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R E P O RT :

The Top 7 Mistakes Hardgainers Make When Trying To Gain Weight And Build Muscle
And How To Make Sure You Never Make These Mistakes Yourself So You Can Build Serious Mass Quicker Than Ever!
By eff Masterson www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

!ro" the desk of# Jeff Masterson "ues!a#, 10$%& am ' guarantee that this report will gi e #ou a (etter un!erstan!ing of how to gain weight) e en if #ou ne er thought #ou coul!. Wh#* Because chances are, #ou+re ma,ing a few of these - .!ea!l#/ mista,es that 0uic,l# ,ill off an# chances of gaining muscle weight. ' woul! ,now, (ecause)

'+ e ma!e a (unch of these mista,es m#self1

2ou see, '+ e struggle! to gain weight in the past, tr#ing e er# pill, pow!er, an! wor,out plan #ou coul! imagine. $ was %&'( wei)hed a *athetic +,' l-s and $ was sick of -ein) called .chicken le)s/( ' e en use! to wear 2 or 3 t4shirts in the summertime 5ust to a!! an e6tra half4inch to m# (o!# an! loo, 5ust a little (igger. But that was a temporar# solution to a much (igger pro(lem, an! $ didn&t want to have to hide under -a))y clothes for the rest of "y life/ 't wasn+t until m# frien!s an! ' were pla#ing a game of (as,et(all when this 5ac,ass !eci!e! to sa#, .7e#, someone co er the string (ean1/ 2eah, he !i!n+t e en (other to call me (# m# real name all night. ' was more than pisse!. ' was 8'9: of (eing the s,inn# gu# an! getting !isrespecte! for it. 2ou ,now how it is ; 0hen you&re skinny1 no-ody can take you seriously! When ' got (ac, to m# house that night ' was still wor,e! up an! tol! m#self, $&2E HA3 $T!

$&" )oin) to )ain wei)ht N40 5 0hatever it takes!

8o) 'n m# rage ' 5ust cramme! e er#thing ' coul! !own m# throat from cereal to chic,en. ' e en went an! ma!e m#self a stea,. The *ro-le" was1 that didn&t do AC6 to hel* "e )ain wei)ht7 8o ' went on to tr# e er#thing un!er the sun) Weight gain pow!er, creatine, weight 2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

lifting, !rin,ing <=nsure+, !rin,ing lots of mil,, 20 !ifferent wor, out plans, hours in the g#m) An! what !i! ' get for all m# effort* >?"7'>G1 @ip) >a!a) ?,, so ' manage! to gain so"e weight... After a(out a #ear. Wanna ,now how much*

7ol! #our (reath) After an entire year of (loo!, sweat, an! tears) Wor,ing m# (utt off in the g#m) 8tuffing m# face with foo!) An! hun!re!s) ma#(e "7?A8A>B8 of !ollars on worthless supplements) ' manage! to gain a whopping C poun!s.
C poun!s in a #ear. Wow. $ was e8*ectin) "ore than that/ "hat+s less than 1 poun! a month1 An! worst of all, with m# tall, s,inn# &+ 2/ (o!#, that measl# C poun!s wasn+t e en noticea(le1 'n fact, no(o!# e er sai! a single wor! to me a(out m# pathetic little gains. ' was still the .s,inn# gu#/ an! ' was em(arrasse! to tell people that '+ e (een wor,ing out regularl# for a #ear.

Ne8t 9a)e ::;

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

Obviously I was doing something wrong!

Another Year 9assed And $ 0as Still Skinny/

...Even After Busting My Ass In The Gym!

Another #ear passe! an! after all that time ' onl# gaine! a few more poun!s. ' was up to 1&- poun!s an! ' still loo,e! s,inn#... At this rate it woul! ta,e me another % 2=AR8 until ' (ro,e 200 poun!s1 ' was still spinning m# wheels, getting *ainfully slow results/ <ittle did $ know1 $ was a-out to =crack the code= and )ain "ore wei)ht in the ne8t +> weeks than $ did in the *revious ' years co"-ined/

$ knew $ needed a real *lan fro" so"eone who had done this -efore/ ' !i! research an! collecte! information from personal trainers an! other pre iousl# s,inn# gu#s who ha! successfull# gaine! weight an! foun! out e6actl# what the# !i! to go from s,inn# to muscular. ' applie! some of their techni0ues an!...

Ne8t 9a)e ::;

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

$ !$NA<<Y Started Makin) So"e !aster ?ains///

At m# first attempt at m# new plan, using the new metho!s 'D! !isco ere!, it starte! wor,ing... ' starte! gaining a(out half a poun! each wee,. "his was (etter... But it still wasnDt enough. $ knew $ could )ain "ore wei)ht/// Even faster! ' ,ept ma,ing small changes an! o(ser ing the results. $ turned "y -ody into an e8*eri"ental wei)ht )ain "achine/ An! with a little more trial an! error, ' perfecte! a s#stem that grew m# (o!# 10 times faster than ' was pre iousl# growing. ?nce ' applie! these new techni0ues...

$ $""ediately 9acked 4n @A 9ounds 4f Solid Muscle Mass 4ver The Ne8t +> 0eeks!

' painsta,ingl# teste! m# plan o er an! o er until ' finall# ha! it !iale! in perfectl#... At this point $ was )ainin) a "ini"u" of ' *ounds a week!

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

'f ' ,ept up this pace, ' 0uic,l# realiEe! that $ could *otentially )ain ,BC *ounds in the ne8t , "onths usin) these "ethods! "hat (eats the hec, out of the pathetic C poun!s ' gaine! the #ear (efore11 't turns out m# pre!ictions were close... $ actually only )ained @A l-s/ over the ne8t +> weeks/ ' still wante! to gain more weight, (ut ' coul!nDt complain a(out gaining 3F poun!s. Woul! #ou* Although ' still !i!nDt loo, li,e Arnol! 8chwarEenegger, ' !i! ha e to (u# all new clothes to fit m# larger, more muscular (o!#. "he transformation happene! so fast... 4ne of "y close friends actually accused "e of -ein) on steroids -ecause of how Duickly $ *ut on the wei)ht! ' ma!e this transformation fro" skinny to "uscular in Eust +> weeks An! ' !i! it (# a oi!ing the common pitfalls most s,inn# gu#s fall into when the# tr# to gain weight. 8o ' want to gi e #ou some of the little4,nown .wor,aroun!s/ ' use! that will let #ou si!e4step the fatal mista,es #ou are (oun! to ma,e if #ou tr# (ul,ing up on #our own. ' won+t ma,e #ou wait an# longer. Here are the to* F "istakes "ost .hard)ainers( "ake when tryin) to )ain wei)ht and -uild "uscle7

Skinny ?uy Mistake GF#

Thinkin) That Your ?enetics 0ill 9revent You !ro" Ever ?ainin) 0ei)ht/
Get+s start with s0uare one here. $f you don&t have this ri)ht1 then nothin) else "atters/

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

RealiEe that unless #ou ha e some ,in! of !isease that eats awa# at #our muscle tissue an! ,eeps #ou s,inn#, =H=R2?>= can gain muscle weight1 2es, that means 2?A too1 Gisten, if #ou saw m# .(efore pictures/ #ou+! thin, ' was 5ust hel! hostage, (anishe! to a !ar, (asement, an! chaine! to a stone wall with no foo! or e6ercise for 3 months. M# ri(cage an! collar(one was stic,ing out, ' ha! narrow, (on# shoul!ers, an! (asicall# no muscle mass whatsoe er. 8o 5ust to set the recor! straight) $f $ can do it1 anyone can! 7onestl#, some people Ili,e #ou an! 'J were 5ust (orn s,inn#. "hat+s a fact. But if #ou follow a pro en s#stem that forces #our muscles to grow, #ou simpl# can+t fail.

Skinny ?uy Mistake G%#

Hsin) .0ussy( E8ercises $nstead 4f The 9roven .Mass Builders(
"here is no shortage of e6ercises out there. But that !oesn+t mean the#+re all effecti e for (uil!ing mass. 2ou can+t e6pect to go into a g#m, start lifting ran!om weights, an! get (igger. I' foun! this out the har! wa#.J "here are certain e6ercises that are .the cream of the crop/ when it comes to putting on sla(s of muscle mass in the shortest time possi(le. An! there are others that are a complete waste of time. Here&s the -i) secret# Korget a(out isolation e6ercises li,e triceps e6tensions, ca(le crosso ers, or an# other e6ercise that re0uires a machine. "hese e6ercises 2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

ha e their place, (ut if #ou want to force #our muscles to grow 0uic,l#, #ou nee! to focus on) Co"*ound e8ercises. "hese are e6ercises that stimulate the most muscle fi(ers possi(le an! create the (iggest growth response from #our (o!#. "hese are things li,e s0uats, !ea!lifts, pull4ups, !ips, militar# press, (ent o er rows, etc.

Skinny ?uy Mistake GI#

Takin) Advice !ro" Body-uildin) Ma)aJines And The .Bi) ?uy( At The ?y"7
"his is an eas# trap to fall in to. MagaEines ha e (ig (uff !u!es on the co er so the# must ha e legitimate information in there, or else the# woul!n+t (e in (usiness, right* WR?>G1 "he sa! truth is) these "uscle:-uildin) "a)aJines are owned -y su**le"ent co"*anies! An! most of the magaEine+s re enue is generate! from the supplements the# en!orse in the magaEines. Bo #ou still trust these magaEines* But what a(out all the fanc#, cutting4e!ge e6ercises the# ha e that are guarantee! to .chisel #our a(s/ or .a!! inches to #our (iceps*/ Get me as, #ou, What woul! happen if the# !i!n+t come out with new wor,outs an! e6ercise plans* 2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

They would )o out of -usiness!

8o their (usiness !epen!s on coming up with new an! .creati e/ e6ercises an! con incing #ou that it+s the ne6t (est thing that will accelerate #our results) 'f the general pu(lic reall# ,new that there are pro en muscle4(uil!ing concepts that !on+t change) "he# woul! wa,e up realiEe that these magaEines are nothing (ut h#pe. 8o what a(out the .(ig gu#/ at the g#m* 7e must (e a great resource for information. After all, he is (ig an! muscular, right* 0ell1 chances are he )ot that way -ecause he was -orn with )ood )enes/ =ither that, or he+s getting a little help) I2es '+m tal,ing a(out steroi!s.J "he point is, an# .a! ice/ he gi es #ou !oesn+t appl# to #ou if #ou+re a har!gainer. Skinny )uys have to follow a different set of rules than these naturally "uscular )uys! I"hat is if #ou want fast results an! !on+t li,e waiting & months onl# to gain L pathetic poun!s.J

Skinny ?uy Mistake G,#

0astin) Money 4n Bo)us Su**le"ents That 6ee* You Skinny And Broke7
?ne of the (iggest 0uestions ' get from s,inn# gu#s is, .What supplements can ' ta,e to gain weight*/ ' won+t lie, there are a few goo! ones) An! #ou+ll fin! out what the# are soon enough) 2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

But the TKHTH is1 "ost su**le"ents are co"*lete )ar-a)e! "he (o!#(uil!ing supplement in!ustr# is a multi (illion4!ollar .cash cow/ that stuffs mone# in the poc,ets of (igwig 9=?+s on a !ail# (asis. "hese gree!# companies ,now that all the# ha e to !o is come out with another magic pill or pow!er that claims to (oost testosterone, a!! muscle, cut fat) or an#thing else #ou can thin, of ; An! the#+ll get a win!fall of cash so the# can (u# another BenE. Gi,e ' sai!, there are onl# a han!ful of supplements that will gi e #ou a slight e!ge) But onl# if #ou ,now how an! when to use them. Here are , of "y favorite su**le"ents that can hel* you )ain wei)ht if you use the" *ro*erly# Whe# Mrotein Mow!er 9reatine Kla6 8ee! ?il Most4Wor,out 9ar( Brin,

Skinny ?uy Mistake G@#

$)norin) Muscle:Buildin) Hor"ones That Can Boost Your Kesults By 'BBL 4r More!
There are % key hor"ones that you need to "ani*ulate to tur-o char)e your "ass -uildin) results7 ' !on+t ha e room in this report to go o er all & right now, (ut '+m going to tal, a(out the most important an! o( ious hormone that e er#one is familiar with$ "estosterone.

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

"estosterone (uil!s muscle an! ,eeps fat off. "hat+s no secret an! for most people that+s common ,nowle!ge. But what+s >?" so common ,nowle!ge is how to naturally increase testosterone levels without dan)erous dru)s/ 7ere are a few wa#s to naturall# (oost testosterone le els to ensure #our hormones are wor,ing with #ou, not against #ou$ A low:stress lifestyle. When #ou get stresse! out #our " le els !rop. 8o ta,e it eas# man. Anless #ou+re lifting hea # weights in the g#m of course. "hen go har!. Heavy wei)ht trainin)/ 'nitiall# #our testosterone le els will rise !uring hea # weight training. But then the#+ll !rop an! sta# low for a !a# or two (efore rising again. "his is one of the reasons wh# #ou !on+t want to (e in the g#m - !a#s a wee,. 't+s not necessar# an! is actuall# counterpro!ucti e. IWe+ll tal, more a(out this point in the ne6t .8,inn# Gu# Mista,e)/J A diet hi)h in *rotein and fats. =ating high fat, high protein foo!s li,e salmon, nuts, (eef, see!s, etc. will (oost #our testosterone le els. But !on+t go o er(oar!) "oo much of a goo! thing can lea! to e6tra fat gains. 2ou nee! to ,now how much of these foo!s to eat to get the full effect. Hegetarian !iets are the worst thing for #our testosterone le els an! gaining weight in general. Se8! An# ,in! of se6ual stimulation raises testosterone le els. 8o call #our girlfrien! up right now. Bon+t ha e a girlfrien!* Mut some muscle on #our (o!# then ta,e a stroll !own the (each on a sunn# !a#. '+m sure #ou+ll fin! some girls. "hen #ou can ta,e a! antage of this one. <i"it dru)s and alcohol/ '+m not tr#ing to (e the .fun police/ here (ut the truth is alcohol lowers #our testosterone le els an! actuall# increases #our estrogen le els1 .Main,iller/ !rugs li,e wee!, asprin, an! co!eine will also lower testosterone le els. ?et A hours of slee*/ 2our testosterone le els can !rop (# %0N from poor 0ualit# sleep or lac, of sleep.

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

Skinny ?uy Mistake G'#

Trainin) Too 4ften/
"his is one of the most common pro(lems ' see with har!gainers who want to (ul, up. An! that+s wh# it ma!e O2 on the list. ' was guilt# of this m#self... 't+s calle! .o ertraining/ an! e er#one+s !oin+ it. 2ou+! thin, that going to the g#m &4 - !a#s a wee, s. 243 !a#s a wee, woul! get faster results, right* Well, it soun!s li,e it woul! ma,e sense, -ut this is actually co"*letely false! "his seems to (e the har!est concept for people to actuall# accept. But let "e e8*lain/// 2ou see, when #ou go to the g#m an! lift hea # weights, #our o(5ecti e is to (rea, !own muscle fi(ers in or!er to elicit a growth response from #our (o!#. 2ou get B'GG=R when #our (o!# repairs that !amage! muscle tissue... 't respon!s (# repairing the muscle fi(ers B'GG=R A>B 8"R?>G=R than the# were (efore. So your "uscles )row when you are restin)/// N4T when you are in the )y" liftin) wei)hts! "here+s 2 main things #our (o!# nee!s to grow after hea # lifting$ Koo! an! rest. 'n other wor!s, #ou nee! to not onl# fee! #our (o!# with enough calories to grow larger, you also need to )ive it ti"e to re*air your "uscle tissue and )row lar)er and stron)er! ?therwise, if #ou continue to (rea, !own #our muscle fi(ers (# going to the g#m & !a#s a wee,, #our (o!# has no chance to repair an! grow larger... Therefore your *lan -ackfires in your face and you actaully )et weaker and s"aller! 2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

"his is one of the main reasons gu#s go to the g#m !a# after !a#, wor,ing their (utt off, onl# to see >? results for their efforts. 7ec,, ' !i! this when ' first starte! too1 ?h, an! one more !ownsi!e of training too often... 't lowers testosterone le els, which lea es #ou at e en more of a !isa! antage. But now #ou ,now (etter.

Skinny ?uy Mistake G+#

Eatin) The 0K4N? !ood To Build Muscle Mass And ?ain 0ei)ht !ast7
>o matter what ' eat, ' 5ust can+t seem to gain weight.../ Boes that soun! familiar* 2ou ma# ha e trie! gaining weight in the past (# eating more foo!. But was it the right foo!* An! !i! #ou reall# eat enough* =ating is one of the most misun!erstoo! aspects of gaining muscle mass an! this is where most people !rop the (all completel#. 'n or!er to gain weight an! (uil! muscle mass #ou nee! to fee! #our muscles e6actl# what the# nee! to grow) An! that !oesn+t inclu!e things li,e chips, hot !ogs, ca,e, coo,ies, etc. "hose things will 5ust ma,e #ou fat. 'f #ou want to get B'G, #ou nee! to eat the right ,in! of protein, car(s, an! fat at each meal to fee! #our muscles. 7ere are e6amples of some of the -est "uscle:-uildin) food you can eat# 2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

Best 9rotein Sources# Moultr# Gean Re! Meat =ggs KishP8eafoo! 9ottage 9heese Whe# Mrotein

Best Car-ohydrate Sources# Brown Rice ?atmeal Motatoes Whole Grain Brea!s Kruit Beans

Best !at Sources# Kla6 8ee! ?il Kish ?il ?li e ?il Kish Ili,e salmonJ >uts A oca!os

Also1 0HEN and H40 MHCH you eat is Eust as i"*ortant as what you eat/ We !on+t ha e time to !i e into all those !etails here, (ut '+m going to pic, up where we left off tomorrow so) Watch #our in(o6, (ecause '+m going to (e sen!ing #ou a special i!eo that #ou !on+t want to miss) 0hich is )oin) to hel* you *ack on sla-s of "uscle "ass Duickly/ I' call it m# .secret weapon.../J

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

To your s*eedy wei)ht )ain1

Jeff Masterson Kormer s,inn# gu# www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

2010 Jeff Masterson, All Rights Reser e!. www.WeightGainBlueprint.com

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