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Land has been secured for a new work to

be started pajTiiait on

in Hokkaido in 1963, The final the lots was made on Deceinber

12th, closing a transaction of some k months. The purchase price of $U950 was secured as follows: Loan 31316,11, fur lough fund 52500, specinl gifts and general fund ;^933.99, sale of car ;?200,
For some time the Fabcrs had boon con

templating the best place to begin anovhor evangelistic effort. Even before Japaiiese leadership %7as available for the Ubiliiro vfork they consideroU the Tomakomai area. Several months ago Ernest wrote to the

City Office of Tomakomai


other sour

Material was also secured from

ces, In September when Eniost and Neva were relumiiag from Sapijoroj -.vhere they had cairoUed their dau ;hter, Linda, in sjchool,
xJicy stopped in Tomakomai to look over the city, Tomakoiaai seemed to be a proadsing place to start a new vx)rk.

Tomakomai City

It wasn't until the latt.ir part

of 3e^

tcmb-.;r tliat Ernerjt and Mr, Sugiura were able to make a survey trip. At that time they looked over \xro new residential areas in the city. Then -.Thile the garaj-e was re

placing the windsnield in the car, that was broken by a rock thra\in by a truck, they
went across the street to the City Office
Lots for

to check conccrniag future plans of the city. Here they learned which areas were

most likely to grow,

Couiimwii on

church (-^) and housa(X)





[ term of service in Japan, the Ernest Faber

After con^ileting their second


I lough in tliily, 1967 They plan to leave

Yokohama July 2, on the Argentina Uaru, a
for the whole
passenger vessel of the Mitsui OSK Line,

I family v/ill retum

to the States for fur^

The price of the ticlcet

Mlisul OS.K. Lines. Ltd

iTill be 'SlST?,




adult's (12 years and over)



ren's tickets. The dov.Tipayment will be made in Januaiy with final payment due In . May, "11 t'we J

Repent ye; and believe, ihe .gospel
! 22 Mark

JAPANESE leadership

As you know these words are part ot our Lord's first sayings* Repentance is one of the most difficvat matters especially for We are living in the most civilized part

many traffic accidents svery day. Thirteen thousand persons or more have been killed

the cases have been in connection with the

conscience of the car drivers* Uost Japanese car drivers do not beleive in Qod who


on high. On the contraiy they beleive in r '"_ ' " gods "who can be seen in the shape of a lit tle box or plaque. In other words they bemj Mr, Sugiura, Sugiura, his his wife, Hi Hideko, leive in gods who were made for them (idol lb"* his mother, mother, and and their their three worship) and do not beleive in God for whom his ee boys (fgf (ages 5 5 years, ^ U years, ' & they we inade.

Last week, ten kindergarten chUdren parsonage paj-gonage behind behind the the church church were killed on the spot by a durri truck in ttuildinp. building.
Alchi prefecture. The driver of the diimp truck was sleeping at that moment. Perhaps
his soul was also sleeping* It is very nec-

8 months) in front of the


their lives and their hearts, Japanese peopla must beleive in God who always sees their hearts. More Japanese beleivers must work toward the goal of getting more hearts
Our government decided more rigid laws

cessary to wake


their souls, change

| I I | [ ' flBlfelljll


for the purpose of putting an end to the

traffic accidents* 1 think the laws are of

, I
1 .

no use in stopping ma^y accidents. But changing hearts can save not only a lot of lives but also get more souls for eternal

life. Japan needs repentance

the most in^ortant slogan for us Japanese

.Dii;' vit::!!.:' X3t; iJlQI:' 4C:::2'' -X.'H.' !:::!'

"Repent ye, and beleive the gospel." is

By Mr. Koji Sugiura


::![- JicaOK' :: !C3i>-'i;:..:" -C'J- 'SiTJi-

Si June the





called Mr. Koji Sugiura to be

their first full time minister,

Sugiura Tfas bom in Alchi prefecture on August 23, 193i|* His father passed away ?rtien he was 12 years old, Mr. Sugiura became a Christian under
the ministry of Ur. Muto at Mabashi Church of Christ in Tokyo. Ke gradu ated from high school in 1953 and the following year entered Tokyo Bible Seminary from which he graduated in 1958. Mr. Sugiura was the minister of Yokosuka's Kugo Church of Christ from
1958 until coming to the church in Obihiro,

IOne of the problems is taeside tran3frfiui I'liyc 1)

portation. The most practic<-il solution is to purchase a vehicle that can later be
used on the mission field.

One of the pop-

ulsir foreign made Volkswagen, It is

able but bettcsr

cars in Japan is the not only y-y.ry service

t!ian most Japanese



Therefore they plan

to hviy a Volks

wagen Micro Bus direct from Genaany thi-ough

a Japanese outlet. By buying directly from the factory they can secure it for a cheaper price (:;^2lU7.30 delivery in U.S. included) and have it equipped v/ith a right-hand
drive for use in Japan, The contract for

J\ily delivery of this car must be

made in

&b[ in this- vehicle cen be removed giving - addSummer

February ^rith final payment in April. Seats

ed advantage of beinj'; easily con'/erted into a van for hauling equipment or unrolling a
cot for overnight lodj^ing.

Tentatively the Fabers arc plan'.iinc to Live in D:?nville, Illinois at least, in

the Tri-state ai-'^ia. This vdll enable them

to visit supporting churches more easily. They 3^12 looking fon-nrd to their return to the States and are now scheduling visits.

They invite friends and churches to send preferred choices of dates so that an itin erary convenient to supporters can be ar-

Kindergarten sports




Ernest D. ond Neva E, Fober

'66 Missionary convention

in Sapporo

M Odori, Minami 21 Chome Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan

John R. Noe, Bo* 173 Adel, Iowa


Tomakomai City is one of the

contain 31^ of the isl.ind's

ma^Jor gateways to an area knew as Central


This area has been designated 2 industrial area by the Japanese

By 1970 this area is expected to

5,360,000 people or l,3ia,000 people. This is an expected increase of over I960, Tanakomai, itself, has increased from 51,000 to 85,000 in the last five years and the city predicts a population of lU5,000 by 1970, Toraakomai City has the largest paper mills in Japan and 17 new factories are committed to muve into the city. Its man-made harbor, which was opened li\ 1963 is being enlarged yearly to accommodate increase in traffic. The city is at the crossroads of highways from southern Hokkaido leading to the
capital city of Sapporo.

The city lies on the Pacific Ocean with its back to the mountains, rherefore it can grow in only two ways-toward Sapporo in an area designated
years be in the center of this large area.
area designated residen tial, The Fabers have chosen to locate in ^ thean western residential area. By locating near the now developing housing area they will in two or three

There still remained the

HI Shiidiul area is a >H'ir hniishig area now developing. 92 An'Ofuchtsedwithduttfd liiif is to he n new housing
.crcji ia-the uaai fiUvre. Pmp<tsvd new church lot.

problem of the house lot, A representative of the Toraakom.-ii office who lives in Obihiro presented sevei-al possibilities but the lots were either too large, too expensive, or too far away.

'4 Proposed missionary's house lot.

When he was leaving one day

Ernest said rather .1okinRl\c
"Say, hcrw about buying a good car? I have one for sale," The broker respond ed, "You're not kidding,are you? I know a man who has
a small lot in the area of

Insert is map of Hokkaido shmring capita! city.

Sapporo, and the present home of Fabers, Obihiro.
The shaded area is the 112 industrial area.

(^Continued from first

It -Was soinetine after noon before they were able to contact real esta^e dealers

concemiig land in the area. After calling several only to leam all of theni were at a

the church for a Car.


who is looking Maybe he will

his old
lot in

convention in town, they were finally able

to find someone who could shor/ them land in

Later that after small

noon Ernest traded

car in on a

the city.

This office


land of suffi

cient size and at a reasonable price. Later



was allowed

investigation revealed

he was the only one

who had land available in the area they had chosen, A few days after retuiTiing home a contract was made to buy this land for a
future church.

twice the price the used car dealers would quote. Can anyone doubt that the Lord was leading in the
above transactions?

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