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Alienated Labour

Work is an activity of manipulating the natural resources from their original condition to something beneficial. Human work is different to other species and machines work which is instinctive. Human can put in work intentionally and purposefully is called labour power. In a capitalist mode-of-production, labour-power becomes a commodity which can be purchased and sold. For this purpose, three basic conditions become generalized in society; 1st: workers are separated by the mean of production and they have their own individual entity, 2nd: Workers are freed of legal constraint, they cannot be slaved, and their services are achieved by only contract and conditions, and 3rd: purpose of employment is an extension to capital for capitalists. Workers get to work under employment agreement in capitalist society, because capital-world forced individuals to get in labour-force for living, where employer owns the units of capital. Work cannot be separated from worker and capitalist take advantage from their work by negotiating and setting the work to workers under the power to labour over an agreed period of time. When an employer purchases labour-power, technically he is buying unlimited potential, but in reality the workers are subjective to work specifications. The work is affected by the firms process rules and managements decisions. Thus workers offer their work which is alienated by nature. Capitalists control the labour process and it is different from other capital-mode-of-productions, because labour-power possess the unlimited potential and there is not finite number that could be count how much each labour-power could produce. Therefore capitalist tends to alienate labour-power by taking the control on labourpower from the workers. Alienation of labour is a state of being powerless where workers have little or no control over setting the goals of labour process, creating and forming the workplace, and derive the work-process. Not all jobs are equally alienated. Management and capitalists who are small in number but holds the most

market share in land, labour and commodities, and a complex division of labour are the sources of alienation. Business makes the most of its profit by exploiting the workers by not paying the exact deserving wage in lieu of their work, therefore it created the surplus-value for capitalists, and employer reinvest this surplus-value into the business to expand the business and profit. Employers always struggle to keep the wages low to generate profit and expanding capital, and to achieve this; they introduced automation in the business to replace the labour, to gain more control over work, speed up and accustom the process. In the market-competition environment, workers struggle for the job, and employer continuously striving for more market share, which result in adopting such techniques which raise the productivity level up and reduce the unit cost of production through specialization and labour-replacing technology. Division of labour also excels on alienation, in the form of specialization where individual are restricted to perform specific task under repetitive and mindless robotic fashion. Thus, it becomes important for capitalists to alienate the labour-power to carry out their work-process according to their goals and targets, and limit the potential of workers to their business needs only.

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