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Anatomy of the lens The lens is a bikonveks, avascular, colorless (transparent) structure.

Thickness of lens is about 4 mm and diameter is 9 mm. Behind the iris, the lens was hanged by zonula ciliaris that connecting with corpus ciliaris. In the anterior side of lens, there is humor aquaeus; in posterior side, there is a vitreous. Lens capsule is a semipermeable membrane (slightly more permeable than capillaries) that causes water and electrolytes enter. In front of the lens, there is a thin layer of supkapsuler epithelial. Lens nucleus is more tough than the cortex. The more we get older, the supkapsuler epithelial laminar continuously produced so the lens is greater and loss of elasticity. The lens consists of 66% water and and about 35% consists of protein. No pain fibers, blood vessels, or nerves in the lens.

Lens consists of : Capsule (anterior and posterior) Epithelium (beneath anterior capsule) Cortex Nucleus : - adult nucleus - infantile nucleus - fetal nucleus - embryonal nucleus

1. Vaugan G. D, Asbury T, Eva R.P. (2000). Oftalmologi umum. Bab 1 Anatomi & Embriologi Mata hal 9-11. Edisi 14. Widya medika : Jakarta. 2. Slide Fisiologi Mata Dr. dr. Habibah S. Muhiddin, Sp. M(K) 3. Slide Katarak Dr. dr. Achmad Afifudin, Sp. M(K), M.Kes

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