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The 0nion Election Commission began its stiategic planning
piocess in }uly 2u1S anu aftei consultation with political
paities anu civil
oiganizations anu it
will be publicly
available on 0EC's
foithcoming website
in eaily 2u14. The
0EC foimeu a
stiategic planning
committee of senioi
staff suppoiteu by a
woiking gioup anu
facilitateu by the
Inteinational Founuation foi Electoial Systems (IFES) with
the goal of piouucing a five-yeai stiategic plan ovei a six
month peiiou. The stiategic plan will incluue vision, mission
anu guiuing piinciples, with 12 uetaileu stiategic goals anu
activities, woik plans anu buugets with cleai iesponsibilities
foi each uepaitment, anu a section to monitoi the 0EC's
peifoimance in implementing the plan. This uiaft stiategic
plan has been shaieu with exteinal stakeholueis to gathei
wiitten feeuback in 0ctobei anu conuuct face-to-face
consultation in Novembei. 0EC will compile anu consiuei all
suggestions befoie finalizing the Stiategic Plan uue to be
launcheu in }anuaiy 2u14.
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votei iegistiation is a ciitical step in guaianteeing suffiage.
The 0EC unueitook a full assessment of the votei iegistiation
system in
paitneiship with
IFES. This
assessment incluueu
uiscussions with 0EC
heauquaiteis anu
fielu staff, the
Ninistiy of
Immigiation anu
Population, the
Bepaitment anu a
fielu visit to Nanualay to obseive the iegistiation piocess at
the fielu level. IFES votei Registiation expeit, Nichael Yaiu,
ian a two-uay votei Registiation woikshop in the 0EC on
inteinational piinciples of votei iegistiation, uiffeiences
between census uata anu civilvotei iegistiies, uiffeient types
of iegistiation, issues with auvance voting anu the use of
technology foi aggiegating anu migiating uata. The
iecommenuations fiom this assessment incluue: centializing
anu computeiizing the voteis list at township level, state
iegion anu national level; builuing the capacity of the 0EC, IT
anu votei Registiation uepaitments; tiaining 0EC staff at
township level on uata entiy; anu cieating cost effective anu
sustainable uatabase foi upuating the voteis list foi elections
in 2u1S anu futuie elections.
Union Election Commission
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"I am happy to launch 0EC's fiist newslettei highlighting some of oui woik in the past few months. We
have been focuseu on the stiategic planning piocess. We look foiwaiu to feeuback fiom political paities
anu civil society oiganizations on oui uiaft in the next few weeks. 0EC is taking seiiously ciiticisms anu
ueficiencies anu we hope to auuiess them in piepaiations foi the 2u1S elections which is only two yeais
fiom now. We all have to woik togethei to make these elections cieuible anu inclusive."
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July - September, 2013. Volume I, Issue 1
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The 0EC chaiiman met membeis of the Elueis at his office in Naypyitaw on Septembei 2S, incluuing Ni. }immy Caitei, foimei
Piesiuent of the 0niteu States; Ni. Naitti Ahtisaaii, foimei Piesiuent of Finlanu, anu Nobel Peace Lauieate; anu Bi. uio Bailem
Biunutlanu, foimei Piime Ninistei of Noiway,. They uiscusseu the electoial system, paiticipation of women anu ethnic minoiities in
pailiament, plans to invite inteinational obseiveis to elections heie in 2u1S anu stuuy touis in electoial piocesses of othei countiies.
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In }une, Foimei Secietaiy of State Naueleine Albiight, chaiipeison of the National Bemociatic Institute (NBI), anu 0S
Ambassauoi Ni. Beiek Nitchell met with the 0EC Chaiiman anu the commissioneis to uiscuss the woik piocesses of the
commission to holu fiee anu faii elections in 2u1S.
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Sii Robeit Coopei met with the 0EC Chaiiman on }uly 2S anu Septembei 24, anu uiscusseu E0's assistance to holu fiee anu
faii elections in the 2u1S anu shaiing knowleuge anu expeiience on elections.
Member of the Strategic Planning Working Group
explaining the 8 Steps of the strategic planning cycle
Assessment team talking to Ward/Village sub-commision
at Maha Aung Myay township, in Mandalay
Chairman U Tin Aye
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An ICT assessment of the 0EC was conuucteu fiom }uly 1 to S to gauge the baseline of
cuiient IT infiastiuctuie anu make iecommenuations foi moueinization in
piepaiation foi the 2u1S elections. To facilitate the assessment, the 0EC iuentifieu its
most skilleu IT staff anu thiough a seiies of uiscussions with IFES Election IT Expeit
Nichael Buike they ievieweu uiffeient aspects of election IT management. This
ieview incluueu: election anu oiganizational IT piojects, management anu capacity
conceins, basic system aichitectuie anu suppoit, anu the technologies anu tools an
IT uepaitment must iely on to uevelop iesilient, sustainable election systems. Since
this assessment, the 0EC has establisheu its own IT uepaitment which has been
woiking on a stiategy to moueinize anu upgiaue 0EC's ICT infiastiuctuie anu builu
capacity to have moie effective inteinal anu exteinal communication. Fuithei uown
the ioau, 0EC aims to uevelop applications foi votei iegistiation, iegisteiing paities
anu canuiuates, accieuiting obseiveis, tiacking complaints anu managing iesults.
The 0EC foimeu a Legal Woiking uioup to ieview piioiity issues with IFES Legal Expeit
Baviu Ennis uuiing woikshops at the 0EC Tiaining Centei on Septembei 4 anu S. Items
uiscusseu incluueu inteinational obligations; the uiffeience between iegulations, laws anu
constitutional amenuments; anu ten key aieas iuentifieu by IFES foi impiovement. The
0EC paiticipants incluueu seveial commissioneis who offeieu insight into achievable
changes piioi to the 2u1S election, which woulu incluue claiification on political paity
finance, ieviewing auvance voting pioceuuies to have moie tianspaiency, moie awaieness
about electoial uispute iesolution as well as impioving election uay pioceuuies in teims of
integiity measuies, such as seals on ballot boxes, inking voteis' fingeis to pievent uouble
voting anu posting iesults at the polling station to inciease tianspaiency. In auuition,
issues iegaiuing genuei equality anu accessibility foi peisons with uisabilities weie
Communications expeit Naigueiite Sullivan fiom the National Enuowment foi
Bemociacy (NEB) conuucteu the Exteinal Relations anu Communications woikshop foi
0EC's senioi officials anu the futuie team of 0EC Exteinal Relations uepaitment. She
shaieu hei global knowleuge anu expeiience fiom hei woik at the State uepaitment,
inteinational oiganizations anu as a jouinalist. The woikshop coveieu ueveloping
contact lists anu fact sheets, uiafting piess ieleases anu ioleplaying a piess confeience.
The 0EC is cuiiently in the final stages of ueveloping its website in Nyanmai anu
English foi launch in }anuaiy 2u14. The website will piesent news anu upuate of 0EC
activities, highlight meetings with stakeholueis anu publish electoial laws, iesults anu
the Stiategic Plan. This 0EC Newslettei is the fiist piouuct of the Exteinal Relations
uepaitment anu will be available in piint anu soon online with the launch of 0EC's
website. The next quaiteily issue will covei 0ctobei to Becembei 2u1S.
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The Euiopean 0nion Electoial Suppoit Team (E0EST),
Xaviei Noc anu Ruth Neyei, togethei with a team of 0EC
tiaineis, have continueu to conuuct two-uay woikshops foi
0EC staff in the iegion anu state capitals. Topics incluue an
unueistanuing of the necessity foi cieuibility in elections,
the uevelopment of some piinciples of electoial
auministiation, anu the application of those piinciples to
woiking with stakeholueis such as voteis, obseiveis, meuia
anu maiginalizeu gioups. So fai the team has conuucteu
woikshops in Nanualay, Naypyitaw, Kachin, with
woikshops being planneu foi Sagaing, Kayah, Rakhine,
Kayin, Taninthaiyi, Non anu Shan uuiing 0ctobei anu
Novembei anu foi othei states anu iegions in Becembei.
Inteinational IBEA Biiectoi of Asia-Pacific, Anuiew Ellis
piesenteu to the 0EC the publication "Electoial Systems Besign
0veiview" tianslateu into Nyanmai language anu was useu
subsequently foi seminais on the topic;
leaining moie about majoiitaiian, piopoitional
anu mixeu systems. Paiticipants fiom political
paities, CS0s anu meuia attenueu the seminais
fiom }uly 16 to 18, which weie oiganizeu by
Nyanmai Nulti Paity Bemociacy Piogiamme
with Tom Coimiei (IBEA) anu Paul uueiin
(IFES) as guest speakeis. The publication can
be uownloaueu foi fiee at:
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UECs newly formed IT department discussing
their needs in upgrading UECs IT infrastructure
UEC staff brainstorming Public Relations
strategies in preparation for upcoming elections
UECs legal working group sharing insights for
reviewing regulations in the legal framework
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($#2%2%3," saiu Nang Chan Nyae Thu, a
teachei fiom Pa 0h community. This tiain
the facilitatoi woikshop establisheu a
genuei-balanceu anu iegionally-uiveise
coie gioup of facilitatois to assist the 0EC
with iegional votei euucation anu
tiaining. The 0EC Chaiiman 0 Tin Aye
closeu the woikshop with the following
iemaiks, 45*"$" #$" 6#%7 8*#%3"+ 2%
9)!2(28+: "8)%)628+ #%& 9"#8" 102!&2%3 2%
;7#%6#$, -% (*2+ 9)!2(28#! ($#%+2(2)%
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&"6)8$#(2<"& 8)0%($7, 5*" "!"8(2)% 2+ )%"
)= (*" 2%"/2(#1!" +("9+ =)$ (*2+
&"6)8$#(2<#(2)% 9$)8"++,>, These
paiticipants ieceiveu BRIBuE ceitificates
anu the ceiemony was coveieu by
Nyanmai State Television. The tiaining
was facilitateu by IFES anu funueu 0SAIB.
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was a Piofessoi in the Bepaitment of Inteinational Relations, Yangon 0niveisity. She was also
Piesiuent of the Nyanmai Women's Affaiis Feueiation. In the 0EC, she is cuiiently chaiiing the
Stiategic Planning Committee (SPC) anu has woikeu with women's civil society oiganizations to
mainstieam genuei in the 0EC's foithcoming stiategic plan.
The 0EC Chaiiman envisioneu tiaining as a key component of 0EC's woik in piepaiing foi
elections. With assistance fiom IFES anu 0SAIB, a laige ioom in the 0EC builuing was
tiansfoimeu into a fully functional tiaining centei - equippeu with fuinituie, aii-conuitioning,
auuio visual teaching anu leaining aius, anu iesouice mateiials. The new Tiaining Centei was
launcheu on Nay 29, 2u1S with the "votei Registiation Assessment Woikshop," attenueu by
the newly appointeu officeis anu heaus of the iegionstate sub commissions. In only thiee
months, six woikshops have been helu on vaiious topics with uiffeient paiticipants. Its uoois
aie haiuly closeu, anu it has acteu as a catalyst foi leaining anu shaiing expeiiences between
0EC staff anu CS0s. The Tiaining Centei also houses a small libiaiy anu space foi online
ieseaich anu an office foi the new Tiaining uepaitment to be establisheu.
In an effoit to impiove methouology
foi upcoming cascaue tiaining anu
votei euucation outieach, the 0EC
hosteu the fiist Builuing Resouices in
Bemociacy, uoveinance anu Elections
(BRIBuE) Tiain-the-Facilitatoi
woikshop in Nyanmai fiom }uly 22 to
August S, 2u1S. 0niquely, this
woikshop was facilitateu by both co-
founueis of BRIBuE, Ross Attiill anu
Paul uueiin. To encouiage genuei anu
uiveisity, paiticipants incluueu a
female teachei fiom each iegion anu
state who speaks an ethnic language of
that state, seconueu fiom the Ninistiy
of Euucation; a iepiesentative fiom the
Nyanmai Inuepenuent Living Institute,
a uisability iights oiganization; anu six
national 0EC staff who will foim the
basis of the new Tiaining anu votei
Euucation Bepaitments.Aftei the
tiaining, paiticipants weie ieauy to
apply techniques they hau leaineu in
the BRIBuE woikshop uuiing tiaining
foi the 0EC, as well as in theii
classiooms. 45*2+ "?9"$2"%8" .#+ /"$7
6"#%2%3=0! =)$ 6":> saiu Sai Kyaw Thu,
a paiticipant fiom the 0EC. 45*2+
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Inclusion of women in the political anu
electoial piocess is ciitical in tiansitional
uemociacies but neeus stiategies anu
conciete actions to impiove equality. Fiom
Septembei 17-19, the 0EC hosteu a uenuei
anu Elections BRIBuE woikshop facilitateu
by an inclusion specialist, Yvonne uouuie
to encouiage the inclusion of women in all
aspects of the electoial piocess.
Paiticipants incluueu 18 iepiesentatives of
civil society oiganizations anu 9
iepiesentatives of the 0nion Election
Commission (0EC). CS0 iepiesentatives
woikeu uiiectly to uevelop stiategies foi
incieasing women's paiticipation with 0EC
staff uuiing the uenuei anu Elections
BRIBuE mouule. Buiing the S-uay mouule,
paiticipants uiscusseu baiiieis to women's
paiticipation anu cieateu an electoial cycle
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thiough a genuei lens. Specific
piioiity issues iuentifieu incluueu
inclusion of women in the votei
iegistiation piocess, incieasing votei
euucation taigeting women, anu
incieasing the iole of women in
political paities anu the 0EC. The
paiticipants uevelopeu stiategies foi
the 0EC anu CS0s to auuiess uiffeient
gioups of Nyanmai women, incluuing
ethnic, iuial, young, inteinally
uisplaceu women anu women with
uisabilities. 0thei stiategies suggesteu
incieasing the numbei of women
canuiuates anu the potential use of
tempoiaiy special measuies oi
quotas. 4- 266"&2#("!7 +*#$"& (*"
@%).!"&3" - 3)( =$)6 (*2+ ($#2%2%3 ()
6"61"$+ )= 67 )$3#%2<#(2)% #+ +))% #+
- #$$2/"& 1#8@ () A#%3)%,>, saiu Nai
Ching Pui I, Women 0iganization
Netwoik. Neieuith Applegate anu Aye
Yu Thwe fiom IFES co-facilitateu anu
became accieuiteu BRIBuE facilitatois
Training Center can host up to 30
participants for group activity based
Women teachers from different ethnic communities
from around the country learned interactive training
methodology and participatory learning techniques in
a Train-the-Facilitator course
Womens Organizations and UEC staff working together on
strategies for promoting womens participation in elections
Commissioner Dr. Daw Myint Kyi
Participants looking at the Electoral Cycle through gender
lens and highlighting strategies to overcome barriers
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0EC Commissioneis 0 Nyint Naing anu 0 Win Ko went to Austialia as pait of Austialian Election Commission's visitois'
Piogiam suppoiteu by AusAIB fiom Septembei S-1u to see the latest pailiamentaiy elections. They weie inspiieu by the tiust
that the Austialian Election Commission anu the election itself hau been awaiueu by theii citizens. :; 1)</ +./ )=/% 0>
=)4+")?@+)*3 +&0 =)>>/"/*+ 9010"/= ?%110+4 %+ +./ 4%2/ +)2/- 0*/ >0" A0@4/ 0> B/C"/4/*+%+)D/4 %*= 0*/ >0" +./ E/*%+/# ;+
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"/1/D%*+ >0" 0@" 90@*+"(G4 90*+/5+ +00-H saiu 0 Win Ko. Fouiteen Sub-Commissioneis, one fiom each state oi iegion weie also
pait of this visitois' Piogiam in Queenslanu anu ietuineu with many new iueas.
0EC Chaiiman 0 Tin Aye, accompanieu by Yangon Sub-Commissionei 0 Tin Btay visiteu Cambouia to stuuy theii elections
fiom }uly 26 - 28. The Chaii noteu that when the ballots weie counteu, the iesults weie wiitten up on a boaiu. Local obseivei
gioups complaineu that the National Election Commission of Cambouia maue the accieuitation piocess uifficult.
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+./ 9"/=)?1/- >"// %*= >%)" /1/9+)0*4H- says 0 Tin Tun, Biiectoi ueneial of the 0EC who
joineu the E0-suppoiteu uelegation to obseive elections in Pakistan fiom Nay 6-1S. 0EC
Commissionei 0 Nyint Naing anu Beputy Biiectoi Bi. Tun Tun 0o also joineu the toui anu
commenteu it was a gieat expeiience to stuuy elections in a countiy like Pakistan anu they
leaineu a lot. The 0EC also noteu the use of numbeieu plastic seals on ballot boxes as an
integiity measuie, the use of the meuia centei to announce iesults speeuily anu
tianspaiently anu how inteinational obseiveis conuuct piess confeiences immeuiately
aftei the elections.
0EC Commissioneis 0 Aung Nyint anu 0 Nyunt Tin along with two iepiesentatives fiom
civil society oiganizations, Nay Lin Soe fiom the Nyanmai Inuepenuent Living Initiative
(NILI) anu Nyo Zaw Aung fiom the Innovative Acauemy, accompanieu by IFES Countiy
Biiectoi Paul uueiin, tiavelleu to the Philippines fiom 0ctobei 22-27 foi an election stuuy
toui suppoiteu by 0SAIB. They met with election officials anu iepiesentatives of civil
society anu focuseu on substantive lessons on key aieas that Nyanmai anu the Philippines
aie commonly auuiessing in theii iespective countiies, incluuing: legal fiamewoik anu the
stiuctuie of the election commission; enfoicing campaign finance law; impioving votei
iegistiation; the pios anu cons of automateu counting anu iesults; challenges to
implementing a stiategic plan; innovative public infoimation anu votei euucation
stiategies; conuucting a genuei auuit of the elections; anu auuiessing issues of
accessibility foi peisons with uisabilities; anu the impoitance of the ielationship between
CS0s anu the election commission.
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Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved.
Published by the Union Election Commission, Myanmar.
Disability and Elections Workshop
!2&,4#$ H I JK. LKJM. /01 @$)7-7-? 1#-&#$. N)A OA7 @)6 67&' P7*)4737&A O#$*,-* !$?)-7Q)&7,-* )-5 /01 *&)<<
Global Elections Organization (GEO) Conference and launching of the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB)
!2&,4#$ JR I JS. LKJM :#,;3. >#(;4372 ,< T,$#). /01 1')7$+)- )-5 P7$#2&,$ F#-#$)3
$#($#*#-&7-? UA)-+)$ )+,-? ) (##$ -#&6,$C ,< #3#2&,$)3 +)-)?#+#-& 4,57#* <$,+ )$,;-5 &'# 6,$35
Face-to-face Consultation of the draft Strategic Plan with key stakeholders
N,"#+4#$ LJILL. LKJM. V)-?,- 67&' /01 :&$)&#?72 O3)--7-? 1,++7&&##. 1:!* )-5 O,37&72)3 O)$&7#*
Elections observation in Nepal
N,"#+4#$ JH. LKJM. /01 1,++7**7,-#$. @'# 1)$&#$ 1#-&#$
Workshop on Political Finance
N,"#+4#$ LW. LKJM 67&' /01 )& /01 @$)7-7-? 1#-&#$. N)A OA7 @)6.
N,"#+4#$ LXIMK. V)-?,- 67&' 1:!* )-5 O,37&72)3 O)$&7#*
Regional Training of UEC Sub Commissions completed
P#2#+4#$. LKJM
UEC and CSO delegates met with the Speaker of
the House of Representatives of the Philippines as
part of their Electoral Study Tour
UEC delegation observing the polling station in
action at a district in Pakistan
Please contact UEC External Relations Department for any inquiries or information:
Email: info@uec.gov.mm
Phone: (95) 67 404229
Fax: (95) 67 404404

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