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M Moham mmadAliJinnah hUniversity,Is slamaba adCamp pus

F FACULTY RE EQUIRED Applicat tions are inv vited for the positions of Professo ors, Associat te Professor rs, Assistant t Professors s andLecturersinthe efollowingDepartment D ts/AreasofS Specialization: M MANAGEMEN NTSCIENCES S ELIGIBIL LITY a)Lecturer i) ii) Qualificat tion: Experienc ce: MS Sdegreeinrelevant r disc ciplinefromHECrecogn nizedunivers sity Teachingexpe erienceshallbepreferre ed. b)Assist tantProfessor i) ii) cation: Qualific Experie ence: Ph hDdegreein nrelevantdisciplinefrom mHECrecog gnizedunive ersity. Pr referredbut tnotrequire ed. c)Assoc ciateProfess sor i) ii) Qualific cation: Experie ence: Ph hDdegreein nrelevantdisciplinefrom mHECrecog gnizedunive ersity. 05 5 years post PhD teach hing experie ence in a re ecognized university / re esearchexpe erienceinR& &Dorganiza ation. 05 5publication nsinjournal lsofinternat tionalrepute. 1 Marketing M HumanResou urceManage ement Finance Ec conomics CO OMPUTERS SCIENCES So oftwareEng gineering Multimedia M an ndCommun nication Databases ioinformatic cs Bi ELECTRON NICENGINEE ERING RFEnginee ering Communic cation VLSIDesig gn Embedded dSystems MECHANIC CALENGINE EERING ThermalSc ciences Mechanica alDesign Manufactu uring


Publicat tions:

essor d)Profe i) ii) Qualific cation: Experie ence: Ph hDdegreein nrelevantdisciplinefrom mHECrecog gnizedunive ersity. 10 0 years post t PhD teach hing experie ence in a re ecognized university / re esearchexpe erienceinR& &Dorganiza ation. 10 0publication nsinjournals sofinternat tionalrepute e.


Publicat tions:

NOTE: Applicants for Elec ctronics an nd Mecha anical Eng gineering m must have e Pakistan n

EngineeringCouncil(PEC)regist tration.
AGELIM MIT umagelimittoapplyis60 6 years.Ho owever,appl licantsmore ethan60bu utlessthan70 7 yearscan Maximu beconsideredforcontractualappointment a t. SALARYPA ACKAGE active and c competitive salary packa age commensurating with w qualifica ation and ex xperience of f An attra theapplicantshallbe b offered.However, H startingsalary yforeachra ankisasund der: = i) Lect turer Rs.50,000/ ii) Assi istantProfes ssor = 000/ Rs.130,0 iii) Asso ociateProfe essor = Rs.180,0 000/ iv) Prof fessor = Rs.260,000/ tion, the Un niversity off fers indoor medical and d group insurance and Group Prov vident Fund d In addit Scheme e. Interest ted candidat tes may ema ail their resu ume at apply@jinnah.ed du.pk latest t by 10th May y, 2013. Only y shortlist tedcandidat teswillbeco ontactedforinterview.

Ma anager HR R Mo ohammad Ali A Jinnah University, Islamaba ad Campus s Islamab bad Expres ssway, Kahuta Road d, Zone-V, Islamabad d T 051-111 87 87 87 Tel: 7 (Ext 230) ) e: www.jinn nah.edu.pk k Website

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