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! Rules,!legislation,!chambers,!and!other! pertinent!information!for!the!2013!Blue!Key! Speakers!Bureau!Debate!Tournament! !


Congress!Schedule! !
Thursday,!October!24! Round!Robin!! ! Friday,!October!25! 4:30!pm!! Judge!call! 5pm! ! Saturday,!October!26! 7:30!am! Judge!call!! 8!am!! 4!pm! 9pm!! ! Sunday,!October!27! 8!am! 9!am! !
**Please!note!that!this!schedule!is!tentative!and!subject!to!change.!All!schedule!changes!will! be!announced!in!round!and!also!posted!on!the!FBK!Debate!website.!We!will!do!our!best!to! keep!this!schedule!to!the!best!of!our!ability!**! ! ! !


Preliminary!Round!2! Semis!Breaks!Announced/Semis!Judge!Call! Finals!Breaks!Announced!

12!noon! Preliminary!Round!3! 4:30!pm! Semis!Round!!

Final!Round!Breakfast!(Advocacy!Center)! Final!Round!(Advocacy!Center!Courtroom)!!


! Director! ! ! ! ! Assistant!Director! s! ! !! ! ! Staff!members! ! ! !! ! ! !! ! ! Gator!Guard!! ! ! Oliver!Moll! Christopher!Reuther! Regan!Bloss! Hannah!Kern! Dillon!Chepp! Ryan!Wolis! ! Michael!Vigars! !

! Preliminary!Round!Format!

There!will!be!eleven!(11)!preliminary!chambers!with!22!competitors!in!each!chamber.!! All!competitors!will!debate!in!the!chamber!that!they!are!assigned.!! There!will!be!three!(3)!preliminary!rounds!of!three!(3)!hours!each!for!a!total!of!nine!hours! of!preliminary!debate! A!tournament!staff!member!will!open!and!close!each!session.!! The!top!six!(6)!competitors!from!each!chamber!will!advance!to!the!semifinal!round!of!the! tournament!

! !

Tournament!staff!will!write!legislation!for!the!semifinal!round.! Competitors!will!receive!semifinal!legislation!Friday!night!after!Round!1.! Each!semifinal!chamber!may!set!its!own!agenda!based!on!the!legislation!provided.!! There!will!be!no!call!for!authorship!speeches.!The!first!affirmative!speech!will!be! considered!a!sponsorship!and!will!be!given!to!the!senator!wishing!to!speak!with!the!best! recency.!!

! !

The!Super!Congress!round!will!be!a!scenario!presented!by!the!Tournament!Staff.!! Information!regarding!the!scenario!will!be!given!throughout!the!tournament.!Legislation! will!not!be!given!before!the!beginning!of!the!Super!Congress!round!Sunday!morning.!

The!tournament!will!follow!all!NFL!Congressional!Debate!rules!in!addition!to! any!rules!listed!below!
! Decorum:!All!chambers!will!be!Senate!Chambers.!For!purposes!of!unity!among!chambers,! please!refer!to!fellow!competitors!as!senators!and!the!PO!as!Mr./Madame!President.!! ! Legislative!Day:!Each!round!will!be!considered!one!legislative!day.!Therefore,!after!each! session!speaking!order!(recency)!will!reset,!a!new!PO!will!be!elected,!and!legislation! currently!be!debated!must!be!voted!on.! ! Question!period:!Each!authorship,!sponsorship,!or!first!affirmative!as!well!as!the!first! negative!speech!on!each!new!legislation!will!be!given!a!2!minute!questioning!period.!All! other!speakers!will!be!given!a!1!minute!questioning!period!following!a!speech.!Rules!for! questioning!are!outlined!by!the!NFL.! ! Agenda:!Competitors!will!set!and!vote!on!an!agenda!before!round!one.!All!authorship! speeches!must!be!given!priority.!After!all!authorships!from!the!chamber!have!been! exhausted,!the!chamber!will!debate!ALL!legislation!from!the!next!lettered!chamber!(ie.! Chamber!A,!upon!completion!of!its!authorships,!will!debate!legislation!from!Chamber!B,! and!then!Chamber!C).!! o When!beginning!debate!from!another!chamber,!sponsorships!from!the!same! school!will!be!given!preference!to!other!legislation.!! o Agendas!may!be!amended!by!a!2/3!vote!of!the!chamber;!however,!we!discourage! abusing!this!ability!because!it!takes!away!time!for!debate.! ! Technology:!technology!will!be!allowed!in!chambers!during!round,!but!use!of!Internet!at! any!time!during!the!round!(both!in!and!out!of!the!chamber)!is!prohibited.!Any!competitor! found!in!violation!of!this!rule!is!subject!to!disqualification!! ! Rules!regarding!voting!on!legislation,!electing!a!PO,!amendments,!and!proper!decorum!will! follow!standard!NFL!formats.!If!there!are!any!questions!or!concerns!regarding!any!of!these! rules!please!direct!them!to!a!FBK!Congressional!Debate!staff!member.!! ***WHEN!SPEAKING,!USE!ONLY!CODE!GIVEN!IN!THIS!PACKET,!NOT!SCHOOL!NAME***!

Chamber(A( Alume$ Balcazar$ Boccalon$ Bommineni$ Brodkey$ Carreno$ Chepp$ Feinberg$ Filippini$ Hunschofsky$ McCarthy$ Odok$ Prasad$ Rice$ ScoK$ Suero$ Tropp$ von$Krauland$ Wexler$ Williams$ Wolterman$ Zamora$

209( Elizabeth$ Andres$ Leonardo$ Vishal$ Chris$ MaKhew$ Ryan$


Code( PS$ PJ$ PC$ SP$ CW$ CW$ PC$ RM$ JJ$ OM$ PL$ HK$ QP$ TM$ EC$ CR$ RM$ PC$ AA$ ER$ RB$

Chamber(B( Algave$ BreKhauer$ Chinchilla$ Dorfman$ Erwin$ Goldberg$ Goldstein$ Ha[el$ Hanan$ Herman$ Howard$ Kahlon$ Kalogerakis$ Nakfour$ Rodriquez$ Radkowski$ Ram$Gupta$ Riazudeen$ Rodriguez$ Slotkin$ Williams$ $$

210( Dean$ Carmen$ Andres$


Code( PL$ DN$ PJ$ RM$ JJ$ RM$ SP$ RF$ RW$ PS$ HK$ PC$ RB$ CW$ ER$ RO$ QP$ CW$ OM$ LR$ $$

Chamber(C( Arrow$ Baumann$ BenedeJ$ Borgen$ Browne$ Cohen$ DorseK$ GuTerrez$ Gutner$ Himebaugh$ Kacens$ Krishnakumar$ Longhofer$ Mccarthy$ Moreno$ OrTz$ Otero$ Schmidt$ St.$Julien$ SuKon$ Trapp$ Venkatachalam$

270( Lucas$ Benjamin$ Niccolo$ Deymos$ Mia$ Brandon$ Ryan$ Nicolas$ Hannah$ Emma$ Meghana$ Luke$ Connor$ Carlos$ Ivan$ Dante$ Charles$ Jahdziah$ Jared$ Oliver$ Chandran$

Code( RM$ RM$ CW$ HS$ PC$ MC$ CC$ RB$ PS$ LR$ RF$ CM$ PC$ PJ$ PL$ CW$ ER$ CR$ OM$ SP$ QP$

Joey$ Lauren$ Will$ Sydney$ Joshua$ Jake$ Suchait$ Cameron$ Kevin$ David$ Bryce$ Saagar$ Raaghib$ Nathan$ Zachary$ Emily$ $$

Maximiliano$ PC$

Blaise$ Michael$ Bridget$ Selim$ Hemal$ Chris$ Reed$ ChrisTan$ Jonathan$ Ben$ Laterrin$ Amanda$ Andrea$

Christopher$ DN$

Francesca$ RW$

Chamber(D( Beer$ Carpenter$ Chou$ Dabage$ Faris$ Fine$ Friedman$ Fulkrod$ Harosh$ Larson$ Layson$ LeBert$ Lozano$ McLeod$ MENEZES$ Narasimman$ Park$ Romero$ Saperstein$ Waggoner$ Woodham$ Wynne$

283( Michael$ Lindsey$ Zachariah$ Suzanne$ David$ Jacob$ Ariel$ Warren$ Guy$ Lacey$ Zed$ Jana$ Richard$ Travis$ JOSHUA$ Manish$ Eun$ Daniel$ Tess$ Nicholas$ Michael$ Nicole$

Code( CM$ DR$ OM$ RB$ ER$ PL$ SS$ TA$ CW$ PS$ HK$ CR$ RM$ HS$ RF$ RF$ PC$ PJ$ MC$ CW$ PC$ LR$

Chamber(E( Baig$ Barroso$ Bello$ Blinderman$ Cameron$ ChiJck$ Cimerberg$ de$la$F$ Engelsberg$ Gutner$ Hinostroza$ Li$ Love$ Oloufa$ Pando$ Pons$ Staviski$ Teller$ Troconis$ Wainer$

284( Mirza$ John$A.$ Kyleb$ Jared$ McKenzie$ Rosie$ Jacob$ Andres$ Ryan$ Rachel$ Nicolas$ Ivy$ Kristen$ Adam$ Anthony$ Mauricio$ Nick$ Eric$ Carla$ ITel$

Code( PC$ PJ$ PL$ PC$ SH$ RO$ CW$ RB$ LR$ PS$ CW$ DN$ CR$ HK$ RM$ XD$ DR$ ER$ TD$ OM$ SS$

Chamber(F( Alduncin$ Chiappelli$ Clarke$ Cohen$ Connelly$ CoKerell$ Douge$ Fraihat$ Harpalani$ Hutchins$ Lieberbaum$ Longley$ Mendoza$ Morales$ Orozco$ Perez$ Rashid$ Roland$ Senderowitz$ Soares$ Ulloa$ Verma$

345( Grant$ Aaron$ Jeremy$ Ben$ Jordan$ Nasser$ Ratana$ Vishal$ ScoK$ Eric$ Alexis$ Daniel$ Alexander$ SanTago$ Tiany$ Hamza$ Nicholas$ Noah$ Jorge$ Maximo$ Hannah$

Code( CW$ JJ$ PC$ RO$ PL$ PC$ PS$ CM$ DC$ RM$ AR$ LS$ OO$ CW$ RB$ OM$ SH$ SP$ ER$ PJ$ HK$

Franchesca$ GC$


Chamber(G( Bel$ Costello$ Diaz$ Euteneuer$ GiKler$ HuKon$ Joyce$ Kee$ Larriviere$ Levine$ Munoz$ Murshid$ Myers$ Naik$ Page$ Park$ Ramnath$ Srebnick$ Thompson$ Towriss$ Umman$ WeKach$

355A( StanTa$ Liam$ Ricardo$ James$ Cameron$ Jonathan$ Sam$ Alex$ Valeria$

Code( RW$ ER$ RB$ ER$ RM$ PC$ RO$ BR$ CW$ RM$ PJ$ PL$ AR$ OM$ MP$ PC$ PS$

Chamber(H( Auchey$ Bates$ Callaghan$ Deangelo$ Desaulniers$ Edwards$ Ferrante$ Galvez$ Gordon$ Johnston$ Kabir$ Kennedy$ Kishnani$ Murray$ Newman$ Orozco$ Rif$ Rodriguez$ Rosell$ Shrivastava$ Solomon$ Urdaneta$

355B( Joshua$ Andrew$ Dennis$ Miles$


Code( SS$ SH$ AR$ ER$ RM$ SD$ SW$ RB$ SD$ GG$ PL$ PC$ EG$ IT$ HS$ CW$ PC$ BR$ PJ$ PS$ RO$ BC$

Chamber(I( Adams$ BhuKa$ Boast$ Brillant$ Burstein$ Burvenich$ Cenord$ Chang$ Cohen$ Douglass$ Epelman$ Fresch$ Holmes$ Hu$ Kinnaman$ Miller$ Murphy$ Neuwirth$ RodriguezY Gonzalez$ Shmul$ Wishner$ Xi$

359( Jake$ Rajesh$ Shelby$ Karl$


Code( LQ$ QP$ TD$ PC$ RM$ SH$ CD$ PL$ IK$ SW$ SP$ IT$ KR$ AR$ ER$ SD$ NG$ RM$ PC$ PS$ CW$

Bryan$ Francesca$ SebasTan$ Jacob$ Luke$ Shadman$ Julia$ Sujata$ Hannah$ Zack$ Juan$ Raymond$ Andres$ Teobaldo$ Shivani$ Kevin$ Nelson$

Sophia$ David$ Andy$ Daniella$ Jessica$ Amos$ Landen$ Charles$ Jennifer$ Morgan$ Dean$ Gregory$ Kevin$ Neil$$ Richard$ Yuval$ Grant$

Nicolas$ MM$ Dejah$ Kunal$ Rebecca$ Moojin$ Anika$

Samantha$ PS$ Erika$ Alex$ Josh$ Maddie$ IT$ CW$ CW$ HK$

Dominique$ GG$

Chamber(J( Addeo$ Bailey$ Beaver$ Bradshaw$ Brunicardi$ Chang$ Chute$ Cisneros$ Doddapaneni$ Foley$ Grant$ Iandoli$ Klein$ Maravankin$ McHugh$ SibbiK$ Sigalow$ Snoderly$ Steinmetz$ Theuma$ Zhou$

360( Jennifer$ Peyton$ Sam$ Robert$ Jade$ Alan$ Jordan$


Code( EC$ IT$ DC$ PC$ RF$ PC$ SW$ RM$ QP$ ER$ CD$ BR$ HK$ NG$ MM$ KA$ SH$ CW$ CR$ YN$ PC$

Chamber(K( Barone$ Brown$ Bryant$ CelesTn$ Estel$ Feinstein$ Friese$ Gra$ Hanan$ Lawrence$ Louis$ Mahesh$ Montoya$ Nguyen$ Novykov$ Osaba$ Selogy$ Simmons$ Smith$ Towriss$ Walton$

382( Nicolas$

Code( RM$ RM$ ZA$ CD$ PC$ RM$ PC$ EC$ RF$ AC$ RW$ QP$ LR$ BR$ PC$ CW$ IT$ MP$ PJ$ CW$ PL$

Taylor$ Stanley$ Rudgy$ Jessica$ Kole$ Ashley$ Samantha$ AusTn$ Ernest$ Shashank$ Maria$ Alan$ Andriy$ Manuel$ Wayne$ Lyden$ Alejandro$ Andrew$ Anthony$

Divyesh$ Timothy$ Dimitri$ MaKhew$ Max$ Stephie$ Jacob$ ChrisTan$ Spencer$ Lauren$ Nicholas$ Luke$ Kevin$

TBA$$Tab$Room$ 136$$Judges$Lounge$ A$$Super$Congress$ 209$$Chamber$A$ 210$$Chamber$B$ 270$$Chamber$C$ 283$$Chamber$D$ 284$$Chamber$E$ 345$$Chamber$F$ 355A$$Chamber$G$$ 355B$$Chamber$H$ 359$$Chamber$I$ 360$$Chamber$J$ 382$$Chamber$K$

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BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! The!Department!of!State!will!remove!sanctions!imposed!by!the!United! States!on!Iran.! SECTION"2.! The!sanctions!that!are!removed!by!this!bill!will!be!the!U.S.!embargo!on! dealings!with!Iran!and!the!United!States!and!the!U.S.!ban!on!selling! aircraft!and!repair!parts!to!Iranian!aviation!companies.! SECTION"3.! The!Department!of!State!will!be!in!charge!of!implementing!this! legislation.! SECTION"4." This!legislation!will!be!implemented!by!June!1,!2014.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A Bill to Reform the Lending and Securities Market

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SECTION 1. Institutional and individual issuance of security portfolios containing both subprime and prime mortgages shall now be banned. Additionally, all housing loans approved for individuals with poor credit ratings can no longer be adjustable-rate mortgages and must have fixed interest rates at or below seven and a half percent (7.5%). SECTION 2. A lender or sellers failure to comply with these guidelines will result in a six (6) month jail sentence and a $250,000 fine. The lenders banking institution will forfeit all profits derived from the sales to the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) and will be placed on probation. SECTION 3. A. Borrowers with poor credit ratings are defined as individuals with credit scores below 620. B. An adjustable-rate mortgage is defined as a mortgage with an interest rate manipulated by the lender in accordance to the prevailing interest rates in the current market. C. The SEC will oversee implementation of this bill. $500 million will be allocated to the SEC budget for implementation and enforcement. SECTION 4. This law will take effect within six months of passage. After three (3) years, a renewal will be discussed. Loans and mortgage backed security sales made prior to the passage of this legislation will not be affected. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for congressional debate by Michael Hunschofsky of American Heritage School

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A"Bill"to"Mandate"Voting"in"Federal"Elections" "
Voting!shall!be!deemed!compulsory!and!mandatory!concerning!federal! elections.!!



Federal!elections!are!defined!as!any!and!all!elections!pertaining!to!the! federal!government;!including!but!not!limited!to!presidential!and! congressional!elections.!!


The!provisions!listed!in!this!bill!will!be!upheld!and!enforced!by!the! Federal!Election!Commission.! A. The!Federal!Election!Commission!shall!be!responsible!for!the! implementation!of!a!$100!fine!charged!to!any!and!all!U.S.!Citizens!to! prevent!negligence!of!these!bills!provisions.!!


The!provisions!listed!in!this!bill!shall!take!effect!!6!months!after!the! passage!of!this!bill.!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.! ! Introduced!by!Hemal!Prasad! King!High!School

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BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! The!United!States!will!appropriate!$100,000,000!towards!the! development!of!a!national!civic!infrastructure.!! SECTION"2.! Civic!infrastructure!is!defined!as!the!social!connections,!decisionMmaking! processes,!and!informal!networks!that!influence!how!people!in!a! community!function.!! SECTION"3.! A!joint!committee!composed!of!eight!democrats!and!eight!republicans! will!be!appointed!to!allocate!funding!and!create!policies!that!encourage! the!growth!of!crowdsourcing!in!government.!Funding!will!be!used!for!the! following:! A. 60%!of!funding!will!be!used!for!block!grants!allocated!for! Community!Development!NonMProfits!that!will!be!evaluated! by!the!committee.!! B. 40%!of!funding!will!be!used!for!categorical!grants!allocated!for! states!who!spend!at!least!2.5%!of!their!state!budget!on!urban! development.!! SECTION"4." This!law!will!take!effect!on!Jan.!1,!2014!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A Bill to Ban Commercialization of College Athletics to Focus Funds on Increasing Academic Standards
1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" 21" Section 4. Section 5. Section 3. Section 2. A. Subsidy is defined as any financial aid given to a business by the government, Such as tax exemption or direct national funding. B. Spending Cap is defined as a limit to the amount of money college athletic departments can spend, this cap would be roughly 20,000 per athlete in any given athletic program. C. Commercialization is defined as the usage of corporate sponsorship, to fund athletics. D. Full Scholarship is defined as a scholarship that provides for all college costs, along with preferred housing, parking, and varying additional benefits like, healthcare. This Law will be overseen by the U.S. Department of Education, in conjunction with the IRS, on the issues of tax exemption. This bill will be implemented fiscal year 2016. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced for Congressional Debate by Reed Scott " BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: Section 1. College athletics programs will no longer receive corporate sponsorship, or government subsidy. State sponsored schools will have caps placed on athletic spending, and all full sports scholarship programs will be ended. No drastic increases will be placed on tuition to cover Lost Funds. An end to subsidy is to be implemented in private and public university.


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BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. Two billion dollars of shall be given to the Israeli military to improve and upgrade their Iron Dome defense system. SECTION 2. Upgrades will include, but are not limited to, construction of new batteries, the replacement of outdated materials, and investment in new technology research. SECTION 3. The Department of Defense will be responsible for the implementation of this legislation SECTION 4. This legislation will go into effect three months after passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Senator Christian Suero St. Thomas Aquinas High School

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! The!early!retirement!age!will!be!increased!to!64!years!of!age!and!the! regular!retirement!age!will!be!increased!to!69!years!of!age.!! SECTION"2.! SECTION"3.! There!are!no!ambiguous!terms.!! The!Social!Security!Administration!in!conjunction!with!the!Internal! Revenue!Service!will!be!responsible!for!implementing!this!bill.!! SECTION"4." This!law!shall!take!effect!at!the!start!of!the!next!fiscal!year.!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.! ! ! Respectfully!submitted!Sen.!Goldstein!Nova!High!School

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! SECTION"2.! $500!million!will!be!used!to!further!fund!the!Iron!Dome!project!in!Israel.! Iron!Dome!shall!be!defined!as!an!airLdefense!system!that!is!designed!to! destroy!rockets!and!artillery.! SECTION"3.! The!Department!of!Defense!will!oversee!the!proper!implementation!of! this!bill.! A. $500!million!will!be!taken!out!of!the!Defense!budget.! SECTION"4." This!bill!will!go!into!effect!1!year!after!passage.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

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BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! The!United!States!will!allocate!an!additional!$100!million!to!improve! counterterrorism!policies!in!Yemen!for!the!2015!fiscal!year.! SECTION"2.! Counterterrorism!policies!are!defined!as!including,!but!not!limited!to,! assistance!in!intelligence!support!and!logistics!support!along!with! assisting!local!Yemeni!security!forces.! A. Drone!strikes!will!not!be!included!in!policies!that!will!receive! additional!funding.! B. The!United!States!will!not!place!its!own!troops!in!Yemen;!rather,!it! will!assist!Yemeni!troops!by!providing!training!and!supplies!necessary! to!fighting!terrorism.! SECTION"3.! The!United!States!Department!of!Defense!will!oversee!the!enforcement! of!this!bill.!! " A.!!This!bill!will!be!supported!by!funds!already!allocated!to!the!United! States!defense!budget.! SECTION"4." This!bill!will!take!effect!October!1,!2014.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A Bill to Build ICT Infrastructure in Afghanistan

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BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The United States will allocate 100 million dollars towards a budget made for buying Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure and implementing it in Afghanistan. SECTION 2. The ICT infrastructure will be purchased and contracted from U.S. companies. SECTION 3. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will oversee the building and implementation of this infrastructure. A. This includes the safety of projects and buildings. B. The Corps will also work in conjunction with the Afghanistan Government to increase effective placement and locations. C. The Corps will finally work on training Afghanistan police forces to protect and maintain the infrastructure after U.S. forces withdraw. SECTION 4. This will be completed by January 2016. SECTION 5. All other laws that are in conflict with this new policy shall hereby be declared null and void. Respectfully submitted by Jake Howard Cypress Bay High School

! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!

A"Bill"to"Annex"Puerto"Rico"into"" Statehood"
Puerto!Rico!will!be!annexed!as!the!51st!State!of!the!United!States!of! America!



Annexation!refers!to the!permanent!acquisition!and!incorporation!of! some!territorial!entity!into!another!geoQpolitical!entity!


The!Department!of!State!will!be!responsible!for!carrying!out!the! provisions!of!this!legislation!



SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

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BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION$1.! (A)!A!shield!law!shall!be!put!in!place.!! (B)!The!Espionage!Act!of!1917!shall!be!repealed.! (C)!Free!speech!zones!shall!be!abolished.! SECTION$2.! (A)!A!shield!law!shall!be!defined!as!a!law!that!gives!reporters!protection! against!forced!disclosure!of!confidential!information!or!sources!in!state! and!federal!court.!! (B)!Free!speech!zones!shall!be!defined!as!areas!set!aside!in!public! places!for!citizens!to!exercise!their!right!of!free!speech.! SECTION$3.! SECTION$4.$ The!Department!of!Justice!shall!oversee!the!implementation!of!this!law.! This!law!shall!take!effect!within!90!days!of!its!passage.!

SECTION$5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.
! Introduced!for!Congressional!Debate!by!Zachary!Slotkin!of!American!Heritage!School!Plantation!

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BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! ! ! Congress!reintroduces!the!Paycheck!Fairness!Act,!which!is!an!!!!!!! expansion!of!the!Equal!Pay!Act!of!1963!and!the!Fair!Labor!Standards! Act.!This!bill!will!help!ensure!fair!and!equal!wages!between!men!and! women!in!the!working!field.! SECTION"2.!!!!!Fair!and!equal!wages!will!be!defined!as!the!same!amount!of!pay!for!!!!!!!!!!! both!genders!for!the!same!type!of!work!performed!!!!!!!!!!! SECTION"3.! The!United!States!Department!of!Labor!will!be!responsible!for!the! enforcement!of!this!bill.! A.!!This!act!is!designed!to!help!eliminate!genderZbased!salaries.! SECTION"4." This!legislation!will!be!implemented!within!one!month!of!passage!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

WHEREAS,! WHEREAS,! WHEREAS,! It!will!be!beneficial!to!both!American!citizens!and!Chinese!citizens!to!watch!over! and!monitor!Chinese!food!production;!and! Many!of!the!foods!that!are!produced!in!unsanitary!conditions!are!exported!to! the!United!States;!and! America!needs!to!impose!the!idea,!in!China,!of!creating!foods!that!are!made!in! sanitary!work!places,!are!safe!for!consumption,!and!overall!produced!and! exported!in!the!most!sanitary!and!efficient!way!possible;!now,!therefore,!be!it!! RESOLVED,! That!the!Congress!here!assembled!will!begin!monitoring!the!foods!that!are! produced!in!China,!especially!those!that!are!being!exported!to!the!United!States.!
Introduced*for*Congressional*Debate*by*Meghana*Krishnakumar,*Pine*View*School.* !

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! All!government!subsidized!power!companies!have!to!buy!back!a!KWh!of! solar!energy!produced!at!twice!the!rate!of!production!costs.! SECTION"2.! Production!costs!are!defined!as!the!physical!costs!of!purchasing!and! installing!solar!technologies.!All!physical!costs!have!a!ceiling!equal!to!the! national!average!cost.! SECTION"3.! SECTION"4." The!U.S.!Department!Of!Energy!will!oversee!regulations.! This!bill!will!take!effect!immediately!after!passage.!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A Bill to End NSA Subcontracting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. All NSA subcontracting regarding espionage, surveillance, information collection, data sharing, and data transactions, shall end immediately. The Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation shall be excluded from this legislation. SECTION 2. Subcontracting shall be defined as employing a business or person outside of known and approved government agencies to participate in the aforementioned activities. SECTION 3. The National Security Administration will oversee implementation. SECTION 4. This law will take effect immediately. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Jared Sutton of American Heritage School at Plantation

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! This!bill!will!supply!300!million!dollars!in!funding!to!a!new!task!force! managed!by!the!U.S.!Navy.!This!new!task!force!will!be!dedicated!to! combatting!the!trade!of!illicit!narcotics!in!Afghanistan.! SECTION"2.! Task!force!will!be!defined!as!a!military!unit!or!formation!established!to! work!on!a!single!defined!task!or!activity.! SECTION"3.! SECTION"4." The!Department!of!Defense!will!oversee!the!implementation!of!this!bill.! This!bill!shall!go!into!effect!six!months!after!passage.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! Brominated!Vegetable!oil!will!be!banned!from!use!in!all!food!items.!

SECTION 2. Food Items include all items that are manufactured for consumption including solids such as chips, fries, and burgers and liquids such as energy, soft and sports drinks. ! SECTION 3. Food and Drug administration (FDA) shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this bill. SECTION 4. The provisions of this bill shall take effect 6 months from the passage of this bill. ! SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.! !
Introduced by Chandran Venkatachalam King High School

A BILL TO STOP TAX-FUNDED ABORTION BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. All abortions will no longer be paid for with tax payer money. SECTION 2. An abortion will be defined as in-clinic and pill abortions occurring at any stage during the pregnancy unless it is medically necessary. Tax payer money shall be defined as taxes paid by U.S. citizens. SECTION 3. Each individual state s Department of Health shall oversee the enforcement of this bill. If the state fails to comply with this legislation they will be faced with a fine of up to $300,000, depending on the severity of the case. SECTION 4. This law will take effect on January 1, 2014. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Suzanne Dabage Archbishop McCarthy High School

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! SECTION"2.! The United States is hereby forbidden to use Combat Drones.! A.!Combat!Drones!are!Unmanned!Aerial!Vehicles!used!for!harming!the! enemy!through!physical!force! " B.!The!ban!does!not!extend!to!surveillance!drones!or!any!other!types!of! nonPweaponized!drones.! SECTION"3.!

use!of!Combat!Drones!in!the!U.S!Military.! SECTION"4." This!bill!will!be!implemented!6!months!after!passage.! SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. State laws legalizing the recreational use of marijuana are hereby voided. SECTION 2. Marijuana is defined as cannabis sativa and its derivatives. SECTION 3. The Drug Enforcement Agency will be responsible for enforcement of this bill. SECTION 4. This bill will take effect six months after passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Zed Layson Lake Highland

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. To recreate the WPA for the twenty-first century, in a time of economic necessity.
A. The WPA will carry out projects that benefit infrastructure and the American Economy and Peoples. B. Projects will be proposed by eligible departments and will meet certain criteria before being approved by the Administration.

SECTION 2. Projects can be defined as:

A. weatherization projects, residential and commercial water use efficiency improvement projects, highway, bridge, and rail repair, maintenance projects, manufacturing projects, reconstructing the electric grid with renewable energy opportunities, soil erosion and pesticide runoff prevention projects other projects that are proposed by the eligible departments and determined appropriate by the Administration.

SECTION 3. The Administration will submit a report biannually to Congress. The Government Accountability Office shall conduct an annual audit. A. The Report will detail:
a. The number of works project proposals submitted to the Administration. The number of works projects approved by the Administration during the reporting period; and with respect to each approved work project, a project description that includes information about whether the project is complete and other information as the WPA determines relevant.

SECTION 4. The Bill will go into effect on January 1st, 2014 and will stay in effect until unemployment drops to below 6%. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted Josh Menezes, Pine View School

! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13!

A"Bill"to"Alter"the"Payroll"Tax"to"" Increase"Funding"for"American"Infrastructure"
The!Additional!Medicare!Tax!will!be!removed!and!a!specific,!additional! infrastructure!tax!will!be!implemented.!The!tax!will!be!1.1%!of!earnings! and!will!be!applicable!to!both!employees!and!employers.!It!will!be!a!flat! tax!with!no!cap.!



The!cap!refers!to!the!fact!that!a!maximum!income!for!taxation!will!not!be! set.!


The!Department!of!the!Treasury!and!specifically!the!Internal!Revenue! Service!will!oversee!the!enforcement!of!the!bill.!The!same!penalties!for! fraud!or!evasion!apply!to!this!tax!as!with!any!other.!


The!contents!of!this!bill!shall!be!implemented!by!the!beginning!of!fiscal! year!2014.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The US place sanctions on any country that uses or accumulates chemical weaponry. SECTION 2. Chemical weaponry is defined by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons as any toxic chemical that can cause death, injury, temporary incapacitation or sensory irritation through its chemical action. SECTION 3. The Department of State will be responsible for the enforcement of this bill and the determination of what type of sanction is necessary. A. These sanctions may be unilateral or multilateral. SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented within 90 days of its passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Tess Saperstein Dreyfoos School of the Arts

A Bill to Tax Carbon Emissions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Article V: Article III: Article IV: Article II: Article I: The United States Government shall establish a flat tax on the emission of carbon compounds. A. A carbon emission is defined as any carbon compound emitted from the burning of hydrocarbon substances such as coal or natural gas. Taxes will be paid by the party directly responsible for the emissions. B. A tax will be set at $10.00 per ton per year upon the enactment of this bill, increasing per year by 5%. All funds raised by this tax will go towards reducing the national debt. The provisions of this bill shall take effect at the beginning of the 2014 fiscal year The Environmental Protection Agency shall be responsible for collecting the tax and enforcing the provisions of this bill. All laws or portions of laws in conflict with this bill shall be null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rosie Chittick St. Petersburg High School

A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Place Term Limits on Congress

BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of threefourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress: ARTICLE 1 SECTION 1: Service in the United States Senate shall be limited to two (2) terms, each term shall be four (4) years long. SECTION 2: Service in the United States House of Representatives shall be limited to four (4) terms, each term shall be two (2) years long. SECTION 2: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Respectfully submitted by Andres de la F of Archbishop McCarthy High School.


WHEREAS, The use of signature strikes in the United States drone policy undermines our credibility; and WHEREAS, Several governments have expressed discontent with the policy; and WHEREAS, Signature strikes often creates more terrorists than it kills; and WHEREAS, It is imperative that the United States change the perception of our drone program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled urge the president to officially ban the use of signature strikes in all countries. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Kristen Love St. Thomas Aquinas High School


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The Departments of State and Defense shall cease all military aid to the Egyptian interim government. Aid will be restored upon the holding of elections deemed free and fair by the Department of State. SECTION 2. Military aid shall be defined as the $1.3 billion Egypt receives from the U.S. annually for the purpose of purchasing military equipment. SECTION 3. The Departments of State and Defense will oversee the implementation of this bill. SECTION 4. This bill will take effect immediately on passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Adam Oloufa Lake Highland

A"Bill"to"Bolster"Cyber"Security" 1 BE"IT"ENACTED"BY"THE"CONGRESS"HERE"ASSEMBLED"THAT:" 2 Section"1:"A$corporate$tax$break$of$5%$will$be$provided$for$any$business$that$works$with$ the$federal$government$in$the$creation$and$implementation$of$the$Three$Layer$System$ of$Deterrence$for$cyber$security,$especially$in$critical$infrastructure$areas.$ 3 Section"2:"$ a. The$Three$Layer$System$of$Deterrence$is$defined$as$the$threeEpronged$system$of$ cyber$security$defense,$consisting$of$deterrence,$defense,$and$reconstitution$&$ robustness.$$ b. Critical$Infrastructure$Areas$are$defined$as$areas$such$as$the$electrical$grid,$ trains,$and$drinking$water,$which$are$considered$especially$vulnerable$during$ cyber$attacks.$ 4 Section"3:"This$bill$will$be$enforced$by$the$NSA$and$Department$of$Homeland$Security.$ Necessary$funding$for$this$bill$will$be$provided$by$the$Department$of$Defenses$budget,$ at$the$direction$of$the$Secretary$of$Defense.$$ 5 Section"4:"This$bill$will$take$effect$over$the$next$year.$ 6 Section"5:"All$laws$in$conflict$with$this$legislation$are$hereby$declared$null$and$void.$ 7 Respectfully+Submitted+for+Congressional+Debate+by,+ 8 Carla+Troconis+ 9 East+Chapel+Hill+High+School+

A Bill to Increase Funding to Minimum, Low, and Medium Federal Prison Facilities
1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" 21" 22"

BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. A. $300,000,000 USD shall be used to build, improve and create educational programs in minimum, low, and medium federal prison facilities. B. The $300,000,000 USD shall be taken out of the state, local, and tribal enforcement budget. SECTION 2. A. $30,000,000 USD shall be used to build minimum, low, and medium federal prison facilities. B. $260,000,000 USD shall be used to create educational programs in

minimum, low, and medium federal prison facilities. C. $10,000,000 USD shall be used to improve minimum, low, and medium

federal prison facilities. SECTION 3. Educational programs shall be defined as programs that will give prisoners opportunities to gain high school and college degrees. SECTION 4. The Federal Bureau of Prisons shall oversee the implementation of this legislation and the Department of Education shall assist in the implementation of the educational programs. SECTION 5. A. Construction of these prisons shall begin within 6 months of passage and shall be completed within 5 years. B. The educational programs shall be implemented within 1 year of passage. C. The improvement of these prisons shall begin within 3 months of passage and shall be completed within 3 years. SECTION 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

+ + + +

Respectfully+submitted,+ + + + + + + + + + + + Rep.+Itiel+Wainer+ University+School+of+NSU+

A Bill to Send Monetary Aid to Syrian-Kurds

1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 2. SECTION 1: The United States Government shall give the Syrian Kurds $250 million for military purposes. 3. SECTION 2: Military purposes shall be defined as ammunition, weapons, defensive mechanisms, or any other items needed, subject to approval by USAID. 4. SECTION 3: USAID shall oversee implementation and be responsible for appropriating the funding of this legislation A. $250 million of USAIDs budget will be used to carry out proper implementation of this bill. 5. SECTION 4: This bill shall go into effect after 91 days of passage 6. SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced for Congressional Debate by Grant Chiappelli of Western High School

A Bill to Institute a National Curriculum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Article V: Article III: Article IV: Article II: Article I: All public high schools will be required to follow the same curriculum as determined by the Department of Education. Section A. The Department of Education will call in representatives from all 50 states in order to get a balanced view on the process, and take into account regional factors in determining the curriculum. Section B. Magnet programs will be allowed to circumvent this with special approval from the DoE. Section C. Elective time will be allotted into the curriculum, and these electives will be decided by the local school board, and implemented after approval by the DoE. The provisions of this bill shall take effect for the 2015-2016 school year. The Department of Education shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this bill. States that refuse to comply will lose all federal education funding. All laws or portions of laws in conflict with this bill shall be null and void. Respectfully submitted, Ben Connelly St. Petersburg High School

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! Hydraulic!fracturing!within!the!United!States!is!hereby!deemed!an!illegal! act.!Corporations!found!using!hydraulic!fracturing!within!US!borders!will! have!their!license!to!operate!within!the!United!States!revoked.!!! SECTION"2.! Hydraulic!fracturing!will!be!defined!as!the!forcing!open!of!fissures!in! subterranean!rocks!by!introducing!liquid!at!high!pressure,!esp.!to!extract! oil!or!gas.! SECTION"3.! The!Department!of!the!Interior!and!the!Department!of!Justice!will!be! responsible!for!implementing!this!bill.! SECTION"4." This!law!shall!take!effect!two!years!after!its!passage.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.! ! Respectfully+submitted+ Sen.+Nasser+Douge+ +Nova+High+School+


WHEREAS, Green energy technology is our future; and WHEREAS, The United States and other nations are promoting investment in green energy technology; and WHEREAS, The cost of research and development, alone, are expensive enough; and WHEREAS, Antidumping duties (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) on green energy technology only hinder investment even more; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled repeal all antidumping duties (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) placed on green energy technologies Respectfully submitted, Sen. Scott Hutchins Eastside Catholic School

A Bill to Increase The Amount of H-1B Visas Granted in Order to Benefit the STEM Fields

BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. That the amount of H-1B visas granted will increase from 65,000 to 200,000 SECTION 2. H-1B visas will be defined as a non-immigrant visa that allows US companies to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require expertise in fields such as in architecture, engineering, mathematics, science, and medicine SECTION 3. The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services shall oversea implementation of this bill A. Qualifications and Regulations needed to obtain an H-1B visa will stay the same SECTION 4. This Legislation shall be enacted within 6 months SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Tiffany Perez From Archbishop McCarthy High School


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BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The legal age to purchase tobacco products will be 21. SECTION 2. Tobacco products include any product that makes use of tobacco or its derivatives or which imitate the effects of tobacco, including but not limited to chewing tobacco, cigars, pipes, pastes, cigarettes and ecigarettes. SECTION 3. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will oversee implementation of this bill. SECTION 4. This bill will go into effect six months after passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Hannah Verma Lake Highland Preparatory School

A Bill to End Agricultural Subsidies & Crop Insurance

1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 2. SECTION 1. Agricultural subsidies and crop insurance programs of all forms shall hereby be ended. 3. SECTION 2. Agricultural subsidies shall be defined as a governmental subsidy paid to 4. farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of 5. agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such. Crop insurance 6. shall be defined as government funding intended to mitigate risks associated with 7. agriculture. 8. SECTION 3. The implementation of this legislation shall be overseen by the US 9. Department of Agriculture, US Department of the Treasury. 10. SECTION 4. The provisions of this bill shall be implemented beginning the next fiscal year. 11. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and 12. void.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by James Euteneuer, Boca Raton Community High School

! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15!

A"Bill"to"Reform"the"Debt"Ceiling"to"" Prevent"Default"
The!executive!shall!have!the!authority!under!5!USC!Chapter!8!to!raise!the! debt!ceiling.!Any!Congressional!joint!resolution!of!disapproval!of!a!debt! ceiling!rise!as!detailed!in!5!USC!!801!and!5!USC!!802!shall!be!governed! by!fastStrack!legislative!procedures.!



FastStrack!legislative!procedures!are!defined!as!mandatory!introduction! of!the!measure,!privileged!access!of!the!measure!to!the!House!and! Senate!floor!for!consideration,!a!prohibition!on!floor!amendments,!and!a! maximum!time!of!60!legislative!days!of!consideration!of!the!measure!on! the!floor.!


The!Department!of!the!Treasury!shall!submit!the!request!for!an!increase! to!each!House!of!the!Congress!and!to!the!Comptroller!General.!


The!provisions!of!this!legislation!shall!take!effect!within!six!months!of! passage.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A"Resolution"to"promote"decentralized"energy"to"" adapt"to"Americas"growing"energy"needs."
1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13!


Centralized!electrical!grids!are!outdated!and!a!threat!to!national!security;! and! Without!electricity,!our!modern!economy!and!our!daily!lives!would!come! to!a!grinding!halt;!and! Economic!loss,!loss!of!National!Security,!and!even!loss!of!life!can!result! from!widespread!power!loss;!and! It!is!the!responsibility!of!the!governing!body!to!take!action!before! disaster!strikes;!now,!therefore,!be!it! That!the!Congress!here!assembled!make!the!following!recommendation! for!solution!to!the!problem!of!Americas!antiquated!electrical!systems;! and,!be!it!

FURTHER"RESOLVED,!That!the!way!our!nation!should!go!about!this!is!a!federal! decentralized!energy!initiative.

A Bill to Alleviate Prison Overcrowding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The use of illegal drugs will be considered a public health problem rather than a federal offense. The use of these drugs will cause for a mandatory three year rehabilitation program rather than being imprisoned. SECTION 2. A. Illegal drugs will include all drugs currently banned under U.S Federal law. B. Rehabilitation programs will be Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) where members will have to meet for at least 4 days a week total and at least 12 hours a week total at the nearest rehab center. C. A missed rehab meeting will result in a 5,000 dollar fine, and double for each meeting missed after. SECTION 3. A. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) in conjunction with the U.S Department of Justice will be in charge of the implementation of this bill. B. 1 billion dollars from SAMHSAs budget will be used to carry out proper implementation of the bill. SECTION 4. This law will come into effect in the Fiscal Year of 2014 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Alex Towriss Western High School

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION TO CREATE A VOTING RIGHTS AMENDMENT WHEREAS, States are currently disenfranchising voters through voter ID laws, and restricted voting hours and voter list purges; and WHEREAS, Such laws are unnecessary and serve only to discriminate against voters; and WHEREAS, The American voters must be protected from disenfranchisement in order to maintain a democracy for the people and by the people; and now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress: ARTICLE -SECTION 1: Every citizen of the United States, who is of legal voting age, shall have the fundamental right to vote in any public election held in the jurisdiction in which the citizen resides. SECTION 2: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Maddie Wettach Lake Highland

A Bill To Abolish The Federal Reserve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. SECTION 1. The Federal Reserve has failed in its designed purpose and will be abolished. SECTION 2. The Federal Reserve is defined as a U.S. federal banking system that is under the control of a central board of governors with a central bank in each of 12 districts and that has wide powers in controlling credit and the flow of money. SECTION 3. The Department of the Treasury will be responsible for the enforcement of this piece of Legislation. SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented on January 1st 2015. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this piece of legislation will be null and void. Introduced by, Andrew Bates

A RESOLUTION TO LEGALIZE THE HARVESTING OF RAINWATER 1 Whereas: Record droughts and water-supply levels have become an increasingly

common 2 3 problem; and Whereas: Individuals renters rights to harvest and utilize rainwater should not be 4 impeded by their providing landlords; and 5 Whereas: Banks providing their mortgage should not impede on their clients rights to 6 harvest and utilize rainwater; and 7 Whereas: This legislation would legalize the collection of precipitation which would 8 benefit the nation through the reusing of resources and protecting individuals 9 rights to do what they wish with their property; 10 11 Therefore, Be it resolved by this student congress here assembled that the harvesting of rainwater should be legalized to all individuals.

Respectfully Submitted, Francesca Ferrante Jensen Beach High School

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!STUDENT!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! SECTION"2.! All!products!containing!Tobacco!taxed!at!a!rate!of!100%.!! This!tax!applies,!but!is!not!limited!to,!cigarettes,!cigars,!and!chewing! tobacco.! SECTION"3.! The!Department!of!Alcohol,!Tobacco,!and!Firearms!will!oversee!the! enforcement!of!this!legislation.! A. Any!citizen!who!does!not!pay!this!tax!shall!face!charges!of!no!less! than!$500!and!no!more!than!$1,000.! B. Any!business!failing!to!acknowledge!and!charge!this!tax!shall!be! subject!to!fines!no!less!than!$1,000!and!no!more!than!$10,000!per! infraction.! SECTION"4." This!legislation!shall!take!effect!on!1!January!2014.!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.
! Introduced!for!Congressional!Debate!by!Rep.!Luke!Johnston!

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! Private!Military!Contractors!(PMCs)!shall!be!contracted!in!order!to! address!the!problems!of!terrorism!in!the!North!African!region.! SECTION"2.! PMCs!shall!be!defined!as!contractors!that!help!train!or!supplement!local! militaries!to!fight!more!effectively.!! SECTION"3.! The!Department!of!State!shall!oversee!the!enforcement!of!this! legislation.! A. $3!million!dollars!shall!be!allocated!to!the!implementation!of!this!bill.! SECTION"4." This!legislation!shall!go!into!effect!immediately!after!passage.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A Bill to change the United States Worldwide Olympic tax into a territorial taxing system 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Article V: Article IV: Article III: Article II: Article I: The United States taxing of Olympic winnings shall hereby be banned in the exception that the Olympics is held in the United States. A.) A United States Olympic tax shall be defined as any United States governmental tax on any winnings by a United States Olympian. B.) An Olympic winning shall be defined as an Olympic medal or prize money for success. C.) This bill will apply to United States Olympians only; no matter which country said Olympian may be competing in. D.) A Worldwide Taxing system shall be defined as a taxing system in which a competitor is taxed from their specific country for their success. E.) A Territorial Taxing system shall be defined as a taxing system in which the country who hosts the Olympics taxes any winnings by any athletes. F.) The provisions of this bill shall apply to both the winter and summer Olympics. The provisions of this bill shall take effect on February 7, 2014; the start of the Winter Olympics. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this bill. All laws or portions of laws in conflict with this bill shall be null and void. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Solomon St. Petersburg High School

A"Bill"to"Create"a"Standard"Finalization"Period"for"Adoptions"within"the"Country" 1. Be%it%enacted%%by%the%Congress%here%assembled%that:% 2. Section*I.**A*thirty*day*period*will*be*the*standard*time*for*the*finalization*of*all*adoptions*within* 3. *****************all*fifty*states.* 4. Section*II.*Finalization*will*be*defined*as*the*period*when*the*child*officially*becomes*a*part*of*a** 5. *****************new*family.*The*thirty*day*period*will*be*the*time*in*which*the*birth*parents*can*take***** 6. *****************back*custody*of*the*child*or*the*adopted*family*can*reconsider*their*decision.* 7. Section*III.*The*government*agency*that*will*oversee*the*enforcement*of*this*bill*will*be*the** 8. *******************Administration*for*Children*and*Families*(ACF).* 9. Section*IV.*This*bill*will*be*put*into*action*on*June*1,*2014*as*approved*by*the*House*of* 10. *******************Representatives*and*the*Senate.* 11. Section*V.**All*other*laws*in*conflict*with*this*legislation*shall*hereby*be*declared*null*and*void.* * Introduced*by,* Senator*Sophia*Burvenich*

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!


The!US!has!shouldered!the!majority!of!the!burden!for!NATO!initiatives;! and! NATO!continues!tax!US!resources;!and! NATO!has!long!outlived!its!purpose:!therefore,!by!the!Congress!here! assembled,!be!it!

Introduced*for*Congressional*Debate*by*Rajesh*Butta* King*High*School*

Be it enacted by this Student Congress here assembled that: 1. 2. 4. 5. ARTICLE I. This legislation will amend all states building codes to require that the installation of sprinkler systems in all newly built residences within the 3. United States are mandatory. ARTICLE II. Sprinkler system refers to a fire-extinguishing system consisting of a network of overhead pipes that release water automatically when a 6. predetermined temperature has been reached. Residents shall be defined 7. as any and all houses, condominiums and apartments constructed from 8. contracting companies. 9. 10. 11. 12. state. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. B.) The installation of sprinkler systems will not be mandated in already existing residences. ARTICLE III. This legislation shall be implemented six months after the date of its passage ARTICLE V. All other laws that are in conflict with this legislation shall hereby be declared null and void. Respectfully Submitted, Jessica Douglass Jensen Beach High School ARTICLE IV. The Department of Housing and Urban Development shall oversee the enforcement of this bill. A.) All state jurisdictions shall act in accordance with this bill, and shall be responsible for the enforcement of the installation of 13. sprinkler systems in all new residences of their 14.

A"Resolution"to"Reform"the"Prison"System"to"" Lessen"Sentences"for"Non6Violent"Drug"Offenders"
1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15! 16! 17!


current!punishments!in!relation!to!non1violent!drug!offences!are! inefficient,!arbitrary,!and!out!of!proportion!to!the!nature!of!the!crime;! and!


there!are!at!a!minimum!of!300,000!if!not!above!500,000!incarcerated!for! non1violent!drug!offenses,!and!those!incarcerated!are!there! unnecessarily;!and!


The!imprisonment!of!non1violent!drug!offenses!is!extremely!expensive,! averaging!above!50,000!dollars!per!inmate,!while!treatment!of!non1 violent!drug!offenders!is!far!more!cost!efficient!saving!at!least!20,000! dollars!per!person;!and!


Many!non1violent!drug!offenders!are!serving!sentences!that!are!out!of! proportion!to!the!crime,!with!some!serving!sentences!equal!to!if!not! longer!than!homicide;!and!



and!lessen!their!punishments!in!regard!to!non1violent!drug!offenses;!and! FURTHER"RESOLVED,!The!Justice!Department!should!take!many!non1violent!drug! offenses!as!a!matter!of!public!health,!not!as!a!matter!of!criminal!justice.!!

! ! Respectfully!Yours,! Charles!Holmes! Dwyer!High!School!

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15! 16!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! Congress!shall!increase!funding!to!the!Women,!Infants,!Children!(WIC)! program!by!$1!billion!through!federal!grants!that!later!will!be!distributed! to!the!state!WIC!agencies!in!FY!2014.! SECTION"2.! WIC!shall!be!defined!as!program!designed!to!help!feed!malnourished! families!struggling!to!pay!for!food!and!nutrients.!A!Federal!Grant!shall!be! defined!as!a!set!amount!of!money!allocated!to!programs!for!the!states.! SECTION"3.! The!Department!of!Agriculture!will!oversee!the!distribution!of!the! funding!and!will!conduct!yearly!research!projects!to!determine!the! effectiveness!of!WIC.! A. The!Food!and!Nutrition!Service!will!be!in!charge!of!dispersing!the! funding!to!the!States.! B. State!Health!Departments!are!responsible!for!administering!funding! properly!to!WIC!supported!families.! SECTION"4." This!legislation!will!be!appropriated!in!to!the!budget!for!FY!2014.!!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. States shall define congressional district boundaries based upon information provided by the United States Census Bureau. SECTION 2. District boundaries shall be determined based upon population densities and natural geographic boundaries irrespective of the political affiliation of the residents of those districts. SECTION 3. The Federal Elections Commission shall be empowered to review district boundaries and instruct states to redraw any boundaries which do not adhere to the standards described above. SECTION 4. States which do not comply with this legislation shall not receive federal highway funding. SECTION 5. States shall have all new district boundaries defined by January 1, 2016. SECTION 6. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon passage. SECTION 7. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Sen. Dominique Xi, Buchholz High School

A"Bill"to"Require"Every"United"States"Citizen"to"" Provide"Mandatory"Military"Service"for"a"Minimum"of"Two" Years"

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! Each!able;!bodied!citizen!of!the!United!States!shall!serve!in!the!military! for!a!minimum!of!two!years!once!reaching!the!age!of!eighteen,!and! thereby!replace!the!volunteer!based!military.! SECTION"2.! Volunteer!based!military!shall!be!defined!as!our!present!form!of! military!defense.!Able;!bodied!shall!be!defined!as!physical!fit!and! healthy!in!accordance!with!current!standards!for!service.!! SECTION"3.! This!bill!shall!be!enforced!by!the!Department!of!Defense!! A. Abolish!military!benefits!received!after!discharge!of!any!sort!unless! service!exceeds!two!years!therefore!making!it!a!full!career!where! discharge!benefits!are!received.! B. Responsible!for!paying!the!salary!of!these!soldiers!and!providing! health!care,!and!other!necessities!while!enlisted.! SECTION"4." This!bill!will!be!implemented!on!January!1,!2015.!!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! $500!Billion!dollars!will!be!allocated!over!ten!years!to!the!Department!of! Transportation!for!the!purpose!of!revitalizing!existing!U.S.!Infrastructure! through!public!private!partnerships.! SECTION"2.! Infrastructure!shall!be!defined!as!basic!physical!and!organizational! structures!needed!for!the!operation!of!a!society!or!enterprise,!or!the! services!and!facilities!necessary!for!an!economy!to!function.!! SECTION"3.! This!bill!will!be!implemented!by!the!Department!of!Treasury!and!the! Department!of!Transportation.! SECTION"4." This!bill!will!take!effect!January!1st,!2014!and!sunset!on!December!31st,! 2023.!! SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.! ! ! Respectfully+submitted+Sen.+Chang+Nova+High+School

A Bill to Institute a Redesigned Patent System

1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 17" 18" 19" 20" 21" 22" 23" 24" 25" 26" 27" 28" 29" 30" 31"

Be it enacted by this NFL Student Cogress here assembled that: Section 1: The United States Department of Commerce will cease to award patents to individuals without significant evidence that such individual was the inventor of the claimed invention. Patents with prior art shall not be awarded unless the patentee is the inventor or mastermind behind such prior art. Patent Assertion Entities (P.A.Es) shall be required to provide evidence that their lawsuits are non-discriminatory, and will be required to pay court fees (including the fees of the defendant) if their patent infringement claim fails. Software patents (defined in section 2) shall be not be awarded if they lack technical merit or are significantly broad. Existing software patents will be treated as F.R.A.N.D (reasonable and non-descriminatory licensing) patents until they expire. Section 2: The term patent shall be defined as intellectual property awarded to an innovator who is willing to protect his claimed invention from harm and theft. The term software patent refers to a patent filed with the Patent Trademark Office that does not provide any technical innovation beyond the inherent technical interaction between hardware devices and software that include computers, mobile devices and any consumer electronic with a software and hardware component. The term Patent Assertion Entities is defined as an corporation which produces more than 200 patent lawsuits annually and looses 15% or more of such patents in court. Section 3: This legislation shall take effect ten (10) months after passage by this legislative body, and existing patents will be largely unaffected. Patent Assertion Entities will be forced to comply by the new rules outlined in sections one and two. Individuals, Organizations, the Patent Trademark Office, and/or Department of Commerces failure to comply to the new rules outlined in the provisions of this bill can be subject to harsh penalities. Section 4: The United States Department of Commerce, United States Congress and the Federal Circuit shall be responsible for the enforcement of this legislation Section 5: All laws or portion of laws in conflict with the provisions of this bill are declared null and void Introduced by Divyesh Doddapaneni King High School


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. This piece of legislation will increase funding to counter-terrorism efforts in North Africa by 500 million dollars. SECTION 2. Counter-terrorism efforts shall include, but are not limited to, securing borders, training security forces, and promoting democracy. North African countries shall include Libya, Algeria, Egypt, Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Morocco. SECTION 3. The Department of State will oversee the enforcement of this piece of legislation. The funding for this piece of legislation will come from the allocation of farm subsidies. SECTION 4. This piece of legislation shall go into effect 3 months after its passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Matthew Iandoli Timber Creek High School


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The United States shall repeal mandatory minimum sentencing laws that require judges to meet sentencing requirements when convicting felons, regardless of circumstance. SECTION 2. A. circumstance shall refer to personal reasons and situation reasons that the felon had for committing the crime.

SECTION 3. The enforcement and overseeing of the repeal shall be undertaken by the United States Department of Justice. A. The US Department of Justice shall assure the mandatory minimum laws are successfully repealed in states. B. Felons currently under mandatory minimum sentences are still required to finish their sentence. SECTION 4. This bill shall come into effect immediately after its passing. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted, Rep. Christian Sibbitt, Winter Springs High School

A Bill To Change The Welfare System BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Section 1. Congress will hereby amend the current United States welfare system all over the country to only provide relief to individuals who pass a drug test every six months. This bill will prevent tax payer money from being wrongfully spent on drugs. To begin welfare, an individual must pass a urine test, checking for drugs in the recent past. The next tests will be more thorough, assuring that individuals do not use drugs while on welfare. Any individual who does not pass the test will be immediately withdrawn from the welfare program. Section 2. Welfare shall be defined as, the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, etc. A drug test shall be defined as a technical analysis of a biological specimen - for example urine, hair, blood, sweat, or oral fluid /saliva - to determine the presence or absence of specified drug. In this case, the drug test will test for any illegal drugs, narcotics, including, but not limited to, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Section 4. The US Department of Health and Human Services will be responsible for the enforcement of this bill. Money for drug testing will be allocated from tax payer money. Section 4. The provisions of this bill will go into effect January of 2014. Section 5. All laws or portions of laws in conflict with this piece of legislation shall hereby be declared null and void. Introduced by: Spencer C. Sigalow

A Bill to Legalize Physician Assisted Suicide for Terminally Ill Patients

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. Active Euthanasia, Passive Euthanasia, and Physician-Assisted Suicide when the patient is terminally ill are hereby legalized. SECTION 2. (A) Physician assisted suicide is defined as a physician prescribing the method of death and providing the prescribed medication for a patients death. (B) Active Euthanasia is defined as the deliberate action of a medical professional or layperson to hasten a patients death. (C) Passive Euthanasia is defined as the altering of some form of support and letting nature take its course. (D) Terminally ill is defined as a disease that cannot be cured or adequately treated and that is reasonably expected to result in the death of a patient. SECTION 3. This bill shall be overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services and the American Health and Safety Department. SECTION 4. This law will take effect January 1, 2015. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. Introduced for Congressional Debate by Ashley Graff

1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!

BE!IT!ENACTED!BY!THE!CONGRESS!HERE!ASSEMBLED!THAT:! SECTION"1.! The!United!States!will!temporarily!stop!funding!that!is!designated!to! improving!Turkeys!economy.! SECTION"2.! Economic!aid!will!be!temporarily!discontinued!until!the!human!rights! violations!occurring!in!Turkey!come!to!an!end,!at!which!point!the!United! States!will!reevaluate!sending!the!economic!aid.! SECTION"3.! The!provisions!of!this!bill!will!be!implemented!and!overseen!by!the! United!States!Department!of!Commerce.! SECTION"4." The!contents!of!this!bill!shall!be!implemented!on!January!1,!2014.!

SECTION"5.!! All!laws!in!conflict!with!this!legislation!are!hereby!declared!null!and!void.

A"Resolution"to"Create"a"Free"Trade"Agreement"with"the" European"Union"
1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10!


The!United!States!and!the!European!Union!are!the!two!largest!trading! spheres!in!the!world;!and! No!formal!trade!agreement!exists!between!the!two!entities!;!and! A!Free!Trade!Agreement!would!facilitate!trade!!between!the!two!bodies! and!benefit!global!economy;!and! The!current!state!of!affairs!between!the!two!bodies!makes!it!an!optimal! time!to!create!the!Free!Trade!Agreement!;!now,!therefore,!be!it! That!the!Congress!here!assembled!make!the!following!recommendation! for!solution!to!create!a!free!trade!agreement!between!the!United!States! and!the!European!Union.

Introduced*for*Congressional*Debate*by*Shashank*Mahesh.* King*high*school*

A"Bill"Mandating"All"Members"of"Congress"and"the"Presidential"Cabinet/Administration"to"Participate" In"All"Aspects"of"the"Affordable"Care"Act" Be#it#enacted#by#this#Student#Congress#here#assembled#that:# 1.## 2.# 3.# 4.# 5.# 6.# 7.## 8.# 9.# 10.# 11.# 12.# 13.# Article"I:" # # All#members#of#congress#and#the#Presidential#administration#shall#participate# in#all#aspects#of#the#Affordable#Care#Act.# This#bill#will#include#any#elected#official#to#a#national#political#office;#any#member# of#the#Presidents#cabinet;#all#members#of#the#Supreme#Court;#and#any#person# put#in#a#position#by#the#President.# This#bill#will#go#into#effect#January,#2015.# The#Internal#Revenue#Service#will#be#responsible#for#the#oversight#of#this#bill.# Any#person#not#participating#in#the#Affordable#Care#Act#:# a.#will#be#assessed#a#$1,000.00#fine#per#month#and;## b.#after#six#months#of#nonPparticipation#will#also#have#a#lien#placed#upon#their## home.# All#laws#or#portions#of#laws#in#conflict#with#this#new#policy#shall#hereby#be# declared#null#and#void.# Respectfully#Submitted,# Maria#Montoya# Palm#Beach#Gardens#High#School#

Article"II:" # # # #

Article"III:" Article"IV:" # # # # # # Article"V:" # #

A Bill to Mandate Oil Companies to Update their Refineries

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. The current states of many oil refineries are outdated and dangerous for the employees. Companies must update their plants to be a safer and more modern refinery. SECTION 2. Safer will be defined as involving little or no risk of mishap: a safe estimate that the department will establish. Modern will be defined as involving recent techniques, methods, or ideas: up-to-date that the department will establish. SECTION 3. A. There is a 5% tax if the business doesnt comply. B. The Department of Energy will be responsible for enforcing set legislation. SECTION 4. This law will take effect immediately after passage and will end at the start of 2015. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by. Lyden Simmons From Niceville High School


1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. This piece of legislation will increase embryonic stem cell research by 50 million dollars! SECTION 2. Embryonic Stem Cells are undifferentiated biological cells, that!can differentiate into specialized cells and can divide to produce more, they are found in the early stages of the embryo. SECTION 3. The Nation Institute of Health shall oversee enforcement of this legislation.! A. The funding for the increase spending shall come from farm subsidies, such as corn subsidies. SECTION 4. This piece of legislation will go into effect 6 months after passage! SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted, Sen. Alan Nguyen Timber Creek High School


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