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SPY PEN 4GB Incredible Hidden Spy Pen Cam.

Whether in your shirt pocket key in your pencil holder, or simply placed on a desk, no one will realize that it is a camera. This is it, the new technology V ideo spy and image compression (AVI). Not to be confused with older models shoddy Visual. With us, no compromise on quality, on price alone. The memory is 4GB (about 3 hours of recording) and the connection of USB 2.0 type for transferring your files quickly and easily. The color video is encoded'''' in AVI format for the action with a buffer system. Optimal picture quality 1028 Pixel! If the battery runs low during a recording session, the pen camera will ensure that the video is engraved to the flash memory before turning off. Of course, you can simply use the object as a simple USB flash card to carry and transfer your files, regardless of format or as a pen! The pen itself is of superior quality with elegant gold line.

Stories that have inspired the creation of the Spy Pen Camera
These spies who made history

In The Romance of espionage, Vladimir Fdorovski evokes all the famous cases, 20s to today, Philby Putin, rythmrent relations between Russia and the Western world.

Mikhail Koltsov, the fallen officer Stalin

During the terrible 1930s, (...) the machine of terror now running at full speed. Everywhere, officers in charge of "legal" homes (working under diplomatic cover in embassies) or "illegal" (lacking this protection), as Dimitri Bystroletov, were recalled to Moscow. This was the case of the journalist's most famous Soviet Union, Mikhail Koltsov (...), a member of the editorial board of Pravda, founder and editor of the popular magazine Ogonyok, Krokodil, Za Roubejom, deputy of the Supreme Soviet and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. His unyielding determination can not realize its full potential in the unique context of his professional activities, he developed a passion for women and aviation. This "news correspondent" like no other also became the political advisor of the Spanish Republican government and aviation consultant. Ernest Hemingway introduced meanwhile under the pseudonym "Karkov" in his famous novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. Describing the meeting Karkov with his hero, Robert Jordan, Hemingway told the latter: "Karkov was the most intelligent man ... He had more brains and inner dignity, insolence and humanity no man ... "

Mikhail Koltsov with the Spanish Republicans in 1937, a few months before his execution. (Photo credits: AKG-IMAGES) No wonder that a character of this magnitude became a reputable liaison of the Soviet secret services. He used to send her their number coded telegrams to Moscow and Stalin providing

information on the political and cultural personalities of Western Europe, based on "valuable source" as often say specialists services. When I asked the Commission to rehabilitate victims of the totalitarian regime and requested its president, Alexander Yakovlev, provide me file Koltsov, it broke a laugh unequivocal: "Looks more like the side of sources Secret Service! " What were these famous springs? In 1935, Koltsov was in constant contact with Elsa Triolet and Aragon, where he became the "dear friend." When the couple went to Moscow, Mikhail Koltsov was always at his side. Together, they went to work to prepare a convention, true high mass which Stalin would be missing prelate. On 21 June, the International Congress of Writers for the Defense of Culture gathered at the Mutuality of Paris a dazzling Areopagus of the greatest minds of the West. In reality, Stalin aspired to create a broad antifascist organization bringing together the most prominent European and American intellectuals. And rang the opening bars of the "Red Orchestra". The partition would be in turn signed by Willy Mnzenberg, member of the Reichstag, one of the leaders of the Comintern propaganda parallel, by Henri Barbusse, by Upton Sinclair and Maxim Gorky, in the form of a manifesto against imperialist war. Koltsov (especially ideological and financial agent of the Kremlin), Aragon and Elsa Triolet were undoubtedly in the inseparable trio. If Congress was presented as a spontaneous initiative which the majority did not know she was manipulated by the Kremlin, telegrams Moscow in response to reports coded telegraph sent daily by the Soviet Embassy in the Kremlin, the NKVD and Comintern , informing the spirit of the meeting, indicated muted the conductors decisions that Congress should adopt. The success of the company diverted the attention of another is much more disturbing and symptomatic. Maxim Gorky was not allowed to go to Paris. However, Stalin had agreed to let Romain Rolland keep him company for a while. So they saluted both the Congress by a telegram. Henri Barbusse, meanwhile, returned to Moscow, galvanized by a sense of having done his duty of fighting, the French Communists, and especially Soviet, could be met. Beyond his reach policy it was to emphasize the need for unity of left forces in the "popular fronts" - this conference was intended to demonstrate strong support to Stalin on the eve of the Great Terror. Read Hemingway Karkov-Koltsov told his Spanish friends: "All those who feed the crazy idea to go against history, to stop the movement, get in the road of triumphant socialism will reduced to a bloody powder "As men of Stalin's secret police unmasked the" creeping fascism dogs' anger grew louder Koltsov:. "When rogues rise, the legal language properly called the" defendants, "he wrote of the room where it crashed Bukharin and his" accomplices ", when they stand up and begin either with downcast of repentant sinners, or with the cynical scoundrels experienced casually, to tell detail their monstrous misdeeds, we want to enter the throat these vile trash, stained with blood, to grasp and to justice itself. "

Koltsov close friends, Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet was the "useful idiots" of the USSR and the Comintern was using to manipulate the French intellectuals. (Photo credits: Keystone-France) Koltsov therefore put all his journalistic zeal to serve the "cause of the party." (...) It was undoubtedly related to the police policy-which was seen as glorious: keep in mind the famous Aragon poem in praise of Stalin's secret service, but it was not the resident, this role is held by persons enjoying diplomatic immunity or "illegal" as Dimitri Bystroletov-people passing unnoticed. Koltsov was too in order for it. However, he maintained close ties with the Comintern (and friendly relations with the President, the Bulgarian Dimitrov), he could make them very valuable service because it had access to no matter what sphere, where he recruited "friends." His charm and ease opened all doors to him. (The Soviet Union as a whole expected daily reports from Spain Koltsov ...). But in the spring of 1937, a diplomatic courier from Moscow arrived in Spain told his colleagues that, according to information the special direction of the NKVD had, Koltsov was "sold to the English" and had "provided secret information Lord Beaverbrook. " (...) The secret services of the Kremlin were preparing a grand "trial of diplomats." "Enemies of the people" would now be liquidated quietly, one by one. But for now were organizing the next bloody spectacles: the case of diplomats, the case of lawyers, the case writers ... Of course, all applicants Koltsov knew the dock, he had all met in the Soviet Union and abroad. Everyone kept the same surface or close relationships with European and American worlds of politics, science, art and culture, but at the time, "relationship" meant "complicity". In addition, the French Communist Andr Marty, Plenipotentiary of Stalin, political commissar of the International Brigades, had a heated argument with Koltsov, and we know how the denunciations Marty addressed personally to Stalin bypassing the Comintern played a fatal role in the destiny of many foreign Communists and Soviet military leaders who fought in Spain. Deeply hurt by the "insult" that was publicly inflicted Koltsov, Marty sent Stalin a letter in which he accused the journalist of interfering in military matters and especially to have contacts with the Spanish Trotskyists. It also criminalizes Maria (last mistress Koltsov), which he called a "German spy." Caridad Mercader, whose son, Ramon, was later murdered Trotsky wrote, too, of ignominious reports Koltsov. Did she made on its own initiative or at the behest of his superior and lover, Leonid Eitingon future general of the KGB, who worked in Spain? In any event, it is transmitted to Moscow Eitingon that his denunciations. The spies who were working in Spain also accused Koltsov and its companion "relationship with the employee of the Intelligence Service, Eric Blair," which would also be known later as a great writer by the name of .. . George Orwell.

The secret police was the other concern Koltsov visits to Maxim Gorky, under the vigilant and continuous monitoring of Cheka. Each of these meetings was carefully recorded. And the trip was Koltsov with Malraux in Gorki, Crimea, will be officially criticized: we will charge him for having organized for the "purposes of espionage" to extract Gorky content of his conversations with Stalin and send the French intelligence services through Malraux! The police was also interested in contacts with Koltsov Antoine de Saint-Exupery, bound to it by their common passion for aviation. In short, a real scaffolding charges ... On Stalin's orders, Koltsov was shot. Vetrov and his wife, Svetlana, in Saint-Tropez in the 60s: attache USSR in France, he is registered with the DST soon as he arrived in 1965. (Photo credits: Antenna 2/Sipa)

Enjoy your Digital Spy Pen Camera

The Digital Spy Pen Camera is an amazing gadget with a remarkable ease of use. With its classic and elegant look, the Digital Spy Pen Camera will allow you to make videos seen or known. Ideal to find out what your colleagues think of you when you're not there.

Stories that have inspired the creation of the Spy Pen Camera
Decided to recruit 690 people in six years, the DGSE now prospecting in the top engineering schools and universities to find new recruits: scientists, linguists ... and more and more women. Central has agreed to open its doors to the Figaro Magazine. Crypto-mathematicians, engineers, computer security, interpreters communication data, biologists, chemists, but also experienced linguists, geographers, drivers, locksmiths or seamstresses ... Mysterious ship with 100 trades and 1001 masks, Directorate for External Security (DGSE) out of his immersion in deep waters to carry out the most ambitious recruitment company ever by the French secret service. As foreseen by the White Paper on defense and national security requested by Nicolas Sarkozy, the famous "Central" located boulevard Mortier in Paris must hire 690 workers additional shade in six years. A "bonus" or a boon at a time when the state budget is corseted ... The business of seduction that began in 2009 and ends in 2014. Anxious to select some 420 engineers and technicians of the highest caliber, prospectors DGSE have developed a strong network with academic partners and unashamedly eyeing the large schools forming the future leaders of the Republic. Missions? Find new blood to debunk the clich of the spy returned from the cold, short-haired and waterproof mastic. Isabelle, a mother of 30, embodies this generation. Look wise and angelic face, this engineer expert in image processing has not been raised in the culture of John le Carr. Quite the contrary. "In 23 years, I was far from the world of spies, before my first internship at the" Central ", I barely knew the acronym of the agency that employs me, she readily concedes. After seeing the machine capacity available to me, I applied and I became section leader with five specialists under my command. "Day, Isabelle images and intercepts encrypted messages circulating globally. In the evening she pampers her little baby. Only know that it is closest to the DGSE. The others believe in the phone ...

Since the beginning of the year, 80 cases at the entrance to the DGSE were shortlisted candidates. Among them, the spies of the future. (Photo credits: LE FIGARO MAGAZINE) "For two years, we are intensifying our canvassing at the exit of the Polytechnic of Central, the ENA or Sup Telecom says Sandrine, dynamic quadra wearing scarf and chic suit, responsible for managing jobs. At each meeting, we present his capacity to students, preferably with a member of the DGSE graduate from the same institution to establish the link. "These singular emissaries then reveal their activities with a brief slideshow. Then detail four or five positions. Foreign students from the class are not invited, security forces. "The reception was rather warm, friendly, says Sandrine. We argue quite specific strengths. Besides the prospect of exercising an extraordinary job, candidates are attracted by our technological tools, our computers, our systems of observation and interception among the most powerful in Europe. "" In France, the information is longer considered a shameful disease that should be hidden, "decrypts Nibourel Vincent, a lawyer by training, became director of human resources having knocked in Afghanistan and in the countries of the East. "At our English neighbors, which is known for ages that knowledge is power, Oxford or Cambridge cream press Desk Intelligence in order to get a job. We had to catch up, especially as we were one of the few services to have received no reinforcements since the attacks of September 11, "he says. Since the beginning of the year, the DGSE made 24 lectures in classes, reviewed 400 nominations received in maintenance 200 graduates tray 4 or 5. Eighty of them have already been screened. Thirty elected undergo a battery of psychological tests and an oral exam where their response capabilities will be tested by cases unexpected and unsettling questions. "The most intuitive, using common sense and seduction, with a keen intelligence situations and intellectual flexibility, fast out of the lot, says Lawrence, responsible for career management. In our business chameleon, you have to unlearn and relearn better abandon their illusions without necessarily losing. We are looking for good white pages that we will fulfill. In any case, we never play on the myth of the spy, because the effect would be catastrophic when the newcomers discover the reality. In a lifetime at the DGSE, we made two or three "jamesbonderies". As Canadians say is the icing on the cake. "

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