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A Skripsi
Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements
For the Degree of S. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education
NIM. 104014000371
(A Pre-Experimental Study at the First Grade of the Students in
MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang)
A Skripsi
Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements
For the Degree of S. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education
(A Pre-Experimental Study at the First Grade of the Students in
MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang)
The skripsi (Scientific Paper) entitled The Effecti s of
Using Dialogue Technique In Teaching Simple Present Tense (a pre-
experimental study at the first grade of the students in MTsN Tangerang II
Pamulang), written by Maria Ulfah, students registration number:
104014000371, was examined in the examination session the Faculty of
Tarbiya and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University Jakarta on February 16
, 2011. The skripsi has been accepted
and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of
S,Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the
Department of English Education.
Jakarta, February 16
CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. ( )
NIP. 150246289
SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd. ( )
NIP. 150293236
EXAMINERS : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. ( )
NIP. 150246289
2. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. ( )
NIP. 19720501199
Acknowledge by:
Dean of Tarbiya and Teachers Training Faculty
Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A.
NIP. 150231356
Maria Ulfah. 2009,
, Skripsi,
english Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, syarif
Hidayatullah jakarta.
Advisor : Drs. Agus Mukhtar, M.Pd.
: Dialogue Technique and Simple Present Tense.
The purpose of this study is to describe the objective condition of the
effectiveness of using dialogue technique in teaching simple present tense at the
first grade of islamic junior high school.
The aim of the research is to gain the information about the effectiveness
of dialogue technique in reinforcing the understanding of the simple present tense.
Especially it is conducted to get the effective technique in teaching simple present
tense at the first grade of the students in MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang in Bina
prestasi class 2. the sample of the research was 24 students of the first grade
students of MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang. This research using pre-
experimental method of the quantitative form by collecting data from observation
and test.
The data collected in this research were analyzed by using t-test.
According to the result of statistical calculation, it was obtain the value of t
observation) that 5.46 and the value of t
(t table) from the df (24) on the degree
of significance of 5% is 2.07. it means that the value of t
is higher than the value
of t
. Based on the result the null hypothesis (Ho) which says there is no
significance influence of using dialogue technique in simple present
tense is rejected. It means that the alternative hypotesis (ha) which says there is
significance influence of using dialogue technique in teaching simple present
tense is accepted.
Based on the finding of this study, it can be concluded that dialogue
technique is effective and quite success because it can lead the students to be able
to learn simple present tense well.
Key word
The Effectiveness of Using Dialogue Technique to Reinforce
the understanding of the Simple Present Tense (A Pre-Experimental study at
the first grade of the students in MTsN Tangerang I I Pamulang)
In the name of Allah, the Benefit, the Merciful. All praises be to Allah,
Lord of the worlds who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this skripsi.
Peace and Blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his
companions and his followers.
This skripsi is presented to the English Department of Faculty o Tarbiyah
and Teachers Training State Islamic University (UIN) if Hidayatullah
Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata 1 (S1).
The writer would like to express her honor and deepest gratitude to her beloved
father H. M. Sayuti, her best mother Ny. Rohana, her older sister and brother
Komariyah, S.Ag and Ahmad Sanusi, S.Sos, her younger brother Khairul Anwar,
and all family who always give her support, motivation, and moral encouragement
to finish her study.
The writer would like to express her gratitude to Drs. Agus Mukhtar,
M.Pd, who has helped her to make the whole process bearable because her
constructive comments, criticisms, suggestion, and way out of certain problems.
Her gratitude also goes to all lecturers of English Department Drs. Syauqi, M.Pd
and Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd as a head and a secretary of English department for
their encouragement to the writer. And her gratitude also goes to Prof. Dr. Dede
Rosyada, MA as dean of Faculty Tarbiyah and Teachers Training.
The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Drs. Suhardi,
M.Ag. and Neneng Herawati, S.Pd as the head master and English teacher of
MTsN Tangerang II pamulang and to the staff and offices of UIN library and of
Atmajaya University library, who have given a permission to use their books to
complete the references for this study. And the last to all friends that the writer
can not mentions one by one who always helped and gave her motivation, and
support in accomplishing this skripsi. May Allah the almighty bless them.
The Writer
A. Background of the Study. 1
B. Limitation of the Study 3
C. Statement of the Study 3
D. Objective of the study.. 3
E. Significance of the Study ..... 3
F. Organization of the writing . 4
A. Simple Present Tense
1. Pattern of the Simple Present Tense 7
2. The Function of the Simple Present Tense.. 12
B. Dialogue Technique
1. The Meaning of Dialogue Technique .. 13
2. Procedures of Dialogue Technique 14
3. The Advantages and Disadvantages. 16
C. The Application of Dialogue Technique in
Teaching simple Present Tense....................17
D. Relevant Study ..23
E. Conceptual Framework ......24
F. The Hypothesis....... 25
A. Purpose of Research26
B. Place and Time26
C. Population and Sample.. 26
D. Research Method27
E. Instrument of Research. 27
F. Teaching Procedures. 30
G. Procedure of Collecting Data 31
H. Technique of Data Analysis.. 32
A. Description of Data 34
B. Analysis of Data .... 38
C. Test of Hypothesis.. 41
D. Interpretation of Data ........................................41
A. Conclusion 43
B. Suggestion.... 43
Today, communication becomes not only as a base of social interaction,
but also as means of information exchange, human can understand other people,
society and other ethnic group. So, for that reason human need a tool to get it
called language.
That is why today, in Indonesia, students are acquired to have language
competences. One of the competences is communicative competence, that is
knowing how to use the language rather than just knowing about the language
. It
means that the central aim of teaching and learning English is to make students
able to use all aspects of language.
English is one of International languages and it is widely used and studied
all over the world. As we know that language is used not only in writing, but also
in speaking as a means of communication. It is not enough for the students simply
to learn the grammar only, but also to practice all the common pattern, form or
words until they can use them in proper position automatically.
English language is not only viewed as knowledge but also as a life ski l
that is skill in communication. As the result, the purpose of teaching and learning

Jeremy Harmer, , (Cambridge, Longman,
1991), p. 18
A. Background of the study
Practical of English Language Teaching
English no longer to make students know about the language but to make students
able to use the language.
Actually, the purpose of teaching English at Junior High School as stated
in the curriculum is to develop student communicative in English
regarded to the macro skill of reading, writing, speaking and
Communicative language teaching pays systematic attention to functional as well
as structural aspect of language. Therefore, grammar serves as an important aspect
in communicative language teaching.
Grammar keeps an important role in communication. But, in fact, learning
English grammar is sometimes boring for the students. The technique used in
teaching learning process is monotonous where the students just memorize style
of expression by constructing the sentences based on the pattern of grammar
without given opportunity to express their own meaning in the real life
The position of grammar in communicative language teaching is important
because grammar is viewed as one dimension of communicative competence.
Moreover, grammar is viewed as a tool or a resource to be used in conveying
meaning and comprehending other peoples massage in language teaching.
Consequently, English teachers have to attend grammar in English teaching by
using dialogue technique in understanding the simple present tense. A dialogue
technique is one of the principle approaches or indirect approaches of
communicative language teaching.
The simple present tense is one of the discussions of Most
learners find the form of the simple present tense that for expressing present time
in English is particularly complex. They often continue to make mistakes because
the lack knowledge of using the s, - es morpheme on the third singular person
and using auxiliary present (do and does) that constitutes an asset of mastering the
simple present tense and their usage and they have difficulty using them
Therefore, the writer was interested in writing skripsi about the teaching
simple present tense using dialogue techniques at junior high school in learning
English. It is necessary to look for a new way in teaching English grammar
especially the simple present tense by using dialogue technique in understanding
the simple present tense. So the writer makes a research at the first grade of
students in MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang.
To avoid misunderstanding in interpretation the problem, it is necessary to
make the limitation of the problem. In teaching English there are some kinds of
tenses in grammar and methods of teaching. In this paper, the writer limits the
problem that simple present tense is a part of English subject taught in the first
year of MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang. So, the writer wil limit the study, only
discuss about the effectiveness of using dialogue techniques to reinforce the
understanding of the simple present tense
The objective of the research is to know whether using dialogue
techniques is effective in teaching of the simple present tense.
Based on the background of the study, the writer would like to
formulate this problem as follow: is there any effect in the students
understanding of the simple present tense after being taught using dialogue
There are some elements that will get the significances of the study.
They are students, teachers, headmasters, policy makers, etc. To students, it is
useful to give them abetter understanding about simple present tense so that
they can use it in their communication. To teachers, it can be useful as
information about an alternative way in teaching simple present tense in their
B. Limitation of the study
C. Objective of the study
D. Statement of the Study
E. Significance of the Study
classes. To headmasters, it is also beneficial as consideration in making
decision about the approach that will be applied in their schools. Futhermore,
it also can be helpful for the policy makers in making decision about the
process of teching and learning at school.
In brief, the study is useful as information or consideration for
students, teachers, headmasters, policy makers and others who are involved in
the process of teaching and learning.
This paper is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is an
introduction of the study that describes background of the study, limitation of
the study, objective of the study, statement of the study, significance of the
study and the organization of the writing.
The second chapter is theoretical framework that gives detail
information about simple present tense. It also describes dialogue technique
and learning such as its definition, procedure, advantages and disadvantages. It
is also explains relevant study, conceptual framework hypothesis of the
The discussion about the research methodology and finding is
described in third chapter. It includes objective of the study, place and time of
the research, method of research, population and sample of research,
instrument of the research, procedures of collecting the data, and technique of
data analysis.
In the fourth chapter, the writer provides the research findings, data
description, test of hypothesis and data interpretation.
At the end of paper, the writer gives a conclusion of her study and tries
to offer some suggestions to all readers.
F. Organization of the Writing
The term tense derived ultimately from the Latin word tempus
meaning time.
The word tense stands for a verb from or series of verb forms
used to express a time relation. Tense vary in different language. Tenses may
indicate whether an action, actively, or state is past, present, or future.
Based on the definition of tense, the writer concludes that tense is time to
indicate the activity progress.
The commonest tense found in languages is present, past and future; when
the situation described in the present tense is related as simultaneous with the
moment of speaking (e.g. John is singing); the situation described in the past as
related prior to the moment of speaking (e.g. John was singing); while the
situation described in the future as related subsequent to the moment of speaking
(e.g. John will sing).
Since tense refers to the time of the situation which to the situation
of the utterance, it can be described as deictic. According Saeed, deictic system
is the ways in which a speaker relates references to space and time to the here

John Lyons, , (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995), p. 312
A.S. Hornby, , (Low-Proced Edition, 1975), p.
A. Simple Present Tense
Linguistic Semantic an Introduction
Guide to Patterns and Usage in English
and: now of the utterance.
Most grammatical tense systems allow the speaker to
describe situations as prior to, concurrent with, or following the act of speaking.
In other words, deictic refers to an interval or period of time which contains the
moment of utterance. It can be expressed by some words: yesterday, now,
There are many kinds of tenses; one of them is simple tense. The
simple present tense says that something was true in the past, is true in the present,
will be true in the future. It is used for general statement of fact. Meanwhile the
simple present tense is sometimes used to describe an that is actually in
progress at the moment of speaking. Beside that, the simple present tense can
describe habits, routines, or events than regularly.
Similarly as proposed by
Huddleston that the central use of present tense form is to indicate present time.
For example, the door opens inwards describes a state affairs that obtains now,
at the moment of speaking.
Based on the preceding definitions of simple present tense, the writer
concludes that simple present usually doesnt refer to a particular time. Use the
simple present for facts and general statements that include the present and true at
anytime. In addition the simple present is uses to indicate a habitual action, event
or condition.
According Thompson and Martinet, that in the affirmative, the simple
present tense has the same form as the infinitive adds an s for third singular.
for the first and the second singular person and for t plural is without s. on the

Bernard Comrie,
, (Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1976), p. 2
John I. Saeed, , (Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 125
Patricia K. Warner, , (New York: The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc, 2002), p. 3
Redney Huddleston and Geoffney K. Pullum,
, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 31
A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, , (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1986), p. 159
1. Pattern of the Simple Present Tense
a. Affirmative Statement
Aspect: An Introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related
Semantics: 2
Interaction 2 Grammar 4
A Students Introduction to English
A Practical English Grammar
other source stated that for the 3
person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the
main verb or es to the auxiliary.
Here is the pattern of affirmative sentence in simple present tense:
For example:
In the present form to be has three forms: is, am, and are. These
form used as a substitute for a verb in sentences where there is no verb. This is
because in English, unlike in Indonesia or Arabic, a sentence can only be
made with a verb. The complement of such a sentence is usually a noun, am
adjective or an adverb of place or time.
For example:
. (Noun)
. (Adjective)
. (Adverb of place)
Negative statement in the simple present is formed by adding do not or
does not before the simple form of the verb. And here the pattern of
negative sentence in simple present:

Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M. Pd, ,
(Jakarta: PBB UIN, 2003), p. 74
S = V1 / S / ES + (.)
S + do not / does not + V1 + (.)
b. Negative Statement
I work in the office everyday.
You work in the office everyday
We work in the office everyday
They work in the office everyday
He works in the office everyday
She works in the office everyday
He is a farmer
She is diligent
They are in the classroom
English for Muslim University Students 3
For example:
The negative sentence in to be is formed by adding not after to be.
For example:
Especially in speaking, is not and are not are contracted to isnt and arent.
The interrogative form is also using auxiliary do and The
auxiliary is placed before the subject; here is the pattern of interrogative
sentence in simple present tense
For example:
The interrogative sentence in to be is formed by placing to be
before the subject of the sentence.
For example:
Do / does + S + V1 + (.) ?
c. Interrogative Statement
I do not work in the office everyday
You do not work in the office everyday
We do not work in the office everyday
They do not work in the office everyday
He does not work in the office everyday
She does not work in the office everyday
He is a student. He is not a student.
They are at home. They are not at home.
Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Do they eat breakfast every morning?
Does she eat breakfast every morning?
Does he eat breakfast every morning?
He is a student. Is he a student?
They are at home. Are they at home?
Short answer to questions is made with the following pattern:
- Yes + Subject + (pronoun) + to be (for positive answer)
- No + Subject + (pronoun) + to be not (for negative answer)
For example:
The form negative do not / does not is contracted in the negative
interrogative into dont/doesnt and here is the pattern of interrogative
sentence in simple present tense:
For example:
Negative questions are used to indicate the speakers (i.e., what
she/he believes is or is not true) or attitude (e.g., shock, annoyance,
These are the examples of the-s form correctly:
a. For most verbs, add - to the simple form.
You coffee He tea
I book He newspaper
They football Aldo football
We in the kitchen the cat a fish
b. Add - to verbs that end in , and (unless the is
pronounced with the sound of ).

Betty Scrampfer Azar, , (Jakrta:
Binarupa Aksara and Prentice Hall, Inc. 1993), p. A. 14
Dont / doesnt + S + V1 + (.)?
d. Negative Interrogative Statement
Is he a student? Yes, he is No, he isnt
Dont you stay in the apartment?
Dont they stay in the apartment?
Doesnt she stay in the apartment?
Doesnt he stay in the apartment?
drink drinks
read reads
play plays
cook eats
es o, s, z, sh, x ch ch
Understanding and using ENGLISH GRAMMAR
I to work early She to work late
You a mouse She a mouse
I the news He the opera
c. Omit a final and add unless the letter comes before
the .
I to work He home
You my car He my car
I the food She the furniture
d. For the verb have, use the irregular from has and put ont or doesnt for
negative statements.
Affirmative : I have English class today
She has a good racket
Negative : I dont have English class today
She doesnt have a good rackets
Interrogative : Do you have English class today?
Does she have good racket?
Short answer : Yes, I do/No, I dont
Yes, she does/No, she doesnt
Long answer : Yes, I have English class today
Yes, she has a good racket
: No, I dont have English class today
No, she doesnt have a good racket
e. Adverb of frequency.
Frequency adverbs modify verbs or adjective.
They describe how
regularly or what percentage of time happens. The following adverbs like
(always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, and never) are often used with
the simple present tense to indicate frequency. Here are the meanings of
some frequency adverbs in approximate percentage of time:
100% : always

Elaine Kirn, Darcy Jack and Korey O Sullivian, ,
(Ney York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1990), p. 17-18.
go goes
catch catches
watch watches
y ies a, e, I, o, or u
hurry hurries
carry carries
buy buys
Interaction I Grammar 4
90% : usually/generally
75% : often
50% : sometimes
10% : seldom/rarely
0% : never
For example:
Affirmative : Students are busy.
She gets sick.
They are together.
Negative : They dont study.
We dont want to go there again
Im not tried.
Frequency adverb generally appears AFTER the verb to be but
BEFORE the all other verbs.
In addition:
If there is an auxiliary verb (can, must, should, will, have, . ), the
frequency adverb comes after it
If there are two auxiliary verbs (would have, should have, ), the
frequency adverb comes after the first.
f. Longer time expressions that describe repeated action come at the
beginning or the end of the sentence for emphasis.
The buses run every .
, I dont go to the office on Saturday
The simple present tense performs the following function:
1. Express general truths
Coffee from Brazil.
Costa Ricans Spanish.
2. Express habitual actions, often with such adverbial expression as
frequency; usually, everyday, and so on. It is also the usual present tense
As a rule
2. The Function of the Simple Present Tense
form of statue or private verbs, such as
I every summer in the mountains.
They usually to Miami in the winter.
She always very hard.
Yes, I him every day.
Lisa Portuguese.
I for the best.
She her husband.
3. When use with the verb do, shows emphasis.
He like his father.
We do not speak Italian, but we French.
to her!
She may not be brilliant, but she good grades.
4. Expresses commands or request (second person only).
Please me know how you get along
of my sight!
him in you have time
5. Expresses future time with a future time adverbial
She next week.
Classes the day after tomorrow.
The team in St. Louis next month.

George E. Wishon and Julia M. Burks, , (New York: Littion
Educational Publishing, Inc. 1980), p. 193-194
wish, hope, fear, love, like,
understand and know
does look
do speak
Do write
does get
Get out
Lets Write English
Technique is implementation that which actually takes in a
classroom. It is particular trick stratagem or contrivance used to accomplish an
immediate objective. Technique must be consistent with a method and therefore in
harmony with approach.
According to Anthonys quoted by Richards, technique is the level which
classroom procedures are described.
A technique called wrangling can be used with to utterance exchanges that
expresser imply some kind of conflict. Just as grammar points seem to pair
naturally with other aspect of language, teaching technique should very according
to the match being emphasized. For example, in structural social, match such as
modals and request, the degree of politeness depends on the social relationship
between the speakers.
On the other hand, if one teaching quantifiers locati preposition or
modal of logical probability structure meaning matches the most useful techniques
are demonstration, illustration, and TPR. Many techniques in teaching grammar,
especially simple present. One of them is using dialogue.
Finally, with structure discourse matches the major technique includes text
generation, manipulation and explanation. A combination of teaching activity
mentioned above can be used a dynamic piece of discourse such as natural
dialogue from the text.
Dialogue technique is the short conversation between, two speakers,
consisting of four to six utterances, representing come kind communicative
Talks are sometimes called dialogue. You read dialogue in many stories,

Adward Anthony quoted. Jack C. Richards, et al.,
(London: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992), p. 15
H. Doughlas Brown.
, 2
ed. (San Francisci Longman 2001) p. 14
B. Dialogue Technique
1. The Meaning of Dialogue Technique
Longman Dictionary of Language
Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Lang ge
plays and comic strips. The dialogue helps tell a story, you can learn things from
what people in a story say.
A dialogue technique is one used in teaching simple present in school. The
dialogue is presented orally. With or without written and learnt by
heart by the students. Preferably during the lesson through various kinds of
During a language lesson, such dialogues can reflect spontaneous
situations. Those unexpected dialogues are really communicative and built
according to the scheme "stimulus - response". This principle stimulates active
thinking process, intuitive thought and use of language in the frame of fixed
communicative habits.
Real communication is always informative, unpredictable and unexpected.
If the teacher is always informative, interesting and nexpected, then even before
the beginning if the lesson students will be disposed a good lesson. But if the
previous lesson is just the same as the next one, students will be bored with it
before the lesson start.
When a teacher is not a dictator, students try to learn language themselves.
In small groups, even the shyest students engage in communication at the same
level as a "non timid" students. It never happens, however, if the teacher stands in
front of the all class. Work in groups which transform a student into the main
person of the language lesson is the kind of work which develops the
communicative abilities of students. Finocchiaro and Brumphit quoted by
Richards, offer a lesson outline for teaching the function making a suggestion
for learners in the beginning level of secondary school program that suggest that
CLT procedures are evolutionary rather than revolutionary:
1) Presentation of brief dialogue or several mini dialogues

(A Gift of Asia Fondation Books for Asia. Sanfrancisco California) p.
Finocchiaro and Brumphit quoted. 1983. Jack C. Richards, et al.,
(London: Longman Group UK, 1992), p. 80-81
2. Procedures of dialogue Technique
Laidlaw English
Longman Dictionary
of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
2) Oral practice of each utterance in the dialogue
3) Questions and answers based on the dialog topic (s) and situation in the
4) Questions and answers related to the students personal experiences but
centered on the dialog theme.
5) Study one of the basic communicative expressions in the dialog or one of
the structures which exemplify the function.
6) Learner discovery of generalization or rules underlying the functional
expression or structure.
7) Oral recognition, interpretative activities (two to five depending on the
learner level, the language knowledge of the students, and related factors).
8) Oral production activities-proceeding from guided to freer communication
9) Copying of the dialog or mini dialogs or modules if they are not in the
class text.
10) Sampling of the written homework assignment, if given.
11) Evaluation of learning (oral only), e.g., how would you ask your friend to
..? And how would you ask me to ?
This activity also same with conversation activity that need two members
to participate it. Generally the dialogue should be four or to six line long. That
must include grammatical items and vocabulary which the students need to master
as well as the items of typical features of spoken English such as; short answer,
contracted work and question tag.
Before students act their dialogue, teacher gave some instructions for the
ways of dialogue or gave the theme for dialogue activity draws on cognitive skills
to produce appropriate language in context.
Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some
advantages of dialogue technique:
According to Larsen, that teachers give the students he opportunity to
express their individually by having them share their and opinions on a
regular basis.
Based on the description above, we can conclude that dialogue technique
have the advantages, as follow:
1) Students can develop their communicative intents.
2) The dialogue is one of the best ways to present grammar structures
because it approximates closest to the real life.
3) Make students more natural and spontaneous in learning the simple
present tense .
4) Make the student interested in teaching learning activ because it
helps to make an otherwise abstract language exercise meaningful and
5) Student can use the language communicatively.
6) Communicative interaction gives learners more opportunities to
express their own individually in the classroom
1. The non-native teachers would find the difficulties in exploring the class.
2. It would needs some specific conditionals that required much time and
3. Dialogue is frequently very noisy and some others and udents dislike
this. Teachers in particular worry will lose control of their class.

Diane Larsen Freeman, , (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 133
Williams Littlewood, , (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1981), p. 94
3. The Advantages and Disadvantages
a. Advantages
b. Disadvantages
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching
Communicative Language Teaching
Before the teacher teaches the material, he should introduce the method
and encourage the students.
First of all, she calls on four volunteers of student o come to the front of
the class and sit with her in chair that are lined up facing to the other students. He
tells the other student to listen and to watch.
The dialogue is perhaps the best way to present grammar structures
because is approximates closest the real life situation in which language operate.
The new items of structure and vocabulary, in addition to parts of previously learn
In the dialogue, language achieves its purpose of comm because
pupils listening to and say sentences. They can use when they communicate their
own feelings and ideas in similar communication situation. The g the tones
and the play acting that the teacher employs to teach dialogue effectively all
help to make an otherwise abstract language exercise meaningful and realistic to
the students.
This type of presentation can be used at all grade levels. Two simples two-
way dialogue, compose only of very short and very simple sentences for grades
one and two, can progress two groups with longer sentences and more
complicated structure for the higher grades.
The teacher, because of her constant dealings with her class, will know
best what conversational interest they have, what they would naturally say were
they to meet the situation, how to integrate new material with the old, and what
previous learning they have had. In grammar many tenses who had knew, one of
them is simple present tense. The teacher has to present a subject matter with
other techniques like preparing by dialogues for class study.
This is not to say that the dialogue preparation is a simple matter. A
dialogue needs to be carefully prepared. It must be as natural and spontaneous as
possible. The structures should not appear in the dialogue lines more often then
C. The Application of Dialogue Technique in Teaching Simple
Present Tense
they would in ordinary dialogue, even if we want the c attention on
them because they are new and are the things to be learned.
An essential quality of a good dialogue is its economy of expression.
Besides including the new grammar (simple present tense). Every structure and
vocabulary item included in a dialogue should be essential to its development. As
we enter the classroom, the first thing we notice is that students are attentively as
the teacher is presenting a new dialogue between two people. The students know
they will be expected to eventually memorize the dialogue the teacher is
introducing. Before the teacher makes a dialogue, there are some processes as
1. Introducing the new term and new structures which will appear in the
basic dialogue in an identification exercise. This sample lesson of dialogue
which uses simple present. In the simple present tense should probably be
given a new name, since it does not indicate an action that taking a place
at sometimes is taking about the action.
It is to indicate a customary or
habitual action which has not been terminated.
Structures: Still in affirmative statement and question
Any more in negative statement
Live at an address
Live on a street, a street corner

Eugene J Hall,(
. Binarup Aksara 1993). P.163
Jl. Pajajaran Cut Mutia
Grammar for Use Leaistic Approach to Grammar Study for Immediate
and Practical Aplication
This diagram shows where I live
The student are marked, and their
Names are indicated. The squares
With numbers stand for houses.
I live in this house
(Show the house marked no 41)
What street do I live on?
My friends live here
(Show the house marked no 57)
What street does she live on?
Now, who can tell us the name of
Street he lives on?
My parents live on the corner of
Jl. Pajajaran and Pamulang Raya
They live in this house
(Show the numbered square)
Which of you live on the corner
Of two street?
Tell us where you live.
You live on Pajajaran street
She lives on Pamulang Street
Nia : I live on Cut Mutia street
Dea : I live on Ciputat street
Lala : I live on Muncul street
(Show of hands)
Lia : I live on the corner of
Jl. Kayumanis
Rudi : I live on the corner of Ciputat
2. Presentation of dialogue
Explain the situation around which the dialogue is built with the aid of
pictures, puppets or other devices. Present the dialogue either by taking all
Teacher Students
the lines of the character or by having it acted out by students who have
been rehearsed beforehand. It suggests that the teacher memorized the
dialogue before presenting it to the students. If she the dialogue
well, she will not fumble in her presentation, she wil be surer of
communicating its meaning to the students, and she wil hold the attention
of the class better.
Postman : I have a letter for Miss Dwi
Mrs Rina : She doesnt live here anymore
Postman : Can you tell me where she lives now?
Mrs Rina : Just a minute. I will get my address book.
Postman : Thank you
Mrs Rina : She lives at 41 Pamulang Street
Postman : I also have a letter for Miss Zahra
Does she still live on this street?
Mrs Rina : Yes, she lives in that yellow house on the corner
Postman : Thank you
Mrs Rina : You are welcome.
3. Question to find out whether the students have understood the dialogue the
students can make some question from the dialogue above.
Question Answer
What is Mrs. Rina address?
Does Miss Dwi live at the
Same address?
What is her address?
She lives at Cinere
No, she does not live there anymore
She lives on Pamulang Street
Situation: The postman rings the bell at Mrs Rina house; he has two
letters in his hand. Mrs Rina opens the door.
4. Memorization of the dialogue through repetition in a variety of ways.
Model the lines of the dialogue and have the class repeat each line
after you. Take one part and have the class take the other, exchange roles.
Have the class act out the roles by groups, by rows, then by individual
The usual procedure is repetition of the lines by grou then by the
individuals, repetition is necessary for memorization. But, practice not be
cued exclusively by the teacher saying, repeat after as she supplies
the oral model.
She should ask them to repeat the lines only as many items as
needed, some class need more repletion than others. However, she should
not hurry the class through this step as the students performance in the text
part of the lesson depends very much on the fluency gained during this
If the teacher finds that her students can learn the dialogue with out
going through all the steps as outlined, she can skip of them. As the
students learn more vocabulary and more structures, the memorization of
the later dialogues would not take as long as the earlier.
7) Lets say the lines of the dialogue
(Point to the character in the
picture as you say his line)
2) Now, Ill be a postman and you be
Mrs. Rina I have a letter for
Miss Dwi
I have a letter for Miss.Dwi.
I have a letter for Miss.Dewi.
She does not live there any more
Teacher Students
3) Now you be a postman and
Ill be Mrs. Rina
She does not live there any more
I have a letter for Miss Zahra
5. Dialogue variation
Give a situation very similar to that of the basic dialogue. The lines
are the same except for the substitution that the students will make as
determines by the new situation. The first variation may be given in the
form of a directed dialogue. The students many act out the roles in other
variation without cues from the teacher. It is Miss dwi,s party. Your sister
sent you to her house to take her a gift. Some opens t or.
Group 1 : You take the gift to Miss. Lala.
Group 2 : You open the door for her
Group 1 : Say that you have a gift for Miss.Lala.
Group 1 : I have a gift for Miss.Lala
Group 2 : She does not live here anymore
(Have one student from Group 1 go through the action of taking the gift to
Miss.Lala and the student from Group 2 of opening the door)
(Individual students may act out the role after the group practice)
The research about simple present tense had been done by Aminah that
was .
research explains about the application of dialogue technique in teaching simple
present tense. She conducted the observation started on March 12
, 2007-May
, 2007. She used dialogue technique to teach the simple past tense in order to
minimize the students errors and difficulties in learning simple present tense,
because this technique made the students know and practice the simple present
sentences from the dialogue directly. Moreover, it could make students understand
the sentences of simple past tense easily. In fact, the result of analysis of
interpretation of the data shows that teaching simple present tense became more
effective by using dialogue technique; it can be seen from the result of the test.
By using dialogue technique, the researcher hopes that the students will
improve their understanding of simple present tense, and improve their ability in
using simple present tense both written and spoken.

Aam Aminah, Skripsi,
(Jakarta : FITK UIN, 2007), p. 22
D. Relevant Study
Teaching Simple Present Tense through Dialogue Technique
Teaching Simple Present Tense through Dialogue Technique,
Grammar is a description of the way language works. The knowledge of
grammatical rules is essential for the mastery of a language; we cannot use words
unless we know how they should be put together. It is study of the way words
are put together to make correct sentences. Grammar does not only affect how
units of language are combined in order to look right; it is also affects their
As one of the various grammatical structures, simple present tense should
be taught and practiced as a means of communication. To realize the goal,
learning process of present tense should be appeared in a context of students real
Along with the discussion, Dialogue Technique will emphasis on the
attachment of context in teaching learning activity. It is intended to help the
students relate the content they are learning to the life context in which the content
could be used.
Accordingly, the writer regards the dialogue technique as an approach of
teaching and learning process in teaching present tense because it may help
students to understand the concept of present tense meaningfully.
E. Conceptual Framework
1. Null Hypothesis (H
There is no significant effect of teaching Simple Present Tense using a
Dialogue Technique at MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang.
2. Alternative Hypothesis (H
There is a significant effect of teaching Present Tense using a Dialogue
Technique at MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang
F. The Hypothesis
The objective of the reserach is the writer wants to know whether using
dialogue techniques is effective to reinforce the understanding of the simple
present tense
The writer conducted the research at MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang Jl.
Pajajaran located in Pamulang.
The writer conducted this research from October 16, 2008 up to February
19, 2009.
The object of the research consists of nine classes with total 303 students
from first grade of MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang. They are divided into 7 class
types; regular class and 2 classes for bina prestasi class.
The writer used the stratified random sampling for the ple of the
research, so the sample of research only 24 students which is class VII 9 (Class
Bina prestasi 2).
A. Purpose of Research
B. Place and Time
C. Population and Sample
This study is a kind of one-group pre-test and post-test design (in fact
Cohen and Manion quoted by Nunan, call it a pre-experiment)
whereas the
students would be given a pre-test before starting the treatment and post-test after
the treatment. The result of pre-test and post-test are compared and calculated to
find out the effectiveness of using dialogue technique in teaching simple present
In this research, the writer uses the test which is made by her. The
materials of the test will be taken from the students handbook and other related
book about simple present tense. The test is divided into two parts. The pre-test is
given before the treatment while the post-test is given after the treatment to the
class. The test consists of 16 items. The score calculated and analyzed in analysis
of the data.
Simple present is the tense, used when we want to state an action
that is fact or habitual action; usually it used the base of verb expect for the
third person singular, which is added s or es. For example: I drink the
water. However, for he/she/it we must add s or es so it would be He
drinks the water.
Operational definition of the simple present tense is se that can be
answered by the students in the pre-test and post-test. Hence, the writer
would operate the students scores of the tests as the instrument of the

David Nunan. , (USA: Cambridge University
Press, 1992), p. 40
D. Research Method
E. Instrument of Research
1. Conceptual Definition
2. Operational definition
Research Methods in Language Learning
Before doing the research, the writer tried the test out to the
students of first grade of MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang who are not the
participant of the research on November-2009. The test was done to know
the validity and the reliability of the instrument.
Validity test is done to know whether the items of the questions
measure what to be measure. To test validity of item, it used product
moment theory. If there is a correlation between the t score, which
is called dependent variable and the item score (independent variable),
so there is a high validity of the test, and vica versa.
The product moment formula:
1) Mean total (M
3. Specification
Table 3.1
Specification of test
No Present Tense No. Item Total
Negative 1
and 7
Negative 2
Fill in the
and 12
Negative 3
and 16
4. Calibration
= ? X
a. Validity
2) Standard total deviation (SD
2 2
3) Validity r
Based on the result of the try out test, there are 16 valid
items. However, the writer has changed the items that not valid
yet, so the items become valid.
Reliability defines whether an instrument can measure
something to be measure constantly. There are many form that can
be used to measure the reliability of the test. In this case, the writer
uses the single test-single trial approach with Kuder-Richardson
1 1
Based on the calculation of the try out, the reliability of the
instrument is 0.680 while r table = 0.404 It means that the r
calculated is higher than r table. Finally, it can concluded that
the test is reliable.

Ridwan , ( .
Bandung : PT. Alfabeta, 2005.,p. 108

pbi =
pbi =
KR = .
= n ? X
(? X)
n(n - 1)

t t
q p SD
Belajar Mudah Penelitian untuk Guru karyawan dan Peneliti Pemula)
b. Reliability
In teaching procedures, firstly, the teacher prepared such as:
Lesson Plan
Teaching Aids
The teaching was held in the first year of MTsN Tangerang II Pamulang.
Before teaching, the teacher gave pre-test to all students in class VII 9 to
check the students knowledge of the materials that would be taught and done
in the experiment. The teacher presented the lesson through some steps as
1. Pre-Teaching
- Greeting the students
- Telling the students that they are going to study about simple present
tense through Dialogue Techniques
- Distributing the hand-out of materials to the students
2. While-Teaching
- Explaining the materials about the definition, the pattern and the
function of simple present tense and giving the example simple
present tense by using dialogue techniques
- Asking the students to remaining what is the simple present tense? How
the patterns of the sentences in simple present tense, and ask the
students try to use the simple present tense in daily activity.
- Giving the simple present tense through Dialogue Technique. The
following explanation is the teaching procedure that done by the
writer in the treatment process:
a. Teacher explained the lesson plan for meeting that is describing in
habitual action.
F. Teaching Procedures

b. Teacher give the map to the students and modeled the question
what address do I live?
c. The teacher calls the volunteer to in front of the class to practice
the dialogue in simple present tense form.
d. Other students do the same dialogue asks and answer each other.
e. The teacher gives the other dialogue and gives the situation of the
dialogue and the students make a group to practice it.
f. The last, students conclude present tense, the function and the form
of it from activity they have done. It is kind of activity that students
construct the information by themselves and share with other
3. Follow-up
- Asking the students whether they have questions
- Checking the students comprehension by giving the exercises in the
oral and written form. The teacher gives the dialogue the students to
practice in front of class/in pairs. Then, asking the ts to make
sentences in affirmative, negative, and interrogative statement.
4. Post-Teaching
- Checking the students answers
- Giving the feedback
Collecting Data is one important thing in the research that can be
determined the result of the research, as follow:
The writer did the pre-test by giving the students test as
mentioned. The test consists of twenty items. The students were only
given forty minutes to finish completing the test.
G. Procedure of Collecting Data
a. Pre-Test
The writer did post-test by giving post-test to the students. The test
was same as the pre-test. However, post-test was given after treatment had
been given by teaching simple present tense through Dialogue
Having got the data from pre-test and post-test, they were analyzed and
processed by using statistic calculation of the T-test formula with the
significance degree 5% and 1%. The formula as follows;
MD : Mean of difference: the average score from the differences gained
scores between I variable and II variable, which are calculated with
the formula;
MD =
? D : Total score between I variable (X variable) and II var le (Y
variable). And D is gained with formula; D = X Y
N : Number of class
: The standard deviation from the differences between score of X
variable and Y variable, which is gained with the formula:

Anas Sudjhono, , (Jakrta: PT. Raja Grafindo Pustaka,
1997), Cet. Ke-8, p.305
b. Post-Test
H. Technique of Data Analysis
to =

Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan

: The standard error from mean of differences that is ga with the
df : Degree of freedom with formula: N 1

To know the result of the test, the writer makes the table of students
score for experimental class as follows:
1 30
2 83
3 70
4 80
5 57
6 65
7 63
8 40
9 33
10 56
A. Description of Data
Table 4.1
The Test Scores of the students Pre-Test
Student Score Pre-Test
11 47
12 53
13 40
14 50
15 73
16 63
17 63
18 37
19 53
20 53
21 80
22 60
23 85
24 40
Based on the table of the result on pre-test, the writer calculated the result of
variable X (? x) is 1374, and seeking the mean score of variable X, the higher
score, and lower score of the students pre-test with formula:
Mx = ? x = 1374 = 57,25 (Mean score)
N 24
The higher score = 85
The Lower score = 30
1 63
2 87
3 67
N= 24 ? x = 1374
Table 4.2
The Test Scores of the students Post-Test
Student Score Post-Test

4 80
5 57
6 87
7 67
8 53
9 70
10 83
11 60
12 57
13 53
14 60
15 87
16 93
17 77
18 60
19 90
20 50
21 83
22 70
23 93
24 53
Based on the table of the result on post-test, the writer calculated the result
of variable Y (? y) is 1700, and seeking the mean score of variable y, the higher
score, and lower score of the students post-test with formula:
Mx = ? x = 1700 = 70,83 (Mean score)
N 24
The higher score = 93
The Lower score = 50
N=24 ? y = 1700

1 30 63
2 83 87
3 70 67
4 80 80
5 57 57
6 65 87
7 63 67
8 40 53
9 33 70
10 56 83
11 47 60
12 53 57
13 40 53
14 50 60
15 73 87
16 63 93
17 63 77
18 37 60
19 53 90
20 53 50
21 80 83
22 60 70
23 85 93
24 40 53
Table 4.3
The Test Scores of the students Pre-Test and Post-Test
The score of
The score of
D = ( X Y ) D
= ( X Y)
N= 24 ? x = 1374 ? y = 1700 ? D = 326 ? D
= 7876
33 1089
4 16
3 9
0 0
0 0
22 484
4 16
13 169
37 1369
27 729
13 169
4 16
13 169
10 100
14 196
30 900
14 196
23 529
37 1369
3 9
3 9
10 100
8 64
13 169
Schematically, the following figure reflects the students score in present
tense before they taught by dialogue techniques (pre-test) and after the application
of dialogue technique in their class (post-test)
Based on the figure above, it is clear that the students score in present
tense has an important. This findings suggest that the teacher of English at MTsN
II Tangerang to use the dialogue techniques as an approach of teaching.
After finding the score of the students, pre-test and post-test, the compared
the result of the test by using t-test formula:
N = Number of cases
X = the score of pre-test
Y = the score of post-test
D = Difference
? x = the total score of x
? y = the total of post-test
? D = the total of difference
G. Analysis of Data
= to
? D
= the total of quadrate difference
Find out the mean of differences (MD) between variable X and variable Y,
the writer used the formula:
6 . 13
Based on the data in table 3, writer calculated the result of ? D = -326 and
? D
=7876. Then, the writer tried to find out the standard ion with the
17 . 328 6 . 13
96 . 184 17 . 328
143 96 . 11
After finding the result of SD
, the writer can seek SE
(Standard Error
of the Mean of Difference) using formula as follow:
1 24
96 . 11

[ ]

= =
96 . 11
79 . 4
96 . 11
49 . 2
The last calculation is determining the result of to (t observation) of the
test with formula:
49 . 2
6 . 13
46 . 5
The last result -5.46 indicated that there was a difference of degree as
much as 5,46. Regardless the minus, it does not indicate negative score.
Then, to complete the result of research, the writer tried to find out the
degree of freedom (df) with formula:
df = N 1
= 24 1
= 23
df = 23 (see table of t value at degree of significance of 5% and 1%)
At the degree of significance of 5% = 2.07
At the degree of significance of 1% = 2.81
The result of analyzing the data by using the formula shows that the
coefficient is 5.46 this means that there is increasing score of the simple present
tense taught using Dialogue Technique.
= =
= =

Before deciding the result of hypothesis, the writer proposed interpretation
toward to (t observation) with procedure as follows
a) If t
> t
: there is a significant difference and the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.
b) If t
< t
: there is no significant difference and the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is rejected and null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted.
The result of t
(t observation) found 5.46 and t
(t table) the degree of
significance of 5% and 1% are 2.07 and 2.81. Comparing t
(t observation) and t
table), the result is 2.07<5.46>2.81. It means the t
(t observation) is higher than t
(t table).
According to the data, the score of t
is higher than t
it means that the
alternative hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. There is a
significance effect on the simple present tense taught through dialogue technique.
From the result of the test, the writer knows that the students post-test is
higher than pre-test which means that the using of dialogue techniques can
increase the students in understanding the simple present tense.
The test of hypotesis shows that there is a significant difference in
students score between before and after they are taught by dialog technique. The
difference is students score in simple present tense after the aplication of
dialogue technique are higher than before they are taught by using dialogue
The findings as described above are supported by those obtained from the
observation of the writer during the experiment. It was found that there are some
factors that cause the improvement of students comprehension in simple present
C. Test of Hypothesis:
Statistical Hypothesis:
D. Interpretation of Data
tense such as: (1) students are motivated because the ity of the teaching and
learning is enjoyable, (2) student are interested in t material because it is related
to the their life and provided in the context of real ife, (3) students realize that the
material they are learned is important for them, (4) the teacher devided the class
into small groups, so the students can interact with others and share their ideas.
Based on the data analysis and the discussion above, the writer can
interpret that dialogue technique is effective in teaching simple present tense to
the first grade of MTsN tangerang II Pamulang.
Based on the previous discussion, the conclusion can be drawn that:
Dialogue technique is effective in teaching simple present.
- Increase the students scores.
- The value of t
(5.46) it is higher than t
(5%=2.07 and 1%=2.81).
According to the conclusion, this study would like to the
following suggestions for teacher and students in learning process:
a. The Teacher should be well prepared before entering the classroom
b. The teacher should make the students realize that the material will be
given is important for their daily communication
c. Te teacher should give the learning material related to the context of
students live in order to make the students easier to relate new
information and their background knowledge.
A. Conclusion
H. Suggestion

1) The students should be focus of teaching and learning activity is not
only on the grammatical forms, but also on how to use words in
2) The students should make the activities of learning process are
meaningful and enjoyable.
3) The students should realize that the material they are learned is
important for them.

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Understanding and using English Grammar
Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to
Language Peagogy
Aspect: An Introduction to the study of verbal aspect d
related problem
Grammar for Use Leaistic Approach to Grammar Study for
Immediate and Practical Aplication
Practical of English Language Teaching
Guide to Patterns and Usage in English
A Students Introduction to English
Interaction I Grammar 4
Laidlaw English
Linguistic Semantic an Introduction
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching
English for Muslim University Students 3
The Learner- centered Curriculum
Research Methods in Language learning
Richards, C Jack., et al..
. London: Longman Group UK Limited. 1992.
Ridwan . ( .
Bandung : PT. Alfabeta. 2005.
Thomson, A. J. and A. V. Martinet, . Oxford:
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Sudjhono, Anas. . Jakrta: PT. Raja Grafindo
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Warner, Patricia K.. . New York: The McGraw-
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Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied
Belajar Mudah Penelitian untuk Guru karyawan dan Peneliti Pemula
A Practical English Grammar
Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan
Interaction 2 Grammar 4
Lets Write English
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Ingggris
Satuan pendidikan : MTsN tangerang II Pamulang
Kelas/semester : VII/1(ganjil)
Alokasi waktu : 1 x pertemuan (2x40 menit)
Tahun pelajaran :2008/2009
Berkomunikasi dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
dengan menggunakan simple present tense
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things
done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
1. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan dengan menggunakan simple
present tense dengan tepat.
2. Siswa dapat melakukan dialog dengan menggunakan simple
present tense dengan lancar
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bentuk kalimat simple present tense
baik positif, negatif, maupun pertanyaan dengan benar.
Metode : communicative approach
Strategi : REACT (Relating, experiencing, applying,
cooperating, transfering)
Salam dan tegur sapa
10 menit
Guru memberikan motivasi
60 menit
Guru menjelaskan topik yang akan dibahas kepada siswa
Guru membuat dialog
Guru menanyakan kepada siswa isi dialog tersebut
Setiap siswa bertanya dan menjawab secara bergantian tentang dialog
Siswa dan guru membahas tentang tata bahasa simple present tense
I. Standar Kompetensi
II. Kompetensi Dasar
IV. Materi pokok dan uraian materi
V. Sumber dan media pembelajaran
VI. Motode dan strategi pembelajaran
VII. Rencana pembelajaran
Kegiatan pokok
Guru memfasilitasi
Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah ksanakan
10 menit
Guru memberikan kesimpulan umum tentang materi
Penilaian proses : dilakukan pada saat proses KBM berlangsung
Penilaian hasil : diambil dari jawaban siswa yang diberi nilai pada
hand out
Instrument : soal tes terlampir.
VIII. Penilaian
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Ingggris
Satuan pendidikan : MTsN tangerang II Pamulang
Kelas/semester : VII/1(ganjil)
Alokasi waktu : 1 x pertemuan (2x40 menit)
Tahun pelajaran :2008/2009
Berkomunikasi dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
dengan menggunakan simple present tense
Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get done)
dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things
done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
1. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan dengan menggunakan simple
present tense dengan tepat.
2. Siswa dapat melakukan dialog dengan menggunakan simple
present tense dengan lancar
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bentuk kalimat simple present tense
baik positif, negatif, maupun pertanyaan dengan benar.
I live in this house
What street do i live on?
My friends live here
I. Standar Kompetensi
II. Kompetensi Dasar
IV. Materi pokok dan uraian materi
Pertemuan Pertama
Study the diagram shows the students to indicate the location
Present tense talks about something thet is to indicate a costomary or
habitual action
Postman : I have a letter for Miss Dewi
Mrs.Rina : She doesnt live here anymore
Postman : Can you tell me where she lives now?
Mrs.Rina : Just a minute. I will get my address book.
Postman : Thank you
Mrs.Rina : She live at 41 Pamulang Street
Postman : I also have a letter for Miss Zahra
Does she still live on this street?
Mrs.Rina : Yes, she livesin that yellow house on the corner
Postman : Thank you
Mrs.Rina : You are welcome.
What is Mrs.Rina address?
She lives at Cinere
Does Miss Dwi live at the same address?
No, she does not live there anymore
I have a letter for Miss.Dwi.
I have a letter for Miss.Dwi.
She does not live there anymore
You take the gift to Miss.Lala.
You open the door for her
Say that you have a gift for Miss.Lala
Pertemuan kedua
Pertemuan ketiga
Pertemuan keempat
Pertemuan kelima
The postmant rings the bell at Mrs.Rina house; he has wo letters in his
hand. Mrs.Rina opens the door.
Present tense talks about situation that something happen iin habitual
Present tense talks about question and answer the dialogue
Present tense talks about activity of memirization to repetition in variety of
Present tense talks about a situation very similar to at of the basic
dialogue to determines by the new situation.
Sumber Pembelajaran: - Zainab Zaidir, Retno Andari, Charlotte
Moningka. Communicative English in Practice
untuk SLTP kelas 1. CV. Sapta Arthat Jaya
Jakarta. 2004.
Betty azar Schramfer, Understanding and Using
English Grammar, 2
Ed,New Jersey : Prentice
Hall Regents, 1989.
Media Pembelajaran : Papera, textbook, marker, whiteboard.
Metode : Communicative approach
Strategi : REACT (Relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating,
Salam dan tegur sapa 10
Guru memberikan motivasi
60 menit
Guru menjelaskan topik yang akan dibahas kepada siswa
Guru membuat dialog
Guru menanyakan kepada siswa isi dialog tersebut
Setiap siswa bertanya dan menjawab secara bergantian tentang dialog
Siswa dan guru membahas tentang tata bahasa simple present tense
Guru memfasilitasi
V. Sumber dan media pembelajaran
VI. Motode dan strategi pembelajaran
VII. Rencana pembelajaran
Kegiatan pokok
Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah ksanakan
10 menit
Guru memberikan kesimpulan umum tentang materi
Penilaian proses : dilakukan pada saat proses KBM berlangsung
Penilaian hasil : diambil dari jawaban siswa yang diberi nilai pada hand
Instrument : soal tes terlampir.
VIII. Penilaian
Dialogue 1 for questions number 1-5
Maria : How are you?
Clara : ... (1)
Maria : Where do you live now?
Clara : ... (2)
Maria : By the way, How many sister do you have?
Clara : ... (3)
Maria : Where does your sister work?
Clara : ... (4)
Maria : Do you work too?
Clara : No, I ... (5)
1. a. I am student c. Fine thank you
b. how do you do d. Very well
2. a. I am living in Bandung c. I have lived in Bandung
b. i live in Bandung d. I had been lived in Bandung
3. a. I was having one sister c. I has one sister
b. i had one sister d. I have oe sister
4. a. My sister works at the office c. My sister work at the office
b. my sisterworking at the office d. My sister worked at the office
5. a. Do not c. Does not
b. does d. Do
Shopkeeper: What do you want, sir?
Mr Mulia : Udin, Maryam, what do you want?
Maryam : ... (6)
Mr Mulia : Udin, do you want a ruler, too?
Udin : No, I ... (7)
Maryam : He wants a notebook.
Shopkeeper: what does your son want,sir?
Mr. Mulia : ... (8)
Shopkeeper: ... (9)
Mr. Mulia : yes, they both want notebooks, and ... (10)
Shopkeeper: two notebook and ruler. They are Rp. 5.000.-, sir.
6. a. I want a ruler and notebook c. I want a ruler and notebook
b. I wanted a ruler and notebook d. I am want a ruler and notebook
7. a. Do want a ruler c. Does want aruler
b. dont want a ruler d. Doesnt want a ruler
8. a. He is want a notebook c. He has want a notebook
b. he had wants a notebook d. He wants a notebook
Instrumen Test
I. Choose the right answer below
dialogue 2 for questions number 6-10
9. a. Does they both want anootebook? c. Do they both want notebook?
b. does they both want ruler? d. Do they both want a notebook?
10. a. My daughter want a ruler c. My daughter wanted a ruler
b. my daughter wants a ruler d. My daughter is want a ruler
Adji : excuse, ... (1) you have phone number?
Nurul : yes, I ... (2) it is 74710938
Adji : How ... (3) i contact you?
Nurul : just call the office
Adji : By the way, where ... (4) your sister live?
Nurul : She live in jakarta
Adji : ... (5) she work there?
Alya : what time do you usually get up, Amira?
Amira : I wake up at 5. Oclock and get up at 5:15
Alya : do you usually get up so early?
Amira : Yes, i do, but sometimes i get up so late
Alya : what do you do after get up?
Amira : i take a shower
Alya : do you usually have breakfast or not?
Amira : yes, i do
Alya : does your mother make your breakfast?
Amira : yes, she does.
1. What time does amira get up in the morning?
2. Does Amira usually get up so late?
3. Does Amira usually eat breakfast or not?
4. Who makes Amiras breakfast?
5. What does she do after get up?
II. Complete this dialogue by using Do or Does!
III. Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions below!
Answer these questions!

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