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Qu.a;t oP Un1VRSAL 'MsooM
A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization
for Religious and Scientific Research.
P R 0 C E E D I N G S
Yucca Valley, California
A branch of the of Universal Wisdom, Inc.
Volume 10 July - August - September - 1973 Number 1
THE "INTEGRA TRON " .........
PERMANENT RECOGNITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The "Proceedings" is mailed free td those people who
request it and financially support its printing by
contributions. There is no subscription rate. All
donations t checks' money orders' contributions and be.-
quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal
"PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer-
sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed
in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: College
Utility Building. George W. Van Taasel, Director;
Darlene J. Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel,
Editor. All rights, including translation, reserved.
Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends
must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped
envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor representa-
tives, please address all correspondence concerning
"Proceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc.,
directly to:
P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284
Last Issue Of The Nineteenth Year Of Publication
We are reprinting drawings, and data, in this issue
of the "Proceedings" that we printed in November and
December of 1954, and January of 1955. This informa-
tion may not be of any value to many of our readers,
but we feel it is important to some of our readers around
the world because of recent verification.
In 1954 and 1955, our space program was still in
planning stages. Nobody had ventured into spaceo
In December of we printed data on a field
around the earth which we called "the
_f_ield ".o Four years later our first space probes veri-
fied this information, and it was named the "Van Allen
Radiation Belt".
In the illustrations, in this article, also printed
with the information in 1954 and 1955, we printed the
principle of explaining what makes
a solar system work.
Recently N. A. S . A. and the Russian space program,
printed data on the measurement of linear lines of
energy in space in a rythmic wave motion of per
second. These are the lines shown in these reprints
which we called "the positive lines of force". These
are the vertical lines in all three drawings. When
science develops some method of measuring the negative
lines of force, shown horizontally in these illustra-
tions, then they will begin to understand the birthplace
of atoms and s.olar systems.
The reprints follow, with only part of the information
originally printed in the "Proceedings":
The Earth As A Motor
The positive and negative lines of primary light
energy cause all motion. Humans, atoms, suns, planets
and galaxies are all powered by the same forces.
The Earth is an oversize electron of a predominantly
negative polarity. Its rotation and orbit are the
result of attraction and repulsion to the lines of
primary light energy.
The drawing is made with the Sun shining in the
center of the Active Quarter from a 4 ~ degree angle.
The Sun is the alternator that changes polarity pre-
dominance from one hemisphere to the other every six
The circles inclos.ing the ''A'' and 'lR" indicate the
direction of the attracting a!ld repelling forces. T ~ e
Negative Primary Light attracts the positive core 1n
the Negative Quarter .and repells the negative crust.
The opposite is true in the Positive Quarter. These
two attracting and repelling "brushes" are changing
position continously as the Earth orbits.
The Moon is one of the bodies acting as a governor
to the Earth. The Earth's tides are a "fluid drive"
connection between the motor- generator-battery Earth,
and the governor Moon.
Gravity of the Moon has no effect upon the Eartho
The only effect of the Moon upon the Earth is by polar-
ity action on the Earth's force-field and by interrup-
tion of the light lines of force.
The Earth is surrounded by a self-generated force-
fieldo Nvthing inside of the Earth's force-field is
affected by anything outside of it, except through the
attracting or repelling effects of polarity in the
lines of light energy or the Sun.
~ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From 6 P.M. to Midnight c a st the Negative Quarter.
Both the positive lines of light-energy and the Sun's
attractive forces are eliminated and the negative lines
of light-energy maintain only the heat of resistance . by
repulsion. The forces of the Active Quarter fade away
and the negative physical bodies of people become tired
and sleepy during the Negative Quarter.
In the Rest Quarter, from .Midnight to 6 A.:M . , the
Sun's positive force, the positive lines of light
energy, and the negative lines of light energy set up
no resistance of attractive or repelling forces. So
the atmosphere and crust cool off in the coldest
quarter of the cycle, because the surface is shielded
from the three forces by the planet.
Our effort, in this article, is to bring to the
layman's mind the understanding of light-energy as
applied to the orbits of galaxies, planets,or electrons.
Every planet in the universe moves in curved lines
of travel. This is not because they were thrown off
by a Sun, or central body. If they were, they would
not orbit. Anything thrown off of a rotating object
will travel in a straight line outward, though it may
J fall because of gravity on the Earth. The reason
planets, or electrons orbit around a central body is --
they are powered by light-energy.
Once again, get this straight in your mind -
positive or negative light-energy cannot be seen by
physical vision. They are both invisible unless they
encounter resistance in opposition. They extend
infinitely throughout all space and penetrate all
bodies in ratio to their densities.
In the drawing of our central Sun and the Earth in
its cyclic orbit is the explanation of the only way to
square the circle.
Light-energy squares the orbit of every body that
travels in it. Light-energy powers everything that
manifests motion whether directly, or indirectly.
The lloon and the Earth are both of negative polar-
ity- as are all humans in their physical substance
and all bodies that can be seen by reflected light.
All negative bodies generate a positive force-field
and all positively charged bodies generate a negative
The atmosphere is actually a part of the crust and
is of the same polarity. It acts as a bearing for the
crust to turn in. The atmosphere and oceans are affect-
ed by the helical vortice set up in each hemisphere in
opposite directions. This is caused by the depleted
lines of primary light giving their energy to motion
of the planet. As they are depleted they try to reach
rest, like people, so they head for the point of least
motion; which is at the poles. Naturally the polarity
seeks opposite polarity.
The small arrows, shown on the Woon, indicate the
direction of forces set up by polarity affecting the
Moon. The A arrows represent attraction forces and the
R arrows stand for repelling forces. At all times these
forces are changing their predominance until the zero
point of curvature is reached, which establishes the
Moon's orbit around the Earth. The Mooo's orbit speed
is fixed according to its charge of negative polarity.
Everything on the Earth is afected by the Moon's
interruption of the positive and negative lines of
light energy. 1'hough this effect is variable it is
apparent in tides, crops and people. At points where
the Moon interrupts the positive- or negative-. lines
of light energy, natural magnetic vortices .-on the
Earth -may cease their rotation for an interval of
time, or rotate in the opposite direction.
The secondary light rays from the positive Sun and
the positive lines of light energy warm the morning
cycle from 6 A .IJ. to 12 Noon. This occurs by the
attractive, resistance heat effect in our negative
atmosphere and the crust of the Earth. The force-field
does not decrease these polarity effects because their
polarities are both positive, therefore they offer no
resistance to each other.
The heat registered during the hottest part of the
day is in the Active Quarter from 12 Noon to 6 P.M.
Higher temperatures are registered in this quarter be-
cause the Sun and positive lines of light-energy are
setting up attraction resistance within our atmosphere
and the negative lines of light-energy are setting up
repelling resistance. Two forces are working in attrac-
tion to the force of the Earth's polarity and one force
is working in opposition to it. The negative lines of
force also meet resistance of the positive force-field,
which acts as a parabolic reflector.
The polarity predominance alternates between the
northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth and
causes the force-field to oscillate. The erratic orbit
path of the Moon follows the oscillations of the
Earth's force-field. The Earth's positive force-field
rotates opposite to the Earth and the Moon's orbit.
Interruptions of the light lines of force by other
bodies or planets causes variable effects on the Earth
and its reactions are transmitted to its self-generated
force-field. These influences cause the oscillations
to vary and hence the Moon's orbit is variable.
Kohoutek, is the name of an astronomer who works in
the Hamburg Observatory, in Germany. Lubas Kohoutek.
He is the first astronomer to report a large comet
approaching the Earth. In astronomy, usually the
astronomer who first discovers something new in the
heavens, has the discovery carry his name, hence,
Kohoutek's "Comet".
The "comet" is due to arrive at Christmas time this
, and will be the largest, brightest, object seen
by the human race. It will be visible to the naked eye
for nearly three months.
Looking into Biblical prophecy, Matthew 24:27 says;
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and
shineth even unto the west: so shall also the coming
of the 'Son of man' be". Kohoutek's Comet will be
seen in the East and end up shining in the West.
Jesus describes todays messed up world in Matthew
25, the whole chapter. Then in Matthew 24:.30 he
describes a sign to be seen in the heavens in the end
The "Star of Bethlehem" was called "his star" by the
three wise men in Matthew 2:2.
Now lets see what happens if we try to connect
Kohoutek's name with any past history.
Canceling out the K's and O's, in Kohoutek, we come
up with the letters that are left, HUTE. Breaking
this down further, we have HU - TE. HU is the name
given to the Sphinx which isthesymbol of the cross-
breeding between Man, in space, and the animals, on
Earth, as described in Genesis in the Bible. This
brought about the HU-MAN species on the Earth. The
Sphinx has a female animal body with a mans head on it.
TE is a symbol in the atomic table of elements and
is number 52, tellurium; 52 is the angle, from the
base, of the sides of the Great Pyramid. The Great
Pyramid i s described in the Bible as "the stone wit-
ness". The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx stand side
by side in the Egyptian desert. The "tellu" in
, -
tellurium also fits the Latin "Goddess of the Earth",
"Tellus" in Roman mythology. "T" also was the symbol
of the original cross, with the top horizontal line
indicating the "laying down animal", connected with the
vertical line of "standing upright man!'. The Christian
religion always connects Christ with the cross and 52
times in the Bible he is called the "Son of Man".
Why didn't a Jones, or Smith, discover the Comet?
Is this part of the prophecy of the destiny of Earth?
One doesn't have to look far these days to see that
this civilization is falling.
Kohoutek's Comet , will scare the hell out of about
of the Earth's population.
Could this portend the return of Christ? God knows
we need someone from out there to straighten out this
mad Earth.
Is Kohoutek's Comet the "Star of Bethlehem" return-
In the Acts of the Apostles, in the Bible, Chapter
1:9,10 and 11: it says, "And when he ' (Jesus) had
spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken
up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And
while they looked sted-fastly toward heaven as he went
up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing
up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up
from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as
ye have seen him go into
Now we have world-wide television so "every eye can
see him". We have space ships from space, seen and
photographed around the world, "the armies of heaven".
And we have Kohoutek's Comet approaching at Christmas
The latest information, which we obtained about
Kohoutek's Comet before we went to press, with this
issue, is as follows.
The "Comet'' will have a brightness of ..;.. 987 magni-
tude as seen from the Earth at it's brightest point.
It will start being visible to the naked eye on the
of November. It will be at maximum brightness on
December 2 8 ~ ; this period in the morning sky before it
gets light. Then from January 2, 1974 it will appear
after sunset in the western sky and pass out of vision
to the naked eye the first part of February 1974. The
Earth at this period will be 92,900,000 miles from the
Sun. The Comet will come 10 times closer to the Sun
than the Earth is, passing about 9,006,000 miles from
it at the closest point. We thank astronomer, William
Miller for this information.
Now to add one piece of information from our source
"upstairs"; the Comet will do something "different"
after passing by the Sun that no other "Comet" was ever
seen to do.
On top of ' this Christmas spectacular, there is an
annular solar eclipse on December 2 4 ~ . This will be
visible in the Eastern United States.
Watch during this period and follow up the after-
effects; possibly a revolution by our elderly citizens
against high living costs. There is a bad astrologi-
cal influence, also, against a top government official
at this point in time.
Thank God for you few faithful readers who have
made it possible to keep the work on the "Integratron"
We have painted the "Dome" at a cost of about
$600.00. We bought a small 12'x 18' steel building,
in order to move a lot of equipment out of the "Dome"
and store ito Cost about $800.00o
It looks like we will have the 55' diameter
armature rotating soon. A mechanical wondero When
this is accomplished, we will start winding the giant
coils and install the instruments in the control room,
as we can afford it.
This project, being the first of it's kind, has
been a long hard job. Twenty years in the making,
but you have been a tremendous team in this accom-
plishment. Stay with us and we will complete it to-
Some readers of the "Proceedings" have frequently
written and said, "a lot of the material in the
'Proceedings' is over their heads".
Many things are "over the heads" of all of us in
these "latter days". Massive waste, ecological ,
disaster, overkill capacity, loss of patriotism,
welfareism, riots, bombings, lies, corruption, econo-
mic inflation, and high taxation. All of these piled
on top of computers, automation, Anti-Ballistic
Missiles, nerve gases, and Vietnam, make one wonder
what is going on. Is this planned? Is this a lack
of intelligence in high places? Is this the influ-
ence of greed, power, and turning away from God given
principles? Where does it all end?
There is a civilization functioning in us, all
around us, and it reciprocates, communicates and
works unnoticed by anyone, in a harmony that is
fantastic. I am speaking of the living cells in
you, in fish, birds, animals, and plant life. They
are not educated in schools, they have no economy,
no politics, no military, no churches, no propaganda,
no government except the laws and order of nature
as God made it.
It has been demonstrated by Hieronomus, Baxter, and
many others that this cell civilization communicat,es
by thought, responds to thought, has no limits over
distance, and conforms to the order of living forms
and the laws of God. Can we call this cell civili-
zation a lower order of life than man? Can we
continue to poison it, analyse it, drug it, kill it
and ignore it, expecting no response, or reaction?
Do the materialistic laws of legislation improve the
order of God's nature?
Who among the mighty is without weakness in
judgement, decision, and order? Where do the in-
significant decisions of the wealthy, the officials,
and the church, change this cell civilization or the
order of the universe?
Life is a manifestation of God in all living things.
The pattern of a butterfly's wings is as it is because
the infinite essence of the mind of God is there,
making the pattern as the ever present mind of God
wants it to be.
This Ever Present Intelligence of the essence of
the mind of God is the media with no limits, no speed
of light, boundless, and perfect in it's order. Cells
use it to communicate, to activate, to gather in forms
of hearts, organs, and bodies with forms.
This is the instant cure, the miracle worker, the
maker of clouds, water, and galaxies. This is the
, law and order of atomic structure where it is. When
one can accept the fact, that they are a body form
composed of trillions of entities we call cells, each
peFforming its function in order and harmony, as an
act of God, with no conflict, no propaganda, no poli-
tics, no money, no legislation, and no military might,
they can begin to be intelligent.
The more one meditates on this and excludes the
thousands of man made laws, the more one begins to be
a cosmic creature. Blow your mind like you blow
your nose and get rid of the conflict, misunderstanding,
and limits of the physical materialistic world. Be
one of God's creatures manifesting the combination of
the cell civilization you are composed of. Realize
you are subject to the laws and order of creation.
You are responsible to this portion of the essence of
God that makes you go.
The communication, by thought, with these cell
structures is what makes faith healing and prayer heal-
ing work.
Resonance between the cells works like the notes in
music.. If you strike a key on the piano, say a "C" key,
every "C" string in all of the octaves on the piano
vibrate if the piano is in tune. By the same token
if your brain cells transmit on a given note every brain
in the same vibration of cell structure will receive
your thought. You may have this thought without know-
ing why you had _t on the receiving end. These
thoughts of other people may be cause of your starting
out to do something, and end up doing something else,
or not following your original intention and end up not
doing it at all.
Cells of all hearts are in the same octave, but
each has it's individual vibration. The same applies
to all livers, brains, kidneys, and other organs and
Cell resonance can make you sick if you are on the
same resonance as some one who is sick in your acquain-
tance. On the other hand, the media of communication
which is the essence of Universal Mind, 9r God, can
allow the cell communication, or prevent ito
Divine direction in your life depends on whether
you have earned it. If something breaks right for
you, seeming to happen so perfectly, without any plann-
ing on your part, you are being rewarded by God's law
of reciprocation for something you . did under universal
law. The greatest response under this law is not so
much what you do but the intent of why you did it.
Moses received divine direction after he killed a
man. This reciprocation was not because he killed
with intent against the man, but rather his intent was
to save a friendo
All intent for personal gain results in misery be-
cause this is the rebound of selfishness. All giving,
with intent to benefit others, will result in a feeling
of satisfaction that is a personal ecstacy, which no
one else can feel but the giver.
God's banking laws are very much like Earth b a n ~
ing laws. If you haven't made deposits of "Do unto
others" and accumulate a deposit, God can't violate
His own fixed laws and respond to your prayers if you
haven't anything in His bank to draw on.
You must give before you ~ ' the same as you must
put gasoline in your car before it will run for you.
Universal Mind, that static resting media of pure
intelligence, is in every atom, cell, and individual.
God didn't give man "dominion over all things" to
corrupt it, to exploit it, or destroy it. He expected
man to carry on the creation by uplifting it and loving
Every function, of every one of the hundred trillion
cells in one adult human body, is done by each cell
with divine intelligence to perform its mission in life.
No motors, no computers, no form of administration
making laws controls its intent, or purpose.
The population of the Earth is a small fraction of
the cells in one human body. Why does this small
minority of humans have to keep this vast majority of
cells in constant discord by their ungodly intent and
greedy actions? Why is everything going from bad to
worse on the planet? Jesus didn't need a security
guard, or an armored car to travel among the people.
- ~ '
Lets get down to the fact that we are the crew on
this ball of r o c ~ in space. Mutiny must ceaseo Money
must become the servant not the master. God never
gave man the right to dominate others of the race of
man. His law sa'id "all other things".
The greed for authority in the world today is lead-
ing to the downfall of all authority. Laws of man are
made to be violated so officialdom can collect fines to
perpetuate the disorder. God made the laws of order.
When are people going to break the satanic influence to
get more instead of give more "unto others"o
The media of mind in the cell, or people, can only
reciprocate in health, or hell, according to the intent
of the thought on the part of those who were given
Let the world's conflict and confusion of material
disorder be "over your head" and understand the God
within you.
Any individual who contributes a gift to
"The College of Universal Wisdom" of $100.00, or
more, will have their name stamped on an individual
brass plate which will be visible around the base
curb of the "Integratron". Their name will also be
listed behind glass on the front of the office
building. Each additional $100.00 gift, by anyone
whose name is already listed, will be marked by an
asterisk behind their name in the cabinet on the
front of the office.
P.O. Box 458
U.S.A. 92284
21 To

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