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JESSICA VALINDRIA. Biologi Parasitoid Brachymeria lasus Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) pada Ulat Penggulung Daun Pisang Erionota thrax Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Dibimbing oleh PUDJIANTO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari beberapa aspek biologi parasitoid Brachymeria lasus seperti siklus hidup, ciri morfologi, dan perilakunya. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dengan mengambil Erionota thrax yang terparasit oleh B. lasus dari lapangan, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam wadah-wadah plastik. Imago parasitoid B. lasus yang muncul diperbanyak dengan dipelihara dalam tabung yang di dalamnya terdapat pupa E. thrax. Untuk mengamati ciri morfologi dan siklus hidup parasitoid, pupa E. thrax yang terparasit dipelihara pada tabung kemudian, dilakukan pembedahan setiap hari dimulai pada hari kedua setelah terparasit. Untuk mengamati waktu kemunculan imago parasitoid, pupa E. thrax yang terparasit dipelihara dalam tabung reaksi hingga imago muncul. Imago parasitoid B. lasus (betina dan jantan) secara umum bewarna hitam dengan ukuran tubuh kurang lebih 6 mm, tungkai bagian femur membesar. Imago jantan dan betina dapat dibedakan melalui ovipositornya. Parasitoid B. lasus memiliki tipe telur hymenopteriform tipe larva hymenopteriform dan tipe pupa exarata. Siklus hidup parasitoid B. lasus umumnya berkisar 13-14 hari. Waktu kemunculan tertinggi imago parasitoid B. lasus, baik betina maupun jantan, adalah pada kisaran jam 07.00-11.00 WIB. Kata kunci : Brachymeria lasus, Erionota thrax, parasitoid pupa

BIOLOGI PARASITOID Brachymeria lasus WALKER (HYMEMOPTERA: CHALCIDIDAE) PADA ULAT PENGGULUNG DAUN PISANG Erionota thrax LINNAEUS (LEPIDOPTERA: HESPERIIDAE) (Biology of Brachymeria lasus Walker (Hymenoptera:Chalcididae): A Pupal Parasitoid of Banana Skipper, Erionota thrax Linnaeus (Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae))

This research was conducted to study some biological aspects of parasitoid, Brachymeria lasus , such as the life cycle, morphology , and the behavior. Research was carried out in The Laboratory of Parasitoid and Predator Biology, Department of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural University. Pupae of Erionota thrax parasitized by B. lasus were collected from the field and then were maintained in plastic containers until the emergence of parasitoid adults. Mated females of B. lasus were kept in a test tube (20 cm long, 3 cm in diameter), and then were provided with 1-day-old pupae of E. thrax to be parasitized. Parasitized pupae of E. thrax then were moved to another test tube and were used for observation of the parasitoid biology. The morphological features of the parasitoid larvae and pupae were observed by dissecting parasitized pupae every day starting on the second day after parasitization. To observe the life cycle of the parasitoid, parasitized pupae of E. thrax were maintained in test tubes until the eclosion of parasitoid adults. In general, adults of B. lasus (females and males) were black in color with the body size was less than 6 mm, and were characterized with the large femur of the hind legs. B. lasus have hymenopteriform eggs, hymenopteriform larvae, and exarate type pupae. The life cycle of B. lasus ranged 13-14 days. Adults of B. lasus mostly emerged in the morning within 07:00 - 11:00 hours. Keywords : Brachymeria lasus, Erionota thrax, pupal parasitoid

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