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Essay #7 A school can be related to a number of metaphors, since the conception or perception of school, is dependent on one's perspective.

However, there are probably common themes between different analogies of public school, such as, hierarchy of students and teachers, separate levels of intellect, grade levels, et cetera. Nevertheless, out of the myriad amount of possible metaphors, any chosen or selected perspective to describe public school from, will not ta e into account all of the facets and gears of the system. !hus, with my metaphor, " will try to uncover the most important attributes, and will be relating the American school system #or, at least my e$periences of it% to a library containing many boo s and organi&ed in a specific fashion. !he first aspect of the school system that is li e a library, is the diversity' each boo in a library #unless there are copies, though this too can be seen as metaphorical% contains different ideas, content, and nowledge. !he differences between the boo s allows the observer to notice how some boo s contain brilliance, some contain dullness, and some were written specifically for the purpose of entertainment. !he teachers and students, and the ideas that e$ist in their minds are li e the ideas intertwined in the pages of a boo . (ome students are there to learn and develop original thought, whereas some students continually slac off and try to find entertainment in any way possible. !he latter students remind me of )world record* boo s that are fun to read but do not have much intelligence between the pages, or possibly, they are li e a gossip+teen maga&ine. (ome boo s are consistently read, either for their entertainment or nowledge, and some boo s are ignored or claimed to contain heresy #the rebellious types%. Also, there are the te$tboo s or classics #ingenious boo s that changed the world%, which are usually within the library to help people learn or enlighten them' these are the teachers and school faculty. !he content of the boo s is important because it demonstrates the many different classifications of students and teachers. Also, an important aspect of a library is its organi&ation, such as, where the shelves are located and the fact that there is a mainstream system used to organi&e the boo s #!he ,ewey ,ecimal

(ystem%. !he placement of boo s in the library can be created to attract people to certain types of boo s first, though this could cause some to be forgotten. However, there is an enforced system of structure upon the boo s that classifies them by name, regardless of content. !he rules and structure of the school system can inhibit originality and creativity' in the case of a library, a boo has a correct place, dependent upon its cover and title, not dependent upon what it is. !he organi&ation of the library is important because it can conceal boo s of great content in noo s and crannies. -ublic school is li e a library full of numerous boo s of distinct content that have an enforced organi&ation. !he positive attributes of the school system are those that e$emplify diversity, nowledge, creativity, and originality. !he negative facets are those that create a structure that inhibits the aforementioned positive attributes. !he librarian has to constantly organi&e and re.organi&e the boo s, ensuring that they sit in their proper place. !his can be related to the function of discipline and power #both philosophical themes% that impress and instill ideas of order. (ome of these ideas are healthy and allow minds to flourish, while others are in/urious and murder intelligence. !herefore, " view the school system as a place of both originality and conformity, constantly fluctuating and constantly opposed.

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