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Principle of biology

Chapter one
(Cells and tissues) Level Cell Definition Examples in plants Palisade cells Xylem , phloem Examples in animals Liver cell Nervous tissue , muscular tissue Heart , stomach

Its the structural and functional unit of the body Tissue A group of similar cells working together to perform a shared function Organ A group of different tissues working together to perform a specific function Syste A group of m different organs working together to perform a body function

leaf , root

Root system

Digestive system and respiratory system

O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr

Word Organelle Cell specialization (modification) Cell physiology Structure Nuclues

Definition Its a living structure in a cell such as vacuole, nucleus, chloroplast. It means a change in shape or structure or both, to be adapted to carry out a particular function. Its the studying of cell function and different organelles. Properties Contains DNA Function Control activities of the cell and cell division. Carries the inherited information. Keep the cell alive because all chemical reaction take place inside it. Absorb light energy and convert it to chemical energy during photosynthesis process. protect the cell. Stop the cell contents from escaping. Control the passage of substance in and out of the cell. Support , protect and shape the cell. It allows the freely movement of different substances . Carries all genes , each gene is responsible for


Contains protein and water


Contains chlorophyl

Cell membrane

Made of carbohydrate , proteins , lipids and is semi-permeable .

Cell wall

Made of cellulose and is fully permeable (dead).

O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr

Contains protein unit and DNA and is found

in nucleus . Lysosome Mitochondria Vacuole Contains hydrolytic enzymes Present in the form of spherical rod-like. Contains a fluid and surrounded by a membrane

a certain character. Digest non-function organelles. Source of energy Regulates absorption of water by osmosis . Helps in storage .

Differences between plant and animal cell Plant cell Has cell wall Has cell sap vacoule Animal cell Has no cell wall Has no or temproray vacuole Has chloroplast Has no chloroplast Usually contains Usually contains stored stored starch glycogen Has small and lateral Has one or large nuclues centralized nuclues Similarities in both plant and animal cell :1. Cell membrane 2. Mitochondria 3. Cytoplasm 4. Nuclues

O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr

Plant cell: 1. new cell about to divide. 2. the nucleus divides first, a new cell wall develops to separate the two cells. 3. the cytoplasm makes celluolseon each side of the new cell wall. 4. the vacuole join up to form one vacuole ,the other cell will divide again.
O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr 5

Animal cell :1. 2. 3.

New cell about to divide . The nucleus divides first. The nucleus gets separated and the cytoplasm pinches between the nucleus. Two cells are formed , one become adapted (specialized) and the other one will divide again. How can you make tissue culture then mention its function?


Tissue culture is made by separating the cells by means of enzymes then making it grow and divide in dishes containing nutrient solution. It is used to study cells and cell division.

Adaptation of cells: Nerve cells:they are very long about to coduct electrical impulses to or from the brain Ciliated cells:they contain cilia to move mucus and dusts.

O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr

Root hair cells:large in number and has a finger like projection to increase surface area of absorbing water and minerals. Contains a lot of mitochondria for production of energy required to absorb mineral by active transport. Contains a large concentrated sap vacuole to absorb water by osmosis.

Xylem vessels:xylem vessels (dead tissues) have lignified cells to rise water up by capillary action. Phloem tubes:phloem tubes (living tubes) to carry food from leaf to all parts of plant. Red blood cells:has no nucleus and has biconcave shape and has haemoglobin to carry oxygen. White blood cells.has nucleus and is specialized for engulfing harmful bacteria.

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Length of object

Note: that human has no haploid nucleus but diploid nucleus

O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr

Here are some questions from paper one :-

O-level Biology
Mohamed Amr

O level Biology
Mohamed Amr

O level Biology
Mohamed Amr

O level Biology
Mohamed Amr

O level Biology
Mohamed Amr

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