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The output of the cycle of Stirling is equal to the Carnot efficiency.

ME120: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Spring’09


Instructor: Günay ANLAŞ



Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, 34342 ,Bebek, ISTANBUL
yener.unver@boun.edu.tr, mehmet.akkoyun@boun.edu.tr,



The Stirling Engine

In its simplest description, the Stirling engine consists of an containing cylinder of gas
and a piston recovering the mechanical energy. This page proposes to discover the
principle of operation of this engine. This is done gradually by studying the following
- four elementary phases
- the role of the deplacor
- the diagram Pressure-Volume and the output of the cycle
First observation: the gas used is locked up, it is always the same one which is put at
contribution. Another characteristic: energy is provided outside the cylinder, from where
names “engine with hot air” or “external combustion engine” which one can read
1. Four elementary phases:
The thermodynamic cycle of the Stirling engine is in its very simple principle: it includes 4
phases during which the gas used undergoes the following transformations:
1.1. an isochoric heating (with constant volume):
The burner (the hot source) yields thermal energy. One thinks easily that the pressure
and the temperature of gas increase during this phase.

1.2. an isothermal relaxation (at constant temperature):

Volume increases whereas the pressure decreases. It is during this transformation that
driving energy is produced.

1.3. an isochoric cooling:

Projected water (the cold source) recovers thermal energy. The temperature and the
pressure decrease during this phase.
1.4. an isothermic compression:
The pressure of gas increases as its volume decreases. One must provide mechanical
energy to gas for this period.

2. The role of the deplacor:

The realization of an engine such as that described above would raise difficulties: to light
the burner, to extinguish it, sprinkle then to stop cooling, thermal shocks successive….
This is why one will introduce an artifice bringing of the solutions to these problems: the
deplacor. This last modifies neither the pressure nor the volume of gas, but obliges it to
be located either towards the partly higher hot source located, or towards the cold source
located partly lower.
Explanations thanks to drawings:
2.1. Isochoric heating:

Volume remains constant, but the deplacor, while going down, drives out gas of the low
part (cold) towards the high part (hot).
2.2. Isothermal relaxation:

The deplacor follows the operating piston during the relaxation so that the gas remains in
contact only with the hot source.
2.3. Isochoric cooling:
Volume remains constant, but the deplacor, while going up, makes pass gas of the high
part (hot) to the low part (cold).
2.4. Isothermal compression:

The deplacor, during compression, remains partly higher so that the gas remains in
contact only with the cold source.
3. The diagram Pressure-Volume and the output of the cycle:
3.1. Variations of volume:

On the diagram above, one can see:

- variation of hot volume partly high during the cycle (red zone).
- variation of cold volume partly low, between deplacor and operating piston, during the
cycle (restricted parking zone).
3.2. The diagram (P, V):
The principle of operation, above exposed, can be represented on a diagram called
“diagram Pressure-Volume” or diagram (P, V).
On this diagram, one easily sees the four phases detailed higher in images, by not
forgetting that relaxation and compression are done at constant temperatures (Tmax and
NB: the temperatures T are expressed in Kelvin (to add 273° at the Celsius temperature)
The coloured surface ranging between the four segments describing the cycle is
representative of the work collected during a cycle.
The demonstration is brought hereafter.

At a given moment, the force which is exerted on the piston is F = S X P where S is the
surface of the piston and P the instantaneous pressure.
The elementary work provided during a short time “dt” is equal to the instantaneous
force multiplied by displacement “Dy " of the piston during this amount of time “dt”.
dW = F X Dy
dW = S X P X Dy
or, if it is noticed that S X Dy = FD, variation of volume during the amount of time “dt”
dW = P X FD
On the diagram (P, V) this last expression is nothing other than the elementary surface
located under each curve. See opposite.
Work is positive under the curve of expansion because dV>0. Work is negative under the
curve of compression because dV<0.
Resulting work during a cycle is thus represented by surface under the curve of
expansion decreased by surface under the curve of compression. It is thus the surface
ranging between the curves. cqfd!
3.3. The output of the cycle:
The output of the engine is equal to the relationship
between clear mechanical energy Wnet actually recovered and the calorific energy
Qtotale which it is necessary to provide to the engine. The latter is provided during the
isochoric heating and the isothermal relaxation.
If one looks at the diagram opposite, one can write:
Wnet = Wdet + Wcomp
As he is explained above, Wcomp will be negative when it is calculated.
Qtotale = Qchauf + Qdet
3.3.1 Work Net recovered Wnet:
This Wnet work is equal to the sum of the work recovered during the relaxation (positive
work) and of the work which it is necessary to provide during the compression of the gas
(negative work):
Wnet = Wdet + Wcomp
Wnet = ∫det PdV + ∫comp PdV
with P = nRT/V
what gives:
Wnet = ∫det (nRTmax/V) FD + ∫comp (nRTmin/V) FD
Wnet = NR (Tmax - Tmin) ln Vmax/Vmin
3.3.2 Provided calorific energy Qtotale:
During an isothermal relaxation, the quantity of heat provided to the system is equal to
the work recovered during this same phase:
Qdet = ∫det PdV
Qdet = NR Tmax ln Vmax/Vmin
For the isochoric heating, it was necessary to provide following energy:
Qchauf = nCv (Tmax - Tmin)
where Cv are the molar heat of gas considered for a heating, with constant volume, of a
Tmin temperature at a Tmax temperature.
The total quantity of provided calorific energy is thus:
Qtotale = nCv (Tmax - Tmin) + NR Tmax ln Vmax/Vmin
3.3.3 Output of the cycle:
One can thus write the value of the output of a cycle of Stirling:
Output of a cycle of Stirling:
η = [R (Tmax - Tmin) ln Vmax/Vmin]/[Cv (Tmax - Tmin) + R Tmax ln

The assertion barred above, that one too often finds, is false if one followed the
reasoning exposed in this chapter. Indeed, the cycle of Carnot has as a value: ηCarnot =
1 - Tmin/Tmax what is different from the formula suitable for the output of the cycle of
On the other hand, if one supposes that energy necessary to isochoric reheating is
entirely recovered during isochoric cooling, it is the role of the regenerator studied in the
“Regenerating” page, then the effectiveness of the Stirling engine will be equal to the
output of a machine of Carnot, ever designed, having the same extreme temperatures of
Indeed, in the equation defining the output η, the term corresponding to the energy
useful for the isochoric heating Cv (Tmax - Tmin) disappears.
The expression of the output of the engine becomes:
η = [R (Tmax - Tmin) ln Vmax/Vmin]/R Tmax ln Vmax/Vmin
or, after simplification:
η = (Tmax - Tmin)/Tmax
Output of a Stirling engine with a regenerator:
η = 1 - Tmin/Tmax
Now, one can say that the output of a Stirling engine is equal to that of the cycle of
Carnot. In reality, the made assumption, to recover the heat of isochoric cooling
completely to restore it during the isochoric heating, is very optimistic not to say
impossible to realize on a practical level. It would be necessary for that the regenerator
has an effectiveness of 100%. To design such an exchanger is true a challenge.

Materials and Method



Le Moteur Stirling

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