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Kundalini yoga is addictive! Once t.l-te results are experienced, we want rrore!

Yogi Bhajan has taught thousands of sets and meditations, an abundance covering every phase of human and super-human experience, attesting to the tireless dedication of the master. This material can only be taught by a master like him. Luckily, notes from his earliest classes here in 1969 have been preserved, as well as the video taped later material. vie are honored to be able to transcribe and prepare it for the public for the very first time. Many of the kriyas are venerable 2..:."1d ancient, having been passed down by word of rrouth from guru to initiated. chela (protege-student), and are therefore sacred and secret. Yogij i has at last made them available to the public, saying that knowledge belongs to everyone! Practicing Kundalini Yoga at Hane Once you try it, you probably won't be satisfied with just a weekly class and will begin to practice at horne. Optimum results are obtained by practicing "sadhana" every morning, but most beginners will not commit to practicing in "the primal hours" until they discover its benefits. and may simply wish to add a Sunday session at horne to the weekly class, a"1d build gradually from there. Others may do it only when they have the opportunity, and of course, some will do it every rrorning. 11 It is generally best to choose and do t.l-te sarne set daily until it is mastered (when the p:::>ses can be held for the specified times), but it isn I t necessary to do a set for 40 days. (as it is reccmnended for meditations). Sane sets, however, do specify 40 days in a row, and if you are working on a particular talent or problem, you may wish to do a set daily. '!he recarmended sequence is as follows: 1) Wake Up series (in bed. See pg. 21) 2) Cold shower 3) 'IUne in with the Adi Mantra 4) Warm ups (see page 22-25 ). Quit those that appear in prop:::>sed set. 5) Perform chosen set 6) Relax a few noments 7) Meditate 8) Grounding exercises (see page 18 ). If you wish to meditate later, but haven I t time for a set, warm up the spine first with spinal flexes, and try one or more of the "Meditation Facilitators". A session can be as long as 3 hours and as brief as 15 minutes. Always practice a'i: least 2 hours after eating in a clean, quiet place, with the hair pinned on top of the head (in a "rishi knot"), or at least confined and feet bare for maximum effectiveness. Like the yoga classes you may practice reverence, gratitude. the hook this precious time with yourself. ) After each exercise, it is important to pause a m::xnent to observe its effects and the altered flow of energy.
Each exercise generates ific effects, unlike so relax and take a before going on to the important adj unct of

practice is b:x3.y awareness. If you become sensitive to your own b::x:1y, aligning the spine, and making necessary adjustment, knowing when to stop

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