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Speaker's noLes

lrom leb 28 2013: roposed/lmmlnenL laLesL uC/volume reducLlon: narchlve

8Lul: 8equesLed S2 concurrence aL S2 1LC on 23 leb wlLh parLlal LhroLLllng of conLenL from ?ahoo, narchlve emall Lrafflc whlch
conLalns daLa older Lhan 6 monLhs from MuSCuLA8. numerous S2 analysLs have complalned of lLs exlsLence, and Lhe relaLlvely
small lnLelllgence value lL conLalns does noL [usLlfy Lhe sheer volume of collecLlon aL MuSCuLA8 (1/4Lh of Lhe LoLal dally collecL).
8ackground: Slnce !uly of 2012, ?ahoo has been Lransferrlng enLlre emall accounLs uslng Lhe narchlve daLa formaL (a proprleLary
formaL for whlch nSA had Lo develop cusLom demulLlplexers). 1o daLe, we are unsure why Lhese accounLs are belng Lransferred -
movemenL of lndlvlduals, backup of daLa from overseas servers Lo uS servers, or some oLher reason. 1here ls no way currenLly Lo
predlcL lf an accounL wlll be Lransferred vla ?ahoo narchlve.
CurrenLly, narchlve Lrafflc ls collecLed and forwarded Lo nSA for memorlallzaLlon ln any quanLlLy only from uS-2008. Cn any glven
day, narchlve Lrafflc represenLs 23 (13C8) of uS-2008's dally lnWALL conLenL allocaLlon (60C8 currenLly). uS-2008 ls scheduled
Lo be upgraded ln Lhe summer of 2013, lL ls llkely LhaL memorlallzed narchlve Lrafflc, lf sLlll presenL ln Lhe envlronmenL, wlll grow
proporLlonally (l.e. double now, Lo 30 C8/day).
narchlve Lrafflc ls mallbox formaLLed emall, meanlng unllke ?ahoo webmall, any aLLachmenLs presenL would be collecLed as parL of
Lhe message. 1hls ls a dlsLlncL advanLage. Powever, lL has noL been deLermlned whaL causes an narchlve Lransfer of an accounL, so
Lhese messages are rarely collecLed llve".
8ased on analysls of narchlve emall daLa by and , we were able Lo lndenLlfy sLaLlsLlcs for Lhe orlglnal
communlcaLlons daLe for narchlve emall messages collecLed:
< 30 days 1118 11
> 30 days, < 90 days 1738 17
> 90 days < 180 days 1302 13
> 180 days, < 1 year 2392 26
> 1years, < 3 years 3084 31
> 3years 134 >1
numerous LargeL offlces have complalned abouL Lhls collecLlon dlluLlng" Lhelr workflow. Cne argumenL for keeplng lL ls LhaL lL
provldes a reLrospecLlve look aL LargeL acLlvlLy - Lhls argumenL ls hampered by a) Lhe unrellable and non-undersLood naLure of when
Lhe Lransfer occurs for an accounL, and b) LhaL llSA resLrospecLlve collecLlon would reLrleve Lhe exacL same daLa on demand".
SSC CpLlmlzaLlon belleves LhaL whlle Lhls ls valld" collecLlon of conLenL, Lhe sheer volume and Lhe age - coupled wlLh Lhe
unpredlcLable naLure of narchlve acLlvlLy - makes collecLlng older daLa a less deslrable use of valuable resources. 39 of narchlve
emall collecLed was orlglnally senL and recelved more Lhan 180 days afLer collecLlon. 1hls represenLs abouL 8.9 C8 a day of less
deslrable" collecLlon - long Lerm allocaLlon LhaL could be easlly fllled wlLh more Llmely, useful ll from Lhls lucraLlve SSC slLe. As
always wlLh our opLlmlzaLlon, Lhe daLa would sLlll be avallable aL Lhe slLe sLore for SlCuLv. 1hls would noL lmpacL meLadaLa
asL uC volume reducLlon efforLs:
Webmall CA8- Leap day 2012: Lhe orlglnal defeaL only LargeLed gmall, yahoo, and hoLmall webmall proLocol
l8 buddyllsL sampllng slnce lasL year
1oday: l8 CA8 defeaL/aLxks/facebook/ownerless_addressbook : Lhls ls a !SCn addressbook

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