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Aquatic Sediments Author(s): C. F. Powers, W. D. Sanville and F. S. Stay Source: Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), Vol.

48, No. 6, 1976: Literature Review (Jun., 1976), pp. 1433-1439 Published by: Water Environment Federation Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/25039038 . Accessed: 03/11/2013 16:59
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Jour. Research, Bay Park, N. Y." Sewage, U. S. Geol Surv., 3, 93 (1975). S. E, and Vecchioli, Ragone, J, "Chemical Interaction Bay 117. Wellings, May 118. Park, Deep during New York." Well Recharge, 13, Groundwater, 131. 132. Forrestal, Cherry, geology, 133. Wang, of L, J. A, Part "Deep et Mystery."

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of materials between sediment Exchange and water of and the relative importance as a nutrient source were the sediments in several laboratory and field investigated et al.1 carried out studies. Bannerman on of the experiments laboratory mobility in Lake Ontario inorganic phosphorus -Vol. 48, No. 6, June 1976 1433

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Review the sample were coated to prevent metallic to air was mini contamination; exposure corer A large-volume shallow water mal. of benthic for quantitative popu sampling lations in various substrate types was de et al.8 and evaluated signed by Thayer co was and of greater organisms Density of variation efficient less than for a van to the Veen this was attributed sampler; increased depth obtained by the corer. A stream gravel sampler developed by O'Con nor 9 collected less biomass than coloniza tion cans but more than a Surber sampler. of obtaining it was capable In addition, stratified samples 60 cm into the substrate. In an evaluation of sedimentation traps, of that collection concluded Kirchner10 on a unit- area basis was indepen material size. With of trap aperture the dent of shallow and unstratified lakes, exception he also found traps to be a dependable for estimating sedimentation. method A high-resolution, lithium-compensated detector was used in a proto germanium et al.11 to perform type device by Moxham in situ neutron activation analyses of sedi in neutron flux density ments. Differences saturated and dry materials were between to the water content of the sam attributed a of three different In comparison ple. in sedi for mercury extraction procedures et al.12 found that the ments, Agemian acid and hydrochloric-nitric sulfuric-nitric similar precision and acid methods yielded the hydrofluoric results, whereas acid-aqua was less precise and gave regia method A for method determina values. higher in sediments by automated tion of mercury was devel cold vapor atomic absorption The system and Chau.13 oped by Agemian of twenty for analysis could be used a of 10 hour with sensitivity samples per

cores from 15 locations. sediments using on the an flux Based the range obtained, of inorganic phosphorus nual contribution to the lake water was from the sediments at about 10 percent of the ex estimated con Fillos and Swanson2 ternal loading. in laboratory ducted long-term experiments reactors on nutrient release rates from lake on was and river sediments. Emphasis orthophosphat?, ammonia and

but oxygen uptake iron release rates were

and also

et al.3 evaluated the microbial Sagher of phosphorus from surficial availability sedi sediments using algae and indigenous as test organisms. ment populations Algal and three cell counts, ATP measurements, extractions different provided phosphorus on the utilization information of different sediment forms. Hydraulic phosphate in Lake Herman, South Dakota, dredging was monitored In et al.4 by Churchill was the only sig creased total phosphorus nificant change in water quality, but this to dredg could not positively be attributed content of return flow ing. Phosphorus near the from dredged material deposited lake was less than that of the lake water at the dredging site. 5 Lerman and Lietzke used 90Sr and 137Cs in Lakes Erie and Ontario concentrations to verify a theoretical model of the rela of dis the concentration tionship between solved chemical species in a lake and up take by the sediment. concluded They of the two tracers by sedi that adsorption ment particles could be treated as a linear reaction and that distribution exchange of radionuclides in the sediments could be based on a model which assumed a mean steady input for the years 1953-1969. Cop in a shallow, eutro soft-water per cycling phic lake treated since the early 1960's with was sulfate copper by investigated that ap results indicated The Symmes.6 96 percent of the copper re proximately in the sediments. mained Sampling Sasseville portable, squeezer. 1434 and Analytical et al.7 described Methods

ppb Hg.

a light weight, water interstitial large-volume, All components in contact with

a re and Fung14 developed McQuaker ionization tech ductive pyrolysis-flame of total and for the determination nique in sediments. carbon Analysis organic time was less than five minutes and the use direct of a single suspension permitted of total carbon, carbon, organic comparison Recov concentrations. and carbohydrate the ery of petroleum by hydrocarbons

Journal WPCF

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Literature extrac and chloroform hexane, benzene, on estuarine tion methods was compared water et al.15 and sediments by Walker a sol as with benzene Reciprocal shaking vent provided the most efficient extraction.
Chemical-Physical Characterization


The distribution in water materials

of nutrients and humic and sediments has been et al.16 determined investigated. Hwang the distribution of total, inorganic, and or in various size fractions ganic phosphorus of lake sediments. The three forms ex a bimodal hibited with distribution the in the >20/x concentrations and greatest <2 fi fractions. Curtis et al.17 found nitri bacteria and of nitrifica indications fying river systems. Moderate zinc and copper did not

are of great ecological hum?tes and geo re chemical and that much significance, to be learned about their role in the mains natural environment. and Wong22 Kemp to determine used gel chromatography low, and high weight fluvic acid intermediate, in organic matter fractions from Great Lakes occurrence was sediments. Their to the transformation attributed of organic matter at the sediment-water interface into inert humic of greater molecular acids weight. A research area which received consider was able attention the distribution and of heavy metals and trace ele chemistry ments in sediments. Olson and Cooper,23 in work on methylmercury in production San Francisco found the Bay sediments, amount produced in situ was less than that in laboratory experiments but greater than levels. Batti et al.24 measured background in river and total mercury methylmercury areas from industrial and mining sediments in France and Italy. Methylmercury con never represented more centrations than a fraction of one percent of the total mercury content of the sediments. in However, biota of methyl the proportion samples to total mercury was greater. In mercury work on Ottawa River sediments, Kudo et al.25 found that mercury rates desorption increased with increased depth, decreased with increased and were exposure period, than aerobic con greater under anaerobic ditions. Analyses were conducted by Heiz et al.2? on water to deter and sediment samples mine the fate of trace metals discharged into the estuary of the Black River, Mary of the metals were land. Most removed from the water by sediments. Cadmium were to found and possibly manganese reenter the water toward the confluence of Pita and the river with Chesapeake Bay. 27 of lead-zinc the effect Hyne investigated area of mineralized soils in the Tri-State on the and Missouri Kansas, Oklahoma, in of sediments Pb, Zn, and Cd contents to reservoirs. Zinc appeared downstream but all three metals be the most mobile were in the sediments found concentrated of the reservoirs. of the deepest parts -Vol. 48, No. 6, June 1976 1435

tion in both slightly and highly polluted

concentrations of appear to inhibit those metals were nitrification, suggesting or bound either to suspended chelated The of effects alternate aerobic particles. on nitrification and anaerobic conditions rates were et al.18 investigated by Keeney ammo Aeration in decreased resulted nium-N and increased and Eh. nitrate-N Induction of anaerobic conditions reversed the process. In a study comparing nitrate-N removal rates from floodwater sediments, overlying found the rate of de Engler and Patrick19 in a salt marsh nitrification soil to be ap that of a fresh three times proximately water soil. The addition of or swamp in a proportionate resulted ganic matter in increase rate. the denitrification Whelan20 measured and carbon methane dioxide concentrations the car including bon in of the C02, isotope composition core samples collected from several envi ronments of southern Louisiana marsh lands. Results that CH4 occur suggested rence may be determined by chemical in pore waters, reduction but maximum concentration may be regulated by bubble

A comprehensive on review literature the natural of aquatic and sedi history in marine humic substances and mentary was compiled freshwater environments by were The conclusions that Jackson.21

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Literature Water lected nessee

Review Pb were much higher. The distribution of 11 chemical in sediments elements from a stream receiving pig farmyard waste was Of these, Na, K, described Alther.34 by were most and affected. the Ca, Ni, Mg not were and which Pb, Co, part of the and Robbins pigs' diet, did not change. Callender35 determined the vertical distri of total acid-extractable and dis bution in the upper 40 cm of a solved manganese core sediment from collected southern A quantiative Lake Michigan. mathemati was developed which cal model gave a reasonable fit to the observed distribution. re Several papers considered problems of pesticides lated to the presence and in aquatic et herbicides Gillott systems. al.36 investigated inhibition photosynthetie in axenic and Abate by DDT, carbaryl, of cultures. Addition Euglena gracilis acid-washed sand reduced significantly inhibition by the three in photosynthetie secticides. Water, sediment, net plankton, from Lake and benthos fish, Cladophora, et al.37 Ontario were examined Haile by for DDT and dieldrin, group pesticides, PCB's. Endrin, BHC group pesticides, and some were in identified fish. heptachlor concentrations and PCB/t-DDT Average for the various sam ratios were presented Willis et al38 types. investigated ple seasonal losses of diuron, linuron, fenac, of and trifluralin from plots representative River Valley. The the lower Mississippi that these four herbi authors suggested cides pose little threat to adjacent aquatic areas when used properly on lower Missis land. sippi River Valley agricultural In other studies, Aston and Thornton39 that the close association be suggested tween the trace metal status of estuarine waters and sediments and their tributary sediments may allow the use of drainage data in the selection regional geochemical of estuaries for aquaculture and other amenities. Banat et al.49 conducted experi on the mobilization of metals from ments river nitrilotriacetic sediments polluted by of NTA Low concentrations acid (NTA). solubilized Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, and Zn. of Council National Research The an of Canada41 the published proceedings

and sediment col samples were from an 80 km course of the Ten River Results sug by Perhac.28 were that upstream gested heavy metals from dissolved carbonates, transported into the and downstream, incorporated a dam. sediments behind clayey in a survey of the Steele and Wagner,29 on a 130 mile sediments section of the Buffalo River in northern Arkansas, found that Fe, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mn, Pb, K, and Na as the drainage area decreased downstream in carbonate increased rock and decreased in shale. increased Sediments downstream in Mg, Ca, Zn, and Cd. The distribution of As, Sb, Hg, Cr., Co, Fe, Al, and C in of Puget surface Sound were sediments et A copper examined al.30 Crecelius by smelter and a chlor-alkali were two plant sources of and contami As, major Sb, Hg nation. No elevated concentrations of the other elements measured could be attrib uted to inputs by man. Most of the mer in found both contaminated and non cury was contaminated associated sediments with matter. oxidizable easily organic et al.31 determined Walters the occurrence of ten trace metals and minor in elements sediment cores from Lake Erie. Significant for most was enrichment metals found within the upper 30 cm of sediment but in about half the cores the heavy metal con tent decreased in the top interval. In studies of plutonium and sedimen cycling tation in Lake Michigan, and Wahlgren Nelson32 found that the major fraction of 239Pu and 137Cs fallout inputs had been to the sediments. The rapidly transported in the water residual fractions column were generally distributed homogeneously the lake in particle size frac throughout tions <0.4 with turnover times of 3 to /Jim, 4 years. Chester and Stoner33 presented informa tion on the concentration and distribution of a number of trace elements in the <61 fan fraction of Shipek grab samples col lected from the lower Severn estuary and Bristol Channel, England. In general, they found Mn, Fe, Cu, Ni, Ga, V, Cr, Ba, and Sr at concentrations similar to unpolluted nearshore whereas sediments, Sn, Zn, and

1436 JournalWPCF

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Literature on the transport international conference en of persistent in chemicals the aquatic on with metals vironment, emphasis heavy and pesticides. covered included Topics bed sediment sediment-water transport, chemical bio transformations, interchange, of these and distribution logical uptake,


99 percent of the specific surface area of Lake Kinneret, Israel, sediments. Although the carbonate fraction constituted about half of the sediment by weight, it repre sented less than one-half of one percent of
the specific surface area.



to sedimentation pro Subjects relating noted a major parallel be Kuznetsov49 cesses in lakes received attention from a tween and lake sediments in the role soils of number Robbins and investigators. 42 of in of the mineralization microorganisms used 210Pb and 137Csmeasure Edgington the materials, organic ments although typical to determine the rate of sedimenta horizons of terrestrial soils do not occur in tion in Lake Michigan. of cores Analysis He sediments. discussed differ aquatic from eight locations indicated that modern ences between found in eutro sediments rates differed sedimentation little from av lakes, the role of bac phic and oligotrophic erage rates for the last 7,000 years. Armen teria in the carbonate cycle, the formation tano and Woodwell43 used 210Pb the of and the silica iron-manganese to determine deposits, method rates sedimentation Grimes50 that showed fecal coli a cycle. in Island marsh. and Long Wolery 44 form concentrations increased a significantly Walters to describe model developed in the immediate vicinity of a maintenance modern rates for western sedimentation in the Mississippi operation dredging strata containing Erie Lake using high was increase River. The attributed to re concentrations. Two mercury geographi of sediment-bound lease bacteria cal areas where by the the most mercury would disturbance and of sediments. relocation identified by the likely be released were Biochemical reactions involved in the de model for remedial action. Chemical of in sediments on composition and Lee45 organic matter sedi analysis by Bortleson of a facultative in oxidation ment cores from Lake Monona, Wisconsin, pond were Brockett and Orchard.51 in definite demonstrated by chemical vestigated changes to promote biochem to human related Deep ponds appeared settlement stratigraphy an ical associated with of the area. in P, Fe, Mn, Al, Increases activity closely a more in aerobic and K were shown to have occurred conditions, in the resulting From of methane. efficient since the mid- to late sediments production uppermost of studies 1800's. laboratory biologically-induced of transformations in studies on six English sediments, lakes clay-sized Cranwell,46 et al.52 concluded Wall that an environ of various trophic states, examined the re a high microbial ment with of the composition of sedimen population, lationship carbonate condi and anaerobic substrate, factors. tary fatty acids to environmental was tions most to conducive The in chain distribution biological length of the of sediment. The vertical dis n-alkanoic acids was shown to indicate the degradation tribution of adenosine relative contribution of terrestrial and (ATP) triphosphate was determined in salt marsh matter to autochthonous sediment. seasonally organic et al.53 ATP con sediments carried out by Gorham by Christian Pigment analyses were centrations in the surface and Wright47 on profundal greatest surface sedi and and ni microbial carbon centimeter, ments in Minnesota lakes demonstrated a of the small fraction made that sedimentary up trogen organic matter was de total. rived mainly from autochthonous mate sedimentary of fossil rials, and that rising concentrations References indicate the onset of cul pigments clearly tural euthrophication. Banin et al.48 found 1. Bannerman, et al, R. T, Mobil "Phosphorus that clay minerals were responsible Ontario Sediments for 98 ity in Lake (IFYGL)." -Vol. 48, No. 6, June 1976 1437

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