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The meeting took place on Tuesday 17 September at 7.30pm.

Minutes by Penny Corfield, on behalf of Sec. Jonny Medland Please send apologies/ messages/ items of business to

Present: Feras Alshaker (chair); Roy Bryan; Chris Callaghan; Ben Cavanagh; Penny Corfield; Jane Eades; Su Elliott; Samantha Heath; Shalu Kanal; David Kirk; Tim Kirk; Martin Linton; Sara Linton; Robert Molteno; Liza Pawlowska; Matt Pitt; Mark Rowney; James Sheward; Wendy Speck; Kate Stock; Peter Taylor. In attendance: Bea Watkinson (Organiser) Others present who did not sign register please contact PJC to add names. MINUTES 1. 2. 3. Apologies: Tony Belton, Lynne Jackson; Mark Rowney for late arrival Minutes of July AMM: agreed Will Martindales Campaign as PCC: Will gave an update of campaigning activity to date; and invited discussion about two contemporary issues. 3.1 We had a thoughtful discussion about Syria, agreeing that Western intervention without an exit strategy was unwise; but also stressing that neither Labour nor Britain should retreat into isolationism. 3.2 We also discussed the important local issue of Battersea Park School, which recently failed its Ofsted inspection. Agreed that Jane Eades + Penny Corfield should write position statement about BLPs response, welcoming the prospect of new investment into the school but deploring the apparently arbitrary Ofsted judgment which came out of the blue from an unaccountable private firm named Tribal Ltd. Panel and Debate: Improving Wandsworth Streets, with guest speakers Robert Molteno from Wandsworth Living Streets campaign (street safety) + Samantha Heath (air pollution). A report 'Wandsworth Pedestrians', from July 2013 meeting between WLS + Cllr Russell King (Wandsworth Conservative transport lead) was also circulated. Robert and Samantha spoke with authority, passion and engagement about the need for improvements and the policies that can deliver. After a lively discussion, the speakers were warmly thanked and they (and Batterseas delegates on the Wandsworth Local Campaigns Forum) will press specific policy proposals for the Labour Partys Council manifesto in 2015. Report from Robert Molteno circulated herewith and has also been sent to Rex Osborn and James Daley (Wandsworth Labour Group Leader + Whip).



Latchmere Councillors Report: presented to meeting and also circulated. Wendy Speck and Simon Hogg updated on local campaign meetings and the upcoming bit local upheaval of Latchmere estates renovation.

6. Contemporary Motion to Conference: The EC agreed the following motion, which has been rejected by the Conference Arrangements Committee. Martin Linton (2013 Conference delegate) and Feras Alshaker (chair) will meet the CAC to appeal. We welcome the resumption of direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem in August. US State Secretary John Kerry deserves credit for bringing the two sides together, but no agreement is possible until the continual expansion of illegal settlements, their encroachment on Palestinian land and their expropriation of Palestinian resources is not only stopped but reversed. We recognise the equal right of Israelis and Palestinians to peace, security and self determination. That is why the Labour Party, alone among the major parties, supported the Palestinian application to the United Nations last year. That is why the Labour Party should again lead the way by becoming the first of the major parties to move from words to actions on settlements. It is widely agreed that settlements are against international law and an obstacle to peace. Accordingly, we ask conference not to allow UK firms to trade with them, invest in them or supply the infrastructure of an oppressive occupation that allows them to prosper at Palestines expense. This is an anti-settlement policy, not an anti-Israel policy. It will not affect the economy of Israel itself. But it will send a message to Israels leaders that we will not condone or cooperate with their ill-judged and illegal settlement project that threatens the future for both Palestine and Israel. Agreed nem.con. to submit this as Contemporary Motion (deadline midday 12 Sept.) and to appeal, if it is not accepted as a Contemporary Motion. 7 A.O.B. Notices given re future canvass sessions + fund-raising events (see below). The meeting ended at 9.33pm

Date of next AMM = Tues. 29 October 2013 at 7.30pm Speaker: MARGARET HODGE (Labour: Barking & Dagenham)

DIARY DATES: CANVASSING REGULAR WEEKENDS IN BATTERSEA Saturday mornings at 11.00am. Meet at 177 Lavender Hill and PHONE CANVASSING - THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 177 LAVENDER HILL Contact BLP Organiser: bea.watkinson@gmail.com

DIARY EVENTS: SOCIAL/FUNDRAISING Thurs 19 Sept - Quiz night at 177 Lavender Hill: contact katharine.stock@aol.com Tues 15 Oct Carol Rahn speaking on Northcote Road Its History & Future open meeting of Batlham/Northcote Branches: contact p.corfield@btconnect.com Wed 16 Oct. 7.30pm Relaunch of Battersea Book Club at 44 Lavender Gardens, SW11 contact: s.avery@westminster.ac.uk and joanopray@hotmail.com Thurs 17 Oct. Andy Slaughter MP fund-raising dinner at Battersea Rickshaw: contact lynne@lynnejackson.net Thurs 21 Nov. Stand-up-for-Labour comedy evening: contact katharine.stock@aol.com Friday 24 Jan. 2014 Junction Jazz cool swing concert at Battersea Mess & Musical Hall: contact katharine.stock@aol.com and p.corfield@btconnect.com.

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