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lor more lnformaLlon, please vlslL Lhe rlvacy 1echnlcal

AsslsLance CenLer: www.ed.gov/pLac

!"#$%#&'() +,-#. /%#,'01&,23(1%. 3145%'0&6

1he u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon esLabllshed Lhe rlvacy 1echnlcal AsslsLance CenLer (1AC) as a
one-sLop" resource for educaLlon sLakeholders Lo learn abouL daLa prlvacy, confldenLlallLy, and
securlLy pracLlces relaLed Lo sLudenL-level longlLudlnal daLa sysLems. 1AC provldes Llmely
lnformaLlon and updaLed guldance on prlvacy, confldenLlallLy, and securlLy pracLlces Lhrough a varleLy
of resources, lncludlng Lralnlng maLerlals and opporLunlLles Lo recelve dlrecL asslsLance wlLh prlvacy,
securlLy, and confldenLlallLy of longlLudlnal daLa sysLems. More 1AC lnformaLlon ls avallable on


1hls documenL ls deslgned Lo asslsL educaLlonal agencles and lnsLlLuLlons LhaL are conslderlng uslng
cloud compuLlng soluLlons for educaLlon daLa. lL conLalns responses Lo frequenLly asked quesLlons
abouL meeLlng necessary daLa prlvacy and daLa securlLy requlremenLs Lo ensure proper proLecLlon of
educaLlon records. 1hls documenL addresses compllance wlLh Lhe lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and
rlvacy AcL (lL8A), and, more broadly, provldes a shorL llsL of addlLlonal besL pracLlce resources Lo
conslder when maklng declslons abouL mlgraLlng Lo Lhe cloud.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo keep ln mlnd LhaL lL8A may noL be Lhe only sLaLuLe governlng your planned
mlgraLlon Lo Lhe cloud. ln each speclflc slLuaLlon, lL ls necessary Lo Lake lnLo conslderaLlon any
addlLlonal appllcable federal and lndlvldual sLaLe daLa prlvacy laws LhaL may conLaln more sLrlngenL
requlremenLs for daLa proLecLlon Lhan lL8A. 1AC recommends LhaL ln evaluaLlng cloud compuLlng
alLernaLlves Lo your currenL daLa cenLer soluLlons you consulL wlLh your organlzaLlon's legal sLaff Lo
ensure you conslder and address all appllcable federal, sLaLe, and local laws and regulaLlons.

-+,.%/0 12)34.%+/ 54.4 +/ 4 6+77#$3%48 68+)2

9)#,.%+/: !"#$ &'()* +,,"- #./0+12"3+, +4#302#$ +3. 23$121/12"3$ 1" /$# 0,"/. 0"56/1234 $",/12"3$7
;/,&#$: lL8A does noL prohlblL Lhe use of cloud compuLlng soluLlons for Lhe purpose of hosLlng
educaLlon records, raLher, lL8A requlres SLaLes Lo use reasonable meLhods Lo ensure Lhe securlLy of
Lhelr lnformaLlon Lechnology (l1) soluLlons. As noLed ln Lhe preamble Lo Lhe uecember 2, 2011,
amendmenLs Lo Lhe lL8A regulaLlons, "Lhe lederal CovernmenL lLself ls movlng Lowards a model for
secure cloud compuLlng. 8egardless of wheLher cloud compuLlng ls conLemplaLed, SLaLes should Lake
care LhaL Lhelr securlLy plans adequaLely proLecL sLudenL daLa, lncludlng ll [personally ldenLlflable
PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age < of =
lnformaLlon] from educaLlon records, regardless of where Lhe daLa are hosLed"(lamlly LducaLlonal
8lghLs and rlvacy, llnal 8ule, 76 lederal 8eglsLer 73612 [uecember 2, 2011]).
9)#,.%+/: !"#$ &'()* 6#8521 #./0+12"3+, +4#302#$ "8 23$121/12"3$ 1" "/1$"/80# 19#28 23:"85+12"3
1#093","4; <= :/3012"3$7
;/,&#$: WlLh regard Lo Lhe quesLlon of wheLher lL8A permlLs an educaLlonal agency, such as a local
educaLlonal agency (LLA), or an educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlon, such as an elemenLary or secondary school, Lo sLore
educaLlon records ln a cloud plaLform envlronmenL, lL8A permlLs an LLA or a school Lo dlsclose,
wlLhouL prlor wrlLLen consenL, personally ldenLlflable lnformaLlon (ll) from educaLlon records Lo a
conLracLor, consulLanL, volunLeer, or oLher parLy Lo whlch Lhe LLA or school has ouLsourced lnsLlLuLlonal
servlces or funcLlons lf Lhe LLA or school meeLs cerLaln condlLlons. 1he ueparLmenL commonly refers Lo
Lhls excepLlon Lo Lhe requlremenL of consenL ln lL8A as Lhe school offlclal" excepLlon. 1he school
offlclal" excepLlon ls conLalned aL 34 Code of lederal 8egulaLlons (Cl8) 99.31(a)(1) of Lhe lL8A
regulaLlons (www.ed.gov/pollcy/gen/reg/ferpa/) and seLs forLh Lhe Lhree condlLlons LhaL Lhe LLA or
school musL meeL Lo ouLsource lnsLlLuLlonal funcLlons. Speclflcally, Lhe ouLslde parLy musL: 1) perform
an lnsLlLuLlonal servlce for whlch Lhe LLA or school would oLherwlse use employees, 2) be under Lhe
dlrecL conLrol of Lhe LLA or school wlLh respecL Lo Lhe use and malnLenance of educaLlon records, and 3)
be sub[ecL Lo requlremenLs ln 99.33(a) of Lhe lL8A regulaLlons governlng Lhe use and redlsclosure of
ll from educaLlon records.
1he ueparLmenL made Lhls change Lo Lhe lL8A regulaLlons ln 2008. 1he preamble Lo Lhe uecember 9,
2008, amendmenLs explalns Lhe requlremenL LhaL Lhe LLA or school musL malnLaln dlrecL conLrol" wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe use and malnLenance of ll from educaLlon records: Lxerclslng dlrecL conLrol could prove
more challenglng ln some slLuaLlons Lhan ln oLhers. Schools ouLsourclng lnformaLlon Lechnology
servlces, such as web-based and e-mall servlces, should make clear ln Lhelr servlce agreemenLs or
conLracLs LhaL Lhe ouLslde parLy may noL use or allow access Lo personally ldenLlflable lnformaLlon from
educaLlon records, excepL ln accordance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs esLabllshed by Lhe educaLlonal agency or
lnsLlLuLlon LhaL dlscloses Lhe lnformaLlon" (lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and rlvacy, llnal 8ule. 73 lederal
8eglsLer 74816 [uecember 9, 2008]).
When Lhe enLlLy deslrlng Lo ouLsource lLs l1 funcLlons ls a SLaLe educaLlonal agency (SLA), raLher Lhan an
LLA or a school, Lhe school offlclal excepLlon does noL apply. SLAs may rely on Lhe audlL or evaluaLlon
excepLlon aL 34 Cl8 99.31(a)(3) and 99.33 of Lhe lL8A regulaLlons Lo ouLsource l1 funcLlons. Whlle
ouLsourclng l1 funcLlons would noL LradlLlonally be consldered an audlL or evaluaLlon, Lhe ueparLmenL
recognlzes LhaL Lhe slze and scope of sLaLe longlLudlnal daLa sysLems may necesslLaLe ouLsourclng l1
funcLlons, and belleves LhaL Lhe use of Lhls excepLlon ls approprlaLe ln Lhls lnsLance. under Lhe audlL or
evaluaLlon excepLlon, an SLA may dlsclose educaLlon records wlLhouL consenL Lo a parLy under lLs dlrecL
conLrol, such as a conLracLor, who has been deslgnaLed as Lhe agency's auLhorlzed represenLaLlve." As
descrlbed ln Lhe uecember 9, 2008, preamble Lo Lhe lL8A llnal 8ule (73 lederal 8eglsLer 74823), Lhe
ueparLmenL lnLerpreLs Lhe Lerm auLhorlzed represenLaLlve" ln Lhe audlL or evaluaLlon excepLlon Lo
mean conLracLors, consulLanLs, volunLeers, and oLher ouLslde parLles (l.e., nonemployees) LhaL a SLaLe
educaLlonal auLhorlLy may use Lo perform lnsLlLuLlonal servlces for whlch lL would oLherwlse use lLs own
PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age > of =
employees. lor example, an SLA may dlsclose ll from educaLlon records, wlLhouL consenL, Lo an ouLslde
compuLer consulLanL hlred Lo develop and manage a daLa sysLem for educaLlon records. (noLe LhaL
dlsclosures made under Lhe audlL or evaluaLlon excepLlon afLer Lhe !anuary 3, 2012, effecLlve daLe of Lhe
new lL8A regulaLlons requlre LhaL an SLA musL use a wrlLLen agreemenL LhaL complles wlLh 34 Cl8
99.33[a][3] Lo deslgnaLe any auLhorlzed represenLaLlve oLher Lhan an employee of Lhe SLA, unless Lhe
SLA had a wrlLLen agreemenL ln place wlLh Lhe auLhorlzed represenLaLlve prlor Lo !anuary 3, 2012. ln
LhaL case, Lhe SLA musL puL ln place a wrlLLen agreemenL LhaL complles wlLh 34 Cl8 99.33[a][3] only
upon Lhe renewal of or amendmenL Lo Lhe wrlLLen agreemenL LhaL predaLes !anuary 3, 2012.)
9)#,.%+/: *8# 19#8# 8#0"55#3.#. >#$1 68+0120#$ 1" 9#,6 +4#302#$ .#02.# -9#19#8 19#; $9"/,. 5"?# 1"
19# 0,"/.7 @+3 19# !#6+815#31 8#0"55#3. -9209 0,"/. $",/12"3 1" /$#7
;/,&#$: 1he ueparLmenL cannoL recommend any speclflc cloud soluLlon over anoLher. uecldlng whlch
soluLlon ls Lhe besL for your organlzaLlon should be made on a case-by-case basls, afLer conducLlng a
careful rlsk managemenL assessmenL. Some securlLy quesLlons Lo conslder lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed
1. uoes Lhe cloud soluLlon offer equal or greaLer daLa securlLy capablllLles Lhan Lhose
provlded by your organlzaLlon's daLa cenLer? 1o deLermlne Lhls, you should revlew and
compare avallable soluLlons, lncludlng flrewalls, paLch managemenL procedures, securlLy
monlLorlng and response meLhods, and oLher relevanL daLa securlLy measures.

2. Pave you Laken lnLo accounL Lhe vulnerablllLles of Lhe cloud soluLlon? ?ou should conslder
LhaL cloud servlces are an lncreaslngly aLLracLlve LargeL for hackers. Some clouds have
experlenced dlrecL mallclous aLLacks, poLenLlally exposlng any lnformaLlon sLored Lhere. ln
oLher lnsLances, Lhe clouds have been Lhe LargeLs of denlal of servlce aLLacks.

3. Pave you consldered LhaL lncldenL deLecLlon and response can be more compllcaLed ln a
cloud-based envlronmenL? ?ou should evaluaLe your exlsLlng lncldenL response capablllLles
and deLermlne lf changes are needed before decldlng wheLher Lo move Lo Lhe cloud.
CrganlzaLlonal pollcles and procedures may need Lo be updaLed Lo accommodaLe
anLlclpaLed changes lnLroduced by Lhe addlLlon of a cloud-based sysLem. Any such changes
should be made well ln advance of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon and updaLed regularly.
4. Pave you consldered LhaL meLrlcs collecLlon, and sysLem performance and securlLy
monlLorlng are more dlfflculL ln Lhe cloud? ?ou should deflne whaL meLrlcs you need Lo
collecL and deLermlne Lhe deslred level of securlLy monlLorlng as parL of Lhe plannlng
process of a poLenLlal move Lo Lhe cloud.
ln addlLlon Lo securlLy conslderaLlons, Lhere are many oLher facLors Lo keep ln mlnd when decldlng
wheLher Lo move your daLa Lo Lhe cloud. oLenLlal concerns span a range of domalns, lncludlng prlvacy,
legal, and compllance lssues. Several speclflc quesLlons Lo conslder lnclude:

PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age ? of =
1. Pow wlll your agency exerclse conLrol over Lhe daLa wlLhln Lhe cloud Lo ensure LhaL Lhe
daLa are avallable and LhaL confldenLlallLy and lnLegrlLy of Lhe daLa remaln proLecLed? Are
Lhere approprlaLe access and use conLrols ln place Lo provlde proper level of
accounLablllLy? Are Lhere any concerns regardlng screenlng and monlLorlng of conLracLor
sLaff and Lhelr acLlvlLles?
2. Pave you evaluaLed poLenLlal legal concerns assoclaLed wlLh ouLsourclng daLa
managemenL Lo a cloud provlder? Legal conslderaLlons may lnclude ensurlng proper
proLecLlon of lnLellecLual properLy and varlous conLracLual lssues, such as end of servlce
maLLers. lor example, your organlzaLlon musL have a way Lo geL Lhe daLa back ln a secure
and Llmely manner ln case a cloud provlder goes ouL of buslness.

3. Pave you consldered whaL measures you wlll need Lo lmplemenL Lo ensure LhaL Lhe cloud
provlder complles wlLh all appllcable federal, sLaLe, and local prlvacy laws, lncludlng
lL8A? lor example, have you made sure LhaL sLorlng daLa on Lhe cloud does noL lnLerfere
wlLh your ablllLy Lo provlde parenLs and ellglble sLudenLs wlLh access Lo Lhelr educaLlon
records, should Lhey choose Lo exerclse Lhelr lL8A rlghL Lo lnspecL and revlew Lhem?
CLher conslderaLlons relaLed Lo compllance wlLh lL8A lnclude ensurlng LhaL Lhe cloud
provlder follows proper daLa use, redlsclosure, and desLrucLlon procedures, speclfled aL 34
Cl8 99.33(a) and 99.33(b).
?ou should evaluaLe exlsLlng proLecLlon capablllLles LhaL your organlzaLlon and lLs parLners use Lo secure
organlzaLlonal sysLems and appllcaLlons before decldlng wheLher Lo mlgraLe Lo a cloud-based soluLlon.
Such an evaluaLlon wlll help Lo esLabllsh a basellne level of proLecLlon wlLh whlch Lo evaluaLe poLenLlal
beneflLs and rlsks assoclaLed wlLh movlng Lo a cloud-based alLernaLlve. Whlle lL8A does noL dlrecLly
address Lhe vlablllLy of speclflc cloud soluLlons, Lhe ueparLmenL recognlzes LhaL Lhelr use ls a growlng
Lrend and ls beglnnlng Lo plloL lLs own cloud compuLlng soluLlons.
9)#,.%+/: &"8 #./0+12"3+, +4#302#$ 19+1 9+?# +,8#+.; $#,#01#. + 68#:#88#. 0,"/. $",/12"3A +8# 19#8#
8#0"55#3.#. >#$1 68+0120#$ -9#3 5"?234 1" 19# 0,"/.7

;/,&#$: 1he ueparLmenL ls aware LhaL some educaLlonal agencles are beglnnlng Lo deal wlLh Lhls lssue
and ls conslderlng releaslng besL pracLlce recommendaLlons addresslng Lhls Loplc more ln-depLh. As a
general suggesLlon, educaLlonal agencles are encouraged Lo focus on ensurlng conLlnulng proLecLlon of
Lhe prlvacy and securlLy of sLudenLs' records and mlnlmlzlng Lhe rlsk of unauLhorlzed dlsclosure of Lhe
daLa by developlng a cloud compuLlng mlgraLlon sLraLegy LhaL addresses Lhe organlzaLlon's speclflc
prlvacy and securlLy needs. 1hls sLraLegy lnvolves carefully evaluaLlng exlsLlng prlvacy, securlLy, and
compllance requlremenLs and esLabllshlng expecLaLlons of prospecLlve cloud servlce provlders ln Lerms
of necessary levels of servlce and securlLy before engaglng wlLh Lhem.
Agencles should carefully conslder how movlng Lo a cloud soluLlon wlll affecL Lhelr exlsLlng prlvacy and
securlLy conLrols. 1ranslLlonlng Lo Lhe cloud may presenL an opporLunlLy for lmprovlng Lhe effecLlveness
and efflclency of exlsLlng procedures as an agency ls maklng Lhe changes necessary Lo lmplemenL and
PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age @ of =
manage a cloud-based soluLlon. Movlng daLa lnLo Lhe cloud can also slgnlflcanLly change Lhe agency's
legal requlremenLs for Lhe proLecLlon and handllng of daLa. lL ls lmporLanL Lo consulL wlLh your
organlzaLlon's legal counsel Lo fully undersLand Lhe ramlflcaLlons of lmplemenLlng a cloud soluLlon and
Lhe effecL lL may have on your organlzaLlon's operaLlons. lease see a llsL of resources aL Lhe end of Lhls
documenL for addlLlonal besL pracLlces lnformaLlon.

A##*%/0 12)34.%+/ B#3+$2, C.+$#2 D%.E%/ .E# F/%.#2 C.4.#,

9)#,.%+/: !"#$ &'()* 8#B/28# 19+1 0"3:2.#312+, 23:"85+12"3 23 19# 0,"/. ># $1"8#. -21923 19# C321#.
D1+1#$7 <$ 19#8# + >#$1 68+0120#7
;/,&#$: 1he preamble Lo Lhe uecember 2, 2011, amendmenLs Lo Lhe lL8A regulaLlons sLaLes Lhe
followlng ln response Lo a commenL on Lhls general sub[ecL:
lL8A makes no dlsLlncLlons based on SLaLe or lnLernaLlonal llnes. Powever, Lransfers of ll from
educaLlon records across lnLernaLlonal boundarles, ln parLlcular, can ralse legal concerns abouL Lhe
ueparLmenL's ablllLy Lo enforce lL8A requlremenLs agalnsL parLles ln forelgn counLrles. lL ls lmporLanL
Lo keep ln mlnd LhaL for a daLa dlsclosure Lo be made wlLhouL prlor wrlLLen consenL under lL8A, Lhe
dlsclosure musL meeL all of Lhe requlremenLs under Lhe excepLlons Lo lL8A's general consenL
requlremenL. lor example, lf Lhe condlLlons under Lhe audlL or evaluaLlon excepLlon ln lL8A are meL, a
SLaLe educaLlonal auLhorlLy could deslgnaLe an enLlLy ln a dlfferenL SLaLe as an auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
for Lhe purpose of conducLlng an audlL or evaluaLlon of Lhe lederal- or SLaLe-supporLed educaLlon
programs ln elLher SLaLe. 1he dlsclosure of ll from educaLlon records ls noL resLrlcLed by geographlc
boundarles. Powever, dlsclosure of ll from educaLlon records for an audlL or evaluaLlon of a lederal- or
SLaLe-supporLed educaLlon program ls permlLLed only under Lhe wrlLLen agreemenL requlremenLs ln
99.33(a)(3) LhaL apply Lo LhaL excepLlon. under Lhese requlremenLs, Lhe dlscloslng enLlLy would need Lo
Lake reasonable meLhods Lo ensure Lo Lhe greaLesL exLenL pracLlcable LhaL lLs auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
ls ln compllance wlLh lL8A, as ls explalned furLher under Lhe (#+$"3+>,# E#19".$ FG HHIJKF+LFMLL
secLlon ln Lhls preamble. More speclflcally, an LLA could deslgnaLe a unlverslLy ln anoLher SLaLe as an
auLhorlzed represenLaLlve ln order Lo dlsclose, wlLhouL consenL, ll from educaLlon records on lLs former
sLudenLs Lo Lhe unlverslLy. 1he unlverslLy Lhen may dlsclose, wlLhouL consenL, LranscrlpL daLa on Lhese
former sLudenLs Lo Lhe LLA Lo permlL Lhe LLA Lo evaluaLe how effecLlvely Lhe LLA prepared lLs sLudenLs
for success ln posLsecondary educaLlon" (lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and rlvacy, llnal 8ule. 76 lederal
8eglsLer 73611-73612 [uecember 2, 2011]).

Whlle lL8A does noL expllclLly requlre LhaL educaLlon daLa be sLored wlLhln Lhe u.S., lL does hold Lhe
dlscloslng enLlLy legally accounLable for proLecLlng Lhe confldenLlallLy of ll from educaLlon records. 1hls
lncludes compllance wlLh Lhe dlrecL conLrol" requlremenL LhaL applles Lo schools and LLAs dlscloslng ll
from educaLlon records under Lhe school offlclal" excepLlon, and Lhe requlremenL for wrlLLen
agreemenLs and Lhe use of reasonable meLhods Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon ls adequaLely proLecLed
LhaL applles Lo SLAs dlscloslng ll from educaLlon records Lo Lhelr auLhorlzed represenLaLlves under Lhe
PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age G of =
audlL or evaluaLlon" excepLlon. 8egardless of whlch excepLlon ls used, lL ls lmporLanL Lo be aware LhaL lL
ls ofLen dlfflculL Lo Lake enforcemenL acLlons agalnsL enLlLles ouLslde of Lhe u.S. under u.S. prlvacy laws
and regulaLlons, and Lo hold Lhese enLlLles legally accounLable for vlolaLlons of conLracLs or wrlLLen
agreemenLs. 1herefore, sLorlng senslLlve educaLlon records, lncludlng medlcal, behavloral, assessmenL,
and relaLed lnformaLlon ln speclal educaLlon case flles, wlLhln Lhe u.S. would be consldered a besL
pracLlce as lL ensures LhaL Lhey are sub[ecL Lo u.S. [urlsdlcLlon.

PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age H of =

;22%.%+/48 B#,+)$3#,

1he resources below lnclude llnks Lo federal regulaLlons and several guldance documenLs ouLllnlng
securlLy lssues and LhreaLs Lo conslder before mlgraLlng appllcaLlons or servlces Lo a cloud
envlronmenL. lease noLe LhaL some of Lhe guldes come from Lhe prlvaLe secLor (marked below) and,
as such, Lhey do noL address Lhe legal requlremenLs, lncludlng lL8A, LhaL need Lo be meL when
warehouslng educaLlon records. 1he u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon does noL provlde endorsemenL for
prlvaLe-secLor resources, lL slmply refers Lhem Lo readers for conslderaLlon. AddlLlonally, a reference
Lo Lhe lederal 8lsk and AuLhorlzaLlon ManagemenL rogram guldellnes used by federal agencles
around cloud compuLlng ls provlded, Lhese guldellnes also do noL speclflcally address Lhe
requlremenLs of lL8A-proLecLed daLa.

! 10 Cloud CompuLlng SecurlLy 1lps for Small 8uslnesses (prlvaLe secLor resource):
SecurlLy- 1lps-for-Small-8uslnesses.hLm
! Cloud SecurlLy Alllance, 1op 1hreaLs Lo Cloud CompuLlng v1.0 (prlvaLe secLor resource):
! CreaLlng LffecLlve Cloud CompuLlng ConLracLs for Lhe lederal CovernmenL: 8esL racLlces for
Acqulrlng l1 as a Servlce: hLLp://www.clo.gov/cloudbesLpracLlces.pdf
! lederal 8lsk and AuLhorlzaLlon ManagemenL rogram: www.fedramp.gov
! lL8A regulaLlons amendmenL released uecember 9, 2008:
! lL8A regulaLlons amendmenL released uecember 2, 2011: www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/l8-
! naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of SLandards and 1echnology, Cloud CompuLlng Culdellnes for Managlng
SecurlLy and rlvacy: www.nlsL.gov/lLl/csd/cloud-012412.cfm
! naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of SLandards and 1echnology (nlS1), nlS1 S 800-144, Culdellnes on
SecurlLy and rlvacy ln ubllc Cloud CompuLlng: www.nlsL.gov/manuscrlpL-publlcaLlon-
! rlvacy 1echnlcal AsslsLance CenLer: www.ed.gov/pLac

PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012
age = of =
;).E+$%K#2 $#*$#,#/.4.%"# means any enLlLy or lndlvldual deslgnaLed by a SLaLe or local educaLlonal
auLhorlLy or an agency headed by an offlclal llsLed ln 34 Cl8 99.31(a)(3) Lo conducL-wlLh respecL Lo
lederal- or SLaLe-supporLed educaLlon programs-any audlL or evaluaLlon, or any compllance or
enforcemenL acLlvlLy ln connecLlon wlLh lederal legal requlremenLs LhaL relaLe Lo Lhese programs, 34
Cl8 99.3.

12)34.%+/ *$+0$47 means any program prlnclpally engaged ln Lhe provlslon of educaLlon, lncludlng, buL
noL llmlLed Lo, early chlldhood educaLlon, elemenLary and secondary educaLlon, posLsecondary
educaLlon, speclal educaLlon, [ob Lralnlng, career and Lechnlcal educaLlon, and adulL educaLlon, and any
program LhaL ls admlnlsLered by an educaLlonal agency or lnsLlLuLlon. lor more lnformaLlon, see Lhe
lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and rlvacy AcL regulaLlons, 34 Cl8 99.3.
12)34.%+/ $#3+$2, means records LhaL are dlrecLly relaLed Lo a sLudenL and are malnLalned by an
educaLlonal agency or lnsLlLuLlon or by a parLy acLlng for Lhe agency or lnsLlLuLlon. lor more lnformaLlon,
see Lhe lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and rlvacy AcL regulaLlons, 34 Cl8 99.3.
(#$,+/488J %2#/.%L%4M8# %/L+$74.%+/ N(OOP from educaLlon records lncludes lnformaLlon, such as a
sLudenL's name or ldenLlflcaLlon number, LhaL can be used Lo dlsLlngulsh or Lrace an lndlvldual's ldenLlLy
elLher dlrecLly or lndlrecLly Lhrough llnkages wlLh oLher lnformaLlon. See lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and
rlvacy AcL regulaLlons, 34 Cl8 99.3, for a compleLe deflnlLlon of ll speclflc Lo educaLlon records and
for examples of oLher daLa elemenLs LhaL are deflned Lo consLlLuLe ll.
PTAC-FAQ, Jun 2012

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