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ESPAOL INGLS A A PEDIDO DEL INTERESADO: at the request of the party concerned/ the interested party Acad wgtd: ponderaciones acadmicas AL SOLO EFECTO DE SER PRESENTADO: to be presented (..to whom it may concern) ANALTICO: Academic transcript A INGLS - ESPAOL

Admisin: ingreso and therefore is presented: Por tanto se le otorga B Board of Education: Consejo de Educacin Born in: natural de

Analtico / certificado de estudios /certificado analtico: ACADEMIC RECORD TRANSCRIPT (UNIV) / SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT / HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFICATE (ESC) Aparece el sello para legalizar: There appears the seal for attestation purposes
APLAZOS: failed courses/subjects APROB/ DESAP.:Failed/passed course ASIGNATURAS: subjects (UK) courses (US)

Campus: recinto universitario, ciudad universitaria Career: carrera profesional. Course of Study: los estudios correspondientes

AUSENTE: No show
C C.E.S.P.I. : Centro de Estudios Superiores para el Procesamiento de la Informacin. Tambin entre [ ] se aclara Center of Advanced Studies for Data Processing CALIFICACIN: Grade. CERTIFICA: does hereby certify

Dean of the School: Decano de la Facultad


Endowment: donacin Entrance examination: axamen de admisin o ingreso Examination Record Book: Registro F Fee: arancel
Fresher: estudiante de primer ao G Grant: subvencin, subsidio H

Certifico que las firmas que antecedenson auntnticas y pertenecen al: The undersigning authority certifies that the preceding signaturas are authentic and belong to/I do hereby certify that the preceding signaturas of XXX are true and belong to
COND.: subject status/condition/student status

Con el ttulo de: with the degree of/has been awarded the certifiacate in/ A degree of

High School certificate: diploma de Bachiller High-School Vice-Principal: Vice Director/a

Considerando que / Por cuanto: Whereas XXX (student) Cumpli con todos los requisitos legales, reglamentarios y estatutarios vigentes: Legal and statutory requirements have been fulfilled/ he has fulfilled all legal, regulation and statutory requirements currently in force.
CURS: has taken/ has attended D

del Colegio/Escuela Secundaria


In witness thereof: En fe de lo cual, Independent school: escuela privada J Junior college (US): establecimiento de enseanza q ofrece programas de estudios de 2 aos d duracin L Lecturer: profesor M Member, Board of Education: Miembro del Consejo de Educacin

Datos personales: Personal details/particulars/data

De la carrera: Biochemistry course of study / Course of study: XXX

Diploma: Diploma (universitario)/School Diploma (de escuela secundaria)

Director de Enseanza/Jefe del rea de Enseanza: Head of the Teaching Department/ Area. E EGRESADO: graduated

En fe de lo cual se extiende el presente certificado confrontado con los registros y actas originales x: In witness whereof I issue this certificate which is true to the original entry, as certified by/ In witness whereof this certificate, confronted with the records and the original entries, is issued by
EQUI. = EQUIVALENCIA: Transfer EQUIVALE: stands for F FACULTAD: School Facultad de Bellas Artes: School of Fine Arts. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin: School of Humanities and Educational Sciences. FECHA: on this 2nd day of March, 2007

Polytechnics: escuela politcnicas Prescribed: establecidos President, Board of Trustees: Presidente del Consejo de Administracin President of the University: Presidente de la Universidad Principal, Senior High School: Director de la Escuela Secundaria Postgraduate: estudiante de posgrado/posgraduado S School officers: funcionarios escolares correspondientes Sealkeeper: Guardasellos Secretary, Board of Trustees: Secretario del Consejo de Administracin Secretary of the School: Secretario de la Facultad

Fecha de emission: Printed

FOLIO: page H

Secretary of the University: Secretario de la Universidad Syllabus: programa de enseanza. Superintendent of Schools: Inspector de enseanza T Therefore, persuant to the provisions of the regulations ofthis degree is issued: Por tanto, de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en las reglamentaciones dele expiden el titulo de This X is awarded: le otorga el presente X Tutor: professor/tutor Tuition: enseanza/instruccin Tuition fee: derecho de matrcula/matrculaa U

Ha sido aprobado en los cursos respectivos, habindose graduado el: Has finished the corresponding courses / Has satisfactorily completed the Course of Study prescribed for Physician Specialised in Neuphrology in/on Ha completadorequerido para su graduacin: xxx prescribed for graduation Ha terminado/completado satisfactoriamente el (fecha) los estudios correspondientes a la carrera: Has satisfactorily completed the course of study prescribed for
I INSCRIPTO: enrolled (...under student number/Student file N) in J Jardn de infantes: kindergarten/nursery school L LA AUTORIDAD QUE SUSCRIBE: The undersigning (-ed) authority

Undergraduated: estudiante universitario V Vice-President, Board of Trustees: Vicepresidente del Consejo de Administracin Vocational training: capacitacin profesional W Whereas: considerando que

La aprobacin de las materias pedaggicas habilitacin para desempearse en la docencia primaria: Having passed these pedagogic subjects he is allowed to teach in Primary Schools as a teacher specialised in / Pedagogy courses enable the graduate to teach in Primary Schools.
La calificacin 11 equivale a: Grade/Mark 11 stands for LIBROS DE EXAMENES: Books of Exams LIB. = LIBRE: Free student/ Without attending the course

Licencia (documento): LEAVING


Natural de : Born in xxx

Nota: note P

Por tanto, de acuerdo con: Therefore, pursuant to Por tanto/Por cuanto de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en las reglamentaciones de la Ley Universitaria y del Estatuto, se expiden/expiden el presente ttulo de XX: Therefore, pursuant to the provisions of the regulations of the University and its statute, this degree is awarded.
PRACTICO APROB.: practice passed PROFESORADO EN: XX Teaching/ Teacher training program PROM. = PROMOCIN: Without final examination PROMEDIO: GPA Promedio con/sin aplazos: GPA with/without failed exams Q Que a continuacin se indican: detailed herein below R REG. = REGULAR: Regular RINDI: passed S Se extiende el presente, a pedido del interesado: This certificate is issued at

the request of the interested party/party concerned SEGN CONSTA: pursuant to/ in accordance with

Semestre: Term
Son 33 asignaturas aprobadas y 01 cursadas: There are xxx courses passed and xxx taken/ This student has passed xxx courses Segn consta en los registros electrnicos de esta Facultad: There appears a stamp/ an attestation seal that reads: as recorded in the Electronic Records of this School or The above mentioned information agrees with the electronic Records of this School. SELLO DE LA FACULTAD: a seal that belongs to the School.

Se observan las firmas [de izquierda a derecha] de: There appear six signatures
SIENDO SU SITUACIN: Student Status SON X ASIGNATURAS APROBADAS Y X CURSADAS: The student has passed x courses/subjects T

Tardanzas / llegadas tarde: Tardy (tdy) Ttulo: DEGREE

TOMO: book U U.N.L.P.: se deja igual. Entre [ ] se aclara National University of La Plata. Y Y al solo efecto de ser presentado ante quien corresponda: To be submitted to whom it may concern/correspond, in the

Frases largas: Al dorso: Se observa la legalizacin del documento del Ministerio de Relaciones exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto y un timbre del mismo Ministerio, ambos en idioma espaol.// Al dorso del documento se observan las legalizaciones correspondientes y un timbrado del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto en idioma espaol. Curs y rindi las asignaturas que a continuacin se indican: Has taken and passed the following subjects/courses - the courses detailed herein below Ha cursado y rendido las asignaturas que se detallan y que corresponden al plan de estudios de la carrera: Has taken which correspond to the (political science & foreing affaire currculum) La autoridad que suscribe, certifica que segn consta en los libros de exmenes de esta facultadXXX: The undersigning authority does hereby certify that pursuant to the records/Books of Exams of this school XXX Overleaf: There appear the personal data of the graduate student, the right thumb fingerprint, and the signature of There appear the attestation seals of (y se nombran en orden) The National Univ. of LP, The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and The Ministry of Interior.

Cargos: Decano: Dean Rector: Chancellor Secretaria: Secretary/Registrar Guardasellos: Sealkeeper Presidente: President Director/a del Departamento de Alumnos: Head of Students Department Director/a de Enseanza: Head of Teaching Department Alumno libre: OUTSIDE/ EXTERNAL STUDENT Ayudante alumno: STUDENT ASSISTANT/ AIDE Consejo de Administracin/ Junta Administrativa: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Consejo Escolar: BOARD OF EDUCATION Decano: DEAN Dir. De Enseanza: HEAD OF TEACHING DEP. Director/a del Departamento de Alumnos: HEAD OF STUDENTS DEPARTMENT Director of degrees and Certifications: director de ttulos y certificaciones


Escuela: Inspector: Superintendent Director (Escuela Primaria): HEAD MASTER Director: Principal Vice-director: Deputy Principal Presidente del Consejo Escolar: Board Regional/Board of Directors Jurado: Examiner Tutor: Guardian Concurso para cargo titular: Examination for the chair of Concurso para cargo adjunto: Examination for the teaching position of Licenciado: [A degree awarded at University at the completion of 4/5 years of study] (no hay equivalente) Bachiller: [A student who has the Spanish certificate of secondary education] Funcionarios: SCHOOL OFFICERS Inspector de Enseanza: SUPERINTENDENT Jurado: EXAMINER Presidente del consejo escolar: BOARD REGIONAL / BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tutor: GUARDIAN Calificaciones: Calificacin: Mark (BrE) / Grade (AmE) Promedio general: GPA (Great Point Average) Aprobado: Pass/Pass exam Desaprobado: Fail/Failed exam 7,22: 7.22 (Eng) Observaciones: Note Instituciones: CESPI (Centro de estudios superiores para el procedimiento de informacin): Spanish initials for [Centre of Advanced Studies & Data Processing] UNLP: Spanish initials for [National University of La Plata] UCALP: Spanish initials for [Catholic University of La Plata] Cuerpo Docente: Faculty Universidad: University

Instituto Terciario no universitario. (AmE) Ex: Instituto de Formacin Docente: Teachers Collage (Junior- Community - Senior) Facultad: School / Collage (BrE) Facultad/Colegio/Instituto/Escuela: School Escuela Primaria (EPB): Primary School Escuela Secundaria Bsica (ESB): Junior High (BrE) Facultad de Ingeniera: School of Engineering Polimodal: High School Departamento de alumnos: Teaching/Student Department Departamento de ttulos y certificaciones: Department of Diplomas and Certifications Ministerio del Interior: Ministry of Domestic Affairs/Home Office Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacin: School of Humanities & Educational Sciences Planes de estudio: Curricula/Currculo Ciclo lectivo/Ao: Calendar/School Year Carrera/Programa de Estudio: Course of Study (BrE)/Program (AmE) Programa de la materia/ Plan de estudios: Syllabus Materia/Asignatura: Subject (BrE)/Course(AmE) Trabajo Prctico: Practice/Practical Work Ctedra: Chair Legajo: Student N/ ID Crditos requeridos/totales: ATMP Crditos alcanzados: COMP Curso preparatorio para la Universidad: Collage Preparation Course No acadmico: Denotes non-academic Posicin/Rango de la clase: Class Rank Pruebas de capacidad/ Exmenes de aptitud: Competency examinations Direccin general de Ttulos y Planes: Department of Degrees and Curricula
CESPI :centro de estudios superiores para el procesamiento de informacin [ SPANISH INITIALS FOR CENTRE OF ADAVANCED STUDIES & DATA PROCESSING] Colegio Secundario: High School Cuerpo Docente: FACULTY Departamento de ttulos y certificaciones: DEP. OF DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATIONS. Departamento de alumnos: TEACHING / STUDENT DEPART. Direccin de ttulos y certificaciones: OFFICE OF DEGREE & CERTIFICATIONS FROM THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LA PLATA Escuela Primaria (EPB): PRIMARY SCHOOL Escuela Secundaria Bsica (ESB): JUNIOR HIGH (BR) Escuela Secundaria: HIGH SCHOOL Facultad : SCHOOL Facultad de Bellas Artes: SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Facultad de Cs Exactas: SCHOOL OF EXACT SCIENCES Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. de la Educacin: SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES & EDUCACTIONAL SCIENCES Instituto Terciario no universitario: COLLEGE

Ministerio de Cultura y Educacin: MINISTRY OF CULTURE & EDUCATION Ministerio del Interior: MINISTRY OF DOMESTIC AFFAIRS / HOME OFFICE


Escuela secundaria Ingls como segunda lengua: English as a second language Historia mundial/universal: World History Introduccin XX: Basic XX Calificacin acreditada por equivalencia/Crdito por equivalencia: Grade equivalence credit Biologa: CP Biology Introduccin a lgebra: Pre-algebra Deportes de/con red: Net Sports Artes plsticas/audiovisuales: Plastic/Audiovisual art Ayudante Alumno: Teacher Aid Orientacin vocacional: Career Education Educacin vial: Driver Education Reaccin/Composicin (regional): District Writing Redaccin/Edicin: Editing Educacin Cvica: Civics/Government Ciencias biolgicas: Life Science Fsico-qumica: Physical Chemistry (also Physochemistry) Educacin para la salud: Health Education Arte aplicado: Applied art/Projections Arte visual/preformativo: Visual/performative Art Lengua Castellana y Literatura: Spanish Language and literature Dibujo y educacin visual: Drawing and visual education Nociones de derecho e instruccin cvica: Basic law and civics Arte del siglo XX: 20th Century art Geopoltica: Geopolitics Trabajo final: Final paper Plstica Dibujo artstico: Artistic drawing Dibujo lineal: Lineal drawing Dibujo caligrfico: Caligraphy drawing Fundamentos visuales: Basics of visual arts Composicin caligrfica: Caligraphic composition Geometra aplicada: Applied geometry Proyecciones: Projections Grabado: Engraving Introduccin al diseo: Introduction to design Boceto/Modelo y maqueta: Sketch, modelling and mock-up

Seminario de la enseanza de la plstica: Seminar on fine arts teaching Responsabilidad del consumidor: Consumer responsibility Management Prctica de computacin: Computer application Didctica general y especial: Gross/general and specific didactics Bachillerato de Bellas Artes: Fine Arts School Fundamentos de la educacin: Education Basics/Fundamentals of Education Psicopedagoga: Psychopedagogy Organizacin y administracin escolar: School organization and administration Prctica de la enseanza de la plstica: Art teaching training Mecanografa: Typing

Universidad Bioqumica: Biochemistry (Exact Sciences) Anlisis matemtico: Calculus/Mathematical Analysis lgebra, clculo numrico y geometra analtica: Algebra, numerical calculus and analytical geometry Qumica (in)orgnica: (In)organic chemistry Qumica analtica: Analytical Chemistry Botnica: Botany Microbiologa: Microbiology Qumica biolgica: Biological Chemistry Histologa: Histology Anlisis clnicos: Clinical Analysis Fisiologa humana: Human Physiology Bioestadstica: Biostadistics Toxicologa y qumica legal: Toxicology and legal chemistry Biofsica: Biophysics Tecnologa bioqumica: Biochemical Technology Bromatologa y nutricin: Food Science and nutrition Parasitologa y micologa: Parasitology and Micology Inmunologa: Inmunology Industrias bioqumicas: Biochemical industries Introduccin a la qumica: Chemistry Fundamentals Licenciado en Ciencias Polticas y Relaciones Internacionales: Political Science and International Relations of Foreign Affairs Sistema de las ciencias polticas: Political Science System Teora de la administracin: Administration Theory Metodologa y Lgica cientfica: Methodology and Scientific Logic Planificacin: Planning Economa general: General Economy Teora social: Social Theory Introduccin al Derecho: Basic Law Historia Poltica Argentina: Argentinian political history Historia del pensamiento poltico: History of the political thought

Instituciones y procesos polticos: Institutions and Political Processes Teora de las decisiones: Decision-making Theory Tcnicas de investigacin: Research Methods/Techniques Derecho poltico y constitucional: Political and Constitutional Law Sistemas polticos comparados: Comparative Political System Comportamiento Poltico: Political conduct/behaviour Poltica econmica y financiera: Economical financial politics Estadstica social: Social Statistics Teora de las Relaciones Internacionales: Foreign Affaires/International Relations Theory Problemas polticos contemporneos: Contemporary Political Matters Poltica exterior argentina: Argentinian Foreign Policy Anlisis de polticas: Policy Analysis Direccin superior: Superior/Advanced Management Seminario de investigacin: Research seminary Historia poltica argentina: Argentinian Political History Filosofa poltica y social: Social and Political Philosophy

Traductorado/Translation Course (School of Humanities and Educational Sciences) Derecho privado: Private Law Historia de Inglaterra: History of England Estructuras Comparadas: Comparative Grammar Interpretacin: Interpretation Training of English Ingls jurdico y econmico: Legal and economic English Literatura inglesa contempornea: Contemporary English Literature Teora y prctica de la traduccin literaria: Theory and Training of Literary Translation Traduccin cientfico-tcnica: Scientific and Technical Translation Profesorado en comunicacin audiovisual Produccin audiovisual: Audiovisual production Realizacion y lenguaje audiovisual: Performance and audiovisional language Tecnologia audiovisual: Audiovisual technology Estructuras del relato sudiovisual: Taller de sonido: Sound Workshop Pan. Hist- Social de las artes visuales del siglo XX: 20th century historical and social overview of social arts Seminario de video comunitario: community and video seminar Seminario de mediateca: Media library seminar Seminario de metodologia de la investigacion: investigation methodology seminar Seminario de animacin: animation seminar Taller de comunicacin grupal: Group Communications Workshops Realizacion de cine, video y tv: cinema video and tv performance

Tecnologia de cine, video y tv: Cinema , video and tv technology Iluminacion: Lightening Analisis y critica: Review and analysis Historia y sistema de los medios de comunicacin contemporanea: contemporary media system and history Estetica: esthetics Seminario de direccion de actores: acting and direction seminar Seminario de tecnologia aplicada a la ciencia y educacin: science and education applied technology seminar Practica de la enseanza: teaching practice Diseo y planeamiento del curriculum: cv planning and design Teoria de la educacin: Educational theory Antropologia social: social anthropology Sociologia: sociology Psicologia: Psychology Metodologia de la investigacin: investigation methodology Taller de informatica aplicada: applied computing Workshops Teoria del lenguaje audiovisual: audiovisual language Workshops Realizacin de cine y tv: cinema and tv performance Tecnologia de cine y tv: cinema and tv technology Seminario de generos televisivos: televisin genre seminar Taller pedagogico: pedagogic worskhop Taller de informatica: computing Workshop

VOCABULARIO Affixed: SE ADJUNTAN Ao: COURSE Autenticacin: attestation/authentication Award: otorgar / conceder Beca: SCHOLARSHIP Board of Education: Consejo Escolar Board of Trustees: Junta Directiva Carrera / Programa de Estudio (Br): COURSE OF STUDY (Br) / PROGRAM (am)

Career: carrera profesional

Ctedra: CHAIR Class: promocin/clase Ciclo Lectivo: CALENDAR YEAR Condicin: STUDENT STATUS Cuerpo docente: faculty Curso preparatorio para la Universidad: COLLEGE PREPARATION COURSE De acuerdo con: pursuant to Degree: ttulo (diploma para escuela secundaria) Diploma de Bachiller: High School Diploma Direccin Nacional de Gestin Universitaria: National Office of University Management

Egresado: GRADUATE STUDENT Enseanza terciaria: FURTHER EDUCATION Estatutos: By-Laws Expedir(diploma): award, y NO issue Fecha de graduacin: LEAVE DATE/ GRADUATION Fecha de impresin: DATE PRINTED Fecha de ingreso: ENTER DATE Folio: PAGE Grado: UNDERGRADUATE GCSE: General Certificate for Secondary Education

Grammar school: (UK) escuela secundaria, (US) escuela primaria estatal Guardian: tutor
In testimony: bajo testimonio In witness inhereof: en fe de lo cual

LEA: local education authority

Leave date: FECHA DE EGRESO Legajo: STUDENT N /ID Libro: BOOK Materia / asignatura: SUBJECT (Br) / COURSE (am) Ministerio del Interior: Home Office No acadmico: DENOTES NON-ACADEMIC Planes de Estudio: CURRICULA / CURRICULUM Por tanto: therefore Posgrado: GRADUATE (USA)/ POSTGRADUATE (Br) Posicin / Rango en la clase: CLASS RANK Prescribe: DISPUESTO/ APROBADO Programa de la materia/ Plan de estudios: SYLLABUS Pruebas de capacidad / exmenes de aptitud: COMPETENCY EXAMINATIONS Registro: Record Book Reglamentaciones: PROVISIONS School Officers: autoridades escolares Student file number: NUMERO DE LEGAJO

Syllabus: PROGRAMA DE ESTUDIOS Teacher/instructor: PROFESOR DE SECUNDARIA There appear the right thumb fingerprint impression ( huella del pulgar derecho), the
photo and the illegible signature of the interested party. Tesina: DISSERTATION This diploma is presented: SE OTORGA/ SE HACE ENTREGA DE ESTE DIPLOMA Tomo: VOLUME Town council: CONSEJO DELIBERANTE Trabajo Prctico: PRACTICE / PRACTICAL WORK

DIPLOMAS (frmulas)

Aparece el sello para legalizar: THERE APPEARS THE SEAL FOR ATTESTATION PURPOSES Considerando que/ por cuanto: WHEREAS Datos personales: PERSONAL DETAILS / PARTICULARS / DATA De acuerdo con lo dispuesto en las reglamentaciones de la ley universitaria y del estatuto le expiden el presente ttulo de ...: PURSUANT TO THE REGULATIONS OF THE UNIV. LAW AND ITS STATUTE, THE PRESENT /THIS DEGREE OF .... IS ISSUED. Establecido por: PRESCRIBED BY Ha completado....requerido para su graduacin: xxx PRESCRIBED FOR GRADUATION Ha sido aprobado en los cursos respectivos, habindose graduado el...: HAS FINISHED THE CORRESPODING COURSES / HAS SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED THE COURSE OF STUDY PRESCRIBED FOR Physician Specialised in Neuphrology in /on ... Ha terminado/ completado satisfactoriamente el (fecha) los estudios correspondientes a la carrera...: HAS SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED THE COURSE OF STUDY PRESCRIBED FOR... La autoridad que suscribe, certifica que segn consta en los libros de exmenes de esta facultad...XXX: THE UNDERSIGNING AUTHORITY DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT PURSUANT TO THE RECORDS / BOOK OF EXAMS OF THIS SCHOOL...XXX Inscripto bajo el n XX..: STUDENT FILE N / ENROLLED UNDER N De la carrera....: BIOCHEMISTRY COURSE OF STUDY / COURSE OF STUDY: XXX Ha cursado y rendido las asignaturas que se detallan y que corresponden al plan de estudios de la carrera: HAS TAKEN...WHICH CORRESPOND TO THE political science & foreing affairs curriculum Curs y rindi las asignaturas que a continuacin se indican: HAS TAKEN & PASSED - THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS / COURSES...- THE COURSES DETAILED HEREIN BELOW... Promedio con/sin aplazos: GPA WITH/ WITHOUT FAILED EXAMS Y al solo efecto de ser presentado ante quien corresponda: TO BE SUBMITTED TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN / CORRESPOND, IN THE Egresado el ao xxx: GRADUATED IN THE YEARFROM/ YEAR OF GRADUATION Guarda similitude. BEARS RESEMBLANCE Cumpli con todos los requisitos legales, reglamentarios y estatutarios vigentes: LEGAL AND STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED / HE HAS FULFILLED ALL LEGAL, REGULATION AND STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS CURRENTLY IN FORCE. Certifico que las firmas que antecedenson autnticas y pertenecen al ...: THE UNDERSIGNING AUTHORITY CERTIFIES THAT THE PRECEDING SIGNATURES ARE AUTHENTIC AND BELONG TO En fe de lo cual se extiende el presente certificado confrontado c/ los registros y actas originales x: IN WITNESS WHEREOF I ISSUE THIS CERTIFICATE WHICH IS TRUE TO THE ORIGINAL ENTRY, AS CERTIFIED BY / IN WITNESS WHEREOF THIS CERTIFICATE, CONFRONTED WITH THE RECORDS AND THE ORIGINAL ENTRIES, IS ISSUED BY Reconocida por: ACCREDITED BY Por decisin del cuerpo docente: UPON NOMINATION OF THE FACULTY

Cierres: This is a true and accurate translation into English of a single copy of the original document written in Spanish before me, attached hereto, in the City of La Plata, on November 18th 2009. [For attestation purposes only] Es traduccin fiel al idioma ingls de la (foto)copia adjunta del documento original redactado en idioma espaol, que tengo a la vista y a la cual me remito en la ciudad de La Plata a 18 das del mes de noviembre de 2009.

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