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2010 IVOZI www.ivozi.

1 Workbook Christmas 10 Minutos de Vocabulario podcasts from www.ivozi.com

IVOZI Podcasts
10 Minutos de Vocabulario
Christmas podcast

Sobre el Workbook (libro de ejercicios)
El workbook se usa junto con el audio que se puede descargar gratis en www.ivozi.com. Si
tiene comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias visita nuestra pgina web: valoramos mucho su
opinin. Buena suerte! Tom, Stuart & Amanda

2010 IVOZI www.ivozi.com
2 Workbook Christmas 10 Minutos de Vocabulario podcasts from www.ivozi.com

Vocabulary list
ngel Angel
rbol de navidad Christmas tree
Calcetn navideo Stocking
Chimenea Chimney
Chucheras Baubals
Cinta de regalo Ribbons
Compras de Navidad Christmas shopping
Guirnalda Tinsel
Excitacin Excitement
Feliz Navidad Merry Christmas
Iglesia Church
Luces de navidad Fairy lights
Nacimiento Birth
Navidad Christmas
Da de Navidad Christmas day
Noche buena Christmas eve
Pap Noel Father Christmas
Papel de regalo Wrapping paper
Pavo horneado Roast turkey
Platos (entrada, principal, postre) Courses
Pudding de navidad Christmas pudding
Recibir To receive
Regalar To give
Regalo de navidad Christmas gift
Regalo de navidad Christmas present
Relleno Stuffing
Rollos de tocino Bacon rolls
Salsa de arndanos Cranberry sauce
Tradicinal Traditional
Vela Candle
Villancicos Carols

2010 IVOZI www.ivozi.com
3 Workbook Christmas 10 Minutos de Vocabulario podcasts from www.ivozi.com

Transcripcin de la conversacin
TOM: Hi Stuart, what are your plans for this Christmas?
STUART: Well Tom, my family is very traditional. Each year we go to the Christingle service

on Christmas Eve. Then we eat mince pies
and drink mulled wine
at my friends house.
TOM: Christingle service, whats that?
STUART: Its a short church service where we sing carols and are given a Christingle, which is
an orange with a candle in it to represent Jesus birth.
TOM: Sounds interesting. On Christmas Eve Im usually wrapping my presents with
wrapping paper. I use ribbons to decorate them too!
STUART: Leaving it until the last minute
TOM: Always! It helps me get into the festive spirit
STUART: Do you put them under the Christmas tree?
TOM: Of course. About 3 weeks before Christmas we decorate the tree with baubles, tinsel
and an angel sitting on top, not forgetting the fairy lights we wrap round it. Then on
Christmas day we give and receive our presents in the morning.
STUART: So do we, while the turkey is cooking.
TOM: Mmm, I love roast turkey! We have ours with bacon rolls, stuffing, vegetables, and of
course cranberry sauce. We usually drink a fair amount of wine too!
STUART: I never liked cranberry sauce, my mum loves it though. I prefer Christmas pudding
with brandy sauce
for dessert.
TOM: Do you pull Christmas crackers
STUART: Yes, my mum buys the ones that have a game, a hat and a joke in them, so we all
tell the jokes, wear our hats and have some fun in between the courses.
TOM: It sounds like Christmas is all about food for you!
STUART: Food, family and presents! Though I prefer giving to receiving presents. Its great to
see everyones surprise and excitement when they open their gifts.
TOM: Yes, especially the childrens faces. My young cousins still believe in Father Christmas
and that he visits in the night and comes down the chimney into the house to leave the
presents under the tree.

2010 IVOZI www.ivozi.com
4 Workbook Christmas 10 Minutos de Vocabulario podcasts from www.ivozi.com

STUART: What a laugh
, we used to have a big stocking at the end of the bed which was
filled with chocolates, fruit and small gifts during the night.
TOM: Me too, though not for a few years now!
STUART: Well Tom, mush dash
; I have some last minute Christmas shopping to do. See ya!
TOM: Cheers Stu, and merry Christmas!

Notes & Additional Vocabulary
Christingle service - Servicio religioso cristiano durante la noche buena
Minced pies - Pequeo pastel individual relleno con picadillo de frutos secos, frutas, grasa y
especias usado en pastelera;
Mulled wine - Vino caliente con azcar y especias
Leaving it until the last minute - Dejandolo para el ltimo momento
Festive spirit - Espiritu navideo
Brandy sauce - Crema espesa mezclado con brandy
Christmas crackers - Sorpresa que se abre durante la comida de Navidad
What a laugh- Que chistoso/gracioso/divertido
Miraculously Milagrosamente
Must dash - Tengo que correr

2010 IVOZI www.ivozi.com
5 Workbook Christmas 10 Minutos de Vocabulario podcasts from www.ivozi.com

Haz la prueba!
Escribe la palabra en ingls en la columna a la derecha.

rbol de navidad

Calcetn navideo



Cinta de regalo

Compras de Navidad



Feliz Navidad


Luces de navidad



Navidad (da de)

Noche buena

Pap Noel

Papel de regalo

Pavo horneado

Platos (entrada, principal, postre)

Pudding de navidad



Regalo de navidad

Regalo de navidad


Rollos de tocino

Salsa de arndanos




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