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Chains Guided Reading Questions

Chains Chapters 1-3 1. Why does Isabel say that Ruth has a peculiar name? 2. On page 14, Isabel has very little time to collect some items before she and her sisters are taking away and sold. She grabs a handful of her flower seeds that her mother collected. Why do you think she did this? 3. Why did Jenny try to buy the girls? **** Isabel can read but she modifies and makes up words and sometimes uses them in an odd way because she has not been formally educated. Examples of her made-up words are "Strangulated", "discommodated", and remembery" **** Chains Chapters 4 & 5 1. Would you have done what Isabel did for Ruth? Explain your answer? 2. Why do you think Mr. Bellingham's helpers, Curzon, is nice to Isabel? 3. What do you think is really in the trunk? Chains Chapters 6-12 1. Becky, the Lockton's housemaid, mutters that she could get tarred and feathered for brewing tea. Why would the brewing of tea be an issue for the colonies at this time? 2. Do you think Curzon will help Isabel and Ruth become free? Explain your answer. 3. If Isabel is caught, she could be severely punished or killed. Would you have done what she did and tell Curzon the news? Explain your answer. 4. Why do you think Lady Seymour was nice to Isabel? 5. Why did Lady Seymour help Mr. Lockton? Chains Chapters 13-26 1. Characters often change and grow in response to challenges they face. What challenge is Isabel facing? How has she changed from the beginning of the story to this point? In your notebook, write a paragraph explaining how she changed.

2. Why do you think Madam Lockton treats Isabel and Ruth so harshly? 3. Think about your personality and how you handle disappointment. What would you do if you were Isabel and learned you had to go back to work for Madam Lockton? Explain your answer. 4. Do you think Curzon will help find Ruth? Explain your answer using evidence from the story. Questions for Chains (Chapters 27-39) 1) Do you think its fair that the British soldiers only free slaves from rebel owners? Why or why not? 2) After reading Chapter 34, do you think she will try to help Curzon escape? Why or why not? Explain your answer using details from the story. 3) What does Isabel mean when she says that Madam Lockton cannot chain her soul unless she allows it? 4) In depth (4-6 sentences): Authors use symbolism to make a story more meaningful and interesting. A symbol is something that stands for, or represents, something else. It is often something tangible that represents something intangible. Throughout the story, the author writes about seeds. Isabel takes her mothers seeds from her home. She plants them in the Locktons garden and takes Ruth to see them when they are two hands high. She mentions that due to her neglect, the plant dies in the cold. She then takes some seeds from the dead plant and puts them in her pocket to keep them safe. What could this represent? Questions for Chains (Chapters 40 End of novel) 1) (After ch. 29) The theme of the story is the authors message about human nature or life. What do you think the theme of this story is so far? Why is the book titled Chains? Write a paragraph response. 2) Laurie Halse Anderson creates a picture of crystallized, frozen bed sheets that are hanging in the yard. The sheets look like they are covered in diamonds. Isabel uses a stick to hit them, shattering all the ice. She compares the ice to stars falling. What does this action symbolize? Explain your answer using details from the story? 3) What character do you identify with most at the end of the story? Why?

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