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A word cloud is a visual representation of user-generated electronic tags or keywords that classify and describe online content, typically an alphabetical list or a grouping of words in different font sizes, as to show relative frequency or provide links to further information. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/word+cloud

A cloze test is an exercise used to test the ability to understand context and vocabulary in a given text where the reader has to supply the missing words that have been removed from this at regular intervals. http://www.wordreference.com/definition/cloze%20test

When you "digitize" something, you convert an object, image, signal, document, or sound from analog to digital. For example, if you import a VHS tape from a VCR into your computer, you might use an analog-to-digital converter (DAC) to convert the analog signal to a digital stream of data. This is because computers are digital devices and can only read digital data. http://www.techterms.com/definition/digitize

The verb to google refers to the action of accessing to the Google search engine looking for information about something or somebody using the web.

Aid usually refers to financial assistance given by richer countries to poorer countries. There are two main types of aid, Humanitarian aid and Development aid. Humanitarian aid aims to help in the short term (e.g. to help after natural disasters or emergencies), to provide essential services and resources to people who are in difficulty. It is only meant to alleviate suffering in the short term rather than contributing towards longer-term poverty alleviation. Development aid aims to help a country achieve long-term sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. It may be given directly from one country to another (bilateral aid), or money may be given by many governments to international organisations such as the World Bank and the United Nations. These international organisations then spend the money on assistance for poorer countries (multilateral aid). Most people would agree that humanitarian aid is essential, to help provide emergency care and shelter when people are affected by disasters. However not everyone agrees with development

aid from rich to poor countries. Some people suggest it keeps poor countries in a state of dependence on the rich world, and is used to exert power over poorer nations. But other people believe it is necessary to provide poorer countries with aid while they are developing, until they are able to support themselves. http://www.globalvillage2006.org/en/find_out_about/aid_and_debt/what_is_aid

Communicative competence typically refers to how well someone is able to communicate with others, though this can be elaborated upon and further refined in a number of ways. In general, this fairly simple idea is often seen as having three basic steps involved in it, which are planning communication, understanding how to communicate, and being able to communicate. This process includes two major components: the message used to deliver an idea, and the meaning that is actually delivered by that message. Communicative competence is important for anyone who wishes to be able to communicate clearly, especially public speakers and people learning a second language.http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-communicative-competence.htm 2)_E-learning and Web 2.0 Word Cloud:

http://www.e-abclearning.com/definicione-learning http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/Web_2_point_0.htm

3)_ How can we apply B-Learning and E-Learning to our English Language II course:
Using B-Learning for our English Language classes will be more interesting, faster and helpful in many aspects of this, for example: In the B-Learning classes the face-to-face induction sessions provided by the teachers during the English Language class using B-Learning will help to the students to solve all kind of difficulties that students might experience while working on the project tasks during the online phase. For example, students can find it challenging to deal with the overwhelming volume of information that is returned when conducting web searches, and an induction period during the classes will provide them opportunities to discuss effective search strategies before they tackle web searches on their own. PRACTICE GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE: Teacher could give as some web pages to use for practicing our grammar at home. I found this one very interesting , complete and easy to access: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/alle_grammar.htm IMPROVING VOCABULARY: First of all, the student has a chance to work on all aspects of knowing a word i.e. the spelling, the meaning, the phonological representation and the grammatical knowledge (Schmitt, 2000). The opportunities for that are created both during the lesson and through the correspondence. The acquisition of the written form is promoted through encounters with the written form in the letters and the ability to produce them when replying. The exchange creates opportunities to elicit the meaning from the context and the lesson part determines if guessing from the context is correct, as well as eliminates any misconceptions. The ability to understand sounds Teaching English with Technology, and produce them is checked during the speaking part of the lesson. Deliberate practice of grammatical structures is provided through explicit instruction during the lesson. READING COMPREHENSION: Here is a page where we can find many exercises to comprehend what we read, there are also many useful tools to improve our comprehension of English. http://www.englishforeveryone.org/Topics/Reading-Comprehension.htm OTHER ASPECTS: http://www.enotes.com/topics/how-write-summary http://www.englishexercises.org/ http://www.britishcouncil.org/brussels-learning-blended-learning.htm


4)_ There are a wide variaty of ways that I will use the iternet for teaching:
For example, for gathering information for my classes, examine it with other collages by using email or some blog in common, or subscribe some electronic journals or newsreaders to keep up with new ways ofteching, or by creating a blog where I could be in contact with my students and check their homework or give them some tasks, for example by facebook group. English classes contain the same lessons found in grammar books, such as vocabulary and spelling tutorials. Many of these websites also contain helpful audio and video lessons.When you use the Internet to learn English, you also have the option of repeating lessons as often as necessary. Many sites let you learn English for free online. This pages can be use to give exercises and giving the students the possibility to keep practicing at gome. http://www.ehow.com/how_7930887_make-learning-english-using-internet.html http://www.cis.doshisha.ac.jp/kkitao/online/internet/art-use.htm This website shows the experience of a teacher who taught English in Japan to Japanese students. He gives some reasons for using internet in the classrom, explains the importance of doing it, and also gives some advices to teachers who are looking for some tools or methods to work like him. I will surely use the four activities he advices for teaching: http://iteslj.org/Lessons/Muehleisen-Projects.html As a teacher I might use some pages like these to help me whenever I need to plan a class: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/lesson-plans http://esl.about.com/od/englishlessonplans/English_Lesson_Plans_for_ESL_EFL_Classes.htm


I think descriving people is very useful because it is one of the first ways of compositions students are asked for, hey are asked to form more complex grammatical structures, adjetives and english expressions are also very important and it will help to make heir description more complete and understandable. All of this things will be so much easy to catch for this students who can use the internet to learn them. If I were a teacher I will look for exercercises in the web and sen them by mailor blog, pages to help them as much as I can, and they will of course be free to look for more information to make their compositions reacher. In these links my students will find almost all the tools they need to do a good description of people, for example the use of the verb have got, order of adjectives, listening and Reading activities, vocabulary exercises and finally a clossword:

http://www.englishexercises.org/buscador/buscar.asp?nivel=any&age=0&contents=describing+pe ople http://www.agendaweb.org/vocabulary/describing-people-personality--appearance.html This page will help them with vocabulary: http://www.saberingles.com.ar/lists/describing.html


-3D Project: I could use this to teach vocabulary for compositions of description of people or places. Or just a common projector to practice exercises on the board. -Audio/video sharing: sending audio for listening exercises at home or practising vocabulary and pronounciation during the class. -Blogging: this ill be used for communication with the class and classification. -Photo editing: will also be helpful for adjectiving when describing peple or places. -Animation and Comics: for practicing vocabulary,verb tenses and gramatical structure in general.

6)_ C.A.L.L. (Computer Assisted Language Learning) :

Classes were depended of the use of computers, and the teacher was becaming less important, even when he was essential when learning a new language.The first stage of CALL did not succeed because of the high cost of using computers in class, and because students and teachers were becaming less avaiable of using their own imagination and creativity. The notion of Communicative Competence included, apart of Chomskys linguistic competence, the learner had to know how to use the language appropiately in a social situation. Student had to understand the main points of what a native speaker said to them in a real communicative situation and respond in such a way that the native speaker will be able to interpret it with Little or without effort. #1: CALL should put the learner a the cetre of the process: Students learn best and more when they feel engaged with the learning progress and material and feel in control over their progress, and teachers should assist the language learner t feel a sense of progress. #2: CALL exists for learners, not teachers: It explain how sometimes students use CALL for practicing exercises which are tested by the computer which gives them a percetage and

feel they passed it well when they get a 60%, for example, but in a critical anlisis he has faild a 40% of the test. #6: CALL should engage and motvate the learner: It say that an effective CALL program should engage and motvate by providing a rich experience, enhanced by appropiate feedback, ita also gives some feedback techniqueswhich might be used for a successful CALLprogram. #10: CALL should help learners learn better: It says that when quitting a routine, or before moving to new sections, learners might be encouraged to step back for a Little oment and and question their performances but also the way in which these were achieved.

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