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MM + fibre nerv -> unitate moptorie (unitate functionala)

Toxina botulinic este o neurotoxin de natur proteic, fiind o exotoxin de origine bacterian, care acioneaz la nivel neuronal, prin blocarea impulsurilor transmise prin nervi de la creier la muchi. -> inihiba eliberarea Ach din terminatiile nervului motor. Tubocurarina - Blocheaz receptorii acetilcolinici de pe placa motorie, oprind astfel conducerea influxului nervos la nivelul plcii motorii i a contraciei musculare induse prin stimularea direct - > inhibitor competitiv pt Ach Miastenia gravis (din greaca mios "muchi", asthenia, "slbiciune", i latin: gravis "grav") este o boala autoimuna neuromusculara, ce duce la slbiciune muscular fluctuanta i fatigabilitate. In aceasta maladie, slabiciunea este cauzata de anticorpi circulanti care blocheaza receptorii acetilcolinici la jonctiunea neuromusculara postsinaptic, inhiband efectele acetilcolinei pe receptorii nicotinici. Excitationcontraction (E-C) coupling is a term coined in 1952 to describe the physiological process of converting an electrical stimulus to a mechanical response. Tonus stare de tensiune (semicontractie) caracteristica MM scheletici din organismul intact Fusuri neuromusculare rol in controlul nervos inconstient al contractiei musculare A type Ia sensory fiber, or a primary afferent fiber is a type of sensory fiber. It is a component of a muscle fiber's muscle spindle, which constantly monitors how fast a muscle stretch changes. In other words, it monitors the velocity of the stretch


Primary/secondary Response

Type Ia


Respond to the rate of change in muscle length, as well to change in velocity, rapidly adapting

Type Ib


in Golgi tendon organ

Type II secondary

provide position sense of a still muscle, fire when muscle is static

Type II sensory fiber (group A) is a type of sensory fiber, the second of the two main groups of stretch receptors. They are non-adapting, meaning that even when there is no change in muscle length, they keep responding to stimuli. In the body, Type II fibers are the second most highly myelinated fibers. Type II fibers

connect to nuclear chain fibers, but not to nuclear bag fibers. These connections, referred to as "flower spray endings" due to their appearance, embed into the poles (ends) of the fibre.

Frisonul muscular se obtine prin cresterea tonusului muscular -> importanta in termoreglare Starile emotionale stresante maresc tonusul muscular prin cresterea descarcarilor nervoase tonice

BORON Muscle excitation

The trigger for muscle contraction is the same for all three types of muscle: a rise in the free cytosolic Ca2+concentration ([Ca2+]i). In cardiac muscle, neuromuscular transmission does not initiate contraction; it only modulates it. On the other hand, neuromuscular transmission may initiate contraction in smooth muscle cells, or it may modulate contraction that has been initiated by another mechanism. The group of muscle cells innervated by a single neuron is referred to as a motor unit. However, a difference is that a smooth muscle cell may receive input from more than one neuron. Moreover, there is little electrical coupling among these smooth muscle cells (i.e., few gap junctions). As a result, each smooth muscle cell may contract independently of its neighbor. Because this type of smooth muscle behaves as multiple, independent cells or groups of cells, it is called multiunit smooth muscle. Note that the "multi" in "multiunit" refers to the muscle fibers' acting independently of one another as multiple units. Multiunit smooth muscles are capable of finer control. Indeed, multiunit smooth muscle is found in the iris and ciliary body of the eye, the piloerector muscles of the skin, and some blood vessels. However, the rate of rise of the action potential in smooth muscle is lower because Ca2+ channels open more slowly than do Na+ channels in skeletal and cardiac muscle. Repolarization of the smooth muscle cell is also relatively slow. Two explanations may be offered for this slower repolarization. First, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, which are responsible for the depolarization phase of the action potential, inactivate slowly. Second, the repolarization phase of the action potential reflects the delayed activation of voltage-gated K+channels and, in some cases, Ca2+activated K+channels. Action potentials usually do not occur in multiunit smooth muscle. Some smooth muscle cells contract without any change in Vm. (activation of a G protein ->IP3 -> release of Ca2+from the SR)

Muscle contraction
Each of these myofibrils comprises repeating units, or sarcomeres, that consist of smaller interdigitating filaments called myofilaments. During contraction, the A bands are unchanged in length whereas the I bands shorten. The heads of the heavy chains-also called S1 fragments-each possess a site for binding actin as well as a site for binding and hydrolyzing ATP. The alkali light chain plays an essential role in stabilizing the myosin head region. The regulatory light chain, as its name implies, regulates the ATPase activity of myosin (via phosphorylation). Each troponin C molecule in skeletal muscle has two high-affinity Ca2+ -binding sites. The process by which "excitation" triggers the increase in [Ca2+]i is known as excitationcontraction coupling. T tubules are highly organized and penetrate the muscle at two points in each sarcomere: at the junctions of the A and I bands. The combination of the -tubule membrane and its two neighboring cisternae is called a triad; this structure plays a crucial role in the coupling of excitation to contraction in skeletal and cardiac muscle. The entire process, extending from depolarization of the T-tubule membrane to the initiation of cross-bridge cycling, is termed excitation-contraction coupling.

After the contraction-activating stimulus has subsided, Ca2+ must be removed from the cytoplasm for contraction to cease and for relaxation to occur. Ca2+ may be extruded across the cell membrane or sequestered within intracellular compartments (SERCA). The cell may extrude Ca2+ using either an Na-Ca exchanger or a Ca2+ pump at the plasma membrane. Ca2+ -binding protein in skeletal muscle: calsequestrin, calreticulin. (up to 50 binding sites per protein molecule)

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