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The Miracle of Knowledge of The Quran and The Teachings of Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon Him

Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi Website: www.quran-miracle.com

Learning Atomic Sciences from The Quran

Some Topics Found in The Lecture

The Structure of Creation The asic uilding !nit of Matter !nderstanding the "esign and Function of the Atom The First #lement in Creation How #lements are formed $ %uclear Fusion %uclear Fission

The Structure of Creation

+n the name of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

The translation of verse (82: 8) in The Quran is: In whatever form Allah (God) Almighty willed e assembled you in
The Quran &82: *(

Allah &'od( Almight) states that His creation is created in a process of assembl)

Thus creation is made up of discrete basic units

Then Allah &'od( Almight) assembled these units to produce the structure of matter in creation

The asic uilding !nit of The Structure of Matter in Creation

Whatever you may be doing, and whatever portion you may be reciting from the Quran, and whatever deed you may be doing, Allah (God) is a Witness thereof, when you are doing it. And nothing is hidden from your ord the weight of an atom on the earth or in the heaven. !ot what is less than that or what is greater than that but is in a "lear $he Quran (10% #ecord

In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

Allah &'od( Almight) lin,ed the weight of the atom to it and not other -properties li,e its shape. si/e. etc

So it can be concluded that the weight of the atom is the most important propert) which determines all the characteristic of the element

!nderstanding the "esign and Function of the Atom

The Structure of The Atom

In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

Who has created the seven heavens one above another, you can see no fault in the creations of the (ost )eneficent. $hen loo* again% +"an you see any rifts,+
$he !oble Qur-an (67% .)

Spherical Shape of Atomic ea!ens

=&./0> =&./0>?@A%& ?@A%&


2&;<%& 2&;<%& 9u7leus 9u7leus

4 2 0 1

5 3

Beven Beven heavens heavens (layers) (layers)

!"#$%& !"#$%&'(#)%& '(#)%&*+ *+,-. ,-./01 /012-3%& 2-3%&451#6 451#6

The The7om8osition 7om8ositionof ofthe theatom atomas asdes7ribed des7ribedin inthe the9oble 9obleQur:an Qur:an

=&./0> =&./0>?@A%& ?@A%&


The2&;<%& central 2&;<%& ob7ect 9u7leus 9u7leus &#arth(

4 2 0 1

5 3

Beven Beven heavens heavens (layers) (layers)

The design of the uni8erse as deri8ed from the %oble Qur9an

The The7om8osition 7om8ositionof ofthe theatom atomas asdes7ribed des7ribedin inthe the9oble 9obleQur:an Qur:an

!"#$%& !"#$%&'(#)%& '(#)%&*+ *+,-. ,-./01 /012-3%& 2-3%&451#6 451#6

The Atom The Basic Structural Unit of Matter s com!osed of "ea#ens and a $ucleus

Shape of The Hea8ens of The Atom

+n The %ame of Allah &'od( Almight). The Most 'racious. The Most Merciful

The Quran &39&: 4

'. Allah (God) Almi%ht& has created the hea#ens and the earth with truth. "e ma*es the ni%ht to %o in the da& and ma*es the da& to %o in the ni%ht (In a s8heri7al fashion)C And "e has su+,ected the sun and the moon. -ach runnin% (on a fi.ed course) for an a!!ointed term. /eril&0 "e is the All-Mi%ht&0 the 1ft-2or%i#in%.

A spherical pattern implies

The ni%ht %oes into the da& in a s!herical fashion

$hat the heavens of the atom have a spherical shape

Spherical shape of the hea!ens of the atom

-ner%& of the Atom

-ner%& of the nucleus of the atom

The nucleus of the atom has a similar design and function of that of the earth

+n The %ame of Allah &'od( Almight). The Most 'racious. The Most Merciful

6- And the Hea8en containing wea8ed ropes

The Quran &51: 6(

$he seven heavens contain weaved ropes of energy $he function of ropes is to produce pulling acting between the ob/ects they are connected to 0b/ects within the heavens of the earth e1perience pulling action towards the earth due to energy weaved ropes

$he 2henomenon of Gravity

D@E%& D@E%&

The lectron


Pulling action towards the nucleus of the atom due to gra8it) wea8ed ropes

nergy weaved ropes within the heavens of the atom

The nucleus of the atom (energy source of gravity weaved ropes)

The energy within the heavens of the atom

#nerg) in the Hea8ens of the Atom

Gra#itational -ner%&

Magnetic field of the earth

Magnetic field produced b) the nucleus of the atom

#nerg) of the atom


Gra#itational -ner%& (Attracti#e) 4. Ma%netic -ner%& (5e!ulsi#e)

The First #lement in Creation

+n the name of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

00- Then Allah &'od( Almight) rose o8er towards the hea8en when it was smo!e. and said to it and to the earth: ;Come both of )ou willingl) or unwillingl)-; The) both said: ;<e come. willingl)-;
$he Quran ("1% 3)

Allah &'od( Almight) states that before the creation of the earth. the hea8ens and earth were smo,e

Thus it can be concluded that the element from which the hea8ens and earth were composed of was H)drogen

+t can be further concluded that the most common element in the hea8ens and earth should be H)drogen

Scientific "isco8er)

H)drogen is the tenth most common element on #arth- &= 0>>2?1@@2 Microsoft

H)drogen accounts for about 62 percent of the obser8ed mass of the uni8erse and is the most common element in the uni8erse- &= 0>>2?1@@2 Microsoft

How #lements are formed$

The Answer is com!letel& deri#ed from The $o+le 6ur7an

+n the %ame of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

*- +n whate8er form Allah &'od( Almight) willed. He assembled )ou together

$he Quran (#$% 3)

Allah &'od( Almight) states that His creation is made in a process of assembl)

Thus it can be concluded that all elements are created in a process of assembl)

<hich leads to the conclusion that the atoms for all the elements are created from the assembl) &adding up( of the atoms of the first and most basic element &i-e- H)drogen(

The #lements are composed of Atoms

And the Atoms are com!osed of $uclei and "ea#ens

How #lements9 %uclei are formed $

+n The eginning of Creation

The %oble Qur9an

The opening chapter &The mother of other chapters(

An Atom containing one ob7ect in its hea8en

H)drogen &H( &The mother atom(

The opening chapter contains se8en 8erses

A mother from which new products emerge The h)drogen atom contains se8en hea8ens

The opening chapter

Atom 0 A H)drogen Atom

H)drogen as The Mother Atom

Since the H)drogen atom is the mother atom This implies that new elements are generated from it Thus all other atoms &elements( are generated from the h)drogen atom &i-e- from the assembl) of h)drogen atoms(

Formation of the Helium %ucleus

Assem+l& of Two "&dro%en Atoms

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The Helium %ucleus &He(

Formation of the Lithium %ucleus

Assem+l& of Three "&dro%en Atoms

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H( The Lithium %ucleus &Li(

Formation of the er)llium %ucleus

Assem+l& of 2our "&dro%en Atoms

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The er)llium %ucleus & e(

Formation of the oron %ucleus

Assem+l& of 2i#e "&dro%en Atoms

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The oron %ucleus & e(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

Formation of the Carbon %ucleus

Assem+l& of Si. "&dro%en Atoms

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The H)drogen %ucleus &H(

The Carbon %ucleus &C(

How #lements9 Hea8ens are formed $

The hea#ens are the s!aces where the electrons are to +e found

H)drogen as The Mother Atom

Since the H)drogen atom is the mother atom This implies that new elements are generated from it Thus the hea8ens of all other atoms &elements( are the assembl) of the hea8ens of a collection of h)drogen atoms

The Hea8en of the H)drogen Atom

+n the name of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

3@- +t is not for the sun to o8erta,e the moon. nor does the night outstrip the da)- The) all float. each in an orbit$he Quran (%6% 45)

The Formation of The Hea8en of The Helium &He( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The Helium &He( Atom

The Formation of The Hea8en of The Lithium &Li( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The Lithium &Li( Atom

The Formation of The Hea8en of The er)llium & e( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The er)llium & e( Atom

The Formation of The Hea8en of The oron & ( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The oron & ( Atom

The Formation of The Hea8en of The Carbon &C( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

The Hea8en of The Carbon &C( Atom

The Hea8en of The H)drogen &H( Atom

!nderstanding %uclear Fusion from The Quran$

<hat is %uclear Fusion $

+n the %ame of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

*- +n whate8er form Allah &'od( Almight) willed. He assembled )ou together Allah &'od( Almight) states that His creation is made in a process of assembl)

Thus hea8ier atoms &elements( are formed b) the fusion of lighter ones

<hat are the reBuirements needed in the atoms for fusion to occur $
Ceducing the magnetic repulsion between the nuclei of the atoms in8ol8ed in the fusion process
<hich is done b)

Heating of the atom. thereb) gi8ing higher energ) for the orbiting electron and finall) the electron lea8es the atom due to higher and higher centrifugal force

Thus the atoms become in a plasma state &i-e- atoms stripped from their electrons(- <hich results in the atoms loosing so much of their magnetic field due to the loss of their electrons

<hat are the reBuirements needed in the atoms for fusion to occur $
Ceduction of the magnetic field of the atoms when the) are in a plasma state results in the following The gra8itational forces between the nuclei become much higher than magnetic repulsi8e forces and thus the nuclei get closer to each other &as one nuclei( and their hea8ens are lin,ed together

The process of fusion

<hat are the reBuirements needed in the atoms for fusion to occur $
To achie8e the state where electrons are released from the atom

Der) large energ) wea8ed ropes &thermal energ)( should be gi8en to the atoms in8ol8ed in the process

H)drogen &H( %ucleus

Fusion of two H)drogen nuclei to form Helium

1 H)drogen &H( %uclei A Helium &He(

#nerg) &Thermal energ) wea8ed ropes(

H)drogen &H( %ucleus

Hea8en of a H)drogen &H( atom

Hea8en of a Helium &He( atom

Hea8en of a H)drogen &H( atom

Fusion of the hea8ens of two H)drogen atoms to form the hea8en of a Helium atom

!nderstanding %uclear Fission from The %oble Qur9an$

+n the %ame of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

00- There is no compulsion in religion- Truth stands out from falsehood- <hom disobe)s Satan and belie8es in Allah &'od( Almight) He has held on to the strong ,not where there is no tearing thereof and Allah &'od( Almight) is all hearing all ,nowing$he Quran ($% 67')

Allah &'od( Almight) teaches us that bonds whether it is spiritual or materialistic are made up of:

<ea8ed ,nots

+n atomic sciences these wea8ed ,nots are formed when the hea8ens of two atoms are lin,ed together

+n the name of Allah &'od( Almight) The Most 'racious The Most Merciful

2@- Ha8e not those who disbelie8e ,nown that the hea8ens and the earth were 7oined together as one wea8ed tapestr). then Allah &'od( Almight) parted them$ And Allah &'od( Almight) has made from water e8er) li8ing thing- <ill the) not then belie8e$
$he Quran ($1% .5)

Allah &'od( Almight) teaches us that bonds are separated

The similitude is gi8en to tearing of wea8ed ,nots

+n atomic sciences. atomic bonds are bro,en b) the tearing of gra8itational wea8ed ropes which form the atomic bond
The process of nuclear fission

Fission of a Helium nucleus to result in two H)drogen nuclei

1 H)drogen &H( %uclei A Helium &He(

H)drogen &H( %ucleus

#nerg) &Thermal energ) wea8ed ropes(

H)drogen &H( %ucleus

Hea8en of a H)drogen &H( atom

Hea8en of a Helium &He( atom

Fission of the hea8ens of a Helium atom to form two H)drogen atoms

Hea8en of a H)drogen &H( atom

"rEaid Kasim 'ha//awi 8or detailed information please visit my

Website at%

;:mail% <aid9uran=yahoo.co m

www.9uran: miracle.com

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