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Body Awareness/Control Feet_Hands_Ankles_Wrist_Groin(hips)_Shoulderblades_Gut_Chest_ Pelvis_Ribs_Upper Back_Neck_Skull

Breathing. Strength. Stability. Mobility. Accuracy. Dynamic Balance. "The Bridge" [The following movement pattern is the first progression spinal cord development] 1.) Abdominal Bridge: Pulling motion of the lower abdominals to curl in and lumbar up. 2.) Leg Bridge:Abdominal bridge followed by full hip extension. 3.) Shoulder Bridge: Feet must walk in very tight to shoulders, full upper back extension required. 4.) Low Bridge: Shoulder Bridge followed by placing hands near the ears. S.RC.P. Must lift as one unit 2" 5.) High Bridge: Low Bridge pressed out to lock out "The Squat" [This basic movement is the second progression and will save your feet, knees, hips, back] *Neutral Spine is required to operate bipedal *Stomach Tight,feet wide, Chest Up, shoulders snug, butt back and down. *Hip external Rotation each side then Internal Rotation each side then full ER->IR *Full bottom of the Squat is a resting positiong as long as the spine is neutral and tight. "The Side Push Up" [Lateral Press, This is the 3rd progression and starts in the bottom of the squat] 1.) Side Bend T-spine and place palm on ground, opposite arm straight up in the air. 2.) Extend the same sides leg and lock out knee. 3.) Slowly lower hips to ground, and slowly lower chest to the ground, gentle head tap. 4.) Drive of "heel" of hand, tighten shoulder blade, lift hips, pull leg under, return to squat. *Progression 1. butt doesn't touch the ground with 2 arms. 2. then with only one arm. "The Crab"[Posterior Chain Stability, Leg Mobility and transitions from bottom of squat] 1.) Perform step 1 from "The Side Push Up" 2.) Keep Spine level and joints locked, bring top hand to the same position, and bend knee. 3.)Weight shift Left and Right, forwards and Back, circles and diagonals 4.) Repeat step 3 on only one leg or arms. 5.) Transition: To Side Push Up and Back to Squat 6.) Transition: Weight Shifting from Crab to Squat 7.) Strength Transfer Exercise: Crab One Arm Side Push ups* QDR [Quarter Diagonoll Rotations] [Anterior Chain Dynamic Mobility, starts in bottom of squat] Reset after each Rep!! 1.) QDR Push Up 1.: Pivot One Leg in turn pelvis the same and place elbow in low back, drive through heel. 2.) QDR Push Up 2.: Follow (1) until the stall, Rock forward and gently touch head on ground and smooth out 3.) QDR Forearm Stall: QDRPU2 then sweep top leg backwards but level with body and bottom knee to chest 4.) Headstand to QDR: Perform a High Bridge, place Head down, then 1 hand as far down as possible, lift head 5.) Rotations into High/low Bridge: From squat transition to one arm crab, palm spin out, place other hand. 6.) QDR Circles: Closed chain pressing from QDR tol to bridge to QDR "Hindu Series" 1.)Hindu Squat: Standing feet together, heels down, squat as far as possible before pivoting to balls of feet 2.)Hindu Kneeling: from bottom of Hindu squat, place palms on ground then knees, then sit down, chest up 3.)Hindu Crab: Rotations from Hindu Kneeling or Hindu Squat, add bridge for hip mobility 4.) Side Straight Leg suport 5.) 1/2 Reverse Sweep (Pivot) 6.) 3/4 Front Sweep (Pivot) 7.) Squat to 1/2 Cartwheel (1/2 Au Cortado) 8.) Squat to Cartwheel to Hand Stand (Au Cortado) "Gatherings" [Level 1 is Beginner, Level 2 is Intermediate, Level 3 is Advanced) 1.) => 1 second hold =>Squat Reset => 2s => Squat R => 3s => Squat R => 4s =>Squat R 2.a.) Squat =>2s Hold => Gentle Head Touch => Squat => Tuck Headstand => Squat 2.b.) Squat => Headstand => Knee Balance Stability => Squat =>Full Headstand => Tuck 3.a.) Squat => Full Headstand => Tuck Presses => Straight Leg Toe Touch => Tuck => Squat 3.b.) Squat => Full Headstand => Straight Leg Kip => Handstand => Handstand Toe Touch

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