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DUE CLASSTIME NOVEMBER 5TH. This is the final !han!e" t# !#$%lete a &ea'e& &es%#nse essa( this se$este&. Choose one of the two below 1. Look at the essays compiled at the website for Color of Christ, under the Share Your Story link. Go to http://www.colorofchrist.com and click on Share Your Story !http://colorofchrist.com/stories" #rite your own personal essay about some encounter with an ima$e of %esus or of the sacred !whether positi&e or ne$ati&e" and what it meant to you. #ith your permission we will later link up your essay to the pa$e here and make it part of the permanent response to the book' (. )elow are some *uestions posed from the Classroom +aterials and then ,iscussion -uestions link to the Color of Christ website. Choose any of the *uestions below which you may also see by click on Classroom +aterials and then ,iscussion -uestions and then the link to the .rolo$ue that you see on the left hand side there. !http://colorofchrist.com/classroom/materials/(/assi$nments/". How do Americans see es!s "oda#$ %sin& an# reso!rce "'a" is a(ai)a*)e "o #o!+ ,ind an ima&e "'a" #o! *e)ie(e *es" re-resen"s 'ow modern Americans .*o"' C'ris"ian and non/ C'ris"ian0 (iew es!s. T'e ima&e co!)d *e an#"'in& ,rom a sc!)-"!re or wor1 o, ,ine ar" "o a "o#+ -oem+ son&+ ,i)m -or"ra#a)+ s"oc1 -'o"o+ or car"oon. E2-)ain w'# #o! 'a(e c'osen "'a" -ar"ic!)ar ima&e. How simi)ar or di,,eren" is #o!r se)ec"ed es!s ima&e ,rom #o!r c)assma"es$ Select the three or four most popularly reco$ni0ed ima$es of %esus. 1otin$ their similarities and differences what do you think these ima$es say about 2mericans and their understandin$ of reli$ion Christianity in particular3 +akin$ note of their similarities and differences what do you think these ima$es say about 2mericans and their understandin$ of %esus4 race or ethnic identity3 #hich ima$e would you label traditional and which would you label new3 #hat does it mean that whiteness can be created tested and transformed repeatedly3 2ccordin$ to )lum and 5ar&ey what role has %esus played in this historical process3 2ccordin$ to 6he Color of the Christ what main factors ha&e influenced portraits of %esus in 2merican culture from colonial time to the present3 #here can you find the authors4 thesis statement3 7n your own words how would you paraphrase the main ar$ument of the book3 6he Color of Christ outlines four myths about race and reli$ion in 2merican history. 89plain these myths and their limitations. 5ow do the authors intend to correct these myths3 :pon what e&idence do they rely3

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