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Effective A cademic W riting 1



Effective A cademic W riting 1

N orth H arris C o lleg e H ousto n , Texas

K ingw o o d C ollege K intjw o o d , Texas

OX-FORD VKI\ Ktsi I 'J nu-'iS


198 M adison A venue N ew York. NY 10016 USA G reat C la re n d o n S tree t. O xford 0 X 2 6D P UK O xford U niversity Press is a d e p a rtm e n t o f th e U n iv ersity o f O xford. Ii fu rth ers th e U niversity's objective o f excellence in research, scholarship, a n d e d u c a tio n by p u b lish in g w o rld w id e In O x fo rd New York A u ck lan d C a p e to w n D a re s S alaam H o n g Kong K arachi K uala L u m p u r M adrid M elb o u rn e M exico City N airobi New D elhi S h a n g h a i Taipei T o ro n to W ith offices in A rg e n tin a A ustria Brazil C hile C zech R epublic F ran c e G reece G u a tem ala H u ngary Italy J a p a n Poland P o rtu g al S in g ap o re S o u th K orea S w itzerlan d T h a ila n d T urkey U k rain e V ietn am

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS C over a n . R ichard D ie b en k o m O cean P ark * 1 2 2 . 19 S0 oil a n d c h arco al o n canvas; 100 in . x 8 0 5/8 in. (254 cm X204.79 cm ) San Francisco M useum o f M o d em A rt C h arle s H l a n d F am iliar F o u n d a tio n Fund p u rc h a se E state o f R ichard D ieb en k o rn Stills photography lnM C lockw ise fro m to p left: P u restix k /S u p ersto c k : 2. P h o to Edii Inc: David Young-W oltf. 2: P unch S tockjC om stock: 2; P u n ch Stock: 2: C orbis: David T u m ley , 30; P h o to Edit Inc.: David Young-WolfT, 52. P unch Stock/DGV' C arl R oessler, 76; S uperstock- D w ayne L. H arlan. 100; B race C o lem an Inc.: G. K rishnan, 122. We would like to thank /bKowingfo r permission to reproduce these extracts unit adaptations o/ropvm rfllid material: p. 31. G.S. S h a ra t C h an d ra , e x c e rp ts fro m Sari o f the Gods. C opyright 1989 by G.S. S h a ra t C h an d ra. R ep rin ted wii h t h e p e rm issio n ol C otfee H ouse Press. M inneapolis. M innesota: p. 101. A dapted fro in S c u lik by |o e l Rogers. 2006. w ith p e rm issio n o f G ra p h ic A n s Books, a n im p rin t o f G rap h ic A rts C e n te r P ublish in g C om pany; p. L23. F.xcerpis from "The G re e n M am ba" fro m Going Soiii by Roald D ahl. C opyright 1986 by Roald D ahl R ep rin te d by p e rm issio n o f Farrar. S trau s a n d G iroux. L1.C

a n d 0Xf0RD ENGUSH a re re g is te re d tra d e m a rk s o f O xford U niversity Press O xford U n iv ersity Press 2007 N o u n a u t h o r i z e d p h o to c o p y in g All rig h ts reserv ed . No p a n o f th is p u b lic a tio n m ay be re p ro d u c e d , sto re d In a retriev al sy stem , o r tra n s m itte d , In a n y fo rm o r by a n y m eans, w ith o u t th e p rio r p e rm issio n in w ritin g o f O xford U n iv ersity Press, o r as expressly p e rm itte d by law. o r u n d e r te rm s ag reed w ith th e a p p ro p ria te c o p y rig h t cle aran c e o rg a n iz a tio n . E n q u irie s c o n c e rn in g re p ro d u c tio n o u tsid e I h e scope o f th e above sh o u ld b e s e n t to th e ELT R ights D e p a rtm e n t. O xford U niversity Press, a t th e a d d re ss above. You m u st n o t c irc u la te th is b o o k in an y o th e r b in d in g o r co v er a n d you m u st im p o se th is s a m e c o n d itio n o n a n y a cq u irer. Any w eb sites re fe rre d to in th is p u b lic a tio n are in th e p u b lic d o m a in a n d th e ir a d d resses a re p ro v id ed by O xford U niversity Press for in fo rm a tio n only. O xford U niversity Press d isclaim s a n y re sp o n sib ility fo r th e c o n te n t. E xecutive P u b lish er; Jan e t A itchison S en io r A c q u isitio n s Editor.* P ietro Along) Editor: Rob F reire A n D irector; M aj-Britt H agstead A n E ditor; R obin Fadool P ro d u ctio n M a n a g e r S h a n ta Persaud P ro d u ctio n C o n tro lle r: Eve W ong ISBN : 978-0-19-430922-6ISTUDENT BOOK) ISBN : 9784M 9*430882-31ANSWER KEY) P rin te d in H ong Kong 10 9 8 7 6

We would like to thank David Olsher. without whom we would never have started this project. We want to give a special thanks to the editorial team: Rob Freire, Kathleen Smith. Kenna Bourke, and Scott Allan Wallick for their insight and expertise, and Pietro Alongi for his endless positivity and support. We would also like to gratefully acknowledge the work of Susan Kesner Bland. Last but not least, our gratitude to the following reviewers for their contribution to the project: Sharon Allerson, East LA Community College; Frank Cronin, Austin Community College; Kieran Hilu, Virginia Tech; Peter Hoffman, LaGuardia Community College; Carla Nyssen, California State I Jniversity Long Beach; Adrianne Ochoa; Mary O Neill, North Virginia Community College; Maria Salinas, Del Mar College. I would like to thank the administration, faculty, and staff of North Harris College for making it an inspiring place to work. I especially want to applaud the students of the ESL program. Your papers are full of delightful surprises and interesting insights. Thank you for allowing your work to be used to assist others. Finally. I wish to thank my husband. Masoud, and children Cyrus and Kaveh, for helping me balance work and home. I always look forward to seeing you at the end of die day. A.S. 1 would like to express my appreciation to everyone at Kingwood College for creating a great environment for teaching and learning. I am especially grateful to the ESL faculty for their insightful suggestions and to the ESL students for their generosity in sharing their writing. Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Alice ten working with me on this project and our sons Cyrus and Kaveh for adding so much color to our lives each and every day. M.S.

I n t r o d u c t i o n ............................. .................................................................................... vii

Unit 1: The Sentence and the Paragraph__________________

PART 1: Stimulating Ideas . ................. .. .................................... The Paragraph Formatting a Paragraph PART 2: Developing a Paragraph.................................................... Paragraph Organization The Topic Sentence Supporting Sentences The Concluding Sentence PART 3: Unity and Coherence.......................................................... 2


Unity within a Paragraph Coherence within a Paragraph

PART 4: Editing Your W ritin g ......................................................... 19

Simple Sentence Structure Punctuation and Capitalization Fragments Run-on Sentences

PART 5: Putting It All Together...................................................... 24

Unit 2: Descriptive Paragraphs___________________________

PART 1: Stimulating Id eas......................... .............................. .. . 30 Reading Text: Sari of the Gods" PART 2: PART 3: PART 4: Brainstorming and O u tlin in g ........................................... 33 38 43

Descriptive Organization
Developing Your Ideas...................................................... U sing S pecific L an g u ag e Editing Your W ritin g .........................................................

Using Adjectives in Descriptive Writing Using Be to Describe and Define

PART 5: Putting It All Together...................................................... 47


Unit 3: Example Paragraphs______________________________

PART 1: Stim ulating Ideas .............................................................52 Reading Text: Bumping into Mr. Ravioli" PART 2: Brainstorming and O u tlin in g ............................................ 55 Example Organization PART 3: Developing Your Ideas....................................................... Using Examples as Supporting Details 59

PART 4: Editing Your W ritin g .......................................................... 65 Forming and Using the Simple Present Subject-Verb Agreement PART 5: Putting It All Together....................................................... 69

Unit 4: Process Paragraphs_______________________________

PART 1: Stimulating Id eas............................................................... 76 Reading Text: How to Fight Off a Shark" PART 2: Brainstorming and O u tlin in g ............................................ 79 Process Orga nization PART 3: Developing Your Id eas....................................................... 84 Using Time Order Words in Process Paragraphs PART 4: Editing Your W ritin g .......................................................... Using Imperatives Modals of Advice. Necessity, and Prohibition 90

PART 5: Putting It All Together.................................... .. ................ 95

Unit 5: Opinion Paragraphs______________________________

PART 1: Stim ulating Id ea s............................................................... 100 Reading Text: City with a Gray-Green Heart PART 2: Brainstorming and O u tlin in g ............................................ 103 Opinion Organization PART 3: Developing Your Ideas....................................................... 108 Using Reasons to Support an Opinion PART 4: Editing Your W ritin g .......................................................... 113 Using There Is/There Are to Introduce Facts Using Because o f and Because to Give Reasons PART 5: Putting It All Together...................... .. ..............................117
Contents v

Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

PART 1: Stimulating Id ea s........................... ..................................122

Reading Text: "The Snake-Man"

PART 2: PART 3: Brainstorming and O u tlin in g ...........................................125

Narrative Organization
Developing Your Id eas......................................................130

Using Sensory' and Emotional Details Showing Order of Events in Narrative Paragraphs Showing Simultaneous Events
PART 4: Editing Your W ritin g .........................................................136

Forming and Using the Simple Past Forming and Using the Past Continuous
PART 5: Putting It All Together...................................................... 142

Appendix I: The W riting P ro ce ss.....................................................147 Appendix II: Elements of Pun ctuatio n ............................................ 148 Appendix III: G lo s s a ry .................................... .. ..............................149 Appendix IV: Correlation to Grammar Sense 1 .............................. 152


Effective Academic Writing is a three-hook series intended to usher students into
the world of academic writing. The goal of the series is to provide students and their teachers with a practical and efficient approach to learning the skills, strategies, anil knowledge that arc necessary for succeeding in content coursework. A parallel goal is to provide opportunities for students to explore their opinions, discuss their ideas, and share their experiences through written communication. By guiding budding writers through the experience of composing various types of paragraphs and short papers, w e hope to provide students with the tools and the confidence necessary for college success.

The Paragraph
Book 1 of Effective Academic Writing, The Paragraph, introduces students at the high-beginning to low-intermediate level to the academic paragraph. The first unit provides a review of sentence structure and an introduction to developing and formatting an academic paragraph. Each of the following five units then addresses a particular rhetorical mode and provides user-friendly guidance to mastering the form. The hook also offers numerous opportunities for practicing relevant grammar points. All grammar presentations and practice are correlated to Grammar Sense I. Book 1 contains several features designed to support students in developing the skills that they need for college writing; Each unit contains an authentic text to provide ideas and context for the assignment. At strategic points in the unit, students read and analyze authentic student paragraphs to see how other students have written on the same or similar topics. Each unit contains concise and effective language presentations designed to develop students understanding of rhetorical modes and to improve their grammatical accuracy. Each unit offers useful writing outlines so that students can structure their writing and internalize the practice. Each unit offers collaborative learning activities allowing students to work together and share ideas. At relevant points in the unit, editing exercises and editing checklists are provided so that students can refine their writing. Timed writing activities com e at the close of each unit to prepare students for in class writing. A series of learner-friendly appendices are provided at the back of the book to encourage student independence. A glossary of common grammar terms for student reference is included.


Unit Organization
Each unit introduces a them e and a writing task and then guides the writer through a five-pan process of gathering ideas, organizing an outline, drafting, revising, and ediung. As students write, they practice specifk 'kills and put language knowledge to work to produce a paragraph that follow.-, academic conventions. The rhetorical and language-related goals of the unit are identified on the opener page.

Part 1 Pan 1 opens with an image to spark interest as students begin thinking about the topic. This is followed by a short authentic text. Students answer questions about the text that will help them connect the writers ideas 10 their own knowledge and experience. They then move on to a freevvriting activity, an unstructured writing task in which they can explore the topic without worrying about organization or grammar. Part 2 In Pan 2 students are introduced to a specific rhetorical mode. They begin by brainstorming ideas and vocabulary that they will use to write their paragraph. They then learn about rhetorical organizational features and read and analyze a student paragraph. Finally, students produce an outline for the paragraph they will write later in the unit. Part 3 In Part 3 students develop the ideas from their outline and produce a first draft. This part opens with a second student paragraph for students to analyze. As they answer questions about the second student model, students review the organizational features learned in Part 2. They are then introduced to specific, level-appropriate language points that will help students shape and structure their writing. Students now write their first draft and. using a peer-review checklist, check each others writing for organization and clarity of ideas. Part 4 In Part I students edit their writing and produce a final draft. This pan focuses on particular grammar trouble spots relevant to the theme and the rhetorical style presented in the unit. Following the concise language presentation, students complete practice exercises to help them develop their grammar skills and build confidence. Students then move on to editing their own waiting, and produce a final draft. Part 5 The final part of the unit is titled 'Putting It All Together." This is the summary of the other parts of the unit. Through a series of skill exercises, students review the points covered in Parts 1 4. They are then given the opportunity to write a timed paragraph using a similar rhetorical focus, but on a different topic. Guidelines lor using their time efficiently are suggested. This part also provides students with a comprehensive checklist to review what they have written. The unit closes with suggested tasks for future writing thal can be used for more practice.



The Sentence and the Paragraph

Unit Goals
Rhetorical focus:
* p arag rap h o rg an izatio n * formatting a paragraph j unity and co h eren ce in -i paragraph

Language focus:
* simple semen: sirucwne * cip ltn listth in ;md end p u n ctu jtiu n
* Iragm enLs iind run-on sen [cnees

S tim u la tin g Id eas


T hinking a b o u t t h e to p ic DLstu.s> ilit pictures with ;i partner. * Ijook ut the people writing. Wlut kind f wnimg is each pLT1 ' n
* Afl' tJiL*y wriEjn^ for rollers i> r fur themselves?

* W lut <xhtr kinds o f writing enn you think up Wlml kiild fif writing do vole u m u IIn do?

Rhetorical Focus
The Paragraph
\ p j r j j i r . i p l i y o u iv ill l e a r n i > 1 g r o u p h o w t o o f s e n te n c e ^ ;m d n lw h ji w r i te j t o p i c . in fa llo w th i> N

o r g a n i z e

d i e

m ,u

k in tfa

p a r a g r a p h s ,

In lL d t s c r ip t iv t p n ra g ra p h rlu'w iiCcr L-vn i'V ' . or a tiling. fn an e x a m p le p a ra g ra p h the w riter cwplut:-, exam ples, r

2 L.nit 1: 'Hie Sentence and the Paragraph

* In .1 p ro c c s s p a ra g ra p h thi' w rfrtr ex p tIins hiiw t<r dit som ething srep by step. *1 1 1 3 1 1 o p in io n p iim p rn p h lilt' writer expresses hiT- o r lier Ii'dinn-V danH iinJ opinions houl J lp:. m y narrative paragraph IJI-u ri-fi K -lUi -il ifliiry

Formatting a Paragraph
Margins A lunijir.iph mus h. V C a rnaigm on tH rn And ;i ni;L?ln on i Iff I This inean lhat t pai^nph begins Inch (If 1 I \ incht'ii ftum rliv

of ihf paper.
Spacing A paragraph riKd b t tlefUlik'-spaud.

Tlie first scnkTitc <]f. [wuyrujili must lie indctiktJ 'Mm rm-ans 131 it 'Xjpins fhv spates in from fhe lefi rnarHtn Tmdirttni slit the rt-utVtr dim new paragraph is b^flinnljifl On 3 computer you Clin indem

wfth ihfi Tj) key.

Connected Sentences

Th sectnct, i a paragraph xtmLild MJ(m euch tiicf- ' LS lUH a

|>jOrjpl lL-SfiV sL'nlL'In:f b^gni (Jn .1 fltrw line |\ wi/li-MPppurU'il p;n;L^rj[ii has .ILLfliti 5 sentences an d U ILTL m<irLj. Titte A hy ilsi'lf usuitlly has ;i titte. lilis is o r e wand or a j^fi>Lip ol W1 mcti that tet H .vhat The ropc I>.

Examine 2

I de ntjfym g the elements of a paragraph

Kciiti th e purajirnph. T h tn k ib d llic fo rm a ttin g elem en t* o f ill paragraph. U se the w ord s in th e b ox.

a. margin

h, doul>k- sp;u:nji

c liutav

d. title

- Red
-> I love i he color nidu No other color sym boli/es so many diffcrcnl em otions and experiences. Life would be very borinj; without (he color red. Fires would not bum in the same way. The sunset would not be interesting, and blood would not be so surprisingly beautiful, Red is powerful when iL appears in nature ami ir is llIsu ]Hjwerfui when ii


appears in our em otions. Red is love. Red is mijjer. Red is beauty. I like to live life in a strung way, so t dunk I will always admire the color red.

In Part 2 you w ill..

learn about paragraph organisation

4 I 'nic 1: '1 1 k- Sentence ^ind Lhe Para^paph


Developing a Paragraph
Rhetorical Focus
Paragraph Organization
A typical paragraph has concluding sentence. tropic sentience, supporting scnieneeii, and a

T h e to p ic sen ten ce infrtxhlees the iopk and iclls what ilit wriier will ijy about ihe i<ipie '[lie sentences tlul folJaw further explain ;ind support the topic sentence The\ ;iri-called su p p o rtin g sen ten ces * The c o n c lu d in g s e n te n c e i ilic-n repeats the im* sentence in j different way. in the topic

Exercise 1

Reading a student paragraph

Read the paragraph holt- and note the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. What was it that scared [lie barcluui buy'!'

topic (rntcrarr

Barefoot Bov if

I had u scary experience lien I was a young boy. One evening while my parents were eating dinner. f was playing barefoot in the y<ml with my toys,. Even now t still remember ihe perfume oT Lhc flowers and the moisture o f the grass. While I was silting on the grass and playing with a truck. I looked up at ilte sky. and my attention was distracted by the beamy ot ihe stars. Then 1 felt *onielhing cold and smooth slide over my feefr I stayed perfectly still, but I looked down <u my feel. Then 1 saw a snake slowly slithering over my toes. I felt terrible and afraid. sli iny heart beat very fast. After the snake moved away. I streamed to my parents for help, and they captured (be snake and look ii away. The experience frightened me, and 1 never went outside barefoot again.
- i t -conctnding
irn ld tu

flfpparlirti) IC -IT tlH IC H

l^n J

bxeKise 2

Analysing the student paragraph

E x a m in e ih f 4ir^:iiLi/;iLLik[i u f the punifii'apti h y an sw erin g the ^uesikm s.

I. Vi'tiat t* tlKf (Opk sentcncc? Write it he-lciW,

2. How nun*- m p p artln g scntenOt?; an: th e re ? _ _

1 1 1 yi ii.tr ipinHJii, tU>itlf SLlpp* mini; scn lt:n L S.11 il 'lie UJpii, senlcnt-ic? . ________

1. Vtk*.1 the niqcludin^ sememcc Ik.' I<j\v

S D v t m Hit o_>nctucliiiL n itpCflt The nhMmatjon in Ilie k> r> ic senKHi n :ii

:t 1KW wjiy?_____ ,_____

Rhetorical Focus
The Topic Sentence
The- ropfc s tn l t n ic ; is u su a lly thy lir>L o r secL.snd 'lj[iLeik l 1 L.

paragraph It tn tn x k tco a new idea. li p itsen is ilie mpur ituLissr what the w rite r will a^y :tbtiLn the loplc. rrhls exp1;in:tiior; is . . . . c o n tr o llin g id e a

Read be following topic sentences, in (^ e hIi tint; i3 l- tupit i% hi] frien d . Tlie L/MiroHlng ideas explain whal t L i-_ - w riter :.! ya The Tnpic. 'IlieM.- Control] Inp idcflS M l r h f re a d e r W' I.M h ei*>ei : ;:' ' r C MjpfwjrTing sen ten w stnplc can ItdIm nn iidci My friend & < *n l-ionost person
M y friend s.m friurni^tjifESfln 1 l-no^y M y fi-EEnd m s a ternbb danowtms > ob.

A tii]>ii st-Tilence must not b e a simple fiict it .c *pei.-it'K ..'l'.-. controlling idiM must say w m vthing uJhilji Ltieiopu rj: .supixjrtL'd. developed, or derimriscTJTed In the -If= ;'" tT':- l -- " '[lie ' fnirf iliiFii- idea must atso not t>e too perietal. or V- iujkc sen itn o e w 1> ] Im ? uncEeaft
A surprise party is a kind of parly. I here were 14 guests at my surprise bidhdsy par* My d is m a l gavt me an unforgettable surprise ^n-. ra r ; ae- +'?~ r :) '

Thii Jh IM lo p k S t'n li'n ce t% ifffe e liw

:! ir:=ri >Ji-'. tr' : i.

' r' :-

and Iwx a tnntraJhnw Wea eLi.H (.jh Ifc tieueki]xM

s e n tc n t'fc , T tie pcin^rjph will p ro k u b ly tt?H : "- -: " 6 L'jtiT I: The Scflflcnce .irnl 1tu- I'anjinipH

Exercise 3

Identifying topics and controlling id9a?

In cji;h topic sen ten ce b elo w circle th e topic and u n d erlin e die controlling Idea. ] i l i k i n g die Ln'si ^ my un?v>l(n-.r mmtre .kwlv.
2 My unt ]f hnd a frinlileninn experience * P ymunfl mu).

* , Test nii^sjjyn*: |iaa become p<iJuIjr pnu>njj (eenjjtuiv i Effective ctr ? in.iii.i^nifnr tuqUire* Jour cjsy se| 'y Every college 'iH idLn[ *huuEd rula1ri computer course Eaercisei__ identifying effective topic sentences Id eacli j J ffio r below, (irclc thi.Ltopic mid u n d erlin e th e conlrolJiciK dea. If the K fltence does not contain an effective controlling! i^ K1 w rite oil X in th e hliink. For th e effective topic sentence*, w rite wtaal yon think I lie su p p o rtin g s c itfc n c n -LU be nbont, ] ____i Sly tfuToiyi^viaaJfcijj-Ls^. hi^ p:M
Tin* wrfCgr ivill a i^ gxjmplg* of wfly& iff ttfticft h3 dQCT#* is. klEd-HLpflKcnt^.


Fried rice in easy L Oprepare if you fallow some simple steps.

S. ___ I .ini jruinft to write ub<mi my country

3 lutl in adventure in Ibe U ijL l ' IdJ yt-.ir.

^. ___ Vudeu ip.f}*?s are not had for children.

Exercise 5

Writing topic sentences

t ie each w ord o r p h rase below to p riti a topic sentence w fih a controlling idea. I'litn s lu r e yimr sentences w ith n pinner. ; Pei* feta are iPod cJffpflTliOrls for alJgr pcpJ2l ______ ____________
2. k firsl date

\ Terrible TeaeJier

l. Tennis

Pan 1 7

Rhetorical Focus
Supporting Sentences
Supporting ttitenccs mcUI inlbnnation jfxnit ihtr topic and the controlling k li-j suppurtin can int lucki d efin itio n s, explanatio ns, aniuS eJcamplcH Kc-jlI the Topk sentence lielow Then .study (he lytie* o supporting sentences i Im I ini^l li fnllc^^. it. topk rlfoJIing idra Young people are ion dependent on computers
Supporting definition

Dependency on computer* means that young people cannot peifofm trie normal tasks and (unctions of tfaiiy life without them Supporting explanation In the old days, people memorized important mformaron, out today'3 youth rely on their computers, cell phones, and PDA's to do assignments, tecord numbers, and save importan information. As a result they can fi^d themselves unprepared in an emergency sutfi as an electrical blactoui Once their bltefies die, ihew people will not be ble communicate
Supporting example

foi example, I do all my schoolwort on my comouier When ony compute1 craved Iasi w eel, I tost rny only dralt of an essay that was due thy nett ^j . As a neriult, l goi a bad giade.


Identifying topic sentences and supporting sentences

ro r e a c h set o f se menees, write 75 next 10 ih v lo p ic .11:11 tenet, Write 55 next to the sup p o rting s c n tc n o s .
1. 5 5 .1. Mmsquiluei) a ir aiUiieted tolieal,

55 55 T5

l>. Mosquiines will fly w ven l mik-s to find Ftw *J. c. Only die.- female intj^uito bitei d. Moduli oes ,lcv intt-resJin# insten.

2, ___ a. One o f my hobbies is listening tn international nuiilc,

___ h. I luve j Ui^je colkninn of world music rcetrfdinps,

____c. My friend* and I like to kmitxhice each other to new hntcmaioitil artists we discover, __ il. I enjoy guinfi to cwKVtts by
iiiu s Il

un'- tnim different oiuntric*.

8 I mi J . The SenietK m uI ibe E amp-jph

:i. 3 H Jcc die way jVetjpfe dec* irjte theEr homes and stores ____ I), I enjoy [filing shopping in cold weather ____ c. I eiijo\ tin.- parties ;md celebration* o f ilie winter holiday ____ d, I really like the winter holidays.

i ____ a. My new apcuuiKiii tus I>ig dosets h My new apartment is perfect for my roommate and me ____ c. My new apartment L s d ose to school and work ____ (I. My new apartment is ntrt tcx> expensive for students.

Rhetorical Focus
The Concluding Sentence
The con clu d in g or final, .sentence of a paragraph usually rem inds the reader o f the topic ami controlling idea o f the paragraph. The concluding sentence* restates he main idea.
Topic sentence
I love the cokx red.

Concluding sentence

\ like to Sue life in a strong way, so I thmk. I will always admire The color red.
In addition to restating the main idea, the concluding sentence may; warn the reader.
If you do not follow these steps, you may not get the grade that you want.

make a prediction
The automotive industry will change, and soon everyone will be driving pollution-free cars

give an opinion about th e topic

Some people might disagree, but I think lamb is the best meat for grilling.

.Sometimes w riters signal the condudinji sentence by using the phrase In conclusion. In conclusion, (earning a second language has many advantages

Part 1 9


Id en tifyin g supporting sentences and concluding sentences

Kl ' u< I th e lu p k ' s c n tc n c c s b elo w . W rite SS n e x t to llitr llire c s u p p o rtin g s c n lc n a 's and w rite CS n e \t to th e c u n cliid in g fit Atence. t. Tile hesr CS &5 55 55 way s w San Francisco is In wdiking.

.1, 'ft htfn |t nu explore S;m Francisco hy ftxx. you cun experience all the city has to lifer. b. When you w.ilfc, you experience due different wrueila dill*! rr.sUur.ints. the planl> and JindJUWS the ocean t You a n Mtop and U-rjk in ilir windows oj shop* or it on a bench for a s tu n while and l<x>kat intr^rc'^EiiiK people

d. In ;l car tir a bus. you cinnt rt .Mup easily if v i IW -S iwnvlliinfi Imcnadpft Ikxjukw parkin*; is diOkuli.

2 An cgn i.kii takes tmly file minutes c ____ ,1 Yinjr ddtdDiw tjiji into is muly 1 eat In just a few minings.
____ li. He4it a flour tortilla In a MOflll amount of ater

____ c. Scramble two ckh^ wiili u link' sakr and pepper____ cl When the t-jijt*' ate done, .slide diem into the Wiifm tOftUla 4tnd iold it over. 3, My paper lule because KOTlethmg happened lo nn cnmpUTer

____ j . ] wan almost f'inisheJ writing my paper, and I was checking it for tm>T>i. _____ h, Suddenly rm1i wnputcr sciem lM frH blank. Jiwl the ptiwvt was gone. ____ e. The .iceklent made itic In is*.- many hours of work, so I could not lum in rny e-ysiy on ii nut ____ d- Liter, Tlearned dial a squirrel ot on the power line and di>r-ap:td ihe elect rtdry I t enli* the rlverwnlk in San Amonio. ___ A The riverwalk is lower llian the streets of the o r\

___ h You tun svulk down .stain tit .1 uMiil with a M i iRe p.jiJ: ,tfld pl-ir> on r i l side,
____ (i T h a t ;tft many simps, restaurants and hotels alnn^ lie ____ d. The rivervi'nlk is ,i pleasant place to spend an aftem > uir everur.* in San Anionki.

10 I nlr I: The Sentence and the Ian p ip h

I ' L [ i s 3___EHamming concluding senten ce s

Circle the word i I ilu best d e s c rlx s each o f the a^nduding sentences below.
1 . If v 3 U rttlJow Lliew: M tfT.-, VIHi vriWnever 1 osc yOUf keys :i$yin. a. (pfwlkriinn) b, opinion c. warning

2. Sutdenbs whu a a; not careful *iidi L'redit curds enn go into tlefcn quicJtty a. predktion b. opinion c. warning

3. Vcnicc, Italy, th e most beautiful city in the world. .a

j. Y ou



c. warning

h i I l>e a b le [n> pnicttiCe :l b e a u tifu l [Kifier i r a n e wiLli Only 3 ItLtle bit

of practice. a.

h. upirdun


5; Hhcre are nun?) reasons why movie a.


c. warning
b ik e , so (.h y n u r rc'Sii^ri-h




T ile dew^rt i*. : l heyulifiLl h)UI danf^eiOUS pLa-ce

j i ^lI L ike

[im t Ui p r e p a r e LUEvMJy. b. o p in io n c, w a rn in g

p re d ic tio n

In Part 3 you will

* feam about unity and coherence in paragraphs.

I1 :1it 1 11


Unity and Coherence

Good K f ld e n k Writers follow specific Steps to m ake su re th e ir w riting Is lw ih clear mid accurate, They jjt he r, ifrp tn la;. an d develop idea*. Tliey w rite drafts, som etim e* twro o r m ore. W hen th e y revise each draft. Rood w riters look fur unity, co hcrencc, and Kranuiijiilcal problem s.

Rhetorical Focus
Unity within a Paragraph
A pjjapraph muSf liave unity \ paragraph has unity when all flic stTtfencvs sup|x)n a single idem T he paragraph niusi have one eontrnJJinj; iilea in ibe (<.ipic sentence, OihiirwLsc the pjia^niph losu foens* T1> * s u p p fu tin ji .' etiiences m t^ i s y p p u n t e s p la in th e tw n ln u llin ^ id e a w ith
l-\.m i p ie s ,

d e ra ils , ste p s, n r d e fin itio n s . O th e r w is e . th e


p .m ijir jp h w ill r ;n lx-

I m m ii o n e s ir ijje id e a

* The concluding sentence should restate the idea in the topic senifriLe. Otherwise the main idej might not be clear.
T o p ic s e n te n c e

My friend

Is generous.

Supporting sentences
She oiten lees travelers stay in her home She has hosted many stucent* temporarily. S*ie sends money io her Umiiy m Chile every mcnih to r-plp hem with their bills. Site always br-rigs flowers or food to her v pros when they are sick or have a need

Concluding sentence
Mata^n* is one of the mosi generous people I Vnow

Nqhf (hut j ]] the sentences are about Macaremis jienerosiu. A sentence alxnjt the way slie looks or atxiut Ih l t iLih w ill noi support the unity of the paragraph unless it ^Mnehtnv relates tiMacarvrui's generrwlty.


l.'nit I: Ilie Sentence ;ind the Paragraph

v.-jjcise i

Reading a student paragraph

Hratt l h e paragraph. W'liere did [he pink * h e e p c o m e from ?

T h e P in k S h e e p
Many years uu;u. a yil'L came lo me in an imcrcsiing way.

When E wji* h i sm:ill boy, 1cloyed playing in my garden. One day,

[ found ii hole in the watl nf my garden. It was near the ground, so I could not sec thiouiih the hole, hul t knew that b&lpd the wall was my neighbor'^ garden. Who mode [hat hulc? 1 felt really intereskd, so 1 used rocks to make the hole winter, One duy, when I was iryinj tn break shroug h Ihe wall, I noticed small band j]>|*?ar from the hole. The hand was holdiiit! a rubber slwep. It was. pink and it had wide eyes- J ^ujzln ihm rubber sheep. Then I pushed my fivnriie wooden truck through the hole n -i\\c id that child on the uiher side. Sometime* 1 btiuglu ipys with my luck> New Year money, A lung lime Imer. ^hen I was nld enciu^h io go nut. I went around the coincr to Jind Ihe child who gave nte that special gift, but nobody wy> in that house. My neighbor said ihm a girl tiscd 10 live there, qntl she w is [lie sluuc aye as me. 1 never found hi.-]. I>lil her gift has a special meaning tor me.

En n is* 2

A nalyilng a student paragraph for unity

E xam ine th e oi'g an izallo n o f th e p a ra g ra p h b y a n s w e rin g Ihe q u e stio n s below . T h en c o m p a re yxmr mU^LIB w ld i a p a rtn e r.
L C ir c le IIk - t o p i c a n d L in d e d iile Itie z u r l C m l l i n f ; it l e j

1 Aftur you read Lhf controlling idea, Jwhat did yc m ir\pt-ei tin.' supporting idww
t o e x p la in . U r iie y tiiL r J f m W e r i n y o u r o w n w o id s .

,5 OiKrscntenot:m the paiajtraplt is olF-tople and doe* ne* jsupixnr the? unity ni iIII- p jn ^ ju p h (Jkiw j IIiill through ft> Why doe* lhis s e m e n hurt (he unity o l rhe paragraph!* tonic your explanation below

Pafl *


EMfrise jL

R ccocjntzintj u n ity in s u p p o r tin g s e n te n c e s

Read (he loEluwinf; lo p k sen ten c es, h i l ;i t k t k i / J m j.\t [u N t h le n ie n c e below chat m ippQ rts th e to p ic acnti-ncc. 1, t am .m ocRanJzcd perxjn / S ,.i M)1 d isk l dlw^t .4 nth aifd tic^t b. i hrWe ,i iysirrrt i" * ' H^urtLZinH ^I1^ p-ipct*, atk\ 3 can jlw;iy> fintl whai l ntsed.

____ C . I Feel uii( i niil'i rJuh:L- when I .im in J *itTJ n^tLem ironiiKiil / _ (I My friends always watil mu- l * .? Iit.-Ipi Them pm lEiL'ir l ' w rt.-is rn order

, Twenty tfuodions i^an ewsj

____ L i. The [Kison w ho jp " n '

to play w hen you are uavelin^.

itiilh i


j person. place. ur fjijoct,

____ b Sometimes people [ravel by car. <md sometime* by train tw ulqilane. ____ c. It is very important 10 travel wUh pptrfAe that you (l.h along w ith. ____d. The other players tik e lurrts J^kln^ ijU ^ io n ^ Ihill O il only !*-answered with "ves or "no." 3 Tea anti coffec an- very d lftb tn l from c h other. ___ ___ h L . Ci jffee lias intm.- caETdne i h;i n i^.j dr us. 11. CofFee and tea hath have otflfcine'

____ e. IVupl*. enjoy ti yndcotfltee during w id occasions ____ (I Tea


is much more common around rtle world than coffee fct,

E n rny opinion. people fl[*end [*) filUi'h tlKKVrj, cn m ____ j. Some drive spend a fourth til' iheir tnm rne fr*r ;i car payment, which i* unnecessary. ____ h. CaiTi d<) n < in c re a se in *jlu e. o they .Tie not;l tvjHinwSDnttil. ____ l . Cjv unpanuTH .in.1ata .ky* Look in tar w jy$ lu n u k e * eJikJe* o n line rocnJ. ___ d. People who d o not pay cash muM also pay Interest. even rnore money. suier

lltey lose

y, it Is easy to x ti a sport. injury

____ j. MiutY peOpte Ifoy spoils,

____ h. I! Ltnnej> h iflt n lliive problems wilh their .Lnkles :ind knee*. ___ t Basketball p L iyens can break 1 1it it another pt.iycr. dr ^:t tilCKktxJ ave( l*y

____ d. JE;iny people rruke ihe simple mistake o f oiniflg 1 et\tll. :lrld lllcn t h ^ 1never t o there lo eseri isl-.


1 mi I Hie Sentence and the ftn ijjn p h

ft. My city rs fan&OU* Ixt '.ILIA.1 o f iis aTChiteetUn? ____ u. We State andem rtd-tiled bultdinjp around the main .squire ____ h. f lic restaurants near (he Ixrocb serve great seafood. ____ i It bus esp in sivf tree-lined Iwiuletards wi<h beautiful limestone buildings and monument-^. mountain

___ d. A famous uitivnsjiy 1is located on the side of l'.tine 4 Editing fo r u n ity

Read the psrsfifapl' bekrtf. Cross out the two sen ten ces ihai arc not about ih c con trollin g Idea.

Life in a New Place

t am a Thai girl living in the U.S., ujid there arc many adjustments that 1 must make. First of all. I niusi ye! used to a new kmd o f Food. 1 am learning to cat a lot ol hamburgers becau.se Ihey are not expensive und they are eaj,> to buy. The people are different and I am learnine tn meet new foreign friends. For example, two of my new friends are from Pakistan. Pakistan is also an interesting country to \:.siir The weather requires another kind of adjustment. Some days. \t is hoi just as in my country, but on other days it is cold and ibis is very strange for me. I came to ihe U.S. tn study and I enjoy my classes and my teachers. I am adjusting to the U.S. in many ways, but it is not a problem fur me because I like io know about different places and people.

Exercise 5

DeveEoping unity
Write tw o s u p p o rtin g sen ten c es fo r each o f th e follow ing topic sen ten c es. T h en ex ch a n g e b o oks w ith a p a rtn e r an d ch ec k y o u r p a rtn e ri s tu ir n c f s fo r unity. I Computers anc useful in many ways.

Z, There are certain characteristics d u i l always li *.ik for in a good restaurant.

ftu tj


W hen I ^sam to luok n ltv fo ra p.iri> . [ frtJcjrvv j few simple step*.

H Tllfne JIR .1 K 1iv ilL t'fi in .i park for fiimlH members o f jll ages

V I'hcrc .lrv iTtmy ways |o show respect tci nWer people.

ft, W hen ytiu ;irv KiN-ng campfnji ( here are n im f 11 with yim.

> < m sJunikl always; (ike

Rhetorical Focus
Coherence w ithin a Paragraph
A paragraph murit jiIjm i hatte ltj] kefellCU. Tills mean l 3kisl [he supporting details are oi'giinlzttd so Ihut information Uial ftO O -s fijjtdher jppeitns lugelher. Wi irers nirL'n iLse lim e , s p a c e or o r d e r o f I m p o r ta n c e m prraen i ih c su p a r t i n g inform ation in .i [xirj^rapJi coherent!} T he FnlUnvin^ fx jiiip le is ory&ilzed l>y spacc.
When you dfive into the airport, you will many signs for the different terminals. After you pass the sigrts, you will drive over a hill fhe report is an (tie other side of the hill. Oil your nghi, you will see the mtemationaf terminal Ttiii tenmrr'a: Is two stones tall. Die franc is all g:ass On the left, you will see ?he domestic terminals ..


l :nit I: the Sentence and the Paragraph

Exercise &

Irfentifyinq pattems of tohe rente

P.i.nri l|u- p a n ^ p l i s beltm-. l'lie ii c ir ele llic WufxI [lint l w i dH CflhS (he Wffy tti l1 |>jrnKni|>Ji >

Paragraph J
My ravomi restauran! i-s in an od Hchim.-. Ti s veiy Lonviienl bccau it is in m> rtd^lilwr+iHid. We can driv. ov tf ihc cvcrtin^ i* pkasoni, wc l'11 walk, I] has i nice atnnophere and ncndly sen i ,
We liuw Ootc of thc wlil^ and waiiT^sses. so v e enjov takidg m

th iir tweause they anlc os jthuut our nhiklren. We lisfet,'i^ill^ likc ie dc^urdii uris. The waJEs are soft ydlow , and i'imdltn and J'riih Flowers

tul ihe luhlen iEistde and L'id. Rnally. thc food h e^tellcni.

The utnk is ihc [vtner a:id he make deliciou duhtrs wiih l'r^^h ingrediente. We alway&eiljoy uUT IHeaK Tim e Space O rd er o f im portan*

Paragraph 2
Mv ruvorin reLjurani is. in a od houw. My Eiuvhand ;ind enjuy easing thc re on sumnucr tvcniryjs, We uuudly wjlk Fajn oiir hou se su we can enjoy our ^e^hbor^, garden nnd gci 3 linte bii of ejcrc,trTlie efiemoan iun hhics ibrou^ti ihc troes bul il s nol too bri^ht. We arrib e ai dusk. Lintl il u ll are hKk\. ft can sil uisidt, Tll- waiKf bri^ li hiiskci f wanm bread and li coid drink. We have iti appcli^er nr n slIi wttiJe she u n stL -K is. divn, The ihe waiier Itjhi lie candiel while u c erjdy rhe main toure, Bv dieciint we Finili desen, ii i niuhi time, We v !k lime i]tnvly,feelirti full bmliapfry in ihe n&onghL Tim e Space O rtler u f lilip u n m o :

Pan 3


Exercise 7

Evaluating coherence within a paragraph

Rend (he foLbwing paragraphs. Which onu has htiicr cohercncc? Whai L s the paixem of organization?

Paragraph 1
Soccer brings ihc w'orld together in many ways, During iSe World Cup, people from all over the world an.- luncd in. Il ihcy con not sec il in person, ihcy watch i) on television. Many couniries participate in the world cup. People Icam aboui ihc teami from 4 .1i1tirrcFic countries. and ihty learn something! about those countries. Whtfl people arc waiching ibe World Cup. Ihcy do noi care if the same is nn ai lour im , in their country. The} will siuv up 10 waich il. They letfm about ihe fla^s from different count rie.s because ihcy will see [hi; fun..

Paragraph 2
The besl w.lv

meet new friends is to ta ls n class. TirM. all

the people in u class have something in common. They all want to

(c a m a b o u t

ilie subjed. so ihere


something to talk about. Second,

everyone sees each other every time the class metis, so there are many
o p p o rtu n itie s

to ttei lo know others. I liinl. then? ure often activities and

W o rk

group projects so student* can

together, and this is the best was

10 uet lo know people. Kv the ettd of the class, n is. hard not in know

your classmates.

In Pad 4 you will .

learn bout simple sentence structure. * Isarn about end pufXtuatj&n and capitalisation.

* learn about fragments a^d run-on sentence?,

18 Unit 1 : The Sentence and thu Paragraph


Editing Your Writing

Language Focus___________________________________________
Simple Sentence Structure
A sentence is a statement that expresses a complete itlc.i. Sentences form the building blocks o f written communication. They include affirmative statements, negative statements, and questions. A complete sentence must have a subject and a verb Subject The subject tells w ho or what tin* sentence is about. Sometimes the subject is singular, and sometimes it is plural,
Fatima smiled, (singular subjeci) Siblings fight, (plural subject)

Subjects can be more than one word.

Lois and Peter iiave eight children The hungry kittens ran lo their mother.

Verb The verb refers lo an action or a state. It indicates tense or time, Two common tenses are present and past.
Jared sings 'present tense)

Ducks walked across the street, (pan ten$e)

A sentence can have more than one verb

My brother studied hard and earned a degree in economics

Exercise 1

Identifying subjects and verbs

Underline the subject and circle the vcrttfs) in each sentence. 1. ili_iiMlMlnttset.l)seven children. 2. she cooked anti cleaned all day long 3. My rather and liis brother luve a small business. -i My three sixers live in Vietnam V 1 help m\ aunt during the day and go to school in the evening. 6. My parents bought a new car

Part i


Exercise 2

Writing simple sentences

A nsw er each q u estio n bcltm in a co m p le te sen ten ce. W hen yciu finish, tx clu n j^ t; hook* w ith y o u r partner* T h e n u n d e rlin e th e su b ject and c lrc k 1 th e v e rb In each o f y o u r p a rtn e r's s c n itn tc s , 1 Wliat spivns L c >>ou mp;y?
tigfilovlwcogr and _____________________________________________

2 Wlim* d o you livt?


l l t f t i t i J \ P" J


(| I J o

I l t l 11K.-

^ Where do jotl istudy?

V V i bat kind of footl du you ti k -L 0

o. Who tli >>i u enjoy spcniljng rime \viih?

Language Focus______________ _______________ _____________

Punctuation and Capitalization
l l i t find word in a sentence j* always capitalized.
The wedding lasts Ick sewral tEays

* A complete strrHtrntx1cin end In j fX'ri'>d.

A good speech begins with a joke

A question ends with ;i question nutrk

Do you enjoy learning about the world?

O a jtlo n a lh writers use an vxclamution mark rt i give emph:isls to ,j ACntenraI looked down and siding dtross my tare foot was a giant green mjmbal

ZO [mil I The Sememe ;ind the Pjrcgnipli

Exercise 3

Identifying end punctuation

Read the paragraph, In each scatcocc, underline the subject and circle < he verbis). Then draw a 1 k>\ amimd cadi end punctuation.

Summer by the Sea

My favor?ienieiiiorvrjs)aboijt in> lamily^Jl happened ;i long time aito before my brother got married and moved out. My parents had seven children, All seven o f us piled in one car lor a summer holiday by (he beach. Wc traveled in that crowded ear tor [wo days! Finally we arrived ji a small house near ihc bcach. It had othj bit; room with many beds and an other room for Ciling and conking. The kids spem all day oulside. Wc played tocetliei in lEll- water. Sometimes, my mother made a picnic dinner. We sal on the sand lo cat and watch the sun go down,. One night w i broughi out blankets and slefH by the water. I loved Ihat lime. We talked and looked at the stjirs unliJ late at nijiht. Tiiis wonderful summer holiday was ihe best time of my life.

Language Focus
livery sentence must have :i subject ami ;; verb and express a complete idea. A sentence that is missing a subject or .1 verb is inctiriipletc. Il is tjlle tl .1 frag m e n t. Incorrect I like Minneapolis is a cfean city. (subject is misstng) They successlul. (verb is mn&ng) Correct I like Minneapolis, ft is a clean city, They are successful.

Part 1 21

Exercise 4

Identifying and correcting fragments Decide whether each fragment below Is m issing a subjeci o ra verb. Then rewrite it SO [hal it is c o r r m .
I Some J 'i hxI t cry spicy, &t?ma food a ugrv apicv.______________________________________ Qifii cm- Favtnile vejje[jl>kj

3. Is tery hrijjn in ilie afictnoon

4, 'lakes ;i nap far m u or thitc hutirtv,

l> . Eula ricc,


fi. There EkiWeff in llle nmtket.

Language Focus
R u n -o n Se n te n ce s
Two w flic iiiii tli.nl mn together wiihoui c o n ta purijmuilton betwevn [hem J if called n in o n s c n lc d . One ro oorrei.r .. nm-on sentence L s Ut put :i period k n v e e n the st'nlcm vs Armther wuy is to add n com ma und :i conncctinii w oitl

I received a le:tFr 'T w*as from my s>ster (no punctuation between ftf/o sentences) They laughed, I felt better. (comma alone bertveen Two senieriMSj

I received 3 letter. It was from my sister.

(peood ddcfed

the sentences)

They laughed, and I (elt better (connecting word added)


Utnii 1: Tin'Scntein.^1.ind the l*ai-jjyiaph


id entifyin g and co rrectin g run-on sentences C!urr .1 the ftjMowing mn-un w nEi nCi's by rew riting Jic m utk I hi: blanks belon-.

I ] Jin : full-unwi situdtriT, t live in .1 _j_gm j fnjh -r-ma ^tuJcnt-. and I lii/g in a

jfwutnmol near campus *3 * campus,____

2. "1K -A: :i(t' mic.f living tmdetneath myhtjuse they m a tp s Iru ofnr m m ;.11 nijju i 1 us^-dtn l-1! ritv -incl vegem IjIl -s for hrtM kf:LSI niM11 lmLCelV.iliiml milk I Ju nrrt drfV'L\ 1 ride (Ik- bus.
5. ] ;HH w i n j j m o n e y fi w a h ic y e k Lt a h ' Warn Hj Ihiv :L t:iiils:r.i

j tenrisefl

E diting for fra g m en ts and run-on s e n te n c e s

C o r r c t .1 Llit1 III r e t f c i ^ m c u tf. ;n u l Im * illlM H I CiTOfB in I h r f o D o ^ iilg

p an grap h . I>o nol forget l o i i i * appropriate punctuation and capitalization.

My Hotel Job
My molhers cousin owned ;i holek and I worked there us 1 young man, I enjoyed ihrs w o it very much. mnny tmcrc+iiins |\:oplc.

One lime ;i family CHrtlt to stay In the hotel- Th.i;y 1 djuiiihtLr, she tvas my j*gc. We met often anti tulked abuui our lives. I invited her to my house lo meei my family, She lold us ahoul her life in the Unhed Himes. We shared eiur a x io m s uith her, Later m> mother told me something unfoFgjeltab-le. She said. ,rl know that you ate going to live in America." My mother a vetv smart woman, she was ri^ht. 1 uatne America 10 search 1'or my friend, i am still looking.

In Pait 5 you will

review the elements or 0 oaragriph, * review unity anC coherence. review comerting fragments and am-on ntencei.

to n a 21


Putting It All Together

Exercise 1 Identifying the elem ents of a paragraph

Bead tin; jjarag rap h . T h en l.dR-l th e lo r n u ttin g elem en ts o f th e p a ra g ra p h . L'sc th e w o n t in th e b o \ , a. margin b. double spacing t. huJenL d tille


Mv Grandfather the Baker

-> My tjrundfnther Jus li lot of respect in our community. He is ihe owner o f a bakery tailed "The Family Bread Factory." The bakery lias


been his profes-sion since he was young. He started

iiiii ihere i[

ihe age o f 13, He learned many recipes. The most delicious and secret recipe uses oatmeal and other ingredients th;u only he know.';, This 4.


bread made him famous. Nowjidays he makes some bread only once in a while because his legs bother him. and he get> tired easily. Instead, he sits at a table, und the people o flh c town come to buy bread and to pay tlicir respectv Even m e admires him very much because he is an honest and hardworking man.


Identifying topic sentences and_sujpporting^entences

For each set o f w n l c n n i, w rite 7S' next to the topic sen ten ce Uiitt states th e rople and prov ides a con trollin g idea. Wrlic,W next to tlitr supporting sentences. 1_____ _

The c jlendars anr iliHerent.

____ h, The weekend starts on Friday Instead o f Syturiby, ____ C, "(lie lime is diJTvft-il Iwcaine my country drv* no) MKnv Gavnwich time ___ 2. d. Then.1:ire wnK' very specific dJffarvrvce.s between tny p:m of die world jml die weMetT counLrit'S a. I \vu> Ir.iwhny in Irw Angeles to visil my cousin, ___ h. My plane was dcbyed. _ 24

I wa* tick at ilie ulrport.

____c. 1 experienced a strange tolncklw cc J.ist year. d. T heard my math teacher from my o)d hnm ctnun calling m* name

1 nil I: 1 heNenutfwc and the Paragraph

1 ____ :t 3 like several d iln alut my English class.

___ Li. L a m m e d in ^ m a n y n e w Irien tls Iro m (_liifc.-ront C utinlries

___ C, F.very d a y HTle:tm flew W Unb, and I keep llttfffl in

Hotel ?uok.

___ tl Sonieiimes WV pUy SPmci ^nd kiu^h during the L'Liss (jit*:
i ___ a You can im r The IntcoKl to find n grail .hu I of infrjrmatuiti, but ji
y o u tin ncfl h a v e Llm- rij^ln skills, y o u r j n w a ste :i M o r liifle.

_ _ b. 'Lhe Interact can he incredibly useful if yjju kivw here' jo

um + . Ii.

. c. There are (ippoitumlies tn buy anil .sell products on 1b L " Internet, bin yati have to lcnow the proper way in send money, ____ d. The Internet is a (-riod plucc ttJ find a Job ftff people wbu know how to use search engines.

;t 3

Evaluating concluding sentences

Read [be parajjrji p hs helow . Then read [he co n clu d in g itiH cna-ii th a t follow and decide w h ich o n e w o rk s bccL Cpp> the K u te n c e you choose int th e p a m ^ ra p h T

There They Are! *r

I fee] happy whenever I ;im stuntfinj: beside u tmin lrjcl; tacause [ am wailing for someone who is close to me. t vtas the youn^csl clitld In im family. so older lumber* ynd sisters left home before

[ dkl. However, they always relumed for vacations and holidays. M\ mother and father arid I were always ai die irjin "nation to yreei them.
I enjoyed the smell o f the irain ami Lhe rqjiirjmj; noise it made us the bi^

black engine pulled into the Matjon. I would jump up and down Lr\ine to see while everyone crowded round [be rlrjt.irv Tberc lhev are! rny rum her would cry. I would ran to jump into the arms of im beloved
brother or siste r _______________________________________________

... In cmtcliusii in ] ;ih\ay; ii,id an enjoyable hisii wiih my brother and sis:crs. " In vr melus ion. my 'luile famih likes irtin st.irtnrs Vow 1 ;itn ?il adult, hut ! still feel j<iy Wheel 1 fttilo train station to meet NtHikxjili I love.

1 Jati S 25

A Wise Shopper
A consumer can save a lot o f money by top p in g wisely, This means he i.s always looking for sales and collecting coupons, but ii :ilso means 1hc person is not a compulsive shopper In other wolds* the wi.se consumer does his search and makes a plan so thai he knows whai lie is looking I'or. Me ]\ 1101 templed by attractive products that arc not necessary. Sometimes he goes home without purchasing anything. He mi^ht ibink lie wasted ItLi time hut he knows he did not waste his money.________________________ _ _________________________

a, In conclusion. a compuhivc shop[>er can never Ix: .1 wise chopper 11 In l . l inclusion. a wLw shopper :lImj kee|to a budjjet so that lie kntfW-i how much he can spend. l . In conclu.MOn. wisc shopper finds wfiys lo save money OR the price LOd to ,ivoid buying what lie docs not need

fc*efcise 4_ _ Editing a paragraph

Head th e p a ra g ra p h below. C ross out the tw o se n te n c e s th a t do n ot s u p p o rt th e roplc se n te n c e.

My Red Couch
I acquired 1 new couch in an interesting way. t was walking L o the bus stop, and ] ^;nv 3 yard sale. The family was selling a beauiiCul hut heavy red couch at a very good price, I really liked the couch, ami 1 wanted lo buy h. However, there was a problem. I did not have a truck, and my apartment was five block** away. Suddenly. 1 saw my classmate across Ihe street. She usually sal nest 10 me in a computer class, t told her my problem, aiul she offered lo help. Then f paid for the couch and my frieiKl and carried it down the street. When we got tired, we sai down to rest on the sidewalk. Finally, we brought ii to my door, and


i nit 1 . The Si'nteno.- .md the PjiupyapH

my neighbor helped carry 1 upsiairs, I really like to buy old ihiiujs because I live in an old huitding. U wba a j'ujiEhy day J'or me, and [ like to remember iliis day whenever ] eome home anti see my beautiful red couch.

Exemsg 5

Identifying subjects and verbs

UfldcrJint ih r Mibjctt and circic the vertHs} In each sentence.

1 My da^'mate drinks 3uH chucoblu 2 M (V U v'L -d in Liciia.

3 . E[oiifl Knnji lu* cmm Jmrtesdry nejlihijirhcjidii I, My hroiher sm ritt and drink nmilk at ev^ry rrm .il yorc'se 6 Practicing w ith end punctuation.

Add th e eorreel cud puu{.iu:itir to [he rolli>wfn|> x n ln K ts > I How do men ;ind HVnflicfl mt-vl tJfh ofhvr____

* Vi'berl [ O t Uttme, theft W C> V cafidles le i* .I I rvsfi flowers Cl'Wy^hpnL

y H t.I.iK' to Ins. own hirthitiy p:my ____ . l Tl e jipiii-ts danted 1'IcfCnftue :md mjJ k a_

bgftiss 7

Identifying and correcting fragments

IlL-eidc whrfrfKT c u l l fr o m e n t b elow Is iUls>iJ)K^ suhjtcl Or a verb. Then rewrite it correctly* E Sunkierdy fell down

J. lliLh a trnpieul dlm nK

' I walking Ivside 1Lilt j.i k o wElIi mv Ix>t friend.

-i M i-J an imj*>rl3Jil d,iy fur mo.

Exercise B

Identifying and correcting run-on sentences

to r r c tt ilie follow ing run -011 sen ten ces by rewrfilnji them on die hlank> below* 1 We
v m ic tw d d


ir w a s

ulx>m ;i dinosaur i l u t lost its mother

2 Vie liiiii e

Itunm i nvxm lesHvul every yea I ltiiiu r cily, [hew -ire


kiosk* with ncxxlle soup jm l frther dcLfcinus food

3 . J hud to siop _ n i isiijj i sehiN it for ;< while, my f;Mlirj wanted m e to help lllin
w ith h is b u s in e s s .

i Rice putkHnji i? i delicious and tsy to make il is tfntal fi > r piirttes, loo.


[.'till ] T lieSen ttn re anti the l^.inifiraph

Descriptive Paragraphs
Unit Goals Rhetorical focus:
' descriptive Qnygpfefltton

Language focus: * ufiinj; sp cfiilf lunjiLiiLftc

usiii adjectives in d c & rlp rirc w riting

u&lnv be iu Jciiin: ;md describe


Stimulating ideas_______________________________
In A descriptive paragraph, lhe writer uses word-, that create an Image and help ihc reader sec, toik'h, frvl, sm ell, or taste the mpic il i lie or she is describing-

Exeflnso 1

Thinking about the topic

Discuss th e p icture w ith a p n rtn tf.

* HOw i* lfie w i.jinail dressed'

Where i%she?
Have ytiU ever st-en someone i !r s h I Ihis way? II >>. where?

^ercisc 2

Reading about the topje

F rap u llai* a. yoiniH Indian bride, She an d h e r husband, Shekar, arc niuviii^ to New York, w h ere be has a job w ith si 1 ^ . com pany. PrnpuUa m ust decide how she will d ress in h e r new country: in w estern pants a n d skiriKH or in a sari, the traditional dress For In d ian w om en. Why Is th e sari so special to FmpuJIa?


l nil 1 Destfipiivi- rarojftfpltt


Sari of the Gods

En route t o New York on the jum bo, Shekai had dixreetiy opened up the conversation bout what she'd wea* once 1 hey were in America. At the mention of skins she had flared up so defiantly he had io leave the seat For Prapulla, it was no: c o n v e n i e n c e but convention Lhat made the difference She hati always prized her S 3 m s , especially on the occasions when she wore her weddinq san with !s blue, hand-spun silk and its suer border on which mages ot the gods had been embroidered She remembered ihe day she had shopped for the sari, n had been a week before he* wedding The enure family had gone to the silt bazaar artd spem The day looking fo' the pedecl one They had at last found it in the only hand-spun sari shop in the market The merchant had explained that the weaver who had knitted the gods into its border had died soon after, Taking his craft w th hrm This was his last san, his partna gift lo some lucky bride Shdiil
___ rr= i C h o n d f i, C. S S Jrr $ t r A f O o d i M in n e a p o lis ' to ffe e H w s ? F re iS i, I9 B 9

c n f u m

r o u t e h o ; A

o n

th e

w -.* y


chi- l-J jc <\t v H u r t h iiij t

U t ty :

jlf p U r n .'

^ m b r < > k l e r l : i l t c i w j i c d b> > c w n n :^ u n h

i d i i i v n U n n : a 1 P.ldllMin.lJ V\;i} n f h r fia v tn R

ijt p r is m L lJ it d > U k r i h j i n j j 'H im c il lt n ^ ' li t d n -M J m r d 'i i m I 's M ill r t h ln n K in d ^ m im ih la h rtc . j l i L i l i k -

vhjII rtlTchti
h a * a a r i .lit O fw n n i i l f k t i U t i l l ih o j i\ SlJDp* a n d S tjlls c r a f t ! j l i i : i 1 y n r --kill

h p ljit : .ill

w n v c n


Und ersta n d in g th e te x t
W r it e

T f o r tr u e o r F F o r fa ls e f o r e a c h s ta te m e n t.
1 . P r :i p y ]| j w e n t H t io p p u ij' f o r h e r w e t k J i n f i s j r i w i t h h e r f a m ily .

_____ _____

t 'm

p u l b

w e d d in g suri w a s m a d e b y h a n d w h ite .
w e d d i n g 7^ n i t o l d h e r ^ Ih : w a s L u c k y

}. FV .ip u lb i's w e d d m jt i i n m
-5 . T h e j n u n w h o w m e

P r ip L i]]j" f i




s a ri

w js

th e last o n e

Jil th e Miire.

Kiri I

3 1

Exercise A

Responding to the te *t
Write y o u r a n s w e rs for e a c h q u e s tfn n in lull s e n te n c e s . T hen d iscu ss y o u r a n s w e rs w ith a p artn er ] Prjpullfl is jy.imj? t<3 live in New York w ith h er i>l-w huslrand. How d o es her husband w:mt hei 10 dress? Vtliy tli>yuo ihink m u?

2. W hat d o you think Ampulla will w ear Jn N ew York? W hy d o you tliink so?

W h y is p r.ip u lh s w e d d in g >*in important to tier?

Exe.rcise 5

F re e w r it in g

Write for ten minutes on (he topic below, Express yourself as well as you can. Dont worry about mistakes,
PfcpuHa lias speeial nwmorivs and I H ln p .ilviut her wedding Sli n <in a sepaiile
piece rvt piper, write jIxjue ;l piece of clntliinH llui is >ix\ial to you.

- Wliat does it Itiok tike? HOw' did you iiet it? \\ hy is. it important loyiiu?

How docs ii nuke you feeP

|<?arn about descriptive organisation.

brainstorm ideas arid specific vocabulary to use in your writing.

* create an outline for your descriptive paragraph.


1 nil 2. Descriptive [J;inym phs


Brainstorming anti Outlining

In ( h i s u n i t , y o u t i 'U J w r i t e it t l c M r r i ^ l i v c j i i i r a ^ r a p i i a l x u i i a s p e c ia l

Exorcise i Brainstorming ideas

A. Review- ynur frccwrEl mg a o d K W rite the piece o f clo th in g you fretm rfllt abuul in ih r tllilrt bffow . Then th in k o f som e Ofh e r ite n ^ yo-u (ra n th&T llnvc a ggpecifll iitL'Jciiniu fitr ynu. Add [jitni to Lh(h(lia n as well.
Mechanical electronic devices



Art or music



it Qrdfc two or three items that you might like ro write about. iJeserihe these items to a partner.

Exercise 2 _

B rai nstorin Ing vota bulary

A. Vi'Idi a partner, think o f wnrdii tlial ynti immid use In describe items in H iecaleporiw Ix-luw. A few descriptive word* have already been added to the chart.
Mechanical Of electronic devices

Jewelry illwcr delicate round


Art or music



drama He




lait 1


B. Select som e d c H iip t lit w ords from Ihe t h a n 11 pafje 35 and n w them io ^vrile ftvc fc n ic n c e s ahom tin* iiviiw you circled.
My ana nd mother a aoU vjstcn i& dsi\C3itc,_____________________________

Rhetorical Focus
Descriptive Organization
A , tlcM-npLUe paragraph describes y xtmjii. place, or iliinp; su tli.it the redder t i n picture 1 in liis <11 her mind,
Topic Sentence

The topic sentence In a descriptive paragraph introduces the item that (tie writer will describe
* It may alio include the writer's genera) feeling or opinion about the item.

Supporting Sentences
- Thfr supporting sentences give some background information about the item. * The supporting sentences also give descriptive details about the item these details describe how the item look;*, smells, feels, or tables. The supporting sentences may also describe in more detail how the writer ieefc about the item.

Concluding Sentence
The paragraph ends w^(h a concluding sentence tbat restates the idea m the topic sentence using different words.

Exercise 3

Reading a student paragraph

Read the paragraph. Wliat d o ts the writer plan 10 do with the cari


I'n il Z . Descriptive Panjirjp lis

The Long Life o f my Grandfather's Car

I own n ear
to m y


meaning for rrte because ir belonged a young


grandfiUhcr. When he
b e a u tifu l

he saved money m he
Ih e

could buy ii

car lo u>e on irips around

country, lie finally

bouchi a Cadillac convertible. T l was white and blue with j^iIt.cr trim. There were
w h ite

circle* on the Urex. ajiJ it had

w ay.

powerful horn that

made jicople jump out of his

d a sh b o a rd


sca ts

were also while, hut ihe a brown leather cover.


b la c k .

The steering wheel


The muls were gray

an d

always dean. My grandfather took . cry good

care of ihe cm. and after he died my uncle eave i: id tnc. 1 uni very happy because it still has ihe original motor, and
the h o d y

is intacl. 1 1 '

jt has problemsf 1 will fix it myself, 1 plan to lake very gtrod care of my grandfather^ car because someday [ will use il to travel mall the stales :nd cities lhat my grandfather visiicd when be was a young man,

^ amfn' n9 the student paragraph

A. R espond to the parag rap h by answ ering th e questions below. I Which of i lie folkming sentences bess desi-rilx-s Ihe main Idea of ilw; pjragraph? .i The writer's grandfather traveled around the country in the I W s . b. The writer tikes Cadillac convertibles, c Tin.' writer I l l s stcorvg Jvclirtfls aljout his grandfather's Cadillac convertible
1 w h id i o f ih e fo lli
in ^ ty p e s o f d e ta ils d id [h e .u tlh o r N O T In d u tle ill tile

a I) vp p ean n ce sm d l

c. sound i. According uj ihe lant sentence. why in (lie cur inifw mailt to the author' a. It tw utK B the wfiWr Iti hi* flnwdfather h, The wriler tikes expensive cars, c. The wriler tikes t<nwork <)n cjr- and icpittr engine*.
H. Examine the orftatii^iliun o f ihe paragraph by answering (lie questions below. Then compare your answers with a partner.

I I rnderHnc die topic sentence in (he p.iraraph

Part; 35

7 - W h .it n o rd ? ur p f c iis t s J d ie

d ie a u U v sr u s e t o d e s c n h c h is ic e Emits a b o u t

'. u tr

j. Underline die concluding sentence twice.

Exercise 5

Com pleting an outlin e Look back :it the paragraph on page 35- Then fill in the missing information in ihe outline below.

Topic Sentence
Item the author describes:______ __________________________________

The author's general feeling about the item -_______________________

Supporting Sentences
Background information about the item

Descriptive details about the item:

DeiaHs about the author's feelings;

Concluding Sentence Restated id e a :___

36 IVin 2: Descriptive Paragraphs

t : r^ isc?_6

W riting in outline

K fvlew y o u r h r !n M (irn ij[^ Id tiu an d y o u r f r tf w r itin u c x m rls c . 1'licu

u s e t h e c h u r l b e lo w w r i t e m i o u t lin e f o r y o u r p a r a g r a p h a t * m i a o n p a g e 3 6 a * a n e x a m p lb s p e c ia l p t t s s i's jiit m y o u o w n . U m .' t h e

Topic sentetice What are you going 10 describe? _________________________ _______

w hat is your general feeling about the possession?

Supporting Sentences
Write some notes about ihe background or history o^ (Ke possession

What are some netaiis you can use tu tft-icribEf ifte possession?

W hat a re some Lieiails you tan use to describe your feelings about the possession?___________ ___________ _________________________________

Concluding Sentence
Rebate the dea In 'he to yc sentence

In Part 3 you w ill ...

* learn 10 use specific language in your writing,

* A fite a first draft of your descriptive paiagrapft

Pan 2



Developing Your Ideas

Exercise 1 Reading a student paragraph

Rc.id [Jit p arag rap h . H ow due* th e lrc w o rc " m ake th e uittm r feel?

My Special Treasure
My special treasure is 1 picture o f my mother on her fifteenth birthday. This picture whs; always in my house when I was growing up. Year', later, when I nt married and mnved m Montreal, my mm her gave it 10 me so that 1 would always remember her. Now it sit* on the table nexl 10 my hed. I ltok at it and imagine my moiher's life nn that day, I think she was excited because twreycti are shining with happiness Her smile n shy as il she were ihinkinti about a secret, She is standing next to a rose bush, and the roses ate taller than she is. She ts wearing a beautiful white lace dress and black shoes Her hnir is lonu and curly, She look lovely in this peaceful place, and I feci calm
when 1gaze into her eyes al the end of my busy day. This picture of my mother is my most valuable possession.

Exercise 2

Examining the student paragraph

A. Respond icj the paragraph by answ ering the cjut'silons below In fuE sentefKes, 1. Wlutt is the authnr's spetial uvasurc? _______________________________

J \V I \ diK-s, tlT. .iLilhor like ibis pt .-^Nsion?

M Fhogaw it tn the author?


f nit J Descriptive- ^irajtraphs

i What words does the author use to descrtlx* the possession?

B. Exam ine ih e organization o f the paragraph by answ ering the q u estion s b elo w . Then coin pare you r an sw ers w ith a partner. Underline the topic sentence. \\ Itat will the writer describe?_______

_ t)oe> the writer give details about how she got the picture in the first pan. the middle part, or die Iasi part of the paragraph?______________________

3. Does tlie writer describe w hat the picture looks like in the fir*t part, the middle part, or the last part o f die paragraph?________________________

I. Does the writer describe her thoughts and feelings alxuit the picture in the first pan. the middle pan, or die la.st part o f the paragraph!'______________

t nderiine the concluding sentence rw ice. l>oes it restate the tdea in the topsc >enlence?______ How many sentences jre there In the paragraph?

jage Focus
Using Specific Language
1 sing specific language in descriptive writing helps give the reader a clear mental image o f what som ething looks, fuels, sounds, or smells tike Read the following exam ples Which set o f sentences has a stronger effect?
General Sentences He bougnt a vehicle. We heard a notse Suddenly, I smelled food. Sentences w ith Specific Language He bought a 1965 Cadillac We heard the sound of breaking glass Suddenly. I smelled steak and onions,

In the first column, die words are general and could b e used to describe a variety of vehicles, noises or food. In the second column, he w riter h a s replaced the general term s with more specific words ! > r the topics being described 13> doing this, the w riter has made the ' 'pic specific and clearer for the reader.

Pair 3


Exercise 3

Id en tify in g S p e c ific la n g u a g e Read ihe fo[loviiijt pairs o f scjilenicsu Put a check t / ) next to ihtr sen ten ce flint is m ore spccillc1. ____ a. THke to w ear m y giuncfmiKbcrsjewelry / j 1 likf 10 wear my ftrjmlanlhi-r -'i ix.-jH necklace. j, Mj- liest friend ipive me a novelL > y ClianR-Rafi Lee fr>r my birthday. birthday

2. ___

____ lv My lxit friend gave me J book for my 3. _ _ _ j, Someone lew her an umbrella. ____ h Hit father knt her an umbrella. l. __ _ a. ! inherited sonic Alftflure. ___ b. 1 inlumted my giandrm (tiler's rhair. 5- ____ a Steve has a new laptop, ____ h > , Steve haj> a new computer. 0. _ _ a. Jordan received a toy.

____ b. Jordan received a teddy l^ar, Exercisejl A d d ing s p ecific d e ta ils Rewrite the follow in g ^cntcrices. Replace tbe im dertini'j words and phrases with w ords lhat are m ore specific. 1. Ll>nu;i;hl a njirof I bought a pair of running ah oca.________________________________________ 2 Maria found soiiur lcwdn~ in the basement.

3. My mother yave me aumejDHlsa.

1, I like my tk-% k.

My father enjoyed making Things

6 M i, prandp:Lren[s collected snmenirs,

", >1e always have Vegetables with dinner.


I nii 2: Descriptive Pjngraphs

EaerflSg 5

Ed itin g a paragraph fo r sp e cific la n gu a ge

A. R w d th e follow ing p a r a g r a p h s I :n d trtiu c five word* o r phrLiseS T h a i LyiuJil Ik1m a te pctiJic. lik en f o rc a c h bii(krLiiit<l w ord o r phrase, w rite o n e ij J ^ li o n k lou M i;iL you could ash 1 1it w H itr IO h elp tllm o r h e r be m o re specific,

M y Lost Treasure Box

When I mv home town, my rclalive gave n>e ft special bo*, itn; syiJ [ could use the bos to keep my s-po^Jal treasure*. Tlie hci\ was made oFa special material, and it was painted ft brigtn color. When 3

opened it. ii rlaj'J-'d ft pretty song- f kept thi^ Ixix on my dresser and
I used 11 to store my things. Unfortunately, I Iohi my heuuiifui ho*

when I moved to 1 d fb R iil cilj. bui 1will afways r^mLiutter it ajid my

relaiive who gave it to me.

_______ __________ ___________________ i. What tfflwi.rfld.vw oomg.frotni1

L _________________________________________________ __________________

I . __________________________________________________________________
4 - _____________________________________________________________________

5 . ____________________________________________
G . _____________________________________________________________________

B, Kew fine Tluh p arag rap h on a separate ph-ee o f paper, changing th e underlined m i n t an d [illrase* to m ake llicm nifirt specific, V heh yoti Hni^li. com pare y o u r p arag rap h w ith a p a rtn e r's.

Exert se6

W riting a first draft

Review your outline. T hen w rite y o u r first d raft o f m parurii}jh j !khii n possession th a t fc im p iirtsri m you.

Exercise 7

Peer editing a first draft

Alter you r ite your H n t draft, exclian^e It Willi a plrtiLtr, A ilsw it the {[motions on the checklist on paye 42. You may also w rite com m ents or question* oil your p a rtn e r's drafl. Then rtm l your p a rtn e r's eom tncnts o n )X)Lr draft, an d revise it as n c c s x a ry 1 .



Editor's Checklist
Put a check {/) as appropriate. Write answers in complete sentences in the lines provided.
L ] 1 Does ihe paragraph have a topic sentence? Can you identify ihe possession the writer w ll describe? H

2 Does the wnte* provide background information about the possession?

tf so, write il here. ___________________________________________

3. Does the paragraph have er>ough descriptive detail to make the desenption clear to the reader?

A. D o t*ie writer use specific wofris (instead of general terms} in ihe

description? If the^ are woick that could be nrtore specific, wnie them here_____________________ _______________________________

L . 5. Does the paragraph have a concJudmg sentence that restates the idea m the topic sentence?

* learn to use adjectives

1 11

descriptive writing

* learn to use the verb be to describe and ielino. edit your first draft fo/ mistakes.


t.'rw 2 . Descriptive Paragraph*


Editing Your Writing

Now that you have written a firM draft. It is lime.- lu edit. Editing involves making L-hjngR to your writing to improve- It and correct mistakes.

Language Focus____________________________________________
Using Adjectives in Descriptive Writing
Adjectives art- words [Jut de.sc.-nbe no u m frite n , u* a d je ttiv ^ in^Evidie reader a iimn,- complete ])ic[ure of the people,. places, .Lnd dtLng* they want u> desenlie. Djitpare the following pains o f phrases. Nolicc how the adjectives help you v-Lstalizi- the objecta bicycle a racing bicycle, a desk --- * a large, metal desk

* An adjective can COJIV? before :t noun. E i' tlic noun is ^in^ut;!, use ti nn or the Iw fW (he adjective.
t own

an antique v> olin.

My mother gave me a big hug. Adjectives )i:HL-on]y one form. I'm; the s in if adjetive with Angular

and plural nouns,

a lovely bracelet two b vely oracelis

* An adjective Ljn cptne .ilier 6t>. When two adjectives com e Jtter ber w p a rjie them with and.
Tlie hM arp comfortable Mv faltier's expression r . wise and serious

* Nouns can also Junction as adjectives. In die following examples. ihe first noun describes (Jr - second mum
a rose garden

a pocket knife
A Wlten .1 noun functions as un adjective, ir i> jIwii> Miiyular two kitchen tables two fcrtchem, lab? (mcoRHCi)

I'.irt 43

Excrcisg \

Id entifying adjectives Read the following sentences and underline itlt adjcftiTCs.
1 I take eaic of my stmnk. cjjd bicycle. 2. 1 ant fond of my house plam. 3 If has baw d green l e s m and delicate, white flowers.

J bought a srraw hat at

m usk fotivnl.

5. it was not expensive. Itlu I liked ii Ik-c:ulsv it w;is practical jn d attract ive, 6. I Ixhi^Iit rru muR A t a small touri>[ shop at th e Phoenix airport
Exercise 2

Using adjectives
CIuiikc the rollowLnft sentences by aiidin^ tw o or three adjective^ to each one,
1 My umbrella is like a friend,

Mv bifl. black Uirbrglla 2 I love my b k y d c.


ilfef an o'-d friend,_______ __________________

J \ ro ortL- understands why t M ill w ear my jo-an*.

4. li I could only save one tliinjq, from a fire. it would be my chair.

5. The piano Ln my parents' house is located in the iwmi.

6. My mosher jyite me litr riny.

Language Focus__________________________________________
Using Be to Describe and Define
Use the verb be ro descrilx- die suhfert if a sentence. You can use either a mmn m sn adjective after toe. * You can use he + ad[ective 10 describe conditions. physical characteristic*. ape, and personality.
P h y sical


Characteristic ' am ^rono.

Age My daughter- is ad *

Personality Gabriel is gracious.

He is neadv


L . nil 2- TJeMripthe l^ra.^i'Jphs

* You t.tn us*1 l.\< + m . 11: u.h riL vun p h rjv . ' let LLkiitify m define

somethlrg. < jf to dcstnlxr o m jp a tlo m :cnd reLiiionsliips.

Identifying Describing Occupations Describing Relationships

It fc s a map.
A In

He ft j&aiuy:.

We are classmate

.vntinn tlic ounEnu-U-d : r m " I t h e vert / .lr> noi

jttepublL". Uk thi- Full rarnto id'the vcHn in byth affiflnativt: and

n e g a tiv e sc tlH T O O ,

The marmoset is a smai: mammal rl -a y a r e n o t responsible for the research.

S c w it h A d jectives

suBjicr I H e She fou m

Sf with Nouns

W W E C T ffi I H e She Yov Wf T^r am

i n n ot


am an not an hontst pt^wn, Is is not anc an not a dancer.


ath letic.

are srt nut young.

b ro th e r;.

Jnfjcise 3_ Using be with adjectives Finish the fnllim inn S iiitcn i t s w ith n fn m i o f th e verb be and o n e o r m onj w ljectlvt to describe people you know .
1. M y tcMLcher

Crtfatwe__________________ _

2. My tLwsmatca_________ _______________ ,
3. My paren ts__________ ___________________ _,

1 , My neiBlibon_______ __________________ 5- My iiftkiin* ant! I ______ __________________ _

Exercise 4

| _____________________________ _

Using be wtth nouns HnisEi cat'll HfinvrKu below. Make sure th ere is a n o u n lit yo u r answer.
1 There is an Inhater______ fo r n r,- asthma in m y backpack-

2, There 1$______________________________ on my dcak. 3. My Either is _________ _______________ _ ^ Someone whn wnlcs nci'V'ds is ________________

Part I 45

T1icft* is _____
6 S u t K O f K w h o d

_____ ___________ dbwntuwn

e i g n s h o u s e s L s _____________ ______________


Editing a paragraph
Read the paragraph. Correct the mistake1 * with adjectives, Then: arc five m ina kev lJ or heip rpvJcw ihc rules on paf(c -*3, 1 have a new digital camera, and I a n very excited atioul using it because ii has so many feuturcN useful. I do not need ro spend a lot of lime iocusini; L . Il tins j u t a l k focus. People do ntii have (o wait a lony lime for me tci lake their picture. In addition, its Irn* is powerful. I can photograph a person and scenery. and both ate clc;ir wlien I print ihc finals picture?.. Another feature allows me to delete pictures blurry, I .save a lot of money bccau.se I do not liavc lo prim ugly pictures. I am very e\citcd about my new camera because il is convenient easy, and 1 can lake nreirsiings, pictures wiifi it. T expect to have a lot of fun uith it.


Editing your first draft and rewriting

Review your paragraph for mistakes, I'm; the c h a k ltst be low. Then write a final draft.

Editor's Checklist
Put a check (yr) as appropriate. 1 I>id you include adjectives in your sentences to give your reader a more L'oiTiplete picture?
i l 2 Did you use adiectiw s aFi#>r articles and before nouns?

Did you use itie ^erh


b e t o e adjective. and nouns?

J Did you capitaltoe the first letter of each sentence and put end punctuation at the end?

In Part 5 you will

rev'.ew ihe elements of a descriptive paragraph.
* review adject w and the verb be. * practice writing with a time limit.


Un.lt 2: Descriptive [h ara^ap1i.s


Putting It All Together

In this part o f the unit, you w ill Complete fo u r .vcrclscs to im prove y o u r accuracy', w rite a timed paragraph to im prove yo o r fluency, and explore topics for future w riting,

rereis? t

Using specific language

Rewrite the following sentences. Replace the underlined words and phrases with words that are more specific, 1 I ;tn rtMding a lu*>k.

2 . In llit- p h o t o g r a p h , i h e p t - i w n l l> h o l d i n g s o m e t h in #

V I ,iur.i

w ent

|n liuitipc for -i while

l l Ls j p i r t u t e ful' .t m o i u i r t ^ T 1 ^


Vi . H e r t i i s llu T H i^ h .i I u u -.m

k Our room kxjfced ouL m irr sfme m f ^ ry

Exercise 2

Identifying adjectives
R tad the follow ing sentences, L n d erlin e th e adjectives* 1 We planted n vegetabie girden behind t lie house. 1. Krendl} |vop[e;irc usually happy 3- She has a different Idea. i, My lavunte bnotw ;ire hLMimcjJ jiovds,
T lu

4 "I.lSs |s

;lL > o u ! t h e

ni-nli te*i.

Pan 5 47

Exercise 3

Using adjectives

Rewrite the following seolciKia and add two or three ^djittivcs to each one.
I. My toother owned j car. My friend lias a Msler. TIkj man was a leather n iis -niTjeti L s actually j computer 1 have a plant and a cai. Tlieie L % j tree next tollie house

Exercise 4

Editing ajjaragrajjh
HtM(l the p im gniph, Corrcct tlie mistakes with adjectives. There are m \ mb-iakes. My most valuable possession is ;i handmade Persian carpet, My parents gyve ii to me is redding gift right before I married my husband This carpel is made of wool and silk. U is rectangular in shape*, and it hrts a cold fringe along lhe borders. The colors o f my carpet arc mostly dark red tm a cream colored background. but there are also blue L U id browns designs woven inio iL In the center of the carpet, a round medallion is decorated with exquisites lines and curves. The carpet is nal thick soft, but it is lovely to look at. I keep it in my living Tiiom bccause u reminds me of my parents wonderful, and the country beautiful where it was made.

I |

TIMED W RITING; 45 minutes

Write a descriptive paragraph about yt>ur favorite place to vtailL Before you begin to write, review the following lime management strategy.


t'nii 1 Descriplive Paragraphs

Step 1

Wriie d im ii so m e irttfi's iin jj p b o s you h:rve visited. Then w rite tiuWn so m t spi-iidc (Iculls ilxiul each p b c c . W hen you llni>hLdlooiR' [he place you w ould like to w rite a (k scrip tiv e p arag rap h abmiL


OUTLINING: 5 minutes
VTritC an oil Iline for j o u r p:ira_iir;! ph. Topic SErrtence
Topic _________________________________________________________ _ ______

General feeling about the top ic:____________________________________________

S u p p o rtin g S e n te n c e s
Background inform ation:_________________ _________________________________

Details that describe the top-t:

Details ilxa? describe how you tee: about the topic

C o n clu d in g S e n te n c e

Slep 3

WRITING: 25 minutes
l:sc your Iir;f j nvorrtiliifc notes and ciutilne to w rilr your flfM draft on :i sep;imte pitcc o f paper.

Pjrt. ) 49

5tep 4_ EDITING:


W hen you h a v t finished your first draft, ch ec k it fo r m isiakcs, u sin g ific checklil hctCHV.

Put a check (/ ) as appropriate.

L 1. D oes the paragraph have a topic sen ten ce that introduces the thing you will iteHfitie? 1 2 Did you include bst^grourni information about Hie in ng you are


3 Did you include descriptive details about how t t e thing looks, iroelis. tastes, sounds, feeli, tc? 4 . Cud yon use specri* words as pan of v&ur description7


Did you use adjectives *> part of your description T Are adjectives usea corredtyi (Refer Eo th e rules on p 43)

~ 7 D oes the paragraph ha^e a concluding m e n (hat restate? the 'flea irr the ;opi< nter>ce?

Topics for Future Writing

1. Write a descriptive- paragraph on one of the following topics,

* A pttson lhal you atlmirc (idr of your family )
* A ;i*<nrilLJ piece r> T;m or mttwC

* Your favorite room in your hume *, way 1 Intel Ut inti.-Ti.-Nls >uli O'V bkyiic, iryin, hoi air balloon i

Interview j friend, dassniatr, or relative about his o r her view* on ont of the topics above. l'alttL n o lo during thu interview. Then write a descriptive p arag rap h on the topic, but from y o u r friend's point o f view.

SO 1 . nit 1 Descriptive H'jiragrcipfLs


Example Paragraphs
Unit Goals
Rhetorical Focus
* example organization * using ex am p les as su p p o rtin g details

Language Focus:
* forming and using the simple present
* subject-verb agreem ent


Stimulating Ideas______________________________
W riter1 use exam ples to h elp read e rs u n d erstan d w b i they m ean. A Kuod ex am p le supports a m ore idea w ith sonirthiiiB specific. In th is unit. you will w rite a parag rap h Lhui use* exam ples as sup|H>rtin^ details.

Exercise 1

Thinking about the topic

Discuss th e p icturc w ith a partner. Who is tile little j*iri witfrt

* H'lio d o yi H J d lin li she i> L ilk frl# m?

* Where c J < tjnu think toe might lie jicwiijt? * Wiiai do vtm dunk her diiiJy activities m|ghi lie?
* Wvmld yrHi d e jn iilx f h e r IHe as I k i ^ v ?" W I a < _ > r w hy cH)t^

E xercise 2

R eading about the t op ic Thrce-y ear-old OlivJn [h-t s In busy New York City an d has an ImapEnary friend. W hat is iltt* m ain pro b lem w ith this Imaginary fHcnd?


L nil 5: Example Purugniphs

Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli

M'. daL,ghier Olivia, w n o i j s l turned three, lu s ^ n Im aginary friend w h o se n a m e is Charlie Ftav.ok Qlvia is growing up m M anhattan, s'id so C hari b Ravioli has j lot ot ocal traits: h e lives in an apartm ent or- Mad son and Lexington," h i dines o n grilled old " S u l t-h^ m ost chicken, fruit, and bottled walerj and, having reached the age o f seven and a half, h e ieels, or is th ou gh t, peculiatfty lo tji thing jno-.r Ciiv afs magtpary p la y m a te is this he is alw ays t o o busy to play w^ti he* Sh e holds her toy cell p h on e up to her ear, and w e hear her taift into it; "flavioh? It's Olivia . C om e say. play?

it^ Oiiv;a

0 .k

Can m e Bye. " T h en she s n a p s ttsh u t, Bod

shak es he; h ead "I alw ays get Ins m ach in e." she says. Or sh e w n I spok e Raviol loday." 'D id y o u h a w fu n ? ' my w ife a n d i ask "No. He w a s busy w orking On a television" (leaving ;t up m the air if ?ie repairs electronic devices or has his o w n tafk show f.

Gopmt 'L "Sun^nna mtn M r ftawol

fi Hew Yoft^r iepftmiH 30, Oai

t n L iiH t r u r ^ -! L-ici^Linn n :n lv in ( h e ( jn n p n t U k U l

p la y c u , a l l ^ J t l l l l U ' i C D f n ^ n K m HI p lu y If

LrjJlv features, lIu r.k tL 'n .'-i il'i d in ool ran Ete^ise 3 Understanding the text

m.miil.tfl Jftap: w 'iih 4 1s > in i> >!* m n d

Write T feir true n r F t'nr false fo r fiich Statem ent.

____I . OJiviiL L i ihrce yir.i r* old.

_ J. Gtarik1 JU'iuli L s ;l real person _ _ 3 t >ln ia Wien plays with G&dic kavinEi
\ ChiirlJe iLlVidli is Virt different frum niuM NfW Yorkis. S 0!ii'Jj H it'tk'n Ulksiu Ctiartie l^irioli in peninv Exercise 4

Respondingto the text Write yo u r answ ers for each q u n tin n in full ie n lin c t's . Then tlistiiss >Our Answer* with :i partner* 1. M i bu Lt Olivia?_______________________________________

rf,ir1 I


2 'A Im is O w riii? H.itinli?

5- Awonlinjl lo ibtraulJlOf. is t .lurLie ftavfoH a typiral New Vorkef? Why do you

------------think mi?_______________________________________________

* , Whar docs Charlie Knviuli eat and drink? Why do you think the author in dudes these details?___________________________________ _ _ ____

Exercise 5

Write fo r ten m inute o n ih c ro p k below. n x p rtss y o u rself as well as you til. D ont w o rry about m aking m istakes,
Till;- w rite r dcstrflics ChariSt1KaviiolJ J-s ,l busy |>L'ison. lo w TmwUJ you d ^ ilS K yuunfdl? O n * separate p t u f pJpWi m ake j Ihr o f four nr fi vu jdjociiveN

that \ o il

w ould llm.1H de-vcnlx.1 y n u js d t Then w rite jllXAJt w hy L'iich ont- destribi'i; you You may c Ik x m In n the list l*l< rt\ <w use o th er adjcctiVe*

active oomp intonate difficult liuidwnrklnit pnjud

thtetk confidcni fkstil ite healthy shy

In irin^ nuuijtcous hm intelligent Mubljom

busy ewatlve ^t'neroui ( njfj nl/ed

fn Part 2 you will

team a b o j l exam ple organiratirv brainstorm id e and specific vocabulary your writing.

tu u k


create an outline for youf e*ampte paragraph,


I rtii 3 Example l\iragraphs

Brainstorming and Outlining

W '-^ W WRITING TASK In [Ills unit, you will w rite an CNJmipkh pani^rApIl (h[ d tS C n b ^ you autl ynur lift'. You will m e specific u m p i t s to support y o u r ideas.

:si?rd5c 1

Brainstorming jdeas

A. RCricw ;\ iu r fre en rffin a CTClse: T h e n choooe o n e LliljeCtive from yrmr freew rlni' e x e r d ie Ui;n you u u u ld like to r ite ntniut. Utc that adjective Tu co m p k -u iJie s a r t t t c hti -, T h h will h t u m r tnptu' sentence. pcrcm

B. Complete {|iie3tiori?< 1 and 1 bttiiw with tbc same Kljntire. Then Wflit your uisw iirs (o I he qu^iimh.
t w h a t e x p c r it m c t i yum Ei-10 i l i a r s h o v y o u a k y.- i m _________________


2,. Vl1i;ii nit a i| iL _ -h tltJ jtKJ nF lt^do (lull slmw yrsu litv |ier>i in?


xer-cr^e ;

Brainstorming vocabulary
*. Heail ilie follcin iit h ats o f adjcctii-e*. Adri any new words yoi] can Thinh d f to ilnLL'hjri. t s t > w r dieliimary for http. Pefjonality thiirful. outgoing, oiLniiTic, icv*n Lurnuj.

Fiwi.ng^ Appearance

peaceful, nervous. errnja ratted, gJoomy. excited. SlOCky, petuy. sreiul,. har r^cme.

C na^ct eristics

intelligent creative, soitai. organized. alhleiic.

Pait 2


U, C hoose four rd s from th e ch art tli.it you m ight use .-ls example* ill yo u r paray rap lu Wriie a practice m hIHKV vr [i h cach w ord you choose, ] Jam shy. Far cKamplg. t fS rcarvaue whgn I meet rew pgcpif .___________ 2 , _______________ ____________ ______ ____________________________ .V ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. __________________ ______________________________ _______________ 5 . _______________________________________________ ______________ _

R h e to ric a l F o c u s ________ ____________________________________________ _ Exam ple O rganization

.\n example jitfuipypli gives t'xiniplcs so that ihe reader deari} understand* (he wriier* itkras abul J Dopic.
Topic S e n te n c e

The first sentence introduces (he topic. * It also includes the controlling idea, or what the wriier will say about Ihe topic
S u p p o rtin g S e n te n c e s The middle sentences give

examples lhat support the controlling idea,

* These exampEet, give -jctear picture of the writer's specific meaning C oncluding S e n te n c e

- The last sentence of ihe paragraph resta: Ihe Lopic anti wha the writer has said about k.

Exeruie 3

f te a d in g ji s tu d e n t p a r a g r a p h Head th e student paragraph. Wl} is I he title Like a M ille'? W ho in the p arag rap h Ls Like ft mule?

Like a Mule
I am a stubborn person. My Mends and relatives ure sure about iht* because ihcy have experience with me, For example, I do not lake advice from other pt-ople, When I wa^ looking for work. I had to make a choice between iwo johs. My mother and my husband wanted me

I nit 3:HarajirJphs

its take a job tn a childcare ccntcr. but I did n o t like1ii. I


and ] did ikh rake their advice. ) [mfc a different job ill a bookstore. AEm , I do n[ i-h^nge my mind ca*iEy. For example. when I bought inv. e,Lr, I warned ii in while. 'Hie car dealer had all the oilier colors. j^il-^ti, gold- blue. even net!. I said tin. and wc weni to a different dealer on llit freewav almut miles away, They had [be ear m white. Now I am

driving a while car. Alsu, t always defend my opinions. For example. 1 do not lilc-c ihe wife of my husbands friend. She is a mean person, and I Edkl Ih.t whin I
lK lm i

hl [if her. so we do nni spend Hme LogeEhcraa

couples. My life is not always easy, hut I am proutl to Ik a strong and stubborn woman.

E*erose 4

A nalysin g th e s tu d e n t p a r a g r a p h

A. R espond to (he p arag rap h b j ansm -riitu tb e q u H tlo o below In

full p tfu c n e u . I . WIlii I

the lhri.ji m ain

WAVs in

which thir Liutbi.tr is sruhtvirn?______

tt'hy doe* ibc JMirhor sij her lift


It. E xam ine ihe organization o f th r p^ragriiph by iJUWrnJlj! ih e questions below. n j r n co m p are answ ers w-iih a partner. 1 . Carvle ilhi te-p i-L ' .md underline the i.'nriojIM t ij idea 2. Ke,id tilt: sett>rnJ teniente IKhut dh)TH! |u.-l.i ilk' ivlippCjriJng deuils If

ikM libei ________________ ____________________ _________________

3. H o w iiu n y e X A in p L t!U k > e s i h e a L L L K irp iv i;? _ _________ ________________ ___________

1. ^ V if e 1 ipKr e x a m p le lh a t s lw jw > th e a u l h u r S s t u M > o jn f t e f t r ________________

>, [Jo all the suppnninp svtiteatvs .sU|t]>h'H die tnpk sfmtnt'c?_____



ii. t. ntkfUnc the eonvludinf; Nifflcoo.1 twice. L>oe* it restate iIil- topk ^vlE^-rlL^, ,

M C T iat does (hij jmiJinr jd d tr(Jit eonelmUnjt ^nttnc-i: dial h m i In i Ik 1(opk

w m c iirti--------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------------------

H. In your opinion, does tlK- uitlmr like hcJnn >luhlxim? Explain Vfujr answer.

Exercise 5

Writing an outline
Review your brainstorm ing ideas anil your free w riting c x rrc ist. Then use (he form to w rite an outline for ynur exam ple p;ifS(traph - You do not in-Ltl to w rite in full stnttMices, Lise only the word* dial a tv iw c a w r y for rtm tm b e rlilg th e inform ation you wUrtt to Indlidc in your piirj^niph,

Topic Sentence I am a/an___________ ___________person

S u pp orting S en ten ces Example 1:____________ ____________________ ______________________

Example 2:

example 3:

C o n clu d in g Sentence
fiestatr? 1h4? idea in (tie topic sentence

in Part 3 you will 1uppnTl ijid dulailt.

* learn more abtHJt using examples as * w riie a first tfrafi of your exam ple paragraph.

58 I 'nil 3: lXimplL Paragraphs


Developing Your Ideas

t f.n v w 1

Beading a student paragraph

Read this studeni paragraph, H'hai Is die game the audior ic f e n to in the title?

My Game
) am an iitMelic guy. I like w uateh ^poit^ on television, but 1 lovi piayinn sports even more. My favorite sport is soccer bccause il requires team work. 1 enjov working with ocher player? as a leant I am in two leagues. On both teams, I play forward hedm*e 1 am uggrrxsfvt .m d can scoic ^oals. One of the leagues is just for fun. so I can mess jjniund with my cousins and friends. The olber league is more wrious.
[ have to keep myself in gL.mil condition. There arc regular pnitiiees and we vujrk on special plays. Sometimes wc iratvd 14 other cities, in the state. I am also j sludtau. so it is tlifHcuJi [q wiifc around my school schedule. Basketball is another one of my s|ion.s. [ often jnj^y at the i^ark with my friends. Basketball L s fun even thuugh I am noi in skillful. My friends and I joke white uic pliiy and have a gL >l time, I also like swimming, Inn 1 l! l> nm swim in ciwnpctiiions. M&mly


to stay in shape loi >otcer. Playing spans is the Lbing dun I enjoy mosL anti 1 GS]>eejalfy like speetr bccausc J feel happy when nty team and I play well together.

E xerose 2

Analyzing the student paragraph

A. Kc*i>und to th e parajp-jph by an sw erin g th e qurt*rions below In full H rnlenc^ ] ttliat is llie author's favorite .jxnn? Wh;Jl you feUm ,l ^ h l i[ Itim ;ls ,i player?

Part 3 59

2 Why does the author likt- soccer?

5. Whal other sports *U.n.^ thi- author jXiiticipatP IrV


'tt'tui examples tloes the author ^ e that show hew the two sorter leagues jirt* difierentf ^ _ _ ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- -----

5. Are you convinced [hat ihe author is .tthktic? Explain.

B, Exam ine the organization of the paragraph by answ ering llic questions below. Then com pare your answ ers with a partner. 3. Circle the li 'pic and underline the contniQiflft Idea in the topic .sentence 2. Read llie second sentence. %1ui do >ou expect the supporting details to describe? _________ _____ ________________________________

'W rite t jr e e x a m p le ilu it .show s i I k

a u th o r t.s -LihletiiJ*___________________________

-t Du nil ihc dentils support the topic sentence?___________________ ______ ^ Underline the (.'oavlndLnfi sentence Does it restate ihe lOpK?_____ _______ < } What due* the author jdd ti> the concluding .sentence ihat is m it in the topic scnlencx1 ? __________ _____________________________________________

Rhetorical Focus___________________________
Using Examples as Supporting Details
Kftectfve examples have ihe folk>winft features: * They are specific. * 'Fhey re kite dearly rn the cnnudling idcM They do n- Msimply restate Ilie topic sentence.


Lnii 3 F.Jiamptc Pum^raplv.

Head the Il*1 1<iM'liiL-ntf

la p ic
e OM l-roi;

M--5 ir l p i

My mothei a a good neighbor.

Sow rt-ad the following ,suppontiig itment.'cH Thi.-y ku h support ihi.L\)nr r nsti ini; iif by giving corhTett, apedllt: iixample*
She always invites people from our neighborhood over lor di-nner. Every year ih e Iwstj a badc'to-KtiOCt party for the children on our block. X o w rt.nl i Im -.^flL fitcn tw , which are? mu effectiv e example^

jhr? enjoys (gardening

iitoh ci'early related


ro rfte tonfttuV/j^

She !? a wonderful person

live round {teszates Uie

An c^nmplc often begins wilh 1lit: phrase For example, or For irpilanw, irt]](jwcd hy a commit,
Ke i k to slay in shape For example, h e runs six mi es every day before w ort

'itTTm.iime* writers uat; .1 -Jtml LLiJon to . nnrttscr j ^nLT-Ll s tu t e n w^ih a specific xiiiip le iy^ i nn ing with fr/r nijjh1 , i ir fo r instance.
te a t er i s e n r e r t a r ir-.L?; f o r i n s t a n c e W rx e ljrrie s h e u se i p u fo e rs te a c h g ram m ar.

Exe^iii1 3

Id e n tify in g s p e riff c ex am pi es
hciid th e fo llo w in g to p ic K n tc n c c fl. T h e n p u l * rltc rh uxam pfes t i u l Niipjm n flic Inplc O l H I in die m ost
I To hccHjmc :i gim d writer. a student sh o u ld w riLt vitim .

to die way,

____ a- Ftw L-sarnphi, she should try lu Write CYtr} dav because w riting
is im portant.

/ - h. For rsjm plc. slit: *lH>uld fceep.i ourrul ,md wrUe in n every evening Ix'icsrv b ill
(L c. T -i .resam ple she can Htid jft tn u il frtertd and w rftt

messages fivquenik
2. Living in itu: rily

challenging in mtny wa>v


L . C-i<y cJv. L'llfih usually pay L | loi ciFmimcy to Iivll In iillaU OpjniUcM.

____ 3' [r is 4 J1lllk L i h lo live in ^ Lity Imx-j li * - s .t |]k- IttwitjrJe ill CiltCS

_ t'. I \ i pk' who live irt [he City Ji.n v in ck-at with pollution

Part 3 61

M y simt-r is e a s y to te:Lse.

____ a. For Instance. many people Like Lu pike with her ___ h. For nuance, 1 often tell ller than i am f i l i n g married. and she
a lw a y s h e iit ie * m o.

____c. For inst.i in.e. slie lu s j cheerful personality mint she dut?, nrH gel angry wlien t make Icdi^s jlTout her hoyfttend* t. This school often; 3 lo< of opportunities to students ___ a, There ire many clubs and or^m i virions ^tudenr.s cun ioln. ___ It, The sclionl Tries tu lidp student*. ___ c. Tile School has a career cnutodintJt center rhal olfers id v ift and w o r k s h o p fo r students.
T fw w o rld b b K O itiid {t liin ille r .

;i fo r Instance, it is easy to see dial many ihkn^ utv changing fn [lie W X Jrrid___ b hc.n1InsKtncc, new forms of comnflinicatlon make it easy for people frtiin dlflvreni countries to work together on projects c. For instance. many Asian people can s:x.-nd pnrr oE llie year ill tile l.l.S. and pari of the year in Asia Ix-iniLtse ii L s easy ro Havel Ixack and forth Extfrose4 M aking ex a m p les sp ecific Read the passa^ei below. Underline the exam ple. Then revise each exam ple to make it more specific.
1 1 h a v e .1 v e r y p a u e n t cut. F o r m ^ l:m ce . s h e
a iv e s t ip .

R pit.instance. She can sit In frani of a mou&e hole for hour*.____________

2 My


is a

taring person Fur example, he


very nice u j patients.

3. The nei^hlxiis in my apartment buiktLrtK are noisy Fur example, I can't sleep at nipht hei-aube they are making a itn of flense

-t. My friend has a yftal sense of humor. For example, she always makes me laugh.


My nephew is nauj^hiy For instance. he is always jiettinjt Into troubk-

My friend is very talented. For example, she can dd many tliiji&s,


I'n il ?: Fxample Paraiiilphs

Exercise 5

Writing specific examples

Write two exam ples as supporting details for each o f the following topfc sentences. Make sure ihe exam ples are specific.
1, Mj IViertd love* .intiTLLbi.

5 h a alwa y s P rin ts

nimaJfr. to Tag u a t shelter,_________

rflfos canc of agvsral animate jr.iijrJiizmg,__________

2 I Jjn a Ihjm1person.

3 . There ;ire many tiling to L -e in my dly.


plwiXi. are u^et'til ii>r nuny djiferenl situation.- -L

5. My sister k > beautiful.

My iici^W K)|^ are jivi icrm>.

Exorcise 6

Writing a first draft

Hevirt- your online. Then w rite th e first draft o f ui exam ple paragraph about yourself,
e x e rc is e

7_ Peer editing a first draft

After you write your firSI J o r i Hcxchaiijjc it wiiJi j partner. Answer the questions on the checklist on p a ^ 64, You m ay also write c o m m en t Hr question* on your partner'- draft. Then read your partner's com m ents oil your iirst draft, and revise it as necessary.

Putt 3

63 1

Editor's Checklist
Put a ilintk { /) as appropriate Write answers in the linos provided.
_ 1. Dees the paragraph haw < * titJe* W its the litJD he*.? If tte re ts

no title,

suggest a t i t l e . ____________________________________________________

?. D ies The paragraph have a topic senietice Snai m irp d u ifi the and has i controlling -deai ii the (op* sentence does nol h s w s controJing idea, suggest a Mmirolling -,^h

3. D p

jupmoriuig dyuiis give examples [hai supcorr rhu : qi>;l

sentence? Write the eM 'tiples ISire. _____________________

J. Are all liie supporting examples relevant? w rite down ar.jr th.it seem u n r a te d to the io p ic .____________________ ______

_ i 5. D oes the eoniludifitl w nrence rcstati; the idea in the lop;c sentence? _ l 6. Arp you cpnv.nced rlia; the inain deseripti word Thai th ew m er tries j s t h t con trebling idea describes thewrLtei vne^P

* earn about the simple p-eatm te

* icaro about

subjed-verb agreemerrt.

edit youi first draft for mistakes

64 [ 'nit 3: E^LtnpIc Piintprjph*


Editing Your Writing

Non- lliat you h ^ w r i l l c i ! j first tlrjft. il is Lime: Id edit. FdcliJi^ Lnvulvi. ; DikJiiE chm iftre lo y o u r w ritin g im prove it a n d c o rrect m istakes.

Language Focus____________________________________________
U&ing the Simple Present
( ' l j the *rrtp3f p rire n t rtrflst? to expres tuh][s jjjlI routines I waits up dT &:0 w wy day AJso use 11ic iiivipk- p a re n t i:i v/nte .il kjur jfiifK il truths and scientific facts. Batnts a*e a great responsiiuiity. The ia n h revolves around the sun

Forming the Simple Present

FcjHuw ihcse rales [ft Furm [lit: simple present rt'nsL' * Wln.il the subject = * i'ir-.L !"'L L r.-.- >r. 1/. t t v ' i . hvti-nj p u rlin [ y ^ t i \ . rjf tliirel person plur.il lihty, ib&bcys), use ihe base firmi of (he veilj.
* W Iilh lJil- .uhii'd ;! .1 -vcnlcrKC is .1 Ihind [xjrMin eL . i t prcxnuun

*l< L'r sb tt iH, .1 sin>^jbr rtame \Milribti. Lux Ajihclv), tir a r^uLir iiuim my/rteutl tbc faA')_ add h>i s s to c ltL - kise form o f the ,trb. *" JO ft mi t i]c:y Lvu si lH-lti ;l- iits iislj dwtit \ f + t i ( K+ 1 1il- Im e li inn t" |jlLl VeH. We exercise lvo v -M y. He works in Manhattan. E^na d o not go to school.

S p eak er often L'cmintLt tfo not jn d titn.n not L i i dam t imd h*.r,u : Htimrv'cr, contraittions Jie nor appropriate for written academic Lji^lsIi.

i^sit * 1 65

Affirmative ita tcm en b s u it e r BASE FOAM OF VEflB OR 8ASE f<WM OF VtRB + -S/'fS

N e g a tiv e S tite *p c w ti

d nol


t Vou e Sht

1 Vtiu

does. ro t


hoahhy lot



hei?liiv food.

it We

we Yi*j (Jhey


do not


Exercise i

Practicing with the simple present

Complete ih n e mdil'IIccs with Information aboiti people you kntiw. Use a present tense verb oilier than the verb be. L My father rapds a book sverw wggfc. ----------------------------------------------

1 My oou& i________________________ _____________________________ i . Mow. of mjr ctassraMii______________________________________________ 4 My lx*r friend______________ ________________________________ ______ _ S. The children kn my rtritftiboihtxxJ___________________________ _________ .

Language Focus____________________________________________
Subject-Verb A g r e e m e n t
xttb mitsi grvx- in number with its subject. consider d*? examples. In the fir.sj sc m tiK t, a plund verb form f a rt) frttkjws j plural pronoun i u c) Hi >wever. in lhc se o m d sentence, a fiinjiiiiur form i 0 follows rhe plural subject This sentence Is incorrect. We re tired. We is tired. GncotrectI Uic ,i plural verb folltnvinj; two or more noun* ttwl are joined Iv ^ 1and Man/ and her sister live m L di, Vegas I ;se singular verti follow inn '3 Kioup as a whole. nnun when it talks olxnit the

The cfasi goes on a iield trip every month


I rliil 3: E x a m p le E'.ir.inrjph,

I Min Blnpulitr verb follnwJnjj ;i noun rn ^xprt^slons rh;n r^ilvr n> ,t single memlx-Tof^t jiriJLip. One-of ihe siudenLi owns a restaurant
IhE- Pif<Jh'r []i [he w oirtfS sviiyv e a t s iirsC.


Practicing subject-verb agreement

Complete each sen renit wfth t lK O T t U form o f a prescm icn w t i Hj k lo w . cook sxxtliiv own own*. practkc/practk'c-* do noi nvfk/<loeDai work U-U'jM- atYCJl

I. T lieiiram ___ ____


_ -ii ilk' stadium each morning. __________ __j brarhl new cat

Oile nf nuy brothers _____

5. Itachet anil Julia _________ ' \U sister und her Imyfnend V H it fun c lu b ____________

IweaklT ;tnd dlnrw every lI.iy.

_______________ tin weekend*. ____ ai L-j.si |IK) k't[tT> 4 w^eck-

E xcr-ctse 3

Editing a paragraph Krnd liic ^rn p jJi . O ir r c d ill? iu iM :io with piW cul Hiim - Vb I m .
T b t f t are ICO iiiisla k i.'s.

My Talented Sisters
My &isiers arc- hoih r^ifc^nidi people, Vanessa und Rita is musicians. Vanessa is a piiino player and Rila play ihe iuiinr. They are students at The High School tor the Performing Arts. Van&ssa and some other girl* in her cJii.ii> is
p e rfo rm e rs

at churches und other cvems

nearly every weekend Jim jnc good pract^c for them tsjcHuse Ihey wanls bo ptay professionally one day. My oilier sister. Kila, is yoinicer lhan Vanessa, She

nol ready to perform ycl. but hc play the ^uitLr

vcr\ welt. She usually perform at family panic*. They works hard. Every <Liy when ihey eonies home, 'hey nie
p la y m u sic: tir e d .

hm somelimes they


u& al




lu e k y 10

have such f t J e t t f c d people

in our family.

L^ lh i


Exercise 5

Editing Your First Draft

Review yo u r p arag rap h fa r mistakes* I.'ne the f h if k lls t .k m . Then w rite a final draft.

Put a ch eck ( / ) as ap p rop riate,

1 D'ct you chk for sLib;ect*vefb agre*m&nt?


2 , D d y o u u s e p r e s e n t te n s e verbs c o rre c tly ?

3. Did you chet^ to fnsfce sure there are no contractions?

Did y^u capitalize the first letter o f each sentence and put e<d punctuation at tiie end?

In Part 5 you w ill...

review the element* of an example paragraph, w /ite a timed pxampte paragraph.


[ nil i-. Example P;ir.ijyuphs


Putting It All Together

In [k b p:rlof ih c tm it, yom w illcam p le - five exercises to im prove vour a ta ira c y . w riw JI limed pjifSjtfapil to im prove ytm r iluL'iicy. iind th e n ISplorc topics for future w riling. Exeretie 1 Id e n tify in g e x a m p le s a s s u p p o r tin g d e ta ils

Read the to p ic uem ences an d the exam ple* iha[ follow. Then pm A chtv next to i h t exam ples [hid iUp|H)rt th e fopfc KiitciKC. I . Computer* tux t' ni-itkutu JmLw" Iive* ir.1sicf ____ d. They can iiH Ji ([LLVMii'n1 . (if ihcir in?iiut.iur> ___ b They 1-jn (itiil dwir papers caslv hy (IddinK their fjin> and typing new words tH- st-ntL-rtC ___ t. They can ftmll Mudy groups ilfKl discuss lopiL-s in live liixnlrv.
_____ (L The1 ,' c t ji njMfUTb in/orm 2ik>n i>n <1*7 [nerrkt

2 \;ibiU INMmcortc who is hv:iy:> tLMch lohetp

_ _ _ -I Ft IT L'xample. -she enjoys IO

p an to

___ h, For rxyniplL, she Is witling to IrnJ her frteflds mond)' it lliev for It___ c For tMimpV. she takes timcofT Ui u k e L"jn_ of J .sick lir.mtlrin x h tT , .___ ik For CKHnp](.hshe inlw:tyj. itiiics rf there IS SEsythLTtjj .she cun dfi Fur her friends. 3- Shopping online num.1t'OrtVeniem Than stjtK )>pin> Jt a dcpartmenl Ktijfr. ___ a Y (M J can shop online at any titrv oJ thi? day. ____ h, V(KJ cun c a m iw t prices 31 iXiVtral store* when \hopptny ininc.L . _ _ _ c VfHi cvinntjt luvch the fabric o f die dothe* you Uftlct. 0- StaLt? stnj dll nfH I t n t siuiiliTW,
(J leu V CV T JL K huuMi*

you will stnu O 1 B 44

I. Reading is an important way |t> practice J nfft lanpuagt. ___ _ a For tnsunw. n s d h it linprtmcs M Kihulin'. ___ b For tnsunoe. it is tdifiojlt lo Icam a new bnguLv ___ c. ro r tm u n a:. n a tlb ii fKlp^ peopli- b m cntciv-t; iMinrtv.
____ tl For Insismee, ivadinR iiitfjus you to praiiH.v II .W hngu;tge.

Pan s


^ Tlit hinti . 1 ____ e

my son helped esil11 lx.vtJiriLj more puiienL J exffiiw i! frill Arum'S uitwt (d N s.iy healthy for my so/i M llS for bow s holding hLru in. ni>r Jmi' unlilhe tell ileep J IttJ If) spend up to IWU \mum trying tn Feed turn.

____ Is. 3 II.n lJ u.> sit

____ J. when ht M S older. ] .vent (ft illi^'ic* ft'iih him. Fxgrrise 2 W riting sp-edft^ ex a m p les li'rilc two exjjiipies a* sup porting deiaila for Cdtll o f Ilit fol!(fflinfi topic sen ten ces J (JiJkTie Mutlenrs h:nv :j stuvAifiil Itfe.

1. T hcivait many :idv-jrtU|ie?sKi fwtn.^of)(.rizJ

My hi^li sch<xt[ yturs Utrt* 1 1m IVM lime of my life

1 \l\ t^ptflcncis will* o impiiii fH i.iyl-1 lU L -n (niflralinji

S T.Lkirvq :i v*rarinn on llie Ivjc Ii t? ;i Inn of fun


Using the simple present

f jjm p le le the FoUtwinK se n te n c e s w ith In fo n n ^ rio u that in clu d es !l siEiipIc p rc s e m ten se verh.

J. Writing ;t (piod paragraph _________ _______ ______________________

2, ilajTifuf drivers _ _ ____________________________________________

3. A tourist._______________________________________________________

I, My licmielown________________________________________ > _ A lien) ______________________________________ 6l My tell phonu____________________________________ ________


1"nit i: Example L J.ir.l,UripilS

uwcjse J

Practicing subject verb agreement

C om plete citch MiiienLi; w fih Ihe c o r r t n form o f :i p n e s tn tense vtrfa below. WlKkS'W i'aUih drives drive dofti rw MHiyve do rKi agree shares share pL'rinnn^'ix.'ri'nrrtl studies study
. Hi w o rk [ [ ^ l i e r at I k w :

1. I Litold and Run____________ __

iVL-k f a w e e k .

2. My favtjriie ha rui every year-




S I . U r f :tir

V H i e p r e s id e n t cjf ih t- c w jj^ n iy n ik tm

______________ W lLtl [III!

. n *i much itk ^ in n .

eiHiuninee's M onnntadiiinn. I. One (jCmy sisierv_____________


Gtnad-i and ilie I rilled Sillies

__________li lwirder. Hnglish jntt econuQlks Jt

6. H e __________________________

the university,

cK^TCtse 5

Editing a paragraph
Head th e p in ij^ ip h , f o r r e tl [lie m istflji w ith p resen t tense vfrhs.

There ire eight miMiiko.

The most important quiiliiy o f a friend is honesty. An honest friend never lie itioui anything. She id i you, for csanrpk^ if she i;rt:c-

v-iiK vliu on an issue. When you ^sk for artvice, she tel is vou ihe truth even when it is difficult. When you usk\ an honest friend's opinion about the clothes you are wearing to a p;my, she tells you if they ure inappropriate. If you docs something bad, iihe do noi hesitate to give you sincere feedback. Thi>* honesty result in trust between you and your friend. In -hurt, honesty iire ihe most important characteristic that I took for in a friend.

I'jri 5 7 1

t|MED WRITING: 4S minutes Ul'rttc 311 cxam pk paragraph nn the to p k below . Before you begin ti> wrilt, review llic following time manajicmeni mrattg). !X*crlbe your ideal Knjilish ((.-.tL'llel Whal is lu^ rir her most import JM characteristic?

Step 1

B R A IN S T O R M IN G : ^ m i n u t e s

What characteristics must a good Entijish t c a d w have? Urite down as many o f these d u n ctcfiiitjk s you con In the b o \ or on a separate piece of paper. Ilien chtKwt one characteristic tliat is die must Impiirtant to yon, and w rilr four specific c x s n ip l for die ch>HCftH$(ic.


1"nil 3 Exmnpfe Paragmplk?,

Step 1

OUTUNING: 5 minutes Vt'ritp an otiilint for your ijuniynpli. Topic S e n te n c e

Supporting Sentences
Example l ________


Exampie 5

Eiam plfc 4:

C o n c lu d in g S e n te n c e

Step 1

WRITING: 25 minutes

Hat: your brainstorming nolts mul Oinline lit write your firsl drafl on a separate piccc o f paptT.



Step 4

EDITING: 10 minutes
W hen you have fin ish ed y o tir firsi draft, ehcck It for m falakes, Lisinn th e fhtrklLM hckrvv. M ike u iy cb njtt-' nccesMry.

Put a check { / ) 35 ap p rop riate. 1. Does the t a p s sentence introduce tne topic 3Hri contain a controlliftg ides?


D oes the paragraph irKude ip ecifit examples to Irelo Ih rM LULT u nteivand ii'O L ir point of view?

L : 3. Do the examples support tKe toptc and cofiifolling idea?

n 4 D oes the paragraph bave topic M fitene? 5 Did you use p resell i n ie YPrt corre c lu

3 condud

n) sen ten ce tha resttes the

6- 9 all W ie subjects and vb agre?

L ' 7 Pid you capitaliza the firt letler of each sentence and nul en punctuation at T h e find?

Topics for Future Writing

1. Write an exam p it paragraph on one o f the following topk>, A good physician Y u u t (avixrtte rc(;ivc A prtMdeni prime minuter >ou would voie for The worst w.iiler 2, interview a frkiid, iLiism atc, or ir U th r aboul hi* or her vltw s on o n e o f the topics above. Jake notes during ihe interview to use for your pitr^M ph. Then write ;in exam ple paragraph on one o f the topics above, hut from a friend's point view.


I!nit j-1-sim ple Parjprjph.s

Process Paragraphs
Unit Goals Rhetorical focus
proccss organization

Language focus:
using time order words in proccss paragraphs using imperatives modal* o f advice, ncccssity, and prohibition

Stimulating Ideas
A pfQCCfl |)ra^rjph explains turn lu do som ething step by MtL p. Tlie reader should be able to follow Ihe sie|is to get a desired result.

Exercise I

Thjnking about the topic

Discus* ib e picture with a partner.

NTlUI < !< siiti s: l- ill Ml - |iltlurvl

hat is llfctr p i f i v *1 tli > in g ? W li> ?

* \Fhat tk> you liunk lit person should do r a ' Why? Hn e v'ui evL-r hecn frightened by another cit-ailllc? F ajjIuhi whj' ,ind what happened Exercise 2^_ Reading about the topje Sharks som etim es Attack swimmers or Cuba divers In the ocean. What is the most important thing lo do if a shark attacks you?

76 1 nn i Piocev. iMrajy-.ipti:;

How to Fight Off a Shark

M oil shaik attacks occur near land, typically near or between sandbars where sharks fepd Alecks a-SO happen :r areas with steep drop-offs Sharks gather in ihcse reas because heir natural prey ls there Alm -Dst any large sr'aik around si* tw?i or loiger m total le'igth, is a danger to humans If a shark is Coming iowanj you or attacks you. use anything you have in your possession to hit the shad's eyes or gills These are the areas most -ensiii^ to pajn. Mane quldk, sn^rp, repeated jabs m these areas. Sharks are predators ind w iEI usually cnly fclioW through on an attack if ihey hav* the advantage, so making the shark unsure of its advantage m any way oossble will 'iicrease your chance* of survival Contrary to popular opsnion, "he si^a^'s nose is not the area to attack, unless you cannot reach the eyes or gills. Hittjng the shaK simply :*!Js ii that you are not defenceless ll a shsrSt shciw^ itself to your it might just be curious and may swim on and leave you atone. If you are under the surface and lucky enough to see an attaching hhart then you do have a good chance of defending yoursell :f the shark ^ not too large

^i.ntThaf; pn undeiWSlB Nil J m p d r t jtci rf Uie im'iin w htw I fit Ijml Jj;K jn-n >inkk'n^ prtiyL j jjCThLir ir jninut |M 1+ hunttJ fi;. .irl'il Iict .iimmijJ slm k>CJ[nl 1 r iLUic sk k lu f tlUrk* ttur sJnu' niL-rti ' <tur^Mi

Il th : ,i

I.',l L hliriv

(H cLklty

ilu u r





p r v d a m i r : A p t f t r w u j r u t f o a l t h a i S iu rtt*

n:!k-r Imiljj l'SeJLuct* lur N .hjlI ai-fco'icltss: un.lhlr H I (5nJ[n:l lhmjscII

Exercise 3

Understanding the text


Write r for true or F fur false for i'ach

____] ____ i

Sliark> l t Hilt d o * : n.] Ijnti w | urn Hi try ure In i n ^ n . Shark?, ahvay* jfueJi p e o p le w h o a te for i w i y innn ih t lic*idi-

____ 3- VtaHt durftf ^i[\ not aii^k liuonra.

____ i ll" s attacks you, you sh o u ld In: ii Ln rhL- m iw . ____ 3 If 1 -ftthi aces whi. it w ill p fobaltly tuck \lju.

Pan I


Ejf^rr iw 4

Res ponrfi ng to the text

Write y o u r an sw ers fo r each question in full sentences. Then discuss yo u r an sw ers w ith a partner,
1. You are ^wirmiung and vou >ee ;l sil:i rk t'om inji Low ard you V d m should

you do?_____ ______________________________ _ ___________ _______

2 Whai should you nut tin?

3, Vflien y o u are cli<^ins ,i pl.ice to wjm or >*uki dive. v I lit .soft of places should you
m ay
jw jv

from ? ___________ __________________________________ __ ______

Jjcercisc' 5

Write for leu minutes on the topic below, Express yourself .* well a> you eon. Don't worry about making mistakes.
to jjer out of j M [u;sri<m . Thinfmi .^Niieitiniffihat you Etnmv hem to do ttui mijiht Ixhelpful Irj someone else, li does ntH Imc tt) Ik: Jil emeiltcncy 'itualiori It can lxsomeihing .simple sudi packing a suitcase or i.li_i njcin>: die oil in a car. ConskkT the ft i|l<n\ mu question* a* y<u w ile

How ic Rglll Off a Murk" expblin* the Steps you shtiukl wke

\x IM l is the liwk? What wi|] >he ie>ull l*v Whui tltj> vou need to do fin? Second? 'Child?
W hal n h o uld y<3U a vokl d u in j'*

learn about procevi organization brainstorm idea* and specific vocabulary to use in your writing. create an outline for your proce paragraph.


l nil 4: Pmctss Parjgrap1i>


Brainstorming and Outlining

[n th is im lu you will w rite a p ro cess p a ra g ra p h nlK>ut so m e th in g you km how lo d o that m ight be h elp fu l id so m e o n e c is t.
: :TCiseJ_

S ra nstormingjdeas

Review y o u r freew ritln g ex ercise. T hen d o th e follow ing, A. T hink o f winH1 task s :tnd activities th a t you d o often . W rite th em in th e c h a rt below . Then select o n e o r tw o that a r e prot$vs th a t re q u ire >Tcp<. Finally, p u t a ch ec k n e x t to th o se activities th a t m ight be good limpies fo r a p rtn 'ess p arag rap h .

Tasks and actrvitites



W eekends

B. D escribe o n e o f th e task* o r activities in th e c h a n to a p artn er.

Part 2


Exercise 1

ftrainrtorming vocabulary
A* Circle the words that you might Like to il In your writing. Then add two or three words to each list.
Measure a loot, a pouna, a tablespoon,


a kmfe, a hammer, a pencil, a pair of scissors,


a container, a bucket, a bottto, a bowd,


a screw, a wire, a h o o i, a tube,


dirt, shells, bones, iw*gs, the cap, the lidr

H, On a s i-p ira ti p ic te o f pa per, m r v n r o b u k r y from (he t h a n to wriiu five KOtvnoes about y o u r p ro tfs^ .

Rhetorical Focus
Process Organization
A pm ccH |'.ii,Lnn;Lj>h iltstiilx 's the steps neccssary to perform a prnccss or task. Topic S e n te n c e * The topic sentence iniroducei the process lhat the writer will explain,
S u p p o r t in g S e n te n c e s

* The middle sentences describe a sequence o1 step-, that give detailed mftjrmation about trie stages of the proctss. Toese sentences may also give bdckoround details, rhat help define the process for [he reactor or explain why ttics p n x e si is useful of rnxessary Supporting sentences may also include ihe tool? needed for the task


Limn i h o i c .\ i rarJKraph>i

Concluding Sentence
* Tilt* paraarapti e n d * W ith a concluo'ing sentence itia r Testa;es The topic

sentence ujEni] different irtiQ F tls

* Th -. sen ieru e

n a y also include a suggestion or warning to help the reader

do Ths rask mane easily.

Eaencto 3

Rea d Sng a student pa rag rap h

R e a d L ilt p a r a g r a p h , W T u J < to e s T h e w o r d r o y a lty " in I littil I f r e f e r TO?

Koyalty in your Garden

Roses arc royalty among fkiWffS* Many people say (Jiey Lire as difficult to maintain as king* and qucen>, hm arc actually unite

easy u> yio vt. All you need is a shovel and a few simple steps. In faL-tr ^rowing rosts tail actually be fun. l-'irst, go to a nursery to (Hjrgliest die rose pi inis. Vou wilt probably see man} beautiful varieties, hail il i* best Lo thoose Lsnly iwo or thra: ioia; I m l m to ^tan with. You should liIso purchase potting s<ti| jtrwl rose food, Aftur you bring your rose plants home. look for a vumiy -.pot in your garden because rosesi tovc sunshine. Then dig a deep bole wiih a shovel and lllL lL j tittle polling toil and rose food, Ncm. transplant y o u rro s fi from th^ pot


garden. Co^er (be rooi> with mote polling soil and then give jo u r nev roses a big drink of walor. A,> long a* They have Minshine and water, jo u r io>c> will stay healthy all summer. When winter comes, your noses will lose Their howers and leaves and look dead. As a result, you might iliink about discarding llieni. Do not do thal. Instead this b the best tim e io prune lhem. Cul o il Hie thin stems with garden shears so Lhat Jhe bush ceui become stronger ihe next spring. If you continue to iplic L-;ine of your tu scs er ibis simple way, they will produce beautiful flowers ye?r after ycfl.r.

Pun J

Exercise 4

Analyzing the student paragraph

A. Respond to the paragraph by answering tile question* below In hill sentences, 1. Why arc sotnc people jlr.iid to grow rose piursts?____ _____________

2, What do n*-es need io lie heslibv?

.4 VV'lui luppeivi tr rose ptartw in the winter?

i Do you Jcel cwifidcil! that t, oil cnutd raise mtie* :ifter reading this paiagrjph? Why or why run?_______________ ___________________________________ _

ft, F xainine [lie o rganization n f die p arag rap h by an sw erin g d ie qufStlon> b cltm . Then c o m p Jf l - yo u r an sw ers w ith ii p artn er. 1. i ndeftlne the topic sentence. Which of iln.- following tfiitenients l>esL describes ILie m;tin Idea of rhe paragraph? (Check one.)

Roses a lt very spflitlL fkiwer*.

____h, Crowing mscs Is easy. ____ c. Hoses arc difficult to grow, 1. Wlikti nr' ihe following type-. cl deiaih does the writer intlude in the paragraph? (Clieck all that apply. I ____ a ihe loots lh:U are ncofrttury 1 1 If growing rose'. ____ h. warnings about what nut to do when (PDwing n^ses ____ v Meps dxa gardener* nhmitd u k c when growing rose* ____d. die result of (he task 3. [Underline ilte tondudingseniencc twice. Which statement hdow 1h;m dcM rilx*s die concluding sentence? (Check t me k ____ ,i h h a w j mtog alxml what can go wrong when growing r o w . __ _ h. h tells llie expected result of (he procL's.1 ____ C- ll is J summary of the main isteiis.


l'n jM : Ip rcKtss 1 J.irjgrap)>v

tae^ise i

W riting an outline

Ht'vlew villirtirjiitMurilLil); iiUvLv am! valif I n w r itin n c ic r c lw , t'tltn use tlit t h a n below to w rite m (mtllm- f w y o u r process parflKnjplL

Topic Sentence

S u p p o r t in g S e n t e n c e s
Background informal*!

Step i : ____________ . Swp 2:____________ Slep J; Step 4 ___________


Step 5; ______

Concluding Sentence

In Part 3 you w ill...

* loam T OUHi time Order wdrrfe :n a prows? paragraph, * w rite 0 first draft Of your proceM paragraph.

Part 1 83

Developing Your Ideas

Exercise i Reading a student paragraph
Read tile paragraph, Wliat is the s t i m nteni toned in (he title?

The Secret to a Successful Vacation

Imagine that you art on vacation at ihe beach, anti you nfien your sulicafie 10 discover ihat you have forgotten your sw im su it? This and other disasters and Jnconvenicoccs can be avoided if you follow certain steps when puckinj; i'uLir suitcase. The first step is tn review your travel plans ami activities. Make a list and save it that you can check

your item^ before ytm leave, Next, uather the items you will need for your activities. Remove any item that is not necessary. Try Jo mix and match fewer pieces of clothing and shoes by choosing a color or colors thai match. Third, you are ready to pack. Start with large items such as books or shoes.. Stuff your shoes vuih extra socks to save spare. Then place shties in plastic bag* and fit them into the comers ot ynur suitcase. There should be plait) of room for the clnthcs. To avoid wrinkles, layer yuur clothcs and rol! them up. Pul the rolls o f cloth mg into the suitcase. Then pul in the smaller items, Finally, before you d ose your suitcasc. cheek your list. Make sure you bave uni forgotten your swimsuit! Many people like to swim while they are on vacation, h is worthwhile to lake your time u hen \ ou pack your suitcase because a ^ell-packed suitcasc is the secret to a good travel experience.

Ewrose 1

A nalyzing th e s tu d e nt p a raqraph A. R espond to th e p arag rap h by answ ering th e qu estio n s below in hill sentences. 1. is it impcjftjril to vtew travel plans?__________________ ____

84 t ni'l i i'noLess p.iraj-wpks

vt II.Il smIk- L Ili iih lTS snit^y for piLL'kinK "n" :i (i."w |1dcLj.Hlu'ckrthinfl?

3. \V]i;Li items does [he author suggest pulling in due jiuUcaw first? Why?

I. w 13.I1 L S u K' ton siep in p ackuim y SLAiicjK.-r

u. Examine tbfc i^ iniuiii o f [he paragraph bysnsworJr(t rlic

ijucMioiu Iferkm- Tlitn COOpJr your p q w e n It Mi 1 pAitn.

Korcad till- fir*< twi.J sen lent s. V i-i Ill'll omj is itiL * ItipL " sen IL -raze? Write It here,

r?dw te auilit

[fcLk}i_HJrtd irtLttfiiiadon

U L-l ri11- fjmcew is

LmpTjnl or Usful? Ir >n. A'Ji.il L1 - ihn? hatkjpmjJ infnnnulin?

. How mny Steps cm vou tdfidJf)1in K .' protvssi___________________


'S'? ;H k ilkli* u i

tlt)Ca th e a u th o r p n w k t f to suppiJrt tliL- JU L-pS in

d>e pfOOiS?

. Hind (.T h.: scflicnrc that s unrelated to the ljrpk nmd <Jrcv J lne (hnnigSi 1 1 .
6. I m k-rlini: the L 'iriL-JutUnt; scnth-iiLL-1 me. [Vn;s n I fh(.i HM h f I o ll Svntuiee?

Explain your answer.

ljrt 3 35

language Focus
Using rim e Order Words in Process Paragraphs TlnM; order words k-l! ihe order o f step.'; in a p ro test. Vou c a n use first and second uj indicase the first w o siL-ps in a p ro e e ^ . Lsc next, then* taler, nr (tfi^rtbax to add m ore steps, Fi) tatty m arks the last siep In ihe ymjetiss.
First. make list.

Second, select your cioihes. Hext. pl^ce your sh o e s in the corners

T hen ananq^ your cfothe> in neai layers.

Later, add last minute tens such


A fte r th a t, roll the clolhes to void wnnM ts Finally, check your I or any forgotten i[em s

A Thun ls not follow ed by .< . i-.mnn

ConnecUiii link tw o d m se * toi-cthei Q jnneetors like before and aft or can also function as time order w ords w hen they link two srepts Ln j
p ro cess. B efore you ctosu your ctiecV- youi list.

Begin u a ciin g a fte r you have eliminated all unnecessary items.

Exercise 3

Using t ime order words to id en tifyjh e sequence of steps

Number [Jie steps in [lie following process according to how they should he followed. Use the time order words to help yuu decide the correct order, ]i i ejsv

lim* a yrwjd dinner party ii yrju Follow some easy steps.

____ it Nexi, make u list tif people llul yuu woukl like to invite ___ h. After ymtr house Is dean, >411 chopping for RkkI. flowers and tIet.Knotion* ____ c. Then make j funny or pretty Inviliiikin and email ii to your friend* ____, d. Ftruilh, tum tin the nliKlC, and waft for the fun to Ixgin. _____ c . Before die gue^s amve. dccncute the house, ^ t the mWe, and take

j shower,
____ f. After you have everything you need plan u inu-al and make surt you ean eook most Lif it beforr your guests arrive. ____p A few days before die party, snirt eleanmg your lKXise. ____ h. Firs*, choose an approprime date .it least rwo weeks before s3iv party
86 I nit -i: P n k v * Pj mgi-jphs

Exercise 4 _ Practicing with time order words

Head th e following prtmsniplii. Fill in th e blanks w ith ap p ro p ria te time o rd e r w ords. R em em ber to uh - p ro p e r punctuation. One big challenge Ihat many people like is running in a marathon. A marathon is ;i race that i* over 26 mite-., so it is very hard to complete the rate. If you wanl (u run Ihe entire course, ynu have to train diligently,____________ buy a good pjiir of tom tom Me running shoes. Then begin your running practice at least sin months ____________ you ran in ihe race. Try to run three to six miles at t least four Times a week. You csiust also slrelch before and after a run Jo avoid light m uscles.____________ your liody is accustomed to longer i runs, you can work on your sirength by doing sprints, or short fast ran s . ______ ______lengthen your runs to ten or 12 miles. Make sure

you drink plenty of water when ynu go on longer runs because it is important for your muscles. When ihe day of the nice is close, cheek your shoes. Ynu might need a new pair. The ni^hi before you race, eat a lot of carbohydrates, They will stive you energy for the tig day. ____________ on Lhe day o f the race, get up early and drink plenty of water. You shmild feel confident, \tmng. and ready to ao.

P.m 5


Exercise 5

Writing t he steps in a process

Head the following topic. With a partner, write some important steps in the process. l x appropriate time order word*.
Trjpk\ ] tow to Ijiiv j used tvr
_ _____________________________________ Stop ] : ________________________ _


Slep i:

Slirp i

Exercise 6

Writing a first draft

Review your outline. Then writ* your first druit o f a process paragraph about sDiiii'lhinf! you know how lo do that might be helpful to som eone else.

Exercise 7__ Peer editing a first draft After you write your (trst draft, cschaiiRc it with n partner. Answer the questions on the checklist on pjge B!i You may also write com m ents or questions on your partner's draft. Then read your partner's com m ents on your first draft and revise It as necessary.


t mi 4. Pkkl^ Purjyrjpi'Ls

Editor's Checklist
Put a check W ) as appropriate. Write answers in complete sentence* in the lines provided.
1 D o ih e paragraph have a topic sentence? Can you identify the process the vvnter will describe?

_2. D oes the writer provide background inioim aiion about the process? If
so. w /ite i| here. __________ _________________________________ _

3. Dotfi. The paragraph have tim e or-der word; to help clarity she orrier o< tne steps in The p r o js 1 If 50. winch tim e order words d oes the w rier

use? .

_ 4

D o IN? wr iter ejtpiain w hy thu process is useful or necessary and include the tools n ^ d t'd ? If not, w n ie the mformation that is missing h e r e .______________________ ____________________________

_ 5. Does Lhe concluding sentence restate the mam idea m Ihe topic sem ence or give a suggestion or warning

* le a m a b o u t im peratives.

* 'earn to identify and use madals of advice, necessity, and prohibition.

* e d i t y o u r first drjFt for mistakes.

Furr 3 89


Editing Your Writing

Now that you have written a first draft, it is time to edit. Fditing involves making u lia t i^ to your writing to im prove it acid correct m isU k .

Language Focus_____________________________________________
Using Imperatives
Use Imperative .scnicnutbt to lve Instructions. dircctifns, or to tell step in 4 process. * The verb m an Imperative iddre.vse.s the redder w listener dirccily.

The imperative uses the bsie form of ihe verk

An ini|X'raiivt.4 sentence docs nt>i require 3 subject, bul the subject JWI i> jtways Emptied. Hold the fisning rod gently m your righi har.ti Be yu ct or you may disturb the fi& fl

lr or ji negative imperative, iio not. Do nol let you - fir.ijer g et Mughrt in (he strirvy

Exercise 1_ Identifying imperatives

Pul a check next 10 the- Imperative sentence*.. / 1. Buy a good quality tjipe-

____ 1. ll L > ini|>jn:in[ in .sun early in llw mommy 10 avoid tlic lte-ji.

___ 3. tiei down on your luncll ukI knees and crawl uniter the .smoke. ____ 1 . Try not to >;et chili powder in your eyes. ____ S. You should .isk j prafcssjuruL 10 dispose of ilic used motor otl ___ < ). 'Wish i^mr left Jurtd. Krjl' UlO tvd handle J.fhJ pull il
_____ " G e ttin g < > vu o f j tra ffic

Jin is


too drlTiculi if yo u

fo llo w

ihts procedure.



Process KiMjpiph*

Exercise 2

Practicing with imperatives

H ew rite th e fiEowiii>; seoKHtrtts JIS I m p e n l tv , L II H rtCL-sAiry lo check the htwsc s hack for SlJdlS UDid latcs btff>nr fKJUinj;

[H I (he Sfliljk' blanket

hfir t* hpi-sgfr.iMck far S ite J fld jflgeeta k g f e s pucxmp p n r t g ____ _ Saddle bijnfcet.______________________________________________________ 2. E e is n RfxifJ Jdej to ruj w akrr Ixwtkv irtd pur litem il] ibe ficf T ih r nielli befare.

You sh^nti dress ifl tt.uslftimbLc dohsrtp: jrid sneakers 11r KinhJaU.

i ^ impi,nqn:T in dtbll ycnir iLird dni't |K:riftdicdl}

>- You

rH i f ll t u

le p U w rh t w

- r i L .T i l l i h c


c re rt

H t c li r lw f .

u Ycm 1 1 1L Ih i- H * if.Lw the fin? unaxiL'ndtt]

Language Focus_________________________________ _________

M orais o f A dvice, N e c e s s ity and P roh ibition
SOitt Lirkl ftttast Jnp mKlul rtw , You can U SL- [luxJ.iU to ex.-pre.vs ad v ict, nccM iiv. iiKl pruliibiim n. M tXiUbl Vtfrhii ro m e before il:u host' forrfl iff |]k l Wftv

You shuid Eat KDte Vegetables Advice

You must Atiiv by [hr o'clixfc.

1 5 1pfOOiS* parairaph. II v- ihc rm nJilJ jj&nitfif to lef :ldlJ kc jr T ip s., llhlI for Iteinji mort lLiiLreisulYou should remare ali jewriry betoi'1 W tr!r vwih the ds:


I Jso lht rtiLxhl n/t-Wiii np h lD riiks. :i.[]d Liw* th.1t a f t t a pnxcw Of

Lu f \jla li vjLi]f lE i iII th t is nil1 jlLJtriv rn n -.M ii,

Vbu must wf protective heaJijear r.T c T i yu compete

t->f i/o mil A ^d i-T - Jim lu .sii lb -11 MjniBhJnx is not ijeOL'Ksary.

vbu do not have to pay a fee to enter the museum t e i r t 91

Prohibition In negsthv stiHemenls ol prohibition, u sthihtmld jm J

:m d th e Imm. f- >ntJ -il lin.- v e r b .


wi i h


Vbh should not open me ovf-n while checa^e



must not dunk alcohol

Affirmative Statements with Shoufd indlH uil SUBJECT J VftJ He She It Wf Y O U ^Thev
N eg ative Statem ent* w ith H ave to SUttfECT

Negative Statcntcnti with Should and Must







should must

5he Jt

Should not
m int not



W e Y O U They

1 You He She n We VOu They

do not

does not

h a w to


do rot

Exercise 3

Using mo da Is of advice, necessity, and prohibition

Complete each sem en cc vriih sfoottitl or m u st. Then cip tain your choice or modal. I Ync Should slait e:irly In tht' mtwrnnfi to a\oid llw traffic B ite 15 ttteCC> but it te not J_gecea9fty>----------------------------------------------1. You____________ luvc a iicen-ie to drive- * c.ir


1 1in -i Pr<>. -i4 ss Pjaj;raphs

5. Y w

nrA hnnggunj; imo riie airport.

V tm I-'ilk [3fL"<J- Vrm ______________

a tfO th J I ^ t h t i s l e e p

5. Yt*i_____________ nm Jcavc &hafry alone in j bathtub.

Exercise 4

Practicing with modal verbs

L.tc mod L iI vtrbf- ( write om- nffinnaiivr and on? neaalivF HTJlcnce about each rpk. 1. Babysitting You shouLj about tfig child's baJEiinffi.
cuTij^fc_________________________ Yciu ruu&t ot if-g^ tftff.-shM
2 . C h a jiflin ^ j

N^it bulb

3. A p p ly in g fo r a |u b

J. T a k in g a te st

Driving in the: rain

Exercise ^

Editing a paragraph

Read die pa rajjrapJ i and rorrpct any mistake* with imperative?, or with .In m ill or Wit St. There are seven m is t a k e People who ant scriuii> about managing tlieir titne better .nliuuld foltCwiny ihis pafOceduTie. [1 win hi:Ip you to have mure control ovtr

your lime. First, you need to figure oui how you actually spend your time. You make 1 1a> t o f all tlie dungs you dn daily, Wniin^ down how
ninth lime you spend on each diitiy. Include activities like latkm^on
P.trt 4 93

the telephone or buying a cup i>f coflFec, Your list will be quiio long. Tlic-n find iltc activities thill you cun eliminate from your daily routine. It may tv hard to ^ive up a trip to the coffee shop. boil you can do ft. You must Eoinii to work, su v< hi cannoi eliminate that item, but you will probably find other items that are not nceosary, Yn-u sfwuld Jrojjpcd those unnecessary activities to mate tune for more important Things. Nc\t, prepare a schedule for yourself. Beinj: realistic about 1he lime of day you choose for certain activities. Make a schedule ihm you can follow, Nol try110 clo too much. If you follow Llie^e steps and manage your schedule carefully, you will have :t happier, more organized life.

Exercise 6

Editing you r first draft Review y o u r p arag rap h fo r m istakes. Lise th e checklist below . Then w rite a final draft.

Put a check (/ ) as appropriate.


t 2 3

Did you use imperatives to give instructions or directions? Did you use sfiouto' to give tips and advice? Did you u w m utt to explain rules or necessities? Did you use

not w ith

a modal ta express urafiiintions? explain that som ething ts

I . I 5. Did you use

do not haw? to to

not necessary? 6 Did you c a p it a ls the first letter of each sentence and put end punctuation at the end?

h i P n rf 5 y o u w i l t ...

review th e e le m e n t of

d process paragraph,

practicc writing with a time limit.

94 Lnit 4. tJixweji.s hirjjyuphi


Putting It All Together

In this p:irt o f the unit, von will com plete three exercises 10 improve* your accuracy, write A timed paragraph lo improve your fluency, and thru tuition- topics fr future writing,

Exette 1

Using time order words

Read ihi- follow ing paragraplL FLU lil t k blanks with Appropriate lim e order words from die box. Use eac h word once. Remember io use proper punctuation*
ih m .w iu n d flrx*llvr


n est

A lransai is u mu ill ticc planted in a poi, It tomes Trent the Japanese culture, but it is now u hobby of many people iround the world, A hon^ai is living art. anil how it looks depends (in 'our tasie and skills. To creatc u tx.>ns;ii, it is imponant to follow lhcse siep s.___________ choose a tree that suits your merest ;s[>d ilie local ion where it will be kept. Some irees do better inside the house and some look healthier outside. The ievc must be young and hjg enough to resemble n mature tree. The si/c o f die irce could be between 10 to 100 cenlimeiers. depending cm vour t= tssc.______ _ find a pot ihat is the righi (viiic

fnr the tr e e .____________cut two-diird.s off the roots uf the iree in j. urder to slop Hs natural gm w th.. ______ pm (be hnpisai m die

pot und add did fortified with minerals. ____________ give the bonsai a natural shape wnh special clippers, Creating a bonsai requires sornu lime jnd patiencc. bui it is certainly worth Ihe effort.

ftin S 95

Exerdse 2

Using imperatives

Rewrite the following scntcona a > . imperatives.

t. Ychi must buy -i fpxiJ fishing rad

1. Yul* lihouL! wjm die p,uk;ni liefoic you

him an tntectHrfi

3, L lis riL-oeNmry lo speak English wil^ Vur classmates

4 Vou need to iy|xr in your lou*Ui in and puftrwanl.

S. You need tl" i inn lowly :l i Lsrsl.

Exercise^ Using s h o u ld and must

{.ampli'te each Kntcmcc w iih sJjanUi or m u sl. I hen explain your choice or m odal

You_______________ _ very poUie.

not begin eiilimi unlU lhc h w l t t t doe.*, It is not

Vntt viiu. Do rn ir hjryrt1

arrive on time. <ir the bu;l will lejve w itlioul

ntrt wail until [lie ]jm minute u> pack.

You warm day.

drink pienLv of waier when v<iu exerdse on n

|n line sutes. you

he 18 years old to drive.


W rtle a prflccw paragraph that cxpkiiiu lhc sltp s for th ixw in g a special gift for som eone you love. Before you begin to write, review die following Unie management strategy.


I-nit-i Process Par.igroph5

['E i ink about som eon e that you h aw bntighi a spot Lai gHt lor. Write down tb*-- glO tli-it you c h o w Lind limv ;on decided lo buy ft. Try- to Uilnk o f Uiree o r fo u r s ic p s thai djcsrrilK the prooc;,;;. Think o f r e a iM fj) ibnt l-j c I i step k L i i ] | ) o i i a j L [ and w r J c e down (he reasons,

Step 2

QUTLIH1NC: 5 minutes
W rttr iin o JtU llC for ) W r paragraph.

Topic Sentence

S u p p ortin g S en ten ce
Background information-

Step I

Step 3

Concluding Sentence

Step 3

WRITJNGr 25 minutes
Use yo u r b rain sto rm in g nores an d o u tline to w rite y o u r lirsi drul'i o n a separate piece o f pu per.

Pint 5 97

Step 4 _ EDITING: 10 minutes

VFhtn you h a v e f in L s h d p u r firsl dm fl. check il fo r m b u k t s , u sin g th e

checklist bekrw,

Put a check (/) a s ap p rop riate.

1 Does t t e topic sentence tell '.vtijt the task is?

Does the topic sentence coH ain a controlling idea?

. 3. Da the supporting sentences include a sequence of steps that give detai^d information. background details, and ih e lo d * fleeced the task? 4. Did ymi use time order words to s e p t a t e the steps? Z- 5 Did you u ie imperatives to give direction or instruclions'i . 6, Did you use rrodaSs lo express advice, necessity, arid prohibitions? D 7 D oes ih e concluding sentence offe* a suggestion or warning to help ttie reader do lh e ta A nwre easily? 8. Did you capitalize the (rst letter of each sentence and put end punctuation at the end


Topics for Future Writing 1. V t rilc a p m c i'ss para)>r]ih cm o n e o f ilic folknvinfl lopics,
*I Jm v to o b u tln a d r iv e r 's heerw e *Hovk' |o field a liflLtse tir a p a rtm e n t few re n l *I f e w lo liiriA v a su rp rise b irth d a y p a rty f o r a frie n d

*How lo pluy a video |ym e 2. l i i l t n ifw a friend, classm ate, o r relative to le a n t how to do vomci hlng. Take notes d u rin g ih e Intcn'E Lo use fo r yo u r p r .i^ m p h , T hen w rile a process p aragraph, ex p lain in g lh c sleps lo y o u r reader.


Unit i Ph jc o s ftirjjiraphs

Opinion Paragraphs
Unit Goals
Rhetorical Focus
o p in io n o rg an izatio n using reaso n s to s u p p o rt an o p in io n

Language Focus:
u sing there is/there are to in tro d u c e facts u sin g because o f an d because to give reaso n s


Stimulating Ideas
In a n o p in io n p a r a g r a p h , th e w r ite r e x p r e s s e s a n d s u p p o r ts a n o p in io n o n a p a r tic u la r to p ic o r issu e. T h e w r ite r m u s t g iv e r e a s o n s th a t h e lp p e r s u a d e th e r e a d e r to a g re e w ith h im o r h er.

Exercise 1

Thinking about the topic

D iscu ss th e p ic tu re w ith a p a r tn e r . Describe the picture. Whai kinds of natural beauty do you see? How might the natural landscape affect the people w ho live here?

Would you like to live in a place like this? Why or why not?
Exercise 2

Reading about the topic

T h e a u t h o r o f th is e s s a y e x p la in s w h a t h e th in k s m a k e s S eattle a s p e c ia l p la ce. W hy d o e s th e a u th o r lik e S eattle s o m u ch ?


Unit 5; O pinion Paragraphs

City with a Gray-Green Heart

I think o f S ea ttle as having a gray-green heart. It is a city shaped by nature, a city o f snow -covered m ountains, sparkling glaciers, and blue lakes. It has been called "A m e ric a 's M o st D yn am ic C ity," th e "N o . 1 C ity o f the Fu tu re ," and "A m e ric a 's A th e n s " by three m ajor U .S. publications. Bu t w h y has a to w n th a t is so far a w a y from the nation's m ajor p o w e r centers a ttracte d so m uch a tte n tio n ? The a n sw e rs m ay lie in Seattle's yo u th fu l en e rg y and its scenery. Seattle began as a w ild pioneer to w n , and its en erg y con tinu es in vigorous political activity and in th e q uiet creation o f m ore m illionaires per capita than an y o th er urban area in th e U nited States. Th rough six g eneratio ns o f gold seekers, lumberjacks, teachers, fisherm en, airplane builders, and so ftw a re inventors, w e all share th e feeling that living here is an ad venture. You w o u ld be hard-pressed to find a city as beautiful as Seattle. T h e O lym pics and C ascad e M o u n ta in s, M o u n t Baker and M o u n t Rainier, a lo n g w ith Lake W a s h in g to n and Puget S o u n d , all offer spectacular view s. The S p ac e N eed le pokes up over Q u ee n A n n e Hill, an d the Lake W a s h in g to n Ship C an al shimmers across the n a rro w w a ist of th e city. Becau se o f this m ag n ificen t natural landscape, people are both calm and yet energized as if th e y shared a feeling th at S e a ttle is a place o f unlim ited possibility. Rogers, J. W. Seattle (Adapted) Portland: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company. 2006

glaciers: rivers of ice pioneer: early .settler in a natural area per capita: compared lo the rest of the population

lumberjacks: workers who cut down trees for wood hard-pressed: challenged poke up: lo stand shim m er: to shine with a soft light

Exercise 3 Understanding the text

W rite T fo r tr u e o r F fo r false fo r e a c h s ta te m e n t. ____ 1. The author lives in Seattle. ____ 2. Seattle is a major pow er cen ter in the world. ____ .3. Seattle is a go<kJ place ____
fo r

p eo p le w h o have n scn.sc



i. Many Seattle residents are involved in politics.

------ 5. There are beautiful views o f m ountains and w ater in Seattle.

Pan 1


Exercise 4

Responding to the text

W rite y o u r a n s w e r s to th e q u e s tio n s in full s e n te n c e s . T h e n d is c u s s y o u r a n s w e rs w ith a p a rtn e r.
1. What are sortie o f the characteristics o f t he people o f Seattle?______________

2. What did you learn ab o u t the history of Seattle from this text?

3. W hat arc so n ic o f ih c natural features o f th e Scuttle urea?

4. Would you like to visit this city? Why o r why not?

Exercise 5

W rite fo r te n m in u te s o n th e to p ic b elo w . E x p re s s y o u r s e lf as w e ll as y o u c a n . D o n t w o rry ' a b o u t m a k in g m ista k e s . In City with a Grey-Green Heart," the author writes about a city with natural beauty and youthful energy. What do you look for in a city? Describe the features of a city that wOuld be perfect for you. W hat practical conveniences does the city have? (e.g., housing, jobs, transportation?) H ow d o es it look o r feel? W hat entertainm ent, sports, o r opportunities for fun are there?

In Part 2 you w ill...

learn about opinion organization. brainstorm ideas and specific vocabulary to use in your writing. create an outline for your opinion paragraph.


Unit 5: O pinion Paragraphs


Brainstorming and Outlining


In th is u n it, y o u w ill w rite a n o p in io n p a r a g r a p h a b o u t a c ity o r to w n th a t y o u th in k p ro v id e s a g o o d q u a lity o f life.

Exercise 1

Brainstorming ideas
A. R eview y o u r f r e e w r itin g e x e rc is e . T h e n b r a in s to r m a list o f th r e e p la c e s w h e r e y o u w o u ld lik e to live. G ive tw o o r th r e e r e a s o n s f o r each one.
Ideal places to live 1. Reasons



B. C h o o se th e p la c e th a t y o u w o u ld lik e to w rite a b o u t. A dd o n e o r tw o m o r e r e a s o n s f o r w h y y o u w o u ld lik e to live th e re .

Pan 2


Exercise 2

Brainstorming vocabulary
A. W ith a p a r tn e r , d is c u s s th e m e a n in g o f th e p h r a s e s in e a c h c a te g o ry b elo w . If y o u d o n o t k n o w a w o rd , u se v o u r d ic tio n a r y fo r h e lp . T h e n b r a in s to r m a d d itio n a l w o rd s fo r e a c h c a te g o ry .
tem perate climate beautiful scenery interesting architecture

low unem ploym ent excellent colleges world-class museums

Cost of living
inexpensive restaurants convenient public transportation affordable housing

talented cooks diverse com m unities colorful personalities


S elect w o r d s fro m th e c h a r t a b o v e, in c lu d in g th e w o r d s y o u a d d e d , a n d u se th e m to w r ite five s e n te n c e s a b o u t th e p la c e y o u w o u ld lik e to live. San Francisco has convenient public transportation.

Rhetorical Focus
O pinion O rgan ization
In an o p in io n p arag rap h , th e w riter p re se n ts an o p in io n an d tries to p e rs u a d e read ers th a t the o p in io n is a g o o d o n e. T h e w riter tries to m a k e read ers ag ree w ith him o r her.
Topic Sentence
The topic sentence introduces the topic and states the writer's opinion about the topic.

Supporting Sentences
The middle sentences give reasons that support the writer's opinion. W riters often use facts, explanations, and personal experiences to support their opinion.


I nit 5: O pinion Paragraphs

Concluding Sentence
The last sentence restates the writer's opinion in different words. It also com m ents on the opinion in some way. The concluding sentence som etim es summarizes the main reasons for the writer's opinion.

Exercise 3

Reading a student paragraph

R ead th e s tu d e n t p a r a g r a p h . W hy is Da Lat a p a ra d ise ?

A Vietnamese Paradise
In V ietnam , the best place to spend a honeym oon is the beautiful m ountain city called Da Lat. For many reasons, this rom antic city has the perfect atm osphere fo r a new husband and wife to celebrate their m arriage and plan their future. First o f all, the scenery provides a beautiful setting for w alking and talking. The clim ate is pleasant all year round because it is high above the ocean. S om etim es fog com es in and the city becom es m ysterious and private. At other tim es, the sun shines, and Da Lat is cheerful and lively. T here are beautiful gardens and lovely French colonial architecture. Young couples can w alk along the boulevards in the shade o f tall pine trees. They can sit on benches in the flow er parks and hold hands. In addition. Dal Lat is fashionable. T here are excellent hotels that have special room s for honeym ooners with candles and beautiful decorations. A lso, the streets are full o f activity, so the new lyw eds can go out to one o f the stylish restaurants that are open until late at night. The lights are soft, and the m usic is rom antic. T he new lyw eds can eat delicious food, listen to m usic, and m eet other young couples in love. Da Lat is the V ietnam ese people's first choice for a honeym oon because it has lovely natural scenery, many rom antic places to stay, and exciting things to do.

Fart 2


Exercise 4

Examining the student paragraph

A. R e s p o n d to th e p a r a g r a p h b y a n s w e r in g th e q u e s tio n s b e lo w in full s e n te n c e s . 1. How is ihe clim ate in Da Lat?______________________________________

2. What activities can h o n eym ooners enjoy in Da Lat?

3. What does the city look like?

-t. What can p eo p le d o at night in Da Lat?

5. Would you like to hav e a honeym oon in Da Lut? Explain.

B. E x a m in e th e o r g a n iz a tio n o f th e e s s a y b y a n s w e r in g th e q u e s tio n s b elo w . T h e n c o m p a r e y o u r a n s w e r s w ith a p a r tn e r . 1. U nderline the topic sentence. Which of the following statem ents best describes the main idea of the paragraph? (C hoose one.) ____ a. Da Lat is the perfect place to have a honeym oon. ____ b. Da Lat is a po p u lar place to have a honeym oon. ____ c. Vietnam is a great place to live. 2. Which of the following reasons d o es th e au th o r use to support her opinion? (C hoose all that apply.) ____ a. the climate ____ b. the reasonable cost o f food and hotels ____ c. the scenery and architecture ____ d. die nightlife ____ e. the transportation


Unit 5: O pinion Paragraphs

3. U nderline the concluding sentence twice. W hich statem ent best describes the concluding sentence? (Choose one.) ____ a. a description o f how the climate of Da Lat is romantic ____ b. a suggestion that the reader have a honeym oon in I)a Lat ____ c. a prom ise that Da Lat will not disappoint the reader ____ d. a sum m ary o f the main reasons w hy Da Lit is a great place to have a honeym oon

Exercise 5

Writing an outline
R eview y o u r b r a in s to r m in g id e a s a n d y o u r f re e w ritin g e x e rc is e . T h e n u s e th e fo r m b e lo w to w rite a n o u tlin e fo r y o u r p a r a g r a p h . R e m e m b e r to w rite y o u r o u tlin e in n o te fo rm .

Topic Sentence
State the topic and your opinion about the topic.

Supporting Sentences
W h a t are some reasons for your opinion? Include notes about some of the following: attractions, opportunities, cost of living, and people

Concluding Sentence
Restate your opinion and com m ent on it, or summarize the main reasons.

In Part 3 you will ...

I learn to use facts, explanations, and experiences to , support opinions. w rite a first draft of your opinion paragraph.

Pan 2



Developing Your Ideas

Exercise 1

Reading a student paragraph

R ead th e p a r a g r a p h . W hy d o e s th e a u th o r w a n t to m ove?

Get Me Out of Here

A lthough m any people say there are great opportunities in a big city, the life here is not good fo r me. First, people do not have enough free tim e because they are too busy with w ork and appointm ents. Parents and their children do not com e hom e to eat lunch together. Som e em ployees go to work before the sun com es up and return hom e after dark. Because o f th eir schedules, fam ilies only spend time together on the w eekend. Second, driving is necessary. Everyone must use a car to go to school o r w ork o r the store. 1 have to drive my children to school, and after school we go to soccer practice or to other activities. B ecause there is usually a lot o f traffic, I have a lot o f anxiety. T hird, the cost o f living is very expensive. Like many fam ilies, my fam ily lives in an apartm ent because we cannot buy a house here. A lso, people must spend a lot o f m oney lo r entertainm ent. A visit to the aquarium costs tw enty dollars for each ticket. In the future, 1 hope that 1 can live in a small tow n with friendly people. I w ant a house, a garden and a peaceful life. M aybe if I am lucky, my dream will com e true, and 1 will m ove to a small town.

Exercise 2

Examining the paragraph

A. R e s p o n d to th e p a r a g r a p h b y a n s w e r in g th e q u e s tio n s h i h ill s e n te n c e s . 1. What is the au th o rs opinion o f city life?_____________________


Unit 5: O pinion Paragraphs

2. What three main reasons does the author give to support her opinion?

3. What are some things that the author must do that she does not like to do?

4. W here d oes th e author w ant to live?

5. W ould you p refer to live in the city or the country? Why?

B. E x a m in e th e o r g a n iz a tio n o f th e p a r a g r a p h b y a n s w e r in g th e q u e s tio n s b e lo w . T h e n c o m p a r e y o u r a n s w e rs w ith a p a rtn e r. 1 U nderline the topic sentence. 2. How many main reasons d o es the w riter g iv e ?____________________________ 3. I inderline die concluding sentence twice. D oes it restate the idea in die topic sen ten ce?_______________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree with any o f the points the writer makes? Explain.

Rhetorical Focus______________________________________________
Using Reasons to Support an Opinion
T here are often m any different o p in io n s a b o u t a certain topic. T herefore, w riters must give reasons for dieir o p in io n s in o rd e r to co n v in ce their readers. T hese su p p o rtin g reaso n s are often in the form o f facts, ex p lan atio n s, o r ex p erien ces. A fact is a p iece o f inform ation that p e o p le generally ag ree is true. In an op in io n parag rap h , a w riter m ight u se scientific, historical, or o th e r ty p es o f facts. An explanation c a n n o t be p ro v en (like a fact can) but it still helps th e read er u n d erstan d w hy th e w riter h o lds a certain opin io n .

Pan 2


An e x p e r i e n c e is so m eth in g rhut h a p p e n e d to you o r s o m e o n e else. Writers o ften u se e x p erien ces to s h o w h o w Lhey w ere in flu en ced to [hink a certain way.
You have to be tough to live in Chicago W in ters in C hicago are very cold. It is not easy to deal w ith those cold, w indy days. M y cousin once got frostbite w hile w aiting at a bus stop.

Opinion: Fact: Explanation: Experience:

Exercise 3

Identifying facts, explanations, and experiences

R ead e a c h o p in io n a n d th e r e a s o n s th a t s u p p o r t it. W rite Fact, Explanation, o r E xperience n e x t to e a c h re a s o n . 1 Tokyo is the most technologically advanced city in Asia. F a c t_____________ a. In Tokyo, most people have cell p h o n es and m any buildings are eq u ip p ed with w ireless technology. __________________ b. Peoples' daily lives com e to a halt if there is a blackout in Tokyo. __________________ c. I rode the subw ay in Tokyo for many years, and it never broke dow n. __________________ d. Some subw ay stations in Tokyo can handle m ore than a million passengers a day because o f the use o f com puters. 2. Hawaii has the best surfing beaches in N orth America. __________________ a. If you have never surfed in the Hawaiian Islands, you cannot be a w orld-class surfer because Hawaii is the benchm ark by which other beaches are evaluated. __________________ b. The w inter w aves in O ahu are higher than the sum m er waves, so serious surfers tend to spend time there during the w inter months. __________________ c. I got hooked on surfing after just one afternoon of surfing there. __________________ d, Storm w aves can rise as high as 20 feet with a face of up to 50 feet.


Unit S: O pinion Paragraphs

3. T here is no better city to visit than Istanbul. __________________ a. P eople in Istanbul are friendly and alw ays willing to help their neighbors. __________________ b. Bridges connect the n eighborhoods o f Istanbul so that it can exist in both E urope and Asia at the sam e time. __________________ c. I had th e best meal o f my life in a small caf in Istanbul. __________________ d. Istanbul has a historically im portant location as a port city on the only route betw een the M editerranean and the Black Sea.

Exercise 4

Using reasons to support an opinion

In e a c h item , fin ish th e first s e n te n c e b y w ritin g th e n a m e o f a city o r p la ce th a t y o u k n o w . T h e n a d d o n e r e a s o n ( a fact, e x p la n a tio n , o r e x p e r ie n c e ) to s u p p o r t th e o p in io n given. 1. 1 do not want to live i n _____ Chicago because o f the high cost of living. Housina in Chicago is very expensive. People sometimes work more than one job ju s t to pay rent fo r a small apartment. __________________________ 2. In my o p in io n ,_________________ has som e o f the friendliest people.

3. I believe t h a t _________________ is a very beautiful place to live.


is a good place to raise a family for several reasons.

Exercise 5

Writing a first draft

R eview y o u r o u tlin e . T h e n w rite y o u r firs t d r a f t o f a n o p in io n p a r a g r a p h a b o u t th e b e s t c ity to liv e in .

Pan 3


Exercise 6

Peer editing a first draft

A fter y o u w rite y o u r firs t d ra ft, e x c h a n g e it w ith a p a r tn e r . A n sw e r th e q u e s tio n s o n th e c h e c k lis t. You m a y a lso w rite c o m m e n ts o r q u e s tio n s o n y o u r p a r t n e r s d ra ft. T h e n re a d y o u r p a r t n e r s c o m m e n ts o n y o u r firs t d ra ft, a n d re v is e it a s n e c e s s a ry .

Put a check ( / ) as appropriate. Write answers in complete sentences in the lines provided.
1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence that expresses an opinion about the topic? 2. Does the paragraph include any facts to support the writer's opinion? W h a t facts does it in c lu d e ? _______________________________________________

3. 4. 5.

Does the writer provide explanations that support the opinion? Does the w riter tell any experiences that support the opinion? Does the w riter need to provide more reasons to support the opinion? W h a t kinds of re a s o n s ?___________________________________________________

6. Does the paragraph have a concluding sentence that restates the writer's opinion and com m ents on it in some w a y ?

In Part 4 you will ...

learn how to use there is/there are in statements. learn how to use because o f or because to give reasons. edit your first draft for mistakes.

112 Unit 5: O pinion Paragraphs


Editing Your Writing___________________________

Now that you have w ritten a first draft, it is time to edit. Editing involves making changes to your w riting to im prove it and correct mistakes.

Language Focus____________________________________________
Using T h e r e I s / T h e r e A r e
Wriiers o ften use

there is/there are to in tro d u c e facts.

T h e re a re harvest festivals every autum n. T h e re is a picturesque village in the m ountains near Mexico City. T h e re a re no mosquitoes at this altitude.

In statem en t, a n o u n o r a n o u n p h rase follow s there is/there are. U se there are w ith plural n o u n s. U se there is w ith all o th e r n ouns.
T h e re a re tall nine trees lining the streets of Da Lat.(plural noun) T h e re is a large lake near M aracaibo, (singular noun) T h e re is w a te r beyond the m ountains, (noncount noun)


no after there is/there are to e x p re ss a n egative fact.

There is n o snow. There are n o theaters in m y hom etow n.

Exercise 1

Practicing w ith t h e r e i s / th e r e a r e
W rite is or are in the blanks to complete the sentences below. 1 . T here
le a p arad e o f children holding flowers.

2. T h e r e ___________ a lot of m usic in the streets. 3. T h e r e __________ m any nightclubs. 4. T h e r e __________ not m any cars on the road, but you might 5. T h e r e __________ no airport in my city. 6. T h e r e __________ not much w ind, so p eo p le prefer this beach. see bicycles.

Exercise 2

Writing sen tences w ith t h e r e is / t h e r e a r e

Rewrite the following sentences using there is or there are.
I. Bad w eath er is not in the South. There is no bad weather in the South._______________________________

Part 4


2. Houses are not on the island.

3. Colorful birds are in the jungle.

4. Many international restaurants are dow ntow n.

5. Many vendors are on the beach.

6. A lot o f good seafood is along die coast.

Language Focus____________________________________________
Using B e c a u s e O f an d B e c a u s e
Use because o r a n o u n p h rase.

because o f to give a reason. Because of is follow ed by

People spend a lot of tim e outdoors because of the mild clim ate.

Because is fo llo w ed by a co m p lete se n te n c e w ith its o w n subject a n d verb.

Tourists are attracted to the coast because the fishing is fantastic.

N ote that in each exam p le, a statem ent.

because o f an d because give a reaso n after

Because o f a n d because can also a p p e a r b efo re th e statem en t. W h en

th ey co m e before, u se a com m a.
Because of the mild climate, people spend a lot of tim e outdoors. Because the fishing is fantastic, tourists are attracted to the coast.

Exercise 3

Practicing w ith b e c a u s e o f and b e c a u s e

Use because o f or because to complete each sentence below.
1. This city is a good place for young p e o p le _____ b ecau se of_______the world-class nightclubs. 2. 1 here is a lot o f diversity _______________________ many p eo p le from Europe and Asia m oved to Brazil during the past tw o centuries. 3. Many p e o p le retire to w arm er clim a te s______________________ die weather.


Unit S: O pinion Paragraphs

4. G ardening is popular th e r e ______________________ th e valley has ideal conditions for roses. 5. Il is easy to gel around die c ity ______________________ lhe governm ent has im proved lhe public transportation system. 6. A lot o f p eople go t h e r e ______________________ die gourm et food.

Exercise 4

Using b e c a u s e


and b e c a u s e

Finish each sentence w ith a phrase or a statement of your own.

1. I w ant to live in a big city because o f th e cultural life._____________________ 2. My city is beauiiful because o f ___________________________________________

3. My city is interesting b e c a u se ____________________________________________

i. 1 w ould like lo live in a small tow n because

5. I do not w ant to live in a big city because of

6. The best city to live in i s __________________ because of

Exercise 5

Editing a paragraph
Read the following paragraph and correct mistakes w ith there is/there are and because o f or because. There are seven mistakes.

T he B eau tifu l Faces o f R io de Janeiro

I was very sad when I had to leave Rio de Janeiro because it is the best place on earth. Rio is important to me because of my family still lives there. However, I think anyone who moves there will agree it is a wonderful place. That is because Rio has something for every personality. First there is the people. Rio is famous because of many beautiful people live there, especially in the beach neighborhoods, such as lpanema. The city is very fun during the Carnaval when Brazilians dress up in costumes and dance in the streets and nightclubs. Rio is also beautiful because its location. The city is on

Pan 4


the Atlantic Ocean. There is a lot of beaches, and they are full of activity every day. The scenery is spectacular as well. You can see great geological formations, such as the granite mountain called Sugar Loaf, and on another peak named Corcovado, you can see an enormous statue that looks over the city. Brazil also has many varieties of music because the many cultures and traditions. Finally, there are also a place for people who enjoy tranquility. The botanical gardens are filled with exotic varieties of plants and animals. So Rio de Janeiro is a place with many different faces, it can be beautiful, crazy, and peaceful depending on your mood.

Exercise 6

Editing your first draft and rewriting

Review your paragraph for mistakes. Use the checklist below. Then w rite a final draft.

Put a check ( / ) as a p p ro p ria te.

_ 1. Did you use there is/there are to introduce the existence or location of som ething or som eplace? _ ! 2. Did you use because to give reasons w ith statem ents? 3. Did you use because o f to give reasons w ith noun phrases? 4. Did you capitalize the first letter of each sentence and put end punctuation at the end ?

In Part 5 you will ...

review the elements of an opinion paragraph. practice w riting with a tim e limit.


Unit 5: O pinion Paragraphs


Putting It All Together

In this part of the unit, you w ill complete three exercises to im prove your accuracy, w rite a tuned paragraph to im prove your fluency, and then explore topics for future writing.

Identifying facts, explanations, and experiences

Read each opinion and the reasons that support it. W rite Fact, Explanation, or Experience next to each reason.
1. The Guggenheim museum is the most interesting building in New York City. __________________ a. The tilled corkscrew shape o f the building is unlike anything else in the city. __________________ b. It was designed by the architect. Frank Loyd Wright. __________________ c. The first time I saw the Guggenheim. I was so amazed that I spent an hour just looking at the building from the outside. __________________ d. Many visitors have trouble focusing on the artwork because they are distracted by the intensity of the architecture. 2. People spend too much money on personal appearance. __________________ a. People spend billions annually on cosmetics. __________________ b. People want to look good, but they are spending money that could be used for more important purposes such as education or a home. __________________ c. Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more costly as the variety of procedures increases. __________________ d. My brother-in-law had to work overtime because his wife spent a lot Of money on clothes, and jewelry, so he ow ed a lot of money on his credit cards. 3. Water is our most important natural resource. __________________ a. What would happen in your house if you lost water for one day? __________________ b. The human body is 98 percent water. __________________ c. Lick o f fresh drinking water causes major health crises in som e countries even,' year. __________________ d. Not only is water important for drinking, washing and badiing, it is also important for growing food.

Part 5


Exercise 2

Writing sentences with

t h e r e is / t h e r e a r e

Rewrite the following sentences using sentences w ith there is/there are.
1. Whales arc in Puget Sound in the summer.

2. G old exists in Siberia.

3. Penguins are not in Florida.

4. No cure exists for cancer.

5. Many stories exist about the first blue-eyed tribes that lived in Argentina.

6. Beautiful terraced hillsides are in China.

Exercise 3

Using b e c a u s e



b e ca u se

Complete each sentence w'ith because o f or because.

]. Many people learn E nglish______________________ their jobs. 2. Many young p eop le g o out in the ev e n in g _______________________they like to listen to music. 3- Our food is h o t ______________________ w e use a lot o f chilies. 4. Most people do not have private b o a ts______________________ they are very expensive. 5. We won the g a m e ______________________ die other goalies error. 6. A lot o f people becom e English teachers______________________ the opportunities to travel.


TIMED WRITING: 45 minutes

W rite an opinion paragraph about what you think is the best age to get m arried. Before you begin to w rite, review' the follow ing time management strategy.


U nit 5: O pinion Paragraphs

Step 1

W rite down tliree or four ages that people get m arried. Then think o f reasons w hy each might be good. Then choose the best age for your paragraph.

Step 2

OUTLINING: 5 minutes
W rite an ouUinc for your paragraph.

Topic Sentence
State the topic and your opinion about the topic

Su p p o rtin g Sentences
F a c ts :____________________



C o n clu d in g Sentence
Restate your opinion and com m ent on it, or summarize the main reasons.

Step 3

WRITING: 25 minutes
Use your brainstorm ing notes and outline to w rite your first draft on a separate piece of paper.

Fart5 119

Step 4

EDITING: 10 minutes
When you have finished your first draft, check it for errors, using the checklist below.

Put a check ( / ) as appropriate.

1. Does the topic sentence state your opinion about the topic? 2. Did you include facts, explanations, and personal experiences to support your opinion? U 3. Does the paragraph have a concluding sentence that restates your opinion?

L _J

4. Did you use there is/there are to introduce facts? 5. Did you use because o f and because correctly w h e n giving reasons?

_ 6. Did you capitalize the first letter of each sentence and put end punctuation at the end ?

Topics for Future Writing 1. W rite an opinion paragraph on one of the follow ing topics.
Whai is the best job for you? Why? Is it a good idea to live with relatives? Are pets gocxl com panions? What changes w ould yoti like to see m ade to th e educational system?

2. Interview a friend, classmate, or relative about his orher views on one of the topics above. Take notes during the interview to use for your paragraph. Then w rite an opinion paragraph on one of the topics above, but from your friend's point of view.


Unit 5: Opinion Paragraphs

Narrative Paragraphs
Unit Goals
Rhetorical Focus
n arrativ e o rg an izatio n

using sensory and emotional details

Language Focus:
s h o w in g o rd e r o f e v e n ts in n arrativ e p a rag rap h s sh ow in g sim ultaneous events fo rm in g an d using th e simple* past fo rm in g an d u sin g th e p ast c o n tin u o u s


Stimulating Ideas
In narrative w riting, the w riter tells a story that sets the background for an event, describes the event, and often comments on the event. In this chapter, you w ill w rite a narrative paragraph that tells the story of an event in your life.

Exercise 1

Thinking a bout th e topic Discuss the picture w ith a partner.

D escribe the m an in the photograph H ow d oes he feel?

W hat do you think he is doing? What mighi hap p en to him? D o you think peo p le are brave if they feel fear w hen they d o som ething difficult or dangerous?
Exercise 2

Reading a bout the to pic The author, who Is working in West Africa, describes a frightening experience at a dinner party. A deadly poisonous snake called a Green Mamba has entered the house and chased the guests outside. The host has summoned the snake-man to come and take the unwelcome visitor away. What happens next?


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

The Snake-Man
"T h ere's a goo d boy,'' the snake-m an said softly. "There's a clever boy. T h e re s a lovely fellow . You m u stn t get excited. Keep calm and everything's going to be all rig h t." As he w a s speaking, he w a s slow ly low ering the end of the

p o le until the forked p ron gs w e re a b o u t

tw e lve inches above the m iddle o f th e snake's body. "There's a lovely fe llo w / ' he w hispered. "There's a g oo d kind little chap. Keep still now , m y b eau ty Keep still, m y pretty. Daddy's n ot going to hurt y o u ." Then w h a m , th e rubber prongs ca m e d o w n right across the snake's body a b o u t m id w a y alo n g its length and pinned it to the floor. All I could see w a s a green blur as the snake

th rash ed around

furiously in an e ffo rt to free itself. B u t th e snake-m an kept up the pressure on the prongs and th e snake w a s trapped.

Then at last the prongs w e re right behind th e head itself,

pinning it d o w n , and at th a t point the snake-m an reached forw ard w ith o n e g lo v e d hand and grasp ed th e snake very firm ly by the
neck. He th re w a w a y the pole. He took th e sack off his should er w ith his free hand. He lifted the great still tw istin g length o f the d e ad ly green snake and pushed the h ead into th e sack. Then he let g o th e h ead and b u nd led th e rest o f th e creature in the closed sack. The sack started jum p in g a b o u t as th o u g h there w e re fifty an g ry rats inside it, but th e snake-m an w a s n o w totally relaxed and he held th e sack casually in o n e hand as if it co n tain e d no m ore th an a fe w p ounds o f potatoes. Dahl, R Going Solo New York. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, LLC, 1986

pole: a long slen d er rod prongs: p o in ted ends o f a tool thrash: m ove aro u n d wildly

pin: hold firmly against ilie ground gloved: vvidi a glove on grasp: hold firmly

Exercise 3

Understanding the te x t W rite T for true or F for false for each statement.
____ 1. The snake-m an talked to the snake. ____ 2. T he snake-m an pinned the snake to the floor with his bare hands. ____ 3. T he snake w as m oving around as the snake-m an held it in his hand. ____ 4. The snake jum ped aro u n d alter it w as in the .sack. ____ 5. The snake-m an seem ed afraid as he held the sack with the snake in it.
Part 1 123

Exercise 4

Responding to the te x t W rite your answers to the questions in full sentences. Then discuss your answers w ith a partner.
I. What did the snake-m an do to k eep the snake calm while he w as preparing to catch it?_____________________________________________________________

2. What did the snake do after th e snake-m an caught it?

3. H ow d o you think the snake-m an felt w hile he w as catching the snake? E x p lain ._______________________________________________

4. W hy didn't the snake-m an just kill the snake?

Exercise 5

Freew riting W rite for ten minutes on the topic below. Express yourself as w ell as you can. Don't w orry about making mistakes.
In The Snake-Man the author describes an experience that required courage. Have you ever done something that challenged you? It does not have to be something dangerous: it can be something that simply made you nervous, such as speaking in front of an audience. Think about the following questions as you write: W hat did you do? Why did you do it? How did it m ake you feel? W hat did it teach you ab o u t yourself?

In Part 2 you w ill...

learn about narrative organization. brainstorm ideas and specific vocabulary to use in your writing. create an outline for your narrative paragraph.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs


Organizing Your Ideas

In this unit, you w ill w rite a narrative paragraph about a challenge that you have faced. Exercise 1__Brainstorming ideas A. Review your freew riting exercise. Then choose two experiences you have had that challenged you or required courage. W rite them in the chart below. Then answer the questions for each experience in note form.
Experience 1 Experience 2

1. W h e n did the experience take place? H o w long did the experience last? 2. W h e re did the experience take place?

3. W h a t clear and specific memories do you have of the experience?

Pari 2


B. Choose one experience from the chart that you would most like to w rite about. Often a single event in a single place is easier to describe than something that took place over a long period of time or at many places. Describe to your partner the event you chose. Exercise 2 Brain sto rm ing vo cabulary

A. W ith a partner, brainstorm additional descriptive words to complete each sentence. 1. I was in a/an____________________ place. (scary, elegant, enormous,_______s t range__________________________ , _____ faraway_____ ) 2. I felt___________________ . (nervous, important, numb,___________________ ____________________ ) 3. I ___________________ (ran, cried, fe ll,___________________ ____________________ ) 4. The experience___________________ me. (thrilled, matured, motivated,___________________ . ___________________ ) 5. I gained a lot o f___________________ from this experience. (confidence, knowledge, friends,___________________ . ___________________ ) B. Choose five words you wrote in Part A and use them to w rite five additional sentences about your experience. 1 . Mv body felt numb.___________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. . __________________________=__________________________ _____________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _

5. _____________________________________________________________________ 6.

R h e to ric a l Focus_____________________________________________________________ N arrative O rganization A narrative paragraph tells a story. Like other kinds of paragraphs you have learned about in this book, it has a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Topic Sentence
The topic sentence tells the reader w h a t the story will be about. It may also tell w hen and w here the story took place. The topic sentence should capture the reader's interest.

Supporting Sentences
The supporting sentences tell the details of the story, including the sequence of events. They also include sensory details, such as w h at the author saw, heard, smelled, or tasted. Supporting sentences may also tell about the writer's feelings during the events.

Concluding Sentence
The concluding sentence "w ra p s u p " the story It may include a com m ent about w h y the experience w as important or h o w the w riter felt after it.

Exercise 3

Reading a student paragraph

Read the student paragraph. What made the hamburger memorable?

T he Best H am b u rger o f M y Life

W hen 1 was thirteen years old. 1 had a great surprise at the G rand Hotel in Toronto. My favorite soccer team was visiting from M exico, so I went to the hotel to get autographs from som e o f the players. W hen I got there. I waited outside for a long lime because I was very nervous. Finally. I told my legs to start m oving, and I went up to my favorite striker. Sergio Verdirame. and asked for his autograph. My voice was trem bling, but I controlled it. He stopped to listen to me. and then an am azing thing happened. He invited me to his table for dinner. I could not believe it! Suddenly I was sitting across the table from Sergio Verdirame! 1 ordered a big ham burger with everything on it except onions. W hen the food cam e, my hands were shaking, and I could not eat o r talk. A fter a while. I took a deep breath and said to m yself, Hey, this happens just once in your life. I got rid o f my nerves and started talking with the team and enjoying my ham burger They w ere really great guys, and we had a good lime laughing and joking together. That was the most delicious ham burger 1 ever ate in my life because 1 was eating it with my idol.

Exercise 4

Analyzing the student paragraph

A. Respond to the paragraph by answering the questions below in full sentences'.
1. Why did the w riter go to th e h o te l?________________________________

2. W hat did he d o after he got there? W hy?___________________________

3. W hat kind o f challenge did the w riter face? Was it physical o r emotional? E x p la in ._____________________________________________________________

i. I lov\ did the w riter deal with the challenge?

S. H ave you evt-r had a similar challenge? lixplain.

B. Exam ine the organization of the paragraph by answering the questions below. Then compare your answers w ith a partner.
I. Underline the topic sem ence. Whai inform ation ap p ears in the topic sen ten c e?_______________________________________________________

2. Read the following events from the story. N um ber them in the order in which they occurred. ____ a. The w riter o rdered a ham burger. ____ b. The w riter w as very nervous and his hands w ere shaking. ____ c. The w riter asked the soccer player for his autograph. ____ d. Sergio Verdirame invited the w riter to have dinner. ____ e. T he w riter overcam e his fear and enjoyed his dinner. 3. In ihe concluding sentence, the w riter explains w hat m ade him happiest. Which sentence best describes his final com ment? a. He w as able to eat a very g o o d ham burger. b. He was able to sp en d tim e with his favorite soccer player. c. He w as able to overcom e his Fear o f sp eak in g to h is heroes. d. He finall) goi an autograph from his favorite player.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Exercise 5

Writing an outline
Review your brainstorm ing ideas and your freew ritlng exercise. Then use the form below to w rite an outline for your narrative paragraph. Remember to w rite your outline in note form. Topic Sentence
W h a t is the story ab o u t? W h e re and w hen did it take p la c e ? __________________

Supporting Sentences
W h a t happened f ir s t ? __

W h a t happened next?

W h a t else happ en ed ?

H o w did the experience en d ?

Concluding Sentence
W h a t w as im portant about the experience? H ow did it affect you ?

In Part 3 you w ill...

learn to use sensory and em otional details in a narrative paragraph. learn to show the order of events in a narrative paragraph. w rite a first draft of your narrative paragraph.

Part 2



Developing Your Ideas

Exercise 1

Reading a student paragraph

Read the student paragraph. How did the author feel just before his w ild experience?

S om eth in g W ild
For my 25th birthday, my favorite uncle gave me a gift certificate to go skydiving at a special place near M iam i. I w as happy because I w anted to do som ething wild. On the day o f my ju m p , 1 w oke up with a crazy feeling in my stom ach. I could not eat breakfast because o f the nerves. A fter we arrived at the place. 1 had to sign a lot o f papers because o f the risk involved. I signed them quickly because I did not want to think about the danger. Before I knew it, I w as on the plane with my parachute on my back. The only thing I could think was, "W hat am 1 doing? O ne o f the staff opened the door o f the plane and told me to get ready. I pul my right foot o v er the edge and w aited for the signal ... three, tw o, one . . . and then I was free falling, going dow n at alm ost tw o hundred kilom eters per hour. 1 w as shouting, and I could feel adrenaline running through me. Nearby, there w as another guy taking photos. I like to take photos too. Then the parachute opened, and the next five m inutes w ere the most incredible m om ents o f my life. 1 was floating com pletely free, like a bird. All my problem s w ere gone, and I could see the curve o f the earth, the ocean, and faraw ay clouds o ff the shore. It was aw esom e. Those w onderful m om ents helped me to realize that I am the kind o f person who likes to take risks, and I hope 1 alw ays will be.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Exercise 2

Analyzing the student paragraph

A. Respond to the paragraph by answering the questions below in full sentences.
1. W here w as the author w h en he had the ex p erien ce?________________

2. W hy did the author jum p out o f an airp lan e?_______________________

3. H ow did the au th o r feel while in the air?

4. Would you like to do the sam e thing? W hy or w hy not?

B. Examine the organization of the essay by answering the questions below. Then compare your answers w ith a partner.
1. U nderline the topic sentence. W hat background details does it include?

2. H ow d o es the author feel ab o u t jum ping out of an airplane? Why do you think he feels this w ay ?_________________________________________________

3. D oes die event lake place in o n e location?________________________________ 4. Cross out o n e sentence that is n o t directly related to the topic sentence of the paragraph. 5. Underline the concluding sentence twice. W hat did the au th o r learn from his experience?____________________________________________________________

Pan 3


Rhetorical Focus
Using Sensory and Emotional Details
In o rd er to m ak e a narrativ e p a rag rap h interesting, w riters in clu d e sen so ry details an d em o tio n al details that h elp d ie re a d e r sh are the e x p e rie n c e o f th e story. Sensory details give in fo rm atio n ab o u t h o w so m eth in g looks, sm ells, tastes, feels o r w h at it so u n d s like.
M y teeth w ere chattering, and my legs felt like jelly. The m orning sun w arm ed my back.

Em otional details h elp th e re a d e r u n d erstan d th e w riters feelings.

Suddenly, my fear vanished, and I felt confident as I looked out at the crowd. The sight filled me w ith excitement.

Exercise 3

Identifying sensory and emotional details

Read the sentences below. W rite an S next to sentences that have sensory' details. W rite an E next to the sentences that have emotional details.
S 1. The m orning mist brought in th e smell o f the ocean.

____ 2. We w ere very nervous, so w e called the police. ____ 3. I had nev er felt such happiness. ____ 4. The dates w ere sticky and sw eet, and they w ere a delicious com plim ent to the hot. bitter tea. ____ 5. I felt a sharp pain in my ankle, and I recognized the sting o f a jellyfish. ____ 6. We could hear die roar of th e waterfall for a long tim e before w e actually saw it.

Exercise 4

Practicing with sensory details

Use sensory details to support the follow ing sentences.
1. O ur guide had an interesting fashion sense. He wore the same khaki pants every day. but his s h irts always had colorful pa tte rn s of flowers, dancers, or other tropical scenes._______ 2. We ate a w onderful meal.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

3- The flow er garden was delightful.

4. The alley had not been taken care o f for many years and it w as in bad shape.

5. My father taught m e to swim in a river behind o u r house.

6. My m o th ers kitchen w as everyones favorite room.

Exercise 5

Practicing with emotional details

Use em otional details to support the follow ing sentences.
1. I w ould like to forget my first job interview. I was so nervous mv hands were wet. and so was mv shirt. 2. I met my girlfriend on Lhe Internet.

3. At first. I did not like the new puppy, but after aw hile I changed my mind.

4. I began to walk d ow n the aisle tow ards my future husband.

5. I w alked into the cold dark cave.

6. The test w as over, and I had earned the highest score.

Language Focus
Showing Order of Events in Narrative Paragraphs
W riters o f narrative essays u se s e q u e n c e w o rd s an d ex p ressio n s to clarify th e o rd e r o f ev en ts in a story. T h e follow ing s e q u e n c e w o rd s are u se d w h en ev en ts h a p p e n in ch ro n o lo g ical (tim e) order. T hey often b eg in sen ten ces. n ex t finally after that ev en tu ally afterw ard s a little w h ile later d ie n so o n later

W e unpacked the car and set up our tent. cooked our food.

After that, w e built a fire and so o n w e w ere on our way.

Our entire family squeezed into the car, and

Showing Simultaneous Events

W riters u se d ie follow ing w o rd s a n d ex p re ssio n s to sh o w that tw o ev en ts o ccu rred at d ie sam e time. m e an w h ile
I m ade coffee.

w h ile

a t th e sam e tim e that

M eanwhile, my brother tried to distract our mother. at th e sam e tim e that I w as getting

I w as planning a surprise party ready to move.

Exercise 6

Identifying order of events Read the following sentences. Then number them in the order you think they occurred. Use the sequence words and phrases as clues.
J ___ a. A few years ago. my tw o older brothers and I went trekking in the mountains. ____ b. Finally. I found the m uddy trail, an d w e m ade it back to o u r b ase camp. ____ c. Soon w e w ere hiking through thick pine forests. ____ d. We set out from o u r base cam p on a bright w inter m orning. ____ e. After that experience, I realized it is very im portant to b e careful w h e n hiking in the m ountains. ____ f. A little w hile later, w e sto p p ed to eat. and my oldest b ro th er said w e should turn aro u n d because w e w ere losing the trail in the snow. ____ g. Eventually, it b eg an to snow , and visibility becam e poor. ____ h. G oing back dow n the m ountain was harder because it w as icy and slippery, and w e could not find the way. We becam e tired, cold and diirsty.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Exercise 7

Writing a first draft

Review your outline. Then w rite the first draft o f a narrative essay about a challenge you faced.

Exercise 8

Peer editing a first draft

After you w rite your first draft, exchange it w ith a partner. Answer the questions on the checklist. You may also w rite comments or questions on your partners draft. Then read your partners comments on your first draft, and revise it as necessary.

Editor's Checklist
Put a check ( / ) as appropriate. Write answ ers in com plete sen ten ces in th e lines provided.
1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence that tells w h a t the story will be ab o u t? 2. Do the supporting sentences tell the details of the story?

3. Does the w riter use sensory and em otional details? If so, w h a t sensory and em otional details are in c lu d e d ?______________________________________

: 4. Does the w riter use sequence words and transition words to explain the order o f the events in the story? If so, w hich o n e s ? _____________________

5. Does the paragraph have a concluding sentence that "w ra p s u p " the story? Does it include a com m ent about the experience? If so, w h a t is the c o m m e n t ? ____________________________________________________________

In Part 4 you will ...

learn about simple past tense verbs. learn about past continuous verbs. edit your first draft for mistakes.

Pan 3



Editing Your Writing

Now that you have w ritten a first draft, it is time to edit. Editing involves making changes to your w riting to im prove it and correct mistakes.

Language Focus_________________________________________________
Using the Simple Past
U se th e sim p le p a st to tell a b o u t actio n s a n d ev en ts lhat started and finished in die past.

w alked hom e quickly that night.

Ronald s t u d i e d all night for that exam

Forming the Simple Past

A dd -d o r -eel to th e b a se form o f m o s t regular verbs to fo rm th e sim p le past.
In 2 0 0 3 ,1celebrated Christmas w ith my fam ily in Baranquilla. I

graduated from high school in 2001.

S o m e verbs are irregular in th e sim p le past.

Eliza and her sister s p e n t all their money. I

m et my husband at th e airport on N ew Year's Day,

To form a neg ativ e statem en t in the sim p le past w ith a reg u la r o r irregular verb, use d id not follow ed by th e b ase form o f th e verb.
1 did I

not fall off the cliff. did not w a ste any money.

T he v erb be has tw o p ast form s. Was a n d were,

Doug Scott and Eric

w as a good father. w ere anxious.

T o form negative statem en ts w ith be in th e sim ple past, u se not after was o r were. w a s n ot nervous. They w ere not generous people.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Affirmative Statements
I You He She It We You ^They

Negative Statements


I YOU He She It We You Ijh e y



did not



Negative Statements
W A S 1W E RE +NO T was not were not was not

Affirmative Statements
I You He She It We You vjhey

WAS/WERE was were was

I You He She It We




You Ijh e y

were not

Exercise 1

Using simple past tense verbs

C o m p le te th e fo llo w in g s e n te n c e s w ith p a s t te n s e v e rb s.

1. I _______ was________ interested in Astronomy.

2. W e ____________________ about o u r plans. 3. S h e ____________________an um brella, som e sandw iches, and a therm os o f hot, sw eet tea. 4. We _________________ for help, and a helicopter the roasted pig w ith fried plantains an d Arepas. __ 122 people at the w edding. _ _ my host family, I _____________________ ___ lo the top of a m ountain w here w e an ancient temple.

to rescue us. 5. W e ________

6. T h e r e ______ 7. After I _____ less w orried. 8. W e ________

Part 4


Exercise 2

Editing a paragraph
R ead th e fo llo w in g p a r a g r a p h a n d c o r r e c t m is ta k e s w ith th e s im p le p a s t te n s e . T h e r e a r e te n m ista k e s.

Two years ago, my friends and I decide to go to a special temple in my country. We wake up very early in the morning that day. We brought some fruit and drinks for breakfast. After we ate our fruits, we want to climb the mountain. We got to the temple about 10 a.m. It was very beautiful. We stay there and talked, but after a while, we wanted to hike some more. We did not brought food, but we had some water, and we started climbing. We become tired, but we did not wanted to stop. We was thirsty too, but we did not had enough water. Finally we met some people and they gave us drinks and helped us. That day. I learn to be very careful when 1 go hiking in the mountains.

Language Focus_______________________________________________
Using the Past Continuous
U se th e past co n tin u o u s to d escrib e an event th a t w as alread y in p ro g ress w h e n a n o th e r ev en t o ccu rred o r in terru p ted th e first event. w ere w atching TV w h e n w e heard a crash. The car w as m oving slowly, so I had plenty of tim e to cross the street.
M y brother and I

Use th e p;isr co n tin u o u s to tell a b o u t tw o o r m o re activities that w ere in p ro g ress at th e sa m e lime.


w a s running w hile talking on the cell phone. Som e teenagers w ere splashing and shouting at each other.

Forming the Past Continuous

To form th e past co n tin u o u s, u se was/were a n d th e b ase form o f th e v erb + ing

w as living in W ashington at the time.

To form negative statem en ts in th e p a st co n tin u o u s, use not b e tw e e n was/were a n d th e v erb + ing.


w ere not laughing at the com edian's jokes.

A We d o

not usually use stative verbs ( be. know, understand, see, believe) in die past c o n tin u o u s. Lise th e sim p le p ast instead.

Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Affirmative Statements

Negative Statements

w as


w a s not w e re not


I You He She It We

You He She It We

w e re

w as

w atch in g .

w a s not

w atching.

vjh e y

w ere


w e re not

(th e y

Exercise 3

Using the past continuous

Answer the following questions with sentences that use the past continuous.
1. W hat w ere you doing yesterday at this time? I was shopping fo r a grift fo r mv sister._______________________ 2. W hat w ere you doing last night at 6 p.m.?

3. What w ere you doing this m orning at 10 a.m.?

4. What w ere you doing last year at this time?

5. W hat w ere you thinking ab o u t w hile you w ere com ing to school today?

Exercise 4

Identifying when to use the past continuous

Underline the verbs in each sentence. Then rewrite the sentences replacing the simple past with the past continuous where it Is more appropriate.
1. I talked to my Iriend w hile the teacher explained the grammar, so I did not understand it. .I yvas talking to mv friend when the teacher was explaining! the grammar, so I did not understand it._________________________________________ 2. I lived in Paris w hen I had a terrible car accident.

Pan 4


3. I worked on my paper and watched the game w hen he called.

4. A stranger stood in the doorw ay w hen w e arrived home.

5. We drove to the hospital w hen mv w ife told the taxi driver to stop the car

6. In those days I w o rk ed and w ent to school, so I didn't have m uch free time.

Exercise 5

Editing a paragraph
Read the following paragraph and correct mistakes w ith the simple past and the past continuous. There are nine mistakes.

W hen I w as a university student about tw o years ago, 1 enrolled in a scuba diving course. M y scuba diving teacher was having a big surprise: I w asn t know ing how to swim. In fact, I had a big fear o f water. W hen I w as a child, my parents tried to help m e. so they make me take many sw im m ing courses. A lthough 1 try hard. 1 did not learning to sw im . W hen I enrolled in the scuba diving course, I was still afraid o f water. Every day w hen I entered the sw im m ing pool, I battle w ith my fear. Fortunately, my courage won every time. Finally, one day w hile I practicing my dive, I realized that I w as do very well. So, finally, after six m onths o f hard work. I com pleted the course. It is true that 1 w as alw ays the worst o f the group, but in my ow n evaluation. I w as a cham pion because I conquer my fear o f water. For me. this experience w as very im portant. It was a test o f courage, and I passed it.


lln it 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Exercise 6

Editing your firstjlraf^andjgwriting

Review your paragraph for mistakes. Use the checklist below. Then w rite a final draft.

Grammar Checklist
Put a check ( / ) as appropriate.
1 Did you use the simple past to express events that started and finished

in the past? 2. Did you check for correct irregular verb form s? . 3. Did you use the past continuous to sho w sim ultaneous or interrupted actions? 4. Did you capitalize the first letter of each sentence and put end punctuation at the e n d ?

In Part 5 you w ill...

review the elements of a narrative paragraph. w rite a timed narrative paragraph.

Part 4

1 4 1


Putting It All Together

In this part o f the unit, you w ill complete three exercises to im prove your accuracy, w rite a timed paragraph to im prove your fluency, and explore topics for future w riting. Exercise 1 ___Id entifying sensory and em otional details Read the sentences below. W rite an 5 next to sentences that include sensory' details. W rite an E next to sentences that include em otional details.
____ 1. Olivia reached fo r the doorknob, an d it w as burning hot. ____ 2. Ricky and 1 arrived aro u n d 8:00. an d w e w ere hap p y to be home. ____ 3. We w ere g reeted by a large m an w ith long black hair. ____ 4. 1 w as shocked and disappointed by the results. ____ 5. My m other always sm elled like flowery perfume. ____ 6. The new s left us sad d en ed and w orried about the future.

Exercise 2

Identifying order of events Read the follow ing sentences. Then number them in the order you think they occurred. Use the sequence words and phrases as clues.
____ a. For years, I did not know w h at lo d o with my life, but after I decided to becom e a helicopter pilot, I becam e very d edicated to my goal. ____ b. At the beginning, I delivered groceries in my truck. ____ c. After that, 1 had to get a visa and p rep are to com e to the U.S. ____ d, Next, 1 m ade a plan to get the m oney for my training. I becam e a truck driver and drove all over Jap an for live years. ____ e. First, I did som e research and found out that it w ould cost a lot o f m oney. ____ f. Finally, I w as ready to take my training. S om eone advised m e to do a program in the U.S. because it w as not as expensive, so I decided to com e here even though I n eeded m ore English. ____ g. Now. 1 am in the U.S. 1 go to school to study English. At the sam e time. I take flying lessons. ____ h. Later, I got an o th er job delivering fuel to gas stations. I lived in my truck to save m oney. ____ i. Finally, I am learning to pilot a helicopter, and soon I will b e ready to fly solo. I know that I will reach my goal in tw o years.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Exercise 3

Editing a paragraph Read the following paragraph and correct mistakes w ith the simple past and the past continuous. There are ten mistakes.

Facing Danger in French Guiana

Three years ago. I was living in an exciting and adventurous place: French G uiana. M y husband and I ow n a lovely house that was right next to the jungle. M any anim als lived there, such as crocodiles, m onkeys, poisonous spiders, jag u ars, tigers, and snakes. People often warn us that our house w as too close to the ju n g le, but we enjoying the house so much that we decided to stay. Then one m orning I had a frightening adventure. I was plan to go for a sw im in the pool. I put on my sw im m ing suit, and w ent outside and start to cross the patio. I was take o ff my jack et to dive in the w ater w hen suddenly. 1 had a big surprise. A big snake w as swim in my pool and m ove quickly tow ards me. I could not breathe. It seem ed as though he staring at me fo r a long time. I ran into the house to call the police. W hen they arrive, the snake w as gone. T hat day I learned to never ju m p in that pool before inspecting it for visitors.


TIMED WRITING: 45 minutes W rite a narrative paragraph about something that happened to you w hile you were on a trip. Before you begin to w rite, review the following time management strategy.

Step 1

BRAINSTORMING: 5 minutes Make a list of recent trips you have taken. W'rite down some of the tilings that you did on those trips, people you met, and tilings that you saw. Keep adding to your list until you decide on a specific incident that you would like to w rite about.

Part 5


Step 2

OUTLINING: 5 minutes W rite an outline for your paragraph. Topic Sentence

W h a t is the story a b o u t ? _______________

W h e re did it take p la c e ? _______________

Supporting Sentences
W h a t happened f ir s t ? __________________

W h a t happened next?

W h a t else hap pen ed?

H o w did the experience end ?

H o w did you feel during the experience?

Concluding Sentence
W h a t w as im portant about the experience? H o w did it affect you ?

Step 3

WRITING: 25 minutes Use your brainstorm ing notes and outline to w rite your first draft on a separate piece o f paper.


Unit 6: Narrative Paragraphs

Step 4

EDITING: 10 minutes
When you have finished your first draft, check it for mistakes, using the checklist below.

Editor's Checklist
Put a check ( / ) as appropriate.
L 1. Does the paragraph 2. Does the paragraph will be ab o u t? 3. Does the paragraph 4. Does the paragraph have background inform ation? give the events of the story"? have a title? have a topic sentence that tells w h at the story

5. Are there sensory and/or em otional details? C - 6. Does the paragraph use sequence w ords and/or other transition words to sho w the order of events? 7. Did you use simple past and past continuous verbs in the correct form ? 8. Did you include a concluding sentence that "w ra p s u p " the story? Does it tell h ow the experience affected you ?

Topics for Future Writing 1. W rite a narrative paragraph on one of the follow ing topics.
How you met so m eo n e w h o is im portant to you

The last time you celebrated a special holiday A special m em ory from your childhood A funny o r em barrassing incident

2. Interview a friend, classmate, or relative about something interesting that happened to him or her. Take notes during the interview. Then w rite a narrative paragraph about your friends experience.

Part 5


Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Appendix IV The Writing Process................................... Elements of Punctuation............................. Glossary....................................................... Correlation to G r a m m a r S e n s e 1 ............ 147 148 149 152

Appendix I: The Writing Process

1. Brainstorming Before you begin to write, gather information about the topic. Then brainstorm ideas and vocabulary related to the topic. Read your assignment carefully so that your finished product will meet your instructors expectations.
Strategies: Read about the topic and discuss it with your classmates. Look at pictures or diagrams to help you com e up with ideas.

2. Creating an Outline Decide which ideas you will use in your essay. Cluster ideas into logical parts. This may be in the form of a chart, a web. or a list of main ideas. Write an outline or plan for your paper.
Strategies: Look at models that are similar to the writing that you want to do. Learn ways to organize and sequence your ideas Create a visual plan for your paper.

3. Writing a First Draft Expand your outline into a draft by rewriting your notes into full sentences. At this stage, d o n t worry about mistakes. When you have finished, ask a classmate to read your work and give you feedback.
Strategies: Evaluate your outline as you write. Take out ideas that do not support your main idea; add clarification or examples. Check your work to make sure your writing is clear and accomplishes the goals of the assignment.

4. Editing Now apply your knowledge of grammar and mechanics, and correct any mistakes that you notice. Review the feedback you received from your classmates,
S trategies: Separate yourself from the ideas so that you can focus on clarity at the sentence level. If possible, put your paper aside for a few hours before you edit. Read your essay sentence by sentence. (Some writers read a paper backwards so as not to be distracted by content.)

5. Writing a Final Draft and Submitting Your Work Rewrite your draft so that it looks neat and has all the features of a finished college paper. Some writers type their papers: others write by hand.
S trategies: Make sure your paper has the correct format. Make sure your name and the date are on the paper, and that there is a title.

Appendix I; The Writing Process

Appendix II: Elements of Punctuation

Commas (,) A comma is used to separate information from other parts of the sentence.
1. A com m a is used to separate items in a series. I se a n d before the last item if listing th ree o r m ore items.
W e made rice, chicken, salad, and cake

2. A com m a is used to separate an introductory w ord o r phrase.

At the end of the day, my husband and I sit on the sofa and talk about our day.

3. A com m a is used to separate tw o sentences w hen there is a conjunction such as and, but, o r so that show s a relationship betw een them.
The temperature was below freezing, but w e were warm.

Periods (.) Periods are used to mark the end of a sentence.

She speaks four languages.

Apostrophes (') Apostrophes are used to show possession.

1. W hen a noun is singular, add an apostrophe and s to show possession. In the first exam ple, th e w riter has o n e cousin
W e w ent to my cousin's house.

2. W hen a noun is plural, put the ap o stro p h e after th e plural s. In the next exam ple, the writer has m ore than o n e cousin.
W e w ent to my cousins' house.

3. When a noun ends in s. You may add the ap o stro p h e + just the apostrophe.
M y boss' car was ridiculously expensive. My boss's car was ridiculously expensive.

after th e final s o r

4. A postrophes are also used to show contractions. (Note, however, that contractions are not appropriate in academ ic writing.)
Scott doesn't have any hair.

Quotation Marks Quotation marks are used to show that you are repeating or quoting someone elses words.
Put quotation marks around only tiie exact words you take from som eone elses speech or writing. Use a comma to separate the quote from the rest of the sentence.
I heard him say, "D o n 't worry about the rebate, Mr. Noor. I will take care of it."


Appendix II: Elements o f Punctuation

Appendix III: Glossary

Adapted from the Gramm ar Sense Glossary of Grammar Term*

actio n v erb \ verb that describes a thing that someone or something does. An action verb does not describe a state or condition.
Sam rang the bell. It rains a lot here.

b a se fo rm The form of a verb without any verb endings; the infinitive form without tv
sleep be stop

clau se A group of words that has a subject and a verb. See also d e p e n d e n t clau se and m a in clause.
If I leave,.., . The ram stopped. .. when he speaks. . . . that I saw.

activ e s e n te n c e In active sentences, the agent (the noun that is performing the action) is in subject position and the receiver (the noun that receives or i.s a result of the action) Ls in object position. In the following sentence, the subject Alex performed the action, and the object le tte r received the action.
Alex mailed the letter.

co m m o n n o u n A noun that refers to any of a class of people, animals, places, things, or ideas. Common nouns are not capitalized
man cat crty pencil grammar

ad jectiv e A word that describes or modifies the

meaning of a noun.
the o ran g e car a stran g e noise

c o m p a ra tiv e A form of an adjective, adverb, or noun that is used to express differences between two items or situations
This book is heavier th an that one He runs m ore quickly than his brother A CD costs m ore m oney th a n a cassette

a d v e rb A word that describes or modifies the

meaning of a verb, another adverb, an adjective, or a sentence Many adverbs answer such questions as How? When' Where? or How often' They often end in -ly.
She ran quickly a really hot day She ran very quickly, Maybe she'll leave.

com plex s e n te n c e A sentence that has ,t main clause and one or inore dependent clauses.
When the bell rang, we were finishing dinner.

co m p o u n d se n te n c e A sentence chat has

two main clauses separated by a comma and a conjunction, or by a semi-colon.
She is very talented; she can sing and dance.

a d v erb ial p h ra s e A phrase that functions as an

Amy spoke very softly

affirm ativ e s ta te m e n t A sentence that does not

have a negative verb.
Linda went to the movies.

co n d itio n al se n te n c e A sentence tlxat expresses a real or unreal situation in the if clause, and the (real
or unreal) expected result in the main clause.
If I have time, I will travel to Africa. If I had time, I would travel to Africa.

a g re e m e n t The subject and verb of a clause must

agree in number. II the subject is singular, the verb form is also singular. If the subject is plural, the verb form is also plural.

He com es home early, They come home early.

c o u n ta b le n o u n \ common noun that can be counted. It usually has both a singular and a plural form.
orange oranges woman women

article The words a, a n , and th e in English Articles

are used to introduce and identify nouns

a potato

an onion

th e supermarket

auxiliary v erb A verb chat is used before main verbs (o r other auxiliary verbs) in a sentence. Auxiliary verbs are usually used in questions and negative sentences. Do. have, and be can act as auxiliary verbs. Modals (may, can, will, and so on) are also auxiliary verbs.
Do you have the time? I have never been to Italy.
The car w as speeding I may be late.

d efin ite article The- word t h e in English It is used to identify nouns based on assumptions about what infonnation the speaker and listener share about the noun The definite article is also used for making general statements about a whole class or group of nouns.
Please give me th e Key.

The scorpion is dangerous

d e p e n d e n t clau se \ clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence because it depends on the main clause to complete the meaning of the sentence. Also called subordinate danse
I'm going home a fte r he calls

Appendix III: Glossary


d e te rm in e r A word such as a, an , th e , this, th at, th ese, th o se , m y, so m e, a few, and th re e that is

used before a noun to limit its meaning in some way

m o d al The auxiliary verbs c a n , co uld, m ay, m ight, m u st, s h o u ld , w ill, and w o uld. They
modify the meaning of a main verb by expressing ability, authority, formality, politeness, or various degrees of certainty Also called modal auxiliary'.
You should take something for your headache. Applicants m ust have a high school diploma

th o se videos

fu tu re A time that is to come. Th e future is expressed in English with w ill, be g o in g to, the
simple present, or the present continuous. These different forms of the future often have different meanings and uses.
I will help you later. David is going to call later. The train leaves at 6:05 this evening. I'm driving to Toronto tomorrow.

n e g a tiv e s ta te m e n t A sentence with a negative


I d id n 't see that movie.

n o u n A word that typically refers to a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.

Tom rabbit store computer mathematics

g e ru n d An -ing form of a verb that is used in place

of a noun or pronoun to name an activity or a state.

Skiing is fun.

He doesn't like being sick

i f clau se A dependent clause that begins with if

and expresses a real or unreal situation.

n o u n clau se A dependent clause that can occur in the same place as a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase in a sentence. Noun clauses begin with w h- words, if, w h e th e r, or th at.
I don't know w here he is. I wonder if he's coming I don't know w hether its true I think th a t it's a lie.

If I have th e tim e. I'll paint the kitchen, If I had th e time, I'd paint the kitchen

in d e fin ite a rticle The words a and a n in English.

Indefinite anicles introduce a noun as a member of a class of nouns or make generalizations about a whole class or group of nouns.

n o u n p h ra s e A phrase formed by a noun and its

modifiers. A noun phrase can substitute for a noun in a sentence.
She drank milk. She drank chocolate milk. She drank th e milk.

An ocean is a large body of water.

in d e p e n d e n t clau se See m ain clause. in d irect o b je c t A noun or pronoun used after

some verbs that refers to the person w ho receives the direct object of a sentence.
John wrote a letter to Mary Please buy some milk for us.

o b je ct A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that follows a transitive verb or a preposition.

He likes pizza She likes him Go with her Steve threw th e ball.

in fin itiv e A verb form that includes to + the base

lorm of a verb. An infinitive is used in place of a noun or pronoun to name an activity or situation expressed by a verb.
Do you like to sw im 7

p assiv e se n te n c e Passive sentences emphasize the

receiver of an action by changing the usual order of the subject and object in a sentence. In the sentence below, the subject (T he lette r) does not perform the action; it receives the action or is the result of an action. The passive is formed with a form of b e + the past participle of a transitive verb.
The letter was mailed yesterday.

in tra n sitiv e v erb A verb that cannot be followed

by an object.
We finally arrived

m ain clau se A clause diat can be used by itself as a sentence. Also called independent clause.
I'm going home.

p a s t c o n tin u o u s A verb form that expresses an action or situation in progress at a specific time in the past. The past continuous is formed with w as or w e re + verb + -ing. Also called past progressive.
A: What w ere you doing last night at eight o'clock?

m ain v erb A verb that can be used alone in a

sentence. A main verb can also occur with an auxiliary verb.
I a te lunch at 11:30. Kate can't e a t lunch today

B I w as studying

p a s t p articip le A past verb form that may differ

from the simple past form of some irregular verbs. It is used to form the present perfect, for example.

I have never seen that movie.


Appendix III: Glossary

p h ra sa l v erb A t w o or three-word verb such as

tu r n d o w n or ru n o u t of. I lie meaning of a phrasal
verb is usually different from the meanings of its individual words.
She t u r n e d d o w n the job offer Don't ru n o u t o f gas on the freeway

s ta tiv e v erb A type of verb rhat is not usually

used in the continuous form because it expresses a condition or state that is not changing. K now , love, see, and sm e ll are some examples.

su b je c t A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that

precedes the verb phrase in a sentence. The subject is closely related to the verb as the doer or experiencer of the action or state, or closely related to the noun that is being described in a sentence with be.
E ric a T h e p a rk

p h ra s e A group of words that can form a grammatical unit. A phrase can take the form of a noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, or prepositional phrase. This means it can act as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or preposition.
The t a l l m a n left. Lee h it t h e b a ll She spoke t o o fa s t. They ran d o w n t h e s ta ir s

kicked the ball is huge

s u b o rd in a te clau se See d e p e n d e n t clausc. su p erlativ e A form of an adjective, adverb, or noun

that is used to rank an item or situation first or last in a group ot three or more.
This perfume has t h e s tr o n g e s t scent. He speaks t h e f a s t e s t of all That machine makes t h e m o s t n o is e of the tr r&e

p re p o sitio n A word such as at, in, o n , or to, that

links oouns, pronouns, and gerunds to other words.

p re p o sitio n a l p h ra se A phrase that consists of a

preposition followed by a noun or noun phrase,
on Sunday under the table

p re s e n t c o n tin u o u s A verb form that indicates that an activity is in progress, temporary, or changing. It is formed with be + verb + -ing. Also called present progressive
I'm w a t e r i n g

te n s e The form of a verb that Shows past, proc-rr

and future tune.
He liv e s in New York now He liv e d in Washington two years ago H e 'll liv e in Toronto next year

the garden. Ruth is w o r k i n g for her uncle.

p re s e n t p e rfe c t A verb form that expresses a connection between the past and the present. It in d ic a te s indefinite past time, recent past time, 01 continuing past time. The present perfect is formed with have + the past participle of the main verb.
I'v e s e e n that movie. The manager h a s just re s ig n e d . W e v e b e e n here for three hours.

tim e clau se A dependent clause that begins with a word such as w hile, w hen, before, or after.
It expresses the relationship in time between two different events in the same sentence
B e fo r e S a n d y le f t ,

she fixed the copy machine.

tim e e x p ressio n A phrase that functions as an

adverb of time.
She graduated t h r e e y e a rs a g o I II see them t h e d a y a f t e r t o m o r r o w

p ro n o u n A word that can replace a noun or noun phrase I, y o u , h e , sh e , it, m in e, and y o u rs are
some examples of pronouns.

tra n s itiv e v erb A verb that

I re a d


followed by an

q u a n tity ex p ressio n A word or words that occur

W o r e a noun to express a quantity or amount of that noun.
a lo t o f

the book


fe w


fo u r


sim p le p a s t A verb form that expresses actions and

situations that were completed at a definite time in the past.
Carol a t e lunch. She w a s hungry.

u n c o u n ta b le (n o n co u n t) n o u n A common noun that cannot be counted. A noncouni noun has no plural form and cannot occur with a . a n . or a number.
information mathematics weather

v erb A w ord that refers to an action or a state.

Gina c lo s e d the window Tim lo v e s dassical music

sim p le p re s e n t A verb form that expresses general

statements, especially about habitual o r repealed activities and permanent situations.
Every morning I c a tc h the 8:00 bus The earth is round.

v erb p h ra se A phrase that has a main verb and an\ objects, adv erbs, ur dependent clauses (hat complete the meaning of the verb in the sentence.
Who c a lle d y o u 7 He w a lk e d s lo w ly .

Appendix III: Glossary


Appendix IV: Correlation to


Grammar Sense 1


U nit 2 Using adjectives I Ising he to define anti describe

Chapter 6 Descriptive Adjectives Chapter 1 Simple Present Statements with Be

U nit 3 The simple present Unit 4 Imperatives Modals of advice, necessity, and prohibition

Chapter 9 The Simple Present Chapter 3 Imperatives Chapter 22 Modals of Advice. Necessity, and Prohibition Chapter 16 There Is and '/here Are

U nit 5 Using there is/there are to introduce facts U nit 6 The simple past The past continuous

Chapter 12 The Simple Past Chapter 13 'Hie Past Continuous '


Appendix IV: Correlation to G ram m ar Sense I

E ffective /V p ro p c W riting 1
The ftfe c fJ v e^ fd r fc itn /r Wri+t"~ * n es t e a c h Hie VUriting m o d e* rhetorical devices, and language points required for academ ic success. Each of the three levels provides user-friendly activities and self -contained le sio n s that make teaching and learning m anageable Each iim: introduces a th em e and a s i t i n g task and then gu id es the student writer ill rough thu process ol galhenng ideas, organizing an outline, drafting, levi&ing, and edrtmg. Studcnls are given ih e opportunity to explore iheir opinions, discuss their idea?, and share iheir experiences through written com m unication.

t.N< HIM I



rht M mOdiutuin

Effective Academic Waiting I; 7 he Paragraph reviews se n ten ce Structure and prepares stud en ts to wriie academ ic paragraphs, w hile introducing five e&sentiat rhetorical m odes.
tom peEling and authentic readings inspire student interest before writing m o d e s are introduced. Rhetoncal presentations and exercises refine writing skills, Language presentations and exercises to m elem en t vuriling gen res Editing checklists prom ote peer feedback and aid students in revising their written work, Timed paragraph writing and testing material at ih e end of each unit reinforce skills and prepare students for in-class writing as w ell as high-stakes assessm en t. * Grammar presentatm ns and pra ctice are tOrrelaled to Grom m at ie ^ is e E ffe c tiv e A c a d e m ic W r itin g

Student Book 1: The Paragraph

Student Book 2: The Short Essay Student Book 3: The Essay Answer Key Booklet available for each level To urder Qxford University Press publications, p lease se e our laiest caialog or contact your local Oxford office or sales represemative.


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