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M. Collins: George W. Bush, A Judiciary

Of One
Saturday, 15 September 2007, 11:12 am
Opinion: Michael Collins

George W. Bush, A Judiciary Of One

Signing the 21st Century Nanotechnology R & D Act, all the better to bug you.
Signing statement issued. Objections 297 - 301. jurvetson

Presidential Signing Statements

Michael Collins
“Scoop” Independent News
Washington, D.C.

The Bush-Cheney White House is responsible for the birth of a new constitutional
doctrine. He has elevated himself to become a judiciary of one. . When the president
signs legislation passed by Congress, he frequently adds his own signing statement
stating those legislative provisions he intends to ignore based on his interpretation of the
Constitution. This caused the New York Times to note, “President Bush doesn't bother
with vetoes; he simply declares his intention not to enforce anything he dislikes.”

Through the magic of the president’s petulant pen, signing statements never mentioned in
the Constitution, Bush has ordered the torture of prisoners and spying on U.S. citizens
without a warrant. Just have the boys in the back room knock out one of those signing
statements. It’s all good.

But this seems odd. We’ve never seen a creature quite like this before. As Common Sense
Common Grounds poster Noonan points out, the U.S. Constitution describes the division
of federal powers in a fashion that even a sixth grader can understand.

The following is from the American Barr Association’s Law Day curriculum for
elementary school students.

Grades 4-6
Separation of Powers: Connecting the Separate Powers
Students will:

• Understand the concept of separation of powers.

• Recognize how the Constitution provides for separation of powers.

• Categorize public officials into one of three branches of government.

Apparently the current occupants of the White House were so clever they skipped the
sixth grade. This was evidenced most recently when Vice President Cheney tried to tell
the House Government Oversight and Government Reform Committee that he wasn’t a
member of the executive branch. Which branch might you belong to, he was asked?
Unfortunately Cheney backed down without uttering what was probably on his mind,
“The only one that counts, my branch you fools!”

The Limited Use of Signing Statements in the Past

It is not uncommon for a president to attach a signing statement to legislation outlining

the importance and significance of the act either to the public or government agencies.
These are called rhetorical and political signing statements. They don’t change or
challenge laws passed. Broad based constitutional signing statements, uncommon in the
past, are now a very serious matter. Essentially, the chief executive states that he will not
enforce parts of legislation that he signs into law because he thinks it is unconstitutional,
a power not granted to the president.

Jennifer Van Bergen cites James Madison’s most salient argument against this executive

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands,
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may
justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

Legal scholar, Neil Kinkopf carries Madison’s analysis forward:

The assertion of a presidential power to refuse to enforce a law stands in deep tension
with the constitution. As the Supreme court has repeatedly recognized, the take care
clause--which provides that the President "shall take care that the Laws be faithfully
executed"--establishes that the President does not hold the royal prerogative of a
dispensing power, which is the power to dispense with or suspend the execution of the
laws. The take care clause, then, makes plain that the President is duty-bound to enforce
all the laws, whether he agrees with them or not.

If a president feels compelled to issue a signing statement, it’s expected that he will
proceed only when a dire constitutional violation is involved He should attempt to get the
sections he finds abjectly unconstitutional changed by Congress and also take the matter
to the Courts. President Clinton objected to a defense bill requiring immediate discharge
of military personnel with HIV AIDS. After the signing statement, he tried to reverse this
legislatively and took it to court. This was the rare exception, not the rule until 2001.

The Bush Signing Statements – Slouching Toward Tyranny

It’s no surprise that the two previous reigning champions of signing statements include
former President’s Reagan and George H.W. Bush. But their record is nothing compared
to the 43rd president. He signs with a vengeance invoking broad constitutional powers
foreign to the executive branch. He is a self proclaimed judiciary of one.

Unless Bush thought this up on his own, it was some strange council that urged the
frequent use of the aberrant practice. Cheney, Gonzales, or Ted Olson, who knows?
There’s a long list of suspects.

Despite having a Republican Congress for the first six years of his reign, Bush issued
signing statements containing 1046 constitutional challenges to the legislation that he’s
signed. There are two common elements.

The first is petulance. If he wants to ignore any part of a bill that Congress passes, Bush
simply issues a signing statement and implements his subversive scheme. As Kinkopf
said earlier, “… the President does not hold the royal prerogative of a dispensing power
… the power to dispense with or suspend the execution of the laws.”

The second element involves an Orwellian process of creating meaningless words that
support the process. The key words are unitary executive. Stripping away historical
distortions, “the unitary executive is a code word for a doctrine that favors nearly
unlimited executive power. Bush has used the doctrine in his signing statements to
quietly expand presidential authority.”

Legal scholar and former Reagan Justice Department official, Bruce Fein, testified before
Congress and explained how the process works. Fein pointed out that the Bush signing
statement for the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, which prohibited torture, lead to a 180
degree change in the law:

…unitary executive and Commander in Chief powers (used in the signing statement)
clearly signify that President Bush is asserting that he is constitutionally entitled to
commit torture if he believes it would assist the gathering of foreign intelligence.
President Bush nullified a provision of statute that he had signed into law and which he
was then obliged to faithfully execute.
Bruce Fein, June 27, 2006, Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Torture and White House protest courtesy of signing statements. War supporters in the background
exercise their constitutional rights by suggesting that the protesters wires be turned live. WikiMedia
Commons and MatthewBradley, Creative Commons

Perpetual Power Consolidated

Perpetual presidential power consolidated is the purpose of these statements. An

historical interpretation places the emergence of signing statements in the context of
declining presidential power as a result of the Viet Nam War and Watergate. In reaction
to these events, chief executives, particularly the current Bush, tasked their Office of
Legal Counsel to find a way to accumulate more power for the executive branch.

While this effort has achieved spectacular results, I argue that the diminished presidential
powers after Nixon were more in line with the correct vision of the Constitution’s
authors. Their skepticism regarding absolute power was based on first hand experience
with rule by a mad monarch plus strong historical evidence. The Parliamentarian victory
in the English Civil War brought the possibility of popular rule to the British Isles. As
good students of history, they were aware of how that promise was undone by the
restoration of monarchy, tyranny by definition, leading to the aggregation of power in the
hands of one – the king.

The progress of the United States since the 1950’s is marred by one failure after another
due to the delusions allowed by solitary executive functioning. The net gains from the
following executive actions are negligible, the losses irredeemable: Viet Nam; massive
civil rights violations related to voting, employment, and First Amendment freedoms; the
Iran-Contra affair; the several hundred military incursions in foreign lands; 1,000 U.S.
military installations in over 60 countries; and the pervasive tragedy of Iraq.

These adventures concocted by presidential tyranny reflect more on the need to control
the human lust for power than they do on any rational policy. The costs are subtracted
directly from progress made in science, commerce, and the expansion of the creativity
and benefits by a population willing to work, experiment, and achieve.

A Whimper Not a Bang

Former Nixon counsel and journalist John Dean discussed the Bush abuse of signing
statements. He anticipated a strong reaction from Congress:

In short, Bush's signing statements, which are now going over the top, are going to cause
a reaction. It is inevitable. If Republicans lose control of either the House or Senate - and
perhaps even if they don't, if the subject is torture or an egregious violation of civil
liberties -- then the Bush/Cheney administration will wish it had not issued all those
signing statements. John Dean 1/13/06

Wishful thinking for a legislative body which somehow keeps forgetting these words
from the Constitution: “The Congress shall have the power … To declare War, grant
Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and
Water.” (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1)

The Republicans lost control of both the House and the Senate. But, alas, the reaction of
Congress to the unitary executive and his scribbling is barely noticeable. Perhaps the next
president will begin his term by attaching a simple note to the first legislation he or she
signs: “I will take care that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed.”


• Index of Presidential Signing Statements 2001-2007

• 2001-2007 George W. Bush Index to the Signing Statements
• Twilight of Democracy: The Bush Plan for America. Van Bergen

Permission to reproduce in whole or in part with a link to this article in “Scoop” and
attribution of authorship.

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