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Latar Belakang : Otitis media supuratif kronik (OMSK) dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kualitas hidup seseorang dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi adalah lingkungan, sosial ekonomi, usia, riwayat alergi, kuman penyebab dan tipe OMSK, Penilaian kualitas hidup OMSK di Indonesia belum pernah dilaporkan.

Tujuan : Mengetahui kualitas hidup penderita OMSK sebelum dan sesudah mastoidektomi.

Bahan dan cara kerja : Penelitian kohort pada 40 penderita OMSK yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Data diambil dari anamnesis menggunakan kuesioner COMOT-15 yang terdiri dari penilaian gejala telinga, fungsi pendengaran, kesehatan mental dan skor total, pada penderita OMSK umur >16tahun di bagian Otologi THT-KL RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang sebelum terapi dan 3 bulan sesudah terapi. Analisis data dengan dependent t Tes.

Hasil : Didapatkan 40 sampel penelitian, 20 sampel dilakukan mastoidektomi dan 20 sampel tanpa mastoidektomi. Didapatkan peningkatan kualitas hidup pada OMSK yang dilakukan

mastoidektomi ( p= 0,000 ), OMSK yang diterapi tanpa mastoidektomi juga terdapat peningkatan kualitas hidup tetapi secara statistik tidak bermakna ( p= 0,763), faktor usia , jenis kelamin, tingkat sosial ekonomi, alergi, kuman penyebab dan tipe OMSK tidak berpengaruh pada peningkatan kualitas hidup penderita OMSK.

Simpulan: Terdapat peningkatan kualitas hidup secara bermakna penderita OMSK sesudah operasi mastoidektomi.

Kata kunci : Kualitas hidup, OMSK. COMOT-15



Background : Chronic suppurative otitis media ( CSOM ) can affect the quality of life in many aspects of life. Factors that thought to affect are the environment, socio-economic, age, allergic history, germs and type of CSOM. The assessment quality of life of CSOM in Indonesia has not been reported before.

Objective: To determine the quality of life of the CSOM patients before and after mastoidectomy.

Materials and methods: Cohort study of 40 CSOM patients who met the inclusion criteria. Data taken from the history using a questionnaire COMOT - 15 which consists the assessment symptom of ear, hearing function, mental health and total score, on >16 years old CSOM patients in Otology division at ENT-HNS department Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang before and 3 months after therapy. Data analysis with dependent t test.

Results : There were 40 study samples, 20 samples underwent mastoidectomy procedure and 20 without mastoidectomy. There were an increase in the quality of life on CSOM patients that have been done mastoidectomy ( p = 0.000 ), CSOM that treated without mastoidectomy also have an increasing quality of life but was not statistically significant ( p = 0.763 ), factors like age, gender, socioeconomic level, allergies, germs and type of CSOM not affected on improving the quality of life of CSOM patients.

Conclusion : There is a significant increase in the quality of life of CSOM patients after Mastoidectomy surgery.

Keywords : Quality of life , CSOM. COMOT 15



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