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A Dossier on the Pave Paws Radar Installation on Leshan, Taiwan 24.499 N, 121.

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%issile De!ense Radar &ielded in Taiwan

Feb. 4, 2013 A 1.4 billion missile defense radar has been acti!ated in "aiwan, Agence France-#resse reported on $%nda&. '"he radar is able to pro!ide %s with more than si( min%tes) warning in preparation for an& s%rprise attac*s,' air force +t. ,en. -% -an-chiao said to the news agenc&. "he s&stem, placed high on a mo%ntain in the island state)s north, can monitor incoming threats at a distance of %p to 3,100 miles. .hina is said to ha!e abo%t 1,000 ballistic missiles pointed at "aiwan. /t has declared the a%tonomo%sl& go!erned island to be its territor& and has pledged to ta*e militar& action sho%ld "aipei see* f%ll independence. '"he s&stem enabled "aiwan to ha!e comprehensi!e s%r!eillance controls when 0orth 1orea la%nched a roc*et in 2ecember and the mainland tested its antimissile s&stem latel&,' an %nidentified armed forces official told the +ibert& "imes newspaper, disc%ssing radar practice that began near the end of 2012. '"hro%gh the sharing with the 3nited $tates of the information it collects from the radar s&stem, "aiwan becomes a critical lin* in the 3.$. strategic defense networ* in the region,' according to 1e!in .heng, top editor at "aipei-based Asia-#acific 2efense 4aga5ine. #re!io%s reports indicated "aiwan wo%ld not share data from the radar with the 3nited $tates.


Tal' o! the Da( ## Taiwan !or)all( *o))issions new radar s(ste)

2013/02/03 22:04:3; "he militar& held a commissioning ceremon& Feb. 1 for a new ad!anced earl& warning radar s&stem that can detect and trac* not onl& g%ided ballistic missiles and cr%ise missiles b%t also all t&pes of warplanes, incl%ding stealth fighters. "he new phased arra& radar installation, sit%ated on top of a mo%ntain in <sinch% .o%nt&, northern "aiwan, is more ad!anced than fi!e other similar s&stems established b& the 3nited $tates in other co%ntries, according to media reports. "he new mo%ntaintop radar s&stem at +oshan can detect fl&ing ob=ects in a range of %p to >,000 *ilometers, enabling "aiwan to ha!e comprehensi!e s%r!eillance control of aerial acti!ities in airspace from the 1orean penins%la in the north to the $o%th .hina $ea in the so%th, the reports said. According to militar& so%rces, the s&stem has been in ser!ice since last 2ecember. "he so%rces f%rther said that .hief of ,eneral $taff ,en. ?en 4ing presided o!er the new radar)s formal commissioning ceremon&. "he long-range, earl& warning radar installation is e(pected to gi!e "aiwan an additional few min%tes of warning of an& s%rprise .hinese missile attac*, the so%rces added. "he following are e(cerpts from local media co!erage of the new s&stem and the latest de!elopments in regional sec%rit& iss%es: +ibert& "imes: "aiwan began to negotiate a deal with the 3nited $tates on proc%ring an ad!anced s%r!eillance radar s&stem after .hina fired ballistic missiles in the "aiwan $trait ahead of the island)s first-e!er direct presidential election in 1@@A. A deal was finall& str%c* after 10 &ears of negotiations, and constr%ction of a new facilit& to accommodate the new radar s&stem got %nderwa& in 200B. Ceca%se of the +oshan region)s inclement weather and poor traffic conditions, the constr%ction pro=ect too* si( &ears to complete, at an e(orbitant cost of 0" 40.@ billion D3$ 1.3; billionE. 4ilitar& so%rces said that when 0orth 1orea la%nched a roc*et last 2ecember, the +oshan radar s&stem was alread& prepared for ser!ice. '-e decided to p%t the installation into ser!ice ahead of the original sched%le and the s&stem enabled %s to ha!e f%ll s%r!eillance control,' said a militar& officer who spo*e on condition of anon&mit&. "he new installation has also allowed "aiwan to detect .hina)s recent test-firing of missile-interception weapons, the officer said.

-ith the new radar, "aiwan managed to detect 0orth 1orea)s roc*et la%nch a few min%tes ahead of e!en Fapan, according to a pre!io%s 2efense 4inistr& report. ?en said at the commissioning ceremon& that the new s&stem will greatl& enhance "aiwan)s abilit& to detect and trac* missiles and other aerial threats from neighboring co%ntries. As +oshan is located at a high altit%de, militar& personnel had to end%re hardships d%ring the process of constr%ction of the radar base, 2efense 4inistr& officials said. 2ail& s%pplies and e!en constr%ction materials often had to be airlifted in b& helicopter. 4an& of those in!ol!ed in the pro=ect, howe!er, ha!e become acc%stomed to the primiti!e li!ing conditions, the officials said, adding that some officers ha!e been posted there for o!er 10 &ears. DFeb. 3, 2013E


Taiwan de+lo(s advan*ed earl( warnin, radar

#osted: 03 Febr%ar& 2013 1A0; hrs "A/#G/: "aiwan has p%t into ser!ice a 3$-made billion-dollar earl& warning radar s&stem capable of gi!ing more than si( min%tes) warning of a .hinese missile attac*, a senior militar& officer said $%nda&. "he radar, located on top of a mo%ntain in northern <sinch% co%nt&, started pro!iding s%r!eillance information after a ceremon& presided o!er b& chief of the general staff air force ,eneral ?en 4ing on Frida&. [2013-02-01?] '"he radar is able to pro!ide %s with more than si( min%tes) warning in preparations for an& s%rprise attac*s,' +ie%tenant ,eneral -% -an-chiao, director of the air force command headH%arters) department of political warfare, told AF#. According to the +ibert& "imes, ?en said while addressing a small gro%p of g%ests: '-ith the completion of the pro=ect, the militar&)s airborne s%r!eillance capabilit& against missiles and fl&ing ob=ects that ma& threaten "aiwan has been largel& %pgraded.' "he paper said the phased arra& warning s&stem, which cost "w 40.@ billion D 1.3; billionE, is capable of detecting fl&ing ob=ects %p to >,000 *ilometres D3,100 milesE awa&. '"he s&stem has enabled "aiwan to ha!e comprehensi!e s%r!eillance controls when 0orth 1orea la%nched a roc*et in 2ecember and the mainland tested its anti-missile s&stem latel&,' the paper H%oted an %nnamed militar& officer as sa&ing, spea*ing of the radar)s trial r%ns since late last &ear. "aiwan decided to b%& the costl& radar s&stem from the 3nited $tates following the 1@@>-1@@A missile crisis, d%ring which .hina carried o%t ballistic missile tests in waters off "aiwan in an attempt to intimidate the island ahead of its first direct presidential elections. '"his is the most ad!anced s&stem of its *ind in the world... it is cr%cial as the .hinese comm%nists are aiming more than 1,000 ballistic missiles at "aiwan,' .hao $hih-chang, then dep%t& defence minister told parliament in 2011, adding it was also capable of detecting cr%ise missiles.


Lon,#ran,e radar -.d,et s.r,es -( NT/10 -illion

"he .hina #ost news staff Fan%ar& A, 2013, 12:01 am "-0 "A/#G/, "aiwan -- "aiwan)s long-range earl&-warning radar s&stem recentl& became operational at a total cost of o!er 0" 40 billion, %p 0" 10 billion from the original b%dget set in 2003, according to 1%omintang lawma*er +in ?%-fang. +in said the 0" 10 billion increase in the radar)s b%dget, incl%ding a rise of 0" 4 billion for 2013, was designed to boost the s&stem)s performance, enhance the sec%rit& of its software, and reinforce its ci!il engineering. "he 0" 4 billion b%dget increase for 2013 was appro!ed d%ring an earlier secret meeting of the +egislat%re)s 0ational 2efense .ommittee. "he radar s&stem, which was p%rchased from the 3.$., has been in constr%ction for the last decade. +in made the remar*s in response to H%estions from reporters after winding %p a !isit to the radar s&stem on +oshan D2,A;0 meters abo!e the seaE, <sinch% .o%nt& in 0orthern "aiwan. C%t +in also said that the Air Force .ommand <eadH%arters has filed an application with the 3.$. for arbitration o!er the =%stification of the latest b%dget increase of 0" 4 billion. "he arbitration will ta*e one &ear to complete. +in said the long-range earl&-warning radar s&stem can cond%ct a 3A0-degree s%r!eillance sweep, with a radi%s of o!er 2,000 *ilometers. "his incl%des inland areas of mainland .hina, the 2iao&%tai /slands, and "aiping island of the $pratl& islands. +in said information from the long-range radar s&stem can be sent to the nation)s missile earl&-warning center and #atriot Anti-4issile $&stem, and then be sent to the <engshan .ommand .enter and other *e& weapon carrier s&stems. As the radar is located on a high mo%ntain, its s%r!eillance scope reaches far into mainland .hina. "his enables it to monitor an& potential ballistic and cr%ise missiles from .hina as well as the acti!it& of aircraft at !ario%s militar& or ci!il airports in the co%ntr&, according to +in. <e stressed that in terms of s%r!eillance performance "aiwan)s long-range earl&-warning radar is s%perior to the same *ind of s&stems deplo&ed in the 3.$., Critain and 2enmar*. +in said the 3.$.) decision to cooperate closel& with "aiwan in deplo&ing the radar clearl& demonstrates that "aiwan)s strategic position in Asia is closel& related to the core interests of the 3.$. "he data recorded b& the s&stem can be shared b& both parties, +in added.


Taiwan0s new earl( warnin, radar s(ste) *overs as !ar as ",000 na.ti*al )iles
2013/01/0> 22:44:24 "aipei, Fan. > D.0AE "aiwan)s new earl& warning radar s&stem co!ers nearl& 3A0 degrees and a reconnaissance distance as far as 3,000 na%tical miles that helped "aiwan detect 0orth 1orea)s roc*et la%nch e!en min%tes earlier than Fapan, a so%rce with the Air Force has said. "he long-range earl& warning radar s&stem helped the nation detected 0orth 1orea)s roc*et la%nch shortl& after it blasted off 2ec. 12, the so%rce said. "he long-range earl& warning radar s&stem installed at +oshan in <sinch% .o%nt& was formall& ina%g%rated last month. "he so%rce said that "aiwan)s long-range radar can e!en collect information of some areas in 0ortheast Asia and $o%theast Asia, incl%ding the disp%ted 2iao&%tai /slands in the Gast .hina $ea and "aiping /sland, the largest island in the $pratel& /slands in the $o%th $ea. "he 2iao&%tai /slands, located abo%t 100 nat%ical miles northeast of "aiwan, is %nder Fapan)s administrati!e control since 1@B2 , b%t is also claimed b& "aiwan and .hina. "he b%dget of the 3.$.-b%ilt radar s&stem was increased b& another 3$ 200 million last &ear to more than 0" 40 billion D3$ 1.3; billinE, an mo%nt the Air Force fo%nd %nacceptable and has as*ed for an arbitration. $tatistics showed that the s&stem is more powerf%l than those of the same t&pe c%rrentl& in ser!ice in the 3nited $tates, according to the so%rce. "he radar can detect and trac* short- and long-range ballistic missiles and cr%ise missiles, the so%rce said, adding that the radar can pinpoint the tra=ector& of an& intr%ding missile and th%s gi!e "aiwan more time to prepare a response. DC& .hen #ei-h%


Taiwan0s new radar s(ste) dete*ts North 1orean ro*'et la.n*h

.0A 2012-12-13 11:43 D,4"I;E A new earl& warning radar s&stem helped "aiwan detect 0orth 1orea)s roc*et la%nch shortl& after the roc*et blasted off -ednesda& morning, according to the co%ntr&)s 4inistr& of 2efense. /n a statement iss%ed -ednesda&, the ministr& said it closel& monitored 0orth 1orea)s roc*et la%nch and indicated that the roc*et)s flight did not pose an& threat to "aiwan)s national sec%rit&. ':%r long-range earl& warning radar s&stem detected the 0orth 1orean roc*et fl&ing o!er waters some 200 *m east of "aiwan and that the first and second stages of the roc*et crashed into waters off $o%th 1orea and the #hilippines, respecti!el&,' the ministr& said in a statement. /t mar*ed the first time that the ministr& has mentioned the f%nctioning of the "aiwanese militar&)s earl& warning radar s&stem. "he militar& has re!ealed few technical details abo%t its new radar installation, code-named the Anpang #ro=ect. 4inistr& spo*esman +%o $ho%-he later confirmed that the long-range earl& warning radar s&stem installed at +oshan in northwestern "aiwan)s <sinch% co%nt& was formall& ina%g%rated "%esda& [201212-11?] and has since become operational. "he 3$-b%ilt radar, worth more than 0" 40 billion D3$ 1.3B billionE, is more powerf%l than those of the same t&pe c%rrentl& in ser!ice in the 3nited $tates, according to "aiwanese militar& so%rces. "he radar can detect and trac* short- and long-range ballistic missiles and cr%ise missiles, the so%rces said, adding that the radar can pinpoint the tra=ector& of an& intr%ding missile and th%s gi!e "aiwan more time to prepare a response. +ie%tenant ,eneral .hen "ien-sheng, chief of staff at "aiwan)s Air Force .ommand <eadH%arters, once said at a legislati!e session that the s&stem can detect targets as far awa& as 3,000 miles, incl%ding stealth warplanes. +ocal media ha!e reported, howe!er, that the 3$ s%pplier of the s&stem repeatedl& raised the price of the radar installation, and some critics ha!e contended that "aiwan acH%ired the s&stem at a price far higher than that offered to other co%ntries. As the 3$ does not ha!e access to the intelligence collected from the new s&stem, "aiwanese lawma*ers ha!e s%ggested that its militar& sho%ld not offer intelligence collected thro%gh the radar s&stem to the 3nited $tates for free.


Ra(theon 2ins /2$9% Taiwan Radar 3.++ort 3ale

#osted b& Joss -il*ers 2ec 10th, 2012 Ja&theon D0?$G: J"0E has won a 2;@,4>;,@42 3.$. Air Force contract to pro!ide s%stainment s%pport for an earl& warning radar s&stem. "he 2efense 2epartment said this contract s%pports the "aiwan $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram thro%gh a foreign militar& sale. -or* will occ%r in "aiwan thro%gh 0o!. ;, 201B and <anscom Air Force Case, 4ass. is the contracting acti!it&. According to a FedCi5:pps post [of 2004], the program aims to pro!ide "aiwan two %ltra high freH%enc& phased arra& radars and %p to fo%r missile warning centers for missile warning, air breathing threats and maritime ship trac*ing missions. "he Air Force estimated the initial b%& of the radar and two centers was !al%ed at ;30 million o!er fo%r &ears, with remaining radars and centers co!ered %nder contract options.


4osts 3'(ro*'et !or Taiwan5s Earl( 2arnin, Radar

2ec @, 2012 C& -endell 4innic* "he price for f%rther maintenance of "aiwanKs sole earl& warning radar DG-JE program =%st went thro%gh the roof. "he #entagon anno%nced an additional maintenance contract on 2ecember B worth a whopping 2@0 million. ,i!en the fact that the original price for constr%ction of the G-J on "aiwanKs west coast was onl& ;00 million, "aiwan legislators ha!e alread& complained bitterl& of e(tensi!e o!err%ns hitting 1.23 billion. "he Ja&theon b%ilt facilit& is designed to warn of an initial missile and air stri*e from .hina, which is aiming 1,>00 short-range ballistic missiles at "aiwan. "he constr%ction of the radar facilit& was dela&ed b& m%dslides on +eshan 4o%ntain and f%rther %nspecified dela&s p%shed costs %p. "he additional increase will no do%bt %pset man& within "aiwanKs legislat%re and militar& who ha!e been p%shing for an increase in the defense b%dget to co!er costs of pa&ing for 1; billion worth of arms proc%red from the 3.$. since 200B. "he list is e(tensi!e: A<-A4 Apache attac* helicopters, #atriot Ad!anced .apabilit& 3 D#A.-3E missiles, #-3. :rion maritime patrol aircraft, 3<-A04 Clac*haw* %tilit& helicopters, F-1AA/C %pgrade pac*age for 14> fighters, :spre&-class mine h%nting ships, A4JAA4 missiles, $4-2 Cloc* ///A $tandard air-defense missiles for 1idd-class destro&ers, <arpoon anti-ship missile, etc. $ee $hirle& 1anKs most recent report on "aiwanKs arms proc%rement programs in her new report: "aiwan: 4a=or 3.$. Arms $ales $ince 1@@0. L<owe!er, "aiwan complained of mistr%st, dela&s, and price increases for the $J# Dand other programsE. "he 3.$. Air Force %ne(pectedl& as*ed "aiwan to agree to two re!ised +etters of :ffer and Acceptance for two additional pa&ments of abo%t 141 million DreH%ested in 2ecember 200B to co!er costs in disaster responseE and abo%t >A million DreH%ested in F%ne 200@ to enhance anti-tamperingE. /n 2011, Ja&theon reH%ested a third increase of abo%t 200 million. -hile officials in "aiwan, incl%ding in the +? and "aiwanKs militar&, e(pressed fr%stration at the e(tra 3.$. demands, the& said the& remained committed to the $J#.M Celow is the original 2o2 2ecember Bth anno%ncement: Ja&theon .o., $%db%r&, 4ass., DFA;B30-13-.-0003E is being awarded a 2;@,4>;,@42 cost-pl%s-fi(edfee, firm-fi(ed-price, cost reimb%rsement contract for follow-on s%stainment s%pport of the "aiwan $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram. "he location of the performance is "aiwan. -or* is e(pected to be completed b& 0o!. ;, 201B. "he contracting acti!it& is AF+.4./<C0A, <anscom Air Force Case, 4ass. .ontract in!ol!es foreign militar& sales to "aiwan.


Ra(theon to 3.++ort Taiwan 6ltra 7i,h &re8.en*( Radar

2ecember @, 2011 C& ,eorge $effers Ja&theon /ntegrated 2efense $&stems, $%db%r&, 4assach%setts, is being awarded a 42,@13,;@4 costpl%s-fi(ed-fee and firm-fi(ed-price contract for the $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram to pro!ide "aiwan with the elements of a missile and air defense capabilit&. $pecificall&, this s&stem incl%des a %ltra high freH%enc& phased arra& radar integrated with "aiwan-f%rnished /dentification Friend-or-Foe beaconsN two 4issile -arning .entersN and comm%nications and interface architect%re and protocol to specified "aiwan mission elements !ia the "aiwan militar& comm%nications infrastr%ct%re, consistent with 3.$. go!ernment restrictions. Glectronic $&stems .enter, <anscom Air Force Case, 4assach%setts, is the contracting acti!it&.


Taiwan will not share new radar s(ste)0s data with 6.3.9 o!!i*ial
2012/11/0> 1B:>1:>3 "aipei, 0o!. > D.0AE "aiwan will not share information gathered b& its new earl&-warning s%r!eillance radar s&stem with the 3nited $tates, following the completion of the s&stem b& the end of the &ear, a defense official said 4onda&. "he long-range s&stem at a militar& base in <sinch% .o%nt& will be a closed networ* and the militar& 'will not offer' related information to the 3.$., said +t. ,en. +i% $hi-la&, an official with the 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense)s %nit responsible for comm%nication, electronics and information. +i% made the remar*s in response to concerns raised b& r%ling 1%omintang +egislator +% $hiow-&en that "aiwan)s militar& will pro!ide information collected b& the radar s&stem to the 3.$. At a hearing of the +egislat%re)s Foreign Affairs and 0ational 2efense .ommittee, +% also e(pressed concerns that the s&stem, which "aiwan p%rchased from the 3.$., will be more beneficial to -ashington than to "aipei. +% said the information collected b& the radar s&stem will be more !al%able for the 3.$., in the e!ent of missile attac*s b& .hina. <owe!er, the ministr& has said that the radar s&stem is necessar& to help strengthen "aiwan)s combat readiness in case of .hinese attac*, gi!en that .hina deplo&s o!er 1,000 missiles targeting "aiwan. :n the possibilit& that the 3.$. ma& be able to intercept data collected b& the s&stem, +i% said the 3.$. will be %nable to access an& information %nless "aiwan shares it.


Taiwan to as' A++le to -l.r sensitive )ilitar( i)a,es

:ctober @, 2012 "aiwan said "%esda& it will as* 3$ tech giant Apple to bl%r satellite images of sensiti!e militar& installations which are freel& a!ailable to i#hone > %sers. "he defence ministr& reacted after the +ibert& "imes newspaper printed a satellite pict%re, downloaded with an i#hone >, showing a top-secret long-range radar base in the northern co%nt& of <sinch%. 'Jegarding images ta*en b& commercial satellites, legall& we can do nothing abo%t it,' the ministr&)s spo*esman 2a!id +o told reporters. 'C%t we)ll as* Apple to lower the resol%tion of satellite images of some confidential militar& establishments the wa& we)!e as*ed ,oogle in the past,' he said, referring to the ,oogle Garth programme. Apple has not &et recei!ed a formal reH%est, according to Cra!o, a "aiwan #J compan& handling its media relations. /t declined to spec%late how Apple wo%ld respond to a reH%est. "he <sinch% base ho%ses a c%tting-edge long-range radar proc%red from the 3nited $tates in 2003. .onstr%ction of the radar is e(pected to be completed b& the end of the &ear. "he %ltra-high-freH%enc& radar, s%pplied b& 3$ defence gro%p Ja&theon, is capable of detecting missiles la%nched as far awa& as Oin=iang in .hina)s northwest, militar& officials sa&. "he& sa& the radar, which cost "w 3A billion D 1.23 billionE, is designed to gi!e "aiwan min%tes of e(tra warning in case of a .hinese missile attac*.


Ni:ed radar re+ort ;old news59 so.r*es

4on, :ct 01, 2012 GAJ+? -AJ0/0,:A stor& b& news agenc& Agence France-#resse that claimed "aiwan had dropped an earl&-warning defense s&stem happened &ears ago, so%rces ha!e said C& F. 4ichael .ole / $taff reporter 2efense ind%str& so%rces &esterda& denied a report filed last wee* that "aiwan had decided to drop a plan to p%rchase a second earl&-warning radar DG-JE from the 3$, sa&ing the decision had been made se!eral &ears ago. .iting Lmilitar& a%thorities,M Agence France-#resse DAF#E reported on "%esda& that the 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense had abandoned plans to add a second G-J to its in!entor&. "he stor& began more than a decade ago, when "aiwan la%nched efforts to impro!e its s%r!eillance capabilities %nder what came to be *nown as the $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram D$J#E. After fo%r &ears of intense debate, in 0o!ember 2003, a still-di!ided legislat%re agreed to set aside 3$ ;00 million for the acH%isition of one G-J from the 3$. /n 4arch the following &ear, -ashington responded with a 3$ 1.BB billion notification to .ongress, which pro!ided an option for two %ltrahigh-freH%enc& long-range G-Js. 3$-based Ja&theon .orp won a 3$ B>2 million contract in F%ne 200> for "aiwanKs first G-J, with constr%ction in +eshan DE, <sinch% .o%nt&, beginning in 200@. -ith its 3,000*m range and abilit& to trac* as man& as 1,000 ballistic and air-breathing targets sim%ltaneo%sl&, the b&-now 3$ 1 billionpl%s G-J, which is e(pected to become operational b& the end of this &ear, has been described as possibl& the most powerf%l on the planet. "he pro=ect has not been witho%t contro!ers& o!er the &ears, primaril& o!er rising constr%ction and maintenance costs, with Ja&theon reH%esting an additional 3$ 200 million last &ear. .hinese 0ationalist #art& D14"E +egislator +in ?%-fang DE last wee* called on the ministr& to Lstand to%gh in negotiating the price with the 3$,M adding that otherwise the radar co%ld become La pestering Pmone& pit.KM 2espite the cost o!err%ns, "aiwan has said it remains committed to the $J#. According to last wee*Ks AF# report, anger o!er rising costs ne!ertheless led to a decision to abandon plans to p%rchase a second radar s&stem. L"he minister Qof national defenseR has said there wonKt be another one,M an Air Force spo*esman told AF# of the second radar, which wo%ld reportedl& ha!e been b%ilt near ,reater 1aohsi%ng.

<owe!er, as reported in the .4/$J Fo%rnal and in an ann%al report b& the .ongressional Jesearch $er!ice, rather than being a recent decision ta*en b& #resident 4a ?ing-=eo%Ks DE administration, which critics ha!e often acc%sed of being soft on defense, "aiwan abandoned plans to acH%ire a second G-J in earl& 200B, when the 2emocratic #rogressi!e #art& was in power, tho%gh it had faced a 14"dominated legislat%re at the time. #art of the conf%sion comes from a mis%nderstanding of 3$ congressional notifications on foreign arms sales, which do not oblige a client to p%rchase all the articles optioned in the notification, b%t onl& ser!e as a list of items that ha!e been made a!ailable for p%rchase. As*ed to comment on the matter &esterda&, a defense ind%str& so%rce confirmed that the decision not to proc%re a second G-J was made in 200B and had nothing to do with recent de!elopments. L"his is old news,M the so%rce told the "aipei "imes.


Taiwan s*ra+s +lan to -.( 63#)ade lon,#ran,e radar

DAF#E U $ep 2>, 2012 "A/#G/ V "aiwan has decided to drop a plan to b%& a second ad!anced earl&-warning radar from the 3$, officials said "%esda&, following criticism that the first had become a 'mone& pit'. "aiwan p%rchased its first c%tting-edge long-range radar from the 3$ in 2003 and its constr%ction is nearing completion after a dela& of more than three &ears. C%t militar& a%thorities, citing defence minister 1ao <%a-ch%, said the& wo%ld abandon plans of adding a second one to their in!entor&. '"he minister has said there won)t be another one,' an air force spo*esman told AF# of the radar that wo%ld ha!e been installed in the so%th of the island. "he c%rrent %ltra-high-freH%enc& radar, s%pplied b& 3$ defence gro%p Ja&theon nearing completion in the island)s north, is designed to gi!e an e(tra si( min%tes) warning of an& .hinese missile attac*. "he radar has cost "aiwan "w 3A billion D 1.23 billionE to p%rchase and b%ild o!er the past eight &ears and the defence ministr& has b%dgeted another "w 4 billion at the demand of the 3$ contractor. 'A large part of the increased pa&ment is s%pposed to be %sed in f%rther J92 and depot-le!el maintenance. "his is %nacceptable,' legislator +in ?%-fang from the r%ling 1%omintang part&, who sits on parliament)s defence committee, said in a statement "%esda&. '"he defence ministr& m%st stand to%gh in negotiating the price with the 3nited $tates, otherwise it ma& become a pestering )mone& pit.)'


Taiwan5s s.rveillan*e radar *o.ld *o)e online witho.t ;s+a*e tra*'in,5

#osted b& F. 4ichael .ole at 12:3; A4 $at%rda&, Febr%ar& 2>, 2012 "he powerf%l $J#, which is e(pected to come online later this &ear, co%ld be blind to the stars abo!e "he 3$ ;00 million earl& warning radar s&stem that is being b%ild at +eshan DE in <sinch% .o%nt&, which some defense e(perts claim is the most powerf%l G-$ on the face of the planet, co%ld see a !er& sensiti!e capabilit& V the abilit& to trac* satellites V switched off. 4& e(cl%si!e for FaneKs 2efence -ee*l& contin%es here Ds%bscription reH%iredE.


Air !or*e denies re+orts o! )ore dela(s !or radar

C& Jich .hang / $taff Jeporter "he air force &esterda& denied a newspaper report sa&ing that plans to begin operating a long-range earl&-warning radar s&stem at <sinch% Air Force Case co%ld be dela&ed %ntil ne(t &ear after land at a constr%ction site s%bsided. "he .hinese-lang%age 3nited 2ail& 0ews &esterda& reported that constr%ction at the earl&-warning radar site at +eshan DE, <sinch% .o%nt&, had enco%ntered land s%bsidence problems and that as a conseH%ence, plans to begin operating the radar s&stem in 0o!ember co%ld be dela&ed %ntil ne(t &ear. "he report said that tr%c*s carr&ing concrete and sand had arri!ed at the base to carr& o%t land consolidation wor*. /n a press statement, the air force &esterda& denied the report, sa&ing gro%ndwor* %nderneath the radar site was completed last &ear and that there was no problem with s%bsidence. "he air force added that the radar was being man%fact%red in the 3$ and that after the completion of software performance integration testing in 0o!ember, the f%ll s&stem co%ld be installed b& the end of the &ear. .onstr%ction of the ad!anced radar s&stem faced a series of dela&s from $eptember 200@ %ntil the end of 2010 beca%se of m%dslides, among other problems. "he 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense anno%nced last &ear that the radar s&stem wo%ld come online in 0o!ember this &ear. "he long-range earl&-warning radar str%ct%re is abo%t 10 stories high. "he radar has a range of 3,000*m. "aiwan p%rchased the eH%ipment from the 3$ to monitor ballistic and cr%ise missiles, and to act as a forward position for the 3$K ballistic missile defense s&stem. "he %ltra-high freH%enc& earl&-warning radar s&stem has been described b& some anal&sts as the best in the world for its abilit& to loo* deep inside .hina and the ad!anced software that can anal&5e large amo%nts of trac*ing data. Aside from missiles, the s&stem will also be able to cond%ct s%r!eillance at sea as well as trac* satellites. <owe!er, some militar& e(perts ha!e raised do%bts abo%t the radar s&stem, incl%ding its !%lnerabilit& V the site wo%ld be %nli*el& to s%r!i!e be&ond an initial missile stri*e V and its inabilit& to detect cr%ise missiles. .ritics also sa& that the additional si( min%tes of warning time the long-range radar pro!ides wo%ld onl& ma*e a marginal difference. :ther detractors also point to its high cost V abo%t 3$ ;00 million V as well as en!ironmental concerns and opposition from Aborigines li!ing in the area. Additional reporting b& F. 4ichael .ole


Taiwan to *o)+lete lon,#ran,e s.rveillan*e radar +ro,ra) ne:t (ear

.entral 0ews Agenc& 2011-11-10 04:21 #4 "aipei, 0o!. 10 D.0AE "aiwan will complete a long-range s%r!eillance radar s&stem ne(t &ear, a mo!e to boost the nation)s air defenses in the face of militar& threat from .hina, officials said "h%rsda&. "he constr%ction of the long-range earl& warning $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram D$J#E is set to be f%ll& completed at a militar& site in <sinch% .o%nt& of northern "aiwan in 0o!ember 2012, said 2ep%t& 2efense 4inister .hao $hih-chang at a legislati!e session. .hao also downpla&ed concerns that the new radar s&stem ma& fail to integrate with "aiwan)s #atriot missile la%nch s&stem and lin* to the <eng $han 4ilitar& .ommand .enter, a militar& emergenc& facilit& also located in the north. '"he preliminar& tests ha!e showed that there are no problems with the integration between the s&stems,' .hao said at the +egislat%re)s Foreign Affairs and 0ational 2efense .ommittee. .hao)s remar*s came in response to H%estions b& legislators who e(pressed concern abo%t the complete integration of the radar and the #atriot missile s&stems. 0oting that .hina deplo&s more than 1,000 missiles targeting "aiwan, .hao said s%ch a radar s&stem is necessar& to help strengthen the co%ntr&)s combat readiness in the e!ent of .hinese attac*. "he dep%t& minister)s comments were a response to legislator .hang <sien-&ao of the r%ling 1%omintang who as*ed wh& "aiwan is the onl& co%ntr& that has p%rchased the radar s&stem from the 3nited $tates. "he radar s&stem was originall& set to be completed b& the end of this &ear, b%t the completion of the pro=ect has to be postponed d%e to some constr%ction problems, according to the 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense. DC& Glaine <o%E

Taiwan9 %a<or 6.3. Ar)s 3ales 3in*e 1990

$hirle& A. 1an $pecialist in Asian $ec%rit& Affairs Febr%ar& 24, 2011 .ongressional Jesearch $er!ice B->B00 www.crs.go! J+30@>B Garl& -arning Jadar /n 1@@@, some in .ongress enco%raged the .linton Administration to appro!e a sale of earl& warning radars Dsee L10Ath .ongressM belowE, appro!al that was gi!en in 2000. "he #entagon stressed the importance of long-range earl& warning and trac*ing of ballistic and cr%ise missile attac*s against "aiwan. "aiwan reportedl& considered two options: a radar similar to A0/F#$-11> #a!e #aws sold b& Ja&theon and the +4 2igital 3<F Jadar proposed b& +oc*heed 4artin.D10AE 2espite di!ided opinions among lawma*ers, in 0o!ember 2003, "aiwanKs legislat%re appro!ed the 2efense 4inistr&Ks reH%est for abo%t ;00 million to f%nd one radar site Drather than an option for twoE.D10BE 0onetheless, on 4arch 30, 2004, the 2efense 2epartment notified .ongress of the proposed sale of two %ltra high freH%enc& long range earl& warning radars, with the potential !al%e of 1.; billion, that wo%ld enhance "aiwanKs abilit& to identif& and detect ballistic missiles as well as cr%ise missiles, and other threats from the air, and impro!e the earl& warning capabilit& of "aiwanKs .4/$J architect%re. "he notification pointed o%t that 3.$. personnel wo%ld not be assigned to the radarDsE. C& earl& 200>, "aiwan had not contracted for the contro!ersial program, and +oc*heed 4artin withdrew its bid.D10;E /n F%ne 200>, Ja&theon concl%ded a contract worth B>2 million to pro!ide one Garl& -arning $%r!eillance Jadar $&stem to "aiwan b& $eptember 200@.D10@E <owe!er, b& earl& 200B, "aiwan decided not to proc%re the second radar.D110E .onstr%ction of the radar in the $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram D$J#E proceeded in 200@. /t wo%ld set %p a missile warning center with lin*s to "aiwanKs command a%thorit& and possibl& the 3.$. militar&. <owe!er, "aiwan complained of dela&s and price increases for the $J# Dand other programsE. "he 3.$. Air Force %ne(pectedl& as*ed "aiwan to agree to two re!ised +etters of :ffer and Acceptance for two additional pa&ments of abo%t 141 million DreH%ested in 2ecember 200B to co!er costs in disaster responseE and abo%t >A million DreH%ested in F%ne 200@ to enhance antitamperingE. "his 3.$. reH%est raised H%estions in "aiwan abo%t whether there was greater 3.$.- "aiwan mistr%st. -hile officials in "aiwan, incl%ding in the +? and "aiwanKs militar&, e(pressed fr%stration at the e(tra 3.$. demands, the& said the& remained committed to the $J#.D111E

D10AE FaneKs 2efense -ee*l&, 4arch 2A, 2003, and Febr%ar& 11, 2004. D10B "aiwan 2efense Je!iew, 0o!ember 2A, 2003N FaneKs 2efense Je!iew, 2ecember 3, 2003. D10; FaneKs 2efense -ee*l&, Febr%ar& @, 200>. D10@ Ja&theon, F%ne 23, 200>N 2epartment of 2efense, Air Force .ontract for Ja&theon, F%ne 23, 200>N -all $treet Fo%rnal, F%ne 24, 200>N .0A, F%ne 2>, 200>. D110E -endell 4innic*, L"aiwanKs 4ilitar& ,rapples with a 4a=or .4/$J 3pgrade,M .4/$J Fo%rnal, 4arch 2, 200B. D111E A%thorKs cons%ltations with officials in "aipei in 0o!ember 200@. Also see L"aiwan #a&s 0" 34 Cillion on Cehalf of the 3.$. to ,%ard its :wn 2oor,M / .ho% 1an, "aipei, :ctober 22, 200@N 4a( <irsch, L"aiwan PFr%stratedK with 3.$. :!er 1e& Jadar and :ther Arms 2eals,M 1&odo, 0o!ember 4, 200@N and +ibert& "imes, Febr%ar& 22, 2010. 10Ath .ongress /n the 10Ath .ongress, Jepresentati!e Cen ,ilman, .hairman of the <o%se /nternational Jelations .ommittee, wrote #resident .linton on April 1@, 1@@@, %rging appro!al for the sale of long-range earl& warning radars to "aiwan. <e also wrote $ecretar& of $tate 4adeleine Albright on April 22, 1@@@, sa&ing that if the Administration did not appro!e the sale, he wo%ld introd%ce legislation to do so. /n the end, the .linton Administration decided in principle to sell earl& warning radars to "aiwan. "he $tate 2epartment spo*esperson confirmed that the 3nited $tates agreed on the reH%est in principle and ac*nowledged that %nder the "JA, Lthe #resident and .ongress determined which defense articles and ser!ices "aiwan needs.MD244E "he #entagon spo*esperson also confirmed that the 3nited $tates Lagreed to wor* with the "aiwanese to e!al%ate their earl& warning radar needs, and that will ta*e place o!er the ne(t &ear or so, b%t there is no specific agreement on a specific t&pe of radar, specific sale, or specific terms of sale at this time.MD24>E /n F%l& 1@@@, after #resident .linton reportedl& dela&ed a !isit to "aiwan b& #entagon officials and considered a c%toff of arms sales after #resident +ee "eng-h%i said "aiwan and the #J. ha!e a Lspecial state-to-state relationship,M Jepresentati!e ,ilman responded b& threatening to s%spend all 3.$. arms sales. <e stated that L/ cannot accept %nderc%tting "aiwanKs national sec%rit& and its right %nder the 1@B@ "aiwan Jelations Act to recei!e appropriate sec%rit& assistance from o%r nation to meet its legitimate self-defense needs. Accordingl&, as a res%lt of m& concern, / plan at this point to withhold m& appro!al for arms transfers notified to the .ongress %ntil this matter is resol!ed to m& satisfaction.MD24AE D244E $henon, #hilip, L3.$. #lans to $ell Jadar to "aiwan to 4onitor .hina,M 0ew ?or* "imes, April 30, 1@@@N 2epartment of $tate, 2ail& #ress Criefing, April 2@, 1@@@. D24>E 2epartment of 2efense, 0ews Criefing, April 30, 1@@@. D24AE S%oted in L.linton .onfirms Jeb%*e to "aiwan,M -ashington "imes, F%l& 22, 1@@@.

http://www.militar&-disc%ssion.com/for%m/inde(.php7action8printpageNtopic82310.0 "itle: "aiwan )fr%strated) with 3.$. o!er *e& radar and other arms deals #ost b&: :cta!ian on 0o!ember 0>, 200@, 0@:12:02 #4

=Taiwan 0!r.strated0 with 6.3. over 'e( radar and other ar)s deals=
C& 4a( <irsch "A/#G/, 0o!. 4 1&odo "he 3.$. militar& has reH%ired "aiwan to bear the costs of a ma=or, %ne(pected sec%rit& %pgrade to a *e& 3.$.-made radar on the island, a mo!e signaling -ashington)s growing distr%st of "aipei)s abilit& to safeg%ard against sec%rit& breaches as the island woos .hina, a local go!ernment official said. "he reH%est came as -ashington demanded what so%rces said are e(orbitant prices on a range of arms that "aiwan see*s to p%rchase -- from 3.$.-made missiles to helicopters -- and dithers o!er the island)s longstanding reH%est to *ic*-start the proc%rement process for F-1A fighter =ets. Amid the ))price-go%ging,)) the 3.$. militar& -- witho%t prior cons%ltation with "aiwan -- recentl& as*ed the island to pa& for the addition of costl& ))anti-tampering)) technolog& in an 3$ ;00 million earl&warning radar s&stem, the official said, spea*ing on condition of anon&mit&. ))"he "aiwanese militar& is reall& fr%strated with the 3.$. Qo!er radar iss%esR,)) the official told 1&odo 0ews, adding that the price tag for the %nsched%led sec%rit& meas%res was nearl& 0" 2 billion D3$ A1 millionE. ))/mplementing sec%rit& meas%res is standard. C%t wh& has the 3.$. spr%ng this on "aiwan some three &ears after the pro=ect started and as itKs nearing completion7)) the official said. For "aipei, the last-min%te reH%est points to -ashington)s apparent concern o!er the sec%rit& of 3.$.made militar& platforms on the island amid warming relations across the "aiwan $trait, the official said. ))"he 3.$. is worried abo%t its "aiwan-based technolog& becoming compromised as cross-strait ties warmWand the island becomes more !%lnerable to .hinese espionage,)) the official said. As*ed for comment, a media liaison officer in "aiwan)s defense ministr& confirmed the e(tra sec%rit& costs, sa&ing the ministr& was ))loo*ing into the matter.)) "he official declined f%rther comment and reH%ested anon&mit&. /n 200A, -ashington hired 3.$. defense contractor Ja&theon to b%ild the radar facilit&, reportedl& on +eshan 4o%ntain in central "aiwan. $ched%led to begin operations this &ear, the radar)s capabilities incl%de detecting and trac*ing incoming missiles from .hina, according to a recent report b& the 3.$. .ongressional Jesearch $er!ice D.J$E. C%t m%dslide-ind%ced dela&s ha!e abo%nded, according to 2efense 0ews, a 3.$. newswee*l& co!ering militar& affairs. /ndeed, a recent =ob ad!ertisement on Ja&theon)s website see*s an engineer to s%per!ise ))the s%r!eillance radar program at the "aiwan field siteWand wor* in a remote and ha5ardo%s en!ironment.))

$ince constr%ction began, -ashington has ))on man& occasions reH%ested more f%nds)) from "aipei be&ond the radar)s stic*er price, citing washo%ts of mo%ntain roads and loose soil, the X.hina "imesX, a local .hinese-lang%age dail&, reported last wee*. C%t -ashington)s latest radar-related reH%est fits with a more recent pattern of o!ercharging "aipei -often for political or sec%rit&-related reasons -- the official said, citing separate deals o!er 3.$.-made missiles and helicopters. [deletia]

http://minnic*articles.blogspot.com/200@/10/taiwan-impro!es-missile-defenses.html "h%rsda&, :ctober ;, 200@

Taiwan I)+roves %issile De!enses

2efense 0ews 0@/0B/0@ "aiwan /mpro!es 4issile 2efenses C& -endell 4innic* "A/#G/ V "aiwan contin%es to impro!e its missile defenses b& %pgrading #atriot interceptors, preparing to acti!ate an earl&-warning radar, and m%lling a second earl&-warning site. 2ela&ed b& m%dslides on +eshan 4o%ntain on the west coast in central "aiwan, the ;00 million $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram D$J#E is to go online shortl&. "he Ja&theon-b%ilt facilit& is designed to warn of an initial missile and air stri*e from .hina. L/tKs powerf%l d%e to si5e and apert%re,M said a defense ind%str& so%rce. LC%t what reall& ma*es it powerf%l is the software that can handle a h%ge amo%nt of trac*sM V some 1,000 sim%ltaneo%sl&. $till, the s&stem might not be aro%nd long after gi!ing its first warning. L/tKs not realistic to ass%me the radar wo%ld s%r!i!e past an initial missile stri*e,M which wo%ld li*el& target the facilit&, the so%rce said. G!en if "aiwan had 1,000 #A.-3 fire %nits, the .hinese co%ld still o!erwhelm the defense with wa!es of ballistic missiles. $till, "aiwanese and 3.$. officials are tal*ing abo%t b%ilding a second $J# in #ingt%ng .o%nt& in so%thern "aiwan. $e!eral ind%str& so%rces said the 3nited $tates wants to %se the $J# to obser!e .hinese air power. L/t co%ld add some in terms of co!ering air acti!it& f%rther inside .hina, abo!e and be&ond getting "aiwanKs c%rrent air pict%re,M one so%rce said, b& trac*ing satellites and the anti-ship ballistic missiles %nder de!elopment in .hina. C%t Mthe benefits of getting that feed for peacetime monitoring of the air en!ironment does not seem worth the costs,M the so%rce said. Among other things, the s&stem has line-of-sight limitations. L"he f%rther the range, the higher in altit%de those aircraft wo%ld ha!e to be. For e(ample, to co!er air acti!it& o%t of -%h%, an aircraft wo%ld need to be prett& high to pic* it %p d%e to the c%r!at%re of the Garth.M


Leshan re*onnaissan*e radar, Ra(theon0s si,nat.re +rod.*t, to sell to the international )issile de!ense
"he 3nited G!ening reporter ,ao +ing&%n / "aipei 200B.0A.30 03:24 pm 3.$. arms sale reconnaissance radar $hop claw with the 3nited $tates long-range earl& warning radar is a phased-arra& radar, the form is slightl& different from the 3.$. side radar onl& two sides, o%r side is on three sides, three sides to the .hinese mainland, we will %se the Ja&theon to de!elop a single, integrated missile image $/4#, pro!ide real-time battlefield awareness, forecast missile placement, it is recommended that the engagement f%nction. "aiwan reconnaissance radar is Ja&theon)s newl& de!eloped s&stem, the 3nited $tates also ongoing facelift, set radar s&stem will be able to e(change information with the 3nited $tates and Fapan earl& warning s&stem. .ompared to the old earl&-warning radar can onl& monitor the gro%nd or water la%nch intercontinental ballistic missiles, has stepped can monitor long-and short-range tactical ballistic missiles, cr%ise missiles, air flight goals, d%e to be deplo&ed in the mo%ntains, the radar can also o!erloo*ing s%rface ship mo!ement. /mage of a single, integrated missile, de!eloped b& Ja&theon to pro!ide earl& warning radar information to another missile earl& warning center in "aiwan, so that earl& warning center operators ha!e real-time battlefield awareness, can grasp the missile la%nch point and the predicted impact point, pro!ide #atriot // missile interceptor missiles the reH%ired information, and recommendations of engagement mode. As for the other flight ob=ecti!es, the plane target acH%isition, to the other nodes in the -A0 processing. Ja&theon for the design of this t&pe of reconnaissance radar, Ja&theon to sell to the international resol!e the missile defense iss%e has become a signat%re prod%ct.


Ra(theon0s 3.rveillan*e Radar Pro,ra) &or Taiwan 4o)+letes 3(ste) Desi,n Review
b& $taff -riters "ew*sb%r& 4A D$#OE 4a& 11, 200A Ja&theon)s $%r!eillance Jadar #rogram D$J#E has s%ccessf%ll& completed its s&stem design re!iew D$2JE. "he two-da& intensi!e technical re!iew too* place with the 3.$. Air Force Glectronic $&stems .enter, which o!ersees the contract on behalf of the "aiwan air force, the end-%ser. #ete Fran*lin, !ice president, Ja&theon /ntegrated 2efense $&stems D/2$E 4issile 2efense b%siness, said, '"he $J# earl& warning radar s&stem will enable the "aiwan air force to detect and trac* long-and short-range tactical ballistic missiles, cr%ise missiles and other air breathing targets.' "he s%ccessf%l $2J is an important technical re!iew of all contract reH%irements. /t !alidates that the final design will meet performance, cost and sched%le e(pectations and opens the wa& for the ne(t ma=or milestone, the hardware preliminar& design re!iew. $J# is a B>2 million foreign militar& sales contract with Air Force 4ateriel .ommand)s Glectronic $&stems .enter, <anscom Air Force Case, 4ass. /t le!erages Ja&theon)s contin%ing performance record of pro!iding phased-arra&, earl& warning radars to the 3.$. go!ernment.


Taiwan to Re*eive %issile De!ense Radar

F%ne 24, 200> Ja&theon .o. was awarded a B>2 million contract b& the 3.$. Air Force to b%ild a missile defense radar destined for "aiwan, Je%ters reported &esterda& Dsee ,$0, F%ne 20E. "he Air Force is pro!iding "aiwan with the Garl& -arning $%r!eillance Jadar b& $eptember 200@ to co%nter the threat from .hinese missiles. Je%ters reported that .hina, which regards "aiwan as a renegade pro!ince, wo%ld probabl& be angered b& the mo!e. "he radar s&stem is e(pected to allow "aiwan to trac* long- and short-range ballistic missiles, cr%ise missiles, s%rface ships and enem& aircraft. /t incl%des Lphased arra&M radar that wo%ld be integrated with missing warning centers and beacons that identif& aircraft. /n the f%t%re, the s&stem co%ld be integrated with #atriot Ad!anced .apabilit& 3 antimissile s&stems, which the 3nited $tates has offered to sell "aiwan. L"he s%r!eillance radar is the first step in the chain of engagement,M said Ja&theonKs 2an 4artin DFim -olf, Je%ters, F%ne 23E.


>!!i*ial denies *han,e on radar +ro*.re)ent

C& Jich .hang / $"AFF JG#:J"GJ "%e, Feb 1>, 200> 2emocratic #rogressi!e #art& D2##E +egislator +ee -en-ch%ng DE said &esterda& he saw no sign of change in the go!ernment)s plan to p%rchase earl&-warning radar s&stem from the 3$, den&ing a report in the leading defense =o%rnal Fane)s 2efence -ee*l& that said "aiwan was serio%sl& reconsidering the arms deal. Fane)s 2efence -ee*l& p%blished an article on Feb. > that said 3$ defense giant +oc*heed 4artin has withdrawn its bid to s%ppl& "aiwan with an earl&-warning radar s&stem, and that "aiwan)s militar& was serio%sl& re-e!al%ating the p%rchase of an earl&-warning radar s&stem. +ee, a militar& e(pert, said that since the legislat%re had appro!ed 0" 2A.; billion for the proc%rement deal in 2003, and the air force has beg%n planning to b%ild a base in <sinch% .o%nt& to ho%se the earl& warning radar s&stem in 200B, he saw no sign of a change in the go!ernment)s plan to b%& the radar s&stem. "he 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense declined to comment on the report. +ee said that the arms deal was contro!ersial beca%se the long-range earl&-warning radar s&stem was able to detect long-range ballistic missiles, howe!er, he said, it was more li*el& that .hina will threaten "aiwan with land attac* cr%ise missiles, rather than ballistic missiles. /n fact, he said, a middle-range radar s&stem is considered more fit for "aiwan)s defense. /n addition, a large stationar& radar s&stem wo%ld be an eas& target for anti-radiation Dwhich target radarsE missiles, +ee said. +ee added, howe!er, that the p%rchase of the earl&-warning s&stem has profo%nd strategic meaning. "he operational s&stem wo%ld lin* "aiwan)s earl&-warning s&stem with that of the 3$, and wo%ld therefore help cement the co%ntries) de facto militar& alliance. Also, since the go!ernment has alread& committed to b%&ing the earl&-warning radar s&stem, it wo%ld h%rt "aiwan)s credibilit& internationall& if it withdrew from the arms deal, +ee said. :n the other hand, a militar& officer, who declined to be identified, said that there ha!e been some opponents in the 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense against the arms deal for se!eral factors, incl%ding the s&stem)s !%lnerabilit&, its inabilit& to detect cr%ise missiles, and its high price and en!ironmental concerns. :pponents also thin* the additional si( min%tes of warning time that a long-range radar wo%ld pro!ide will offer few ad!antages, the officer said. +oc*heed 4artin and Ja&theon were e(pected to s%bmit proposals this &ear to s%ppl& a radar aimed at co%ntering the ballistic missile threat from .hina.

+oc*heed 4artin was offering a modified !ersion of the 4edi%m G(tended Air 2efense $&stem, while Ja&theon wo%ld pro!ide a modified A0/F#$-11> #a!e #aws radar. 0ow that +oc*heed 4artin has anno%nced it was withdrawing its bid, "aiwan co%ld onl& b%& Ja&theon)s #a!e #aws radar. <owe!er, Fane)s 2efence -ee*l& correspondent -endell 4innic* told the "aipei "imes that '+oc*heed 4artin was basicall& fed %p with the m&riad of problems the QradarR pro=ect entailed, and had opted for s%bcontracting the pro=ect !ia Ja&theon instead. "here was opposition within the 402 to the G-J, b%t the decision to mo!e forward was a go.' "he 3$ appro!ed the sale of the earl& warning radar s&stem to "aiwan in 2000.



Taiwan0s earl( warnin, radar wars

Gast-Asia-/ntel, www.eas-asia-intel.com :ctober 1B, 2003 "aiwan is ca%ght %p in an intense internal debate o!er which 3.$.-made, m%lti-million dollar earl& warning radar to choose. "aiwan is considering both the Ja&theon A0/F#$-11> #ATG #A-$ D#recision AcH%isition Tehicle Gntr& #hased-Arra& -arning $&stemE long-range earl& warning radar DG-JE, and the +oc*heed 4artin A0/"#$->@DTE3 "heatre 4issile 2efence D"42E radar, according to defense so%rces. "he A0/"#$->@)s radar has a range of onl& 400 na%tical miles DB20 *mE. #ATG #A-$ has a range of 3,000 na%tical miles D>,>>A *mE. /f "aiwan chooses the #ATG #A-$ radar, the 4inistr& of 0ational 2efence plans to base the radar at +eshan 4o%ntain D<app& 4o%ntainE in <sinch%. 0%mero%s other radar and antenna comple(es are positioned at the e(tremel& secreti!e +eshan 4o%ntain facilit&. /t is also home to one of the Jo. Air Force)s air defense control and reporting centers D.J.E. /f "aiwan chooses the A0/"#$->@ radar instead, it wo%ld base one of them on the o%ter islands near .hina and the rest on "aiwan. "he tro%ble with this scheme, howe!er, is that "aiwan is tentati!el& ta*ing steps to demilitari5e the o%ter islands.


Radar -ase to -e -.ilt ne:t (ear

2GFG0$G Altho%gh constr%ction of a earl& warning radar base in <sinch% .o%nt& is sched%led for ne(t &ear, the air force m%st still decide which s&stem it wants to b%& C& Crian <s% / $"AFF JG#:J"GJ "he air force will start constr%ction wor* on a base which will ho%se a long-range earl& warning radar s&stem ne(t &ear. "he s&stem will be bo%ght from the 3$, and the air force is planning to spend aro%nd 0" 1.> billion on the base d%ring the first &ear, according to the 2004 proposed defense b%dget. '"he base is to be b%ilt on a mo%ntain in northern <sinch% .o%nt&, where there are alread& se!eral radar sites belonging to different armed ser!ices,' said a militar& officer who declined to be identified. '"he site was chosen beca%se of its high altit%de, which will enable the long-range radar to ha!e an adeH%ate !iew,' added the officer. "he long-range earl& warning radar wo%ld apparentl& ha!e a range of 3,000 *m, b%t it has been reported that the 3$ might not want "aiwan to see that far. "he air force declined to comment on the iss%e. /t also ref%sed to re!eal whether it has decided what sort of long-range radar it wants to b%&. "he Ja&theon compan&)s A0/G#$-123 #a!e #aws earl& warning radar s&stem is generall& belie!ed to be what the air force wants. Altho%gh the air force said it has not &et decided on the s&stem, it is possible that a decision has been made, since it is %nli*el& that constr%ction wo%ld be planned for ne(t &ear witho%t a radar s&stem in mind. /n the 2004 proposed defense b%dget being re!iewed b& the legislat%re, 0" 1.> billion has been allocated to constr%ction of the long-range radar site. "he b%dget proposal does not specif& what sort of radar the air force is to b%&. "he 0" 1.> billion is the first s%m of mone& that the air force is to spend on the b%ilding of the longrange radar s&stem. "he 3$ appro!ed the sale of the earl& warning radar s&stem to "aiwan in 2000, b%t the 4inistr& of 0ational 2efense has been slow in deciding to b%& the s&stem, aro%sing some complaints from the 3$, according to reports b& the .hinese-lang%age +ibert& "imes. "he 4inister of 0ational 2efense, "ang ?ao-ming DE, anno%nced recentl& at a press conference that the ministr& has decided to b%& the long-range earl& warning radar, which he said will be !er& %sef%l in defense against .hina)s ballistic missiles.

"he long-range radar wo%ld be able to detect ballistic missiles la%nched from .hina, increasing "aiwan)s earl& warning time b& aro%nd se!en min%tes. .hang +i-teh DE, a senior editor with the maga5ine 2efense "echnolog& 4onthl&, said the #a!e #aws s&stem has the abilit& to detect earth-orbiting satellites as well. '-ith the #a!e #aws, the militar& might consider de!eloping anti-satellite weapons. $%ch weapons do not need to be bo%ght from abroad. .ertain domesticall& b%ilt weapons being %sed b& the militar& ha!e the potential to be t%rned into satellite *illers,' .hang said. C%t .hang was onl& ma*ing a s%ggestion, since there is no information to show that the militar& considers de!eloping anti-satellite weapons.


Taiwan Communiqu No. 91, %a( 2000

&or the de!ense o! Taiwan

Mr. Clinton falls short, again
:n 4onda&, 1B April 2000, the .linton Administration decided it wo%ld d la! appro!al of se!eral ma=or weapon s&stems reH%ested b& "aiwan. "hese postponed reH%ests incl%de the Arleigh C%r*e-class destro&ers eH%ipped with the Aegis battle management s&stem, diesel s%bmarines, and anti-s%bmarine #-3 :rion aircraft. /nstead, the Administration decided on a 'comprehensi!e st%d&', as well as the sale of an older long range radar, #ATG #A-$, a medi%m-range A4JAA4 air-to-air missile, and an %pgraded !ersion of the 4a!eric* air-to-gro%nd missile. Taiwan Communiqu *o))ent" While these systems are still significant, the postponement of the Arleigh-Bur e!Aegis sale is the "rong signal at the "rong time# $t is o%&ious to any person "illing to see, that 'hina is increasingly threatening (ai"an, in particular %y deploying hundreds of missiles along the coast facing (ai"an) (he time for *comprehensi&e studies* is o&er) (he %est response is a firm and principled stance, not the %efuddled "ishful thin ing of the 'linton White +ouse) ,r) 'linton needs to ma e it e-cruciatingly clear to the 'hinese that A./ mo&e against (ai"an is a mo&e against the 0nited 1tates) (ai"an is "illing to defend itself, %ut if the 0nited 1tates is not pro&iding it "ith the means to counter the 'hinese threats, then the 01 itself "ill ha&e to %ear the conse2uences, and "ill ha&e to send in more troops, ships and aircraft than it "ould ha&e other"ise)

# gis and $#%& $#'(

"he decision to postpone the sale of fo%r Arleigh C%r*e class destro&ers o%tfitted with Aegis, and to offer "aiwan the #ATG #A-$ s&stem instead is pec%liar. "he Arleigh C%r*e/AG,/$ s&stem is an ad!anced weapon s&stem that co%ld help "aiwan defend itself against the increasing arra& of shortrange missiles deplo&ed along the .hinese coast facing "aiwan. According to the 3$ 2efense 2epartment)s own reports, these missiles now n%mber appro(imatel& 200, and are growing at a rate of more than >0 per &ear, with an e(pected total of some A>0 b& the &ear 200>. "o defend against these missiles, the Arleigh C%r*e destro&ers ha!e a A0/$#?-1 m%ltif%nction radar capable of monitoring incoming missiles and aircraft. A .ommand 2ecision $&stem D.2$E recei!es data from the ship)s and e(ternal sensors and pro!ides command, control and threat assessment. A

-eapon .ontrol $&stem directs the ship)s weapons against the threats in the !icinit& of the ship, while it rela&s information on incoming threats to other friendl& ships and aircraft. -hile the ships are not &et o%tfitted with high altit%de missile defense, which are %nder de!elopment in the "heatre 4issile 2efense D"42E program, the ships are an essential element for s%ch a missile defense, which co%ld be in place aro%nd 200B. 2%e to their mobilit& and ad!anced defenses, the ships are m%ch less !%lnerable than #ATG #A-$ D#hased Arra& -arning $&stemE s&stem, which is basicall& a large, static b%ilding, ho%sing a longrange radar s&stem de!eloped b& the 3nited $tates to detect the la%nch of intercontinental ballistic missiles d%ring the .old -ar. "he 3nited $tates originall& erected fo%r of these radar stations, at Ceale Air Force Case in .alifornia, at Gl 2orado in "e(as, at .ape .od Air $tation in 4assach%setts, and at Jobins Air Force Case in ,eorgia. :nl& the two stations at .ape .od and Ceale are still operational. "he other two were closed down in 1@@>. "he problem with the #ATG #A-$ s&stem is th%s that the& are stationar&, are based on o%tdated technolog&, and were designed for long-range detection, and not the short-range missiles that "aiwan is faced with. /n addition, the s&stem is not designed to be connected to a battle command s&stem, and wo%ld th%s be of little help in defending "aiwan against the incoming missiles from .hina.



Data &i,.re9 Taiwan5s 7sin*h. Leshan -ase PA E PA23 radar !a*ilities Apple 4ap e(posed to the "aiwan Air Force Case confidential 32 screen legible #osted on Fan%ar& B, 2013 b& admin "aiwanKs armed forces, the militar& is still highl& classified, b%t people =%st hold the i#hone or i#ad, %se the Apple na!igation map of i$:A !ersion of the cable will be able to be fo%nd the satellite aerial photographs of +eshan base. $oftware and e!en the 32 a%tomatic 3A0-degree s%rro%nd the base of each point of !iew, the base for all *inds of b%ildings, str%ct%res, trails, apron, 3 radar screen s%rface radar radiation bod& are legible. /n this regard, the "aiwan Air Force is !er& ner!e-rac*ing, called Apple to ta*e the moral s%asion, b%t has recei!ed no response. According to "aiwanKs L3nited G!ening 0ewsM reported that, in order to e(amine the long-range earl& warning radar <sinch% +eshan base, contin%o%sl& "aiwanKs L+egislati!e ?%anM defense and foreign affairs departments LlegislatorsM months ago sched%led !isit itinerar&. Cefore twice d%e to weather discomfort flight, the helicopter co%ld not land and cancel the trip three times this wee* ad!ent%re o!erland ad!ance, before the end of the completion of the !isits. C%t the p%blic was able to phone, eas& to loo* at the hands of light militar& as absol%tel& confidential at the mo%ntain positions. /n this regard, the "aiwan Air Force director of political warfare teach -% -an said, after the Air Force calls ,oogle !ersion of either the na!igation map, ,oogle Garth software, ha!e +eshan base "he satellite aerial photographs f%55&, b%t Apple has not responded to the appeal of the Air Force. <e said the Air Force will contin%e thro%gh enhancing the camo%flage and other meas%res to ens%re that the base sec%rit&.



,oogle 4aps

,oogle Garth

Cing 4aps

Cing 4aps

Di,ital?lo-e 2orld iew I @rowse I)a,e 2011#04#19

A series o! +hotos o! a *ere)on(, +ossi-l( on 2011#11#11 http://www.militar&photos.net/for%ms/attachment.php7attachmentid81A4A019d81320@;A@;>





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Air &or*e )ovin, !orward with +otential .+,rades to PA E PA23, @%E23, and PAR43 )issile#de!ense radar
C& Fohn 1eller #osted b& Fohn 1eller "<G 4/+ 9 AGJ: C+:,, B Feb. 2013. 3.$. Air Force planners are wrapping %p the first phase of what ma& become a long-term pro=ect to moderni5e and %pgrade three ageing gro%nd-based ballistic missile warning radar s&stems *nown as #ATG #A-$, C4G-$, and #AJ.$. "his initiati!e, which res%lts from a reH%est for information Dsolicitation n%mber: 012A2012E last &ear ma& lead to a pro=ect to %pgrade radar front-end eH%ipment on #ATG #A-$, C4G-$, and #AJ.$ s%ch as radar recei!ers, e(citers, and beam steering %nits. "he si5e of the strategic radar s&stems %pgrade -- if it act%all& comes to pass -- wo%ld depend on how m%ch mone& the Air Force has to spend on it, which li*el& won)t be m%ch, e(perts sa&. #ATG #A-$ is short for #hased Arra& -arning $&stemN C4G-$ is the Callistic 4issile Garl& -arning $&stemN and #AJ.$ is the #erimeter AcH%isition Jadar Attac* .haracteri5ation $&stem. "he latest step in %pgrading the missile-warning radar s&stems, called an earl& engineering effort, in!ol!es an attempt b& the Air Force Glectronic $&stems .enter DG$.E at <anscom Air Force Case, 4ass., to identif& defense companies that co%ld o!ersee or contrib%te to s&stems %pgrades and technolog& insertion on these radar s&stems. G$. officials are sched%led soon to s%bmit a report to Air Force $pace .ommand at #eterson Air Force Case, .olo., to present a stat%s report on the condition of the radar s&stems, as well as to p%t forth options on potential %pgrades and technolog& insertion. /f a formal ind%str& solicitation res%lts from this earl& engineering effort to %pgrade #ATG #A-$, C4G-$, and #AJ.$, it mostl& li*el& wo%ld not be iss%ed for perhaps more than a &ear, e(perts sa&. A solicitation most li*el& wo%ld come from Air Force 4ateriel .ommand at <anscom. $ho%ld the Air Force mo!e ahead with a ma=or %pgrade initiati!e for the strategic radar s&stems, it wo%ld in!ol!e technolog& refresh for the front-end and remoting capabilities. "he #AJ.$ %pgrade pro=ect ma& reH%ire technolog& insertion for the bac*-end processing capabilities that will s%pport front-end moderni5ation. #ATG #A-$ and C4G-$ will ha!e recei!ed significant %pgrades to their data- and signal-processing s%bs&stems b& 201A in separate efforts. :ne contractor familiar with the s&stems sa&s component fail%res are happing in the old radar s&stems 'left, right, and center.' "he central iss%e with the radars, howe!er, in!ol!es component obsolescence rather than component and s%bs&stem fail%res.

:ne e(pert familiar with the s&stems sa&s #ATG #A-$, C4G-$, and #AJ.$ sites 'are still in reall& shape [sic]. "he& are b%ilt li*e tan*s.' "o date, the /"" G(elis Glectronic $&stems segment in .lifton, 0.F., is the prime s%stainment and moderni5ation contractor for these radar s&stems. #ATG #A-$ is a gro%nd-based radar s&stem that pro!ides 3.$. $trategic .ommand D3$$"JA".:4E at :ff%tt Air Force Case near :maha, 0eb., with warning and attac*-assessment information on all intercontinental ballistic missiles D/.C4sE la%nched thro%gho%t the world that might be headed for 3.$. territor&. C4G-$, meanwhile, is a gro%nd-based radar s&stem that helps warn 3$$"JA".:4 and 0A": a%thorities of s%bmarine- and sea-la%nched ballistic missile D$+C4E attac*s and pro!ides data to help e!al%ate the se!erit& of ballistic missile attac*s. #AJ.$ is a large radar installation in 0orth 2a*ota that pro!ides ballistic missile warning and attac* assessment, as well as space s%r!eillance data to the 0orth American Aerospace 2efense .ommand D0:JA2E #eterson Air Force Case, .olo., as well as to 3$$"JA".:4 and regional combatant commanders. #AJ.$ monitors and trac*s more than half of all Garth-orbiting ob=ects with its A0/F#S1A phased-arra& radar s&stem pointed northward o!er <%dson Ca&, and anal&5es more than 20,000 trac*s per da&, from giant satellites to space debris. #AJ.$ was b%ilt in the earl& 1@B0s, and its signal processing has recei!ed onl& s%perficial fi(es since the site went online in 1@B>. #AJ.$ %ses 1@A0s-era technolog&, which is not widel& %sed, and few so%rces are a!ailable for depot-le!el repair on failed components, Air Force officials sa&. "he #ATG #A-$ and C4G-$ beam steering %nit DC$3E, recei!er e(citer DJGOE, recei!er beam former DJCFE, arra& gro%p dri!er DA,2E, radio freH%enc& monitor DJF4E, freH%enc& time standard DF"$E, and the corporate feed D.F2E were b%ilt for these fi!e radars in the late 1@B0s and were %pgraded in the 1@;0s, Air Force officials sa&. "he JGO and F"$ alread& ha!e been redesigned and %pgraded at the Ceale Air Force Case, .alif., F&lingdales, Gngland, and "h%le, ,reenland sites as part of the 3pgraded Garl& -arning Jadar D3G-JE programs. "he& will be %pgraded at the .lear, Alas*a, and .ape .od, 4ass., sites b& 201A or 201B., officials sa&. $till, the #ATG #A-$ and C4G-$ ha!e not %pgraded the arra& front end of these radar s&stems, and this eH%ipment has been in ser!ice witho%t being replaced for 4ore than 20 &ears and is rapidl& nearing obsolescence, which reH%ires a s%bstantial technolog&-refresh effort.

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