I just wanted to bring that up: a few questions that might make sense going into our experience we are about to have with you. Someone was asking, If its safe for the mentally ill? So if someone is mentally ill could they listen in? [Kenji] As long as a stable adult is with them, then yes because as you know with high vibrational energies- it could unstabilize them. Its a weird thing with mental illness and I dont understand it myself. I know its partly its a brain malfunction, but I dont know so much Karmic but I know the soul chooses that particular body like that; so like they are not victims, but why they are choosing that is sometimes very perplexing to me. But as long as a stable adult is with the individual or a few individuals, as long as they can handle them on a physical and emotional level its okay, but not on their own without any kind of like support. [Gabbi] Okay, you broke up there at the very last thing. Can you just say the last sentence again: As long as there are a few individuals there to handle it in case theres a problem? Thats what youre saying? [Kenji] Basically yeah, to be physical support and emotional support; in case, they have inexperience of divine consciousness, but they dont understand it and they think they are freaking out when really theyre not freaking out. [Gabbi] Oh, okay, gotcha. [Kenji] Yeah. [Gabbi] Wonderful. [Kenji] But it also might trigger the things that are causing that also so they may go into what appears to be a relapse or a heightened crisis- healing crisis. We dont want to encourage that, but some people do that, thats why its always good to have stable adults around. To walk through that, yeah. [Gabbi] Okay, I would love to get into some testimonials before we do some of this just so maybe some people can just kind of have a little bit of a base line of to what maybe some people have experienced. Obviously everyones experience will probably be different, right? [Kenji] Um, hmm. [Gabbi] Okay. Well here are two testimonials that I have read; I have seen several of like pages, and pages, and pages and there were a couple of neat ones that I wanted to pull out. One of them, Quantum Light, this is a 23 year old female student of yours and she said, Quantum Light Weaving completely transformed my life, irradiating all forms of pain, sadness and negativity. It enables me to approach each day with ease and tranquility diminishing emotional distress when conflicts arise. I feel lighter and happier and it seems to be contagious to others. I love that!

[Kenji] Yeah, contagious in a good way. Yes! We are going to infect you. [Gabbi] Yeah, well you know what? Well Ill read the rest and Ill say, I know how much of our experience the way that people interact with us is based on our energy. Like I have been complaining that my children are reacting or acting terribly the last few weeks. I know I have also been reaching sort of a plateau of just stress and overwhelm, and all that fun stuff and Im doing all these calls and you know, I feel like I shouldnt be that way, but Im also working more hours than I am really sometimes physically capable of; so really trying to use all these tools I have to not do that, but its so obvious to me that the days that Im calm and peaceful that my children are beautiful and wonderful and not monsters. Was it me or was it them? Haha. [Kenji] HaHaHa. Laughing. So what does that tell you? [Gabbi] Exactly. So, umm. Well that tells me there may be a few things in my hands that are taking some time out of my day to calm myself down might pay off, and some other things later on and actually save me time when I dont think I have time for it. But anywayshe continues: Its remarkable how the energy integrates every level of my existence permeating a multi-dimensional awareness on all levels of consciousness because of Quantum Light Weaving: my spiritual evolution has rapidly expanded. It has clarified my innate gifts and continually presents new tools and information about my true nature of self. Quantum Light Weaving yields limitless possibilities to transform and embody higher states of consciousness with little effort. Kenjis lifelong work is truly a blessing. Thats pretty neat and I like I guess some sort of concrete things that have happened which is great. Another one and this is a little more- there might be some phrasing in here that people wont understand if they havent been through some of your classes. But this is another client of yours, a 45 year old female, counselor, healer and student, On the 3rd day of wave collapses at the 3 day, which is a 3 day class you offer- I experienced everything as oneness instead of duality and separateness. Quantum Light Weaving supercharged my intuitive understanding of myself, others and the world around me. The old school dualistic model of thinking versus feeling or wanting versus having or just observing fully versus fully participating. This old school dualistic model quickly lessoned as a more fluid way of relating to opposites emerged in my experience. Ive discovered I could enjoy the dance of east polarity in my life as a limitless flowing source of inspiration and oneness. I could actually see the God self in each person in the room at the same time, I could see their human self. Duality dissolved in my experience and the awareness of the divine energy expanded many times at wave collapses, I felt like I was coming home. Maybe you could explain what wave collapses. I asked you earlier, but if I have that question probably others do. When you talk about wave collapses you said that was collapsing some of our negative belief systems. [Kenji] Thats a phrase that we use just to sort of limiting phraseology you know, and this is kind of limiting in some ways. But when something in your consciousness collapses because its held in a state of love or the person receives deeply enough to where that energy can just permeate that particular core issue- the pattern in the consciousness thats creating stress in the physical life. Not only will the body wobble, but most of time it will actually fall backwards or forwards or sideways onto the floor.

Well in our case, the trainees onto a mat- a padded mat. But people will experience the night when they are sitting in their chairs. They will actually feel what the Quantum physicists describes as a wave to experience in a sense of when ajust imagine on a microscopic level, on a Quantum level that there are these continual waves that occur in empty space and matter and with your intention bring an issue or something that you want to transform in your life into the wave experience or into the field of the wave experience. When that collapses- I mean literally collapses- like goes Poof. Or, the memory and the emotional charge of that experience goes Poof. Its the same thing. [Gabbi] Wow. Alright. [Kenji] The body will wobble or fall backwards; youll immediately instantly go into this blank state like nothing and then like when you are on the floor or on the mat your body goes into a place where you are physically very still to integrate the changes and a person can have all manner of experiences in that state. [Gabbi] Wow. Thats fantastic. Well it sounds like we are getting a lot of people who are ready to listen to have you go ahead and provide the energy transmission activation so why dont we go ahead and tell people what the protocol is to get started on that. And the first one is: obviously, that its not okay to be listening to us while you are driving or operating heavy machinery so please if you are dont continue to listen and maybe you can catch the replay. And you have said that the replays work just as well as listening live. Is that correct? [Kenji] Thats correct because no matter if its live or recorded- its all live and always up to date. Its always being updated or uploaded so when you listen to this a year from now its still going you have that live vibration plus a years worth of layering effect. So it doesnt matter when you listen to it or even where; you are going to get the current effects of Quantum Light Weaving Matrix field. So thats whats neat about it. No matter how you get to this information whether its live or recorded; you are going to get it live. And you are going to get it up to date even though it might not in the description necessarily indicate that this level working on; its all going to be automatically upgraded. We have this super software program that will just update everything continuously. So thats kind of cool. [Gabbi] I love that. [Kenji] Totally automated. [Gabbi] Yeah, and Ive seen people who have written in that they have received recordings and had great experiences as well. So #2: people need to relax and find a spot where they are not going to be interrupted or bothered, in a quiet place assumably. Maybe have a glass of water handy. Are there other things that you would recommend as just kind of getting ready to go into the meditation? [Kenji] Its probably good for people to lie on their couch or lie on their bed opposed to sitting, unless you prefer to sit, you can also sit cross legged. And/ or you could sit Buddha style; whatever is comfortable, but we want your spine to be straight and relaxed; whether it is horizontal straight or a vertical straight.

[Gabbi] Okay, perfect. And then afterwards there will be some just a few things mainly to just continue to try to receive right, go ahead, you had some thoughts on that. As far as afterwards some things. [Kenji] Yeah, when we are done with the call and Gabbi hangs up if you could stay physically in that space for as long as you can to keep receiving and absorbing, and integrating. We dont want you getting up and go do busy stuff. You probably wont want to anyway, but you may be highly energized, you may be very sleepy for the rest of the day. But I can guarantee everybody is going to be very hungry after this and food is going to taste really good. So we say, Go for it. Go get your chocolate. Go get your ice cream. Eat whatever brings you joy. But its really going to be tasting good. And youll eat less too. Youll find you will be eating less and enjoying it more. [Gabbi] Wonderful. Alright. [Kenji] So whatever crisis you may or may not go through; you enjoy it, embrace it- dont resist it. [Gabbi] Okay. Wonderful. Well I will be quiet now. Im just going to let you take over. One thing I will just mention before we get into this so we are thinking later, There is a special offer on a bunch of products. We will explain that later, but in case you are in lala land; you can always come back to the replay page. Its available at the special offer button and you can get all the details at that time. So just enjoy the experience that you are about to have and thank you so much for the experience. Ill shut up now and let you do what you do. [Kenji] Okay Gabbi, what time should I end? [Gabbi] Theres no deadline so take the time you need. [Kenji] Okay, alright. [Gabbi] And then when youre done, if you want we can still go ahead and take a few experiences or sharing, but like you said- you didnt want to do Q & A as far as questions that make people think too much. [Kenji] Yeah. [Gabbi] We will just kind of have some fun and see where the energy leads us. [Kenji] Yeah, thats great. Okay So welcome everyone. So we are welcoming the whole universe and I literally mean we are welcoming the whole universe; all of creation to this call, to Gabbis show and to all the people that help produce the show including all the tech people/ all the support people. So we all thank you very much and I still have to plug Shelia Gale because shes the one that trusted her intuition and called me out of the blue and got me on her show, which lead to all these other shows. It just opened up my life; not only financially, but spiritually allowing me to express my gifts. So I want to send out gratitude to the whole universe, for Shelia Gale and to ask that the whole universe to send her high amounts of blessings, thankfulness and gratitude, and also to the other show hosts that I have been on and shared

with. So we are going to bring Gabbis show in on another level today. Alright so as always, Ill do this for everyone and we might do little snippets of what feels like a prayer. But whatever I do, Im doing it for everyone and Im saying it for everyone. So we just want you to be silent and to receive as best you can and to be as relaxed as you can and to enjoy this as much as you can. Okay, so as always we ask that you clear a perfect channel for that divine light- the oneness and the bliss and the wisdom of our prime source. We ask that you clear a perfect channel for the right words and the right energies and the right space. And we ask that we be fully open to receive the grace, and that which will shift us into forever; gently, gracefully and easily. Okay so we are going to set the protocol. So we want all of you that are united to this call to the universe: that includes all beings, include all your ancestors, all your guardiansevery bit of your team; your entourage. We call you forth to receive and we thank you for your support as well. And yes, you can come and also to learn from us. We share everything that we are in this transmission. So we are going to use the breath to focus. Its a great tool to focus. So lets take all of our awareness now and breathing in through the nostrils, breathing in to the light. And taking that light deep into the subatomic layer of the body; relaxing the body and allowing the flow to begin. So we are going to do this 6 more times: So breathing in to the light and taking that light deep into the belly, deep into the subatomic layers of the body. You want to take it to the space in between yourselves. Do it 5 more times and as you do- the body is going to begin to relax and the brain is going to begin to move into a very soft and slow delta rhythm/ conscious delta rhythm; dropping your shoulders, relaxing your jaw, relaxing your finger tips and your toes and relaxing the energy around your body. Okay now you want to bring your awareness up into your brain. We are going to activate the sacred centers in the brain called Pineal Gland/ Pituitary Gland and the Palmas Area towards the rear part of the brain. So you are going to do this with your intention with the thought: right now I activate my brain. Continue to gently breathe through the body; you are breathing in and through and merging with the light. Okay we are going to call forward all the angels that are available for this transmission and this radio show today. We call forth the Masters of Light. We call forward the Brotherhood and Sisters of Light; our beloved friends on the journey home. We call forward all the angels of the Earth; the healing elementals. We are going to call forward the elementals that support us in life transition; life changes in all fields. Continue to breathe softly and deeply into the body. Okay we are going to call forward pillars of lights in the 4 directions. So imagine and feel in the center of the 4 pillars of lights or vortexes symbolizing north, south, east, and west. And around or transposed through these pillars of light, you will feel a bubble of light that is very protective, very supportive of your journey tonight. And we want you to visual this as a really deep rich rose pink, but translucent and vibrant and radiant, illuminesent, sparkly, effervescence, full of life. And then breathe that into your body as you were taking in nourishment, soul food, energy food, food for your body, food for your soul. Let it go to wherever it needs to go in your body; wherever there is discomfort, injury, or pain- just direct it there. And you are going to command the body to begin to open up now through the brain to receive- to receive directly this vibrational presence.

Allowing the body to relax even deeper. Now bring your awareness down to the base of your spine, then up to your kidneys and your lower back. And then to your feet- the bottoms of your feet back up to your tailbone or the base of your spine. Okay, now wrap that energy around your hips. So your intention is energy. Continue to breathe. Okay now we are going to ground the feet into the earth. So imagine and feel that your feet are very big and that you have magnetic light-weight boots on, but they are very magnetic. Your feet are very, very big and there is a big magnetic in the core of the earth and you are going to now align your feet as magnets to the core of the earth. So as you do this; allow yourself to feel the support you have from mother earth from nature for your spiritual journey. Feel the presence of the crystals from the elves, the elementals, the nature spirits, the gnomes, the fairies, all the levels of the worlds within our earth. Okay, now bring your awareness back up to your brow and then you are going to take your intention to the base of the skull from the brow and then up to the top of the head, to the tip of the head and then back down the spine, all the way down the spine to the base of the spine and again, you are going to wrap the energy around your hips. Okay breathe in. We are going to call forth your ancestors to be a little closer and also your guardian angels. Your guardian angel has been with you ever since the first second of birth here: it is your life companion; your guardian angel. Some have 2, but most have 1. We are going to ask your angel to be a little closer to you now. And we are going to call forth your soul family; call this your soul group, to make a deeper impression with you. These are the beings that have specificfocus with your light path. Okay, now I want you to visualize that there is this huge massive matrix or grid that you are a part of and this code of light. And that on this grid are all the beings of creation and you know these beings and you know every one of them. We dont have to do them all, but lets do a few thousand for right now. So with the power of love and with your ability to create your intention; consciously connect with beings on this grid/ this matrix that you are most drawn to right now- and this will happen with the twinkling of an eye. And you just keep doing this throughout the grid. You are connecting your light/ your heart with theirs. And then at the same time they are doing that to you. So you are receiving the blessings that you are also extending out upon the grid at the same time. If you feel a little bit overwhelmed, just take a deep breath, exhale and relax. Its all good. Okay now, we are going to do a prayer together on this grid because we are in this oneness place as the voyageur. We are all the voyageur now. So we have stepped out of time and space. We have detached from our emotional and metal bodies and we are liken unto a free spirit- the voyager. The body is safe where it is. So we are going to go into the unconscious, but not only the group mind of this matrix, but within yourself and your personal history. You are going to call forth all the very deep unconscious hard to get to resistant aspects of fear, doubt and worry. And you are going to begin to ask- with love for all of that to begin to rise to the surface of this matrix thats all powerful and as you feel this energy moving up to the surface; simply allow whatever emotionally is happening to occur. Dont suppress or try to control anything; just let everything flow. And were going to allow a deep cleansing of our past, our emotional density, our heaviness, our self-judgments. And we are going to let it rise into the light- into

the oneness. As you begin to release this- into the oneness it simply begins to collapse and transform into the love and light and knowledge that goes into your DNA and goes into your brain that goes into your case and records- the wisdom of this. You are choosing now to let go off all pain; as best you can, of all stress and the need to control and the need to do and the need to behave in a certain way; the need to do a lot of things that you dont want to do. Take a deep breathe; let it all rise. All of those things that you have conditioned yourself to be in order to fit in society and to not make a shiny example of yourself. Let it all rise. No judgment; you are the voyager. Let everything pass into the oneness. You are going to let rise everything that you feel you are not in control of. Thats all your stress and all your illness and all your pain and your relationships, and everything. Let it all rise and give it over to the power. Take a deep breath and bless it good-bye. It will come back to you in the form of love and appreciation and gratitude. So imagine now that you are holding your cosmic hands with everyone on this grid; everyone- every being on this grid. And that this/ the whole of creation/ this whole of the world is making a conscious intent to connect and heal the suffering and isolation and the pain. We are going to ask on behalf of everyone on this grid who is in a very precarious situation; we ask for divine intervention for your money, for your health, for your relationships, and your kids and your parents, your co-workers and your friends in divine right timing and we ask this to the arch angel kingdom and we let it go. And we wish now for every being in unison to state silently within their being as the voyager and also in part as the ego personality having physical body of whatever planet you are on: that you now choose to move out of all illusions into the reality of the spirit. Lets all take a deep breath together, sigh as we exhale through the mouth and do this 2 more times. Breathing in; taking the light in. Exhaling and sighing. One more time. Letting the body relax and you are going to invoke and affirm within that all my personal needs are met beyond my wildness anticipations. And again, take 3 full deep breaths and say internally inside and it is done. So be it. It is done. So be it. It is done. So be it. It is done. Okay, now as we come back to the body you are going to put your awareness where your heart iswhere your physical heart is- and you are going to rest right in that space around the heart. Theres a place somewhere in relationship to the heart where you are naturally going to feel: Oh this is my place right here. And I want you to just sit with your awareness and be in that place and breathe with that space. This is a very special place. Just be. Relax and receive. Just be. Relax and Receive. Ill call you back in a few moments. Okay, now you are going to direct the light from the heart and you are going to anchor it into the feet and send it into the earth. Also into the palms of your hands, put it into your spine. You are going to fill up your body consciously with this new vibration. You are going to begin to embody your soul. We are going to ask your divine inner child to deeply receive ongoing- it will be very gentle for your inner childand you are going to let this energy run all the way back in your past and all the way forward in your future and into any and all relevant parallel lifetimes or timelines. It will just happen naturally. Just create the intent and that starts the energy.

Okay as you begin to come back into the body very slowly. I want you to slowly wiggle your toes and move your feet, your toes and your fingertips; coming back very easy, no rush- very easy. You are going to bring that energy with you into the body now so there is no break in the energy. You are bringing the oneness into the body so the body can begin to heal itself where your life will begin to heal itself of the stress. Okay, you are going to center yourself wherever your center is in relation to your body. You want to be fully embodied as much as possible. Continue to breathe into and with the light; and always taking the light through the body into the body. And you are going to be well grounded with the earth. We are going to create; very playfully, a cosmic storage area in the brain so go ahead and put any overload of energy, any excess of energy there in your storage area. And you will have access to it anytime through a download, as you need it. So any intensive energy, any extra energy is just going to funnel in to your storage area that has infinite capacity in your brain. Okay good, reground. Okay, now we are going to reset the Pineal Gland. So we are all going to say: Reset as you put the flats of your thumb in the 3rd eye center, or your 1 eye center between the brow there in the lower part of your forehead. Just say, Reset. It is going to help reset the body now. You may feel a little jerky and a little wave of emotion. Okay, coming fully back. So if you are still way out there and expanded; just stay out there for a bit. Enjoy it, but you want to bring that way spacy feeling into your body; that feeling of wayyyy expansiveness; all this love and all that light, the angels, the masters and wow- all of that- bring into the body so your body can get used to being more enlightened. Okay, so we are going to end this activation although it is still going to be going on- on the subtle levels so it never really ends. We ask that all calibration be done in the divine harmony and balance and gentleness and through the power of love and grace. So be it- Blessings to you all. [Gabbi] That was wonderful. Thank you so much. [Kenji] Um, hmm. [Gabbi] What a joyful, relaxing and amazing experience. Im trying to decide where to go from here. [Kenji] Just stay within. Hahaha- my humor. Okay, Oregon is kind of getting it. Its a pretty wet place like Seattle, but you know, well [Gabbi & Kenji] Laughing. [Gabbi] Oh, fantastic. We have time for a little sharing and/ or you can just mention what people have the ability to receive more from you- if they want. What you offer, we could discuss that. [Kenji] Okay you dont have to talk much right now, Gabbi. Ill let you continue to integrate. So basically, the product offer is my whole body of work up to this point; although I will continue to video tape more, trainings and attunements, but all the audios which is most of the product order except for

the video. Theyre all spontaneous recorded live in the moment of the different training. So when you buy the product offer; its as if you now have attended, you are going to attend the trainings, but in an audio kind of a way- not a visual necessarily. So you will be getting the attunements live even though they were recorded several years ago and even last year; as if you were in the trainings. So you will be able to offer this level of work to people just through talking with them, hugging with them, doing hands on work. We have the video that is an explanation or view of the basic training level to where you can begin to offer the work to others, and you dont have to catch them. You can do them lying down, sitting in a chair, sitting in meditation. I suggest that if its either one the video or the audio that you do it with your family or you do it with groups of people because the energy will become stronger that way. So they dont have to have purchased the product or offer in order to listen to it. You know if its family or good friends, invite them over and say, Hey we are going to listen to a couple of attunements and watch an hour segment of video and just come hang out in the energies and enjoy it. You dont have to tell them; theyll get it. And then if theyre curious theyll ask you more. You can go from there. So basically, this is my way of giving to the world for $97. I dont write books, at least not yet. My attunements and videos are what I have to offer the world. And I think its a great deal. Its a steal really. For under a $100 to get really, Oh God- its over 1000 minutes of audio and attunements and over 5 hours of the video instruction. You will go through changes; it will definitely affect your life. So basically listen to 1 track per day; you can do it multiple times and but if you can just listen continuously dont do it for more than an hour because I think you will get too spacey. You might get a headache. But just you know do everything in balance. And it will just help you in all kinds of ways. I could spend an hour just describing the benefits. Just know that youll get what you need as you listen to them. Okay, Gabbi. [Gabbi] Wonderful. We have a few people sharing: Very fun. Sandy from Houston is saying, I found it fun to create a storage bin with continuous unlimited love energy that you continue on all levels. Wow! Much love and gratitude for this gift. And Wilma Marie Ross from Autowa, Wow Kenji and Gabbi, that was awesome! Thank you, thank you. Thank you. She is asking if, I could leave the replay up forever? Imagine the universe that we could create. Well see. Ive actually left a lot of replays up so keep checking. I keep hoping to give that to everyone. Julie from Australia; it looks like. [Kenji] Alright! One of my favorite countries of all time. New Zealanders, yeah! Ah, ha. [Gabbi] I believe so. I must say: Kenji and Gabbi, thank you for all your wonderful work. I am so grateful for you sharing. When you talk about going back through ones lineage, how does that work for adoptive people? Do we have a double whammy of inherited agreement, karma programming and affecting us? If so, does your work assist us to clear both sets? If it doesnt, what can we do to ensure that we can both clear both whats passed down through our genetic lineage and whats passed down through our adoptive families, plus I believe that your work can and does work through both lineage. I find some difficulties and confusions arise trying to combine both during the activation attunements?

[Gabbi] Thats an interesting question. [Kenji] Thats a long one too. So I will say yes to everything. So for her in Australia: just whatever your intention is; with this energy, it will work. So you are only limited by your creative thoughts. So, God didnt tell you how to believe. God gave you the free will. Heres where the free will came in; its not do anything you want in the world, as some of these kids think. What it really is: We have free will to create how we want to believe because thats what creates our life. So for everyone think about this: When you listen to the replays, when you buy the product offer and you listen to the attunements- in spite of what we are doing; verbally in the attunements, if you want to work on something specific, then you just bring that intention into that attunement that you are listening to. But whatever you want to work- if you believe its going to work- it will work, but your belief determines that, not like, I wish I could believe that would work. No, you absolutely have to believe like Yawsueh said. You have to really 100% believe in what youre doing or else you wont get the full benefits of that belief; whatever it is. So, believe in whenever you use Love; you cant go wrong. So whenever you want to believe of how Love can work in your life- it will. So, it doesnt matter: 2 lineages; 2 different lineages- it doesnt matter. It will go through whatever. You can have it go through your friends lineage- it doesnt matter. Whatever you desire creatively; it will happen, but you just have to stay in that oneness when you create that kind of intention. So we wanted to give you that experience tonight of being in that oneness and then creating with intention and with thought and feeling the things that you want to manifest. So, I know this is a lot maybe today, but you know, I just always repeat the same things and I say it a different way and then people get it. They say, Oh, I understand now. [Gabbi] Um, hmm. Yeah. [Kenji] Keep listening to the replays and just know that its all taken care of, its all good, its all blessed, you are blessed, everything is blessed. [Gabbi] Fantastic. Perse from Western Australia is extending his love and gratitude. [Kenji] Woo. [Gabbi] Love it. [Kenji] Alright. [Gabbi] How fun. We have another one: Laura from Costa Mesa, California, Kenji has been lifting me up from depression into high energy and excitement about my life. Thats wonderful. [Kenji] Yeah. Do you like that [Gabbi] Absolutely. Lets see here. Heres one from earlier and I think you kind of answered it because it talks about what you do sort of creating this. But Keddi from Gentem, Belgium; I believe thats what its saying: If we dont know what our life purpose on earth is, is there a way to reconnect us faster with our lifes purpose?

[Kenji] Yeah, you can buy the radio show package. But if you didnt want to do that then listen to the radio shows and the replays. But also- its really about belief. So heres what everybody is going to do: Okay, everyone out there. So this is a creative project to do tonight; its not going to take you very long. When we get done with this call, and when you can get up and physically move around go to your journal or get a special piece of paper and write down everything that you want to see in your life manifest. And then your assignment will be to meditate on that with the feeling and with the energy of knowing that it is manifesting. And it has happened- you havent seen it yet, but on the inner planes- its manifested. So it just takes a bit of physical time to manifest here in this density. So thats how you manifest. You manifest with a feeling and a thought. So you have to know what you want on a feeling level; not like I want $10,000, but what would be the feeling that if you had enough money where you didnt have to worry about that. So thats the thing that you want to manifest every day that feeling of already having enough and being taken care of. If you want something to heal in your relationship then when you meditate you will want to feel what its like to have that feeling in that relationship; obviously, some kind of love, right? Some kind of feeling of connection and gratitude and appreciation. So you cant go wrong with love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion: your 4 amigos. We just made that up on the spot: The 4 amigos. [Gabbi] Love it. Wow. Heres one from Joy: Loved the experience. Have a headache that I did not have before. Any tips on support in shifting it? [Kenji] Have a headache now? Well, its moving a lot of things in the old cabasa- the brain. So not to worry, drink more water. [Gabbi] Wait, say that again. You bleeped out for just a minute. [Kenji] I did. Okay, umokay, so let me backtrack which is kind of hard to do sometimes. Okay, so the headache is wellthere is a little bit of resistance there, but its stuff moving and so I would drink a little bit more water, get some fresh air and know that actually what the brain is experiencing is letting go of false beliefs and the integration of what we did in the meditation or in the journey work. And a part of it is a little bit of unconsciousness where the brain physically expands. If you have had head injuries or trauma or neck trauma; its working and healing that too. So not to worry, but drink a little more water and get some fresh air before you go to bed tonight and just bless everything that you experience from now on. [Gabbi] Wonderful. Donna from Alice actually asks, If you clear issues with receiving money and jobs or careers. I do want to say that I did put the bonus recording where you did meditations specifically on that on our bonus page and you can go and just download that. You will find it at coachingwiththemastes.com/bonus and it is also on every email, I believe, that I sent out: Hey did you get your bonuses, click here in case you dont want to type all of that in. So, and in particular the very 1st one you received you can always get a link to that. So, do you have any other suggestions; other than, also about what you just said when you meditate? [Kenji] Umm.

[Gabbi] You kind of discussed that a minute ago. [Kenji] Umm, just ask to be aware ofhow do I want to phrase it? You know its hard when you see or sense energy, but you cant describe it; necessarily, with the English language. Okay, let me just say this: That the healing you have been wanting in a relationship is manifesting right now through your headache. Okay, thats good enough. [Gabbi] Okay. [Kenji] Go with the flow. [Gabbi] Alright. Laura also saying, Kenjis attunements are some of the strongest Ive ever experienced and why does food taste so good afterwards? [Kenji] I told you guys. They never believe me until they actually do it, and Hey this actually tastes really good. Well, I dont know- if you have a lot of Love energy in your body and your system, you know go and eat whatever you eat- it going to taste pretty good. [Gabbi] Absolutely. [Kenji] Yeah. [Gabbi] So there is a question; there are a couple of questions that are very specific. And Donna, I think I might just tell you that yours is probably too much to get into in the call, but what I might do is just email you that question over to Kenji and if he can respond by email- He will. [Kenji] Okay. [Gabbi] And then just some others are asking about real specific health problems. [Kenji] Well, I can answer it this way though: So it doesnt matter what the medical condition is; it doesnt matter what it is. Just know that it is an emotion that needs to be acknowledged and the whole spectrum of the emotions from Love to anger and everything in-between. So what illness and disease; and again, it doesnt matter what it is- heres your bodies way of saying, Heres a message here and you are not paying attention or youre not looking quite in the right place or we need to try something different as far as attitude goes. But its all basically a metaphor for the emotions. And behind every emotion that creates stress in the body; there is a belief system thats not true. Or else, if it was true- it wouldnt create the stress in your body. [Gabbi] Oh, that makes a lot of sense. [Kenji] I could be the fluffer now and say, All true belief systems must create harmony in the body and the mind. And all false beliefs; over time, begin to create stress in the body in a form of illness or accidents or trauma or just you know; general unhappiness in like- nothing goes right. Thats the extreme. Thats the extreme level. [Gabbi] Um, hmm.

[Kenji] But just know that illness is a metaphor and well, I could just say that, Attunements are good for helping people toI dont want to say work with these issues because its not really working with it, but to actually transform it to where; you know, its like that 1st testimonial that you read on the air. [Gabbi] Right. [Kenji] Now, umI have not known her before. I didnt know her background. All I remember was that her dad who came to the training- so it was like half the family was there- which is really cool. He was very concerned about her because he came up to me and said, I am very concerned about my daughter. So I just took that into consideration, you know during the training. You know, I might of picked on her a little bit like I do with these certain young kids you know to just get them to test themselves because they are really good that way. [Gabbi] Um, hmm. [Kenji] But I had no idea about when she had emailed me; I had no idea thats where she was after the training. I had no idea. And so its beautiful. Thats not that uncommon. That level is more common than not. But you know, I got a letter from someone 5 years ago in Baton Rouge and said that, The training changed her life forever. She didnt tell me that in the training. She didnt email me that afterwards. I had no clue until she Face Books me because somehow she found me on Face Book and she emailed me this and I went, Wow. I had no idea. So heres 5 years later right? [Gabbi] Right. [Kenji] And this personI dont know why it prompted her, but Im happy to know that her life really changed in those 3 days. So also in these radio shows; your life can Now- be changing. Just in the matter of an hour/ an hour and 15 minutes/ an hour and a half; so time, doesnt really necessarily mean anything, whether its an hour and a half or 3 day training. The energy is live so you are getting as much as you can receive, and youre still getting it. Its not going to be like Kenjis talking to you right? But it is going to be energetically; its going to keep coming into your storage unit area. Isnt that cool/ sweet? [Gabbi] Right. [Kenji] So everybody is going to have to start deleting and putting, click and dragging into their trash on their computer all the old programs that dont work. So your homework assignment is to start deleting, clicking and dragging into your trash/ your recycle bin all the old programs that dont work. You know which ones dont work. [Gabbi] Gotch ya. [Kenji] Yeah. [Gabbi] Love it. We have a whole bunch of Q & A that just came in. People must of just finally come out of their [Kenji] Well, I tell you it is very hard to come back. Its likeI dont want to.

[Gabbi] Yeah. And so Melva from Seattle/ Seattlean (I dont know what we call you guys) says, I found you guys a few weeks ago [Kenji] Seattleites. [Gabbi] There you go: Seattleites. I found you guys a few weeks ago and your guided meditations have changed my life experience and in every way. Thank you for your gift to the world. I have battled depression since childhood and Quantum Light Weaving is the only thing that has worked to clear my consciousness. Thats fantastic. Maria from New York (my birthplace), Greetings Thank you very, very much. I actually feel very light uncoupled with this undescribable inner peace and joy- very relaxed, for a better lack of words. Many Blessings. [Kenji] Thank you. [Gabbi] Thats great. Thank you. Joy thanks us for answering her question about the headache, um and then- lets see here. Somebody else? Let me look here. Jamie, Thank you so much. Wow I had a sudden pain in my head, but it lasted for just a moment. Interesting. Is there a deadline for purchasing Kenjis package? Ahh, no. As long as my seriesmy series is up for a few more weeks so as long as you get it before we pull everything down, but I believe I will probably leave the replays up for a couple of weeks after that. So Im sure youve got some time. I mean, it wont go forever, but its not going to be pulled off in 2 days or anything like that. Youve got a coupleat least a few weeks. Um, lets see- let me look. Meg from Portsmouth, New Hampshire that was also: I closed my eyes and I was gone. I don t think I was asleep because when you said to come back I was aware of that, but I was not conscious of what was being said during the attunement. [Kenji] Thats very common. Thanks, Meg. Thats very common. They dont hear a word; they dont remember anything I ever said. [Gabbi] Yeah, and thats okay? [Kenji] Thats okay. I find that very funny myself, but yeah- thats okay. [Gabbi] I know. Yeah, Ive listened to things before and it was like I woke up right immediately when it was over, during different mediations. I am very very much like that. Um, lets see here. Lets scroll down here. Ive heard Kenji on 3 calls, this is from Sandy from Houston. I have approximately 40 hours of meditation practice and I know Kenjis energy comes wherever you are. Love energy is Love energy. Relax and enjoy that awesome opportunity. And she also did mention that right when we talked earlier about, Will this work if you are listening to on a replay? Shes sort of reiterating that her belief is Yes. Um, thats interesting. Um, Randy from Springfield. Oh, I believe this was with relation to that question about someone that is mentally disabled, What about PTSD? Is it safe? I dont know what that is. I have to look that up somewhere.

[Kenji] Post Stress Disorder mostly from the Wars. [Gabbi] Oh. [Kenji] Ahh, yes. I wish more Veterans could listen to these replays. It would really help them. Yeah, it would be very good for PTSD, but again- you want to have a stable adult with that person or persons. [Gabbi] Okay. [Kenji] Yeah. It would be very good.very good for the Veterans. They gave their life to come back in shock. So this energy will help unshock them/ deschock them; whatever you want to call it. [Gabbi] And I read, as I was putting some of your offers together on this site that it was okay for families, for children and things. Ive actually got; not tiny ones, but little ones. [Kenji] Yeah. [Gabbi] Im not sure I could get a 3 year old to pay attention, but my 8 year old maybe. How does that work? [Kenji] Play it on your computer in her room while shes just doing whatever. They dont have to be listening to it; just as long as they are- exposed to it, the young ones. But if you as a family actually sat down together and did the attunements or watched the video; it would change your whole family. I guarantee it. [Gabbi] Wowww. [Kenji] Guaranteed. [Gabbi] Im really looking forward to that. [Kenji] The other neat thing that for these kids, you kids right 18-37: Listen up. Or those out there who have 18-37 year olds or know them; they listen as a pod family as in a dolphin pod together in groups it will be so powerful for them because the energy accommodates the number of people that are there physically. And the more is better in this sense. The more is better. [Gabbi] Ohhh, [Kenji] If you played this in an auditorium of thousands of people- oh God knows what will happen. Just one of these radio show things; if you played it for a thousand people in an auditorium or a big conference room- Oh my God. [Gabbi] Unbelievable. Thats whats really neat about these group things that someone had asked about: How does this work in a group earlier? Now Matt is asking, Do we need to listen to the attunements more than 1 time? [Kenji] Oh yeah. Just listen until you get sick and tired of them.

[Gabbi] Okay. [Kenji] One person emailed me, and said, They play it literally 24-7. I go, Oh my God. [Gabbi] Thats awesome. [Kenji] Its constantly on; no matter what youre doing. [Gabbi] Okay. [Kenji] Do you have it constantly running in the background? I dont know energetically how they do that, but that is possible. But okay, no guarantees you can drive your car, but you know. [Gabbi] Yeah. Right. You surely should be careful. You probably know your own body and if you were to go into LaLa land, but yeah. Paula from Little Rock is asking about regarding healing in the body, What aboutdo you have any testimonials of physical injury from an accident? Like she had crushed her foot and the pain has plagued her. Is it possible to realign for something that is physically still damaged? [Kenji] Okay, she didnt hear anything I said. Anything is possible as long as you believe in it. And the stronger you believe in it, the quicker it is going to manifest. So, its all about belief. So you can go to any teachers; there are some really good teachers, and they are going to talk to you about belief. Thats the bottom line. So Dr. Oz said, All organs in the body has the capacity to reject or bury itself. So I use that as a reference for people. Dr. Oz said it. MD from New York Presebytarian, in your state, Gabbi. Presbyterian teaching hospital. [Gabbi] Wow. [Kenji] Very prestigious, Dr. Oz, on TV; has his own show said that. I think he channeled it without knowing that he said that, but anyway. [Gabbi] I love it. Yeah, its funny because you know just like a mystery pain someone may think, Okay well, thats emotions when you have something that was physically changed and they have that reality thing, okay but its broken. So you have to physically work on your beliefs. Now can you work on your belief in one meditation about changing your belief that is possible? And then maybe the next one they should work on the problem? [Kenji] Yeah. Well nojust keep working on the belief really. You dont really have to work on the problem because if you have the belief; that problem is going to begin to dissolve itself. See? [Gabbi] Yeah. [Kenji] So, we are not using a Western approach here to this meditative thing. Its connect to the oneness and all things shall be given unto you. Connect and merge into oneness and all things will begin to manifest. I dont care what it is- a healing of a broken bone, diabetes- it doesnt matter; its all the same.

[Gabbi] Um, hmm. [Kenji] Yeah, it doesnt really matter. So thats been my experience: the more that one is embodied, embodied- the less stress is going to be in the body. The less disease the symptoms will be in the body. The less stress will be in your mind. But if youre spaced out there and over think too much; and like parents can overthink too much, you just need to remember: Okay now, if Im stressed out doing the way Im doing parenting then I have to change something here. If my kids are reflecting back to me my insecurities, my anxieties, my unsaid thoughts, feelings and emotions. So baby crying; is not baby crying. Babys crying, saying Mommy/ Daddy- Look at your stuff. Im crying for you guys. [Gabbi] Right. [Kenji] Right? [Gabbi] Right. [Kenji] Thats all theyre doing. They are not being bad or anything. Theyre just so sensitive like you were as a baby that they are reacting energetically to the emotion that are not said or played out in life. So just look at it this wayAll you kids, all you parents; especially you new ones- Your babies, your young ones, theyre are acting out, crying, having colicky, whatever it is; allergies, skin rash, unknown whatever, right? Theyre just mirroring your unconscious, and they are trying to be a healer to you guys and so with that understanding take that in when you are listening to the attunements. Yeah, see if I could explain all this it would take me about a day, but I would be saying the same things over and over again. [Gabbi] Um, hmm. [Kenji] Get connected and I think Ill give it to you and Im not saying over night; like Im not saying miracles, but miracles have happened. Polio God shifted in less than 3 days in a training in California. Born with Polio, came into the training on a cane, hunched over, couldnt walk, run, jump and all that. At the end- well, actually on the 3rd day- she was absolutely normal; physically absolutely normal and what she did was: she healed issues with her men. So Im suspecting with her dad. It started with her dad and then went to maybe her 1st marriage and all that, but she had big issues with men; male energy, and she was totally free. She still is totally free today over 2 years. Yeah, we do specific things for that which is basically to get her out of the mindset that she was crippled, and the love part of this energy that we work with to heal her anger towards men; towards being dominated perhaps, being controlled, or beaten or abused. [Gabbi] Interesting. [Kenji] Yeah. [Gabbi] Yeah. Wow.

[Kenji] And I dont have a belief that polio cant be healed. I always hold the belief that anything is possible. [Gabbi] Wow. Listen to this, this is really interesting. Somebody just came in on the Q & A: After listening to Kenji and I hopefully this didnt happen because He was moving some heavy equipment. The disclaimer is that you dont listen to this, but apparently they werent related. He apparently had been a follower of yours and after listening to you he watched his hand get pressed against the wall and watch it move with the wall and the equipment and spoke of it so that the others moving the equipment would shift and it just moved like liquid even though I thought being crushed there was absolutely no damage. Isnt that interesting? So, like you said, Whatever you can believe [Kenji] Well, wow! So send me that testimonial brothats very good. [Gabbi] I will. Very fascinating. Well, theres a lot ofobviously, we could go on probably all night with this Q & A, and there are just a lot of folks coming in and just saying, Thank you. And um.thats so interesting: Lisa from Toronto, Can I this attunement in my meditation in her class with her 13 and 14 year oldsI think we just answered that with the kids. He definitely; its okay, you run them with children as long as [Kenji] All you preschool teachers: If you buy thewell, you would have to bring your computer into the preschool, but you could play the attunements for naptime- Oh, that would get them into a state. Oh that would be wonderful. [Gabbi] Yeah. Absolutely and I love it. You could always burn them to a CD; you know thats the thing: if you purchase it- the download you will be able to put them on your IPod or your CD player or whatever; so take them with you. Well wonderful, I think we have taken so much time and I really want to thank you for YOU taking the time out of your schedule to answer all these questions and I think we answered the vast majority of them. So, we can probably go on all night, but I need to end this eventually. So thank you very much. [Kenji] Youre most welcome. [Gabbi] And on behalf of everybody listening: Thank you and I hope we can all listen to the replay many, many times and really, you know just get some more you know, benefit from this and continue to learn and hopefully people will be able to take advantage of the special offer that you have because again that is going to allow you to let people get so much deeper and let people have so much more levels of healing work and all things that you have to teach us. Im really looking forward to digging more into that myself. So, thank you very much and everybody else. I believe our next call is Thursday evening so take a look at the calendar which is coachingwiththemasters.com/calendar, and we will talk to you all very soon, and Kenji- again have a wonderful evening and thank you so much for taking the time to be with us tonight. [Kenji] Okay, blessing to all of you. Blessings, Gabbi. Thank you. Bye.

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