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Unit 2 Identity

Introduce yourself Greet people Spell your name and address in English Talking on the phone Numbers Describing aspect Describing activities

Useful Vocabulary

First name Family name To greet To shake hands To spell Thank you!

Greeting Saying


ello!! i!! ey! o" are you #today$% o"&s it going% 'hat&s up% (ong time no see! Good morning! #before )2 o&clock$ Good afternoon! #after )2 o&clock$ Good e*ening! #after + pm$

Greeting Saying Goodbye

Goodbye!! Good,bye! #God be "ith ye!$ -ye! See you #later$! Good night!

'hat&s your name% .y name is/// / I am/// / 'here are you from% 0ice to meet you!

Te1t )2
.2 3 ello4 my name is .ihai/ 'hat&s your name%5 S2 36h4 hello/ .y name is Samantha/ 0ice to meet you!5 .2 30ice to meet you4 too/ 'here are you from%5 S2 3I&m from Great -ritain/ 7nd you%5 .2 3I&m 8omanian/5 S2 3(ook4 I think it&s your turn/5 .2 3That&s right/ 694 see you later!5 S2 3See you!5

Find the names and nationality of the participants to the discussion and imagine "hat the conte1t might be/

(earn to count2
) one 2 t"o : three ; four < fi*e + si1 = se*en > eight ? nine @ Aero

Te1t 22
S2 3Good afternoon4 sir!5 B2 3Good afternoon/5 S2 3'hat&s your name%5 B2 3.y name is Bhi"etel CDiofor/5 S2 3 o" do you spell it%5 B2 3It&s B, ,I,',C,T,C,( C,E,I,6,F,6,8/5 S2 3I see/ 'hat&s your nationality4 .r CDiofor%5 B2 3I&m -ritish/5 S2 37nd "hat&s your address%5 B2 3I li*e at <4 Ful"itch Bollege4 United 9ingdom/5 S2 3Thank you sir4 your inter*ie" is at ; p/m/ on .onday/5 B2 3Thank you/ Good bye/5 S2 3Good bye/5

Fill in the follo"ing form2


-ritish actor/ 2@@> (aurence 6li*ier 7"ard for -est 7ctor for his performance in Othello/

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7merican child actress/ She is kno"n for her leading role as ushpuppy in the critically acclaimed drama film Beasts of the Southern Wild

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7merican,born Irish actress/ She came to international prominence in 2@@= after co,starring in the film Atonement

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Futch actress/ She is kno"n for playing the *illainous -ond girl Kenia 6natopp in Golden Eye4 Eean Grey!Lhoeni1 in the X-Men

7merican actress "ho made her acting debut in the 2@@? film Precious4 a role that brought her a nomination for the 7cademy 7"ard for -est 7ctress

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7merican actor/ .cBonaughey first gained notice for his breakout role in the coming of age comedy Dazed and Confused/

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7ustralian actress/ -ecame kno"n to a "ider audience follo"ing her critically acclaimed "ork on the -6 tele*ision series n !reatment

S I7 (7-C6UF
7merican actor and director "ho became kno"n among younger audiences as (ouis Ste*ens in the Fisney Bhannel series E"en Ste"ens


7merican stand,up comedian4 actor and pianist kno"n for his numerous film and tele*ision appearances including his mo*ie !he #an$o"er/

(et me introduce you to my family

o" to introduce people o" to descri%e people

Useful *ocabulary
a$ Family relationships b$ Bolors of hair!eyes c$ 0umbers up to )@@ d$ C1pressions

Family relationships
'ife .other Sister Faughter Grandmother Granddaughter 7unt 0iece Bousin usband Father -rother Son Grandfather Grandson Uncle 0ephe" Bousin

-lack -ro"n -lue Green -lond Gray#7m/Cn/$! Grey 'hite 8ed

6ther colors
Mello" 6range Link Lurple ! Dark Green ! Light Green Violet Sil*er Gold Bopper

https2!!en/"ikipedia/org!"iki!(istGofGc olorsG#compact$

Bounting from ) to )@@

),)@ )), ele*en )2, t"el*e ): thirteen ); fourteen )< fifteen )+ si1teen )=, se*enteen )> eighteen )?, nineteen

Bounting from ) to )@@ #2$

2@ t"enty :@ thirty ;@ forty <@ fifty +@ si1ty =@ se*enty >@ eighty ?@ ninety )@@ one hundred

Bounting from ) to )@@ #:$

2) 22 2: 2; 2< 2+ 2= 2> 2? t"enty,one t"enty,t"o t"enty,three t"enty,four t"enty,fi*e t"enty,si1 t"enty,se*en t"enty,eight t"enty,nine :), thirty,one ;) forty,one <) fifty,one +) si1ty,one =), se*enty,one >) eighty,one ?) ninety,one

This is my/// is name is/// er name is/// e is N years old/ She is N years old/ e!She has got N eyes/ e!She has got N hair/

This is my mother/ er name is .aria/ She is :> years old/ She&s got blond hair and blue eyes/

This is my father/ is name is Eoshua/ e is ;) years old/ e&s got bro"n hair and bro"n eyes/

This is my// er name is// She is N years old/ She&s got N hair and N eyes/

This is my/// is name is/// e is N years old/ e&s got /// hair and N eyes/

This is my puppy/ Its name is .a1/ It is one year old/ It has got "hite hair/ It has got black eyes/

Llease note2
He Cl #persoane de se1 masculin$ She Ca #persoane de se1 feminin$ It Cl!Ca #animale si obiecte inanimate$ His al lui Her al ei Its al lui!al ei #pentru animale si obiecte inanimate$

0o" "rite about yourself2

ello! .y name is/// I am N years old/ I&*e got N hair and N eyes/

7nd about one of your colleagues2

ello! This is my colleague! friend N / e!She is N years old/ e!She has got N hair and N eyes/

Fra" your family tree/ 'rite a short description of each member/

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