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Volume 3, Issue 8 "To facilitate the free evolvement of all life equally." May 1997

Star Family Conference

(Alex was invited by Standing Elk to present an Andromedan Perspective at a gathering in San Diego, California on March 15, 1997.)

Wisdom From Vasais

One of the most profound things that I had to experience was when I was living in Lake Arrowhead, California in 1987. Contacts had resumed for two years, and I was having a "Murphy" year. I felt like checking out of here. Vasais had come to see me and we had some discussions and more teaching and it was time to come back. I didn't want to come back. I would have embarrassed all of you with the way I carried on. I felt, "well nothing is working here, let's try something different." But my Andromedan friends were not buying it. So, here I am on the ground and they are lifting off. I hear Visais telepathically saying to me, "Alex,tum around." So, I tum around, still visibly crying, feeling abandoned, and he says "Alex, the love that you withhold is the pain that you carry, lifetime after lifetime." There isn't a day that goes by where I don't remind myself of that wisdom or think about its meaning. It has helped me to reevaluate all my life decisions that I have made through the years. It has helped me to "take myself apart" and look at all the pieces of my personality, what my belief systems are, what I think is true and what is true through experience. This process has taken a long time, and I'm still not done. We are constantly redoing ourselves, making ourselves over and reevaluating our belief systems. Our current reality here is nothing but ''belief systems," for the most part. I wanted to pass this wisdom on to you, so that each of you can make decisions based on love, rather than moments when heated passion overrules our common sense and we say or do things where our love is withheld for one reason or another. It's time we grow out of that. We have little choice, because the "shit" is about to hit the fan. Remember, it's really about love and fear - which is the withholding of love.

I wanted to give you some history that has been shared with me. We're going to deal pretty much with Jehovah and Nibiru, and I also want to talk to you about the Hopi prophecy, and my own thoughts about the Hopi prophecy. I also wanted to read you information from Moraney and Vasais themselves because it's really all about them and it's really about the information. I want to start of by saying that I haven't heard all the speakers here. I am sure they've all been great and they all absolutely have had something to contribute. In fact, all of you do as well. It's great to come to some of these things and see the same people. But, ladies and gentlemen, I am just going to be really blatantly honest here. You know, some of you have stories to tell, and some of you need to get off your butts and you need to start talking yourselves. Our planet needs leaders, and a lot of us have made huge investments, thinking that our politicians are going to be the leaders, and that they are going to do the, right things. The joke's on us, literally. They have really help to screw things up, and our apathy has only compounded the problem. So, the next few years are going to be extremely challenging for all of us, especially here in the United States, and the true leadership of humanity is you. So, I am asking you to seriously consider doing something about it, and to stand up and take the leadership role. It's not about me: It's not about all the other speakers. We do this in the hope that you will want to take responsibility and do what we're doing. Keep passing the torch, so to speak. The other thing I wanted to say is that a lot of folks just want to hear "love and light." They just want to hear how you're going to be rescued, how you're going to be saved, and how everybody is going to take care of everything so you don't have to do anything. If that is really where you're at, you ought to leave now, because that is not the message that I have to deliver. There are both "good" and "bad". We live in a duality, and you have to take responsibility for both, and you have to live in the midst of both. The whole idea is to find balance,
See page 3

"1 have never found in nw Ionl! eXPerience in POlitics. that critidsm is ever intibited Iw il!norance." Harold McMiUan Wall Street Journal Aul!ust 15. 1963.

Letters From Andromeda V3, 8

Letter From The Editor

The strangeness of this life, cannot be underestimated. In an attempt to share information imparted by the Andromedans, regarding our identity crisis on Earth, I have run into a wall of character assault, which I have never experienced before. What profoundly interests me is that these people, who call themselves researchers, whom have never had a UFO experience, most who have never seen one, whom have never been on a craft, left our planet's atmosphere, or have never, never touched the hand of another being from another world, have begun assaulting the wisdom of Moraney and Vasais. And also me personally. These people don't know me, they've never been to my home, shared a meal at our table. They are long on mouth, and short on ears. The reason there's so much ignorance in the ET research field, is that those who are ignorant of the real experience are so eager to share it. There is a saying that goes like this ''Tell me and I'll forget, teach me and I'll remember, involve me and I'll learn." Ladies and Gentlemen, they make a living off other peoples experiences, they spit out other people's facts, and they profess to want to know the truth. These people are not telling the truth. They want to be the centers of attention; they want to be the stars! "Imprudence and Malice will always find admirers," Thomas Paine once said, in 1777. This field of exploration is not about them the researcher, or the abductee or the contactee, it's about the off planet Beings themselves. The information I share is the Andromedan information, not mine. It's not about -me. But these researchers who claim to want the TRUTH, practice the censorship of thought. They themselves don't want to explore all of the information, or explore the reality of the experience that people, like myself, from all over the world are having. We are all on a journey to know ourselves. And, most often the first steps are the most demanding and frustrating. Only because we don't know what we're looking for. Because each and every one of us is on a separate path towards our own "self-discovery". As for me, I will make the decisions that need to be made for me. I will decide what information is valid to me. And all ofthe information has to be available. You researchers, and you know who you are, are flat wrong in your assumptions. You are wasting your time trying to hold me down. You are trying to grow a wishbone where your own backbone ought to be. You cannot make me feel inferior without my consent. And you don't have it. Moraney will be alive and still flying through our Solar System when you
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Publishers Notes
It boggles my mind, all this circus-like sensationalism that has become the focus of so many in the last six months. From Alien Mass Landings, Spiritual Hierarchy proclamations and decree's, to Hale-Bopp proclamations, we could say the excitement level has been running on high with anticipation of the unknown for some time. Many particular events did not unfold, as some had envisioned for themselves. Some now presume deception and have grown doubtful. When carried to extremes, the messengers come under fire, and under those conditions, all rational thinking is lost. Could all this wasted energy be due to the unintentional blending of the messages given, which grossly changed the original intent? My thoughts on these matters are very simple. One must examine what has been said, and by whom the statements were made. Then, by using common sense and reason the truth will be revealed. So what happened? Why did the sensational take over otherwise, normal rational-thinking minds? Why must some tum to lashing out at the messengers? What is accomplished by these actions? Looking at the non-event, can we be so sure something did not take place? Since we cannot predict what another will do, then common sense would tell us the same holds true for extraterrestrial beings as well. It's unpredictability that makes our lives more interesting. Let's take a closer look at some of the "events." Questions need to be asked and answered. Hale-Bopp, is it just a comet or a craft? Well, there seems to have been enough evidence pointing to the conclusion that it surely did not act like a comet. Reports are now coming in that state scientists cannot explain the latest presence of yet another tail. Is this not a comet reported to have broken into parts? What were those parts and where did they go? There are photographs of the comet "divided" into separate parts and yet they stay together. What can official science say about that? What might have slipped out between the separated parts, hidden inside the tail, possibly of a size that we could not detect as anything other than very large comet debris? I was privileged to be present during a meeting where our native people confirmed the presence of beings from Orion, Draconis, and Sirius B on-board the craft/comet we have named Hale-Bopp. I greatly respect our indigenous people and their abilities to dream walk. What fascinated me about the unscheduled meeting was that they shared their findings with Alex while having no prior knowledge from Alex on these events. For Alex and me, it was confirmation of information. It amazes me how people want to have the sensational take place for confirmation. There are those
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Editor cont. are dust. Get a life, find your heart, and listen as well as you hear. Some people know more than they are willing to tell. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest. Always be at one with yourself. Alex

than the fact that they have a prejudice, a bigotry. I have been taught eve- sincr- was a little boy by Moraney and Vasais that prejudke is an extraterrestrial perspective. We were taught this type of behavior, and we have only continued to propagate it generation after generation. It has never served our race or races on the planet. Never. I do not understand why it continues to propagate. The women who spoke before me talked about prejudice. The reality in our society is that prejudice is big business. It's about money. Again, I come back to the point I made earlier, that you are the leaders, and you are going to have to stand up and take responsibility. I am not talking about "going out to save the world", but I am talking about families. Be a hero to your family. Be a hero to yourself. Nobody can beat you up and put you down unless they have your consent. Do you follow? You only have to consent, to believe that garbage. If you don't consent, then it isn't real. It's really simple and so subtle that most people don't see it. Our world is made up of a lot of subtleties. O.K. I'm going to read a little history here, and then we will move on.
Jehovah, one of the Elohim The old testament "God" is an extraterrestrial. Was that simple enough? Does everybody get that? The new testament "God"is also an extraterrestrial. They are not one and the same. But, we are just going to deal with Jehovah, who the Hebrews call Jehovah. Now, the Andromedans have a "camera"which they use as they travel through space. They take "pictures" of moons, stars, and planets, and this "camera"records things holographically.Now, depending on the setting they have this particular device on, it will record so much of the history, then they can switch it and take so much more of the history. They have taken many, many pictures of our planet, and they have separated this holographic picture into time frames, where they have seen and recorded events that have happened on our planet. I had a lot of questions about the old testament, about the new testament, about Jesus. Like a lot of us do. How is it that a "loving a forgiving God" wants to throw us into an abyss for making mistakes? It's extremely dysfunctional, because you're afraid to do this, and you're afraid to do that so you do nothing, you do absolutely nothing. So, what I've asked about Jehovah, and I've been going' through some old notes ... The word Jehovah originally meant in the Chaldean tongue, and the Hebrews are what's left of an ancient tribe of Chaldeans, "Is, Was and Will Be". It never meant, "creator of all things". That meaning was added later. Now, the reason that he "Is, Was and Will Be", was like for all the extraterrestrials, they lived so long compared to our short life spans. They lived thousands of years. The Andromedans live an average of 2,007years. Some of them, like Vasais have lived well beyond 4,000 years as we count

Star cont. which is in the middle. We are all searching for that. Until we find it, we all have to participate.

A very wise man once said, "Facts do not cease to exist,just because you choose to ignore them." To those of you who simply want to hear the "love and light", that's great, but you are out of balance, because it's just not all that. What we need is leadership. We need people with ideas on how to fix problems, starting with yourself, your family and the local level. That's how it spreads. The president of the United States, the UN, can't sign a piece of paper and everything's going to be fixed. It starts here (points to head), and it starts here, in the heart. Only you can do that. I can't change your mind. I can't even tell you what to think, and vise versa. You have to want to change and you're going to have to want to open up your perception to find out what is really going on. It also includes having the courage to really want to know what is going on. OK, that's my soapbox. In the next six months, if you have resources to people living in Greenland, pay close attention to all of the UFO activity that is going to be occurring on Greenland. The reason a lot of this will be going on is simplybecause many of the races will be entering and leaving the poles. I want to talk about Jehovah. There is a lot of talk about Jehovah, and this also relates to the Hopi prophecy in an indirect way.I want to say up front that there are huge risks to busting belief systems, and just because something has been believed for 2,000 years that many of us have just taken for granted, 'yes this is true because I was taught this' that doesn't mean that it is fact. We do not have to create the book of revelations, or fulfill a Hopi prophecy wherein we all are extinguished. I truly do not understand that kind of belief system. Why believe in something that's going to take us all out? Why pull that to you? Now, the Andromedan message has been that we are royalty because of our genetics, not only because of the extraterrestrial genetics, but also because of the primate. We are very, very unique. Extremely unique. Many races see us as a benefit and some see us as a threat. I'm not really clear as to why those that see us as a threat, other

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linear time. Now that's remarkable. It's absolutely remarkable. Could you imagine paying car payments for 4,000 years? The Chaldeans are the remnants of the Sumerians. Much of the Hebrew and Sumerian religions are very similar. The books of Moses do not suggest, if they're read carefully, that Jehovah was the only "Lord of the Elohim" in the area. For some reason, people just assume things are true. Abraham did consider Jehovah to be a "God" because of his technology and the extraterrestrials have used technology to awe us. That's all they used - technology. If you were to take somebody today with a jukebox, a flashlight, a CD player and a computer, and you brought him back to ancient Egypt, that person would be considered a "God" because of the technology. Think about that. He uses technology to strike fear into the people, and they worshipped him so that he wouldn't punishment them. Many of the "Gods" did the same thing. Marduk, Enki, and Enlil were notorious for doing this. They also created bigotry, because they each had their own little tribes, their offspring procreated with our races then. According to Moraney and Vasais, our native American races are the remnants of the ancient Babylons that were brought over here by Enki, just prior to the great "flood of Noah". The "flood of Noah", according to the Andromedans, was literally moving the planet from it's rotation further out to the one we now have. What it did was add five days to our calendar, to our rotation.
The Magi Many of the extraterrestrials had offspring, I think the book of Genesis records it ["the sons of God married the daughters of men"]. What happened was they commingled. Now they created offspring, those offspring were considered half-breeds. They were not allowed to return back with their fathers because they were not of the same bloodline. Now take a look at the ancient English family, they stayed very close in marriage in the family. As close as can be. In the ancient days, and this is documented with the Egyptians, usually the sons and daughters married, brothers and sisters married each other and that was to keep the bloodline really close. Anyone who stepped out of that was usually hunted down and killed. Well, they got tired of doing that so they just decided to leave the offspring here. According to Moraney and Vasais, the half-breed offspring were originally called Magi. The Magi. Now, much of the .technology that the extraterrestrial parents didn't want to take with them they left here for their half-breed children. They were given this technology, and much of it has been passed down generation to generation. Moraney has said that right now that one of the richest places on our planet to find ancient technology is in Nigeria, and to my knowledge that is an area that hasn't really been touched.

This technology was primarily based on sound, color and radionics. The area Israel, Israeli, Celt, and Mayan . cultures are the result of the Magi. The Magi interbreeding resulted in the cultures we today recognize as being called Israeli, Mayan, Celt, and Aryan. According to Moraney and Vasais, the "Titans" of ancient lore were escaping a war. According to Moraney and Vasais they were Pleiadians and some of them are actually living inside some of the planets in our solar system, the closest being Venus.
Slavery: A Learned Behavior Now, the serpent race. The serpent race has apparently been here a very, very long time, long before the genetic experiments started to take place between the different extraterrestrials. In the genetic experiment, just as Sitchin discusses, they were trying to create a slave labor force because they themselves didn't want to do hard labor. Now, where have we heard of that before? Where have we seen that before? Except we didn't have the technology until the late fifties to literally genetically clone somebody. Prior to that we used the concept of slavery. We were emulating those before us.

According to Vasais and Moraney, the very first genetic melding between a human species and the primate race occurred 28,731,007 BC That's how far back they started to play this. And there were many prototypes. All our concepts of language and social structures have all been introduced to us by extraterrestrials, both "good" and "bad". We just didn't learn these things and manufacture them. We were taught those things, our ancestors were taught these structures. According to Moraney and Visais, "Adam and Eve" were not the "first man and woman" at all. In fact, they were not even individuals. They were tnbes. They were races. The study of astrology, and I've said this before, was nothing like it is today. They never taught that. That's something we created. According to Moraney and Vasais, it was something to determine the magnetic relationships between planets and stars when it came to space travel. That's what it was for. It was the only reason it was for. It had absolutely nothing to do with personal experience. But, many of you who have invested a lot of time in these belief systems have made it real for you. So for you it is a reality, it is real because you see it work. But why don't you take that same energy and help uncreate the Book of Revelations or the Hopi Prophesy where we're going to be destroyed and punished. Let me tell you something folks, every single one of you has a piece of the creation in you and the creation never destroys itself. Never. Never. So why would you want to do that? I'm asking the question. Why would you want to do it?

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Controlling the Population: Lace the Water Supply I asked Moraney at one time how, in the ancient days when the extraterrestrials ruled the planet, were able to have such control. He mentioned technology, but he also said that the single most important way to control any race as primitive as your own, is the water. They controlled the races by water, because you can only go a week to ten days without water. You've got to have it. Atlantis: Origin of the Illuminati Philosophy Civilizations came and went, imploding on themselves. Atlantis was one of these. The "priesthood" that survived the sinking of Atlantis became known as the "Ones from Nauga. According to Moraney, the ancient Naigas today are known today as "Illuminati". We know that those philosophical concepts exist today. Unfortunately, those concepts are that "the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many". I seriously have a problem with that. Human War and Defense Orientation Draining the Planet: On Fear I want to read you something from Moraney regard fear. "In your time and space, the expression of fear will be a . challenge to you all. For any of you to be in fear, you lack a clear understanding of most situations. We have observed that your world is at a most confused point in your history and evolvement. We understand your remarkable drive and commitment to being alive. We, however, are not understanding of your need to create tools of death, expecting that they will keep all in a space of understanding and peace. We observe that you build, create and plan in a space offear, not in a consciousness of love, so your "defense positions" of institutions that create and employ, are always in a state of unraveling and disintegration. We share this with you because they drain you and your earth of energy, both spiritual and material. Fear always has to feed. Fear does not create itself. The fear we observe is difficuu to understand. It depletes you of your focus on the original intent, and is a very secretive energy. Fear withholds love. This is most saddening to see and feel. How can you share understanding and love, when so many ofyou are withholding from selfand each other? Please feel the words we as a race are trying to express to your race. One ofyour original intentions in creatingyour physical reality is the idea ofcreating and learning to manipulate and express yourselves through physicality using your consciousness. It is your consciousness that the Isness has given you, and in fact all things that bear spirit. It is this gift that has been clouded, and most importantly, clouded by fear. This creation is completely irrational to whom all of you are. We have come to understand that withholding love only creates perpetual disintegration. We have discovered in our own galaxy the ruins of vast races, achieving recognition, that have ceased to exist. They destroyed themselves simply because they withheld love, and drained the very life force out of their intent, and imploded and destroyed their self-creation:"

"The first projection offear is denial, an emotion of incredible restriction. Denial and fear result in the complete opposite of the reality it claims to be. Fear is based, from our perspective, on a misunderstanding of ones own worth and security. Why is this so? We have discussed this amongst ourselves, about your race, and we have formed a perspective based on your history. Many of your religions have helped and hurt this process. Some ofyour worlds beliefs have many convinced they are "simple creaturesofnature". Your science teaches that your physical form. is a "pool of chemicals thrown together by accident", so that you are all "an accident", living meaningless lives of chance " "You fear a 'God' whom a book says is a "loving God" that will throw you into an abyss for making a mistake. Many on your world have come to understand that in your world fear, and the idea offear, is your enemy. All ofyou struggle between understanding and fear, and reason and fear. This struggle is in no way predetermined. Our perception is that this struggle will lead your world to peace and responsibility, or to extinction as a race. This would grieve us."

I would like to share something else with you. This is something by Vasais:
"Create another domain of knowing, communicating and being. In other words, the domain of generating your intent needs to be more distinct. Your "physics", as you call it, is a good example of this calling-forth. There have been men on your planet who have called for new domains of thinking that never existed. They invented it, and they didn't fantasize about it. They didn't pretend. They literally created a new context for what you know call "physics". Your humanity is strong with these kinds of examples. No being, however, makes the distinction that this is what they are. I would like to give you an example. Your concept of "hwn rights" on your planet was something that did not exist. You Terrans did not have any "rights", only your "Kings" and your "priests" had their rights. But most ofyou Terrans did not have any so, You and other Terrans created "human rights" from nothing. You created language for it, you communicated it, and this communication that you had and gave, had power, because it was full of intent. It has the power not only to represent and to invoke, but also to literally bring it into being. This is what your races need to do in order to clearly know yourselves, and transform the quality ofyour lives on your Earth." "Truth, on your planet, is a filtered experience, understood only through your personal belief systems or concepts. .We have discovered that everyone on your world has a different "truth", and there have been "cultures of truth" in every society or civilization. It has kept a "continuum of light" here on your planet. The "truth" is not told to everyone, because everyone, we feel, is truly not ready to hear it. There are some who have, and would take your "truths" and put them in a "box", and

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then keep their lives detached from it. The problem is that much of your mankind is taking these "truths" personally, instead of seeing it as an "objective truth, or reality". They would take this truth and make it very egotistical, in order to glorifY themselvesand others.And, as we perceive, and through our own experience, truth is not meant for that at all. They would then create a religion or some kind of dogma again, something that they could remain detached from, yet glorifY in the eyes of others."

leaders of. today, this present moment, should share and embrace the same faith, philosophy and objective as the people. They, the leaders, should thereby raise each of the govemedto his or her own level, according to the principles of consistency from beginning to end."

What's that sound like to you?

')4 Truth has nothing to do with your Earth religions. The secret, wondrous nature of spirit has nothing to do with your religions. You are all multidimensional. Think that way! In order to think that way, you Terrans should turn the way you understand and perceive yourselves, and life, inside out, and make all of your belief systems abstract and not personal. Because ofyour personal attachments, you have cut yourselves off from universal knowledge. You have to have an objective mind to gain true knowledge. You have all cultivated the attitude of a "subjective self'.

Now the Law of Consistency is something that they teach their children. And what they do is they realize, their strongest pride is their children because they know that whatever they've created they are leaving to the next generations to carry forth. Now it also helps that when they cross over, out of their physicality, and reincarnate they do have their memory intact. They do know who they are so there is a continuation of knowledge, of personality. We, for some reason, don't have that, yet. The oldest and the wisest teach the youngest everything they know. So the children, when they move into adulthood know more than the parents and nobody has a problem there with this. We don't do that here, in fact we do just the opposite. We have high school kids who can't even write their name or read! OK, I'm sorry.
"The mistakes, as we have studied and observed, are that throughout your history, hero-worship and fame-seeking has risen to the point of the idea your leaders are great and the general populace is ignorant and powerless. This concept in your country,Alex, contradicts a true democracy and is wrong. So it shall be that individuals must and will awaken and unite voluntarily. Some will be artists, scientists, and others from all walks of life. They. will become teaching leaders of the people with whom they are working directly and will teach all men and women to be leaders. At the same time, it is also important that those who support them must become leaders also. To be a leader in your world, we would only suggest that the only requirements be simple and evolve from the real essence of mankind. Leaders should be in absolute faith of their humanhood, declaring always, the greatness of the Isness and selfresponsibility. They should also have a strong sense of responsibility for themselves and those that they teach. A leader should always love his people, protect them, and encourage them warmly into their own power and humanhood. The leaders sense ofresponsibilitywill deepen by his affection ofhis role as teacher, father or mother. When a leader lacks mercy or compassion, they will be self serving and irresponsible. And a leader/teacher should also strive to be broad-minded. He should always try to be capable of understanding his member's needs, and individual situations, putting himself in their place. A leader should practicegentleness and forbearance, and be determined to hear the problems and teach guidance and self-determination to any person to establish selffaith and happiness. A leader also needs to be impartial. He must not be swayed by .

"The Isness does not live inside all of you, and if you won't conceiveof, or believe in, your own divinity, how are you going to make the leap into the next levels? How are you going to attract and magnetize true unconditional respect, and love, to you, without thinking in this way? If you do not participate, you are only a spectator. You will not watch or participate in the plan for growth and evolution in our galaxy, and most importantly, not truly experience it yourself."

They're really wise, and there is a lot of wisdom here, on our planet. The whites have it, the blacks have it, the reds, the Asians have it. There's a lot of wisdom on our planet and I don't know Why it is not being taught. Common sense. Now, the word warrior originally meant "one who is not afraid of being himself', it never meant slash him up, cut him up, kill him, as we think it means today. Being confrontational. We have a lot of problems on the planet. And as Albert Einstein said, ''You can not fix the problems with the same kind of thinking that created them." So, we have to make some changes, and I can't do it by myself and this gentleman here can not do it by himself and this young lady can not do it by herself, but collectively, we can. We can do it right away. I wanted to just read a couple more things, and then do some questions. I wanted to read to you Leadership. This is something Moraney gave to me several years ago. Dictated by Moraney to Alex Collier, 3-11-1995
"What is important this present time in your world is to know the pioneer leaders of your past who greatly influenced your world today are removed from the hearts of the people. The

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his own feelings or selfserving considerations. Always eager to give a fair hearing to reasonable suggestions. Leaders should he <rreful of those that flatter them and not to cater to their personal at/'JUias. He must also put the right person in the right place and be courageous about it. The idea is to build long-term integrity in all aspects of life and leadership, always acknowledging the inconspicuous efforts of others as all souls are part and contribute to the whole. Your leaders should always have self-confidence, courage and decisiveness. Leaders must believe in their ability to protect his or her members and to help them advance to selfresponsibility so all may become determined. Those persons who have done the inner work on the path of being a true human being acquire wisdom and are true leaders. They always have faith in themselves. Those who walk the path of heart will discover that through faith does emerge wisdom. And this same faith enable the leader to employ his wisdom effectively in all situations. Courage is indispensable to the leader. Leadership is no place for cowardice. Always strive to advance wisdom and courage. Building an honest and healthy race of human beings means producing a world of leaders of the true law of . oneness. Development of faith, integrity and character is both the starting point and the end result. This will make all people capable human beings. Every child born in your world is a new opportunity to build and honest and real world. Leaders need not criticize each error on the part of their members or staff. A leader should always praise them for what they have done well and capably. There will be others who will criticize. Being a leader or becoming a leader does not mean you have perfect faith or wisdom. These are life-long pursuits. Being a leader is to develop people, and to help people into selfresponsibility, spiritual maturity and the freedom to cultivate voluntary introspection. Mankind, on your world, can develop remarkably, even under adverse circumstances. When your Earth awakens to her mission and towards her great objective, we will have full faith than you will all be successful, and a source of great pride to all of us."

Another time, I was out there, calling them, and fell asleep. I woke up, and Moraney was standing over me. He said these words to me, then turned around and left:
"We have become aware that a great majority ofyour races are unaware of philosophy and logic, understanding and knowledge of their own soul. We observe many Terrans seeing and feeling what others have told them or have spoken. Has your race lost the selfawareness ofyour own discovery?

Publisher cont. that really expected the Orions, Drac's, and Sirian B's to come and make contact or even attack us. Would we really want these beings to come down here? My opinion is, why would we want them down here. Why press ourselves into an entanglement with them. This is not what we should desire in our lives. I sure would not want to encounter for the first time, ET's under those conditions. Many events have not appeared to have come to pass. So some have told me that the Andromedan information is false. What I found out however was that other sources of information was being combined with Andromedan probabilities, creating confusion of the facts and truth. Many of those people expected us to feed them information that they wanted to hear, not what was really being said or not said. In a communication in November "96", Alex was informed by Moraney that there would be many attacks in the preceding months starting in December. As stated in the last issue, this indeed happened, and is still continuing even today. For a long period of time, Alex had no contacts from Moraney what so ever. Even when Alex would put out a call for contact, all was silent. My view is as follows. Since Moraney had warned Alex in advance, it would make sense to me that he would not share any information with Alex during this time so as to protect Alex from any unwarranted attacks. On the other hand, knowing how much Morenay respects Alex along with wanting to protect him, if there was information of great importance (ie: mass landing, pending invasion, etc.), I feel that Moraney would have not wasted any time in giving Alex advance warning for himself and to be shared with others. It has been said, ''That the Andromedans lack any moral compassion for our welfare." I would say just the opposite. Not sharing information because it really is not happening, makes common sense to me. Why fuel the sensational atmosphere, which would only serve in more confusion of public opinion? We must decide for ourselves what is false. The Andromedans can not do it for us. What would we learn from that? Nothing, except how to worship

Here's something else from Moraney:

"On your world, conditioning is the voice so often spoken. It is not by the words or thoughts that are spoken that reveal to us, the soul. In our perception, it is mans silence that we come to know you best. Human beings on your world will become blind, if they continue to walk as the shadow of their own enlightenment. Your race is so lonely. Your loneliness, we perceive, is a lack of responding to your environment. In all things, the law ofconsistency creates balance. Remember your intent, whether honorable or fraudulent. Truly, your acts must justify your actions. No thing of importance or living essence can be created u';less there is intent. We refer to. this as preexisting. These things become reality in your world with the ingredient of time. Tell your race to seek the honorable within themselves, and not the wrong in others. Be at one."

Letters From Andromeda V3, 8

those who have no desire to be our saviors, but would rather just be our friends. What has been lost in all of this sensationalism, is the basic common sense issues that the Andromedans have been sharing with us through Alex all these years. The Andromedans have never been into prophecy, instead they share probabilities, since the future is in constant change. When the Andromedans share probabilities with us, they are encouraging us to create changes in our current path of conscious reality. Others need to learn it's not about contacts, its always been about us realizing who we are and that we already have the tools to make change, literally by thinking it into reality. Examples: The Andromedans had warned us of the possibility that our water would be tainted in Texas in a plot to keep Texas from succeeding from the Union of States. What this information did, was mobilize a group of responsible individualsin Texas to circulate the information to all of the Municipalwater suppliers throughout the entire state of Texas. I know, because the mailer was shared with us. Well over a thousand such letters went out, warning them of the potential attack, and by the way, the Andromedans were mentioned prominently. What we learned was that a small remote outbreak resulted, but nothing really major. Why? Because, I submit to you, that the conscious effort put forth by the responsible people in Texas and others sharing the information nationwide made the matter more of a public issue, not good for secret covert actions. And what about the possibilityof the terrorist attack on the Olympics? The Andromedans had warned of a possibility of attack as a means to set off certain One World Order events and controls. Well, a bombing did take place, but no terrorist has been caught or charged for the attack. It's just a thought, but maybe the so called bombing was used to show the Olympic people that their security was not up to par. Indeed, some did get hurt but so many more did not. Was the bomb planted to draw attention, rather than intentionally hurt people? It is hard to say for sure, but maybe the prior warning helped avert a problem on a larger scale. People need to remember these facts. No obligation exists that requires the Andromedans to help us. The Alliance was formed, despite the fact that a majority of the other races did not want to get involved in the beginning due to our unpredictability as a race. Control over us has been, and still is, often very subtle, yet extremely determined to drive us into submission. People also need to consider these facts. Those who seek to dominate us, are themselves unwilling to show us their presence on a mass scale. Why? In my opinion, if we were

to see their reality at this time, our conscious thought would be set on destroying them, and yes, they should be wary of us since thought directs matter...You have the picture! One final comment. All of us need to focus less on dates and more on practical thinking and, where common sense dictates, responsible self-determination. The sooner we help our fellow Terrans to realize that we are indeed very powerful conscious beings who can change our very existence by our collective thought, we will then have no more need for sensationalism. Change is a forgone conclusion,but the choices we make and the directions we take regarding our future are ultimately in our hands. Once again I stress, A Call To Action...What are you waiting for! Jon

Inner Reflection

We have discovered your races addiction to physicality. We are observing the great pain and suffering this has, and is causing your races. It is important to remember to re-Iearn, that to function through your physical consciousness only, to experience all your physical senses and unusual states of emotions, and create exclusively in this physical dimension, is to be in denial of your true being and original intent. There are many Alex, of your races that have completely forgotten Isness. Those beings will not recognize their own reflections. They have lost all real understanding of the Isness. We are not fully understanding of how so many have forgotten their true self. They are not in comprehension of holding the reason, or healing of the Isness. Your races must be able to function, at least to some portional degree, to understand their inner reflection of the Isness. And, if your races will not recognize your own reflections, then how willyou use your wealth of abilities to heal yourselves, your races, and your planet? You will not possess, nor use, that which you will not acknowledge or express. Many of your races express anger and fear of the unconscious reckless livingof your societies. Is this opinion to be valid? Is it really justifiable? Yes, to only a small degree. But, in grander answer, no. Because you are not as a race, and as individual beings, stretching to remember from where you all possess the true reason of the Isness. You express solely on the physical senses and not the inner reflection of true. self. The focus of your mind needs to be livingand moving in the reflection of your inner senses, that which is the creation of self, and not the echo of your physicality.

Letters From Andromeda V3, 8

It is not necessary to live absolutely in the inner reflection of the Isness in order to employ its reason and common sense. However, we employ the concept within our own race, that in order to respond to the Isness, and the Isness to us, it is necessary to possess and employ the recognition on one's true reflection. Even though but a small corner of your consciousness should extend, ever so little into the Isness, your decision is Your true reflection will be to be open to self. administered into your physicality.
If your all wish to gain possession of remarkable wisdom in

HUBBLE telescope was shown on national TV showing a black hole at the bottom center of our galaxy. Swirls of light were seen emanating from it. Geological Pole Shift Update Regarding the geological pole shift, the probability has increased for a pole shift to occur between now and the year 2003. Survival rates in the United States are seen as follows: East Coast 40% survive, Middle United States 80% survive, and the West Coast of the United States is 0% survive. Miscellaneous Probabilities Prepare for a large scandal in the CIA, with many resignations. Former President George Bush will be implicated in drug trafficking and his son Jeb Bush (Governor of Texas) will be implemented too. William J. Clinton will not complete his second term in office. Hillary Clinton will be indicted, this will parallel a large stock market correction. Major cities will discover that their water supply has been contaminated. Food shortages in grain and other supplies will be coming up soon. Scientists will announce that the Sun is undergoing a pole shift. Scientists will announce that there is an artificial objects orbiting Mercury. (Note: These would be the crafts that the Andromedan's reported were in the tail of Hale-Bopp and would drop into Mercury's orbit as the comet circled the Sun.) Moraney - April 1997

the Isness, in the emancipation of your selves, and your races from physicality, it is necessary to step into this invincible current of reason. The interiors of your minds, is that which creates your physicality. Please contemplate this. Vasais 7-19-88
(On board scout craft above Santa Monica Mtns, CA)

Current Events and Updates

Shadow Government Laces Lake Mead Shadow Government operatives have laced Lake Mead, which is the main water supply for Las Vegas, Nevada and areas of Arizona, with Gulf War viruses and organisms. The effects of this action will be seen very soon. It was stated that any effort to cure or help the Gulf War veterans on a mass basis would be met with force by the Department of Justice, who would immediately move to arrest any organized body that would move to restore health to US veterans. Moraney - March 19, 1997 On Friday, April 11th, 1997 in USA Today a short news brief appeared that read as follows: "Las Vegas Environmental officials say there are dangerous levels of bacteria in portions of the Las Vegas Wash and Las Vegas Bay at Lake Mead." Globalist Government Front Men in US Named Moraney told Alex, that the front men in the United States, who speak for the US and implement globalist policies relative to the US, are Leonard Millman, George Bush and Arlen Specter, who call the shots for the US. The globalist operational directives emanate out of the current white House through something equivalent to a "National Programs Office". Moraney - March 19, 1997 Black hole Update On November 19, 1993 at the Holiday Inn lecture in Palm Springs CA Alex shared that there are black holes centered under each galaxy. May 12, 1997 NASA footage from the

Other News of Interest We now have on the Andromedanwebpage at the Leading Edge website (www.trufax.org) past articles of the Letters From Andromeda Newsletter. The idea behind this is to encourage others visiting the site to subscribe to the newsletter, for without subscriptions we can not continue to produce the grass roots newsletter. We thank you in advance of your continued support. We have also created a new newsletter concept titled, the Terran World Forum. We intend to invite like-minded individuals to write editorial viewpoints, concerned with the sharing of higher understanding with the population of the planet. The idea is to contnbute to the intentional shifting of the planetary paradigm in a positive, self-responsible,

Letters From Andromeda V3, 8

evolving direction. Stage one willsee the integration of the articles into the website system. As writer interest picks up, then a free quarterly publication is planned for the future. The concept of the ''TWF' is to be an open forum for expression of viewpoints relative to current events, and important elements that will contribute toward the progression of this planet out of the current dominationbased system. The goal is to shift to a progressive and evolving systemof responsible self-determination, planetary unity and intelligent interaction by becoming involved in planetary affairs, solvingplanetary problems and bolstering the evolution of our human race into a position of equal interaction with all multidimensional levels of life. To help get the project started, Moraney supplied six questions that you can respond to via e-mail which have been posted for all to viewand contemplate. Morenay told Alex, that he is monitoring responses to the questions on a regular basis. Science Gets Closer To Confirmation In the Los Angeles Times newspaper on Monday, April 28, 1997,on the front page was an article by the Times science writer K.C. Cole, titled Upsetting Our Sense of Self. Basically science is exploring the idea, does the essence of a person lie in the mind, the genes, or some mysterious linkage of both, in regards to cloning? Discussionabout transplanting a persons brain into another persons body or a cloned body is raising issues about whether you think the self is embodied in the body, or is mainly in the brain. Or perhaps, it is neither, but rather some overarching personal essence that ties body and soul together. Science does not yet have a clue. "Cloning is scaring people because it makes people worry about what it is about themselves that is their own," said scholar Hillel Schwartz, author of 'The Culture of the Copy." "If what is unique about us is not the body, then what is it? That's a terrifying question." So science is now trying to figure out questions like, What does it mean to be the same as something or someone else? Where does the self, and soul, reside? How much of who we are is contained in our DNA, and how much is shaped by forces outside ourselves? Is a copy of a person an individual in his/her own right? Who, exactly; are a clone's rightful mother and father? They go on to figure that it is not in the atoms, because every atom in the human body gets replaced within a seven year period, according to conventional scientific wisdom. They figure that if you were atoms, then every seven years you would become someone else. Why even every day or even moment to moment.

Well they sure are going all over with this one. But it is exciting, because science is thinking about the concept of where the soul resides. The closer they get on this topic, the closer to confirmation of one of the Andromedan LongTerm future projections.
If you would like to check out more on this article and related topics, go to http://www.latimes.com/cloningf and see for your self.

Ghosts & Rods Another Andromedan projection was by year 2000, you would hear more reports of "ghosts", because the frequency which will be hitting the planet, which is the Isness, will be raising the VIbration from third to fourth density, pulling them closer together as they start to implode with each other. So how many of you are now seeing flashes of light in the sky and around you and images of beings in the comers of your visual field. Well, its happening to more and more people. Start questioning the unusual, because things are happening now! Alex Presents Defending Sacred Ground to Moraney On March 22nd, Alex had an early morning personal contact with Moraney for which Alex handed Moraney a copy of Defending Sacred Ground. As Moraney accepted the book, he glanced at it with a smile. Alex asked Moraney if he could provide his own definition of self-responsibility. He replied, "I possess all the privileges and rights, as well as all the responsibility of my existence." Confirmation of Andromedan Information Sean David Morton puts out a monthly newsletter called The Delphi Associates which covers information pertaining to Earth changes, political and economic trends and occurrences and undisclosed science and technology, government cover-up's and conspiracies against the freedom of the American people and the world. Sean is noted for going to any length it takes to uncover the truth. In his current Volume III, Issue #30, Sean covers a lot of ground relaying never before shared information by Alfred Bielek - Philadelphia Experiment survivor and Montauk Project participant along with the latest contact information from Pleiadian contactee Adrain based in Miami. The significance about all of this is that much of the new shared information confirms a lot of what the Andromedans through Alex, have been saying for some time now. Sean even draws upon excerpts from past Letters From Andromeda newsletters to emphasize the significanceof the newly released information. Any of you who would be interested in Sean David Mortons information and/or newsletter should contact him at the


Letters From Andromeda V3, 8

DelphiAssociates Newsletter, 2207Hermosa Ave., Hermosa Beach, CA, 90254...VoiceMail: (310) 217-7579 or E-mail address: Delphi Assoc @ AOL.COM In our opinion, the Delphi Associates newsletter is well worth the $50.00 US for the monthly publication. Check it out! Thank You's On behalf of Alex Collier and Letters From Andromeda, we would like to thank those of you who have purchased Volume . One of Defending Sacred Ground, The Andromedan Compendium. This book is comparable to having most of the audio and some of the video tapes in written form. Valdamar Valerian also did an excellent, detailed index, to aid in quick referencing of particular interests in the book. We are happy to report that Alex is starting work on Volume Two, which as yet is untitled, but will continue the Defending Sacred Ground series relating the history of human kind as far back as Lyra to present times, taking in many other races along the way. There will also be additional information regarding the Paa-Tal race, along with other surprises. Letters From Andromeda will from time to time, print excerpts of the information that will appear in volume two as work progresses. Alex has waited a long time to be able to share this information with you, that he has learned from the Andromedan's over the years. It is all our hopes that you and the world we all share will take on the responsibility that this valuable information brings to us and see that we all continue to work on changing the world that we live in today, so that all OUf futures and that of our children will be loving and free.

surface will surrender the sovereignty of their people to a regressive form of government, in order to eat and drink. This is only because of the lack of resolve amongst your Terran races to become more self-reliant. The laziness will be their own internment. 9. Your government is secretly preparing plans to move its location in-land, and close to fresh water. 10. The planetary release, in the rotation of 2004-2005 of crops, in which will grow most anywhere, will feed all. 11. If unchecked, monopolies, as you call them, will control all facets of your lives in the year 2003. You and your Terran races. will lose all ability of self-reliance. You will become a natural resource, and it will be so acknowledged. 12. The artificial and deliberate melting of glaciers will continue to occur, but openly as your rotational 2002 comes. 13. The functionally, intellectual, incapable, beings on your planet has reached 63% of your Terrans races. We thought you should know this. Moraney - Spring 1997

Events and Probabilities

1. Seven hand-held laser weapons were stolen from a secret U.S. military post. They are in the hands of Chinese and Islamic groups of hate. 2. In the next four rotations, at least one of your planets countries population will be devastated by bioweapons. 3. Two of your nations will be destroyed due to nuclear weapons, in the same four rotations. 4. In the next six rotations, all on your planet will experience great shortages of water, not harmful to your physicality. 5. Please look for your Red China country to use it's military to seize and control natural resources of it's neighboring countries. 6. Much of the surface soil used for your farming in the next four rotations will grow nothing at all. It will be dead for a period of nine years. 7. Please come to expect that many of your planets nonhuman species in the surface and on, will be leaving your world in great numbers. 8. By your rotation of 2003, many of your nations on your

A Glimpse of a Great Soul As a little boy, I was very unsure of myself when Vasais would look at me. I remember him listening to my thoughts. He always did. He was my student and yet he was one of the greatest teachers I'll ever know. He was wise and stoic, yet he felt my emotions and at times I saw him respond to them. One time I was very emotional about a betrayal I had just experienced. As I wept he put his hand on my head, and sighed. I felt comforted at once. Moraney was surprised to see this display of emotion from Vasais and he acknowledged it. Vasais became very shy and left our company. Moraney looked at me and said, "We thought that there was little left for him to learn." And he smiled ear to ear. Vasais is my brother, father, and friend, His life was long, His wisdom actual and profound. And his sense of humor, almost nonexistent. I love you and will miss you. -Alex
In Menwry We dedicate this issue to the memory of Vasais. Words can not express the Love and Wisdom that our Zenetain friend unconditionally shared with us Terrans. We wish him well and look forward to meeting up with him in the next life. Alex, Carla, Jon and Deborah

Letters From Andromeda Statement of Purpose: To help create a world of unconditional responsibility. This is a non-profit newsletter dedicated to humanity, without reservation. This wisdom is a gift. The truth should not be offered with restrictions. There is no copyright. Edited by: Alex Collier Published by: Jon & Deborah Robinson - 289 S. Robenson Blvd., Suite 212 Beverly Hills CA 90211 USA (310) 247-8796 email: Robinsonjd@aol.com

Letters From Andromeda V3, 8


Letters From Andromeda Order Form

VuJeo Tapes

VI - "Extraterrestrial Overview: Andromedan Pers ective" -Alex participates in a questi perspectives. This inclu density shifts. (2 H V2 - ''The Federal Rese -Alex discuss population enslave t V3 - "Dallas Wor -This vi coveri mate .. , V4 - "Moon and -This le bodies V5 - "At the Ranch A gather' asked some _ _V6 - "Andromedan Updat A follow-up lectu ertificial structures yerspectives...Great com V7 - "1996 Star Vision Conference" -Short but very intense video that puts a lot of topics "talking one's walk"!

USA/nonUSA US$25.00/$27.50 where he covers many topics relating to Andromedan ment cover-up, and enslavement, and 4th and 5th

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_ _ Letters From Andromeda Newsletter published "Bimonthly"/6 issues per year.

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